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/fa/ - Fashion

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5985136 No.5985136 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw suddenly notice theres a qt3.14 in class
>tfw only a week left in the semester
>tfw make eye contact when she walks into class, spill spaghetti everywhere n look down
>tfw always see her sittin alone b4 class
>tfw dont know what to say or how to approach

what do /fa/

>> No.5985157

dawg how the tell did you only notice at the end of the semester?!?!?

>> No.5985156
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but in all seriousness that feel, i know...
happening right now actually, plan to ask her tomorrow, wish me luck

>> No.5985194

does she dress nice?

>> No.5985189

im gonna have be alpha as fuk too
good look bro, hope it goes well
i have no idea, its a stupid pointless class i do my work n leave early most of the time

>> No.5985208


take some pointer op

>> No.5985209

meh, kinda def better than most girls on campus
has qt3.14asfukfacedoe and seems like she has a fun personality

>> No.5985225

why dont u sit beside her bruh

make sure ur outfit is fiya

then let rick and raf do all the talking

>> No.5985237
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>let rick and raf do all the talking

>> No.5985257



I knew this girl in my Phil 101 class freshman year....total qt3.141 with a fashion sense....never got the balls to ask her out.

Skip forward to the last time I'll ever be on campus and right before I get on the bus to go home I see her across from me....and she looked at me like she knew me...like she wanted me to talk to her.....but I was already late for the bus.....

now I regret it every time I think about her.

fuck my life

>> No.5985260

at one of my exams I saw a girl w/ one of those 'designer' jerseys that said Tisci on the back and I had my thommy on so I walked in front of her so she knew who the real fashionista was
thank u for listening

>> No.5985272

wlk 2 hr
hy hw u din
m nm b an1
nc 2 mt u
wn stdy tghtr??????


>> No.5985288

she sits alone b4 class, so im thinkin of talking to her b4 class n see what happens

>> No.5985303


lmfao i do that all the time with everything



>> No.5985322
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>talking with your clothes

>> No.5985325


>> No.5985327

u showed her

>> No.5985332

She sits alone in class, because she doesn't want to talk to anyone.

>> No.5985342

sometimes u just gotta #flex u feel me

>> No.5985344
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so r u a girl or something? or just a faggot?

>> No.5985355

>tfw when there is a qt3.14 twee girl in one of my lectures who keeps looking at me periodically throughout the lecture but im too socially inept to approach
>tfw at dining hall and semi-qt girl is staring at me almost the entire time and every time i made eye contact she would quickly look away but im too socially inept too approach.
>tfw there is a qt3.14 that i always see at the library and we exchange glances every once in a while but im too socially inept too approach

h-hold me /fa/. i feel like im missing so many opportunites in my life because of my semi-autism

>> No.5985358

Theyre looking at your shitty outfits

>omg is he really wearing THAT

>> No.5985364

I actually checked to see if I was on /fit/. Lawl.

> I already kinda knew that half of /fa/ is /fit/ crossposters

>> No.5985363

i thought he was going to rape her
i need to watch that film

or because she doesn't know anyone to talk to
or maybe she is too shy to make new friends
also your comma is unnecessary

>> No.5985373

Too many feels for me. I'm in the same boat brah.

>> No.5985374

>tfw deliberating self esteem

>> No.5985377

he raped her with his eyes~

also it's really good if you think michael fassbender is sexy, because it's like a soft core porno about him. Plot sucks.

>> No.5985387

You should deliberate your shitfits

>> No.5985400

Completely retarded.
Do not do this.
Do Not Do This.

>> No.5985410


virgin detected

>> No.5985508
File: 22 KB, 500x466, Goddammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 days ago
>super shy 5'11" bob-cut qt I've been having 1on1 time with for almost 5 months
>oh god her legs when she's in skinny jeans
>get tired of trying to let her figure out what she wants
>"No I like things the way they are"
Fuck my life.
>now distancing myself hoping she'll get lonely and get the picture since I'm really her only very close friend
>decide to mess with this cute 5'0" chick I met 1 month ago
>"Wanna fuck?"
>"... yes"
>mfw that easy to land the girl I don't give a shit about
>mfw fell in love with the shy virgin girl who's never had a bf
>mfw have a thing for tall girls but only 6'0"

>> No.5985550


I know exactly how you feel

>senior year
>feeling super lonely for 5 months
>haven't had a gf/sexual activity in 6
>still hung up over 5'8" Bosnian model ex-gf
>shrivel back to introversion
>spend all my time playing vidya and working out
>go do volunteer work
>see 8/10 5'3" qt
>chat her up and get her number
>take her out on two cheap ass dates
>comes over to my house a week later
>fuck her while my family is asleep
>never talk to her again
>mfw when she shows up at my house 3 times afterwards

>> No.5985807

Don't worry. You're making them feel just as bad.

>why doesn't he notice me?
>oh god what if he's judging my shit clothes?
>i'm worthless and ugly
>tfw no guys ever approach me, /cgl/

>> No.5985915

because if it didn't work for fassbender, it'll definitely work for the rest of us

>> No.5985921

>tfw see a qt
>tfw next day you see her she's dressed like a slut

>> No.5985976

lmao. imagine a boney faggot wearing geos and a kilt chasing after a qt on the subway.

>> No.5985983

>police report: terrorist man wearing all black chasing wimenz in subway

>> No.5987212


>> No.5987244

I creyied ;_;

>> No.5987275

ya dun goofed son

>> No.5987278

chloe is fkn weird lbr no one would date him

>> No.5988596
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Thank you anon! Your experience will not go to waste