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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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5986862 No.5986862 [Reply] [Original]

goodnight /fa/

>> No.5986870
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>> No.5986883

people sleep 5 hours wtf if i dont have 8 i die

>> No.5986890

if i sleep more than 5 i feel sick and woozy when i wake up, usually i stick to 3-4

>> No.5986903

that's weird

>> No.5986914

Eight is too little for me, I can barely pull myself out of bed with any less, and when I do I'm all yawns.

>> No.5986919

tfw 6hours sleep on the daily every day
tfw if I get any more I feel gulity
tfw sleep while eatting

these bags ain' frum coke ;_;

>> No.5986925
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>tfw i can't sleep more than 6 hours

>> No.5986932

why guilty?
i stay up too late, i drink a lot of coffee

>> No.5986945

I don't subscribe to heavily addictive neural stimulators. It's too heavy a price to pay.

I don't really want to elaborate on this but not synthetic drug can adequately replace sleep.

I've accidenally fallin into a fizzy drink addiction again as of like a week ago (which is close enough to caffiene I guess) as of 3-4days ago. I think I'll slowly ween myself off through isotonics.

>> No.5986951

Guilty because I don't need anyting more than 6hours of sleep afterwhich I feel like I've wasted time/feel lazy.

it's a painful existance.

>> No.5986954


all those typos and shit.

I need to pee badly been busting for like 3-4hours.

>> No.5986957

I swear to god u are the biggest fkin nerd

>> No.5986964

>no synthetic drug can adequately replace sleep
that's true but that's my only option to stay awake

i need like 10 hours of sleep

>> No.5986967

Haha I guess so~

I don't know I guess I just like to articulate a lot of things in a logical way?

I don't even like coffee...

>> No.5986966


>tfw can only sleep on zolpidem or flunitrazepam
>tfw oversleep daily and feel like someone hit you in head with a baseball bat

i drink hella coffee though, it tastes so gooooood

>> No.5986974

i fucked up my sleeping schedule and now im going to bed at like 5-7 am. i need some weed or something to help me sleep at night, these pills aren't working.

>> No.5986975

I think you just need to kick into a good routine...

It takes effort but it's worth it.

Don't succum to heart failure pls~

You produce wicked pieces so I think these sort of 'weird' experiences are definitely a inherient part of your life whether for better or worse it seems you've definitely made it work for you.

And you're a major qt so you have no worries.

btw what happend yo your eye? Read awhile ago got busted?
Stories and progress pls

also, fit pics of inaisce wen it comes in (sif I need to remind you)

>> No.5986978

coffee is good when you make it sweet

>> No.5986992

I don't have a coffee maker.

I don't want to spend money on it.

I don't want to be caught in the cycle.


>> No.5987003

as soon as i get out of bed, i make coffee in my machine
tastes so good mmm

its okay to rely on chemicals

>> No.5987004


You people.. Coffee tastes best black, smokey and rich as hell, no fukken sugar or milk.


bigger issue is that anything that fucks with your gaba receptors make you feel so dumb and slow

can't see out of my right eye for some reason, might need surgery, ive got an appointment next week i think


and yeah, it's on it's way over here, cross your fingers it fits, so stoked right now

>> No.5987009

coffee-related: has anyone actually tried those expensive catbear-poop beans? Is it good?

>> No.5987014

pls dun di

best of luck w/ the appointment, Iii-i-i-iiiiimmmm s-s-ss-sureee ii-ii--iii-itsss just an eyelash ;_; (pls)

I hope the jacket fits like shit so I can cop it of you for nothing
Opening bid $3

get recht cun'


>> No.5987018

no, but that's some nxtlvl beverage

>> No.5987022

i drink my coffee black when i wake up and i;m try to get my day started

i like to add sugar when i become too bored with just black coffee


turnleft do you do any other drugs since you said that you dont rely on neurotrasnmitters or something

>> No.5987023

turnleft do u have adhd

>> No.5987028

no he's just persian

>> No.5987030

why do u think that doc ?

>> No.5987033

not often
rarely enjoy

>> No.5987035

i like to get high a lot, i'm high right now
makes me think about clothes
also where are you from
what times is it there

>> No.5987036

t-tthankks /fa/, yyou to

>> No.5987039
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yo turn
>tfw damir doma website has all of his collections in hq

>> No.5987054

ur such a cun
hw long haf u been hiding ths from me

ima fuckn knok u m8

>> No.5987062

There's no point to it now, really. Civet cats would normally select coffee cherries on their own and the feces would be collected. Now, they just capture them and force feed them fruit to make them shit all day. A lot of it is fake too.

As far as I know, the only difference is low bitterness. Which means plebs who can't drink normal coffee love it (and they have to to justify the price).

>> No.5987130


Seconded. He passed the autist exam with flying colours.

>> No.5987221


>> No.5987229

I wish more designers did this. Or at least had archives of it. I understand that some campaigns and look books are shot my well known photographers who probably want to control their IP but fuck... RUNWAYS SHOTS should be mandatory.

If Yohji could gather up all his shows for the past however many years, I would fucking cream myself.

>> No.5987233


>> No.5987235

kick start that shit.

we'll raise money for us (me) to buy all previous Yohji season pieces and we'll dress your GF up in them and then do all the photography ourselves while she struts around.

All in auckland ofcourse.


>> No.5987250
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>Raining outside
>Supposedly nothing to do
>Hell yeah motherfucker, time to get comfy
>Man, I'm pretty sure I had to do something today
>What the fuck could it have been
>SHIT, a meeting in an hour
>Tfw my hopes for a comfy day are eternally ruined now

>> No.5987296

holy shit iktf

>> No.5987309

>fuck yes two fucking days off keen to be comfy all weekend
>get called in to work