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File: 25 KB, 468x478, 284421_4424321813734_1120636871_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5943855 No.5943855 [Reply] [Original]

Could i be a model?

i was going to send my pics into an agency but i dont really like rejection

>> No.5943872

we aren't going to hire you, they are. send the fucking pics. be confident in your own look.

>> No.5943879

Yeah a hand model maybe

>> No.5943889

Even though you have that 5head you'll pass. Just be over 6 foot 1

>> No.5943885

yeah but id rather get an answer here then send them in and lose more confidence if they say no

>> No.5943902

>asking anonymous strangers online who will troll you and make you feel bad

if you're this indecisive then no, you can't model because you gave up before you even tried. gg now close the thread and go away

>> No.5943903

Sure. Why not? I've seen REALLY ugly models.

>> No.5943940

no you look like somethings wrong with you in the head

>> No.5943944
File: 335 KB, 742x713, 127036940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>doesn't like rejection
>posts his picture on /fa/

>> No.5943967

>dat facebook-core "model squint"

seriously, why do plebs, wiggers, spics, and beibercore faggots always squint as if it doesn't make them look amazingly tryhard

>> No.5943969

Do it bitch. Your jaw is good and you like look a lizard so yes youre on point for current modeling as long as you have good posture and shit

>> No.5943974

hey op make a video on how to style your hair plox.

>> No.5945147

just look up faggot haircuts on youtube

>> No.5945158

comb + semen

>> No.5945178

holy shit you look like a faggot

get a real man's haircut

>> No.5945226

Basically anyone can be a model if you're tall, slim and not offensively ugly.

>> No.5945231


>> No.5945364

Yeah, models often have deformed features such as giant foreheads, so it's worth a shot.

>> No.5945368

>don't like rejection
>posts to /fa/

>> No.5945501

Your forehead is too high (and large). Your eyes are too far apart. Your hair is fucking ridiculous. You're dressed like you're from the 80s. You're fucked.

>> No.5946115

You'd suit a fringe better, bro.

>> No.5946141

comb your bangs down to hide that fivehead

>> No.5948525

don't listen to this board. I once posted in a "could you model" thread
The answer was a resounding "lolno" but I've been modelling since I was 14.

board doesn't know shit. Just man up and send them.

>> No.5950295


>> No.5950301

I guess there is some demand for the 'before' type models.

>> No.5952371


>> No.5952416

u r 3 cheeky kunts m10

>> No.5952465

what is that jacket brah

>> No.5952472
File: 98 KB, 500x700, face mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao r u sucking ur cheeks in...

>> No.5952488

You have to be able to actually look at a camera to model

>> No.5952514
File: 17 KB, 357x388, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lel

>> No.5952561
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>> No.5952566

my sides

>> No.5952567
File: 805 KB, 160x120, 1360780409061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I died.

>> No.5952591

Go away "i'm a model with select Georgia"

>> No.5952911

Is what I do. My hair gets a lot of compliments

>> No.5952950

>Have any connections in the industry?
If no = Highly unlikely you'll make it. Like any other job, but especially entertainment and fashion industry, connections are basically the cheat codes to success, ie: money and fame.

>Have money? Or rich family that will pay for you to get established?
If no = Even more unlikely you'll make it. Being a model is very expensive. You can bet your ass if you don't have a track record of being profitable, no company will pay shit for you. No flights, no shoots, no clothes. All on you.

post a pic in natural daytime lighting with a high resolution camera. no shirt on or hair product. if you aren't beautiful in that state, tough break buddy, modelling ain't for you buddy. guess you'll have to get a hardworking job like the rest of us.

>Another general rule
If you live in a big city, go out alot, and haven't been scouted yet, you almost definately don't have what it takes.

This is all coming from a professional photographer and designer/tailor. No where near famous, but I've been making around 50k AUD last two years which is very good for my age and experience.

>> No.5953339

who are you even. Stop stalking me between boards

>> No.5953346

yeah you could, the 'before' model