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/fa/ - Fashion

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5924309 No.5924309 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else thinking of giving up trying to be high fashioned and just dressing and being yourself?

>> No.5924314

>Implying that's not what I've been doing all along
man /fa/ is shitty today

>> No.5924313


>> No.5924321

>high fashioned

What the fuck

>> No.5924318

what if we're inherently high fashion

>> No.5924330


>> No.5924325

That doesn't count

>> No.5924341

Don't know what high fashioned is supposed to mean, I just dress in stylish clothes that I like.

>> No.5924356

I think OP means clothes that /fa/ thinks is /fa/.

>> No.5924379

>Anyone else thinking of giving up trying to be /fa/ and just dressing like shit?

>> No.5924380

What the fuck does it even mean to be /fa/? I hate people asking if shit is /fa/ or not what the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.5924400

I find since I wear a uniform constantly a school then preppy is the thing I feel most secure wearing.Wear what you like and feel secure wearing end of story.

>> No.5924405

just insecure people afraid of being judged by the internet so they have to ask for approval

>> No.5924407


>> No.5924412

I buy brands I like, I thrift things I think are cool. I switch up fits. Sticking to one style is pleb

>> No.5924423

my nigga

>> No.5924494

Fashion sucks. /fa/ isnt fashion. Try wearing a blanket scarf or denim jacket as a waistcoat under a suit if you want high fashion. Is anyone telling you to do that here? No. However do dress how you want. Actually dressing how YOU want is /fa/

>> No.5924504


>> No.5924515

>Actually dressing how YOU want is /fa/

ha ha ha ha ha ha oh gosh how new are you

>> No.5924527

I wear anime and flame button tees with jnco jeans and cdbs. Good to know im fashionable just bc i do what i want

>> No.5924531


Actually dressing how YOU want is /fa/ as long as it doesn't look like shit.

>> No.5924537

protip: if the suit fits, you won't be able to stuff the jacket underneath

>> No.5924538

confirmed for drone pleb

>> No.5924624

A long as your clothes fit you and the designs or patterns aren't horribly offensive, you're good. Being a drone is not /fa/. Breaking a few rules is.

>> No.5924698

Following tommy ton and the rest of the gq drones is not /fa/ you need to feel comfortable in what you wear and realise being 'fa' is aspirational and not realistically acheivable

>> No.5924717

Fashion essentially is about dressing how you want because if you dont we are all clones. Its all taste in the end of the day.

>> No.5924751

If you need someone to confirm you're /fa/, you're not. You either are and you know or your not and you seek aproval of others

>> No.5924792

>>being yourself
Time to shatter your dreams fuccboi. All this means is not consciously paying attention to fashion and drifting along accidentally following the dregs of trends as they reach the bottom of the barrel highstreet shit.
It's precisely why you can look back at pictures and see trends when you thought you were a snowflake

>> No.5924852

/fa/ is not fasion. Dadcore and gothninja do not represent fashion in the slightest. /fa/ is the dogshit on high fasions nike fly knit

>> No.5924908

Oooh, totally shattered my dreams bro.
Your a fucking moron
Not really, fuck everyone else's opinion that's why I'm being myself and proving it with the way I dress, I just started this thread to see if anyone else had enough self-respect to do the same.

>> No.5924961 [DELETED] 

was just about to post this

>> No.5924971

was just about to post this

>> No.5924978

>2012 + i^4
>dressing in anything other than what you like
>being this beta

>> No.5924979
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OPs pic looks like the album cover from The Money Store

>> No.5924986

what the fuck

>> No.5924987

The fuck?

>> No.5924990
File: 2.60 MB, 459x459, 1362395738180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u a wizzard?

>> No.5924993


what is happening

>> No.5924997 [DELETED] 

>having the ability to see into the future

>> No.5925002

>having the ability to see into the future

>> No.5925286
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>> No.5925297

I love you

>> No.5925335
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congrats OP you win the fashion game
god bless 8)

>> No.5925333

okay faggots what the fuck is this thread

>> No.5925352

yeah bro pretty much every day,

my goal is to not own any pieces of clothing that are store bought within 3 years time, except underwear and socks, want my whole wardrobe home made. to me thats "being myself"

>> No.5925384


>Wear what you like and feel secure wearing

Just this
if you aren't comfortable wearing something then you're never going to pull it off properly anyway

>> No.5925455

I think the idea of mixing luxury and mass-market fashion is very modern, very now - no one wears head-to-toe designer anymore.

It's a new era in fashion - there are no rules. It's all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together.
-Alexander McQueen

>> No.5925492

Gonna ask my hairdresser to cut my hair like the dude on the left of OP's pic tomorrow. Loving that greaser style, even though I'm a pansy when it comes to putting product in my hair.

>> No.5925499

You're going to make your own shoes?

>> No.5925532


probably not all my shoes, but i definitely want to design shoes. if i could design only shoes i would die happy. i worked at a shoemaking factory for a few months, and now i work some nights at a place that fabricates custom shoes. i really just want to learn how to make a pair of derbies completely by my own hand, and ill be happy.

>> No.5925563

That's cool how did you get that gig?

I would love to work at a factory making clothes while i go to school

Even being an apprentice for a tailor would be cool

>> No.5925589


i got it through my previous work, i used to maintain old props, mostly old film cameras and microphones for this warehouse that rents them.

one guy that came in was a shoemaker and needed an assistant so i started working w/ him on custom order boots.

working at factories is the shit, you learn so much more than at any school/classes. but yeah learning from a tailor would be dope, but its really hard to find tailors willing to teach.

>> No.5925619

I don't go for high-fashion. I am perfectly fine with less expensive things because I know that I can still hone in on what I like, thus evolving my style into something that is aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.5926681
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>> No.5926879
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>> No.5926901

Alright seriously, I want to get to the bottom of this.

>> No.5926906
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If I dressed as "myself" it'd be jizz-stained sweatpants and an unwashed hanes undershirt.