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5968147 No.5968147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shoplifting thread

Questions for a professional shoplifter with no criminal record?

>> No.5968181

What was the most difficult store/situation to steal in?

>> No.5968184

does the tinfoil trick still work?

>> No.5968188

what's the most expensive thing you've stolen?

>> No.5968192

Small stores, stores with a lot of staff on shift (usually to stop shoplifters), stores that lack blind spots

>> No.5968196

I've never even heard of this. What is it meant to do?

>> No.5968199

Do you steal things for yourself or to make profit?

>> No.5968200

$250 jacket. In one day I've gone pretty hard and gotten about $1,000 total from a few places

>> No.5968204

if you warp the little beep things in thinfoil they don't set off the alarm

>> No.5968208

For myself. When I had done this the most, I was also selling drugs and didn't need to flips items for additional money.

>> No.5968209
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I walked out with a pair Rick Owens socks, I think they were $175.

When summer comes I'm going to wear them with mandals and be stuntin on deez niggas.

>> No.5968210

what kind of clothing are you stealing?

>> No.5968211

If an item has the plastic to set off alarms - don't even fucking bother.

You would want to find a place with the same or similar item without the plastic on it

>> No.5968219

Everything - hooded sweatshirts, jeans, socks, underwear, etc. - anything I would want to wear

>> No.5968222

What do you do when you're stealing them? How do you do it

>> No.5968225

Nice man

Those would have been hilariously easy to sell

>> No.5968230

but what kind of brands/designers? do you steal cheaper stuff because it's easier to get away with or get the big fishes?

>> No.5968235

Can you be more specific? I don't want to throw a bunch of information at you.

The majority of the time, it's simply concealing. I would wear a black jacket (downplays folds and creases AKA showing something is in your coat). Most of the time I can put it under my armpit and hold it there then walk out.

>> No.5968241

I'm sorry. I'm not a brandwhore, so I can't think to list it all off, but I do have taste. I don't recall stealing any item of clothing that wasn't at least $50. The exception to this is packs of white shirts.

>> No.5968242

ever gotten caught? is it worth it?

>> No.5968243

Have you ever been caught?

>> No.5968245


No, I've never gotten caught. Yes, it's worth it, but that's REALLY easy for me to say - as again, I've never been caught

>> No.5968258

I got caught stealing and spent a night in a holding cell. This one huge nigger kept groping me and whispering shit about "taking my sweet ass" I was scared shitless and I'll be honest I cried. I didn't sleep and I felt like shit when everyone was looking at me.

>> No.5968261

How would you go about stealing something large, like a jacket or perhaps boots?
I can't imagine putting them under your armpit.
Also, what kind of stores do you do it at? Brand stores, malls?

>> No.5968266
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it must be easy for you assuming you are white

i remember when i was a youngin' just shopping at Gap at my local mall, the manager kept following me around like i was going to steal something.

>> No.5968288


I stole a jacket from Macy's - this was a huge endeavor in my shoplifting because this jacket helped me hide basically anything I needed in the future.

Macy's in Portland - Lloyd center. Men's jackets on second floor - find jacket without plastic - pick it up and go to escalator - no visibility on escalators to staff - put jacket on as I go down to first floor - walk out of store

>> No.5968289

If you dress like a white guy it might work in your case

>> No.5968299


Yes, it is in fact much easier for me because I'm white and 6'1". I've spoken to a black dude - Mark - when he goes shoplifting his name is "Marcus" and his speech is clear and direct and he is the biggest uncle tom you will ever meet - when he is shoplifting that is

You're my favorite trip, by the way

>> No.5968307


p town represent

>> No.5968308


With boots, I would either put them on in the store and walk out - or have the box in plain site and walk out of the store

>> No.5968318

What shops do you hit the most? Most expensive thing I've stole is a 40 quid pair of swimming shorts. then I had to stand outside the shop waiting for a friend for 20 minutes. Mad tense.

>> No.5968320
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some people dont give a fuck what im dressed like. they just look at my skin and make assumptions.

interesting. also my speech is clear and direct all the time although i wouldnt call myself and uncle tom. I was just raised to speak like this way.

and thanks anon.

>> No.5968326

How do you steal larger things (ie a pair of shoes) Do you put it in a bag or something?

>> No.5968330

$650 blazer

>> No.5968332

I don't doubt that. I guess I meant to say he intentionally goes out of his way to behave like a privileged middle-class white kid, and he does it well

>> No.5968336

with boots just put them in a bag of another store and dress like a tourists

>> No.5968344


No - some larger items can be held in plain site as you walk out of the store. Don't bother trying to conceal such a thing - ESPECIALLY with a bag.

An exception to this MIGHT be that you've already bought things, and you can realistically fit an item into a bag you already have, but I don't recommend this approach at all.

>> No.5968353

It depends - everything from grocery stores, to mall-tier to electronics stores to pawn shops, to gas stations - it all depended on what I wanted at the time

>> No.5968355


so basically walk out and act like you bought it?

>> No.5968366


Yeah, essentially. My excuse - that I never had to actually use, would have been something like, "I'm a big boy and I don't need a bag to carry my shit." Of course change verbiage to situation, but I never had to do it.

>> No.5968388

Any tips for stealing from supermarkets? Mainly shit like booze.

>> No.5968389
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>> No.5968399


have you ever done it at a showroom? would a big place like barneys be easy to do?

>> No.5968403


I, under no circumstance, recommend stealing alcohol

>> No.5968414

except when you buys things from stores they put them in bags so walking out of a store holding brand new boots is a clear indicator that you're stealing them.

you really just want some idiot to get popped for stealing because they listened to you huh?

>> No.5968417


It really depends on the environment, and what is trying to be stolen. We could walk in, and I'd say it's a no go - come back three hours later, and it'd be as good a time as ever

>> No.5968421

But I have addictionz to feed bro. Reasons for not doing it?

>> No.5968427


I don't know how many times I've done this. I simply call it, "the walk-out."

Go to a store - grab a soda, and a bag of candy - walk out

Do you really need a bag for that? You know what I mean?

Don't overthink it

>> No.5968428

get a job at a liquor store shithead

>> No.5968432

cuz of ur addiction

>> No.5968438


Alcohol is watched more heavily. You may face different types of charges for stealing alcohol, and additional inconveniences like taking classes

On that note, colognes, perfumes, and ANYTHING you could possibly shave with should never be stolen, as those are watched heavily ass well

>> No.5968441

we're not talking about a candy bar. you were specifically asked about stealing shoes and your answer was walk out with them. that seems to be a very full of shit method to steal such an item.

>> No.5968445


Yeah, I was going to say this.

When you've crossed that boundary to feed your addiction - you're endangering the well-being of the public.

You're an additional problem if you're stealing alcohol while drunk - and may be faced faced with even more tedious and petty charges

>> No.5968449

It's O simple bro. If you're out before they know it they won't chase you, guaranteed.

>> No.5968457


I understand where you're coming from. From my experience - that would be the most practical method to do it, aside from putting them on and leaving, but that's additional embarassment if you get caught.

You would surprised how a calm nature can affect your environment. Casually walking out of a store simply holding ONE box of shoes isn't going to be too much of a head-turner.

If someone caught on - you can be long gone by that point.

>> No.5968492
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I would take the shoes, wrap them airtight in some plastic wrap (I carry a meticulously folded piece of it with me), and very carefully place them in my ass. After that it's just being confident and walking out of the store.

>> No.5968505
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>If you're out before they know it they won't chase you, guaranteed.
This is true - well at BR.
Because of liabilities and such we cant grab you and call the cops due to liabilities unless you were like... under 12 (in order to teach a lesson) or that the store is pretty empty.
Stealing from a store is a lengthy process imo. You should take a day just scouting the layout and feeling comfortable with the store and the employees, then a few days later steal something (usually a store mall bag with clothes)and say "oh do you need to hold my bag?" and such.
Its good to do it on a busy day but remember there's loss prevention watching so be inconspicuous

>You would surprised how a calm nature can affect your environment.
This is also true. Last week I almost stole a 3tb harddrive at Frys by walking around with it and slowing removing the plastic wrap (easy to slide off) and opening it while sitting down on their office chairs as if i was waiting for someone.

Unfortunately as I was walking out I noticed this hd was too obvious in my backpocket and with more employees looking at me bailed out and calmly dropped it somewhere and left.

>> No.5968507

is she being busted for stealing

>> No.5968536

The last part of this is immensely true. If you think something is up, put the item down anywhere convenient and just leave

>> No.5968537

nah she was all fucked up and beating up her mom or somehting

>> No.5968546

I apologize, but I don't recommend this at all

>> No.5968555

I don't recommend interacting with employees anymore than you absolutely have to. I'm US, so this may be partially cultural

>> No.5968614

OP here - I'm out. Hope you guys learned something

>> No.5968622

BR stands for banana republic, du

>> No.5968628

lmao of course youre in lloyd center

ill keep my eye out for u next time i go B-)

>> No.5968639
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>> No.5968668

i worked at a polo factory store for a summer in high school and i can confirm that shop lifting would be easy af. most of the sales associates don't give a shit about the merchandise or stopping shop lifting because most of the super visors dont give 2 shits either. the only people who really cared about shop lifting were the general manager and the assistant general managers.

if you were to go into the store one day when some flaky teenage girl was working the fitting room, you could easily just walk in there with a bag/stroller, but cloths in it, and walk out of the store no problem.

often times the sensors at the front of the store go off from cell phones or other things to the point that the sensors at the front of the store mean jack shit to the workers in the store. the beepers going off mean nothing. they are just to scare beta shop lifers.

if you were to go in on a busy day and take clothing into the fitting room and take in a baby stroller (you don't even need a baby in the stroller) and say that you need to go into the room with your baby, we had a large fitting room for people to go in for such things. you could easily just put shit into your stroller and walk out of the store. most people would assume that the beepers at the front of the store were going off randomly. after that you could probably find a service to remove the security tags. i could imagine this would work well with a wheel chair as well since you could just pull the disability card if anyone questions you.

after working there its really shocking how easy it would be to steal from those stores with no repercussion at all. the large number of associates and the cameras and the sensors are purely scare tactics

>> No.5969029

A lot of the time when I go to change rooms, the employee working there will ask how many items I'm bringing in, but has anybody experienced having the number of clothes being counted as they exit the change room? Sometimes they give you a number to put on your door, but does that really mean much of anything?

Sometimes I get double of the same item and tell them I have one less than I actually do, but sometimes they will take the items from my hands and count them as they put them up in the change room. I've never personally had anybody count the number of clothes I walk out with one-by-one, but I'm apprehensive because I'm not sure if they're still doing a visual check to make sure there's nothing missing.

>> No.5969042

no just say something friendly or nonthreatening during peak hours ie surrendering your bag so they can check etc - trust me everyone, including me, who works in retail doesnt want to be there and is in auto mode 85% of the time

when it's empty however then you have a problem because youre the only one that grabs their attention

>> No.5969047

how do you justify being a thief to yourself?

>> No.5969048

So by professional shoplifter you mean amateur shoplifter. No one's paying you to do it.

>> No.5969052

Don't even bother with changing rooms. Seriously. That is pleb tier. What you need to take your plates off, park your car or have someone wait in the car for you, run in, grab everything you need, and run the fuck out really quickly.

Every other kind of shoplifting is stupid. I've worked in a department store for almost 2 years and in multiple departments. Every time someone does this they always get away. We aren't allowed to run out of the store or stop you fyi.

>> No.5969060

Where I work that is a stupid thing to do, they watch the entrances and if you come into the store without a baby in your stroller they will be on you the entire time you are there.

>> No.5969061
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can i wine and dine you

>> No.5969073

>If you're out before they know it they won't chase you, guaranteed
I haven't worked in a clothing store, but I do work in a textbooks store, and I can say that that's not always true. One of our employees (another college student) went outside and grabbed a guy and brought him back in. It's probably against the law or something, but the kid was so scared he didn't know what to do. Our manager was just laughing and let the kid go before he realized it was serious and not just a friend of my coworker.

On another occasion, a dude stole a book and two of my managers followed his car. When he parked in the parking lot of another book store to sell it, they blocked his car in, and then confronted him at the register. "We know you stole that book. You can admit it, or we can take a look at the footage" (Our cameras aren't even on) Because the dude admitted it in front of the other store's owner (third party witness) he got to spend the night in jail and they're going to trial in a month.

I guess what I'm saying is, sometimes working in retail is boring, and we're all secretly hoping someone steals something because we think it'd be fun to chase them.

>> No.5969074
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>> No.5969083

Do you know what kind of bmw frank ocean drives?
That shit is so /fa/

>> No.5969092
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BMW E30 (late 80s/early 90s)

here is a pic of his first one. something was wrong with it so he got it fixed and gave it to his cousin.

>> No.5969093

how do you get the security tags off

>> No.5969094
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honestly i would love it if you beat the shit out of me.

stomp on my nuts with your rick shoes pls

>> No.5969099

do you drive an e30?

>> No.5969101

not him but I've done this before with cakes and shit in high school

the plan was to always walk out with a buddy laughing and joking over some retarded story and then act like we spaced it if someone stopped

probably wouldn't work for a nice coat tho

>> No.5969102

sometimes, it's really iffy. Don't try. If you do, test it with a cell phone and try to call it. If it doesn't pick up the call, it works. But I don't trust it

>> No.5969104

with a safety pin

>> No.5969109
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>> No.5969111
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i used to own one.

>> No.5969115
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>> No.5969122

what the fuck no

I've had employees forget that before when I was a teenager (and trained to be terrified when those alarms go off because I was a shoplifting hooligan) and there wasn't shit I could do to get it off

>> No.5969123

fuck you
try harder, I was always able to get those off

>> No.5969126

how the fuck would that work explain it to me

everywhere I looked online said that the only option was a powerful magnet

>> No.5969131
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its really too bad (for me) that you have a boyfriend

id hand you my credit card for pretty much anything as long as youd let me eat your lil pale ass

>> No.5969141
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>> No.5969149

so basically nothing you would also find in a duty free store?

>> No.5969154
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>> No.5969564

Some tips:
-mall outlets generally keep tags
-high street outlets, like for example rittenhouse in philly, generally have door guards and the more expensive ones like guess have someone follow you around
-therefore, the easiest places are small, third party boutiques where the items don't have tas yet the shop is staffed by 2-3 people. either look for a quick blind spot or honestly just grab them and quickly walk out if the clerks dont have their attention on you. Their cameras are not going to be constantly attended.
-places like urban or zumiez are not even worth it
-no experience with 5th avenue type places or department stores

was caught at an urban when i was 16, didn't get arrested just called my parents. now that I'm an adult i'd probably be charged with a felony

>> No.5969574

i think berry is so pretty

>> No.5969644

I would agree with you, though that isn't her best picture

>> No.5969956

wouldn't the initial reaction be call the cops to deal with it, as it is now an out of store problem
cops who have nothing better to do will b on u

>> No.5970026

You don't steal alcohol because it's a controlled substance and has associated penalties.

Old roomie got three months last time, don't fuck with it.

OP, just so you know, a lot of places will take photo's of you in order to build a case, so a couple of months down the line when you get bold and try to take something really expensive or a lot of shit and they nick you, and they have photo's of you doing it 30 odd times, they'll take the total estimated cash you stole and file a suit.

Over 1k is a felony.

so yeah, as someone's who's known an "invincible shoplifter" and watched his life go down the drain after he got caught (gf left, can't get a job at even mcdonalds because he stole, heavy alcoholic) just quit while you're ahead, or shoplift in a different city than where you live. (don't shit where you eat)

i get it, the rush, the what if's, it's fun. But they're going to catch you, and you WILL be fucked up the ass sideways in ways you didn't even know were possible, and the next ten years of your life will be incredibly, incredibly difficult. You really should stop, and if you can't, get help.

>> No.5970054

OP here. I'm well-aware. I went fucking hard in Portland, and I haven't been there in two years.

>> No.5970059

ur all scum I hope sieg heil shoots u

>> No.5970060

Also, it's not about how well you hide it or what not.

Many stores, in liu of protecting their employees from the criminal and deranged have "do not pursue" policies. They will literally just let you walk out of the store with whatever you have. Some call the cops, some don't. You can find this information out with minimal research, or just asking your friends in the industry.

You know, for all the clever tactics you idiots come up with, a little google and some social skills will save you a lot of time.

Maybe even jail time.

>> No.5970174

"lol just kidding" too bad someone else saged earlier i like this thread

>> No.5970187

I have a question..
So I've ran cross country and track for the last seven years of my life. There's probably been 3 or 4 days that I've ran less than 5 miles in the past year. I've also been able to outrun 90% of kids in track in the 100, and that was at a state competition. I've also boxed for the last 3 years.
How good of an idea would it be to just run into a place that I know has a highly priced item that I want (possibly with a mask on) sprint to it, grab it, and fight my way out if necessary, and then just run a good ways to a friend waiting somewhere with a getaway car..

>> No.5970193

You'd need to know exactly where the item is and have a route planned. You'll have to wear a mask for a while before you enter just to be sure, and maybe have a reversible jacket or something so you can take it off in the bush or whatever.

This is just some unexperienced fuckwit spitballing tho

>> No.5970201


you ever wonder why niggers get arrested all the damn time?

because they think like this.

>> No.5970207


also, you're drawing too much attention to yourself. and who cares of they can't catch you. someone snaps a photo of your friends licence plate, or one of your friends narcs on you and it's over.

Yo shouldn't be stealing shit if you don't absolutely have to, and even then it should only be clothes and food you need. Its really not worth the risk.

>> No.5970224

OP, here. I would recommend picking it up and just walking out of the store. Get as far away from the store as quickly. No car, no mask. Put your item in a backpack - don't wear it into store. Take a bus 90% of the way to where you live and then casually get there as quick as possible. Don't go to the place you stole from, or the general area for months. Don't sell what you took.

I don't recommend doing this at all

>> No.5970228

wear glasses if u don't

>> No.5970238

I don't steal much but in my days of college when I was broke as fuck I'd walk around grocery shops is just open shit up and eat it right there, no one not even the store workers would stop you.

Also how would you steal clothes with the beepers? Without the tinfoil thing

>> No.5970242


>buy powerful magnet
>stick it in your pocket
>remove tag through your pants
>put item on
>walk out

>> No.5970248

You don't. I have messed up a few times and overlooked the plastic. If the alarm goes off, just keep walking and get as far away from the store as possible. Again, you never want to get in a car.

I'm confident in my experience and in all the years I've been doing it - I've NEVER heard of that until I made this thread, so I'm guessing it's bullshit.

>> No.5970260

Alright, thank you guys.
The thing is I'm a popular white kid in something called the I.B. program.
If I got caught it'd be bad, but I'm pretty much the last person anyone in our city would suspect..

>> No.5970261

bb i want to steal things for you

>> No.5970268


tinfoil works on certain kinds, there's a couple different ones. try google or youtube.

>> No.5970271

I work in a department store and in each section we have our own little cabinet where we store tags/hangers/paperwork etc and there's a magnet attached to the inside of it for undoing unused tags that have been put together.
I often think how easy it would be to use it while I am or whoever is working that day is on lunch. It's partially hidden by a partition and people go back there to use the full length mirror all the time.

>> No.5970273

should change your trip to "that nig who used to have an E30"

>> No.5970277


>im in le IB programme
>you've probably never heard of it

it does absolute shit for your transcript. State college is cake compared to it though, for the first few years you won't have to try very hard if you're the sort of person who excels at it.

If you wanna act out drop some acid, no point in getting a criminal record. Hell, if you were REALLY smart you'd get someone else to do it for you.

>> No.5970279


what do you drive now?

>> No.5970338

dear E30
ur really cool and u trip nicely
keep up the good work
30% tip

>> No.5970343

