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18373443 No.18373443 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so i'm an insane person and i need high heeled boots to RUN in. I weigh 280 pounds.

The heel needs to be capable of supporting this nonsense. All the normal high heel boots i buy destroy themselves. Because nobody in their right mind would be putting running force into a heel. Muchless someone who weighs 280 pounds.

I'm looking for a 2 inch heel. Or slightly more than that. 2.5 inch maybe.

A block heel, not the stiletto kind.

Where do i find such a boot?

>> No.18373446

Op. How do i bulk to 380?

>> No.18373461


No idea. I eat 4 eggs a day, a couple of avocados, a side of kimchi and drink like 5 8 ounce glasses of whey protein powder a day. A couple of handfuls of dark chocolate. A fish sandwich, using avocado oil mayo. Mackerel is really good. Sometimes i eat a half a side of salmon.

To be honest i don't know how the hell that maintains my weight. It just doesn't seem like enough to me.

>> No.18373505

First of all you run on the tip of your feet so that's retarded.
Second of all you know you can have your soles redone?
Third there is zero scenario where you need to run in boots.
I feel like this is some /pol/ bait

>> No.18373533

If this is not bait you’re going to get turbo cancer. 95% of your daily caloric intake should not come from powders

>> No.18373597


It's whey protein powder. It's extremely healthy. It even boosts our main natural antioxidant better than any other product. But i don't know what the fuck is going on with my calories. This just shouldn't work mathematically.

I eat less calories than i need to maintain my weight by a lot. And exercise at high intensity every day. And i'm only losing like... a little weight at a time. It's like i'm getting a huge amount of energy from nowhere. And i'm just BARELY overcoming it with intensely hard work.

>> No.18373847

You cannot survive off whey protein powder. You are fucking retarded.

>> No.18373866

>nobody in there right mind would put running force into a heel
There’s an entire foot between your heel and your toes, that’s what you’re supposed to run with, that’s why it’s there.
Also height and bf%? just out of curiosity.

>> No.18373875


You aren't supposed to subsist off of powders and supplements. The reason being: Intermediate steps of metabolism provide all sorts of useful molecules that your body re-purposes for other things. Skipping the chain from block of thing to its components deprives you of those intermediate dietary acquisitions

>> No.18373899

How tall of a heal do you want? Maybe try some pnw logger boots like Whites.

>> No.18373937

Ew, mentally ill tranny.

>> No.18374878
File: 378 KB, 1080x977, 1730604791316597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's whey protein powder. It's extremely healthy.