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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 64 KB, 494x500, heyguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5922832 No.5922832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no gf

>> No.5922838


>> No.5922845

>tfw no friends in general

I can't even make friends. A gf is the last thing i'll ever get

>> No.5922852

>tfw I listen to tswift and 1D loudly in public in the hopes grills will notice and want to talk about it

>> No.5922855

my sides

>> No.5922857

I would walk up to you and ask you when you came out of the closet

>> No.5922861


>> No.5922867
File: 38 KB, 829x640, 1364349141001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never had a gf
>tfw finally about to get a gf
>tfw got a fwb instead

i just want someone to love

>> No.5922871

I blast morrissey out of my car...

I'm 3rd poster nofriends guy

>> No.5922883


All us Billy No Mates should join a club

>> No.5922897
File: 551 KB, 919x720, all alone feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's even worse then not having a gf.

>> No.5922903

you will never be loved
you're just the weird "friend" who keeps her entertained while she's waiting for the real bf

>> No.5922909
File: 88 KB, 706x720, tyler_durden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in love with former best friend
>tfw you had a falling out because you couldn't deal with not having her
>tfw still think about her every day for hours
>tfw it's been six months since you last spoke and you want to tell her you love her every day
>tfw you don't have her number anymore

>> No.5922912
File: 32 KB, 400x337, a-clockwork-orange-image-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. We'll make a club where we go around and beat the shit out of naturally extroverted people

>> No.5922915
File: 73 KB, 543x549, 1365262328635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't know what you look like to other people

>> No.5922934

post a pic on here or /soc/ and simply ask...

>> No.5922955


dude i meant in real life

whether i look like i do in photos or in the mirror

>> No.5922962


>> No.5922956

a-are you retarded?

>> No.5922959

photos. the mirror is reveresed

>> No.5922960

what the fuck

>> No.5922965

>tfw summer is coming up and you just want a gf to spend time with
>tfw you will probably waste it developing the arse groove in your chair

>> No.5922966

That feel when I like a girl from one of my classes and I feel as if I could definitely get her as my girlfriend if I tried but I literally do not know how to approach it. I'm a good person to talk to after the whole awkward approach, but I don't know how to get over that.

>> No.5922967

do you have any friends? if so ask if they know any single grills they could introduce you to

>> No.5922970

>hi femanon
>my name's anon
>i'm femanon
>would you like to get coffee some time, femanon?

problem solv-ed

>> No.5922982

go up to her
a loud "HEY!"
ask her for her name and say "you're in my class right?"
take it from there...

>> No.5922986

Fuck you guys, I came here from /fit/ and /o/ because I was told you get laid often.

Seems I was lied to.

>> No.5922984
File: 395 KB, 512x384, 1353241845422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the few friends I have are losers like me

>tfw beta friend gets gf before you

>> No.5922994

Every board has the >tfw no gf guys.

>> No.5922995

you cannot escape the feels brah

>> No.5922992

we don't actually go outside
the reason we dress nice is because of the waywts

>> No.5922993


>tfw 5/10 bro gets 7/10 gf
>tfw you are 7/10 and no gf

he goes to college and has a job though so more ops to meet peeps

>> No.5922997

>mfw I sit at home in my N&F and henleys all day every day

>> No.5923002

>tfw virgin goes for 2 weeks because no opportunity to go outside

>> No.5923008

dude just go up and be like


>> No.5923014

iktfb, go outside pretty much only 3 days a week most of the time.
I'm hopefully getting a job and going to the gym now though so will go out erryday and have $

>> No.5923017


story of my life man. On the rare occasion I actually do make any "friends", they are always loosers with no friends like me.

Its a never ending cycle of infinite nothingness being this way.

Extroverted people also get all of the jobs. the world wants you dead when your lonely

>> No.5923020

>3 days a week

look at mr extrovert over here

>> No.5923035

oh god my sympathy
> broke up with gf when 15
> depression and few bitches since
> get drunk and confess shitt
> shes the only one who truly knows me now
> these old feels come back
dammit i even know she likes me why aren't we getting at it
hold me fa

>> No.5923057
File: 144 KB, 500x398, 1360559215706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5923058

a-atleast she doesn't hate you :'c

>> No.5923068


what the fuck fucking samefag its a legit issue that is bothering me

>> No.5923071

not samefag

in a mirror.. you look mirrored... so... yeah...

>> No.5923076


what the fuck are you a retard?

>> No.5923078
File: 8 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)

>> No.5923087

are you coaxing me into a snafu? you look exactly like you look like in photos. that is what other people see.

>> No.5923088


LOL hashtagLOL

>> No.5923092


this is not true

citation neeeded dumb fag

>> No.5923102

devious flim-flams

>> No.5923105

stop trying to trick me anon

>> No.5923128

it doesn't actually have to do with if it's mirrored or not. i mean:

if you are used to seeing an image (your face in the mirror) then you stop noticing the flaws.
if you mirror the image (your face in photos) then suddenly the flaws are more apparent.
the version you are not used to seeing is probably how you look to someone meeting you for the first time
idk what this phenomenon is called

>> No.5923129
File: 42 KB, 634x378, article-0-0EBB191600000578-201_634x378[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the camera

>> No.5923133

Lol you'r getting trolld so hard would you like fries with your butthurt gg

>> No.5923136

>broke up with gf 2/3 years ago because she wasn't sure she could cope with long distance
>know she didn't really want to
>are still close for the next few months
>she gets a bf, I'm okay with it.
>meet up during the next summer a year later on a night out: "Hang on I'm going to call up <bf at the time> and break up with him."
>"you fucking what. You know that's a dumb idea, and you're only doing it because you're here with me now."
>"I'm only with him because I can't be with you"
>I'm pretty mad, because that's clearly a dumb thing; whether it involves me or not.
>go back to seperate unis at the end of summer, don't speak about it except for the day after, where she claims she doesn't remember saying any of it (but she does, I knew it, and admitted it later.)
>over the next year or so she has a couple of shorter relationships, we're not really in contact
>last week, get a text at 5am along the lines of "None of my relationships can hold a candle to ours, I don't feel anything like I did with you"
>a million feels at once
pls 2 hold

>> No.5923142



>> No.5923143

you mean focal lenght

>> No.5923147
File: 4 KB, 107x131, 1360520078918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, stop arguing about the mirrors and the photos.

Take a mirror.

Got a mirror?

Get another mirror.

Two mirrors.

Line them up with eachother.

Reflect your face in one mirror off of the other.

Your face will be flipped, without the distortion of camera lens.

That's what you look like in real life.

>> No.5923150

/p/ pls go

(what do you call people from /p/?)

>> No.5923153
File: 9 KB, 480x360, fjhfgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look most realistic in videos. pictures are not real due to being static and 2 dimensional and also depend on camera lenses, in mirror everything is real except its reversed. you could also get 2 mirrors which would be the most realistic of them all.

>> No.5923154

probably yeah

>> No.5923157

What the fuck does this have to do with fashion? Fuck this thread.

>> No.5923161

post your feels. you know you want to

>> No.5923163


To the contrary, I have a great gf but I have no really close friends.

>> No.5923169

fuck you

>> No.5923179
File: 26 KB, 289x309, 1365185531434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't if girls are staring at me because I look stupid
>tfw others guys keep looking really angry at me

>> No.5923183

rick owens isn't appreciated irl

>> No.5923184
File: 293 KB, 389x473, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5923186

i have a great gf and several close friends

>> No.5923187

Hurry up and post you double nigger you sound like somebody I know

>> No.5923188

I don't wear that shit, I wear relatively normal things.

>> No.5923191

What is "relatively normal"?

>> No.5923198

It's Drake, so you probs don't know me

>> No.5923194


well guys

it was fun but time to commit suicide

>> No.5923196

>tfw girls chase after me but still no gf.

>> No.5923200

> "None of my relationships can hold a candle to ours, I don't feel anything like I did with you"
i-i-i think/hope she feels like this, she was crushed when we broke up

>> No.5923202

Just normal clothes, no girls jean or stupid shit like goofninja or supreme

>> No.5923203

I don't know this feel

>> No.5923204

>I'm lonely and it's my fault

>> No.5923207

It's an overrated feel.

>> No.5923208


>> No.5923210
File: 351 KB, 512x384, 1364041448553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks for you. My face looks better when it's flipped because it's asymmetrical. I hate looking in mirrors, but pictures of me are alright.

>> No.5923218

You know, just jeans and a sweatshirt and maybe a track jacket.

>> No.5923220

>tfw subconsciously tilt head to the left by 5-10 degrees when sitting down and its noticeably in every photo of me ever

>> No.5923224

are you uggo?

>> No.5923229
File: 94 KB, 500x481, 1364887692184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5923230


stfu that thing isnt even true anyway

you look like you do in the mirror there no excuses

>> No.5923231

I don't think so.

>> No.5923233

>tfw attempt to dress nice
>tfw people staring
>tfw not sure if they think i look good or i look like a tryhard faggot

seriously how do you tell? i get complimented here and there but the fucking staring man.. what do they mean?

>> No.5923240

Yeah but some people are really delusional, especially on /fa/ for some reason.

Most people think they looks like a model in the mirror.

>> No.5923241

post fit

>> No.5923245
File: 26 KB, 450x456, 1357771984223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a flipped picture of your face is how you look in real life guys!
You're fuckin' dumb, dude.

>> No.5923247

oh god this
>tfw get stares and get paranoid
>tfw dress down and get no looks and get depressed

>> No.5923251


ur stupid

>> No.5923252

Pretty much.

>> No.5923253

/p/lebs amirite

>> No.5923265

>be with friend who is girl
>be flirting heavily for an hour
>no I can't have sex with you anon I've done it with all your friends and I don't want to get a reputation
>tfw she still goes on about how hot my friends are
>tfw she still tells me about guys she has one night stands with
>tfw I don't really want sex with her it just doesn't feel nice to be outright told like that and then have her rub it in my face like that just pisses me off
>tfw I can't get rid of her as a friend because she's the only one that I can actually rely on for anything

>> No.5923267

>"You know our relationship being so good was a shit way to start, every relationship I've had since then has ducked[sic] up because it was never as good as ours was it's bloody annoying that I still can't love anyone like I loved you. Anyway that's my drunken rambling for the evening hope you're goooood zzz"
>4:47 am, 22 March

I thought my paraphrasing was pretty adequate, but ok.

>> No.5923269
File: 323 KB, 601x387, bcb5393317aabb4da05f424fe9469ba5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an ignorant retard.

I bet you post the
>tfw im model tier sometimes but look bad other times :(

>> No.5923278
File: 401 KB, 797x1200, ig2JH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he probably means just like, basics, tees and jeans and shit idk

>> No.5923281

>mfw I found out when I was 15 that my hair that I swooshed to the left looked backwards IRL to how I wanted it to look.

>> No.5923288
File: 14 KB, 633x758, 1360257916672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my mom has never called me handsome

>> No.5923298

feeling yo feels yo, was just saying that my ex hopefully feels this way too (and i think she does)

>> No.5923305
File: 59 KB, 500x500, swiftlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I broke up with my 5/10 nympho gf who loved me because she was butterface

>> No.5923306

wait do I style my hair as it looks in the mirror or via a picture

>> No.5923307

Are you that kid with the greasy mexi stache?

>> No.5923308

no i was the kid with bieber hair years before bieber had it

>> No.5923313
File: 83 KB, 498x596, Bgpi1wO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf
>don't know if I even want to be in a relationship right now
>enjoy spending time with her but when I'm not I just wanna shut myself away

>> No.5923314
File: 49 KB, 393x626, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fat now but when I walk everywhere/smoke/drink coffee I look like I do in pic related. Could I be model tier? I'm 6 foot.


>> No.5923320

> breaking up for shitty reasons
you'll regret it anon! Its what i did
> nympho
nigga you definitely gonna miss this

>> No.5923326
File: 30 KB, 304x304, ykhgvjbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you already know the answer.

>> No.5923327
File: 48 KB, 630x473, swifty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I texted her three hours ago asking if she wants to hang out to talk about our breakup

>> No.5923332


>> No.5923331

I know that feel bro. I still have to make sure it's the other way today. I've not had bieber hair for like 5 years now.

>> No.5923333

>tfw got /fa/ basics down and clothes fit me well
>tfw no girls show any interest at club
>tfw fat fucks with plaid shirts standing with hot girls

I fucking hate being azn.

>> No.5923340

Become DJ

>> No.5923344

are you 5'2"

>> No.5923345
File: 61 KB, 507x299, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and nice quads :)

>> No.5923346
File: 72 KB, 226x263, 1361443117076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5923348

nah, 5'7, still a fucking manlet though.

>> No.5923357

Mirrors can also distort if not well made.

>> No.5923351


>> No.5923361

Maybe you're just unattractive.

>> No.5923363

do you wear all-black? every asian in australia seems to wear all black stuff it's weird as fuck

>> No.5923369

How about looking directly into a still pool of distilled water with your face parallell to the surface?

>> No.5923372

>tfw my mom and grandma were discussing that I wasn't handsome, that I had a big nose and overall was average

Yeah, women on alcohol... lovely combination

>> No.5923374

nah, i only wear black jeans. i usually wear white or light blue button downs or gray/charcoal sweatshirts.

>> No.5923379

aw shit nigga you done goofed it now.

>> No.5923380

T-that feel

>> No.5923385

yeah, thanks mum and dad for shit genes. but still other ugly fucks have the easiest time getting girls

>> No.5923386

W-what should I do? It's early as fuck in NZ so she probs hasn't read it yet

>> No.5923390

I-I don't think we're gonna make it brah

>> No.5923396

You jewish? That's par for course with jewish moms.

>> No.5923397


distilling it won't change anything, if you think it'll be flatter it won't because the h2o molecules are still highly polar. and best case ti's the same as a flat mirror

better idea, melt molten metal in a picture frame or something to get a perfectly flat mirror

>> No.5923399

>go to a party college
>in a co-ed fraternity
>have a retail job where I meet and talk to tons of people, lots of disposable income
>lots of friends, including close ones
>dress just /fa/ enough to get compliments, but not so much that I look weird.
>kissless virgin no gf. been on one date, 2 years ago.

I do get chased by black fat girls a lot though, so I guess I can comfort myself in the fact that I make other people feel forever alone too.

>> No.5923402

Dude break into her house and steal her phone!

>> No.5923404

she lives like 2 hours away by walking and i dont have a car

>> No.5923405

Why not a webcam?

>> No.5923410


lens makes it looked fucked up apaprently

>> No.5923413

Logic? In MY /fa/?

>> No.5923415


seriously you are in denial so much right now lmao

you look lik you do in the mirror end of discussion

>> No.5923418

I remember my first time on marijuanas

>> No.5923420
File: 295 KB, 624x352, 1361229652436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw grandma always tells me how handsome I am
>tfw only compliment off my parents is that i'm "pretty"

I'm a guy.

>> No.5923422

This is my life. I get told I'm very attractive by black girls all the time... I don't get it.

>> No.5923424

Because you look black.

>> No.5923425

>tfw my mother said I should be a model
>tfw I have no face

>> No.5923426

Is that actually the only thing stopping you?

>> No.5923427

>tfw mum said that I'm attractive and that the girls in the pub where looking at me
>tfw they were but I thought it was just because they thought I was weird or something

>> No.5923430

stop being an insecure cunt

>> No.5923431

I think only mums and gay ppl are attracted to me

>> No.5923435

Are you even white

>> No.5923436

get some of that milf action son!

>> No.5923443


dude i just took a pic of my dog facec and he looks so much more different than real life camera distorts come on now budy

>> No.5923452

I don't! I'm a white dude. I dress dadcore.

>> No.5923453

stop using fish-eye

>> No.5923458


>> No.5923463


we have, its called 4chan

>> No.5923471

smile at the grils, and see if they react postivieyl. if they dont, your insecurity is founded in reality and you should improve oyurself

>> No.5923473


>> No.5923475

iktf, the only times i have gotten compliments is from fat girls or my family. (and a friend who only does it because he feels sorry for me)

>> No.5923486

My parents very rarely say I'm good looking, but I get a lot of looks and smiles from girls, am I just delusional?

>> No.5923487

>all my female friends say im handsome and gorgeous
>still a virgin
>look like shit in photo's

>> No.5923491

tell your friends to set you up with qt 3.14

>> No.5923492

family doesn't count
but if you aren't even mom's unique flower then shitt

>> No.5923516
File: 19 KB, 303x337, 1364171142397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw girls look at you but you dont know if its because you are handsome or ugly

>> No.5923535

>hey anon, you could be a model...
>...for urban outfitters/anthropologie/american eagle

>> No.5923546

ask them you sperglord

>> No.5923554

post fit

>> No.5923550

except im a girl

actually hmm usually when i look like shit no one looks at me. i feel invisible. like a fat person.

so yeah either you super retarded or you look good

>> No.5923551


>> No.5923561


you look ugly all the time you greasy skinned paki cunt

>> No.5923573


>> No.5923580

this thread is so pathetic

>> No.5923584

fuck you

>> No.5923588

What's with nearly every tripfag being a gook or a paki?

>> No.5923595

they feel the need to tripfag because they want tos how you they're different when in relaity no one cares about them. i assume everyone is a straight white duded in his early 20s

>> No.5923596


i dont know i fucking have asian peope so much they suck so much dick and just constantly bum lick

>> No.5923601

>Do this
>Look better than both photographs and normal mirrors
Dude wat

>> No.5923602

we gotta try bro

>> No.5923622 [DELETED] 
File: 438 KB, 1019x1384, 56G39EMUL_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i cop this ?

>> No.5923623

>do this

hand me a gun

>> No.5923745
