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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 77 KB, 273x380, punkboymohawk2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5973208 No.5973208 [Reply] [Original]

>hipster youth

>> No.5973296

apology for poor english

when were you when hy dies

i was sat at home watching fashion tv when fred ring

'hyis die'


and you?????????????

>> No.5973306

what the fuck

>> No.5973308

Hahaha oh you.

>> No.5973310

what is wrong with you dude?

>> No.5973318

>not knowing heat legend
>being this new

Summer is upon us.

>> No.5973341
File: 13 KB, 200x333, ralfsimmens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cam home from gims

drnk brotein shakes (ciggaret flavore) when ralf simmens video call mi


tear fal from all our cheeks


>> No.5973835

i know about the meme you idiot

>> No.5973878
File: 116 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I get next haircut?

>> No.5973891


>> No.5973929

is this some new EPIK MEMEXDD

>> No.5973966

>Not knowing Heat Legend.

>> No.5974195

Ok. HY it is

>> No.5974208
File: 23 KB, 250x418, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5974211
File: 43 KB, 594x396, rou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fook yea m8

I'm gunna get my hair cut like Rou's next time. It just looks crazy because he was playing a show when they snapped the photo

>> No.5974216
File: 122 KB, 640x427, rou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>better pic

>> No.5974246
File: 60 KB, 651x515, hy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Hitler Youth ?

>> No.5974286

that's a mexican

>> No.5974821

>hitler youth
That's a fucking undercut.

>> No.5974841
File: 254 KB, 960x960, IMG_0921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this one?

>> No.5974855

dat pube head

>> No.5974880

What do you think the Hitler Youth is?

>> No.5974886

Even if HY is dead, I'm never satisfied when my stylist gives me something different. I just tell him to take the sides down to nothing and leave the top. Shit works, not enough imagination or desire to try another style.

No one out here has ever taken up the trend, so I can remain super edgy.

>> No.5974917

Where do you live?

>> No.5975016

HY isn't dead idiot

>> No.5975089
File: 51 KB, 408x200, 103612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made this response several times over the years on this board.

Hitler youth was "cool" in 2008 on /fa/. It was cool in real life in the 1920's and still is now. Because what most people on this board due is generalize all short back and sides haircuts into the "Hitler Youth" category. Yes there are extremes, which is what you see on models, macklemore, and tumblr kids.

But, short back and sides will always be a respectable haircut for a man. It's classic.

>> No.5975212


>> No.5975224

very good post, this should really be stickied

>> No.5975240

what is a standard run of the mill short back and sides haircut?

>> No.5975307

Southwest United States of Freedom.

>> No.5975348
File: 97 KB, 483x750, 1365664177187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i'm going to do next
it's still hitler-youth-esque enough to be in my #comfortzone but it's different enough to not be dead
what do you guys think?

>> No.5975352

are you in the military?

>> No.5975357
File: 140 KB, 477x700, 1365913799257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also might do the raf youth but i feel like the partially exposed forehead would accentuate how big mine is

>> No.5975377


that's how i had to wear my hair in the army. i can't understand for the life of me why someone would actually ever want to have their shit like that

>> No.5975399
File: 101 KB, 470x314, 1364804032670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it didn't really strike me as military looking, maybe it's just because he's skinny & a model
maybe i'll leave a little more length on top (but not macklemore long) to curb feelings of military-ness

>> No.5975511
File: 33 KB, 640x480, Photo_00042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this, dont make the mistake i did, first time i got a HY i messed up and let the barbar cut too much of the top and it made me look like i was in the military

>> No.5975521

You look more like you're from a hollister store, you're the mildly belligerent clothes racking clerk.

>> No.5975533
File: 661 KB, 1280x1913, 1363585767054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think it'd have the same effect on a 6'1 135lbs twink? just looking at me it's easy to tell that i'm not involved in any sort of military organization

>> No.5975535

What is it with /fa/ being such ugly fucking try hards? Can't you just get a normal businessman cut or something and be done with it?

Nearly all of these pics look like skater punk reject cuts from eras long fucking dead, back when Michael Jackson was still white and people wore spandex.

Last time I checked, Hitler didn't wear a toupee.

>> No.5975543

Still black, I mean.

>> No.5975545
File: 20 KB, 446x364, millitarytwink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not, if you have piercings/tats and wear overly /fa/ clothes.

if you dont do any of the above you might accidentally looking like this

>> No.5975548
File: 416 KB, 675x900, 1365649295631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i try to avoid using this insult but you genuinely sound like my dad did when i was like 10
he grew up and stopped caring about what someone else does with their hair
maybe you should too

>> No.5975554
File: 281 KB, 500x750, duckface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5975557
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1500, double-darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have piercings/tats but i do dress p. decently if i do say so myself
also i like the look of that guy so i think i'm gonna go for it now and rock the "i got conscripted but i don't really belong here" look
thanks for the inspo

>> No.5975558

It just looks fucking ugly. Looks like a fad gone really wrong. I don't care what you people do to yourselves. I just don't understand your motive. I'm curious. What exactly is your brain damage, kid? You just 13 and looking to "stand out"? Is that it? I am genuinely perplexed. Unperplex me you illiterate troll, instead of just being a useless faggot about it.

>> No.5975562

why are u so angry

>> No.5975563
File: 54 KB, 390x593, rafsimonsaw99_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw u steal ideas from ralph cinnamon

>> No.5975570

I'm not. Why don't you know how to post quote?

>> No.5975573

His hairdresser obviously botched his haircut.

>> No.5975574

you seem a tad upset

>> No.5975575
File: 316 KB, 834x517, 87tc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5975572
File: 139 KB, 667x1000, 1346965723215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please explain in detail why the images posted in this thread are ugly

>> No.5975580

That's very very constructive. Anyway, O' tower of fucking intellect. Do tell. What do you see in these cuts?


Lobotomy patient.

This one's fine.

Try hard.

This one is fine.

Cancer AND lobotomy patient


This one's fine, although, the shirt sucks.

There's a bird in my hair! (But hey, it's better than the aforementioned lobotomy patients.)

Are those bangs or displays of thinning hair?

I see someone has been into Donald Trumps wardrobe...

This one is fine.

>> No.5975586

You are filtered for being both unfunny and uncreative.

>> No.5975589

Sure thing.

>> No.5975590


>> No.5975594

>Attention to detail is not permissible in /fa/

>> No.5975596

is that fucking phi phi o'hara

>> No.5975601
File: 36 KB, 500x500, military05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cancer AND lobotomy patient
that's a standard military cut you autist
do you also think this guy looks like a cancer/lobotomy patient?

no comment about your other "criticisms"

>> No.5975603

No, but he also weighs more than my arm.

>> No.5975605

Plus, that's not the same cut. His is faded. The Slim Shady reject's isn't.

>> No.5975610

referin to
ya that shirt is atrocious, but i dont dress /fa/ when at home. i throw on rags that i dont mind stretching getting creased and dirty, comfy clothes

>> No.5975612

Attention to irrelevant detail is autism

>> No.5975618

>One of the first things people look at when they meet you.

>> No.5975619

>Cancer AND lobotomy patient


>> No.5975622


>> No.5975625

what does this even mean?

you really are autistic aren't you?

>> No.5975626

It means you can take retorts of such little resemblance to the conversation over there and they won't mind. In fact, they'll probably welcome your repetitive parroting of, "autism". Is that your word of the day or something? Are you 12? Possibly new to the world of psychology? Possibly even new to the internet?


>> No.5975631

only people with mental deficiencies would get this upset over something so small


>> No.5975633


Yes, I'm upset and you're a mind reader.
Shit, I bet James Randi is just itching to give you 1 million dollars for your special talent of telepathy.

>> No.5975635

not the person you're arguing with, but you're a faggot and you should leave

>> No.5975648
File: 140 KB, 600x600, RUSKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RUSKO has it, love his music.

>> No.5975720




>> No.5975840

umadbro? amiriteguyz?

>> No.5975876

what's his name? we have similar hairlines. i'd like to find more pics.

>> No.5975895

ashley Mohr

>> No.5975898


>> No.5975904
File: 1.32 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_0206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5975931

Congratulations, I have a feeling that this post will go down in history. Bravo mate! Bravo!

>> No.5975944


>> No.5977434

r u tyna trick me?

>> No.5977468
File: 34 KB, 500x500, Hair thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting this cut in 4 days (but shorter)

>> No.5977472

Style it up so you don't look like such a fuccboi
unless you have the face of a fuccboi, then don't do it at all.

>> No.5977493

>implying I have time to do that shit in the morning
>implying this looks bad as it is
>implying you even understand what fuccboi means
I disagree with you're conjecture.

>> No.5977498

Don't listen to this guy, he covers his fingers in butter and tickles his anus

>> No.5977502

aaand you ruined it

>> No.5977525

>implying I'm the one with that gay ass haircut

>> No.5977531

>implying you finger your anus

>> No.5977609

>implying I'm not gay

>> No.5978244
File: 42 KB, 400x436, 193539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make my jaw line more defined?

I want a hitler youth, but feel like my jaw should be much more defined before I do it

Pic is kind of what my jaw looks like, but im a guy

>> No.5978260

r u a grill

>> No.5978283
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but im a guy

>> No.5978277

im a guy, i already said that

>> No.5978301

go run a few hundred fucking miles. my god. never trust someone with that much neck fat

>> No.5978348

i am running and exercising, but does this really look that bad?

>> No.5978373

>never trust someone with that much neck fat
very true though, u should lift m8 or you might aswell become a trap

>> No.5978388
File: 55 KB, 192x279, 1328840181711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw one-page paper due tomorrow, but you're too distracted by this thread

>> No.5978695

ok. My jaw is more defined than that, but my chin is sadly like that


>> No.5978702

>tfw my jaw is exactly like that
wat do

>> No.5978895


>> No.5978928

he's in the military, so yes to the latter

>> No.5978935

lose weight

>> No.5978971

Working on it but it still wasn't very defined even when I was skinny as fuck.

>> No.5979219

>implying you can be an uneducated officer