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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 39 KB, 300x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5986067 No.5986067 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit.

It's her. The bitch who ruined that guys jacket. She's posted on /adv/.


>> No.5986078

trippy cuh u think it's legit???

>> No.5986075
File: 6 KB, 194x212, 1365735064035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5986092

>It you.
don't give it away too soon :/

>> No.5986090


>> No.5986089
File: 410 KB, 402x398, chikinlove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5986087


we need pics of her

>> No.5986096


le ruse face

>> No.5986099

it's all a ruse

>> No.5986101

What jacket was it?

>> No.5986117

has to be fake

>> No.5986115

LOL she doesn't know he posted to /fa/ about it....I wonder if she knows that he is a channer.


Lol she called him a sneaky asshole for GETTING EVIDENCE she ripped it.

Typical bitch trying to sway things her way although it's totally her fault.

Should we tell her he made a post about her???

>> No.5986118
File: 23 KB, 250x328, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ruse huh?

>> No.5986137

its waaayyy old copy pasta

>> No.5986152

i want to believe

>> No.5986191

4chan drama of the century

>> No.5986211

This is making me so pissed.

>> No.5986216

This is the part where they call us gay and insult our clothes and we all get really offended and type angry at them

>> No.5986237


>> No.5986240

hahahayou're right we all gay here right i mean its no secret

>> No.5986233

it's actually pretty funny how there is one anon that is trying to reeeeally hurt our feeling by calling us gay

>> No.5986246

homosexuals are all but nonexistent according to survey threads

>> No.5986245

especially chloe

>> No.5986251

someone post archive link

>> No.5986257


>> No.5986264

> that one guy whos only "insult" is calling people gay
> calling /fa/ggots gay

>> No.5986272

How does this archiving system work? I know the threads disappear after it passes page 10, but I don't know how 4chan chooses to archive certain threads over another.

Pls no insults, im generally curious

>> No.5986273
File: 74 KB, 610x648, 1277101055009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The night that /fa/ took over /adv/.

>> No.5986313

its not archived, it was like on page 4

>> No.5986317


I could've sworn I read that shit many months ago. I haven't even been on /fa/ in so long because of exams. Or it feels like it's been so long..

>> No.5986321

Since foolz dropped /fa/ (fuck them) someone please archive that shit. I'm on a trip without my usual access to 4chan like 16/24 a day so pls /fa/

>> No.5986329
File: 1019 KB, 1000x1280, 1362934944885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The night that /fa/ was somehow manlier than the autist whiteknight betamale poorfag virgins of /adv/

>> No.5986337

goddamn the plebs in fashion threads outside /fa/ are just astounding

>> No.5986349
File: 89 KB, 439x130, chinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good times

>> No.5986360

ya i could've sworn that i read this a long time ago too

someone is tricking us...

>> No.5986359

p sure it's a troll and it was a great success

>> No.5986366
File: 13 KB, 1041x153, betch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5986380

yeah it's /adv/ worse than /r9k/ sometimes lel

>> No.5986374

>all those whiteknights
I don't even like that term but damn

>> No.5986385

why are people falling for these threads? there's no reason to believe its true there's been no pictures or proof

>> No.5986394

This thread is tricks.

Anyways, this makes me want to lock away my precious Schott jacket. I know its not as valuable (only $600) as an Acne, but goddamn I take good care of it. I'd be damned if I let some twit fuck it up.

>> No.5986401

>its his fault for buying overpriced clothes

This cant be real

>> No.5986395


>> No.5986397


>> No.5986406

now it's become more of an adv vs fa thread rather than actually trying to solve the problem because many realistic solutions have already been offered but it is evident that this is all a troll

>> No.5986404

suspend that disbelief and enjoy the drama
the emotion is real

>> No.5986402


>> No.5986440

Why is this board being represented by Natty Portman and Chloefiend???

>> No.5986444


Doesn't matter if it was a troll or not,

The best part of the thread was arguing with the neckbeard that couldn't understand why one would buy a $1200 and then preceded to call us faggots for having an interesting in fashion

>> No.5986447


this hurts dan, can I not be a diplomat to /fa/??? pls respond

>> No.5986457

Well you seem to be flipping your shit in that thread. Most undignified.

>> No.5986472


haha dude it's the neckbeards of /adv/. also I'm not exactly flipping my shit...I was flipping my shit at (troll) OP

also dan, you know me, im a pretty undignified nigga

>> No.5986486


you sound like a feg tho

>> No.5986488

who said i was representing anyone but myself
also why are you trying to call me out
you always do this are you jealous of me?

>> No.5986510

Hahah wow

>> No.5986515

what kind of jacket was it?

>> No.5986517

i have nothing to do with chloe so why do you reply to both of us and just type that meaningless response

>> No.5986530


lel so tru

it's dan yo, don't you remember that copy pasta?? He's cray cray.

dan y u be playin' me like this

>> No.5986534


this is jokes right

>> No.5986537

talking to based den as if hes mortal

>> No.5986538


>> No.5986545

I can't believe there are actual people out there that don't understand that leather is all one piece of material.....

it's like they think it's made like cotton or wool. How fuckin' closeminded do you have to be? This isn't even /fa/ territory. Any tanner will look at that thread in disgust

>> No.5986549

yes that is a /fa/ tripfag failing to troll /adv/

>> No.5986625
File: 12 KB, 849x87, Screenshot 2013-04-18 at 1.15.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh amy...smokin all dat pot and eatin' McD

>> No.5986767


>> No.5986796


>> No.5986803

>that thread

Now I know why I never browse /adv/

>> No.5986817

So weird to go to another board after using only /fa/ for so long... Hard to believe its all 4chan.

>> No.5986822

If its not a hoodie and cost more than $10 plebes think it's over priced.

>> No.5986829

this so much. I can't beleive how retarded /b/ is until I lurked here for a few months, there is other good boards out there but they don't caputre my interest.

>> No.5986889

nice jacket, fuccboi

>> No.5986917

/g/ is good some of the time... that's about it. I also browse /tv/ and /mlp/ but they aren't very good.

>> No.5987011

/mu/ is pretty okay, /r9k/ is pretty nice because it confirms that there's always someone who is worse of than you.

>> No.5987764


we on warosu now niqqa

>> No.5987773

> /r9k/ is pretty nice because it confirms that there's always someone who is worse of than you.
What the fuck are you talking about? About 80% of the world's population doesn't even have a computer. If you need to go to /r9k/ to figure out that your life isn't that bad, you are too retarded to even be able to think straight.

>> No.5987778
File: 246 KB, 680x677, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super smart move by the guy who's jacket got ripped

pose as the gf and understand the opposition

>> No.5987787

>understand the opposition
What is there to understand? Anyone who thinks it is acceptable to steal shit, break it, and try to avoid paying for repairs isn't operating under some kind of complex moral system. They just don't want to pay because they are greedy and want to get away with it.

PS it's a troll.

>> No.5987797

Dude, don't get your panties in a twist.
Those people who don't have a computer don't post their sad little lives on the internet, /r9k/ does and it is refreshing.

>> No.5987807

I have yet to be part of a survey thread.
I'm not particularly straight, well, unless it is straight to want to shove your dick down a chubby guys ass

>> No.5987852

>accounting for "80%"of the world that doesn't matter on the internet