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/fa/ - Fashion

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5940341 No.5940341 [Reply] [Original]

hey /b/. i'm thinking about getting a fedora. I rarely see anyone wearing them and i think i'd look awesome, like dean martin or a gangster or something. should i get one? y/n

>> No.5940344


>> No.5940346


>> No.5940353
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bumping with some inspiration

>> No.5940371

Real question: What sort of classic caps are acceptable these days? I see more and more golfcap/newsie type things around and the neck beards didn't ruin them. Are they acceptable for dress casual?

>> No.5940384

>Guaranteed replies.

>> No.5940387


Anachronistic wear is 99% a bad idea unless you look and dress flawlessly. I don't know where you live, but newsboy caps were also worn by neckbeards and skinny posers, albeit to a lesser extent.

>> No.5940386


people keep saying how hats are bound to come back in style, but i honestly don't see it.

if you can wear a hat and pull it off, that's great. but i just cant see hats coming back into style.

>> No.5940394

Interesting. The reason I ask is because I rock predominantly Dadcore/Mad Men style and I feel like it would go decently with my outfits and I live in an area that's windy as fuck and Bryllcreem just doesn't have the hold to keep my part/wave in place.

I live in an extremely rural area full of nothing but hicks and native americans who dress like niggers. Our neckbeards were limited to fedoras and even then they aren't even uncommon due to the general hickish nature of the area.

>> No.5940406

please don't be so racist
you are probably upset cause the girls won't suck your dick cause you dressed in a suit to high school
this mf probably owns a pocket watch

>> No.5940411

>you are probably upset cause the girls won't suck your dick cause you dressed in a suit to high school
Nope, actually I wore the usual graphic T, jeans and sneakers that's common here in the South West. Currently in banking working 40+ hours a week so I don't really have a choice but to wear dress/dress casual and am engaged. Thanks for projecting though.

>> No.5940416

lol just get a 5 panel

>> No.5940426

stow the racism
it doesn't belong here

>> No.5940440

Sigh, fine. They dress like your average colored fellow. Like the general thuggish negro gentlemen.

>> No.5940457

haha this nigga right here he got edge
post a fit and maybe then we can help you

>> No.5940467


The concept of the hat as "anachronistic" is retarded. They serve the same function as they always have. /fa/ is pretty much the only place that has a forced hatred for them.

>> No.5940477


I can see specific types of hats, like attempting to wear a top hat just about anywhere. But all hats anachronistic? No. That's outright dumb.

>> No.5940496

he's not saying all hats are anachronistic just the battyboy ones you want to wear

>> No.5940510


Why do you fucking bother posting? 90% of the posts on /fa/ are retarded and meaninglessly aggressive.

I don't even own a hat except for a winter toboggan...The very fact that people still wear them with any frequency means they're not anachronistic. They're still in use, whether you like it or not.

>> No.5940511

Fedora is actually a sign of man starting to get /fa. I mean, all of us were there and that is what makes you understand how ridiculous your fits and clothes look, after which real man start to dig the subject and get real fashionable.

>> No.5940523
File: 18 KB, 413x323, le-swag-class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get it and a snapback tailored together into something like this

>> No.5940529

Fuck off nigger lover.

>> No.5940708

>Fedora is actually a sign of man starting to get /fa. I mean, all of us were there

no, that was only you

>> No.5940711
File: 73 KB, 500x595, t7ljsqO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I've been under the impression hats are becoming so out of fashion that even snowmen stopped wearing them.

>> No.5940723

>hey /b/. i'm thinking about getting a fedora.
>hey /b/. i'm thinking about
>hey /b/. i'm
>hey /b/.

How did no one catch this?

>> No.5940727

because it is clearly a troll thread
and that is troll bait

>> No.5940760
File: 40 KB, 548x618, 2d4bc3e10930767495d70f025c6980fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only buy a fedora if you are ready for massive amounts of pussy!

>> No.5940763

All you would have to do is have some Malaysian kid with a peg leg sew a Supreme label onto a fedora and you guys would go apeshit.

>> No.5940767

Somebody post that fucking fedora flowchart

>> No.5940802

That really doesn't fit in with the rest.

>> No.5941623

why? because you like it? stay fuccboy!

>> No.5941708
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You more than likely wont pull it off.

>> No.5941764

apeshit angry
a supreme box logo fedora would mark the beginning of the end for the brand

>> No.5941791

now thats what i call style

>> No.5941816
File: 38 KB, 600x800, 984856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Meshuggah is too technical for you plebs to understand. Like, progressive metal is FA as fucc.

>> No.5941925


>> No.5943356
File: 132 KB, 533x800, DeTXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fedoras can be /fa/

>> No.5943421

I don't like the idea that there was a 'style for hats' in the past. There wasn't a style for them, it was bigger than that - a social norm, an expectation. They were just as required as shoes. People in the past weren't effortlessly classy, a lot of clothing was born out of necessity and expectation.

Aside from that, I guess hats can be worn, but there's too many types to go with too many styles to generalize, the same with any other article of clothing

>> No.5943437
File: 2.88 MB, 240x180, facepalm1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get fuck'd all of you. Least /fa/ thing you can do is to listen something just because it's hip or you think it's "/fa/" and not listen stuff you actually enjoy because someone in the internet said it's "for plebs"

>> No.5944201
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i bought one because it hides my huge ass forhead by tipping it forward whereas snapbacks and fitted hats simply make my head look bigger. However i had people looking at me all day like i was a freak for wearing a fucking fedora in public since i live in Florida and surrounded by rednecks and niggers whos idea of fashion is a mcdonald ketchup stained tshirt and camo pants or clothes 4x too big for them. I havent worn it since then

>> No.5944266

maybe they are looking at you because of the huge ass forehead youre trying to hide