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5952161 No.5952161 [Reply] [Original]

Since people here sometimes talk or ask questions about careers and education in fashion or design, might as well have a thread about it.

So, if you are in a fashion/design uni/school/college: what school? how is it?etc...

if you already work: Since when do you work?How is it? How much do you earn?

If you are just interested in such a career, ask ahead

>> No.5952204
File: 223 KB, 1280x960, yeah man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently looking into studying design or garment engineering or industrial design or tailoring and some other stuff, non-design related though.

gotta choose til monday, dunno what I want to do in life ;-;

>> No.5952210

you're going to get annihilated if you stay this passionless

>> No.5952224


I'd say the opposit, my problem is that I would like to study everything if I could.

>> No.5952262

software engineer at heathrow airport

meeting the CEO of british airways soon

suck it up nigga

>> No.5953069

I'm kind of in a weird place right now. I'm supposed to be serious about getting into university. I'm supposed to be serious about a future career. I'm supposed to be enthralled with my future life and work a well paying office job and get married and have kids.

But none of that makes me happy. I'm not happy with any of that. I enjoy other things which my parents are far too old school to understand. The stigma of not going to university right after high school is very present in my household. It's getting hard to keep my head up high whenever I hear my dad saying he's disappointed in me.

Maybe I'm just a being a dumb teenager.

>> No.5953073

CEO of shell oil co

on dat $100 mill/day arab oil money

>> No.5953075


But being a psychologist seems cool. I like talking to people and getting to know more about them. Maybe ill do that.

>> No.5953086

Be prepared for a shit ton of science that is sort of half ass fitted into English.

>> No.5953090


As the CEO of a major oil corp. you don't seem to understand that the reason arabs are so rich is because they OWN their own oil, and THEN sell it to companies like Exxon and Shell, brah.

>> No.5953094

graduated in 2009
worked as a teller for a year or so
now do tech support, going on 2 years

it all sucks, man. Thinking about going to a tech school for some kind of dental hygenist thing.

>> No.5953101


I know. I'm taking three different psychology courses in highschool right now and I'm already feeling it. It's interesting though. I even have to work with an autist

>> No.5953120


I hear being a dentist = $$$$$

It's basically getting the same pay as a doctor, but for less education and less "responsibility".

If you run your own practice in an affluent city you can easily make over a million in profit annually.

>> No.5953140

msc CS

had 4 job offers the last week

my agent is put me up for 6 more yesterday

lowest paying one is £30k/year + bonuses

>MFW i don't think i'm responsible enough to mkae that much

>> No.5953157
File: 15 KB, 520x214, MSK65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 yo
>been working in a kitchen for eleven years now
>started as a dishwasher, now a pastry chef, cold side chef de partie
>work 14-16 hours a day

pic related, my knife
>six days a week

>> No.5953225

This is true, dentists get some mad dosh. They are also exempt of some obnoxious things while studying.

Me, graduated as Chemical Engineer a month ago.

Don't know what to do with my life.

Contemplating suicide.

>> No.5953230



>> No.5953238

engineer a cure for autism and advertise it on 4chan you'll make millions

>> No.5953251

>lel u 1 up totess.

>> No.5953249

welcome to post college.

>> No.5953253
File: 33 KB, 266x523, 9001 hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PhD student in quantum optics.
My supervising prof is a badass.

I'm broke as hell but in this crowd all you need to do is wear a decent outfit and you get dem nerdy girls snappin their necks

>9001 hours

>> No.5953256

- Think 3 things you'd like to do or get involved in (e.g. photography, rappel, skyidiving, etc.).
- Pirate K9 software and block 4chan from your laptop, when setting the password, randomly enter characters. After this, the only way to uninstall K9 is to format the HD.
- Go out and start doing the first thing you want to do. If you can't or it's to expensive, go to the second, and so on until you go out and do it. keep doing it.

>> No.5953264

Would you accept a suicide pact?

It'd be pretty nice. We can write a "Master" letter together and make it so it only makes sense when each individual suicide letter of ours are gathered together.

We would have to leave instructions obviously.

>> No.5953273


Gah, CE.....I feel you brah. Chem is tough shit, but hey you graduated.

Go work as a lab tech at some nice Pharm corp. and get paid to manufacture legal Heroin.

Then use said heroin to obtain instant euphoria. Instant euphoria = no suicide (unless you OD of course).

The only reason why I'd work in a Pharm is so I could get my hands on them drugs lol.

A denstist could also prescribe low level oxy and hrdrocodone I guess.