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/fa/ - Fashion

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5989259 No.5989259 [Reply] [Original]

What positive things has /fa/ brought into your life?
What have you gotten out of this board after browsing for a while?
What has it taught you?

>> No.5989271

What's that kid's name again, I forgot.

>> No.5989283

not much really
i'm just shitposting here until /lit/ unbans me
i did learn to stop wearing graphic tees

>> No.5989287

This board has made me realize my insecurities.

>> No.5989296

kyle moretz

>> No.5989297

cole mohr

>> No.5989292


>> No.5989301

I've pretty much just refined and expanded my taste. I'm the same, I just know a bit more and am more aware of the spectrum of fashion.

Also, I've learned how insecure and morphed some people's image of themselves is. Makes me feel a bit more confident to be honest

>> No.5989302

thats a good thing, at first you were blind, now you can see.

you are the path towards salvation

>> No.5989317

best board bby

>> No.5989322

Cole Mohr.

For me I'd say it's given me a place to see hilarious discussion on a lots fashion related and non-fashion related things. You can't always get that on the big forums.

I've also been able to see lots of people progress through different fits they have posted over time in WAYWT. And that's really cool.

>> No.5989328

this board taught me exactly how ugly i am and how i won't be able to afford nice things

love you guys :)

>> No.5989332
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this as well as an unwarranted sense of superiority and an overly critical eye of the people around me

>> No.5989334

It's pretty much made me stop caring about what people think. It's made me a lot more confident.

>> No.5989381

You either sink or swim.
You sank.
He swam.

>> No.5989391

/fa made me aware that there is a hierarchy system going on. Plebs dress like plebs, and yet they are not aware of it.

Now all my innocence is gone, and have to play the game.

>> No.5989392

Quote for truth. Hands down applies to anyone who has browsed for a few months.

>> No.5989394

Be yourself
Be an individual
Dont ask others for advise on your personal clothing
Dont worry or judge the appearances of others
Wear what you love

>> No.5989398

Don't try to feeelel superior over others..

>> No.5989402

This. Live your life. People will think what they want to think, regardless of what you wear or what you look like. If you live to please others you'll be miserable your whole life.

>> No.5989404

guess it can't be helped then

>> No.5989405

I've gotten a bit more confident and I've started to notice a few qtp2t3.14s cutting glances.

>> No.5989415

That is the best feeling.

Look at them. Dead in the eye as you walk past them. Show em whos boss.

>> No.5989446

>How to tie my shoes correctly.
>You can wear brown derby shoes with almost everything.
>Pinrolling pants.
>I dress better than the majority of society.
>Show some sock/ankle

>> No.5989450

/fa/ gave me the motivation to lose some weight.

Also brought me out of that stupid phase where someone is just getting into fashion and is making too many mistakes. I was pretty delusional before I found /fa/. I'm glad it brought me back to earth and gave me some perspective, despite this board being tough on a lot of people.

I gained a new appreciation for high fashion which wasn't present before.

You guys are alright.

>> No.5989462

/fa/ has introduced me to new styles, designers, cultures and people. Overall, I'd say it has been a fantastic place for personal growth, or at least the start of it. Naturally /fa/ is kind of a self study centre more so than anywhere else due to the amount of crap on here, but once you get a good filter on this place can yield some wonderful stuff.

I also like the community here quite a bit, even if the community doesn't like me sometimes(all the time)

>> No.5989483
File: 75 KB, 600x450, Alden Indy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a pair of Allen Edmonds Daltons once and it inspired me to look in to well constructed foot wear.

These just came in yesterday. Once they break in they will be the most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever owned.

>> No.5989514

>more shitposting and dick owens cocksucking threads
>a few good laughs
>you're all a bunch of wankers

>> No.5989530


It made me care for clothes which is awful because I am poor. I now find anything but designer clothes ugly but I can't afford them.

It made me be more critical with me. I was happy with my height but now realized I am a manlet and have weird proportions.

I also feel bad for not having a model-tier face.

I also get annoyed by all the people here spelling like hoodrats. (u, w/, fuccboi, b, as fuck, fab and so on)

It makes me angry how vicious people here can be. If someone for example posts a picture of himself and he is a bit chubby instead of politely advising him to lose weight everybody starts calling him a disgusting fatty like high school bullies.

I actually stopped browsing this board as I think that it's one of the most awful ones mainly because of the teenage demographic. Just passing by because I am currently bored.

>> No.5989536

i started browsing here in 2007, i haven't posted in a few years though

in terms of fashion, it hasn't changed much. you could learn pretty much everything /fa/ has to say in about a year.

i am here for the culture though, i can talk about stuff that most other boards won't know shit about or will have a pleb opinion on.

>> No.5989543

mfa sounds like your kind of place

>> No.5989546

>learn about mensfashion
>realize the importance of fit and drape
>discover goofninja

>> No.5989548

Pay more attention to things and how they fit.
Introduced me to new brands.
Made me appreciate more subtle fits/solid colors.
Slight boost in confidence.

I haven't abandoned my style, just tweaked it.

Idk if I get glances or whatev, people rarely ever give compliments here.

>> No.5989555

lol this is STILL 4chan

>> No.5989551

Most of the people here are just high school graduates and nothing more, so there's nothing really there to make them grow up unless they go through a lot in their life, which I really don't think is true considering how well off some of them are.

>> No.5989581

Not even that guy, but fuck off.

>> No.5989583

fatty detected

>> No.5989594

is that a television in the background?

>> No.5989606


>> No.5989607

/fa/ taught me to distinguish picture frames from itty bitty TVs

aaand it taught me that ther r ppl actually buying fabrixqaure stuff and explaining "goofninja" to their moms

>> No.5989799

learned i should kill myself since i am not 6'2''+

>> No.5989824

Have you done it yet?

>> No.5989840

well I dress the same but now I want a bunch of stuff that I can't afford. I'm beginning to sort of be able to hold a conversation about fashion though. I guess I've gained knowledge of what clothes I will buy when I get money and learned about brands and designers.

>> No.5989920

> show my ankles
> not insecure about being really skinny
> not insecure about being pale
> confidence increased when I started taking more care of myself
> found a hobby
> not afraid to wear shorts below knee
> spend less money since I buy less shit
> not afraid to do things stereotypically gay
> literally cured my homophobia. I guess being around /fa/ggots does that to you

>> No.5989935

I appreciate when people dress well or in different styles

also I'm more grateful I don't have a moon face being eaten by acne, or shitty hair

>> No.5989948

No, if you are above 6'2 you should kill yourself too. The range is 6'1 to 6'2

>> No.5989970

i thought 6'4" was the limit

/fa/ made me kill myself

>short legs
>fat thighs and wide hips

kill me. i want to be 6'2 and have long slender legs. a good looking face would be cool as well

its just so depressing
i was born this way and cant do anything about it. all i can do is try to get over it but its so hard

>> No.5989978

nope. 6'4 is giant status

>> No.5989988

/fit/ taught me how to be alpha. /fa/ taught me absolutely nothing

>> No.5990001

> alpha
> laughinggirls.jpg

>> No.5990008

son you better mean 'above knee'

>> No.5990022

>Learned alot about fashion philosophy beyond 'lol duz diz fit luk gud wat 2 wear wit chinos'
>Met some extremely helpful people who guided me in the right career path
>Able to freely express opinion because of anonymity and as a result learn when some of my points and ideas are corrected by others
>Learned to be a bit more objective but also understand 'beauty' and 'looking good' from a bigger picture

>> No.5990031

people on /fa/ helped you with your career?

>> No.5990038

if you browse for longer you grow out of that phase and transcend

you'll know when you're there

>> No.5990044

Yeah believe it or not helped TONS and couldn't be more thankful of every single one of you on here because I've just learned so much and grown so much here

I luv u guys

all homo

>> No.5990060

Positive things: none, I would have found my taste and how to shop for things I like without any of you faggots. Or I would have discovered StyleForum and ToJ and hung around there rather than here before deciding they all needed to be euthanized.

What's it taught me? That "fashion people" are people I want nothing to do with. Clothes and "style" are things you should address personally and internalize, not be a fucking cunt about on the internet or bring attention to it in real life. "Look at me! Look what I'm wearing and how much I know about it!" totally defeats the point of adopting a persona that impresses other people and makes them want to be like you.

I can safely say I've been on enough 4chan boards for long enough periods of time to decide that /fa/ has hands down one of the worst user bases and tripcodes ON THE WEBSITE. Fuck, don't get me started on the external /fa/ communities that branch out from here on IRC and elsewhere.

Actually, that's not true, a couple of you are bros but you're heavily outnumbered by the people who need a hole in their face.

Before someone says it, the only reason I'm here at all right now is boredom and I'm not a common poster, not even a lurker these days. Peace out homos.

>> No.5990087

>What positive things has /fa/ brought into your life?
A thicker skin
>What have you gotten out of this board after browsing for a while?
A more extensive list of clothing websites with a good idea of what to expect from them in terms of quality, price and customer service
>What has it taught you?
That anonymity is the only way to get an authentic opinion of something. Not to say anything of the quality of the opinion given, but you didn't ask that now, did you

>> No.5990197

learned that Matt Helders is not the dudes real name.

it's "Nial"

>> No.5990206


matt helders is a drummer for the arctic monkeys you retard

>> No.5990223

>I can safely say I've been on enough 4chan boards for long enough periods of time to decide that /fa/ has hands down one of the worst user bases and tripcodes ON THE WEBSITE. Fuck, don't get me started on the external /fa/ communities that branch out from here on IRC and elsewhere.

5 plus years of having the tripfag clubhouse

>> No.5990234

>I can safely say I've been on enough 4chan boards for long enough periods of time to decide that /fa/ has hands down one of the worst user bases and tripcodes ON THE WEBSITE. Fuck, don't get me started on the external /fa/ communities that branch out from here on IRC and elsewhere.


>> No.5990244

i thought it was joe lol

>> No.5990245

Yeah his real namke is joe.

>> No.5990246

same friend

>> No.5990256

I was saving for a car, now I'm saving for plastic surgery and jaw reconstruction.

>> No.5990267 [DELETED] 

Who needs a home when you got swag?

>> No.5990290

im on the same boat. I'm 21 and I plan to get ps at 24.

>> No.5990294


Fucking 6'1 master race

>> No.5990297

nothing positive whatsoever. Im cant stop judging people on their fits, always rate people even though I dont want to. Its a curse

>> No.5990400

/fa/ helped me understand how to work in different pieces of articles of clothing together so they look good (do not read: goofninja or dadcore)

then you add in some psychedelics and you realize who you are. you buy clothes that fit who you are while understanding what /fa/ has tought you about fits and aesthetics

ive also come to respect different styles of fashion. if i never visited /fa/ and i saw a goof walking around id probably laugh at them (in my head at least). but i see the art in it even though id never go full-retard ninja. thats just one example tho.

also learned quite a bit about construction, materials, fashion models/designers/the industry etc. gave me a new appreciation for fashion. not saying /fa/ taught me all this shit, but it was definitely a catalyst for me to research more and more.

that's what ive taken from my 3ish years on this board

also, the evolution, or rather, devolution of the number of quality tripfags over the years is quite unsettling. not trying to start shit, but wow, some of you should stop tripping. you influence a lot of the 16 y/o on this board who spam your bullshit "fuccboi" and #autistic #spelling and everyone thinks its the norm and destroys any good discussion that can possibly arise, which is becoming more infrequent and rare.

>> No.5990412

This is a good.

>> No.5990425

Makes me disappointed when I see people dressing poorly, not disgusting tho. Made me laugh at people who wore box logos irl. Hasn't changed my wardrobe much cause literally no $

>> No.5990429

>also, the evolution, or rather, devolution of the number of quality tripfags over the years is quite unsettling. not trying to start shit, but wow, some of you should stop tripping. you influence a lot of the 16 y/o on this board who spam your bullshit "fuccboi" and #autistic #spelling and everyone thinks its the norm and destroys any good discussion that can possibly arise, which is becoming more infrequent and rare.

So much this. /fa/ has some of the worst trips and namefags

>> No.5990453


>> No.5990525
File: 22 KB, 350x348, tumblr_ltnq8zFOsb1r5siw7o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learned how to dress fly.

Lost all my self confidence and my voice. Became really boring, uninteresting, quiet, withdrawn. People generally think I'm depressed or weird. Used to like the way I looked, now I think I'm ugly and don't look human. Completely distorted sense of attraction to the opposite sex, find even the most minor details to be horrendous.

Pretty crippling.

>> No.5990703
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Idea of what current in fashion, a smile interest in appearance, how insecure people are on the internet (or in general perhaps), cost efficient buying (price vs. quality), fashion/style only being part of one's appearance (more so the contrast to the extremes of style/form/personality)

>> No.5990737

I was already into fashion when I discovered /fa/. I already knew about Rick Owens (inb4 hipster) and the likes but didn't and still don't take liking to that whole scene/look. It's taught me that fuccbois will grasp onto anything hyped enough though, Rick being a prime example.

>> No.5990812


lmao fuck I laughed but my insides are too dead and withered to care

>> No.5990836
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>Completely distorted sense of attraction to the opposite sex, find even the most minor details to be horrendous.
If a woman doesn't look remotely close to pic related I won't even talk to them. That's why I don't talk to women...

>> No.5990891

It not only taught me how to dress like a functioning member of society, but also how to develop my own sense of style. I learned style from watching all of you, and then I made my own style, which I think is really cool.

>> No.5990927
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>dressing like a functioning member of society

>> No.5990955

/fa/ taught me:
>effective layering
>the idea of silhouettes
>all black isnt always for autists
>how to brutally critique random peoples outfits

>> No.5991047

The biggest positive is that pushing myself in fashion has also influenced me to push myself harder in order things as well.

Guess fashion wise, my knowledge of fashion has expanded, both in the range of style and luxury.

I've also toughened up a bit. Not much choice when you post and get shit on. I've still got my sense of humor and confidence, but I can now take the criticism that /fa/ dishes out.

>> No.5991056

>What positive things has /fa/ brought into your life?
better dress sense
>What have you gotten out of this board after browsing for a while?
-that underage kids think that putting on one expensive item means the rest of the fit is good
-hair is much more important than i originally thought
-learnt about different styles i wouldn't have known about had i not discovered /fa/

>What has it taught you?
develop your own personal style, don't be a sheep who follows the latest trends (quite contrary to many on here)

>> No.5991116
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lol @ people complaining about tripfags.

just blacklist em if you dont like em.

>> No.5991142

What use does it have if you then have people responding to them.

>> No.5991150

this thread makes me happy

ty basedmike


>> No.5991156
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>I dress better than the majority of society.
>Pinrolling pants.

>> No.5991198

can i get a link my brotha

>> No.5991209

I'm more shallow. And I'm more broke. That's about it.

>> No.5991229

whats wrong with pinrolls
best way 2 show off ur siq NBs or roshes or flyknits

>> No.5991253

i dress better

but i am so fucking judgemental now, i cant help it either

>> No.5991303

The prevailing mindset of an aesthetically oriented male (disliking fashion, the dadcore-to-gothninja-to-rick owens trasitions, wanting women to adopt a more simple, style based (vs fashion and nuanced) personal style) approach to clothing that's conflictingly both non slutty, and non prudish).

General basic understandings for male style. I'd say my wardrobe is inoffensive as a result of my time.

Can't think of much else, idk I haven't been here in too heavy a concentration

>> No.5991327

wow yall niggas super insecure

>> No.5991339

Weak psyches.

>> No.5991355

dey all fuccboi bitchniggas yo.

>> No.5991359

jack shit, thanks for nothing cripplecocks

>> No.5992855

yep this, i can laugh at the occasionally "uz a fuccboi" but when it becomes the norm rather than a "joke" every now and then you know something's wrong

>> No.5992876

I hate you /fa/. I just want to be a happy pleb, now every time I see someone I judge their clothing and give them either a pleb or patrician rating in my head.

>> No.5994052


>> No.5994059

Bitch pls, I wrote in autistic style before the tripfag.

>> No.5994070

catapulted my interest for fashion that chain reacted into anything to do with estetiks
i always cared about fa but i would of never ended up working retail or consider is a career choice

thanks fa <3 :3 moving to denmark next year too "study" design

>> No.5994073

goddamn fuccbois

>> No.5994098

I have become such a judgmental prick. So many people I know call me a "hater", but I'm just trying to help. I guess I can't act like I'm on /fa/ in real life because people will just complain

>> No.5994137

>not afraid to wear shorts below the knee

u wot m8

>> No.5994169

The answer is ALWAYS Rick Owens. Never mind the question. ALWAYS Rick Owens. You shouldn't have one piece of clothing below $1000 because that makes you a poorfag no-taste fuccboi. If you are poor, what you do is to save little by little so you can get clown shoes and be /fa/

>> No.5994182

>nothing i just waste a lot of money
>that everyones taste sucks

>> No.5994212

fatty detected

>> No.5994256
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It's interesting how different folks react to the same stimuli. Some people have come to /fa/ and been enriched, discovered the importance of being one's self and remaining nonjudgemental. Others have found it feeds their insecurities. /fa/ has left them with feelings of superiority and a tendency to look at the average man in their sphere as plebeian or otherwise less than. Many in this thread say that the overall experience has harmed their quality of living.
This means that we've all come to the table here with some kernel of personal philosophy that has blossomed into something either terrible or wonderful. We are in essence the same people we always were, only more so.
I myself have been taught a new language and granted a critical eye. I've met many interesting people and been reminded of the fact that I will never please everybody, that some people will always hate. It's unfortunate, because in the end, all we have is each other and the present moment.

>> No.5996244

I learned that fit is everything and stopped wearing graphic tees and bootcut jeans.

>> No.5996294
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>> No.5996304
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I hate reading your shit because when I finish reading I always begin to think differently and wonder how things would have been when I don't read it and if it would have really mattered.

poet pls rite book so i cn control urgs esy ;_;

>> No.5996627

your writing flows like an empty stream lol

>> No.5997948


>> No.5998000
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Before, after? Neither of the two states matter. The important thing is that periodically undergoing changes in the way you perceive the world is a boon to personal and spiritual growth. You don't want to get in a rut right?
I think that's why a life filled with adventure rarely breeds an asshole.

>> No.5998033

how 2 add adventure 2 life

pls respond

>> No.5998080
File: 47 KB, 640x400, Brain_Matrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do things that you're afraid to do, and do things that take place outside of your house.

Volunteer, go camping, go exploring, dance in front of strangers, bike an entire state, have a yard sale, join a rock climbing gym, learn a new instrument, play the one you already have in front of an audience, strike up conversations with people you don't know, walk a chunk of your city that you've never been to, take up a martial art, drive to a thrift shop or an antique dealer one state over, see a movie alone, buy a new book and read it in the park over a bagged lunch on your day off. Just get out there and into as many new places as possible.

>> No.5998141

thank you based anon

>> No.5998150

im already ready for summer to be over

>> No.5998158

>How to tie my shoes correctly.

>> No.5998693

holy shit you're a dumb motherfucker

>> No.5998852

if i look hotter than the guy on this pic can i do modelling?