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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.74 MB, 213x160, alison brie shoop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5964979 No.5964979 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, what's the main reason you effay?

>> No.5964983

nice one OP, if only my waifus areola were bigger

>> No.5964996

i wanted to flesh out my identity

>> No.5965004

Sauce on gif?

I wanted a new hobby. Thought it'd be cheaper to combine a hobby with a necessity than to pay for both individually.

>> No.5965015

hows errbody digging the new season of community? its pretty dry imo

>> No.5965016

2get girls

>> No.5965024

the main reason i effay is because that's how my mother brought me up, i really love clothes :D

>> No.5965026

that show sucks dick. do you like the big bang theory aswell?

>> No.5965040

nah never saw the appeal. lot of people i know watch it though.

>> No.5965065

I was fat and insecure as a young teen so I "compensated" by becoming fashion conscious.

It's just become a habit at this point to have an interest in nice clothes.

>> No.5965095

Alison Brie in "Hot Sluts". That gif is fake anyway.

>> No.5965097

It's shit

>> No.5965108

ahh.... define effay
>inb4 hey newfriend
just do it i don't know what it is

>> No.5965126
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I just want to improve myself all the time. Know more and experience more, do more. I want to express how I feel inside without letting my clothing do too much of the talking.

>> No.5965130

I just want to look cute

>> No.5965133

so upset, complete shit not worth watching. Love first couple seasons though.

>> No.5965138

Because I'm ugly and it's a way to compensate.

Also I've always had an interest in looking 'good' but had zero knowledge about style until I came here.

>> No.5965154

I feel like shit looking like shit

>> No.5965169

I've always liked looking good. One day we'll all be ugly, but at least I'll always have nice clothes.

>> No.5965177

so embarassing

>> No.5965179

because i am incredibly vain

as are you

>> No.5965183

i woke up one day in high school and realized how shitty I had been dressing for my entire life
>ill fitting jeans
>band tees/black tees
>skate shoes (never actually skated in my life)
>bad haircuts
>band sweatbands

mainly improved my fits and added some color/button-downs and got my first pair of man shoes, just has become habit now

>> No.5965191

>implying your waifus areolas aren't bigger than demitasse saucer plates, for obvious reasons

>> No.5965197

Because i lost about 170lb and needed a new wardrobe.

>> No.5965213


>> No.5965260

Because look good, feel good. Also being vain.

It was an epiphany thing for me. Woke up one morning, realized that all of my clothes were shit so I threw them all away and started rebuilding. I still don't have nearly enough, but damn it feels better

>> No.5965266

Sort of the same as this.
Although my wardrobe is still shit.

>> No.5965273

the writers for big bang theory actually started writing for community on this new season. thats why its so shit

>> No.5965325
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because you guys think youre fashionable, but in fact youre just trendy. this amuses me

>> No.5965329


Being well dressed make other people feel inferior.

>> No.5965364

It began as a string of things I began doing so that I would be a boring basement dweller I was. Now I continue because I like how it looks and it is a good way to express myself.

>> No.5965607

Because everyone here believes themselves to be aristocracy and must find the best looks to show the rest of the world just how inferior they are by comparison

>> No.5965734

I'm really not effay. I just lurk here for ideas that I would utilize if I had any money to actually spend of clothes.

>> No.5965809

One day I woke up and realized that my clothes were all shit. Everything in my closet was ugly or tacky. Since then I've been borderline obsessive over my appearance

>> No.5965894
File: 30 KB, 400x600, gas_mousk_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time coming here, for just a few ideas. I can't legitimately believe you peons are paying hundreds of dollars for singular pieces of cloth stitched together in a unique way. I thought I would find more sensible, cheap fashion.
Pic related, $6.

>> No.5965921

Because I'm a manlet and I need some redeeming qualities.

>> No.5965947


>> No.5965967

>cheap fashion

>> No.5965971


hey man chilax wow .....


>> No.5965973

we can spend money on nice pieces and u can spend less money on ugly shit
see if we care

>> No.5965987
File: 1.09 MB, 2673x2400, louis vuitton models without makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All dat butthurt in those replies. /fa/ggots are so easily trolled, they get so fucking buttmad over the smallest shit.

>obsessing over models when they all look like shit without makeup

/fa/ is cesspool-tier

>> No.5965991

Self esteem

>> No.5965996

>that last face

>> No.5966002

Those are some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5965994

because i used to be a shit, my old wardrobe got to big, i started hating everyone and wanted to express it by being much better than everyone around me.

>> No.5966004

all those models look far better than regular girls

the average bitch weighs like 150lb

>> No.5966017

Main reasons:

1. Attracting a high quality grade of woman.
2. Appreciation of the aesthetic, craftsmanship, etc. of clothing as with every other type of design or art.
3. The way I dress, like it or not, conveys a message to others that gets me respect in ways both subtle and overt.

>> No.5966019

They look basic as fuck, bro.

>> No.5966025

but most of them have a very striking and memorable appearance, and a frame excellent for showcasing clothes.

>> No.5966028

10/10 actually understanding what models are for

>> No.5966029
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>Those girls
I will never ;_;

>> No.5966040

/fa/ for girls, hows that going?

>> No.5966038
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Let me guess...

>> No.5966046
File: 39 KB, 630x420, cannot sleep till aquired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all look better than non models without make up tasteless slime.

>> No.5966048
File: 32 KB, 300x400, striking and memorable appearance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if you find the appearance of space aliens striking and memorable

>> No.5966051


Pretty much all of these.

>> No.5966052
File: 1.62 MB, 2673x2400, 1365968060383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are only two that i wouldn't marry without question

>> No.5966054

I do
because they look like space aliens and that's striking and memorable compared to regular people
r u retarded

>> No.5966062

The reason they look odd in these photos is because they were made to. The photographer distorted the photos and had the models put in high intensive light.

>> No.5966065
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To say something without speaking.

>> No.5966070
File: 62 KB, 1280x749, tumblr_mcx320Stn61qdtc6qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the two

>> No.5966073
File: 49 KB, 545x784, mariacarla-boscono-by-paola-kudacki-for-hercules-fw-2010-rhythm-is-gonna-get-you-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late to change my mind?

>> No.5966076

If you want affordable fashion shop online at ASOS, H&M, and Uniqlo. You're just a troll though so you wont or probably already do.

>> No.5966084

Try writing. You're not going to express anything worth hearing through clothes.

>> No.5966093

Maybe I've been lucky, but I can't complain. There's no question that wearing clothes that flatter your shape and don't look cheap will make you more attractive to women than you would be otherwise. (At least, to a quality grade of woman.)

>> No.5966113

Whilst I'm in public silly.

>> No.5966119

a personality

>> No.5966132
File: 171 KB, 533x800, homelessman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're just a troll
>hurr durr you have to spend a lot of money to be /fa/

You people are so stupid. You buy into commercialism bullshit, and fashion designers and clothing companies line their pockets as you retards waste your money on overpriced garbage.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

>> No.5966141

omg ur so enlightened wow

u should go tell mfa i think they buy clothes 2

>> No.5966151
File: 98 KB, 613x860, cheap fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think I am trolling.
I just want a nicely designed tee, some jeans, and some sneakers and maybe some sort of sweater when its chilly. Have fun spending more on a pair of pants then I am on ten tshirts. Just because I'm not a vain piece of shit who thinks image is everything doesn't justify your exorbitant expenditures.

>> No.5966153


You really did fundamentally miss the point of the guy you quoted. He was saying that you can get affordable fashion. Which means that you don't have to spend a lot of money to be /fa/. A lot of us here who consider ourselves /fa/ do shop at Uniqlo, Zara, etc.

This may not serve your trolling, though, so by all means ignore it...

>> No.5966165

why would u buy 10 6$ tshirts when u can buy 60 1$ tshirts at the thrift store??? fuckign consumer bleb :DDDDD

>> No.5966173

"How dare people spend money on something they're interested in"
y don't u go tell /g/ they don't need that new graphics card

>> No.5966178

for your clothing to cost what it does it has to be produced overseas in labor conditions that would be illegal in a first world country. your spending habits are responsible for the erosion of the american middle class and the casual murder of bangladeshi garment workers.

>> No.5966195

Ironically, being callous is sort of /fa/ (which is why anyone still wears fur).

>> No.5966198

>he thinks his fancy designer clothes aren't also made in Bangladesh by children

>> No.5966205

This, and according to the site I bought them from "All of our shirts are designed, printed, and shipped in the lovely city of Gainesville, Florida, USA."

>> No.5966206


you have no clue what you are talking about

>> No.5966210

Not the guy you quoted, but most of mine are made in Italy. By Italian kids, I guess?

>> No.5966217

Notice they don't say where the shirts themselves were made.

>> No.5966220

they aren't made in Florida u dumb shit

>> No.5966227

thank you, twerk. someone gets it at least.

>> No.5966222


yes, and the actual shirt is probably made in a third world country

when a company says it's "Designed in the US", it's basically admitting that it was actually "Made" with slave labor

>> No.5966223

all that means is they stamp the designs onto the sweatshop shirts in florida and ship them out from there you fucking idiot

>> No.5966229

Minimum wage is arbitrary and causes unemployment. The workers are not exploited and clearly received benefits from working at the factories "by showing up for work every day, and by accepting a paycheck based on mutually-agreed-upon terms." If the work is that terrible, they don't have to work there. Nobody is holding a gun to their head making them get that job.

Please take your liberal bullshit to ThinkProgress or Redddit or something

>> No.5966230

[x] told [ ] not told

>> No.5966235

hahaha you fucking idiot kids are literally sold to sweatshops to pay of debts in 3rd world countries


>> No.5966239

[citation needed]

>> No.5966247

>alessandra ambrosio
>caroline trentini
>dorothea barth jorgensen
>lara stone
>kasia struss

>> No.5966250
File: 356 KB, 500x500, macklemore-haircut-undercut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people getting swindled and pimped by businesses

>> No.5966251
File: 1.49 MB, 3250x1500, 1364713272656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kill yourself

>> No.5966254


fucking retard

>> No.5966255

>what is economic slavery
Take an economics course sometime, and follow what it's like in third world countries, before you type out stuff like this.

>> No.5966262


>> No.5966263

>Insulting #baseedabbott
shiggy diggy

>> No.5966268


>implying macklemore isn't a victim of his success.

now he has to shop at thriftstores and wear garbage 24/7 to support his image. when thrift shop was just parady.

>> No.5966271


>> No.5966278

top lel

>> No.5966279

until he falls off, then he can do whatever he wants with his billions

poor guy

>> No.5966282

rick is made in italy, leathers are now made in moldova

right, prices are too low to be am appy blanks imo. even am appy has been implicated in nasty practices.

>liberal bullshit
actually i'm a free marketist with some strong left tendencies. the irony being, of course, that sweatshop practice would be illegal in a true free market because it frequently involves the theft of land from the native populations and because the laborers in sweatshops are not allowed the right of collective bargaining, which is an absolute necessity in a true free market.

>> No.5966284

because I'm a shallow, judgemental piece of shit with no reason to be

I'm completely obsessed with other peoples aesthetics because mine are shit

>> No.5966304

>implying the subjugation and debt bondage of other nations doesn't pay for your /fa/ncy clothing anyway.
If we weren't exploiting anyone, we'd be all equally exploited.

>> No.5966315

are you fucking kidding

literal middle school logic

>> No.5966325

The World Bank is the REAL exploiter of third-world countries. They held provide the capital in the forms of loans to developing countries, which create the economic opportunities for the countries to be exploited as a source of cheap labor.

You can't expect a business to NOT want to minimize its cost. The objective of a business is to maximize profit, businesses are not charities, they don't exist to increase the well-being of its workers. Thanks to the World Bank's activities, businesses have even more access to developing countries, which they use as a source of cheap labor. Also, if there was no minimum wage, businesses would have less incentive to move production overseas, because they could find cheaper labor domestically where OSHA regulations are more strict and provide safer working environments.

>take an economics class
Perhaps you should take your own advice

>> No.5966338

theres no "real" exploiter

all the links in the chain are at fault, the world bank, the govenrments, the companies, and the people who buy their clothes

>> No.5966352

Also, this post is laughable.

>I can't form a real argument, so I'm going to resort to ad-hominem personal attacks on what I think is your political beliefs, and tell him to kill himself

Maybe you should also take your own advice and leave actual discussion to the adults, child.

>> No.5966353

It's not arbitrary, dumbfuck. Somebody needs to protect workers so they can make a living wage, and unlike people in congress, they don't get to adjust their own wages for inflation by themselves.

>> No.5966358

>call him out on ad hominem personal attacks
>call him a child in the same post

my fucking sides

>> No.5966360
File: 38 KB, 337x450, Hpolas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sharon kavjian

hello new waifu

>> No.5966363


>If the work is that terrible, they don't have to work there.

kill self

>> No.5966366

Lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of muscle working out - I started deriving enjoyment from dressing myself

>> No.5966367

>You can't expect a business to NOT want to minimize its cost. The objective of a business is to maximize profit,

both of these are false. it's legitimate to trade on the quality of the product and not the price point, and to that end you can only minimize cost as much as you can maintain your quality standards. the second is a simplistic way of viewing a business model. maximizing profit does not necessarily guarantee the long term success of a business; unless you're a predatory investor who is prepared to sell of their shares as soon as the business goes into decline then you are better off building your model for longevity, not profit maximization. to that end, market share is probably a more important consideration.

>> No.5966370

it's more sensical to protect collective bargaining and unionization than to enforce a minimum wage.

>> No.5966374

twerk merkin niggas all day

>> No.5966387

OSHA made unions obsolete decades ago. "Collective bargaining" only exists now to protect the union members' pensions

>> No.5966389

in fact, i would wager that most laborers would be paid had america maintained meaningful collective bargaining and not developed minimum wage instead

>> No.5966394

no it didn't; no it isn't.
markets are too amorphous to be effectively regulated with blanket legislation

>> No.5966396

But im not /fa/

>> No.5966397

>maybe if I tell him to kill himself enough times, he actually will

>> No.5966401

No, no, no.

>> No.5966405

I feel like selling cheap shirts while breaking the backs of the population of third world countries encapsulates the best of both worlds in regards to longevity and profit margin.

>> No.5966407



more like 1-3 million.

>> No.5966415

>I'm avoiding all responsibility as a consumer in choosing what my money supports and doesn't support, ie giving companies that support shitty business practices money, which in extension, supports the World Bank.
take an economics course pls

>> No.5966430

The original purpose of unions was to improve working conditions. OSHA protects workers from hazards. Now it's become bastardized to protect pensions.

Case in point: the cluster fuck in Wisconsin recently with the failed recall. Teachers' unions spent tens of millions trying to recall Scott Walker, only to have it blow up in their faces. I wonder how many teachers they could have hired for the same amount of money? It's clear to me they care more about their political agenda than the people they supposedly represent.

Trust me, I used to be a union member. When the union cronies told me to join (I live in a non-right to work state, so I have to give money to the union, whether I'm a member or not) they emphasized "our goal is to protect our pensions."

>> No.5966455

The only responsibility I have as a consumer is to get the best value for my money.

I worked hard to earn it, and I aim to keep as much of it as I possibly can.

>> No.5966457
File: 177 KB, 720x540, 1365537020791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted a gf

I now have a gf and more friends than before and am more outgoing

I still buy a lot due to habit/addiction

>> No.5966461

>Trust me, I used to be a union member.

an argument based in false authority
unions are not simply to prevent laborers from working in dangerous conditions, they also exist to ensure that laborers are being paid a fair wage. as such, a union, and the right for collective bargaining are never, ever obsolete.

>> No.5966467

shipping jobs overseas hurts everyone; you'd be better off on the whole if we still had a healthy manufacturing industry in the country.

>> No.5966478

>fair wage
>mfw auto workers in Detroit get paid $29 an hour for work you can learn to do in one day

>> No.5966562

>just because I'm not a vain piece of shit

>judges people on how they spend their disposable income.

If I spend 10x as much as you on clothing but make 100x as much as you from working, which one of us is the image obsessive materialist?

>> No.5966590
File: 51 KB, 496x700, Guerra_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kind of attitude is what's fucking this great nation of mine, and many others. If you think that outsourcing everything to the lowest bidder doesn't hurt you, you're mistaken.
Even IF your responsibilities as a consumer ended with getting the best value (which they don't), there are other responsibilities to consider. Your responsibilities to other members of the human race, exploited and forgotten in distant lands. Your responsibilities to the workers in your own country, out of a job, out of hope and living on the dole. Your responsibilities to the planet, slowly being choked with the detritus of unregulated manufacturing. What about your responsibility to yourself and your children, who ought not to live in a world where the gap between rich and poor is so big you can't see the shores of the other side?

Your 'buy cheapest' strategy may work in the short term, but in the end you'll pay and you'll pay dearly. Irresponsible manufacturing practices may give you a cheap shirt today, but in the long run they'll give you a polluted planet, a dearth of quality and debtor's nation that produces nothing and consolidates all of its wealth into a tiny fraction of the population that you probably will not belong to.
Your actions and your choices ARE important. Don't make the mistake of thinking that responsibility ends with one's self.

>> No.5966638

You can buy a lot of stuff from thrift shops with 3 mil

>> No.5966650


>hurr durr my salary gives me the right to rub it in everyone's face

>> No.5966679

i started because i came here a few times and realized i dressed like shit and there was way more to clothes than i knew.

>> No.5966754

You're missing the point, it was rhetorical afterall.

It's not about how much you spend, it's about your buying power, your percentage of income.

Dropping a million dollars on clothes when you're a trillionaire is not the same as a homeless man spending his last 5 bucks at a thrift store. People get mad over how much other people spend when, for all they know, they're spending more of their income than the other person is.

>> No.5966782


>why is she wearing her boobs over her bra

I figured out that your clothes can literally change how you feel about yourself. After years of catholic school uniforms errday this was quite the revelation. Still very picky about ties (the only thing we could really change).

>> No.5966820

because it's a hobbie

>> No.5967003

I don't think I'll have the confidence to get a girlfriend when I move to the big city, so I'm here trying to improve myself so I can find love/sex.
Also for the lulz.