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/fa/ - Fashion

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5996596 No.5996596 [Reply] [Original]

What musical genre is the most /fa/?

And what artists

>> No.5996598

A$AP Rocky- Fashion Killa

>> No.5996613


>> No.5996665


>> No.5996681

Lil Ugly Mane


>> No.5996680
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>> No.5996684


plz don't be serious

>> No.5996695
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>not listening to music that you genuinely like for they're talent, not for their image

>> No.5996693

>>>listening to music just because it belongs to a certain genre

plebeian scum

>> No.5996714

>not just the sound
fuck u
sbtrk probably spent less time on his music but I still like it as much as any other artist's

>> No.5996734
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jazz duh

>> No.5997098

>implying nigger music is /fa/
also, forgot brubeck and coltrane

>> No.5997134

Post Rock

Explosions in the Sky
Sigur Rós

>> No.5997141

nothing on your playlist is """/fa/""" when you are wearing levis 511s and cdbs

>> No.5997144


>> No.5997142

Modern classical, followed closely by free improvisation.

>> No.5997146

minimal techno/glitch noise

>> No.5997147

joy division
mobb deep
sisters of mercy

>> No.5997148


no not really

>> No.5997158

dude is straight up 14 years old

>> No.5997154

>Babby's first indie and hip-hop

Dude, dicking up Gorillaz, Daft Punk, or Justice in 2013 shows you as some fuccboi that just found r/music

>> No.5997171
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>entry-level/popular/"older" music is inherently bad

>> No.5997174

chicago/french house and most forms of techno, british bass stuff like zomby and joy o, and most contemporary hip hop, especially trap, chicago drill, and the gay rap scene in new york.


>> No.5997175


how to dress well
gold panda

>> No.5997178

Asap Rocky
Toro Y Moi
Washed Out
Gucci Mane
Chief Keef
Crystal Castles
2 Chainz
Deaf Grapes
Flying Lotus
Joy Dvision

None of that basic-bitch indie shit with the faggots dressed like typical indie faggots

>> No.5997179

hip hop. anything else is either too nerdy or old. not saying I don't listen to a ton of other stuff, hip hop is just the most effay.

danny brown
death grips
lil ugly mane

>> No.5997184

Fuck, how did I foret Danny Brown and Lil Ugly Mane

>> No.5997185

I feel /fa/ as fuck listening to Nina Simone.

>> No.5997186

80s retro synth eg
arcade high

>> No.5997194

>joy division
>None of that basic-bitch indie shit with the faggots dressed like typical indie faggots

Come on, son. I know you're better than this. Get yourself together.

>> No.5997197

Popular music is pleb, not fashionable.
Here is fashionable music.

>> No.5997198

I tend to say nothing that has to do with traditional guitar sounds, like classic rock. Or cheesy ass spandex metal from the 80s. Or anything like Metallica, or trash like The Beatles.

That shit was never /fa/

>> No.5997199

because you don't genuinely like them and you're just repping those guys because they're "in" right now

in 2 years (or even less) you will forget about them and hop on another nigga's steeze

>> No.5997203

dude everyone you listed is basic as fuck
that's like edgy high schooler tier

>> No.5997207

all this, and:
clams casino
oneohtrix point never
balam acab
contact lens

>> No.5997208

>implying it's not


>> No.5997209

Hip-hop = swaggots
Guitar music = dadcore

>> No.5997215

i'm on a boat
fly like a g6
party like a rockstar
ur a jerk
cat daddy
chop suey
pretty boi swaq

>> No.5997216

None of that basic-bitch indie shit:
Toro Y Moi
Washed Out
Crystal Castles
Joy Division

u wot m8

and all that entry level hip hop god

>> No.5997210

Post what you listen to bro

>> No.5997211


xxyyxx and flying lotus are the only decent shit you listed

>> No.5997212

what is 2007?

>> No.5997219

hailing some obscure shit as the greatest thing since bach just to appear cool/unique to other people who don't give a shit about your taste in music

liking obscure music is not a special talent. It just means you try to hard to like things that are different. You straight force yourself to like shit just b/c it's what's trending on the /mu/ front page

you disgust me

>> No.5997225

popular music = bad
it's an inherent fact bru

>> No.5997227


>> No.5997233

When you first visited /fa/ you probably thought you were as fashionable as someone could be. The longer you browsed, the more you realized you were wrong. Music is the same; the more you discover music the more you realize what you originally listened to wasn't all that great,

I think it's safe for me to assume you haven't spent a ton of time exploring music if you listen to stuff like gorillaz

>> No.5997236

so if your favorite artist suddenly became a hit you would them and pretend you were never into them?

if your favorite album became a bestseller next month you would dismiss it as shit?

that's what I thought, pseudocool anti-trend following bitch boy

>> No.5997237

Music that makes you want to do some coke and have a good conversation or write.
Erik Satie
Philip Glass
Oneohtrix Point Never
Talking Heads

>> No.5997239


only real patricians listen to this stuff

Thomas Prime

>> No.5997246


>> No.5997250

pop music is constructed for immediate satisfaction. It is purposely made as easy as possible to sing along to, easy to follow beats, requires zero brain power to "get". Pleb as fuck.

The more obscure stuff is more frequently actual art. Hard to get into, very rewarding once you do. You don't force yourself to like it, you just have to give any given album a couple tries before you can truly understand what the artist is doing.

>> No.5997251

your ruse is hardly worth replying to, just thought i'd point out the massive fallacy in judging something on a superficial quality such as the numbers of listeners on last.fm, which is essentially what you're arguing.

You are a disgrace to music, and probably to fashion.

>> No.5997255

a lot of the music i'm into becomes popular a few months - a year later

i stop repping them as much and find new shit cause i stay trendy

or maybe i realize its bad idk

also i'm mostly joking idgaf

go listen to more pleb shit i was bumping in middle school

>> No.5997256

>not having music taste that is unique to you as an individual
once you explore deep enough into what resonates with you, you will ascend into patricianhood and form a canon of albums that reflect your unique and true taste, rather than droning what ended up becoming popular because of critics' opinions and catchy hooks.

>> No.5997270

nah you guys are just losers with a false sense of superiority. Having a playlist full of pretentious trash doesn't make you a better person than me.

I could make the argument
>If the music you listen to is so good why don't more people listen to it?
which is just as dumb as yours

>> No.5997285

all i'm saying is that your taste is garbage
you have no discerning ears, you are what you listen to btw
u probably get ur clothes from ross

>> No.5997286
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I like gorillaz. I grew up with them and Albarn's Blur. And now that I'm older I really respect him as an artist with dignity.

Nujabes/shing02 is awesome. Always among my chill tracks.

Very dumb generalities. Pink Floyd for example is very popular, or Radiohead, yet they're considered "artsy" and quality music.

This thread has never been more deserving of the "stop liking what I don't like" pic.

And as for the question, probably Lady Gaga, because she's all fab and pretentious.

>> No.5997291

what do you wear? grocery store clothes because they're what's most popular? Your anti-obscure pretensions are no less reprehensible than the pretensions of anyone else itt

>> No.5997294

if your sense of fashion is better then why are most people unfashionable? or do you think gap tees and whatnot are the best clothes?

how many albums have you listened to? I've listened to and rated literally thousands. I know more about music than you, and I have explored more genres than you have listened to.

>> No.5997309
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I was not that guy, but here is some shit on my playlist in no particular order

>James Blake
>David Bowie
>The Cure
>Lou Reed
>Ken Ishii
>Kanye West
>The Smiths

here is what I wore today
>Common Projects tournament high
>James Perse cotton t shirt
>n&f weird guys

go spend 4 hours looking for a post-experimental album from some noname artist to jack off to nerdmonger

>> No.5997318
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Jazz, Blues, Classic Rock, Prog Rock, Post Rock, Alternative Rock, Alternative Hip Hop and Early Indie.

Pic related.
You teenagers need to gtfo of my board.

>> No.5997324


>> No.5997340

>Yeah I'm a jazz person myself. Miles, Coltrane, Mingus... the list could go on.
>Your jazz list. Continue.
>uhhh s-sorry I n-need to go

>> No.5997346

nothing special/10
but at least it's not fun and macklemore

nice clothes, post a fit

>> No.5997356

Oh, you know...Miles, Coltrane, Mingus......BadBadNotGood, umm, the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack, Tyler the Creator instrumentals.
That real jazzy shit, mang!

>> No.5997359

Le awsum meme!

>> No.5997365

Yeah, people think it's "cool" to know some jazz artists, because it's considered one of the fine arts.
I personally like people who say "I don't understand, so I don't like it" more.

I don't know if you're trying to make me mention all artists I listen to.

>> No.5997383

>cowboy bebop soundtrack

>> No.5997386

It was just a joke because the artist you chose to post is arguably the most popular/entry-level jazz artist of all time. I would be interested in what your favorite jazz album is, though.

>> No.5997405

Rock and Roll, Doo Wop, Swing and Big Band of course. Props to Jazz, Rockabilly (pre 1970's) and Blues as well.

>> No.5997444

Birth of the Cool is definitely my favorite record by him.
I've been listening to "Miles & Quincy Live at Montreux" and "In A Silent Way" recently and been loving it.
I don't have all his discography, I might buy it soon, I prefer enjoing different times of his life, and since I read his biography I try to relate the sound to his moment in life.

>> No.5997464

Sand Snowman
Popol Vuh
The Microphones
Red House Painters
El Trio de Omar Lopez Rodriguez
Nick Drake

Am I /fa/ yet

>> No.5997484

I meant by any artist, but cool. If you haven't already, check out Sun Ra - Lanquidity.

>> No.5997487

Albert Ayler
Peter Brotzmann
Captain Beefheart
Sun Ra
Abner Jay
Bill Orcutt
Howlin' Wolf
Bob Log III
Sun City Girls
Aluk Todolo
Junior Kimbrough
Svarte Greiner

get on my level

>> No.5997494

Mallgoth. All you're missing is John Zorn.

>> No.5997612

Haxan cloak
James Blake
Lightning bolt

Keep trying

>> No.5997634

the XX
Arctic Monkeys

>> No.5997642

ITT: list your favorite bands

>> No.5997673

ITT: skinny white nerds listening to rap

>> No.5997689

Iceage and Lightning Bolt are good.

Noise is /fa/. Harsh noise is best.

>> No.5997694

los camp?
bob and the dylans

>> No.5997703
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>> No.5997733

fuck, I forgot Bonobo

>> No.5997729

Oneohtrix Point Never
early Swans
Lil Ugly Mane
Steve Reich
James Blake
Jamie xx
Aphex Twin (if it was 2007 #lmao #rekt)
U.X.O. Gr7-z/k0 Julious UH?!! !! -.-...-[{[{[))
Tribal Circus (Boredoms side project)
Taj Mahal Travellers

I think we can all agree 10trix.never is the most /fa/ thing to listen to.

>> No.5997738

Eyedea and abilities
Jedi mind tricks
Wu tang
Immortal technique
Aesop rock

>> No.5997749

Jesus, I didnt think /fa/ would be this fucking pleb

>Swans is on everyone's list

Confirmed for autist hivemind

>> No.5997755

Have you listened to the new Haxan cloak? Ultra dark noise atmospheric. Live show s incredible

>> No.5997754


>> No.5997760

>inb4 everyone switches from dickriding swans to dickriding EN in two months
I see it beginning

>> No.5997765

Are you implying that the harsh, angular sound on Swans' early releases isn't a perfect match for the sharp, tight angles on modern fashionwear?

>> No.5997771


>> No.5997798
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>> No.5997796

>Swans is on everyone's list

Swans only came up twice before your post. Do you even read?

>> No.5997810

it's all pretty pleb and entry level. i could do without zomby, james blake, jamie xx, tobacco, and taj mahal. rest is OK.

>> No.5997814

just because the names are obscure doesnt make it patrician

>> No.5997821

Try listening to the albums, pleb. They're there for a reason.

>> No.5997823

Yeah, Django Reinhardt and Morton Feldman are so obscure

>> No.5997850

because they are the only 2 on the list...

>> No.5997853

to sell songs not good enough to be singles

>> No.5997862

Charlotte Moorman and Taku Sugimoto were/are also both central and highly regarded figures in their respective music scenes. Plus Polly Bradfield was respected by John Zorn and Fred Frith, the most prolific artists in experimental music.

>> No.5997880


>> No.5997893

>not listening to wall noise

>> No.5997922

throbbing gristle, einsturzende neubauten, current 93; the list could go on

>> No.5997929

the thing about the noise crowd is it's so hit-and-miss in terms of fashion. I went to a Vomir show and half the crowd was rockin the most /fa/ shit you've never seen and the other half was mfa tier neckstubble fuccbois.

>> No.5997941
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>> No.5997955

I think it's less about liking specific artists are genres but more about having a diverse and varied taste. Someone who listens to like thousands of artists is probably more impressive than someone who listens to the most obscure artist.

>> No.5997968

>Someone who listens to like thousands of artists is probably more impressive than someone who listens to the most obscure artist.
The two go hand-in-hand pretty much always.

>> No.5997998

Fuck that, golf wang

>> No.5998036

the most impressive listeners are ones that listen to what they like and not give a fuck about what anyone else thinks

>> No.5998059


>> No.5998064

dude thats like genius lyrics there

oh wait its for 15 year old fuckwits

>> No.5998070
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>judging an entire song based on two joke lines
>implying a good portion of OF music isn't satire of modern rap

>> No.5998076

where did i imply that i only picked them up this year
nowhere that's where

>> No.5998089

>implying theyre not pathetic little shits trying to be next level but failing

whats most hilarious is 99% of their fan base is white nerdy suburban middle class kids

>> No.5998108

I'm pretty sure that Tyler is more than aware that his fanbase is mostly teenagers. He talks about that in quite a few songs on Wolf and on the OF Mixtape Vol. 2, and their on and off skater shit matches very well.

In my opinion, Earl is the only "next level" rapper in OF, but Tyler is very enjoyable to listen to.

>> No.5998120

I'm pretty sure The Weeknd is the most /fa/ musician who ever lived. Not in terms of how fashionable he as a person is but how fashionable his music is.

>> No.5998182
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please be joking

>> No.5998222

The most /fa/ genre of music is whatever the fuck you want to listen to.

That said, in reality, it's probably classical.

>> No.5998225

Nig nig nig, n-nig nig nig

>> No.5998285


agreed. 'sall about prokofiev


>> No.5998610

Childish Gambino

>> No.5998682

going around at home listening to classical is just a little too serial killer for my taste

>> No.5999114

love you for popol vuh

>> No.5999156


>> No.5999220

Parov Stelar remixes 1920's jazzy music, and it sounds fantastic.

>> No.5999224

One of my favs is booty swing

>> No.5999243

Threads like this should be banned.
We have multiple versions of it every single fucking day.

>> No.5999277
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French EDM.


>> No.6001177

By any artist?
King Crimson - In the Court.
I know Sun Ra's discography he's one of my favorite artists ever.

>> No.6003362
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can somebody post the picture of the asian dude with the blue running shoes with some kind of leggins underneath? anyone knows what that kind of style is called?

it looks something like this, he looks ballin as fuck.

>> No.6005653

Post-hardcore, melodic hardcore.
La Dispute, Defeater, Orchid, Pianos Become The Teeth, Touche Amore, Have Heart, More Than Life, Basement.
And Burial.

>> No.6005701
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Neutral Milk Hotel is /fa/ as fuck

Everyone on /fa/ should listen to this

>> No.6005744

Nicolas Jaar obviously

>> No.6005748

get on this guys level

>> No.6005767

Everyone has already heard it. NMH is on the bring of pleb-status.

>> No.6005951

Just go to

>> No.6005966

not the one who posted it, but..
I know its pleb as fuck and a shame to list as a favorite, but cruising down to the beach on my singlespeed with a bottle of blanc in a bag and a carton of cigs in my shirtpocket and this album on my headphones is a moment I will remember for the rest of my life

>> No.6005979


>> No.6005996

It's a good album, but bringing it up in music discussions has become embarrassing and associated with being an entry level pleb. Just listen to it in privacy and don't talk about it, that's the most /fa/ way to enjoy NMH.

>> No.6006004

Having a diverse collection of rock, electronic, hip-hop, jazz and classical records is the most /fa/.

>> No.6006189

I'd say tech house/minimal is very /fa/.
Smoke a pack of cigarettes in three hours, do a lot of drugs, look unhealthy and fucked up in your expensive clothes.
Seriously I see a lot of guys like this at parties.
And the most fun part is nobody gives a fuck how you look there.
Gotta love Berlin.

>> No.6006238


>> No.6006239
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I saw King Charles live last night

Is he or his music /fa/?

>> No.6006253

Ambient techno.

>> No.6006274
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/fa/ as fuck.

>> No.6006293

Check out this faggot. Probably dadcore.

>> No.6006334

Toro Y moi



>> No.6006703

lmao, imagine turning on a top40 station and hearing keiji haino

>> No.6006717


>implying zomby isn't the GOAT

>> No.6006734

its all about the dub techno

>> No.6006748


the more bluesy haino could easily pop up on a country station

>> No.6006796

>Listening to music as a fashion statement rather then because you enjoy it
Are you guys really this insecure?

>> No.6006826
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I listen to post-black-metal: Alcest, Les Discrets, Apocynthion, Sólstafir, Falloch, Gallowbraid, Oak Pantheon, Agalloch...

pic related, it's Les Discrets

>> No.6006839


how do you stay awake?

i can listen only to upbeat, warlike black metal

>> No.6006856

Drinking tea. It's very /fa/

>> No.6006869

>ctrl+f: post-punk
jesus christ, seriously guys?

>> No.6006892


What you listen to is shoegaze with screams. Black metal can be melancholic, but it should evoke a sense of ugliness and decay, like Burzum.

>> No.6006904

Agalloch does, in a way?

>> No.6006913

try this also

>> No.6006943


Haven't listened to Agalloch that much but I recall there were too many acoustic passages. I prefer more straight to the point burzum worships.


>> No.6006956

thats a ridicilous thing to say
each of their albums and EPs is different

>> No.6006964

also here if you havent heard of coldworld


>> No.6006969

Have you guys heard of mf doom?

>> No.6006973

but all are gay
wouldn't expect /fa/ faggots to have a real taste in black metal though
or anyone on 4chan for that matter

>> No.6006977

ty will listen

Yes, Agalloch have a lot of neo-folk style acoustic passages... which doesn't mean I don't like full-on black metal either.

>> No.6006979

also extremely gay

>> No.6007001
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>> No.6006999


coldworld is not bad, but he is again trying to add all sorts of pretty details to his music.

>> No.6007024

Burzum's Hvis Lyset Tar Oss was about the dead of a nation and the corruption of the modern world. Now all sorts of idiots take this awesome sound and pervert it to create some whiny songs about suicide.

>> No.6007105
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>ctrl + f "lil b" 0 results.

/fa/ is ded.

>> No.6007207

>Not listening to alternative, punk, ska, acoustic, etc.
>Basement, Turnover, Citizen, Rancid, Bid D and the Kids Table, Envy on the Coast, Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, The Cranberries, Radiohead.

>> No.6007223
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anyway, i'm listening to ben frost atm, pretty /fa/

>> No.6007288

I'm on that xxyyxx tip right now
Give him a few more years and he'll be ronstoppable.

>> No.6007294
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just a reminder that #basedqueen is also queen of /fa/

>> No.6007298


i puked in me mouth a little

>> No.6007311
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what's it like being gay?

>> No.6007413

xxyyxx was one of the worst mentioned
#420core as fuck >>>/tumblr/

>> No.6007419

agh she is so incredibly unnatractive
I'd rather fuck riff raff and I'm straight

>> No.6007421
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capsule is still most /fa/ of all time.

>> No.6007426

they resurrected Amy Winehouse but it was too late to save her eyebrows

>> No.6007428
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>implying you have to be gay or straight to want to fuck RiFF

It's human

>> No.6007429
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>> No.6007423

>U.X.O. Gr7-z/k0 Julious UH?!! !! -.-...-[{[{[))
patrician detected

>> No.6007435
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debbie thread

>> No.6007436

p sure you're just talking about atmospheric black metal/blackgaze

>> No.6007440

along with Theory of Machines

>> No.6007454
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I'm about that life

>> No.6007456

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1784zI9Hi8 some of disclosure's stuff is great, but you guys probably wont like them as they're getting big atm

>> No.6007466


>> No.6007471


Met disclosure nice guys.

They're like if Skream was split into two brothers

>> No.6007477

wish i didnt like these guys, they are quickly becoming plebcore.

>> No.6007488


You need to listen to Fen


3:20 is fucking magical

>> No.6007497

this song is so cheesy but so addictive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAfXE5bNs88

>> No.6007500

m8 have you heard white noise?

They ARE plebcore. delete them A$AP

>> No.6007513


now all kinds of ugly, short, fat girls go around being loud and obnoxious because this broad gives them the idea that looks dont matter as long as you have "swag". the music you listen to says a lot about your personality, i can't imagine anyone who likes this shit to have more than two functioning brain cells

>> No.6007514

Ambient/Drone is /fa/
Sunn O)))

As is Shoegaze

>> No.6007546


drone metal is dorky. i can see ambient drone being played at a high fashion runway though

>> No.6007550

i get that man, i'm going to see them at glastonbury festival in a couple of months, and the crowds definitely gonna be full of 13 year old girls with facepaint and legwarmers. i'ts a shame some of their older stuff is sick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcQ6t6cSf-0

>> No.6007565

> ow all kinds of ugly, short, fat girls go around being loud and obnoxious because this broad gives them the idea that looks dont matter as long as you have "swag"


shut your whiny mouth, you're an embarrassment. but kiss my globular short girl ass first.

>> No.6007571


>> No.6007579
File: 72 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mlj1chCq0d1rt7ks8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is what you look like

>> No.6007615
File: 953 KB, 350x240, tumblr_m76f9vlolD1qc14qm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this heat
keiji haino
aphex twin/afx
kazumoto endo
arvo part
phillip glass