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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 280x390, 13648830100233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5993891 No.5993891 [Reply] [Original]

>Gimme yo shoes white boy or I cut ya

how fucked are you?

>> No.5993894

we already had this thread

>pull out MY knife
>murder this faggot
>no blood on my shoes

also, I'm not white.

>> No.5993899

u wot ill bash your fookin ead in m8

>> No.5993903

then why you reply? who would mug a nigger?

>> No.5993900

"Go ahead, you have more to lose than I do."

>> No.5993902


>> No.5993906


I do.

>> No.5993904

>Thinking anyone is scared by ur knife

>> No.5993908

cheap shit balisong. Sickening.
I'd run away like the wind, my luxurious hair billowing behind me as I scream the immortal words;
"Do you even lift fuccboi?"

>> No.5993909

enjoy the knife in your back

>> No.5993930

Excuse me I have a workout to continue.

>> No.5993929

pull out my gun and shoot the kid
then piss on him

>> No.5993934

and calmly hold the dragon stance just in case someone else shows up.

>> No.5993938

Shoot him with my Y-3 floral pattern sport knife

Turn 360 degrees around and walk away

>> No.5993944

Push kick to the sternum with my dick ovens and proceed to walk over him making sure he knew not to fuck with a gothninja

>> No.5993972
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> white boy

I live in 99.99999% white population.

Belt in karate.

Come at me bro.

>> No.5993983

so how is living in the Antarctica?

>> No.5993996

Speaking on behalf of /fa/:
>drop to my knees and suck his cock

>> No.5994048
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Don't know. Not my side of world

>> No.5994055

around blacks, never relax

>> No.5994057

What boots are they?

>> No.5994058

Cheap walmart flipflops

nothing of value will be lost

>> No.5994069

Your autism is showing

>> No.5994129

>walk home from school 2 minutes before the bell rings to avoid the crowds and rush of kids
>literally less than a hundred metres away from the school
>3 black people walking down the street towards me
>2 are older adults
>one is about my age
>they notice I have headphones in
>2 older ones walk by me
>youngest stops and asks for the time
>tell him 2:58
>yo dawg, just check your phone quickly for the time
>sorry, dont have a phone
>nigga what the fuck are you're headphones connected to?
>he looks around and sees an old lady rushing inside because she can tell I'm in progress of being robbed
>look dawg, see dat old lady, if you don't trust me go and ask her to call police or something, what am i gonna do?
>notice he has headphones peering out his shirt
>I ask what his headphones are connected to
>he sees his lies are falling apart
>all the while, the two older adults have moved to the other side of the street so from a bypassing car it doesn't look like it's a 3 on 1 robbery
>kid denies that his headphones are connected to a phone
>I demand to see it
>he barely even raises it from his pocket
>black kid's robbery initiation into gang or whatever is going poorly, he gets nervous
>yo dawg just lemme make a quick call
>he didn't even realize his initial excuse was to check time and not make a call
>I walk past him in an attempt to leave the situation
>he grabs me
>tries to force me into the small alley between two houses
>I stop him but do not engage in a fight
>i know if i become violent the other 2 will get involved and then I will be fucked
>he grabs my collar
>fucking fight me bitch, i fucking dare you dawn, fucking punch me, ill give you five hundred dollars to do it
>he continues trying to get violent so that the other 2 will come to his rescue and so that he wont look like a pussy
>school bell still hasn't rung
>all of this happens less than a minute
>a miracle happens next

>> No.5994148

wha-w-what happens n-next???

>> No.5994166

>wearing shoes indoors
>sat at a computer

>> No.5994170

what if the robber rings on your door?

>> No.5994174

his mom opens

>> No.5994180

I ignore him and walk off, then later report him to the police.

>> No.5994181


safely hidden in the basement.

>> No.5994185


>> No.5994186

>a school bus of elementary kids goes by
>they are loud as fuck
>as it drives by they see me being held by my shirt collar
>they all make noise and are excited
>he quickly removes his hand so he draws no more attention
>yo bitch I coulda been done by now, just lemme see your phone
>I desperately try to think of something to ward him off
>attempt to be more street smart and use black people lingo
>nah, I aint about dat
>I used the blackest accent I could
>he looks at me confused
>speak english bitch
>oh the irony
>another bus passes us
>he steps back
>then the school bell rings
>about fucking time
>we're still in a stand off
>kids start catching up to us
>he looks around
>aiight yo, cut
>I tried to remember desperately all the black lingo I heard. What did cut mean????
>Didn't you hear me yo?! I said cut, get the fuck outta here dawg
>I don't say a word
>I walk forward with the crowd of kids coming from school as my cover
>strong urge to look back but I know that if they are following me, looking back could trigger them to rush and either beat me or rob me right there
>see crowd of mom aged white women a street further than where I turn to go home
>Instead of turning where I usually do, I walk towards them
>a bus pulls up and I realize they're waiting for their kids
>they populate the street and I use them as cover
>walk home without looking back
>realize old lady didn't call police
I now hate old people and niggers.

>> No.5994195

>Nah I ain't about dat


>> No.5994199

what about old niggers?

>> No.5994208

but if you take away the skin colour you hate
>young people
>old people
>and the kids in the school bus
you just hate people man
we all do

>> No.5994220

nah they cool doe

>> No.5994226



>> No.5994235
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>na i aint about that

>> No.5994247

Well hold on there bud

>> No.5994267
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>no shoes, not even socks
Oh well

>> No.5994269

Bruh, he was prolly a fucking guy who spent his life screaming when cops arrived and wanted a promotion. Now he is stuck with his shitty dayjob. Prolly turn to alcohol and drink himself to death.

>> No.5994276

>walking downtown with a girl friend
>wearing original wayfarers
>see some cholos across the street
>as soon as we lock eyes they rush to our side of the street
>yo ese lemme see those
>I quickly take my glasses off and save them in my backpack
>nah man we are cool, I replied as I tried to evade and walk past them with my friend close to me
>ese dont joke around just lemme--
>thank fucking god, a taxi passes kinda slow right at this moment
>grab my friend by the hand
>yell taxiiii and it stops in secs
>walked faster and got in it
>the taxist didn't even charge us cause he saw what was going on

feels good.

>> No.5994292

I don't understand who you are talking about.

>> No.5994294

The poor nigga that wanted ur headphone.

>> No.5994296
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>ain't about dat

>> No.5994308

Well he was 16 and by the characters he was around I don't think he had job. Unless you were being sarcastic. But seriously, fuck that guy. I can't even believe that at the time I was so kind hearted that afterwards I meditated and wished him success in his life and for him to be a better person.

Niggas changed me for the worse.

>> No.5994310


>> No.5994312

His job in the gang, fuccboi.

>> No.5994324

a shitty one and ugly. military issue.

>> No.5994319

Yeah I wasn't sure if you were referring to that or not.

>> No.5994353

What military? Us marhjein here they dont look like ours (they look possibly /fa/)

>> No.5994427

polish army boots

>> No.5994434

gobber hookin time

>> No.5994440
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>"what happens if I take off those Ricks?"

>> No.5994444

I'm not white, soo....

>> No.5994455
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>> No.5994501

>last year
>surfing with my friend all day
>starts getting darker
>he calls it a day
>say i will stay a bit longer
>bad idea
>he leaves
>about an hour later i leave too
>beach completely empty
>need to go through an underpass to reach the train station
>see three black gentlemen walking towards me from the end of the underpass
>adrenaline goes up
>oh fuck this is it im getting mugged
>look straight ahead try to ignore them and look confident
>as im about to pass them they surround me
>ask for my wallet and phone
>implying i go surfing with my wallet and phone
>black gentlemen get angry, get in my face
>pushes me against the wall
>i punch one of them, down he goes
>almost instantly the other one punches me, i lose my balance
>third guy grabs my arms from behind
>still manage to kick in the face the second black gentleman who punched me
>now he is pissed
>punch me in the stomach followed by a headbutt
>other guy release me, i fall down
>two procceed to kick me while im down
>they break my fucking surfboard and leave

>> No.5994535

>Belt in karate.
Wont do shit.

>> No.5994534

>nah, I aint about dat

top lel

The way you describe it, he was clearly as unsecure as you, I would have tried to intimidate him verbally, without the others knowing.

>> No.5994541

respect fam

>> No.5994565


Those fucking black gentlemen

>> No.5994624
File: 135 KB, 500x375, 1362792183954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be chilling with bros under an underpass near a train station
>see whitebro approaching
>ask him to borrow his phone to call me mam as me and bros have no other way of getting home
>he throws a punch at my mate before i can even ask him properly
>my mate punches him
>whitey loses balance
>he falls
>whitey kicks my friend in face
>we grab whitey
>break his surfboard
>on walk back home
>3 pigs numbered 1, 2 and 4
>throw swimming pool in le mattress
>takes a crane to take it out
>mfw they spent 3 weeks looking for crane labelled 3

>> No.5994639

>Belt in karate.
I laugh every time i beat the shit out of you faggots.

>> No.5994647
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>nah, I aint about dat

>> No.5994661
File: 307 KB, 200x100, 1355455693880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love to go surfing
>always need someone to take me though, can't do it alone. That's not fun
>my bro brings me
>go surfing together
>it's late so we decide to head home
>have to go by an underpass
>black gentleman scare me and aI freeze up
>ask my friend for his phone and wallet
>fight ensues
>I'm rooting for my bro the whole time
>black guys grab me
>break me
>doc says I can never be used to surf again

>> No.5994706
File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, 8748-bane-the-dark-knight-rises-1920x1080-movie-wallpaper[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will break le surfboard >:(

>> No.5994726
File: 20 KB, 300x300, pleaseleavemealone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gypsy on the street asks w2c or how much one of your clothing articles is

>> No.5994778

always say thrift shops. They know it's a lie, you know it's a lie, everyone knows it's a lie, but it's better than telling the truth

>> No.5995564


>> No.5995572

dobra już wiem

>> No.5995578

Draw my gun and tell him to walk away. If he persists, shoot to kill.

>> No.5995576
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Good thing I roll Deep as FUCK.

>> No.5995591

Congratulations, you got stabbed!

>> No.5995614

>implying i go surfing with my wallet and phone

I like to think you literally said this to them.

>> No.5995625

"that's not a knoife"

>> No.5995621

>putting your knife out there like that
>grab wrist kick to the stomach kick to the back of the leg hit to the back of the head have that nigga on his ass

>> No.5995669

You have a 29" waist and a 34" chest and bitch about xs clothing being too baggy

That response is viable to someone like m who does carsio on a road bike lifts and has assualt rifles as a hobby

But damn sure aint nobody afraid of you

>> No.5995691

jokes on you i know krav maga nerd

>> No.5995722

I went to a krav maga class and legit the first thing they asked us to do was pull out the crotch pads to practice groin kicks. krav maga = rape defense class.

>> No.5995764

>360 degrees


>> No.5995769

I was hoping you'd show up in this thread. I'm assuming you would pull out some heavy machine gun and gun him down, then explode his bullet ridden body with a grenade or something like that.

>> No.5995776

my younger sister has taken jiu jitsu since she was like 10 or so and just started krav maga last year. im not convinced martial arts can really help a young girl defend against attackers but ive seen her FUCK UP some of those karate practice dummies

>> No.5995785

take em

thyr fak newy B )

>> No.5995791

typical TL

>> No.5995811

Just a pair of Mexico 66s, you can have 'em

>> No.5995812
File: 240 KB, 468x352, waefaewf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this for u last night no homo

>> No.5995830



btw u shud chek sruli stuff on site. A lot of updates. Spent like 1hr looking through random shit.

>tfw I didn't know the shark skin glove w/ thorns inside was designed to NEVER be taken off once worn ;s

>> No.5995847

i was looking up random sruli interviews and found it
>tfw no sruli bulletproof pocket square

>> No.5995851

>ain' boud dat life

>> No.5995860

>Grab wrist
>Weakass girly kick to the stomach
>Manly attacker rips hand away and shanks you repeatedly
>Your last words "please god no, not my Ricks"

>> No.5995862

>Knowing Krav Maga
>Not training in real martial arts like Muay Thai

>> No.5995867

Seriously dude so much cool shit.

Was looking at material specs of the gun, like 100% bleached horse leather and it just looks so nice.
Custom combat knives.
Horse hair accessories.
Dolphin Skin.


>> No.5995871

Also I'm pretty sure w/ a lot of the price for saddles etc he just throws up random numbers but doesn't expect to sell and sort of keeps them as sort of memorabilia

>> No.5995872

he kind of looks like a goof'd out zach galifinakis lel

>> No.5995878

>zach galifinakis
Only the facials...

>> No.5995877
File: 6 KB, 259x194, nahiaintboutdat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nah, I aint about dat
you motherfucker, you

>> No.5995906

>but if you remove what you dislike about a person you wont dislike them anymore

>> No.5995907

oh i agree
>for people to look at........with their face

>> No.5995932


Do you even moonwalk?

>> No.5995934

I was talking about facial hair.
Even then it's just the beard and SR's is way better.

>> No.5995936

wtf did you go to york hs?

>> No.5995982

I would be pissed if I was mugged for my 576's

>> No.5996012

>krav maga
jokes on you

>> No.5996057
File: 75 KB, 1023x682, 49b8b39402013961b7f1ea60aac705ce20130413154537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krav maga is the cowards martial art
Its meant for little shits who cant fight like a real man

>> No.5996058
File: 57 KB, 500x655, 1284515775985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krav Maga is about fucking people up as brutally and as efficiently as you can. Muai Thai is superior as a MA only because KM isn't a martial art at all.

>> No.5996061

Go home son
It preeches go for the balls first like a little bitch
And what if it isnt a ma then its a way of life?
Way to go
Being a coward is a way of life

>> No.5996069

I'll take staying alive over your outdated faggotry anyday.

>> No.5996099

whip out my smith and wesson model 29 and steal his shoes

>> No.5996104
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>Who are you calling white boy? You look pretty white to me.

>> No.5996110

My edges are cutting me already, so how about you join them?

>> No.5996113
File: 56 KB, 170x137, GYNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Calling someone a faggot.
> Practices groin kicks.

>> No.5996125

Wow have some pride
How do you call yourself a man
Your nothing but a coward
Buys into a cowards fighting style thats for neckbeards and little bitches

>implying fighting properly is faggottry
>implying fighting like a coward makes you superior when in reality you look like a fool and a little bitch

>> No.5996128

KIds these days
They dont even know how to fight

>> No.5996151
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>implying you will look superior while they zip down your body bag

>> No.5996156

I don't know how to fight. I'm an even keel person who grew up in an affluent white neighborhood with no male relative to spar with so I've never been in a fight. I almost wonder if I should go pick fights and get my ass kicked just so I have some experience in case some real shit goes down. Good plan? I feel like I'll get stabbed or shot though....

>> No.5996170

IMplying sucking a mans dick with fag maga will help you to survive?

>> No.5996182
File: 19 KB, 650x293, ak47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Approached by a black man
it's cool, just pull out your...

>you live in California
lol you're fucked. maybe try some krav maga, hahahahahahaha.

see you on WSHH.

>> No.5996188

> Pull out gun.
> Shoot him.
> Shoot him in the head also.
> mfw no witness to say he didn't assault me.

I think I win this round.

>> No.5996193

I lived In a bad fucking hood every day I scrapped and no one ever used stupid shit like fag maga

Just learn to box or some other ma
Helps to learn thes things

>> No.5996323

Slav shit jamtastic shit

The only thing that i want to jam is curlgurl
not my gun

>> No.5996324

Thank you.

>> No.5996330
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>implying there even need to be rounds loaded to be effective
>implying curlgurl is sexier than an AK

>> No.5996361

Since I'm Black I imagine that it'd be more along the lines of this.

>Ayo Nigga, gimme yo got dam shos or I buss a cap in ya ass.

>> No.5996460

too bad thats not real blood

>> No.5996465

>tfw Merica
>tfw i carry a fucking gun

>> No.5997894

>Implying a Muay Thai practitioners groin kicks/groin knees won't hurt a LOT more than a "super Krav Maga ninjaaa"

The fact that you need TRAINING to learn how to kick balls suggests to me you should seek help for your Downs Syndrome.

>> No.5998005

>try to talk him down
>if goes away, okay
>if he tried shit teep him so hard he falls to the ground
>stomp his hands until they're borderline mangled
>he will never be able to mug someone with a knife again

>> No.5998939

implying Krav Maga isn't used for military personnel in the toughest special forces around the world.
And no, it isn't just groin kicks you troll.

>> No.5998966

my rick owens t-shirt will never betray me and let a knife touch my pale skin.

i'l just pray to rick owens to come and save me. he loves me.

rick owens would never betray me.

rick owens is love. rick owens if life.

>> No.5998978

okay stop being retarded

i practice neither martial art but now you're just coming off as a delusional elitist autist

>> No.5999026
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Dat's some quality lel.

>Nah, I ain't about dat

>> No.5999036

>have 12 euro GATs on my feet
well fuck m8, I'll have to go back home in socks but whatever

>> No.5999048

>mfw I don't have any shoes at the moment.
Yep, feels good doing nothing. Too much wind outside.

>> No.5999081

>walking home from after school
>bunch of maoris blocking the path way
>"yo, got a phone?"
>"uhhh, n-n-no"
>"you got cash?"
>"i know you playing'
>"please don't"
>try to walk away
>try not to look back
>end up going the long way home
thank god they didnt follow my trail of spaghetti

>> No.5999140

>Live in France
>Never been mugged, raped, maori'd and my surf boards are safe.

>> No.5999164
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>> No.5999240
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>> No.5999245


>> No.5999272

>white boy
is white himself

>> No.5999291

Whip out my all natty 9 inch dick and face fuck him.

>> No.5999292

are there seriously people who rob people off shoes??

>> No.5999297

lol have they already forgot that the skinheads burned down their country, killed their men and raped their women?

>> No.5999299
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>u racist cracka?

>> No.5999409

skinheads =/= nazi

Also at first Hitler wanted to assimilate polish ppl

>> No.5999421

b-back the fuck off?!?!?!!?

>> No.5999995

>Also at first Hitler wanted to assimilate polish ppl

Is that what you degenerated polish Untermenschen actually believe? Trolled hard even after 75 years!

>> No.6001191
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>> No.6001242

>small ye.jpg

havinge a good time @ filename

>> No.6001349

>being consistently fucked over, even his kid getting fucked
>didn't hate them
>stupid kids making stupid remarks
>now hates them
he's as dumb as those pieces of shits

>> No.6001639

>be 11
>be in Jersey City, NJ
>riding around on my new mongoose bike my dad got me
>mum says "just stay on this block"
>riding back and forth on the block
>stop in front of my house on the sidewalk to to fix something.
>3 black kids coming down the block.
>2 on 1 bike and 1 on another
>notice one of them as the same bike as me
>my dumbass is waves and says "hey we have the same bike"
>they come towards me and 2 of em grab me while the other is in the process of taking my bike
>i try to wrestle but one of them punches me in the gut
>painters 2 houses away see this all happen and dont even help
>cry like a little bitch and ask why did this happen to me

another one of my bikes got robbed when i lived in that city. seriously fuck the entire state of New Jersey

>> No.6001929
File: 22 KB, 400x398, 575753_228675570605261_951801945_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuuuuuark ahueahueahue

>> No.6001947
File: 55 KB, 415x495, 1361322836302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but what are you going to do with a boys 5 1/2?

>> No.6001964
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Cute. Come down to Camden

>> No.6001991

:( that gave me feels

>be 10 (actually dont remember was in 5th grade)
>lived in a somewhat racist neighborhood in washington
>every day, when I walked home from school these kids would call me chink, gook, etc
>just ignored them
>one day four of them come up to me
>start pushing me around
>one spits on me
>punch him in the face, others start to swarm around me
>had one of those wheeled backpacks cos my mom was lame
>swung it and hit two of em
>run home
>their parents (just as racist) go over to my house and yell at my parents and say they are shitty gook parents
>tried to make me apologize
>rated N for nah

lol we moved after that though

>> No.6001998

This would never happen. I'm too tall and fit for any pleb to try to mug me.

>> No.6002209

That's why you don't trust black people in their natural habitat.

>> No.6002240

>give him all the money in my wallet
"sir u can buy ol skools and more with $72, pls don't hurt me"

>> No.6002259

when I was like ~9
I use to keep my mongoose on the porch because I was lazy
and this kid stole it
two weeks later my dad sees him a block over and takes it back
the bronx is mellow (or at least the northeast part is)

>> No.6002273
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surprisingly, living in East London ive never been mugged, but let me tell you a story about being a fucking retard

>be in first year of college/sixth form
>have a lesson at 11
>leave for the bus
>get to the station and transfer to another bus
>all the buses from this dock go to the same place except one of them
>get on a random one, it turns out to be the one that diverts where i dont wanna go
>end up going the opposite way
>at this point im 10 minutes late for lesson and my teacher is a black scary woman
>i honestly don't know what i was thinking at this point but i came up with a plan to tell my mum i got mugged so she doesn't shout at me and ask why i am home so early
>walking home in scorching heat, finally get home
>tell mum i was mugged for £4, she didn't believe me then it sunk in and she panicked and called the police
>mfw at this point
>mum says police are coming to house to take a statement
>shitting myself and asking my mum to tell them not to come
>the police come and i make up a story of me getting mugged on the spot
>they are actually believing it and they finally go to leave and i go to shake the policemans hand (what the fuck) i had my hand there for 5 seconds and he finally shakes it and was awkward

i still haven't told my mum and they still thought i was mugged

>> No.6002287

fuckin lol almost choked to death on my sandwich

>> No.6002313

I've had two attempted muggings. Both times it happened I walked by the guys like a didn't give a fuck and nothing happened. I'm a huge bitch but if you just realize that they're not trying to cause a big commotion then you can exploit it.

>> No.6002314

>Be 18
>Be shopping with cousin, bitch looks like Tinkerbell
>Road fairly empty, junkie lunges out of nowhere
>Grabs onto tiny cousin with his scabby heroin leprosy hands
>"give me your fuuuuckkin' bag or I'll cut yeh, giz your fuuuckin' bag"
>Begin to soil my knickers
>Cousin starts calling out like she's stranded in the mountains
>People are looking over at us
>Junkie is spooked, runs like fuckingshitdick
>Bitch is a fucking genius

>> No.6002376

>assault rifles as a hobby

If you really cared about guns you wouldn't call them assault rifles.

>> No.6002384

How to bullet button.

>> No.6002388

"sure let me take them off"

lift up trouser leg

draw firearm

proceed to fill him with lead


pee on body

then spit on body before walking away

>> No.6002404

cant wait for the day some idiot tries to mug me

people shouldnt try to fucking mess with me especially if im having a bad day its obvious what i can do and how much power i have over them and their life
just draw and shoot
theyre dead, gone forever

and then i get off scot free
not them

>> No.6002425
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>its obvious what i can do and how much power i have over them and their life
I find it hard to believe all your posts are genuine. You're either a troll or an autist. I say troll.

>> No.6002419

i wonder what you would do in a situation like this


>> No.6002420

>look at me i'm being edgy ironically
not your best work, just saiyan mate

>> No.6002442

you sound like a coward

i remember at the fucking gas station last week this clerk asked why i buy so much beer
i said thats none of his fucking business and i dare him to step up to me
all he did was roll his eyes like a little bitch, fucking backed down

walked out of there with beer
but i could have walked out of there having just murdered somebody
just saying it wouldnt be hard
just draw and shoot
one trigger pull and hes gone forever

>> No.6002458

Why were you buying beer? It's common knowledge that sieg don't drink

>> No.6002474
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>> No.6002482


holy shit

>> No.6002512

6.1/10 p good

>> No.6002519

>multiple DC shirts

>> No.6002526
File: 712 KB, 248x208, andtherewasgreatjustice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw not white
>Tfw carry my own knife
>Tfw know how to use it

>> No.6002540

if youre rating me on how cool that murder would have been its wrong it should be higher

again you are a fucking coward
and you wouldn't say SHIT to me if a gun was aimed at your head
fucking little bitch
you should be executed

>> No.6002533

enjoy being arrested for no reason other than not being white

>> No.6002560

>if youre rating me on how cool that murder would have been its wrong it should be higher

>> No.6002575
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I'm nepali. Nobody's gonna arrest me for being asian.

>> No.6002587

nobody walks away from a knife fight without really serious injuries

>enjoy dying over your shitty iphone 4

>> No.6002584

o ok, congrats i guess

>> No.6002591

>not the most prime target for mugging

>> No.6002595

>dat goddess on the right
ohhhh my heart aches for some reason

>> No.6002613

never got robbed
what should i expect
bah i once did get
but not really me
but my ex got robbed

>> No.6002627
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I'd rather give up my wallet or phone anyways. My life is more important.


It's like everyone on /fa/ just CANNOT resist pointing out one thing or the other.


God damn. I

>> No.6002655
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>It's like everyone on /fa/ just CANNOT resist pointing out one thing or the other.
Welcome to /fa/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.6002670
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>> No.6002685

I carry an rusty-ass switch just in case I get mugged, but if simply pulling the thing doesn't make the robber hesitate then I'm either handing it over or fucking right off

the loser of a knife fight dies in the street, the winner of a knife fight dies in the ambulance

>> No.6002695

>I'm either handing it over
The knife?

>> No.6002708
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>>mfw that occurs to me

i'd become seriously pissed. people have given me shit all my life, i'd probably just fight the person.

help yourselves out judoinfo.com/pdf/Combat.pdf

i've actually fought several people throughout my life times, even been suspended/arrested...etc - they all started first and i got fucking exhausted of peoples nonsense so i started to attack them back.

self defense.

>> No.6002711

start with my accessories and slowly work towards wallet, headphones, then phone

>> No.6002715


Unless you're a professional knife fighter. I'm sure nobody here is. It's a dead art. Only ever perfected by mafia families in the 20's.

www.youtube.com /watch?v=PfflUllkWsw

>> No.6002717

just run dude no need 2 risk it

>> No.6002865


Closest I have to this ;s

>Be in third grade (whatever class you're in when 3 years into first school/primary school)
>Dad got me a new sharpener w/ a smiling seahore on top of it.
>Girl next to me asks to borrow.
>Nod head (I was a adorable kid okay).
>Forget about it, just expect she'll throw it back into my pencil case and I'll find it later and feel good about someone borrowing my stuff honestly.
>Time goes by, nothing.
>Don't question because it's rude to assume theft, like...I was a really honest kid haha.
>Eventually muster strength to ask about.
>Says it's hers and her dad got it for it.
>Think about my dad and how much I love him and how he works hard to provide for fam.
>Get teary.
>She gives back.
>Wipe tears and continue to be a excellent student.
I can still recall the shit I've lost, I always end up feeling bad because it was stuff my family worked for and I just lost ;(

>Friday night.
>Mid-semester break next week.
>Go home to see mum.
>Thinking about relaxing and hanging w/ fam.
>Pouring outside
>Bus takes wrong turn (about 9kms away from home)
>Stop and enarest stop before further away.
>take jacket and cover books preparing myself for a run through the rain.
>Begin...But remember family friends live like 50m from bus stop, turn back and walk to their door.
>Haven't been in like 7 years.
>Look signif. different (bearded man in a tank w/ a manbun and beaten up levi's haahahahahaahah)
>They open the door, invite me and call their entire family to chat w/.
>Glorious chatting and nostalgia.
>They drive me home.

>I've never been mugged

>> No.6002875


do you have brain damage

your posts are so weird to read

>> No.6002882


are you ninearm???

>> No.6002881

>In other news, a local faggot has been stabbed to death after refusing to give up his shoes to a mugger

>> No.6002886

was convinced you were a girl by how your wrote this dude wtf

>> No.6002891

I don't know.

I don't think I articulate a lot of my thoughts well onto pad, like...I just internalise things and expect people to know what I know ahahahaha.
>Exceptionally lazy.

>> No.6002963

top huel

>> No.6002972

/pol/racists are the worst thing since atheists

>> No.6002977


why do you think all atheists are bad

that makes you /pol/ tier

>> No.6002985

i mean theyre obnoxious retards who have to shove their edgy opinion into every discussion possible even when its totally irrelevant

>> No.6002995


why are you convinced that every atheist does this

>> No.6002998

they dont

>> No.6003030


then use better language next time

>> No.6003046



>> No.6003039

choke on a black cock next time

>> No.6003140

push him or get him off balance in some way, run like the wind
if you fags think you can fight an armed person you're obviously retarded

>> No.6005659

>not wanting to end your miserable life

>> No.6005680
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>mfw I'm not wearing shoes

>> No.6005781

most the time i just look like an angry arse brit-pride nazi skinhead (i got a thing for military coats and shirts okay?) so people leave me alone for that at least.
i also wear steel cap boots, ain't no fucker wanting my shoes/ can handle the wrath of my boot

>> No.6005823


>dress streetninja
>implying he wouldn't assume i was a fellow criminal and not try shit

>> No.6005842

>mwf I'm not white boy

>> No.6005850


Fucking niggers.