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/fa/ - Fashion

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5976868 No.5976868 [Reply] [Original]

Am I /fa/ now?

>> No.5976876


i think you have the most enormous head i've ever seen in my life

>> No.5976893

those pants are way to tight. and don't tuck them on with those boots.

>> No.5976902

'the fuck is that gaudy monstrosity on his wrist?

>> No.5976914

>hideous watch
>mismatched hankerchief
>Jeans are too fucking tight
>Boots don't match with the suit look at all
>Rediculously huge sunglasses

You have to be immaculate to wear denim with a suit jacket and tie, you look like a rediculous tryhard fag.

>> No.5976967

You haven't seen me ;_;

>> No.5977305

Dan does this look better and with cheaper shit.

>> No.5977298

the jacket is fucked
its too long, is it from a suit? theres a difference between blazer and suit jacket
sleeves are too long whereever its from

>> No.5977313

oh also all leathers one colour
tie is slightly too narrow for your upper body

on the plus side, the glasses have the right proportions and suit you

>> No.5977359

dadcore faget

>> No.5977388

Your pants don't match the jacket and are too tight.
Jacket sleeves are too long.

>> No.5977470

I hate everyone who's replied. OP, you got most of it right. Remember to match the width of your lapels to the width of your tie, consider making your jacket sleeves a little shorter so that you can see about half an inch of your shirt cuff, and don't make your pocket square pointed. Pretty nice otherwise.

I'm leaving /fa/ forever. This board is so shit.

>> No.5977513

nick wooster wannabe lookin ass'

>> No.5977527

White collar blue jackets are a fucking travesty of fashion and you should be ashamed of wearing it

The rest of the outfit is bad but the shirt is unforgettable

>> No.5977526

gd lv fuccboi nbdy wnntd u nt evn ur mum

>> No.5977564

What the fuck were you thinking OP? Also why would you advertise that you have little girl legs

>> No.5977600

For real, do you have Polio?

>> No.5977595

Wait so is this _not_ a troll thread? or

>> No.5977687

He didn't honestly.

Tie is too skinny for that jacket. He can still go skinny, just not *that* skinny

Biggest problem is the serious wide padding going on around the shoulders, which does not flatter those jeans.

Instead of a balanced hourglass, he just comes out top heavy. Looks like he's about to fall over. Also, the large armholes. All of this leads me to beleive that this is a thrifted jacket. Probably chose it for the color and the good condiiton. Actually the fabric looks pretty good, it's just cut and sized wrong for this.

Don't know what's wrong with his legs. Photoshop? Maybe the jacket is just making them look bad.

Ugly "baller" watch.

Overall the colours are well co-ordinated... except for maybe the pocket square, which is not tucked in an way which is acceptable. I can barely see it and it looks limp and impotent.

Need to see a flash of shirt sleeve. Either longer shirt or shorter jacket is needed.

Boots are fine, but look a little too brand new. Glasses are fine Tuck is in. Contrast collar is fine.
Nothing wrong with being a weekend wooster wannabe.

>> No.5977708
File: 646 KB, 1736x796, 1365897752637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op is le master ruse man

i can't believe you people are falling for this shit. /fa/ is literally the easiest board on the internet to troll

>> No.5977714
File: 438 KB, 868x670, master of subterfuge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5977715

>tie outside the sweater.
Fuck you.

>> No.5977716 [DELETED] 
File: 883 KB, 740x972, 1341068056141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.5977722

But you say that to everyone now. Am I not special anymore?

>> No.5977725
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>> No.5977733
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x2560, 2013-04-15 14.24.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Dan! I saw someone who reminded me of you on the bus. I hope you don't take any offense with this.

>> No.5977747

10/10 would buy used cars from

>> No.5977754

>Public transit
How did you not run in fear?

>> No.5977758

c u later, OP

>> No.5977807

Haven't seen you in so long, Dan.

Post a fit.

>> No.5977810

I'm not wearing anything special right now. Lemme find a camera.

>> No.5977831

Post a fit from when you were wearing something special.

>> No.5977843

I see no reason, it's just a dude, his ethnicity doesn't matter to me.

I know right! Thanks for being here on /fa/, Dan. I know lots of people give you unecessary shit all the time, but I think you're nice. Be well!

>> No.5977852

>Don't know what's wrong with his legs. Photoshop? Maybe the jacket is just making them look bad.

skipped dat dere legday

>> No.5977871

everyone will rek you no matter what
unless you are rj king

thats just how /fa/ is

the only thing that needs changing is the sleeve length needs to be shorter.

but even that is totally not necessary.

why can't peeps be more like yohji on how clothes fit ;_;

>> No.5977907

Even if he had big legs, he'd still be trying to rock skinny jeans, and that's the problem.
>wearing skinny jeans with a blazer
Not even once.

>> No.5977942

>advertise that you have little girl legs
>advertise that you
guys, I think we have a Rick Owens follower

>> No.5978006

How is it that no one on a fashion board can see that the cut and fit of that jacket is flat-out wrong?

I mean, I want to like this fit, but the jacket is so obviously off.

>> No.5978148

I like what you're trying OP and I applaud you for not being another generic swagfag/poorninja that seems to dominate WYWT's.

However. a few things I'd personally change.

I like the jacket, the sleeves need to be shorter by a tiny bit. Is it a massimo dutti jacket?

Think about your overall shape. You look top heavy and unbalanced because your jeans are so tight fitting. This contrasts with the padded shoulders and the slightly larger than average head to make you look like a big triangle.

Lose the watch. It's too big for your wrists.

The tie is too thin imo, with a jacket with wide lapels it looks a bit silly.

I actually like the boots and I think they could work.

>> No.5978158

I just realised that Denim Dan said the same thing. Whatevs, don't look like a triangle. Get a relaxed blazer without the padding and looser trousers.

>> No.5978171

The jacket is too wide in the shoulders. A little wide may help give a tapered v-shape but this is too much. White collar on a colored shirt is a corporate America, upper management look I don't think it works here. A narrower spread on the shirt collar would help to narrow down his head and would fit the tie better. The tie is too skinny, it should be wider. The jeans are too tight, a more masculine image fits this person better. The boots are too casual and light colored to work with this look.

I would either dress this up with a wider tie, a matching shirt collar, charcoal slacks, and oxblood oxfords or dress it down with an unstructured blazer, a different shirt without a necktie or pocketsquare, and pull the jeans out of the boot.

>> No.5979591


>> No.5979609
File: 68 KB, 976x651, olympic_torch_journey_july_2012_6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like a shit David Beckham

>> No.5979610

Don't listen to this shit OP you are the most /fa/ I've seen in years. Way to strut your stuff you sexy beast

>> No.5979644
File: 132 KB, 405x538, fat simons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why u dont skip legday

>> No.5979660

i dont like the fact that the jeans are the same color as the jacket

>> No.5979661
File: 504 KB, 1200x1600, top[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srsly this guys legs are ridiculous

>> No.5979673

If this was in a WAYWT thread it'd be the best fit there, honestly most of these fuccbois hating on OP, and pretty much the whole /fa/ board dress like utter shit

>> No.5979824

>skinny jeans that can double as birth control

>> No.5979870

dan is a fat fuck

>> No.5979896

It's because he obviously has the means to buy designer clothes and the desire to be fashionable, but he's fucking it up left right and centre. Dude has no sense of subtlety.

>> No.5979920

wow he looks stupid.

>> No.5979933
File: 268 KB, 500x500, Elixir_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>googled for similar image

>> No.5980079

what's wrong with balding?

>> No.5980730
File: 79 KB, 480x640, DSCN0686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5980762

He has a good style in theory, but no sense of scale and a lack of attention to detail.

>> No.5980770

If you remove the head that's a p sick fit. Would stroll through L.A. at 2 am smoking a hand rolled cig in a '67 Mustang.

>> No.5980845

what the bananas is this?