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5927569 No.5927569 [Reply] [Original]

i really hate my life, /fa/. i think about killing myself everyday. i've felt like this for maybe seven years.

>> No.5927578

Me too but being dead isn't very effay.
Also they might dress your corpse rly ugly so.

>> No.5927575

well like bruh... datz life

>> No.5927580

but tell me bout it

>> No.5927588

/r9k/ here just stopping by to tell you that you're always welcomed to join our group, and to stop the normies from invading from their cancerous posting.

>> No.5927598

go do whatever youve always wanted to do then

seen as you are gonna be dead anyway

you have nothing to lose

the world is your oyster

>> No.5927600
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>Apply for your states low income medical coverage
>Call for psychiatrist
>Tell him you have had concentration issues since childhood
>Work your way past all the shit medications till you get adderall
>Get grades in community college
>profit and lord over minorities


>> No.5927601

Another /r9k/ poster. Brofist.

What brings you to /fa/?

I've decided to slowly stop going to /r9k/, in spite of being there for years, and branch off into more positive/neutral boards.

OP, I think about that too. In fact, just recently it was on my mind.

What has you down?

>> No.5927616

oh, shit. i never thought about that

>> No.5927617

i think about killing myself eraday but i consider myself very happy... this post got me thinking am i depressed or just a faggot?

>> No.5927620

but yolo

>> No.5927634

dropped out of college, working shit job. no motivation, haven't had friends since elementary, never really had a close relationship with another person, avoidant personality disorder, can't imagine a life that would be worth living. a normal life seem unattainable. therapists haven't helped me, nor have the drugs i've tried

>> No.5927636

one time too many

>> No.5927644

stop being a pussy and go do stuff

>> No.5927659

like what

>> No.5927667

You're like me, only I haven't dropped out.

Academically I'm performing better than 85% of students at my college, but not a day goes by where I don't want to quit. The loneliness and shit sucks and sometimes having that friend seems unattainable. But we need to have respect for ourselves and try anyway.

I've been diagnosed depressed, in a hospital for suicide attempt, have scars on my arm (which inhibit my ability to wear anything but long sleeves) and more. But I keep going. You should too!

>> No.5927660


find something you love to do man, gives you purpose

is there anything youre really passionate abt?

>> No.5927663

my therapist told me about this thing called chronic suicidal ideation

it's where you're just constantly thinking about killing yourself every time you fuck up at work or miss a bus or something

I was like that for like 8 years even when I was in a good mood

I think now it just stopped because I have so much shit to do that I'm too distracted to have idle thoughts about hanging myself over spilt milk

>> No.5927661

>HUrr durr just be yourself

Yeah sounds easy for a board that's more socially active.

>> No.5927677

>is there anything youre really passionate abt?
a lot of people assume /fa/ posters are more normal than they are imo

>> No.5927690

spilled a can of beer like 30 minutes ago. first thought was, "i wish i was dead". bill burr does a bit about how little things make him think of killing himself

>> No.5927697

alright brah.... heres what we gonna do
1. listen to the basedgod
2. ask yourself during your free time how do you spend it and why..?
if its something along the lines of.. i watch tv for an hour then stop.
take 1 hour of your day to improve yourself visual who you want to be make goals do whatever makes you happier/more confident etc
such as working out w.e "everyday your not 1 step closer the man you want to be is a day wasted"

>> No.5927711


eventually it got so frequent that I didn't even notice it but it used to freak me out when I was in middle school and didn't really know what was going on

also lol I explained it to my friend and apparently they talk about it in Girl Interrupted, I've seen the movie but I had completely forgotten and felt lame as fuck about all of the times I explained it to close friends

>> No.5927708

Shit? Seriously? There's a name for ybet suicide thing? I thought it was just being over dramatic whenever it happens to me.

>> No.5927721

i had no desire to go to college in the first place. and no desire to pursue the degree i was in. i didn't really drop out, though. i got a medical withdrawal because my therapist said i'd be fucked if i just dropped out and ever tried to come back.

>> No.5927726


let me rephrase: is there anything that you enjoy?

any type of thing u like to do?

>> No.5927753

i don't even think it's that abnormal (for normal people) it's only problematic when it's suicidal ideation pursuant depression

>> No.5927774

make a list of everything you have always wanted to do or experience, do each thing on that list, you wont want to kill yourself anymore, or at least you will die happy

go travelling, see some shit, experience new things
fuck a girl, dont know any girls? fuck a prostitute
try every drug you can think of and have the time of your life

say you plan on killing yourself, you may as well do some cool stuff before you die, you have absolutely nothing to lose once you accept the fact you are going to die, especially if you know when that is

so dont be a pussy fag and sit at home crying about how you wish you were dead
go and make your life what you want it to be
no excuses

then kill yourself if you still want too

>> No.5927777

that seems about right... thanks for the info anon ill look into it. Im in high school right now and it just freaks the fuck out of me when i have suicidal thoughts over little things like that

>> No.5927787

i like to do things correctly. i like to do right by people. not that it gives me pleasure. i cook, but don't enjoy it that much. i made some short films once. that gave me some sense of pride, but it's hard to make films when you're anxious around other people

>> No.5927794

Duh. That's why you have a closed coffin/cremated funeral. Preferably one where they scatter your ashes so you ruin some pleb's clothes.

>> No.5927797

Yeah it really isn't, most of the time people have no idea what I'm talking about but it's pretty often that people seem relieved to know that it's not a very bad thing and that they're not the only person going through it. I think for me it started with serious bouts of depression where I was making plans to kill myself but it just sort of bled into when I was feeling good. These past couple of months have been the happiest of my life and I haven't experienced it nearly as much as I used to. I think it just took me a long time to get over.

I think it's kind of like how people get worried about their mental health when they have the urge to jump from high places even though just about everyone feels like doing that. No one talks about it so no one knows that it's normal and that it doesn't mean you're crazy.

Like this guy >>5927708 probably feels a lot better about the whole thing right now.

>> No.5927799

My only goal in life is to be happy.

>> No.5927805

if you are going to kill yourself then what reason do you have to be anxious?

say whatever the fuck you want to people, do whatever the fuck you want to those people

its not going to matter when youre dead

>> No.5927816

do whatever it is that makes you feel happy then

take ecstasy every day untill you die, you will have a happy but short life

>> No.5927811


it seems to me that its easier to enjoy life when you do work that youre proud of. ever consider working in the film industry?

>> No.5927830

is adderall really that high tier? wtf?

>> No.5927838

never said i was going to kill myself, just that i'd like to.
i just don't know if it's a reasonable goal. and i don't know if i have the drive to do it. once every few months for about an hour i feel good. i feel like what i imagine most people feel like most of the time. i have the ability to set goals, i have desires, i feel hopeful, but then just as quickly that feeling disappears

>> No.5927840


when you have positive feedback, is it easier to maintain your drive?

>> No.5927857

yeah, i think so. a lot of the time, though, when i'm complimented for something i get depressed. just tired and sad

>> No.5927874


i see. it sounds like doing things regarding film is one of the better options you have reading these posts...its something that you produce, that is lasting, that give you a positive feeling

i guess the question is more along the lines of "how badly do you want to change the situation youre in so you can achieve the things you want to?"

so even if you doubt how realistic that option is, doing the thing that you can enjoy might be the best one you have.

>> No.5927895

thanks for the kind words, anon. i don't know where to start, though. i suppose i should get back into therapy. i have trouble even making phone calls most of the time, though

>> No.5927896

Yes, I went from having difficulty in College algebra/trig. (passed with a C) To taking calculus 2 and a Chem class same semester with no issues.

Retook trig/college algebra and got my gpa back into he 4.0 range. I really cannot emphasize how amazing this pill is.

>> No.5927915

i got a 3.9 in linear algebra without adderal, hmm

>> No.5927935


at minimum, just try

thats all anyone can do man

>> No.5928422

why is it so effective?

isn't there a drugless alternative

like being alpha in charge of my own success without supplement dependency?
commitment and drive?
strict, proper time management?
possessing high IQ and very large potential for growth?
adequate amount of sleep?

tell me about add er all

>> No.5928466

Good for you. Quite an accomplishment I have to say, I wouldn't be able to do that. Not even sure with the drug.
It just helps you get in a clearing of thought and a boost of energy, homework becomes like a trivial obstacle. I never really encountered any drugless way of achieving this. I had sleep, the drive and time management backed with white intelligence but sometimes shit bogs you down and you simply cannot concentrate on your work.

Just buy it off someone if your too lazy to go through the appointments and try it for yourself.

>> No.5928634
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If that was for everyone, there wouldn't be such a clear provision in the laws for massive pharmaceutical concerns to market amphetamines to teens and children, would there?

I think it's effective because SPEED MAKES YOU PAY ATTENTION. (emphasis added)