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5972554 No.5972554 [Reply] [Original]

>want to get some black jeans
>/fa/ tells me acne is great
>pay 160€ for a pair of max cash
>love everything about them, totally worth the price
>wash for the first time
>white stains everywhere
>panic and try hand washing with cold water
>water immediately turns black
is this shit normal? i've expected some quality for that price

>> No.5972579
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>washing your jeans

>> No.5972576

>washing jeans more than necessary

>in this moment I swear we were shig

>> No.5972588

oh shit, just bought a new pair. fuck you /fa/, u didn't tell me about this.

>> No.5972591

>wearing jeans that smell like shit

OP you fucked up when you washed them instead of doing a cold water soak


>> No.5972595

but you need to wash them once before you cut them because they shrink a bit

>> No.5972603

i used to wash levis all the time and never had a proble whatsoever

>> No.5972606

They make the care instructions for a reason.

>> No.5972609

they weren't raw, raw jeans have excess indigo that's why they fade the way they do.

>> No.5972611

Did you not read the washing instructions? it probably said it would happen.

>> No.5972613

These aren't 20 dollar Levi's lmao.

>> No.5972614

>thinking that not washing jeans causes them to spell like shit

honestly how new are you? is this your first day on fa?

>> No.5972622

i was washing them at 30°C like you guys said with only a tiny bit detergent for black clothes

>> No.5972625

>spell like shit

>> No.5972628

>like you guys said
how about reading the label on the jeans? it probably says not to be machine washed, and if they do you can get another pair for free since they were faulty anyway

>> No.5972629
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You bought pants for 160 Eurogays? NIGGGAAAAA.

>> No.5972634

What people on FA say > what the care instructions say :/

>> No.5972641

label sais exactly the same
>washing separately at 30°C and hang drying

>> No.5972642
File: 1.51 MB, 2592x1944, castingforbreakingbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I've had my raws for about 8 months now and you're trying to tell me that after 2 months your jeans still smell fresh (without you blasting febreeze on them)?? You're going to tell me your jeans aren't dirty?

when I did my cold soak after ~2 months they turned the water in my tub a dirty yellow color.

But hey I don't give a fuck if you wash your jeans or not.

>enjoy your smelly jeans
>enjoy your crotch blowouts

>> No.5972658

ive had my raws 8 months no wash and they don't smell. maybe you just sweat a lot.

>> No.5972662

do you never go to a restaurant and all your clothes smell like shit afterwards?

>> No.5972668

no because i dont rub shit all over my jeans and take my food and rub it in my jeans and then walk into the kitchen and hang out with the dish washer and then fuck a waitress in the back and cum on my jeans.

>> No.5972671


>> No.5972672

your jeans still smell like shit and have dirt on them m8

>> No.5972682

On this note, I have a pair of grey raws that I want to soak, but they're already a little tight in the waist, having never stretched out. Should I wear them in the shower and while they dry? Would that keep the waist from shrinking, and possibly even stretch it a bit? I want them to shrink just a bit in the inseam.

>> No.5972685

don't wear jeans whilst they dry

>> No.5972691

no. Soak for 45 min in cold water, and dry flat.

The hotter the water, the more they shrink. They're only going to shrink 1-5% anyway, and will probably stretch a bit afterwards. Have you considered losing weight?

>> No.5972693

Why not? Just while they soak?

>> No.5972696

dirt doesnt spell m9

>> No.5972697

>Machine wash

>Please note: Wash meant to fade with washing

>> No.5972698

i keep writing spell when i mean to write smell sorry i have down syndrome

>> No.5972700

I have considered it. And I have lost a little bit. Just started a factory job doing manual labor for 12 hours a day in 100+ degrees. Finally losing a little, but not quite there yet, and I don't want to have to shelf the jeans for the next 2 months while I lose it.

>> No.5972704

I have 2 pairs of ace cash and have washed 1 pair 3 times in 4 months. They still feel just as good with basically no difference in black. I don't know what you did but you fucked up somewhere.

>> No.5972715
File: 9 KB, 296x170, twoghosts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will get kneebags and they will stretch in awkward places

your jeans are still dirty m(10^0.90308998699194)
>wear same jeans multiple times a week and do things in them
>"nah man my jeans are clean trust they don't smell at all and there's no dirt on them"

>> No.5972718

i'm hang drying them right now after washing them by hand in cold water. the white strains are gone and they are still really black(maybe my washing machine is broken or something)
how do i wash them next time? just cold water? i don't want to wear dirty jeans seriously

>> No.5972733

i don't think max cash are rawz anyway

>> No.5972740
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you fucking idiot i didnt say that my fucking jeans arent dirty i said that they don't smell m(-8(1-(pi^2)/2+(pi^4)/24-(pi^6)/720+...(pi^n)/(n!))). of course they have dirt in them, of course they have body oils they just don't smell learn to read faggot

>> No.5972759
File: 36 KB, 650x720, hotdoubledfingering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regardless you should still wash your fucking jeans (m( ∫8 dx))/x

also your ballsweat breaks down the denim that's why denim nerds get crotch blowouts because muhhhhhh fades

>> No.5972771

another question
how do i prevent sick fades? i just want them to look like when i bought them

>> No.5972793

yeah no shit but you are still dodging what i initially said that my jeans don't smell back. is your reading comprehension skill nonexistent m(lim x->oo 8 + 102498109894/x)? of course not washing jeans causes them to degrade faster because of your body oils

>> No.5972801

>wearing jeans that smell like shit
you need to take them off when you take a dump, jesus.

>> No.5972806

>the white strains are gone
du u sure they weren't just hella linty when you took em out the machine? black pants and washing machines both do that b
p.s. anyone know w2c some good anti-static spray shit so my jeans don't get so linty during the day? this walmart brand shit i have right now is total dick

>> No.5972812
File: 34 KB, 388x450, Urien.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you say m(d/dt(4t^2))/t your jeans still smell bad lol you can deny it all you want

>> No.5972820

it probably just was some detergent(scared the shit out of me tho)

>> No.5972821

did you wash them inside out?

>> No.5972823


>> No.5972836

no worries, Acne is meh anyways so no big loss broseidon

>> No.5972845

where can i get good black jeans then?

>> No.5972855

you wash them inside out the white fades are renmants from your detergent

>> No.5972875


>> No.5972877

ahh i see
what detergent did you use OP?

>> No.5972881

for darks use woolite black fuck what OP uses

>> No.5972884

too expensive for me

>> No.5975123


Try this test. Hang your jeans in the bathroom and close the door. Actually hang your jeans in the most airtight room you can think of. Walk outside your house and go for a long walk, go to work, or do some errands. When you get back from whatever take a huge wiff of your jeans. Do they still not smell. I bet they do smelly. Just throw them in a garbage bag and toss them in the freezer for a couple of days to clean and kill all the germs off your jeans.

>> No.5975155


that doesn't work.

>> No.5975204

a) you might've washed it in high temperature and not inside out. That is usually where the issue lies. Next time you should read very thoroughly what the tag says and be sure to set your washing machine just for that temperature, or evn lower

>> No.5975236


What the diff? they both fucking cash braj from wut i herd

>> No.5975449

bump to answer the question

>> No.5975464

ace is slimmer

>> No.5975524

which one to size up on, which one to fit true to size
ill just get both

i dun feel like dior moto is for me, though i am in the market for quality cropped trousers, or just beautiful black trousers (which i will send to the tailor to hem)

>> No.5975541

they both fit tts, and they aren't raw so don't size up/down
it's like the difference between 510s and 511s (to put it roughly)
except the max cash are still slimmer than 511s

>> No.5975599

>/fa/ tells me acne is great
w-what pimples are cool again?

>> No.5975623

hell yeah nigga!

>> No.5975634
File: 360 KB, 883x587, dylan (211).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of jeans does dylan wear? does acne do a pair like them?

>> No.5975640
File: 282 KB, 500x667, dylan (223).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5975644
File: 110 KB, 480x640, dyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some more to give you an idea

>> No.5975645


got damn his cuffs are jacked up higher than a priest's boner on viagra

>> No.5975652

yeah, it's dylan rieder. what do you expect?

>> No.5976035

Since this is turning into raws general, my god mother got me some dark Levi 510 a month ago, and since I've worn them everyday, no wash. I can barely see some signs of fairing, and the creases on the thigh, knee, and ankle are very visible. What is their likely hood to fade very well? I realize it won't be nearly as effective as raws, buy hey they were free and I figured I'd see if I could do it for 6 months before dropping 250 on oni's

>> No.5976048

If your pants touch your nuts when you free ball, your doing it wrong
>commando masterace

>> No.5976082


worst brand name ever