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File: 2.49 MB, 2448x3264, 20130415_231415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5972085 No.5972085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk 50's fashion, /fa/. From hairstyles to clothes and accessories such as lighters and pocket combs.

Picture related, I got that jacket from my friend 25 euros and it was a bargain. Pants: the only clean pair I had. For shoes I have black camel boots.

>> No.5972105
File: 671 KB, 2448x2448, IMG_20130415_230241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found a can of Murray's pomade too. Pic related. I usually wear Levis 501 jeans.

>> No.5972110

Is your palm bleeding yet

>> No.5972120

don't try to go full greaser. I made that mistake. You end up just looking like a sideshow (unless you hang out with a bunch of rockabilly dudes, in which case, go all-out, why not.)

I like that jacket with those pants, though.

>> No.5972127
File: 2.69 MB, 3264x2448, 20130224_200126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, my choice of smokes, zippo, and my keys. My wallet is kind of bland but whatever.

>> No.5972129

You look Asperger's-tier right now OP. Getting influence from an older style is fine, but you look out of touch and retarded as fuck.

>> No.5972131

the pomp doesn't suit your face m8.
Also I think it might be taking it too far, see >>5972120

>> No.5972142

the fuck is with the can tabs?

>> No.5972153


I hang out with some rockabilly dudes from time to time. I'm thinking of buying a black wifebeater and have my friend paint an oldschool Mickey Mouse on it, wearing a prison uniform with a chain and ball.

>> No.5972156


My jackass brother put them there,

>> No.5972162

What's the deal with your hand? Were you getting ready to fight someone or what?

>> No.5972175


Yep. The pomade on my mirror.

>> No.5972200
File: 68 KB, 319x400, shortjv_12f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look, man, here's what I think.
You seem to have the dressing yourself part down pretty OK. Remember that you can expand past the confines of '50s dress, though.
But, shit, dude, lose the pomp. It looks like shit on you and it makes the whole thing look like a costume. Your hairline is shitty so hairstyles that expose it aren't for you anyways. Try something more like pic related.

>> No.5972204
File: 1.16 MB, 2017x3018, Rebel-Without-a-cause-LB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go James Dean

>> No.5972236

I'm thinking of changing to an elephants trunk but it's so hard to comb and if I don't have Murray's it won't hold. Besides, I was trying to do a pomp with a parting, but it didn't work out so great.

>> No.5972270

*and the exact right attitude

>> No.5972268

fucking forget the pomade, man. This comes to you from someone who had a pomp for like a year.
a) it takes a particular face shape to do it WHICH YOU DON'T HAVE
b) it repels girls unless you have an athletic bod and the exact right bod (neither of which I had) because hair grease=gross to girls.
Don't make the mistake I did. Either wear the pomp well or don't wear it at all. In your case, I think the latter is your best bet.

>> No.5972313

OP, I like the outfit. The jacket isn't exactly fitted, but who gives a fuck. Lose the T-shirt and find something better. I like the pants, remember that most neutral colored pants can go with black leather.
Also (for your outfit):
>dark wash jeans = good
>light / faded jeans = bad
>sneakers with simple profile = good
>high tops and dunks = bad / not 50s
>pomade (for you) = bad
>a cool hair style (i dunno which) = good

>> No.5972351
File: 167 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_20130415_210241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so. Here's the pomp from a better angle. Is it really that bad? I've gotten quite a few compliments over it (and my overall style).

>> No.5972366

Thanks mate. I wish I was John Travolta ;__;

>> No.5972370

sorry my dude, it just doesn't look good on you. Your overall style is fine, but the pompadour is a bridge too far.

>> No.5972385

What if I comb it down all they (keeping the parting) but without the pomp?

>> No.5972386

OP have you ever heard of the "greasers" that go to Yoyogi Koen (in Tokyo) to hang out and dance on the weekends? they are awesome

>> No.5972405
File: 317 KB, 1348x900, 1365745944506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5972426

HAHAHAHA, you look ridiculous.

>> No.5972439

then you'll just be a greasy creep.
Trust me, the wet look is no longer in. Dry looking hair is the order of the day

>> No.5972499
File: 38 KB, 500x625, 1330174339130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jacket looks too big, the shirt underneath is atrocious and the hair is a little too much. Might wanna do something like >>5972204 for the hair and get a properly fitted jacket. I also think the simpler leather jackets look better, but that's my opinion. In fact this is all my own opinion, take it or leave it OP.

>> No.5972510

where 2 cop a jacket like that?

>> No.5972541
File: 23 KB, 500x375, You look abominable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like older styles too OP. What do you guys think? My dad's going to let me have his old suit so I'll be wearing this snazzy fedora with something more appropriate. Tips on that classy hairstyle you have there?

>> No.5972549

tunnel snakes rule

>> No.5974132

your jacket doesnt fit
your shirt is awful
what the fuck are you wearing those pants for
ugly, just as i thought
fuck youre ugly

>> No.5974146

if you're going to go greaser at least have proper fitting clothes

also - just because you have a leather jacket doesnt make you a greaser

also - greasers were the hoodlums of the 50s, what are you? some mommys boy faggot ugly cunt

>> No.5974150

I don't think the haircut suits you very well. But, I do like your style.

>> No.5974154

I like it u remind me of Ian Curtis

>> No.5974228
File: 72 KB, 750x506, IMAG0391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this 50s

>> No.5974247

For the love of god, post a fucking fit, man

>> No.5974256

what i dress in is irrelevant here, he looks like a fucking idiot

>> No.5974259

you look like a fucking idiot.
>don't mind me, just being an ass

>> No.5974268


>> No.5974272

in what was could that be considered a representation of the 50s?

>> No.5974274

I recognize your style, du
you shit up all the WAYWTs and never post shit
you're just here to make yourself feel a little better by being mean to strangers

OP's jacket doesn't fit

>> No.5974296


>> No.5974394

no, but it looks nice

>> No.5975258

the t-shirts in the 50s look a lot shorter than today's, where do i cop some?

>> No.5975286
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>> No.5975441

You're the same bitter kid that hates poet. You'll now pretend to not know what I'm talking about though, so whatever.

>> No.5975584

>tfw a lot of people call me a greaser, frequent a white t and leather jacket
>tfw part time 'hoodlum'
>tfw I hate being called a greaser
>tfw I deserve it
oh well

>> No.5975615

please respond

>> No.5975714

>wearing leather jacket / grey tee / 511s
>doing shit in town
>hear dumbass teenagers mumbling something about 'greaser'
>they probably mean me
>they're not being normal loud asshole teenagers and shouting it at me

t-t-thanks leather jacket.
But I don't wanna be a greaser.

>> No.5975719
File: 67 KB, 500x500, dylan (121).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not how you wear a leather jacket

>> No.5975726

then dont wear a leather jacket

>> No.5975729

why does that shirt have like 50 buttons

>> No.5975761

It's just a red Harrington jacket.

>> No.5975767
File: 64 KB, 599x804, madmaxs evil twin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a man and wearing jewelry
>wearing a black button down
>wearing a hoodie under a leather jacket
>having a douchebag pencil thin jawline beard

>> No.5975801

must be a nightmare to do up in the morning