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/fa/ - Fashion

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5911426 No.5911426 [Reply] [Original]

I need your help /fa/

I am 24 years old, with good skin (never had acne growing up and I eat healthy and stuff so my skin has always been good)

However, I am white, tall, but quite dark (dark hair, but blue eyes). As a result, my facial hair is very thick, dark, coarse and grows very quickly all over my face and cheeks.

Even if I wet shave, my dark coarse facial hair still looks like I haven' t shaved, and i can never achieve that 'clean shaven/youthful/babyface' look (Ive tried loads of creams, lotions and different ways of shaving with different razors to with no really success). Oddly enough i have very little body hair - it only really grows on my face

Even 2 hours after a very close smooth wet shave, I get an instant 5'o clock shadow, and as a result I permanently look haggard, and several years older than I really am due to this almost "perma-stubble" I have.

How can I stop this, pic related my facial hair is sort of like on the left, I would prefer i to be like the right. Ideas?

>> No.5911447


>pls respond...

>> No.5911480

Are you italian? cause that's a cool look. but okay here's what you should try:

take a super hot shower, as hot as you can handle, and get lots of hot water on your face to open your pores. As soon as you get out don't dry off your face but put shaving cream on and let it sit for like 30 seconds. Then grab your gillette mach 3 or safety razor or whatever (don't bother with an electric) and shave with the grain. Put shaving cream again and shave perpendicular to the grain. If you still have some stubble then put more shaving cream and shave against the grain (be very careful here). Rinse with ICE cold water thoroughly and dry off with a clean towel. apply whatever moisturizer. If that doesn't get you a baby's ass on your face then repeat and if THAT doesn't do it... well then stick with the look you have.

>> No.5911488

Oh and use a fresh new blade, warmed up under the water.

>> No.5911572


OP again. Nah not italian. And trust.. ive tried doing exactly what you said! Even after that, because the hair is so dark and thick I still have a sort of "shadow" and I dont look fresh-faced...I have even tried plucking/waxing it but that didnt really work and it was too painful

I was thinking more along the lines of somehow bleaching the facial hair roots so it doesnt appear black, is that possible?

>> No.5911588

Sorry man, it's just always going to be that way.

I am the exact same way, even with double edge and straight razors I wasn't able to remove the shadow of facial hair.

I guess you can take comfort in being able to grow a beard.

>> No.5911658


yes but I have absolutely 0 desire to grow a beard...

>> No.5911683
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Same here.

You can buy yourself a few extra hours without a shadow if you start shaving against the grain, if your skin isn't sensitive.

>> No.5911695

Are you retarded? Stubble looks 10x better than twink baby-face. Start going for a manly look you faggot. I wish I could grow stubble to accentuate my jawline.

>> No.5911696

>only a couple hairs on chin
>shave them off once every two weeks or so
shut the fuck up op

>> No.5911733
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>> No.5911738
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I will never understand /fa/s infatuation with twinks.

>> No.5911746


>> No.5912050

I think you should explore the world of traditional shaving. A decent shaving brush and a good shaving soap will make a huge difference! They will also cost you a lot less on the long run than those gillet gels etc. Plus, imo you should pair that combo with a safety razor.

I switched from gillet's stuff to a 30€ safety razor, 7€ shaving soap and a 30€ shaving brush. It will get some time to master the techniques but there are loads of helpful youtube videos that should get you started.

I'm telling you, it will be cheaper and you will get much better results with less razor burn etc.

You could also pick up some sort of facial scrub or smth which could possibly get your blade a bit closer to the actual hair.

>> No.5912080

OP just do everything Zachary Quinto does since you look exactly like him anyway

>> No.5912124

trimming to keep a constant stubble is so juvenile
either be clean cut or grow a full beard

>> No.5912133

What's the name of the guy on the right?


>> No.5912148
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ryan taylor

>> No.5912181
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btw OP embrace your stubble.

>> No.5912186

Not much you can do in this situation. I'm the same, I shaved everyday for work and people still say shit about not being clean shaven.

Closest thing I've ever got was getting a traditional wet shave at a barbers. But I would soon be skint if I went for one of the everyday.

Also you can really only pull of 1-2mm stubble look if you're sub 10% bf. If you're fat and trying to pull of the stubble, it just looks like you're lazy and can't be fucked shaving in the morning.