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/fa/ - Fashion

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18373330 No.18373330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Low-key? She ate though.

>> No.18373331
File: 102 KB, 736x888, 1731349824042812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IWN be a young gigapassoid with supportive parents
at least I can find solace in being an androgynous elf

>> No.18373332

Obvious incel bait thread. They get INSANELY triggered by tattoos thus get angry if a woman has them, the more attractive the woman the more angry they get because it amplifies the transgression.

This one? will probably get them EXTREMELY mad. Even though that woman will never even look their way regardless of tattoos

>> No.18373346

so true kek
people here cannot STAND tattoos

>> No.18373350

Fashion is awesome. Do whatever you want. Cool lady fuck the china dick. The message is do whatever you want.

>> No.18373354
File: 25 KB, 310x310, pepeannoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a man, isn't it?

>> No.18373359

probably because it looks like shit, tattoos only look good on specific people and the majority of the time it just looks like shit

>> No.18373367

What's the deal with thinking women are trannies. Your brain is ruined.

>> No.18373372

That boob to waist ratio is mindblowing, and her face too. Too bad I just jacked off

>> No.18373376

It's because not having tattoos shows forethought and restraint, and it symbolizes purity from what they view as a sick society. If you are a virgin and have no tattoos you are the most mentally resistant to the "mind virus."