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/fa/ - Fashion

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5943928 No.5943928 [Reply] [Original]

"Anon why do you dress so weird?"
"Anon why don't you wear tshirts like normal people?"
"Anon why do you dress like a character from skins?"

Does anyone else get shit like this?

>> No.5943934

No because i don't dress like a faggot.

>> No.5943937

No because i'm not 17.

I also don't live in hicktown

>> No.5943941

No, I get compliments.

>> No.5943946
File: 193 KB, 520x853, 1355076683016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because I can actually pull off the clothes that I wear.

>> No.5943951

ugh thats my dream girl x__x

>> No.5943953

but I'm a gurl:c
I'm 19
what is "pulling off"?
I've posted here before and I get compliments, I also get compliments from people from other forums and my tumblr (I have tumblr because lelelelelel I'm so edgy)

>> No.5943957

"anon you always look good. who dresses you?"

i dress myself you bitch what the fuck do you think?

>> No.5943960

Post a fit

>> No.5943961

its what i did to ur mums clothes #lel

>> No.5943964

post outfit I bet you are a denim dan

>> No.5943959

No. I get comments like
>You look like such a badass
It's just a field jacket, christ.

>> No.5943970

I hope she enjoyed it, she has been lonely ever since she got divorced

>> No.5943973

You're whats ruining this board.
>Poorly dressed
>Shitpost in every thread.

>> No.5943976

>jealous he didnt think of that sick burn first

>> No.5943983

>sick burn
what are you 12?

>> No.5943980

Not a sick burn you're just shit posting.

>> No.5943981

not at home right now but I post at times in WAYWT, I'm a skinny tall chick, my boyfriend says he likes how I dress (he's a 6'5 bearded guy with a dadcore as fuck fashion sense) and well his mom says she thought I was yuropean before she heard me talk

>> No.5943987


>> No.5943989
File: 487 KB, 1366x2048, jilsandernavyfw13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do u care u sound like u got it made

>> No.5943986

guys dont be jealous maybe i can teach u how 2 do some sick burns someday B^)

>> No.5943990

Do you know how much I would give to have casual acquaintances who ask me this?

I would LOVE the chance to talk to somebody one-on-one about my feeling about clothing.

It helps that my feelings and impressions about clothing are slightly more thought-out than just categorizing people as having good fits or being fuccbois

>> No.5944000


she doesnt even dress that bad sometimes

>> No.5943998

>tfw finally got a gf

>> No.5944007

there is legitimate complaint to be made against those who rely on the tired cliché of playfully feigning simplicity and childishness. this is not such. in this you come out the foolish one; you show you don't even quite grasp what he's doing.

>> No.5944014

are you from england or something?
chill it's just 4chan vocabulary

damn that's a nice fit

sorry mang

who cares go to /r9k/ or something

>> No.5944027

She dressed pretty well. We talk about fashion a lot.

She had on some channel creepers yesterday and tbh i dig them more irl

>> No.5944028

apparently everyone in /fa/ lives in an effay town and has perfect fits all the time.... bu WAYWT is full of shit

>> No.5944039

its her birthday coming up gonna cop her a tank or something

tryna get her tumblrcore shes already partway there

she doesnt make fun of me for spending more than 10$ on a piece of clothing so thats pretty good considering how hick this town is

>> No.5944045

No I don't like in yuropoor

>> No.5944047

written while eating a hamburger in a local macdonalds

(I'm american)

>> No.5944058

>character from skins

hahaha oh my god

pls post fit

>> No.5944076
File: 92 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ml2hv0NntJ1s2phcyo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at home just read the thread, I'm a chick and I don't even know what skins is but I wore something along the lines of this when they told me that

>> No.5944134

You can still dress like a faggot as a girl.

>> No.5944153

k, so like a straight woman?

or like a lesbian woman?

>> No.5944168

god your posts are fucking annoying

>> No.5944178

ur face iz fcking anoying XDXDXDXD

>> No.5944187

maybe your clothing choice does not match your friends, easy solution, find new friends

>> No.5944200

or maybe I should start wearing angry bird tshirts and hoodies

>> No.5944215

Well I mean if you are going to dress differently then your friends then expect to get told these things... I don't get it, are you so insecure that you cannot handle being told this?

>> No.5944217

>wah no one understands me and my fashion sense probably because I'm a teenager wah tumblr wah

>> No.5944226

where the fuck do you live that an outfit like that is considered odd?

that's some basic ass tumblr shit right there

>> No.5944295

Are you in highschool brah?