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5972636 No.5972636 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a weihtloss tips thread?

I quit smoking this year and let me tell you.. internally I feel fantastic but externally.. I've gained a bit.


>> No.5972646

kinda relevant

>> No.5972643

eat less calories

>> No.5972648

Stop eating.

>> No.5972649

smoke meth

>> No.5972654

eat less, exercise more

>> No.5972657

She went from being chubby to grossly underweight. Still hideously scene too, gross

Weight loss tip: Exercise and eat a healthy diet with plenty of water and nutrients.

>> No.5972659

i don't understand how hard this is to understand
disgusting fatties eating too much and not working out

>> No.5972661


I lost 50 lbs in 6 months. Calories in < Calories out.

>> No.5972663


>> No.5972665


>> No.5972677

I prefer Sparkpeople.com, since it also has meal plans and workout videos you can try, altough the vids might be too easy for some.
Also has a great measurement tracker, which is far better than tracking weight alone since you can lose inches and gain muscle weight if you exercise enough.

>> No.5972678

eat less move more hivemind

>> No.5972689

Cool I'll check it out, been looking for an alternative to mfp for awhile now.

Also OP you could read the sticky on /fit/. I admit, /fit/ is a shithole, but it's sticky actually has relevant, useful information.

>> No.5972695

yes read sticky, but avoid the rest of /fit/

>> No.5972846

/fit/s actually one of the better boards, after /k/ it probably has the most useful information

it's also retarded, but 4chan is retarded in general

/fa/ has the least autism though, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart

>> No.5972860

>/fit/s actually one of the better boards
no it's not, why would you lie to these good people?

>> No.5972865

>/fa/ has the least autism though

Nah, it's fairly autistic. There are better boards

>> No.5972874

This so fucking much. Want to know how to lose weight? Make sure you're taking in less calories than you're burning. If you really don't like working out then eat significantly less, if you really like eating then work out more. It's not complicated.

>> No.5972891

I lost 90 lbs in 6 months. Not that simple. Cut out carbs from your diet. You will see FAST results.

>> No.5972892

well to be fair, theres not a huge amount of ground to cover

half of the threads are asking how to lose weight, theres not really much you can tell them after calories in < calories out.

>how do I reduce calories
eat less, move more

anything after that is just embellishment

>> No.5976341


How do you cut carbs completely out of your diet? They are essential nourishment.

>> No.5976344

People do it to induce ketosis which supposedly forces your body to burn fat for energy instead of carbs.

>> No.5976424

the most important advice wether you chose to eat low carb or whatever


Then you can judge from a point of experiene a month later if it works or not.

Moreover: More sports, less meals is pretty much it.

No fast food, nothing sweet.

>> No.5976447
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>> No.5976458


Seems legit, how would I go about doing this? There can't be many foods that don't have carbs..

>> No.5976476
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Watch this >>5976447 vid.

Just google the names of the fat people presented in it.

>> No.5976481


I'm just gonna cut out soda and see where that takes me in a month, if I'm not seeing ample progress, then I'll move on to low fat or whatever.

>> No.5976651

you really want the best help for it? reddit.com/r/keto

it does work. I was 205 pounds and am down to 178 after ~4 weeks. 6'4 here so thats not a lot of extra weight to lose.

>> No.5976693

Oh, hey Durianrider.

>> No.5976718
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Keto is another word for low carb
it's unhealthy and you may gain weight back afterwards.

Go full carbs, like traditional China.

>> No.5976720

this is where people get it wrong. it's not about cutting anything out. What needs to happen is replacement. It's not as much about not eating buckets of pasta and butter as it is about eating veggibles and or fruit at every time one eats

>> No.5976724
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>> No.5976725

wtf hes cutting soda and replacing it with water

r u dum

>> No.5976728

but he isn't eating veggibles

>> No.5976740

It's not unhealthy. It's not a diet either. It's a lifestyle.

>> No.5976741
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>do you even lift

>> No.5976742

oh, i dunno thn i only red his last post and urs

>> No.5976750


do you know how much sugar there is in one can of soda? 40g, that's more than the recommended daily amount for most people. I was drinking 3-4 cans a day for the past two years. It doesn't take a nutritionist to tell you that excess sugar is directly converted into fat. I don't see how this wouldn't benefit somebody.

>> No.5976753

>it's unhealthy and you may gain weight back afterwards

All diets have that repercussion tho. I've been on low carb (compared to SAD) for +1 years and i'm maintaining my weight pretty well

>> No.5976757

Not to mention it's a lot easier than most anything else. Nothing like meats and cheeses.

>> No.5976760


take fish oil watch the pounds drop off overnight

>> No.5976808
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>All diets have that repercussion tho.
Not true.

Go on a plant based diet:

>It's in fact healthier.
>You won't gain weight, since it's not a ''diet programm'' based on starvation mechanisms.
>You'll have the direct energy from carbohydrates you need to work out.

>> No.5976815

>plant based diet

top lel

>> No.5976821
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>You'll have the direct energy from carbohydrates

Lol ok sure

>> No.5976825


enjoy your heart disease and obesity

>> No.5976827


>> No.5976830

Not the same anon.

>> No.5976841


might want to look there, anon

>> No.5976865

Fuck off.

>> No.5976869

The weight gain afterwards are just glycogen reserves. I thought everybody knows that by now. It's not really considered unhealthy.

>> No.5976901
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>> No.5976905

I dont follow. If you use keto, drop 100 lbs then eat a normal diet at maintenance, how do yiu reverse the progress of keto?

>> No.5976908

Your body will grab onto the carbs it misses. I usually cut to 8% using keto and maintain 10% when i come off it.

>> No.5976936
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>> No.5976939

This is a joke right?

>> No.5976946

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.5976949

anally devastated fattie

haha go lose some wate

>> No.5976954


>> No.5976953

lmao are you srrious

>> No.5976958

wide load coming through!!

>> No.5976973


There is no correlation between saturated fat intake and blood cholesterol levels, and the link between blood cholesterol levels and heart disease is tenuous at best (assuming you don't have a genetic blood clotting disorder or something).

In fact, there are several tribal societies whose diets were all or mostly animal fat, who had very healthy cardiovascular systems and no incidence of dental carries (which increase inflammation and has been tied to heart disease).

Fats are the healthiest source of calories, except for trans fats and hydrogenated oils and such. Learn2mediterarrean diet

>> No.5977008
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>There is no correlation
Dat strawman.

Now where's the relation between Keto and the mediterenean diet?


>> No.5977015

skinny-fat is perfect

>> No.5977026

gonna give all you pseudonutrition losers a tip:

you gain weight if you eat more calories than you expend. it's fricking that simple.

anyone claiming crap about paleo diets or mediterranean diets needs to hop into the same vat of acid as freudian therapists and astrologists

>> No.5977070
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>you gain weight if you eat more calories than you expend
But different foods digest differently.

Raw meat.

>mediterranean diets
The mediterranean isn't healthy because of olive oil. It's more because of all the raw whole food they ate in the area plus the daily work out from working in the fields.

>> No.5977079

please fill me with your semen, I love your brain

>> No.5977178

>But different foods digest differently.
I don't see how this affects nutrition. the foody sludge goes into your small intestine and you get its nutrients. If you're not pooping out full meals/you're alive, chances are your body's harvesting the nutrients you give it

>The mediterranean isn't healthy because of olive oil. It's more because of all the raw whole food they ate in the area plus the daily work out from working in the fields.

right, they burned more calories than they put in their mouth. IDUNO WHAT YER GETTIN @ HEER

>> No.5977245

ctrl+f intermittent fasting 0 results :/
go to /fit/ for this shit anyway