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/fa/ - Fashion

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18373620 No.18373620 [Reply] [Original]

This is exactly how I dress. Jacket, t-shirt, jeans, boots. All black or dark colors

>> No.18373645

you have autism

>> No.18373658

What could possibly make you associate something like that with autism? Do you even know what actual autism is? Or just the made up 4chan version of it?

>> No.18373664

dude am i supposed to know who this clown is? he is straight out of 2006 desu
also black with blue? wtf bro

>> No.18373666

Same. On another note, I never liked Damon Salvatore.

>> No.18373667

He's just some character from a show that was popular in the 2000s or something
The outfit is what's important

>> No.18373670

>also black with blue? wtf bro
What else are you supposed to wear?

>> No.18373673

nondescript npc

>> No.18373692

is that supposed to be bad?

>> No.18373702

Boring, uninspired, stereotyped reddit soibean. But I'm sure you think you're the toughest man in town.

>> No.18373705 [DELETED] 

>The outfit is what's important
Basic male lead fit from 00's tv shows.
>Jacket, t-shirt, jeans, boots
That doesn't say much. It's the cut of the garments that make it or break it. If they're like in the pic you're gonna look extremely dated. With a different cut it can be anything from timeless to apieing a specific era.

>> No.18373708

You parrot this shit constantly but the only thing that could be "updated" is wider jeans. That's it

>> No.18373714

Not if you want to look like a nondescript npc

>> No.18373715 [DELETED] 

>one post
>the only thing that could be "updated" is wider jeans.
Yes and no. While henleys and cage racer jackets have a long history behind them, the combination of both have been so ubiquitous on tv and film in the 00's that they're heavily associated with that period. Fuck, one in three males (myself included) dressed that way back in those days.

>> No.18373721

If no one is doing it anymore then that makes it fresh when you do

>> No.18373725

U look like this guy? good for u! you don't? not so good

>> No.18373726 [DELETED] 

At the rate people are burning through trends and revivals, it's probably coming back before you know it. I still dress somewhat like that sometimes. Except for the liw rise, slim fit bootcut with a hint of flare jeans. Hated those even back in the day.

>> No.18373755

Fortunately I am both tall and decently good looking

>> No.18373769

> If they're like in the pic you're gonna look extremely dated

There is no woman that will see that fit on a 30 year old guy who looks like this and not cream her pants.

>> No.18373772 [DELETED] 

If you're hollywood-tier handsome, you can get away with anything. Moot point, weren't we discussing the fit? Also:
Not everything has to be framed under getting laid.

>> No.18373779
File: 62 KB, 580x614, e0758bf78fc7a5ae0a340ba803174e1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're hollywood-tier handsome, you can get away with anything

Factually incorrect.

>Not everything has to be framed under getting laid.

Looking "dated" means it's about perception of others. If you want to look as good as possible to the other gender, these outfits work just fine, while still looking objectively well fitting to one's body.

Quite literally, you are terminally online and you only judge things now by how well they conform to your instagram feed.

>> No.18373823

U can do whatever you want then

>> No.18373829

I just gotta stay ahead of the physical decline associated with age

>> No.18373896

bonus content : i would argue that the leather moto jacket on this man ,gagueing from the sleeves being too long, and where the shoulder seam is hitting, is one size too big for him. im sure they have fashion coordniators and costume assistants and stuff on the sets of these shows, why wouldnt someone notice that and tell him that it doesnt fit as it should.?

>> No.18373922

maybe the oversized fit shows how his character isn't concerned with trivial things

>> No.18373931

colors other than black and blue?

>> No.18373933

Like what though? I substitute the blue with greys sometimes

>> No.18373973

But he's not wearing a t-shirt?

>> No.18373977

you know what i meant, dumbass

>> No.18373979

I don't understand.

>> No.18373997 [DELETED] 


>> No.18374072

Why would I want to stand out like an attention whoring faggot? I'm neither a woman nor a homosexual. Men speak through their actions, words and accomplishments, not clothes. That's effeminate and gay. Men dress for the occasion, in order to show respect for their fellow men and the decorum of the event, not to stand out.

>> No.18374073

>the other gender
It's called the opposite sex you tranny.

>> No.18374090

>All black or dark colors
You are a coward

>> No.18374137

I like to wear navy blue because it's not black but covers up piss spots pretty well.

>> No.18374279

No, I'm depressed

>> No.18374290

Name 5 accomplishments.

>> No.18374307

>on the fashion board
>"um acktchually clothes don't matter"
Then leave, dumbass. We're here to discuss clothes

>> No.18374317

Smells like mid-life crisis.

>> No.18374319


>> No.18374424

Jacket is John Varvatos from 15 years ago or whenever this came out

>> No.18374749

It's just normal adult clothes

>> No.18374761

>Jacket, t-shirt, jeans, boots
wow anon you wear clothes. very impressive.

>> No.18374763

And yet most of this thread is people seething about it

>> No.18375102

/fit/tingcocksinsidemyass is that way -->

>> No.18375124

Do you carry around the axe everywhere because that would be impressive

>> No.18375139

I mean, this look was hot as fuck if you were a sexy vampire in 2009.

>> No.18375144

What if you're a sexy vampire in 2025?

>> No.18375155

This fit but
>change out the shoes for sneakers that are a darker shade of blue or black and white
>or red if you are pushing it
>get a high quality white t-shirt
>makw the leather jacket a little less subtle
>get a gucci or some other type of high quality leather belt with a logo on
>tuck in your t-shirt
(>be fit)
Ans thats how you get a youthful, timeless look

>> No.18375160

shut the fuck up

>> No.18375165

Shalom jewess

>> No.18375167

nah, kill yourself fucking boomer emo

>> No.18375169

is there a single thread on this board you're NOT seething in right now?

>> No.18375179

schizo lmao, you cannot recognize other posters. I dont have any other posts on /fa/ or anywhere else other than my original message, my response, and a response in the david yurman thread. retard, if people constantly call you edgy and a boomer maybe it really is you

>> No.18375180

Being an edgelord boomer is based how about you take about three steps away from my buttcrack fruitbowl

>> No.18375182

not suprised all you can think about is men near your ass

>> No.18375187

cringed so hard I imploded

>> No.18375189


>> No.18375196

somebody got MAD

>> No.18375206

lmao yeah, you dude

>> No.18375255

Cry more faggot
Better yet, post a fit (you won't because you're a fat autist)

>> No.18375261

>like pottery

>> No.18375268 [DELETED] 


>> No.18375285

>the greasy neckbeard recoils in horror at the truth, "I've been found out!" as he slinks back to his discord server

>> No.18375317


>> No.18375345

>hes projecting yet again oh no no no

>> No.18375353

Hey did you just learn that word? Pretty neat huh

>> No.18375931

How is every single thread on /fa/ getting trolled by one guy?

>> No.18375933 [DELETED] 


>> No.18376373

What do I gain by discussing a hypothetical representation of the style you might wear instead of a picture of you in an outfit you've actually wore?

>> No.18376383

you replied anyway

>> No.18378119
File: 1.07 MB, 832x1276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is exactly how I dress

This is exactly how he looks

>> No.18378132

you are salty as hell

>> No.18378161

I didn't say I wouldn't reply. I just asked what I would gain by discussing the topic OP introduced. I'm not actually talking about it yet, just asking him to pitch it to me.

>> No.18378174

lol autist

>> No.18378187


>> No.18378189


>> No.18378844


>> No.18379196

What you fixing to do with that there axe, boy?

>> No.18379198
File: 346 KB, 648x476, 95a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18379724

so you dress like an NPC, got it

>> No.18379826

compared to you?

>> No.18380194

Henley is a tee.

>> No.18381845

Sort of

>> No.18382303
File: 160 KB, 1079x715, Screen_Shot_2017_04_07_at_2.09.38_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch TVD right now bitch nigger

>> No.18382758

I am kek. It's not bad