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5937287 No.5937287 [Reply] [Original]

Face/Skincare thread? lately my skin has been looking terrible and I'd love advice. Ill dump some disgusting pictures and talk about what i use pertaining to skincare, but its almost all on my chin and under my nostrils sort of. I also have alot of blackheads around my nose that i dont know how to get rid of. The most pressing concern to me however is the acne/bumps all over my chin and over my mouth.

>> No.5937292

drink water

>> No.5937306
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I assume these blemishes are due to my shaving habits. I clean with cetaphil skin cleanser and a loufah for around my nose. I also have one of those zit popper things that i only really use for whiteheads. Most of the bumps on my face are just red bumps.

>> No.5937319

Stop popping zits and stop using most soaps on your face.
Also, how often do you wash your sheets? I'm one person, so I often forget to do it for awhile.
I started washing my pillow cases each week with my clothes and it cleared up some.

>> No.5937349
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I shave with a 3 bladed razor and standard barbasol shaving cream probably 3 times a week. I dont use any moisturizer as i fear that that is what was clogging my pores. If i was to begin a regimen of ointments and methods that my skin would improve with, should i skip shaving while my skin is recovering, because all the old bumps would just get reopened. I'm 19 still slowly growing, hormones are still raging, but its never been this bad, and neither of my parents had acne issues. Advice is welcomed especially from those who had similar issues. Should i be moisturizing more with a better moisturizer, or should i just be doing less with the loufah and the tool and stuff. I don't know what im doing but i feel like shit about my skin.

>> No.5937351

go to a fucking derm

>> No.5937361

i have the same problem as you op
i drink a lot
wash pillow cases every week
no soap
cleansing gel 2-3 times a day
moisturiser after drying out pimples
never eat candy or junk food

fuck this shit nothing works

>> No.5937362

I could wash my pillowcases more often, but i do already do that roughly weekly.

>> No.5937375

its really fucking frustrating, could it be that we are overdoing it? what do you mean you use moisturizer after drying out pimples? you just wait and then use moisturizer?

>> No.5937379

Stop eating carbs for a week. Your acne will be gone.

>> No.5937382

yes cleansing gel washes your face and dries the skin out
if you leave it that way it will get too dry and rough
moisturiser is necessary

>> No.5937385

Maybe I should try a keto diet then

>> No.5937395

are you ginger

>> No.5937398

Im in college and only really eat cafeteria food so sandwiches and wraps. Im relatively picky, so carb free would be difficult, but im willing to try it.

>> No.5937404

not even. Brown hair, almost no freckles, of Hungarian/Austrian descent.

>> No.5937413

What on earth guys. I just shove my face under the shower when I'm doing my hair, shave normally, and don't pay any particular attention to what I eat or drink. What is wrong with you all? Get your shit together

>> No.5937428

Same here op(19 too)

>> No.5937425

What do you eat/Any family history of acne? Are you totally through puberty?

>> No.5937440

>acne on the back and chest anyone?

I don't really get it anywhere else badly but my back is soo bad. I use a rub every morning when I shower but it ain't doing shit

>> No.5937445

Rejoice in your acne. That means that you're still going through puberty. You can still grow some more, so unless you're already like 6'6", the taller the better.

>> No.5937451

Eat plain meat and cheese and water. And spinach for a week.

>> No.5937457

No I'm 18, and I don't worry about what I eat. Obviously I don't live on deep fried food and cake but just eat normally, drink a few glasses of water. I don't even wash my face and the worst I get is the odd little white head in the morning. I don't even get that much sleep to be totally honest

>> No.5937498

Popping your pimples is one the worst things you can do with them, stop that.
Determine your skin type, buy products appropriate for your skin, drink more water. There's also always going to a dermatologist if you really need to.

>> No.5937523
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i guess. Im already 6' and couldnt get much more skinny. If its something that i could help though i'd rather solve it and not have to embrace it..
Should i invest in a moisturizer specifically for the face? I have lubriderm lotion, but is that really more just for the body?
I actually have no acne on my back however, this reminds me, my chest looks like this. Are these ingrown hairs or just terrible blackheads? Im definitely going to go to a dermatologist next time i am home. I swear i have good hygiene, work out regularly, eat vegetables, drink lots of water. I want to hibernate for 2 weeks and fix everything.

>> No.5937548

I have acne in the exact same place as you, around the mouth; mine is much more severe though. I've personally tried all the recommended topical treatments (ACV, lemon juice, BP, SA etc) and have been sleeping on fresh towels daily for months, to no avail. I hope it works out better for you, but for now I'm stuck to wearing fucking makeup.

>> No.5937555

Baby, either way you should exfoliate.

>> No.5937583

Is there a good quiz you know of? when i google finding out one's skin type, its almost all womens' magazines and they have questions pertaining to makeup that i dont know how to answer. what brands for moisturizer would you recommend?

>> No.5937591

>I'm stuck to wearing fucking makeup.
oh god that feel

>> No.5937659

I presumed that, but with what a scrub? The loufah doesnt do much, it just makes the skin red, but whatever they are they remain. Same with the blackheads on my nose.

>> No.5937685

Learn to shave properly, tada you don't have mouth acne.

>> No.5937701

what does that mean.. even if you shave properly but you have preexisting bumps, you are gonna cut yourself. Is there a guide you would like to link, or clarify what you mean at all.

>> No.5937706

I used to break out really bad on my chin, mostly around my mouth. I started using Oxy face wash, and it cleared up almost immediately.

>> No.5937733

accutane cleared me right up. still got pit marks though.

>> No.5937735

Jack go home.

>> No.5937759

Yeah that worked for my friend too. Ill try it.

>> No.5937786

I don't shave, I don't need to. Facial hair is non-existent, shitty genetics.

>> No.5937938

What to do about small skin colored pimples? What about discolored skin? I have faith that you will help me /fa/.

>> No.5937957

Please help.

>> No.5937990


>> No.5938011

Please /fa/

>> No.5938018

Four Words

Raw African Black Soap.

Oh, and a good moisturizer. Black Soap dries my skin a bit.

>> No.5938029


>> No.5938028


>> No.5938048

Dude, I fucking posted two things right under that post. Read some shit and chill the fuck out.

>> No.5938070


>> No.5938073

Your just being obnoxious, now no one will want to help you.

>> No.5938076


>> No.5938082
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Double edge razors help a lot with acne

>> No.5938087

This seems like exactly what I need. Acne, red cheeks, keratosis pilaris. Thank you based skincareman!

>> No.5938089
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>sleep on my back
>wash sheets every week
>use a clean pillowcase every day
>drink mostly water
>don't touch my face
>eat relatively healthy
>don't drink soda
>shave with cetaphil
>take vitamin e, a, b5, b6, zinc
>tfw still have acne
>tfw 25

Seriously, this sucks. However, I recently started taking something called Hyland's Best Silicea 6X as well as proboiotics and it's clearing up. I'm also getting microdermabrasions once a week.

>> No.5938096

I've heard taking vitamin b5 helps with oily faces, what's your intake on that?

>> No.5938101

I have had better luck when eschewing acne products and doing a really simple routine: wash, then moisturize.

The problem before was that I would wash, then apply one of those acne creams. Problem: both of those things make your skin dry as fuck, thus the dermis is like, "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK, WE GOT DRYNESS OVER HERE, GOTTA PRODUCE SOME OIL" — and whaddya know, those oils drive acne. Solution: apply moisturizer after washing your face. Just a thin layer of any non-greasy skin cream -- enough so that you can get it all over your face, and rub all of it in.

When I got into this, I eventually found that I no longer needed acne products, I just needed to keep my skin from drying out.

>> No.5938110

Just be careful not to get the portion of it you aren't using wet. That shit will dissolve really quickly.

Bonus Tip, don't buy shitty Black Soap from Target/Wal-Mart, etc. Buy it online, raw, by the pound. I think I paid like $12 for a 1lb. block of it from Amazon, imported from Ghana.

>> No.5938106

>tfw have never had acne
>tfw haven't gotten a significant pimple in over two years
>tfw never even had acne back in the day when my hygiene was more questionable
>tfw only get small blackheads over long periods of time that are easy to take care of
>tfw drinking 9-13 cups of water everyday, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and using fresh pillow cases and towels only assures that I won't ever have acne

Thanks mom and dad. Thanks for not giving me oily gross jeans

>> No.5938115


Genes*, lol fuck

>> No.5938125


I think it helps a little but I'm not positive. I was a late bloomer and didn't get acne until I was 20. I had moderate acne until I was 23. I tried everything. All of the _ocylins, acne.org, clearsil, cetaphil, lemon juice, vinegar, rubbing my face with strawberries, toothpaste, etc. Then when I was 23 I decided to start taking Vitamin A and gave in and bougt ProActiv. Magically it disappeared for about two years. It's flared up recently and I started going to get microdermabrasions. The lady recommended stopping the Proactiv and useing an antibacterial wash from Dermalogica as well as taking probiotics. So far, it's helped.

>> No.5938140

Egg white masks mixed with lemon juice and honey were heaven sent for my skin. I don't know if it'll help you, but it's worth a shot. Good luck bro!

>> No.5938136


The thing that aggravates me the most is that I see my coworkers eating candy and drinking soda on a daily basis and they have flawless skin. Also, I hate it when I see neckbeards and fatasfatasses with flawless skin. I'm 5'11" 160 lbs.

>> No.5938146

Take biotin supplements OP, helps your hair too.

>> No.5938148


Thanks, man. I'll continue what I'm doing now since it seems to be helping but explain the masks. What's the ratio of ingredients and how long do you leave it on?

>> No.5938152


I know this feel so hard

>> No.5938157

I used one egg. Crack it and use a spoon to take out the yolk. Cut a lemon in half, use a squeezer to get all of its juices out into the same bowl and as for honey, I'd say a tsp. Mix. Apply to face, especially problem areas and leave it on for... I'd say 5-10 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Feels great.

>> No.5938156

Some of the Benefits of black soap - Helps deep clean skin. - Works on most skin types including rough and dry or sensitive skin - Helps clear skin bumps and spots - Helps relieve acne, oily skin & other skin problems. - Great for removing makeup - Works against premature facial lines and wrinkles - Can be lathered and used as a shampoo. Usage of the Black African Soap Break off a bar-size piece from the bulk, then press it to shape with your hands, or use it as is. Rub the bar between your hands (or on a washcloth would also work), then rub your soapy hands on your skin and hair. (If you rub the bar on your hair, it will get hair stuck to the bar.) Black soap absorbs water easily, so keep it from sitting in water or it will dissolve away. The soap holders covered with little vertical fingers work well. Because this soap is softer than commercial soap, it comes off the bar more easily, so less rubbing of the bar is needed to release enough soap. When you start another bar, just push the old soap sliver onto the new piece and the two will easily unite; leaving no waste. How to Store the Black African Soap Pure traditional African black soap is a soft milled soap and has very high natural glycerin content. As a result, it readily absorbs moisture from the air. It must be stored in a dry location or in a sealed plastic bag or it will become soft as it absorbs moisture. Black soap exposed to the air will have a thin white colored film. This film is not mold it is caused by absorption of water from the air. This can be avoided by keeping the soap in a dry location away from moisture until ready for use. Ingredients: Traditional Black Soap contains mainly cocoa pod ashes, plantain skins ashes, and palm oil, processed together.

lol amazon product description

>> No.5938160


But does it clear acne?

>> No.5938172

I remember having small, skin colored pimples around my face and they disappeared over time. I should probably get back on doing that.

>> No.5938184


Now just when you thought my review couldn't get any worse? I took one of pieces I broke off and molded it for use. As I began to use the soap I actually cut my arm! Wait a minute, that didn't feel like a shard of plantain! I took a good look at my soap and there was a ROCK in my SOAP! It was a decent size rock, larger than a quarter, and certainly took up some weight of my one pound of soap. I have posted a photo for all to see.

So yes this soap is African black soap, but every African black soap that I've used, whether it be organic, hand made, mass-produced, etc. has been better, and I've never had a rock or been cut by it. So buy wisely and be careful. Maybe this was just a bad batch. I am very disappointed, but my son is happy to have a rock that he believes is from Ghana for his rock collection, I'm just glad I didn't use the soap/rock on him!

jesus christ these reviews are gold

>> No.5938201

any tips on getting rid of acne scars?

>> No.5938211

Vitamin A I've heard. Also time.

>> No.5938216

This review is from: Raw African Shea Butter Black Soap from Ghana - 1 Lb (Misc.)
Shipping: 4-5 days
Appearance: Nothing like the picture, it came in a air tight vacuum bag in small airy chunks. No bueno.
Smell: earthy, lathers up alright
Feel: Like a hedgehog

>> No.5938223


>Feel: Like a hedgehog

I don't know this feel.

>> No.5938248

Haven't you idiots hit puberty yet?

>> No.5938245

Stop the intake of sugar and sweets and shit like that. That healed my skin after years of trial and error.

>> No.5938273

Do you cleanse and moisturize properly?

>> No.5938281


check ur privilege

>> No.5938288


I mean seriously. I stopped being pizza face at 15. What's wrong with you fatties

>> No.5938294


you are not everyone b

>> No.5938320


Yes. I use an antibacterial wash from Dermologica. I used to use an SPF moisturizer from Origins but now don't moisturize because my skin is already very oily.

>> No.5938326

Does anybody know that feel when you are preoccupied about your acne all day and worry about it and then you happen to see someone who's handicapped or actually has a skin problem and then you feel terrible because you feel so shallow?

>> No.5938330
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>don't moisturize because my skin is already very oily.

Find a better cleanser that your skin likes, and moisturize anyway.

I swear to god if you're not using an oil free one.

>> No.5938334

Man, that's the same exact soap I buy, and I've never had any trouble with it.

>> No.5938335


I've used all type of cleansers and this is the best one so far. I used to moisturize before but it was just making things worse.

>> No.5938337

>Raw African Shea Butter Black Soap from Ghana
Wait, I lied, no it isn't. The stuff I buy isn't mixed with Shea Butter, this is what I get.

>> No.5938346

Breddy good thread, guys.

>> No.5938697

Any good moisturizer to use with the soap

>> No.5938732

yeah i'm sure theres some good shit, i just checked out the most awful reviews..

>> No.5938774

>wow 1 pound for $5, $10 off!
>$40 AUD shipping

>> No.5940405

then you're fucking lucky boi

>> No.5940415

Shea Butter
Dat Amazon Prime. Free Shipping.

>> No.5940444

>foaming cleanser then toner then moisturizer every day
>facial scrub and deep cleansing mask once or twice a week
>use clean pillowsheets every night
>don't touch face
>drink water

>> No.5940445

anyone get like really swollen underskin pimples, like with no redness just really large (wide) and painfull. how do stop

>> No.5940472


Dont shave with any razor of ANY sort.

I use an electric shaver and shave to a mm. This means that the hair never gets completely cut but still looks very clean shaven. Therefore i have NO ingrown hairs or cuts on my face. Use a decent moisturiser on your face after shaving. This helps alot and fuck people who say its only for women.

Use a pillowcase 2 times (nights) then wash it. Best to own some 5 pillowcases.

Have on towel for your face and one for your body. DO NOT MIX. Change face towel every 3 days or so.

DO NOT wash your face throughout the day and dont use soap on it ever.

This is my advice anon.
I never really had that many pimples, maybe one per fortnight but now i have 10/10 skin. No cuts, no pimples, no blemishes, no red spots NOTHING.

Good luck mate im sure in a month or so you will be a pretty motherfucker just like me.

>> No.5940492

Electric shavers fuck up your skin

They mean you have a permanent dark shadow instead of being able to achieve pretty, hairless skin

>> No.5940532

cool shit just ordered some

>> No.5940540

Have you tried cutting out the hot showers and showering cold? It helped me, but it took a few weeks to adjust to the cold water.

>> No.5940547

cold water is also a lot better for your scalp but it doesn't open your pores as much i assume?

>> No.5940556

Pores do not open and close. Look it up.


What it DOES do is increase circulation, preserve your skin's natural oils, prevent inflammatory response, reduce redness, and jumpstart your immune response. Check it:


>> No.5940560

well shit. good to know thanks

>> No.5940615

Wow, cool, that's the next weird thing I do. It will complete my weirdness.