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/fa/ - Fashion

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5921941 No.5921941 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5921942

I have nowhere to go.

>> No.5921982

This was all she had in her closet.

>> No.5921992 [DELETED] 

peasants need to visual indicators of my superiority

>> No.5921994

peasants need visual indicators of my superiority

>> No.5922002

Because I felt like it. Considering that I dress based on my mood, I might be full dadcore with a linen blazer or wearing my jump boots with a bullet belt.

>> No.5922000

because I'm autistic

>> No.5922047

>based on mood

`Today Im wearing morning mist`

>> No.5922050



>> No.5922054


>eh, its nothing - so how was your day?

>> No.5922073


>I like it
>I felt like it

Needing to give special justification to others for your actions
>not being this libertarian

>> No.5922088

>not saying "I'm not..?"
>"o-oh, ok, I just thought.." /looks down and away while blushing
>not talking to shy qt3.14s
>this ever happening

>> No.5922098

do any of you get dressed for uni? like to attend lectures and classes? some guy at one of my tutorials always wears a button down, sweater and wingtips (yes, wingtips).

>> No.5922101

nah everyone is naked at my uni

>> No.5922103

That's a pretty horrifying image.

>> No.5922106

lol yea
so tru

>> No.5922112
File: 102 KB, 640x640, bazinga__by_brkymn-d5dsu80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like hornifying

>> No.5922120


>> No.5922121

I usually wear chinos, button down and some sort of leather shoes day to day
>being this dadcore

One of the girls in my tutorial who I'm friends with pointed out that I'm "always so dressed up for uni." Some posh girl in a different tutorial for a moment got really excited and said that she loved my shoes, which were just basic black captoe Florsheims

>> No.5922127

Autistic people don't dress themselves usually

>> No.5922139

wingtips aren't really any more difficult to wear than anything else

>> No.5922151

I agree

>> No.5922190

The people who usually ask questions like that are dressed like slobs, so who cares? Besides, almost everyone in my university dresses quite well. Rarely do I see hoodies and shit like that.

>> No.5922196

where do u go m8

>> No.5922202

nah its just the casual setting i suppose.. i mean yeah wingtips are pretty standard but im in a fresher course so seeing a 19yo rock wingtips just for uni seems odd to me.. just my opinion though

>> No.5922211

b-b-b-b-b-but they're so dadcore

>> No.5922224

i rock grenson brogues semi regularly and people are always complimenting them

>> No.5922245

One of the universities in Stockholm, Sweden.

>> No.5922261

These are my regular clothes. Why are you so under dressed pleb?

>> No.5922269

>implying i dress dadcore
>implying qts dont compliment me
>implying i need to justify the way i dress to anyone

>> No.5922412

my response is usually: im not

>> No.5922455

tech university - cs/math - wearing dress shoes causes massive attention.
I usually wear random casual stuff to fit in.

>> No.5922462

just for u ;)

>> No.5922512

>b-b-b-b-b-but they're so dadcore
>implying i dress dadcore

>sweater with buttonup

>wingtip shoes

/fa/ was good once

>> No.5922519


nah but dadcore is normal clothes pulled off badly
/fa/ has always had shitposting, it's still part of 4chan

i mean /ck/ has shitposting, and that's about food, you wouldn't think people would bother

>> No.5922525

wingtiips r p straight if theyre cute

rock em with lightwash jeans and a well fitting white t shirt #sprezz #italiano

>> No.5922574

>science department
>wear different dresses for about a week because not bothered to look for pants
>"omg anon why are you so dressed up"

>> No.5922592

>Work in an office
>Wake up at 8 to be there at 8:30
>Cannot be fucked ironing shirts
>Iron the top part of the sleeve, roll up bottoms of sleeves, put on a vest

Talk of the fucking building. A guy had a go at me for being dadcore, something about trying to impress middle aged women. So I said, 'you mean the same middle aged women who can give me a promotion?' He broke down in tears right there.

He broke down into fucking tears.

Vests. Available at your local Dadcore outlet.

>> No.5922606

don't iron them at all and then wear a jumper

or buy non-iron shirts

>> No.5922624

>get on the bus
>trying to pay for my ticket
>"hey, i'm going t-"
>"hey there my little girl, why so dressed up?"
>"going to a birthday party?"
>"no, i dress like this ev-"
>"well you sure are looking classy, lil girl"


i wore a plain black skirt and a sweater from h&m...

>> No.5922628

theres a girl in my class who wears super long stiletto heels, usually black seamed stockings and business suit with mini skirt while having long blonde hair and kinda oversized rectangular glasses. when she sits her skirt pulls back and you can see edges of stockings. everyone gets a boner when she enters classroom.

>> No.5922631
File: 140 KB, 500x750, plelb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't hitting on you. You're short. You're ugly. Kill yourself.

>> No.5922645

i know he wasn't hitting on me
he was like 50 years old and he thought i was under 16 because he asked if i wanted a child-ticket

>> No.5922655

I dress fairly dadcore and no one has ever said this to me. Then again we have people (in University mind you) who dress up in MLP jumpers or what basically amounts to cosplay.

>> No.5922662

I usually dress in basic dadcore, albeit sloppily (wrinkled pants and shirts), and people are so damned impressed. Such is life in the Midwest. When I'm not sloppy dadcore, I usually like to pull of the greaser look (leather jacket, jeans, cool hairdo), and people look at me like I'm freaking Marlon Brando. I'm not that cool, heck, I'm not even that handsome. If I posted a fit, you /fa/ggots would call me "MFA-tier", but I guess MFA-tier is godly in the Midwest.

>> No.5922688

post fit

>> No.5922708


word, I've got some C&J brogued derbies and people are always commenting on them. if you're not autistic they're as easy as desert boots to work

>> No.5922732
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i was wearing p much this, but with a different sweater
so classy

>> No.5922735
File: 372 KB, 600x790, MT_Kiton_10_153451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though a shirt and vest combo isn't exactly great. It makes you look like a bartender/croupier. If you want to dress nicer without looking like a tool, yet don't have a job that requires suits, just wear some nice pants and a more casual SC.

>> No.5922747
File: 140 KB, 250x250, areyouserious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lightwash jeans
>wash jeans
>not wearing raw jeans
shiggy diggy

>> No.5922750

should have given them the v

>> No.5922757

looks dumb, lol

>> No.5922784
File: 202 KB, 656x1023, classy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usuallyl wear stuff similiar to this, pic is me

people always say im dressed up or looking reallyl good but this is just a casual outfit. i usually get reamed by fa for being "dadcore"

>fedoras are dadcore
>pleated trousers are dadcore
>watch and chain are dadcore

fa really is shit these days

>> No.5922789

one time a bus driver asked if i was going to see my boyfriend, i said no just a friend and he was like surrrreee, a friend

i wasn't even going to see a guy, i guess i was just too dressed up even though i didn't think i was

>> No.5922795

oh jesus man, I doubt you're super hot. You may be attractive, but not god-tier hot. Only REALLY sexy guys can pull this off, otherwise you'd look stupid.

>> No.5922805
File: 377 KB, 600x796, MT_Belvest_05_153451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure he ain't just trollin'? :P

>> No.5922837

damnit I hope he is

>> No.5922853

It's a good feeling. Real good feeling.

>> No.5922865

thats not a compliment.

>> No.5922879

I was wearing khakis and a not-so-nice flannel with the sleeves rolled up the other day at uni and my friend said something about how i was dressed "fancy."

I didn't even know what to say.

>> No.5922886

I'd let you let me lick your boots

>> No.5922890 [DELETED] 

>ITT: autistic dadcores who think dressing out of place to get complimented by the average person who knows nothing about fashion is impressive

lel. i used to be like this, the stuff i used to wear was embarrassing as fcuk, now that i look back

>> No.5922895

you should get new shoes
dress is alright

>> No.5922911


>> No.5922944

heres a pretty good story of this exact situation
>be high school sophomore (a few years ago)
>decide to wear a casual button up and roll up the sleeves for ultimate casualnesd with dark jeans
>walk into the school feeling pretty good
>go to class
>teacher is done talking and we have time to talk
>girl I like comes up to me anon what are you so dressed up for?
>"i-i don't know.. no reason. its just a button up..."
>oh okay.
>then everyone asks why Im dressed up throughout the rest of the day.
>you would have thought I was wearing a 3 piece suit. lel

>> No.5922954

>b-b-but /mfa/ said

>> No.5922980

something similar
>high school is the terror of the town; awful reputation
>Uniform is Black Trousers, Shoes, White Polo, Black Sweater.
>be running late for school one day
>no clean polo shirts, grab white button-up from wardrobe; leg it to school, summer so leave sweater at home
>weird looks all day from everyone; comments on it
I know it's odd seeing someone wearing one at the age of like 15, but god damn, you'd have thought I'd grown an extra head.

>> No.5922981

>TFW when history major
>TFW no matter what I do, I will never overdress the professor.
>TFW they'll be all like three-piece wool suits in the winter, linen pants and blazers in the summer

>> No.5922983

>That feel when when
whoops, ignore that

>> No.5922979

What's a jumper? Sweater? Or dress? Google told me both.

>> No.5923001

Both, but by applying context clues, I think you can figure it out

>> No.5923003

people have told me i look smart when i was wearing a hoodie, dark jeans and sneakers
i think they mean that i look put together rather than actually formally dressed

>> No.5923010


>> No.5923012

Yeah I did. :-\ So is this UK language?

>> No.5923026

>TFW You Have an actual excuse to wear your brand new tailored tux to class.

>> No.5923034
File: 247 KB, 600x800, carminaoxfordsemibrogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoes I use at shool. Very few people even notice them, but when they do, I get compliments on them. Bitches love shiny things.

>> No.5923039


>> No.5923042


>> No.5923049

it's just the outfit i wear when i go shopping for clothes, makes it easier to see how the stuff i try on fits

i have like 20 pairs of shoes, these are just my only black ones without heels
they do look p weird in the pic tho, they're cuter irl

>> No.5923050

nice shoe dad

>> No.5923061

Thanks guys, appreciate it!

>> No.5923089

Generally a knitted sweater, which is what I meant here, but it can also refer to a sweatshirt or sometimes a hoody. I've never heard it used to mean a dress. And yes it's a British term.

>> No.5923095


dig it

>> No.5923406
File: 213 KB, 1500x1500, epic blazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to just say "Bowties are cool. I like bowties. They're shiny"
But then the friggin' new Doctor stole my line.
I always liked David Tennant better.

>> No.5923496


That blazer actually looks straight out of an anime