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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 53 KB, 722x1082, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5975850 No.5975850[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>yfw rock/grunge chic is better than goof and dad

>> No.5975856

We know it's you Hedi.

>> No.5975855

Grunge yes, rock no. Learn the difference.

>> No.5975858

implying this isn't neo shoegaze post modern ambient chic

>> No.5975861

You do know 4chan loses it's a small amount of value every time someone says "implying" right?

>> No.5975864
File: 71 KB, 600x1099, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joey Ramone is /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.5975867

Mirin' hard as fuck at dat bod... Jesus.

>> No.5975871

saint laurent is like that photo quality op

>> No.5975873
File: 50 KB, 481x300, Implications.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 4chan has value

>> No.5975874

No OP, /fa/ will call it tumblr core.

Also, Kevin Shields dresses like shit.

>> No.5975877

>Costing a few thousands of dollars

Such a fraudulent line.

>> No.5975879

Uploaded from mobile. But SL is quality m8. You probably don't have the body or money for it..

>> No.5975883

>implying that affects the quality

ps.im on your side ysl is lovely

>> No.5975888

>hurr u dont like it u must not be able to afford it
>anon logic
hedi turned saint laurent into shit and it has no resemblance to what it used to be and he has no respect for saint laurent with doing his own shit under a completely different house if yves was alive he would beat hedi's ass with a hand made wooden cane yves made specifically for beating hedi's ass for ruining his line

>> No.5975890
File: 320 KB, 1024x768, John Varvatos Mens Fall 2011-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does when you upload over 3G/4G...

>> No.5975893



>> No.5975899
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>> No.5975906
File: 15 KB, 317x380, 1363771930397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who in their right fucking mind would take inspiration from rock

it's a dead genre

>> No.5975911


Dude is murderer, fukk him.

>> No.5975912
File: 369 KB, 936x1404, jvfw1112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5975914

who in their right fucking mind would take inspiration from dark layered ninjas

it's a dead genre

>> No.5975917
File: 20 KB, 320x480, 32AD SS10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ann's face when

>> No.5975924
File: 909 KB, 1280x1768, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5975933


>> No.5975938

Ali Boulala was driving a motorcycle drunk with his friend Shane Cross on the back and got into an accident, killing said friend. Spent some time in jail and was recently released.

>> No.5975945

oh wow, he looks fatter and paler than i've ever seen him, plus his hair is way shorter and i don't think i've ever seen him dress like that.

he took the crash really bad b and he's fucked now, don't be 2 hard on him (at the same time fuck him 4 driving drunk, but shane could have easily been driving as well)

>> No.5975949

Yeah, he used to be the definition of punk (tall, skinny, long unkempt hair, etc.) and had the fashion sense to boot. Age hits some people harder than others though, and killing someone certainly wouldn't help..

>> No.5975950

>Ali boulala

Is dat a jk name?

>> No.5975962

>thinking you don't look stupid as fuck in all black and leather if you're not asian

>> No.5975963

>mfw you're talking about me ;)

>> No.5975964


>> No.5975965

finna str8 choke the next mfer who posts the horrors holy shit why the fuck would you want to emulate that jesus fucking christ

>> No.5975967

Lmao ur jel is oozing through my keyboard you short fat fuck!

>> No.5975983

>yfw he's most likely not even trying and is still more /fa/ than everybody on this website...

>> No.5976108

punk was incredibly contrived, don't kid yourself

>> No.5976110

>worshipping dead musicians

don't you have a youtube comment section to shit up

>> No.5976126

>punk anything but trying too hard

>> No.5976134

>Yves fucking Saint-Laurent
>hasbeen fashion house

wow get the fuck out man just log off step down kill yourself just do it man

>> No.5976165


But it literally is a hasbeen

It's not even ysl anymore

>> No.5976177

>>>/mu/ says they want you back

>> No.5976194
File: 39 KB, 409x503, hediruhavinanervousbreakdownm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see I have this problem with SLP criticism

Hedi had the SAME aesthetic at Dior, literally copy-pasted the same aesthetic, even going down to the boutiques' décor and shit. But he was praised then, and I don't remember anyone crying about how he disregarded the legacy of Dior, which he did as much as he did with YSL. He was praised for bringing a grungy/rocker chic to fashion, for popularizing skinny everything, etc. etc. etc. shit I remember when /fa/ would jizz itself talking about Slimane some time ago. Now during the interim period between Dior and YSL, popular fashion ate Hedi's aesthetic up, and brought it to the plebe, so when he came back at YSL, what he was doing seemed unimaginative, cheap and copied from fast-fashion (shit everyone said "YSL FW13 looks like stuff from the Forever21 bargain bin"), when HE is the one who popularized that in the first place. TBH it sounds like a perfect example of the Seinfeld phenomenon.

Yeah he's stuck to the same aesthetic all his life, without changing, but I believe that's kind of part of his idk charm? Anyway SLP doesn't look bad per se, but you just won't actually stand out wearing it.

>> No.5976198

a lot has changed; the minutiae doesn't add up to support the look, his new team does not have the talent of his old team at dior, and have you seen the clothes at the stores? the womenswear is weak, and most of all, his dior aesthetic has been thoroughly pilfered by all levels of the industry and we are bored of it now.

>> No.5976215


most of those things I agree with (womenswear was def weaker than I expected, because I kind of liked the menswear collection), but I haven't been to a store, what about them?

>and most of all, his dior aesthetic has been thoroughly pilfered by all levels of the industry and we are bored of it now.

I can't say you're not right, but he should be criticized for that, not for copying fast-fashion.

>> No.5976226

admittedly even dior homme's construction is/was disappointing for the price, but slp's is just awful, and is compounded by things like the way the shoulders are tailored... compared to what ysl was doing before it's especially disappointing. there's no luxury in hedi's offerings.

>> No.5976241

I should see that for myself, but most of the Dior Homme by Slimane stuff I own is still in good shape, considering how old it is. Anyway I belive u

>> No.5976252

>for the price
the cutting was always good, but sometimes the material was underwhelming compared to flankers and frequently there were little obnoxious details like non-functioning buttons.

i feel like a multi-thousand dollar suit ought to nail everything.

>> No.5976253

at the same time, i've seen worse suiting for the same cost

>> No.5976254

Lol what all of my DH shirts held up great despite being 7-8 years old and at the time DH had some of the cheapest jap denim on the market

>> No.5976260

Ok that makes more sense, never really handled the suits

>> No.5976268
File: 40 KB, 450x564, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want this tho