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File: 442 KB, 1076x1344, Screenshot_20250110_162641_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18361689 No.18361689 [Reply] [Original]

>trigger warning: massive cuffs edition.

General discussion about all things denim, workwear, heritage & americana.

And lots of schizoposting too, I guess.

Previous: >>18356651

>> No.18361705
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>> No.18361711
File: 2.08 MB, 5405x3604, 41803375b6b1231e4f6c8f862a654540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most underrated coord imho.

>> No.18361771

Will the mind-broken schizophrenic autistic retard take the same low-effort bait for the 10th time this week?

>> No.18361817

Hello, internet pants friends, what are some good jeans with a 12" rise?




Where do I go from here?

>> No.18361834

Ok but why the fuck do you spam the board with this faggot?

>> No.18361839 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 1400x1400, 1728392073865787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for a rugga free thread https://files.catbox.moe/ohu5ck.webm

connors sewing factory/one piece of rock is the highest rise 501 repro to my knowledge.
dawson jeans makes a very tall rise not-quite 501 as well.
denim military fatigue patterns are all 13"+ brands like real mccoys, buzz rickson, bronson etc make them.
then theres bespoke stuff like viapiana, denim bridge, rebuilt.jp, fittedunderground, bridge of the times, ciano farmer, soso etc.
pic is dawson wide fit.

>> No.18361854

You've been felted.

>> No.18361857

because he has been getting repeatedly BTFO for months on end and is in the process of having a nervous breakdown

>> No.18361863

It depends on your waist size too since the rise increases relative to the waist. If you are wanting around 12” rise without going too much higher, check out:
>Fullcount 0105xx and samurai s3000 for a wide cut
>Freewheelers 1947 or 1951 for a classic 501 repro with REALLY nice details and denim. If you cannot swallow the price for this, buy it from Rakuten or Speedway Japan (~$250), or just get a pair of Sugarcane 1947
>Samurai s520xx for le millenial relaxed taper

>> No.18361867 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 1400x1400, 1729558879023290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for a rugga free thread >>>/wsg/5781453

connors sewing factory/one piece of rock is the highest rise 501 repro to my knowledge.
dawson jeans makes a very tall rise not-quite 501 as well.
denim military fatigue patterns are all 13"+ brands like real mccoys, buzz rickson, bronson etc make them.
then theres bespoke stuff like viapiana, denim bridge, rebuilt.jp, fittedunderground, bridge of the times, ciano farmer, soso etc.
pic is dawson wide fit.

he deletes my fpbp warning about him from every thread.
luckily for me niggers are very stupid and don't think through their actions. not exactly known for their impulse control. so every time he does it, its just more newfags who realize this thread is being brigaded by a janny.

>> No.18361877 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1433x392, 1716328703225513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're here brigading this thread in the first place because i shut down your balding thread spironolactone grooming operation.
and you're a pedophile child groomer because you were born with a 2 inch micro and will never feel the warm embrace of a woman's vagina.

>> No.18361885

> i shut down your balding thread spironolactone grooming operation.
Holy shit. Take your medication. I hope you’re baiting at this point.

>> No.18361886 [DELETED] 

its not a coincidence you began spamming the denim thread the same day the balding thread added warnings about you to their OP.

>> No.18361888


>> No.18361894

Yes but what the fuck does the sneaker thread have to do with lil blackie? Retard.

>> No.18361896

What sneaker thread you retarded faggot? Try using your words.

>> No.18361897 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1433x392, 1712192942292838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey what are the odds! my posts were removed again right after you posted this!

you began spamming the denim thread the same day the balding thread added warnings about you to their OP.
and you've been at it for months.
mindbroken beyond belief.

>> No.18361898

Schizo post.

>> No.18361904 [DELETED] 
File: 971 KB, 1216x1216, 1728951497167393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan dot gay = ban evasion tools
4chan ghostpostmixer = see posts rugga deletes from the thread automatically https://github.com/g-gundam/4chan-ghostpostmixer
warosu.org = /fa/ archives

>getting called schizo
>by the most mentally ill person on 4chan
>pedophile, 2" dick, child groomer, etc
its like a retard calling magnus carlsen dumb.

>> No.18361911

Have you considered the possibility that your posts are getting deleted because you are derailing the thread and spamming the board with your schizophrenic ramblings and paranoid delusions?

>> No.18361917
File: 621 KB, 1039x1489, 4D17C197-6ABB-4C4A-A969-87F83AA1C6D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent $300 on Real McCoys heavyweight hoodie. Am I retarded?

>> No.18361918

Should've bought a camber mate...

>> No.18361920 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 259x386, 1732719339755727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~you will never be a woman~

instant moderation? 100 new users every thread posting the same rage bait over and over again?
but the bait threads never get removed?
very believable rugga!
hey what are the odds my posts have been removed a third time!

>> No.18361924 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1433x392, 1705736752618486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~a woman~

rugga directed his troon discord here to brigade the denim thread because i shut down his balding thread spironolactone grooming operation.
our janny rugga is pedophile child groomer with a 2" micropenis.

>> No.18361930

I think it's your unhinged ranting and spamming that I find the most convincing.

>> No.18361932

>Camber: 12 oz polyester mix fabric, USA made by Mexicans
>Real McCoys: 14 oz 100% cotton produced on the actual vintage weaving machines and then constructed by full blown vintage autists

Idk, USA made is basically meaningless at this point

>> No.18361939 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 298x500, 1709830212875373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love the part where you have a discord full of troons and have dedicated over a month to brigading our thread. and you have to samefag and beg troons from your discord to call me a schizo over and over again to astroturf making it look like anyone agrees with you. but you think you're not mentally ill.

mccoy hoodies are a little overpriced but they're fuckin nice if you've felt one in person. probably worth more like 200 but when you're the only game in town you set the price.
american giant beats camber at camber's own game too.

poly blend was a common inclusion in vintage hoodies since the start of the hoodie because they were originally meant to be sportswear and washed in bulk constantly by sports teams, schools, athletes etc. speeding up the drying time and such is desirable in that context.
i still vastly prefer 100% cotton because i'm wearing my hoodies as casual attire and not washing them every time i wear them. but 80/20 blends aren't bad in hoodies and used to be more desired than 100% cotton back in the day.

>> No.18361943 [DELETED] 

how come when we report rule breaking posts they are never deleted. but you seem to be able to get any criticism of you removed instantly? and you only slow down when i start pointing out that you're doing it?
i'm making every single post from a unique ip so its not chain bans removing all my posts. you're doing it individually and manually.

>> No.18361946

I don't. I'm the guy who makes the new threads, not the guy who engages with Rugga.

>> No.18361947

I’m glad we have graduated from
to now
That’s progress. Btw no one cares about your gay ass opinions on denim you faggot loser.

>> No.18361948

Because I am based and righteous and funny, and you are an unlovable incel loser who has been getting dominated by me for months.

>> No.18361950
File: 652 KB, 1024x2182, 20250110_132308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natural materials autist reporting in. I need a new jacket because this one is mallcore, and 30% wool.

>> No.18361951 [DELETED] 

rugga your discord is incredibly well known about https://files.catbox.moe/ohu5ck.webm
who are you trying to fool?

its so bizarre when people wear their insecurities on their sleeve like this. rugga we all know you have a 2 inch penis that's never been inside a woman. who are you trying to fool?

>> No.18361957

I like his opinions. And now you’re starting to sound like a schizo even though I know he sometimes misdirects his anger at the wrong anon (me)

>> No.18361962


>> No.18361979

Alright should have bough power goods you gormless sissy

>> No.18361982

Damn so this is the power of natural fabrics...

>> No.18361994

You are autistic, yeah, that's too much money.

>> No.18361995

Time to lorepost to help keep up with the drama. Identified regulars in this general:
>Yours truly (me)
Not the guy who brought back the general, but the guy who's been making most of the new threads for months now. Often mistaken with:
>shirtless denimbro
The guy who brought back the general and is on a schizo crusade against Rugga. Connaisseur of all things denim. Swell guy when he's not failing for the shittest bait ever.
>the other denimbro
Regular at the waywt thread. Always posts pics at the same place with the same pose. Loves boots, high waisted jeans and t-shirts. Rumoir has ot he once wore a pair of chinos by mistake
Another regular at the waywt thread. As ancient as time. He's known to cause massive ammounts of seething by mixing raw denim with selvedge.
Fat nigger with a tiny dick. Spends all his time trolling shirtless denimbro and shitting up the thread. Responsable of 95% of shitposts and bait in the general.

>> No.18362000 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 830x1020, 3B312DBC-0277-48CC-9CB3-428B38EEC554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the shirtless denim bro and did not bring back this general nor do I give a shit about the fat black man with a tiny wiener. Thank you for the compliments

>> No.18362010 [DELETED] 
File: 971 KB, 1500x2000, 1712311614507058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for another bomber? i like the ccc / civillian conservation corps jacket. a few jap brands and filson made repros of it. came in olive/brown and buffalo check plaid.

i'm not shirtless guy. i'm a twink god, and i don't post pictures very often.

>> No.18362014 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18362017

I used to mix you with the other denimbro.

Are you the other denimbro or a third denimbro that I haven't identified?

>> No.18362033 [DELETED] 

> I used to mix you with the other denimbro.
We have similar builds, so we’ve discussed autistic details on certain cuts. I turned him onto the s3000, he turned me onto the IH634. He’s chill, honestly my favorite guy on this general

>> No.18362037

If you guys want to be fuckin personalities why don't you hop on tiktok or Reddit?

>> No.18362039

The posts deleted confirmed that the other denimbro (twink god denimbro onwards) is the one who brought back the general and also might be the one who meme'd the wranglers 13mwz.

>> No.18362042 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you going to do about it, bitch? It’s not like they’re tripcoding faggots or anything. At least the denimbro personalities on here actually discuss details on how different popular cuts fit relative to one another. Thats why I like their posts. Not everyone wants to go to Reddit where they all just jerk each other off and affirm one another’s “sick ass slim tapered samurais”. 4chan is for 501 cut chads. Reddit is for limp wristed, slim tapered weaklings

>> No.18362046 [DELETED] 

why don't you hop on deez nuts?

>> No.18362053

Over a long enough period of time every general degenerates into this unusable shit. People are too stupid to ignore obvious bait.

>> No.18362058
File: 1.80 MB, 828x1074, Studio mud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m the based millennial that is not afraid of tapered jeans but often mistaken as rugga by the schizophrenic anon.

>> No.18362068

This was all comprehensively rejected at the ballot box.

>> No.18362069

Shirtless denim bro here. You are extremely gay and need to grow out of your hideous tapered cuts. You are not based for “going against the grain” and holding to a short lived trend that died off 4+ years ago already. Nobody is telling you to wear baggy zoomer jeans. They are simply giving you a reality check that tapered cuts are not good looking despite them “fitting you so well”. I can throw on a pair of relaxed tapered cuts and have them fit me nicely on a technical level, but at the end of the day I will always look like a tryhard idiot wearing jeans that are designed to show off the contours of my legs

>> No.18362071

Go with the Wranglers. You don't have $200-$300 to drop on the other two.

>> No.18362073

>Shirtless denim bro here
Can you start every post with that so that I know which opinions I can safely discard?

>> No.18362074
File: 665 KB, 612x974, Mud2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have straight jeans too, most of my pants are straight relaxed, but tapered and slim fit straights (not skin tight) jeans look best with t shirts and less boxy button shirts. I have always worn moderate fit pants and I will continue to do so and refuse to accept that baggy zoomer jeans are superior or the equivalent to tastefully tapered or skin straight jeans.

>> No.18362079

Or *slim straight jeans.
Also, since I know your body type, I know why tapered jeans and slim straights make you seeth. You have legs built like an elephant and you have no choice but to wear relaxed straight jeans.

>> No.18362082
File: 56 KB, 700x933, sugar-cane-1953-type-ii-denim-jacket-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't anyone else dislike the fact that denim fades over time? I mean, indigo blue it's such an unique and iconic color that can pretty much be only achieved with this fabric.
What should I do if I I want to avoid fades altogether, get the slowest fading brand and never wash it?

>> No.18362087

No, like the last time you asked this asinine question: we like the fades. Enough said and end fucking of.

>> No.18362095

No. New dark wash denim of any color looks like shit out of the box. I hate wearing new jeans during the first couple months. The electric blue phase is the worst of it. They start to look good only after the first few washes when the color mellows down and some light fades start to appear.

>> No.18362101 [DELETED] 

third denimbro. normally a griffith legolas type nigga but i cut my hair so i'm hitler youth poster child this year. i brought the denim thread back and i'm the nigger/rugga fatigue anon. i'm profoundly lazy and too boomer brained to know how to take selfies.

>and also might be the one who meme'd the wranglers 13mwz.
kinda. i shoved the meme down everyone's throats after a different anon mentioned them a few times leading me to remember how good they are. grew up on wrangler/rustler before i got into jap denim.
you guys should really try out cowboy cut 945 traditional boot jean btw. its also a tapered straight fit but with a really low taper angle. kinda reminds me of warehouse's fits at least on my body when i wear them. leg opening is around 1" bigger than 13mwz.

the problem with reddit is its too hugbox leading to blind leading the blind situations. you can't just call a spade a spade there and tell them they look like shit.
good fits from well dressed guys and effortposts get buried below attention seeking because of how updoots work.
& they care more about the sick fades pic than how they look in their jeans.

get addicted to constantly buying denim and get an office job so you never fade them at more than a glacial rate. if you have a big rotation shit does NOT fade.

>> No.18362103

>that baggy zoomer jeans are superior
The trend is already over. It lasted 9 months. You can congratulate zoomers for being failures even at forcing memes.

>> No.18362106

I’m not huge on fades either. I don’t hate them but I prefer the look of new jeans the most. So I buy a bunch of different pairs so that they will stay new looking as I rotate through them.
Nobody asked you faggot.
This guy gets it.
Also someone mentioned hank dyed where they dye the threads to the core. I also consider that when the weft is dyed blue I assume it will hold the color longer. And maybe you should consider navy chinos if you want blue pants that fade slower?

>> No.18362107
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>> No.18362114
File: 2.78 MB, 1000x1500, studio-d-artisan-d1866s-15oz-tokushima-selvedge-jeans-regular-straight-natural-indigo-ow-32_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not that person. That person was me. I am the anon who posted this >>18354148
See? We're at least a few who don't enjoy fades that much.

I'm still waiting for a pair of dark indigo jeans that will not fade. I would literally drop 500 euros on a pair of Tokushima hank-dyed natural indigo ones, but they're all out of production and currently impossible to find. They say Momotaro and SdA are our best options, but I'm not really attracted to the former and I struggle to find a perfect fit with the latter.

>> No.18362116
File: 2.26 MB, 8032x2080, Dark_indigo_jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both dark, crisp indigo and faded jeans. I have a bunch of jeans and a non strenous job, so my jeans tend to fade at a glacial pace. Some of these jeans are a few months old, others are +10 years.

>> No.18362132

The pic you posted looks absolutely gorgeous

>> No.18362133

I know, it's an absolute masterpiece.

>> No.18362135 [DELETED] 
File: 3.47 MB, 4296x2016, 1725086136616457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't mind slim or tapered legs, although many examples during the millenial era were too tapered and worn by people who never had any business in jeans like that. they look good on stick shaped thighs but not chicken drumstick shaped thighs.
its the low rise worn off the hip shit that i loathe about millenial jeans. i have stacks of japanese denim i'll never wear again that sits around waiting to become sashiko patches or permanently resides on my fade wall because of it. i've never had a pair of my sized up repro jeans rip in the crotch either.

heres the jeans that got me into denim back in 2006. 1930's repro-ish with zero taper smokestack legs. they're neither mij nor selvedge but somehow they're still one of my favorite pairs i've ever owned. and still heavily in rotation!

indigo or sulfur dyed weft jeans actually fade way faster than undyed weft normal jeans and wind up with insanely strong electric blue fades before eventually mellowing out. look up pbj-007 fades for indigo x indigo examples and look up blue owl x momotaro for sulfur warp examples.
i have a pair of 6oz indigo x indigos i wear under my jeans as long johns in the winter sometimes. its actually really practical in the sense that lightweight denim is a lot more durable than knit wool so i'm not constantly having to darn them. despite not being super warm.

viapiana has done custom jeans with pbj's hank dyed fabric before. wonder if he can still get it? you'd be paying over 1k though.

>> No.18362138

>viapiana has done custom jeans with pbj's hank dyed fabric before. wonder if he can still get it? you'd be paying over 1k though.
Yeah, that's way too much. SdA has made similar stuff for less. And the pigs are top-tier.

>> No.18362139

Those look like dogshit

>> No.18362140

Your face looks like dogshit

>> No.18362144

Yeah, it’s confirmed you’re retarded. If you actually knew anything, it would be obvious to you that I am quite literally the blueprint for tapered jeans, or what is known as the “athletic cut”. Even though I can throw on a pair of relaxed millenial taper jeans and have them fit perfectly, they will look ridiculous. Technical fit =/ good silhouette. How about you post a photo of your actual fit instead of closeups of your kapital denim so that we can all laugh at retarded your Uber based tapered jeans are?

>> No.18362155
File: 186 KB, 1080x1080, 1-20582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best looking fades I've seen in a while

>> No.18362165

Is this really the best you can do?

>> No.18362166


>> No.18362168 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 960x1280, 617FB83A-FD97-4218-8905-22A23F78B9B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Heart 25 oz? Here’s mine, haven’t worn them in at least a year. Just too fucking heavy

>> No.18362169

>Just too fucking heavy
What consequences have you experienced?

>> No.18362199 [DELETED] 
File: 1.89 MB, 2268x3024, 1727614549722275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon.
if you're skinny enough then tapered jeans look normal.
but even if you're uber skinny you start layering and throwing jackets/sweaters on and it starts looking goofy.
ignore the comically low rise on these, i'm posting them to show the leg fit.

>or what is known as the “athletic cut”
i think the marketing of those cuts were kinda fucked. and relaxed taper too. yeah they fit and are shaped like your body. but taking an already top heavy dude who lifts then emphasizing the transition from thigh to calf winds up looking all unbalanced and sexcore. as you already know, having that extra fabric below the knee goes a long way to normalizing vertical proportions.

>> No.18362202 [DELETED] 

For some context, I’ve worn in a couple pairs of the 21 oz in the 777 and 888 cut. Gave those away to friends and family, currently wearing in the 634 in the 21 oz. The 25 oz in comparison is very stiff and takes months to break in even if you’re dedicated. After the break in, the touch of the denim softens, but they ultimately remain rigid even after 1+ year of wear. Because of this, I never felt the enjoyment of actually being comfortable in my jeans which usually can be attributed to having some level of drape. Drape is basically impossible with 25 oz, but you actually get some drape and softness with the 21 oz. The trade off is that the fadez with IH’s 21 oz aren’t as high contrast and vibrant despite being heavyweight. In theory you may think you want those crazy vibrant fadez, but once you get them, you begin gazing into the uncanny valley and realize that your crazy faded 25 jeans look ridiculous and because of that they are really difficult to actually pair with anything and craft a decent outfit with. The 21 oz fades more vintage and evenly distributed, making it very balanced. I started my denim journey with heavy weight stuff and have heavily gravitated toward mid weight 14-16 oz repros instead because they aren’t gimmicky and they pair really well with 90% of outfits

>> No.18362207

if you wash them enough times they'll eventually soften up. but it'll take forever.

>> No.18362211 [DELETED] 

That’s why they’re not even worth the effort. Jeans shouldn’t be that heavy, there’s no actual utility to it other than being able to lock in your creases super tight and form high contrast fades. I think that you could argue that 18-21 oz denim provided some minimal factor of physical protection and some warmth during the fall and winter, but anything past that is at the point of diminishing returns in terms of actual function. In other words, if you are wearing 25 oz jeans it is purely for the purpose of being tryhard

>> No.18362229

They look really great tho. I don't own anything heavier than 14oz but I guess that even for winter times 18oz are enough, unless you don't live in antarctica or something.

>> No.18362232

>I started my denim journey with heavy weight stuff and have heavily gravitated toward mid weight 14-16 oz repros instead
I guess that's also because that's most practictal weight you can carry around. What do guys even need 21oz for?

>> No.18362238 [DELETED] 

I mostly wear 14-16 oz, but the only 21 oz denim I love is IH’s and Samurais. Both of them are decently loose weave, so they are very comfortable. Maybe the “feels like heavy sweatpants” thing people say about IH is exaggerated somewhat, but for real they do actually soften up like crazy and drape nicely. And yes, they offer some level of warmth during the winter months compared to my repro denim

>> No.18362248
File: 2.70 MB, 1048x1048, 156A6830_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is perfection.

>> No.18362262

You think you’re the blueprint for tapered jeans but realistically you’re 30lb too heavy for them.
>why don’t you post a photo of yourself on this anonymous Cambodian basket weaving forum?
Because I’m not a vain faggot yearning for approval from anons. My wife already gives me it. You can see the image above of the exact jeans I’m referring to and you can use your imagination on how it fits on me.

>> No.18362267

And these aren’t Kapital denim. These are Studio D'Artisan D1867S - 15.5oz "Amami Dorozome" Sashiko Denim Jeans Relaxed Taper - Brown

>> No.18362268 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 772x1280, D93B2490-99DA-44B0-92DE-DAECED2E0862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mhmmmm, yeah I’m soooo sure your waifu pillow gives you all the affirmation you need.
>b-b-but….well your 30 lb overweight!!!
>6’1” and 188 pounds is apparently 30 pounds overweight and I should instead be a 158 pound twink
None of the cope you just vommitted matters when I can just hold you down and anally rape you.

>> No.18362276 [DELETED] 

Hold me Brehs…

>> No.18362277

These are awesome. What’s up with the waterfall effect? My sugarcane Okinawa in beige have it too. And don’t fear the studio dartisan fit. I like it on my mud dyed sashiko jeans. The top block is my best fitting and the taper still doesn’t look unbalanced with my whites semi dress but it doesn’t work with my whites 350

>> No.18362280

Relax anon, I never said you’re overweight. You’re in great shape but very muscular. It just isn’t the body type that works with relaxed taper or slim straight jeans. Are you on steroids? What’s with your homosexual aggression?
t 6’ 160lb athletic build.

>> No.18362288

You are 188 pounds around 25% bodyfat -> 47 pounds of fat. You could lose 30 pounds of fat and go down to 158 which would put you at 17 pounds of fat which is 11%.
So yeah you're not 30 lbs overweight, but you're 30 pounds away from looking fit.

>> No.18362289 [DELETED] 

Hate to break it to you, but not even this >>18362074 body type works with millennial tapered jeans either.
Yet another lame ass comeback filled with cope while you still haven’t even posted your entire fit. I understand you’re so above all that to care for “approval from anons”, yet the real irony is that here you are continuing to respond. At this point it’s guaranteed that your millennial jeans look ridiculous. No need to even post a fit pic anymore

>> No.18362296 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 967x1257, 936879084762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets cocky
>Immediately gets told he's going to be raped
>Starts giving shirtless denimbro compliments instead

>> No.18362301

>Reee, post your fit!
Im just not going to. Keep seething faggot. And the irony is that you will continue to keep posting here.
>nevermind don’t worry about posting your fit
Never was going to anon.
He puts himself out in the public and I wasn’t about to rip on his weight like this anon did. I wanted to keep it civil and about fits.

>> No.18362303

Wow, why so bitter?

>> No.18362307

He's mentally ill like most people in this thread.

>> No.18362312 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 601x759, 39846709387409683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He puts himself out in the public and I wasn’t about to rip on his weight like this anon did
Been watching everyone's posts on these generals for like the last 5 threads and instead of people actually acknowledging that shirtless denimbro has really good silhouettes/fit with his jeans, people are saying he's overweight when in reality he looks better than like 95% of everyone on here. Dude basically has a similar build as 1950s Marlon Brando, which is why he looks really good in all the 501 repro cuts he's posted. Sure, maybe he's cringe for posting shirtless in his jeans, and by /fit/'s standards he should lose a little fat if he wants to look absolutely snatched, but we aren't on /fit/ and he mogs the overwhelming majority of people on here with not just how his jeans fit him, but his physique too.

Aside from that, he's also not at all wrong about his take on millennial taper jeans. I remember like 4 threads ago when you posted a wall of greentext about how millennial taper is superior to everything else. If you're absolutely right, then you should have nothing to lose and should just post your fit like he's been telling you to do. At the end of the day, we all know you aren't doing it because you're well aware he looks infinitely better than you in his 501 cuts than anybody of any body type would look in the millennial taper cuts.

>> No.18362321
File: 66 KB, 850x1275, 05155301407-a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't look anything like Marlon Brando because he wasn't fat.

Tapered jeans can look good on people in good shape, but if you're fat of course they're not going to work on you.

>> No.18362329 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 2522x1171, 4398769387496834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA you moron. Lets just call a spade a spade, he's obviously in relatively good shape. Calling him fat is just pure cope coming from a bunch of anons' insecurities at the fact that shirtless denimbro looks better in his jeans than virtually 95% of everyone on here. Let's not act like this isn't true

>> No.18362334
File: 194 KB, 500x313, EhFJFJGWoAc2NAU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet anyways lol

>> No.18362337
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>> No.18362344 [DELETED] 

lol. Too much schizophrenia going on in these threads. It might be time to nuke these generals and just end it for good

>> No.18362361

Jeans look great, ID on them? Also nice Die Hard reference

>> No.18362368

They are repro Levi 569s from Sri Lanka. Thank you, I hope you're not trying to just get me to rape you.

>> No.18362401

Either you’re him or you’re not. But either way you’re a faggot.

>> No.18362406 [DELETED] 

Alright guys I've been noticing something lately. Each time I call someone a nigger on these denim generals, I shortly receive a 3-day ban. I know the rugga schizo guy may seem crazy, but I think its fair to say that fat nigger is still lurking these threads. Someone count down how long it takes before the teenie weenie nigger bans me.

At least I'm not a nigger, you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.18362407

I still see like 60% of zoomers wearing baggy everywhere I go here on the west coast, especially zoomettes

>> No.18362408 [DELETED] 

Witnessed and screencapped

>> No.18362415

>That hairline.
It's literally over for that guy.

>> No.18362426
File: 109 KB, 1024x768, 1735238464749231m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me
I also notice that I get 3 day bans for saying nigger and how much I hate seeing niggers in ads. It’s very frustrating.

>> No.18362438
File: 134 KB, 1000x1333, 3a4f8dceb52a48a3904c3ad7ed0dfeb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the new meta now, deal with it.

>> No.18362439 [DELETED] 

>I also notice that I get 3 day bans for saying nigger and how much I hate seeing niggers in ads. It’s very frustrating.
I know that theres a schizo guy on here ranting about the nigger janny, but I actually think he's not wrong. Literally 3 times this month I've gotten banned for, "Racism outside of /b/" after I simply used the word, "nigger" in /fa/. For example, I replied to someone and said "Hell yeah nigger" and then got banned like 10 minutes later. I guess we could say that there's the possibility of there being some leftist faggots or trannies on this board that are actually getting pissed that there are anons on 4chan being racist, but its quite interesting that I've been saying nigger on various boards on 4chan since 2008 and have never been banned for "racism" up until this year when I started posting on /fa/ after leaving in 2012.

In summary, there's definitely a nigger janny and he's definitely browsing these threads. Its just fucking gay because we are on 4chan and its now become watered down due to shit like this. Its supposed to be the imageboard that allows unironic racism due to its anonymity. If there are actually people on here that don't like the racism that is just par for the course of using 4chan, then go be a nigger on reddit.

>> No.18362441 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, but that's not a tapered cut?

>> No.18362449
File: 39 KB, 640x640, sadjoose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Sign Vocalions still not shipped...

>> No.18362450 [DELETED] 

At least the denim generals are not nearly as bad as the /gg/ guitar general on /mu/. Just constant schizophrenia and fingerpointing about samefagging

>> No.18362451
File: 67 KB, 367x334, 1705714487944019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Hong Kong

I buy Red Tornado

>> No.18362452 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure there's a policy on various second hand websites like Grailed that immediately offer you a refund if the seller has not shipped within 7 days. I don't know what ebay's policy is, but at this point you might as well inquire about that with ebay or basically just message the guy and bitch him out

>> No.18362466
File: 401 KB, 828x1234, IMG_5266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justsweatshirts makes an 18oz cotton hoodie in Canada for $90

>> No.18362481 [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 1134x1251, 4809340983462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like whoever crafted this outfit did so with the intention to do literally the opposite of what creates a good silhouette and proportions.
>Type III jacket way too fucking long instead of it resting right above belt level
>pants sagging despite the hem being like 1-2 inches above the ankles
>slippers (lmao)
>sleaves too long
>denim tops and bottoms are both dark wash, but very obviously off colored from one another to a small degree
>again, what in the fuck are those sleeves
I guess if you assume that whoever put this together did so with the intention of making something hideous, they really understood the assignment and passed with flying colors

>> No.18362489

>Another regular at the waywt thread. As ancient as time. He's known to cause massive ammounts of seething by mixing raw denim with selvedge.

1: When did I mix up raw and selvedge? I'm normally not that fucking stupid.
Also I'm pretty sure my cuffs generated the most seething, I enjoy triggering the one anti cuff schizo.

2: You forgot to add I'm as a bald middle aged jew. That's normally good for some free seethe.

>> No.18362499

Tracking finally updated and USPS has them, right after I told eBay that I haven't gotten them yet

>> No.18362531 [DELETED] 

kapital just got bought out by lvmh :(

waterfall effect = lots of slub.

ah yes. now begins the process.
>noticing begins.
>realizing anon isn't even remotely schizo, just a bit too passionate.
>realizing there's a very well documented, nearly 15 year long hisory of this niggerjanny ruining 4chan.
>realizing niggerjanny is probably the single best known namefag on this entire website.
don't worry i won't hold it against you guys that you fell for his bait and started echoing his cries of 'schizo!!' same thing happens in every general that isn't populated by oldfags. nothing personnel,, heh. i'm used to it. truth is on my side so on a long enough timeline i always prevail and turn the board against him. not my first rodeo aware-ing newfags to the janny shenanigans.

i will never understand this desire people have for uber long type 3's. a jacket meant to be tapered as fuck in the waist. when we live in a world where chore coats and barn coats exist.

>> No.18362532 [DELETED] 

God what a lazy retard. Can’t stand when retailers/sellers do that shit. You’d think that if you’re spending $200+ on a piece of clothing they would provide top notch service, but I guess not.

In comparison to my experience with US retailers, literally anywhere else gives infinitely better customer service. All the European based retailers of Japanese imported clothing are always very responsive with immediate shipping. The absolute most responsive shipping I’ve ever received was proxying some Fullcounts off rakuten. Ordered them, the proxy service got them at their warehouse the next day, and then literally arrived at my house in Washington State two days later.

>> No.18362538 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 958x1280, B318F8DD-1006-4608-BF2B-CCA30810A529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, they are Freewheelers 1947s. If you’ve ever had experience with Sugarcane 1947s, these are slightly more fitted in the top block with a similar rise, and they have a tiny bit more taper below the knee. Also, their denim and details are beautiful.

Hey faggot, step aside. I think we all know at this point that I get first dips on any rape that goes on in these generals

>> No.18362566

You are authentic and based.

>> No.18362574

This reminded me, is there any way i can wear a letterman jacket and not look like "a dude who peaked in highschool"
I mean its technically true bu

>> No.18362610

To his credit, he did send it out before I reported it to eBay, it just took a while for the USPS tracking to update. At the same time, he could have responded to the questions I sent him asking about it, but he never did

>> No.18362670

>When did I mix up raw and selvedge? I'm normally not that fucking stupid.
Sorry, I must have had a brainfart when I wrote that and didn't realize until now. What I wanted to write was "combine selvedge with tweed".

>> No.18362673

>i will never understand this desire people have for uber long type 3's
Do you guys remmember that trend at around 2019 of super long jackets that weren't supposed to be long? Types III and bomber jackets fully covering the hips for guys and perfecto type jackets down to upper thighs for giros. Paired with shirts so long they looked like chilabas. It was terrible.

>> No.18362692

High IQ move, my WWIIs have been bringing me a lot of joy and they are auspicious to boot.

>> No.18362779

It's not that deep. You will get banned for it on any board except /pol/ or /b/ if you get reported for it. It has been this way for years.

>> No.18362784
File: 7 KB, 194x259, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both can work and your brain has rotten from being in this bubble.

>> No.18362820

>kapital just got bought out by lvmh :(
That’s a shame. The century 1-2-3 monkey Cisco is my favorite pair of pants. Their shop in Tokyo was a great experience too. I wonder how long it’ll take before they go downhill.
>waterfall effect = lots of slub.
It’s a cool effect.
Left field nyc sells a pair for $500. They look pretty nice too. https://leftfieldnyc.com/products/greaser-16oz-japanese-waterfall-denim?srsltid=AfmBOoqAJGQT7ORmRMNkX0CSCxcQ3PtdeVEcPIxYqMc7xACsIGBDDcOh

>> No.18362841

I don't remember what I did but one time I got banned for banned for breaking usa law.

>> No.18362852

But that's a shit tier American brand, prove me wrong

>> No.18362923
File: 177 KB, 1200x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what kind of shit was the designer smoking but I guess he was going to make a fashion statement or something along the lines. I seriously doubt that he composed the fit in order to make it look good.
Also, pic related is the actual jacket the model is wearing. (It looks hideous)

>> No.18362941

I’ve never worn them. I just saw that they look good in pictures and they’re Hank dye jap denim.

>> No.18362975

what do you guys think of levis silver tabs

>> No.18363002
File: 174 KB, 684x1280, 2202C6F9-8F5B-423E-873B-F4BD96B0CDC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirtless denimbro here, going to vommit my thoughts about wearing 40s repros and any other high rise wide cuts. For all of the mega repro autists on here, this is probably obvious to you already.
I initially got into the 40s cuts because I noticed that a lot of “classic straight” or 60s repro cuts I owned started to feel really snug on my thighs despite the waist being perfect. I wanted to get some jeans that actually had some relaxation in the thighs. For most of my time wearing wide legged 501s these last couple years, I would cinch the waist above my hips with a belt because this is theoretically how you’re supposed to be wearing them. Yes, wearing your high rise jeans this way can make your ass look really nice, but there is actually a lot of enjoyment you can have by wearing your high rise repros (wide leg or not) slightly slouched so that the waist of the jeans are now actually resting on your waist line below your hip shelf. This isn’t only reserved for mid rise jeans, you can experiment with your silhouettes this way especially if you’re just trying to go for a casual outfit. If you browse a lot of Japanese fashion accounts within the denim realm, you’ll notice that the overwhelming majority of repro dorks in Japan do this, such as this guy >>18362481
Having the slouched relaxed silhouette isn’t for everyone, but I’m starting to enjoy it because it tweaks my outfits by a very small degree and adds some variety to what I’m wearing each day. Thanks for reading my blog post.

>> No.18363004

what shoes are dose

>> No.18363013
File: 451 KB, 960x1280, 5A453DEF-2F59-4E7C-BDBC-BD1627F5AD2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Lofgren Ludlow Boots in the Shenki horsehide

>> No.18363015

Your pic is not nearly as close as the trend I'm mentioning but OK.

>> No.18363056 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 828x809, black little memraid at DuckDuckGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sag your pants like a nigger.
No thanks.

>> No.18363064

>racism outside of /b/
Ban is imminent

>> No.18363118


>> No.18363120

No ban. But >>18363002 got off easy for his ridiculous post.

>> No.18363127

>/fa/ggots can’t stand this guy for this one simple trick. Click here to find out more!

>> No.18363241

>put jeans on
>congratulations, you're wearing them
It shouldn't be much more complicated.

>> No.18363262
File: 884 KB, 2320x3088, 1705376777465990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bingo. i remember getting comments on how i always have my belt down to the last peg or two, that's one of the big reasons why. i default to my true waist but i sag 1-2" to my upper hips when the fit calls for it. it doesn't feel niggardly at all until you get like 3" past your crotch to me. i upsize all my jeans, usually multiple sizes which further emphasizes the slouch effect. i see a LOT of jap guys sizing up, and the sufu crowd's shifted that way though they tend to go up less sizes. also very common in 90s era photos of celebs in denim and repro/vintage jeans. shit even today chrome hearts uses vintage pairs bigger than the size they sell it at, then dart the waistband.
i also don't mind mid FRONT rises as long as the back rise is tall. i'm a thicc boy.

>> No.18363282

>sag like a *racial slur*.
No thanks.
*Insert racist image*

>> No.18363286
File: 54 KB, 664x649, 1705424626698243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18363288

You guys are both honorary apes. Why don’t you just buy mid rise pants if you don’t like the feeling of high rise pants?

>> No.18363296

they don't look sagged when you sag a high rise because the jeans still are a good deal of space above your dick/ass. we're only sagging a tiny bit. you see it a lot in earlier period historic photos because its very comfy to work in slouchy jeans.

>> No.18363299

>experiment with your silhouettes
>*sniffs own farts*
>*imitates his favorite rapper*
Sure thing buddy.

>> No.18363399

Absolute freakout

>> No.18363424

Lmao, is he the son of >>18354977?

>> No.18363483
File: 856 KB, 3196x2400, 20250111_101657-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Tornado jacket is breddy good. Been wearing it for a few days now. This is the unlined version and it's plenty warm at freezing temps with a hoodie or flannel underneath. Jeans are IH634S-B

>> No.18363490

Killer fit, also nice Saetia shirt. You an emo dork? Check out Radura and thank me later

>> No.18363622

After reading this thread I don't think I want to wear jeans anymore...

>> No.18363647

Nice boots and jacket, can i get the detailed id on both?

>> No.18363657

Thank god. One less person buying out all the iron heart stock. Save some for us, asshole

>> No.18363660

It’s just straight up comfortable to slouch a pair of 40s cuts down to the waist line. Sometimes wearing them above the hips feels uncomfortable and makes me feel somewhat vulnerable. I don’t want the seat of my jeans rubbing against my ballsack and taint as I walk. Another major benefit of having a slight slouch is that if you are a guy with long legs and shorter torso length, it can help balance your proportions

>> No.18363666

16-21oz is perfection. Less than 16 oz and it gets too drapey after a year, over 21oz never break in right, but 16oz is perfect for spring, and 21oz is perfect for fall/winter. It's very warm.

>> No.18363670

Wow, so much talking to say absolute nothing. I wonder how you guys can do it.

>> No.18363673

Sagger thugs, we boolin in raw jawnz now?


>> No.18363675
File: 54 KB, 976x850, IMG_0824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 18oz good for spring? (Let’s assume you live in central Europe climate)

>> No.18363689

Bro are you okay?

>> No.18363694

The next denim general should be named the “Slouched 40s Cut Edition”, or the “Denimbro Personalities Edition”

>> No.18363697

Nah it’s gonna be called Racism Outside of /b/ Edition

>> No.18363732
File: 334 KB, 437x1000, 1714202721775339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where should high rise pants sit?

>> No.18363734

High: A
Mid: B
Low: bellow B

>> No.18363771


>> No.18363814

either one depending on the outfit for me. i let my shirt/jacket dictate and just go with what looks better. sometimes both look good, in those cases i find a more comfy but b gives off more laid back vibes.
i upsize all my jeans, sometimes quite a few sizes and i make sure to size my belts so they can be worn either way.
there's no universal answer because there's a good deal of anatomical variance in how high people's hip shelf is and how big the space between hips and ribs are, and how close their hips are to their belly button. my legs border average and long, the space between my hip and ribs is short, and i wear my high rise jeans ranging from my belly button to around 2" below. this varies with anatomy ofc.

>> No.18363817
File: 193 KB, 736x1040, 1725120328779125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>berg out over millenial reddit söyfit
>berg out over the denimbros who reject that for traditional & timeless style (this is what celebs do but with vintage)
oh wise one.... please enlighten me.. the correct way to wear jeans.

>> No.18363846

Will do. Cheers anon.
Jacket is from Red Tornado. You can find it on eBay or Aliexpress. This is the unlined version but they also make one with a blanket lining which is a bit more expensive. I'm wearing a medium at 5'9 and around 175lb.
The boots are red wing 2966. They're the engineers in black Klondike leather which is their version of teacore. Long since discontinued so your best bet is lurking the secondhand market.

>> No.18363856

How do you guys pull off the full denim look?It looks so weird to me.

>> No.18363870

It's garbage and you shouldn't. Even autistic japponerds are laughed at their back when they do it.

>> No.18363888

Self Edge is funny because they use Carl Johnson from GTA to advertise their jeens

>> No.18364092

Yeah, I agree. To me 18-19 is the sweet spot for the colder season.

>> No.18364097

So what's the actual difference between left hand twill and right hand twill?
I was looking for a 19oz iron heart denim jacket but they only sell a left hand twill version of it.

>> No.18364110

None, they're just memes

>> No.18364178

A is your waist, where high rise sits.
B is your hips, where mid rise sit.
Low rise sit below hips.

In general.

>> No.18364195
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>> No.18364196
File: 931 KB, 877x1605, 955CB643-7D2D-4445-8700-99B203737362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just depends on what look you’re going for and what your natural body proportions are. If you have short legs and long torso or if you have normal body proportions, you can rest the high rise above your hips. If you have normal proportions or if you have long legs and short torso, wearing high rise on your waist below your hips (AKA slouching) can help balance your proportions

>> No.18364198


I think left twill doesn’t fade the same. Think lee
Rht will always be superior

>> No.18364207

DO NOT get the 19 oz LHT. It’s literally their most rigid, difficult to break in denim, it’s actually more rigid than their 25 oz. Their intention with the 19 LHT was to have something that forms absurdly high contrast fades. It’s an uncomfortable denim and you’re going to look like a clown if you fade it a considerable amount

>> No.18364275

Oh wow, thanks for the advice anon. I wanted a more heavier denim jacket for the colder season since I already own an UB901 (which is 14oz) so I was looking for something heavier and higher quality, but I guess I will stick with their 14oz type III

>> No.18364301 [DELETED] 

Honestly, if you’re wanting a heavier jacket for winter go with their 21 oz type III, or if you like military style go with their A2 Deck Jacket. Their 21 oz denim has a decently loose weave and is very soft. It also doesn’t form absurdly high contrast fades, so it’s very balanced. If you instead want a 14 oz denim, you should instead go with a more repro style company. Iron heart’s specialty is heavier weight stuff (17-25 oz) while having very clean and even weaves. It’s not that their 14 oz is bad or anything, but it lacks any real character compared to some of the 14 oz repro denims out there due to their larger degree of irregularity and imperfections in the weave pattern. You’re considering spending $400-500 on a jacket, so you should be fairly intentional with what you’re getting and consider using it on either Iron Heart’s masterpiece which is their 21 oz denim, or instead consider going for a repro company like Freewheelers or Fullcount if you’d rather have a 14 oz denim.

>> No.18364419

cotton isn't very thermally efficient and even moreso denim. get a lined jacket if you want a warm denim jacket. look for a wool horse blanket liner. i personally like vintage or repro lee storm riders.
you might like https://www.cianofarmer.com/collections/jackets too

>> No.18364427

Mr. Lowercase Denim Professeur has entered the room

>> No.18364438

it doesn't take a professor to know enough about thermodynamics to know my post's obvious. all it takes is going outside, touching grass for once rugga you fat man titted fuck.

>> No.18364443

i like how the rate at which 'complains about millenial denimbros from reddit' bait threads flood the catalogue is directly correlated with how much we make fun of his man tits and his SBC in here.

>> No.18364444

I see, I was too afraid that their heavier stuff (as in higher than18oz) was way too heavy and uncomfortable to wear so I was looking for a kind of middle ground, but by reading your post I'm kinda settled on their 21oz now.

>A2 Deck Jacket
Since you seem pretty knowledgeable about IH I'm gonna ask how is their M65, it looks really good to me.

>> No.18364447 [DELETED] 

Based pattern recognizer. Wouldn’t be surprised if Rugga was half Jewish

>> No.18364464 [DELETED] 

Nice quads. But yeah, their 21 oz will feel a little stiff when brand new like any other raw denim, but since it has really even weave pattern, relatively loose weave, and uses long staple cotton, it gets silky smooth/soft when you break it in. I’ve never worn their M65, but I own their N1 and have tried on their A2. The reason I suggest the A2 is because it’s blanket lined, so it makes a really good fall/winter jacket without it getting too hot. If you live in a frigid cold area where temps drop below 20 Fahrenheit, you might want to consider the N1. If you want something blanket lined but with denim, see if you can find a retailer that is still carrying some stock of their stormrider jacket which uses their 18 oz vintage denim. Make sure you check IH’s size charts if you’ve never boughten anything from them. If they don’t have your size in stock, There’s a lot of other retailers that carry their stock list. Check out:
>iron shop provisions
>the shop Vancouver
>rivet and hide
>Franklin and Poe
>weathered fig
>snake oil provisions

>> No.18364475
File: 124 KB, 894x800, 1726494568427268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a machiavellian + narcissistic cluster b nutcase and either a compulsive or pathological liar (haven't put much thought into it) so yeah probably. either way he believes all that nation of islam yakub shit so he may as well be spiritually jewish. the primary motivation for his shilling is to demoralize white men, convince them to go on hormones, or convince them to kill themselves. almost all of his shilling centers around one of those tangentially. that alone might qualify him as a psychopath which would blacked (heh) out his dark triad bingo card.
and i'm just a diogenes-pilled schizoid pattern recognizer. not even slightly schizophrenic. just well versed and adapted for identifying and dealing with psychotics.

>> No.18364486

Thanks sister

>> No.18364490

I say this (but don't look like this)

>> No.18364514

I'm not Rugga and I find it quite... enlightening how you tick almost all those traits listed in the pic

>> No.18364549 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 401x472, 1731633543223198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ackshually i'm not rugga
standard rugga response

>quite... enlightening how you tick almost all those traits listed in the pic
don't pretend to understand psych dipshit. the thing you accuse me of being constantly precludes me retard dropout.

>> No.18364584
File: 1.33 MB, 828x809, black little memraid at DuckDuckGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just sag your pants like a nigger.
No thanks.

>> No.18364587 [DELETED] 
File: 407 KB, 512x512, 1719540792984409.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside wyteboi dis a RUGGA thread now

>> No.18364603

>checks silhouettes
>shirtless denim fag approved

>> No.18364619
File: 164 KB, 733x1280, 0FC6F2E5-C317-4F66-92D1-3B9CE3111AA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone down for some roleplay, Denim General edition? I’ll start:
>It was yet another wispy Sunday evening as the fat black man - for whom the 13MWZ common folk and even members of the wealthier MIJ repro upper class know as, “The Rugga” - sat on his 8 year old $40 shit and cum-stained Amazon-brand computer chair, lurking the various /fa/ generals when his melanin-rich, greasy sausage fingered hands had impulsively gravitated toward the General that would soon yet fall victim again to his typical tirade of dark-triad induced shitposting and bait, all of which is typically thrown for no other purpose but demoralization.
>The Rugga, with his limp-wristed Discord server associate occupying the PC on the other end of his rank, dank studio apartment who goes by the nickname, “The Millennial Denimbro” (but for whom the common folk refer to as, “The Millennial Taper Faggot”), had to make sure that he was attending to his usual firing up of the resident Schizo who the Rugga was as of recent becoming relatively more anxious in response to his increased awareness of the Rugga’s localized demoralization tactics.
>As the Millennial Taper Faggot had finished responding to the Shirtless Denimbro with his usual cope regarding how his “wife” affirms his jeans that have what most of the common folk see as an abnormally high degree of taper, the Rugga suddenly heard his limp wristed associate get flustered and utter,
>”Oh god, do you hear that?”
>As Rugga was already preoccupied with his attempts of gaslighting the resident Schizo and redirecting any attention away from his shitposting (likely a subversion tactic learned from what other anons suspect is a potential for half of his ethnic heritage being Jewish in origin), he responded to his associate,
>”Stay focused”
>”I th-th-think he’s walking up to your front door”, the Millennial Taper Faggot responded with his usual stutter and waver in his voice.

>> No.18364647

Anon you've got a pair of full counts right? How much do they stretch/shrink?

I'm debating between a 32 or 33 in the 1101. The waist on the 32 looks 0.5" too small but I'm worried the next size up will necessitate a belt if they stretch.

>> No.18364661

Be me, shirtless denim fag
>go to gym to escape fat wife and disobedient children
>take shirtless selfies for Cambodian basket weaving forum
>still doesn’t find approval amongst retards

>> No.18364664

Yeah I’m wearing the 0105xx in that photo. I’m not gonna lie, the sizing on the fullcounts is kind of hard because their denim is relatively loose weave, so it’s going to stretch a bit in the waist. I wear a size 34 in both the 0105 and 1101, but I probably would have fit into a 33 with the 0105 if I wanted the legs to be slightly more fitted. That said, I’m wanting to make it to 3-4 months before my first wash so I unfortunately can’t really give you any insight on the expected amount of shrinkage. I have to warn you that the crotch mobility on the 1101 is kind of limited. I ended up acknowledging that I like the 0105 cut way more because of how comfortable they are and how mobile the crotch is, so I gave the 1101 to my friend as a Christmas gift. I still wanted a pair of balanced straight cuts that have a similar silhouette as the 1101, so I recently acquired a pair of Freewheelers 1947. I would highly suggest going with those instead if you aren’t wanting a really wide cut like the 0105. The Freewheelers have an incredible top block, flawless looking QC and hardware, great crotch mobility, and beautiful denim with very small vertical slub threads. If you are dead set on some fullcounts, I would recommend the 0105 over the 1101 due to their larger amount of mobility and comfort, but the 1101 does look very nice as long as you’re willing to accept the limited amount of crotch mobility

>> No.18364665

He is by far the most annoying poster in the thread. It's the arrogance combined with his obvious low intelligence.

>> No.18364675
File: 6 KB, 566x109, 1712439002771409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys you have to check this out. its one of the most unhinged things i've seen in a long time.
click this link to the archive of the /vg/ league of legends general :https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/509915102/#509918753
then ctrl + f "deleted"
all these posts were a single ruggasissy... and he does this every day.....

i love this general.

>> No.18364677
File: 56 KB, 466x611, 1705699082169793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18364714


>> No.18364743

>buy Iron Heart 21 oz.
>it's actually 17 oz.
>both sanforized and one washed
>no character
Buh buh I fell for the meme?!?

>> No.18364744

You did. I saw urine Heart in person in Japan and opted for superior samurai jeans and Kapital jeans.

>> No.18364754
File: 172 KB, 733x1280, 9138281D-449C-4D9F-A8E4-F0D8F9159BC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the dialogue, I’ll try my best to incorporate that:
>”WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!?” the Rugga yelled to his limp wristed associate, who was now looking at Rugga with a visceral level of anxiety displayed on his underdeveloped, narrow soi facial features. “…this fucking Shirtless Denimbro guy…and our resident Schizo…do these guys not realize who they’re fucking with?”
>As Rugga snapped at his associate, he quickly entered the captcha for which his current facade of bait was aimed at one of the resident denimbros. Ironically enough, the captcha for this latest bait post read, “N1GG3R”, but Rugga was however too shortsighted with his desire to demoralize the residents on the Denim General to notice such a divine moment of irony.
>As the Rugga clicked “Post”, his latest bait read the following:

>go to gym to escape fat wife and disobedient children
>take shirtless selfies for Cambodian basket weaving forum
>still doesn’t find approval amongst retards

>As Rugga enjoyed his minuscule level of increased serotonin boost due to his perceived dominance of one of the resident denimbros, his limp wristed associate yelled,
>It was no more than one second later that Rugga swung his filthy computer chair around to scold his associate again, but was met with a sudden,
>The front door to Ruggas greasy apartment broke down and there stood the shirtless denimbro. Rugga paused in his current position, staring at the shirtless Denimbro, niggardly.
>”It’s y-y-you…” the millennial taper faggot whispered, faggotly.
>”None of the cope you just vommitted matters when I can just hold you down and anally rape you” the Shirtless Denimbro responded assertively to the Millennial Taper Faggot.

>> No.18364777

What in tardation did I just read?

>> No.18364782

Cheers anon. I'm the anon who turned you on to 634s. I've lost a decent bit of weight on this cut- so much so that my 634 and s3000 are fitting somewhat oversized. Most of it came from my ass and low back, so I'm trying to find something more fitted in the top block. The 1101s seem like a decent option, but if mobility is an issue I may look at another brand. May just end up getting S510s since the Samurai top blocks are so well cut.

>> No.18364795

You cannot go wrong with the s510xx. Compared to the s3000 in the same waist size, the rise is slightly lower, but the rise and thigh width are just a little bigger than the 634 (indigo) in the same size. Might be kind of hard to recommend going your TTS for waist, or instead sizing up once since you do have larger thighs. The s3000 worked for you because they already increased the thigh width for those. I wore a 34 in the s510 a couple years ago when my thighs were a bit smaller and it was absolutely perfect. My thighs got bigger after squats and gave those away. Recently copped a size 35, the waist is a bit loose which I solve with a belt, but the thigh width is exactly how I like it now. Crotch mobility is literally the best I’ve ever experienced. Also, if you haven’t tried their 21 oz denim I actually think it’s their magnum opus. Just the perfect amount of texture without any large slub threads.

>> No.18364804

I forgot to mention that if you live in the Portland area, you can go try on some Fullcounts at Halo Shoes, they have some 1101s. I think you mentioned you frequent self edge at times, but I’m not sure which one. If you live in one of the other major cities where self edge is located, you might be able to find a local shop that carries fullcounts or ask the self edge staff if they know of any

>> No.18364825
File: 186 KB, 721x1280, 49457AB3-1F7F-4A44-9656-9452EAE43020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”R-r-relax anon, I n-n-never said you’re overweight….you’re in great shape but very muscular. It just isn’t the body type that works with relaxed taper or slim straight jeans. Are you on steroids? W-w-what’s with your homosexual aggression?” responded the millennial taper faggot, trying his best to instead charm and smooth-talk his way out of a direct confrontation.
> Rugga was in disbelief as he was staring at Shirtless Denimbro’s Fullcount 0105xx, positioned along the denimbro’s waistline and producing what Rugga noticed as a slightly slouched, vintage-looking silhouette.
>”I really thought I demoralized your ass with my niggerjak little mermaid memes, but here you are…”
>Although Rugga said this to get a read on the denimbro, the denimbro kept his focus on his underdeveloped, dysgenic target. Rugga glanced at his disheveled associate who was glued in a submissive position in his chair. When he glanced back at the denimbro, he noticed what appeared to be his 10-inch phallus swinging beneath his draped pair of 501 repros in unison with the soft gusts of Sunday evening wind blowing in from the outside his apartment window.
>Rugga quickly felt his stomach drop as he quickly experienced what could be described as a moment of intuition, a moment of fight or flight response. As Rugga did not hesitate to jump out of his shit- and cum-stained chair, the excessive levels of fat within his abdominal region flapped up and down, jigglying as the denimbro pounced onto the weakling associate. Rugga did not bother to look back, but the overweight black man did not need to. He knew what horrors were occurring from the inside of his dwelling as he heard the curdling screams of his helpless, effeminate associate.

>> No.18364843
File: 41 KB, 502x1024, ABF032D7-D96F-4A06-95D7-C1101F724A07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before Rugga was able to cross the threshold of his apartment doorway, he heard the thuds of a pair of dense, heavy boots reverberating through the old wooden floors in the outer hallways of his low-income apartment building. He attempted to hide from the approaching menace by darting into the closet adjacent to the entryway of his studio, shutting the door of the closet behind him, and laying down on the floor beneath the size XXXXL jackets that were covered in dispersed splotches of grease that had previously manifested over months of his daily meals from McDonalds.
>Rugga attentively listened to the footsteps of the unknown figure growing louder and more distinct through the curdling screams of the Millennial Faggot being brutally raped in the other room, eventually seeing the shadows of two separate feet blocking the light entering the small sliver of open space beneath the closet doors. A few moments passed as the figure’s feet remained stationary, and the doors of the closet opened, revealing a pair of teacored Redwing engineer boots.
>Rugga started slowly lifting his head from where his vision was locked onto the engineer boots, up to the belt line of what he recognized as a pair of size 33 Iron Heart 21 oz 634 Overdyed Blacks. From his position, he noticed the small hue of indigo popping through the worn black sulfur dye that had faded from a few months of wear, demonstrating a unique fade unlike anything he had ever seen. When Rugga recognized who this pair of jeans belonged to, he nervously ejaculated a few pathetic drops of semen from his 2-inch penis, niggardly.
>”So…you’re the resident Schizo?” Rugga asked as he adjusted his fat body to get a better glance at the 634 denimbro’s chiseled face.

>> No.18364846
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x1200, 34132687-39FD-4CAB-8320-E28AE8BE2035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Always have been” the 634 denimbro calmly responded as he effortlessly unbuttoned his black Type III, revealing his black Saetia t-shirt that was properly tucked into his waistband.
>”Touche” Rugga laughed, shaking his head as the 634 denimbro crouched down to match Rugga’s position. “So, Denimbro, what are you going to do now?”
>The 634 denimbro formed a halfward smirk on the left side of his face, subsequently leaning into Rugga’s right ear and whispering,
>”Reply, ‘Glorious Japan Denim Folded 1000 times’ or your mother will die in her sleep tonight”

>> No.18364851

Lmao I came back around to loving shortless denim bro again. This was great.

>> No.18364852

Wait is it really 17oz? I notice their 21oz doesn't feel like 21oz compared to my other jeans. What is up with that?

>> No.18364855

Are these pics the same guy? I assumed bathroom selfie anon and shirtless anon were different.

>> No.18364858
File: 402 KB, 2400x1350, apusmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Black Sign Vocalions are estimated to arrive tomorrow

>> No.18364861 [DELETED] 

No, this >>18364825 guy is shirtless denimbro and this >>18364843 guy is 634 denimbro

>> No.18364865 [DELETED] 

Glorious Japan denim folded 1000 times

>> No.18364867
File: 1.02 MB, 1971x2239, Lmnopz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't get to be 634 denimbro, what he gets 634s to himself? Why? I call him bathroom selfie denimbro.

I'm white hallway denimbro

>> No.18364873

Thanks man. I figured that if there’s some lore forming in these threads, it would be fun to roleplay with it and demoralize a few retards along the way

>> No.18364894

ROFL! Now this is more like old 4chan used to be.

I know him as twink god.

>> No.18364912 [DELETED] 

Now this is exactly the type of autism i need in my life

>> No.18364918


>> No.18364921 [DELETED] 

>*Rugga pacing around the /fa/ catalog with eyes locked onto the Denim General, niggardly*

>> No.18364922

Just as i thought these threads couldnt get more cringe and reddit..

>> No.18364923

Too long, will never read.

>> No.18364924 [DELETED] 

>Rugga said. Niggardly.

>> No.18364929 [DELETED] 

>…the Rugga screamed, niggardly, immediately prior to the shirtless denimbro viciously with no falter raping him into submission

>> No.18364936 [DELETED] 

>Rugga stared at the words for a long time, but, try as he might, he just couldn't make the words mean anything.

>> No.18364938 [DELETED] 


>> No.18364960
File: 170 KB, 1196x1000, 1714503607110764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does a denim general on slash effay of all places have this much schizoposting.

>> No.18365123
File: 725 KB, 2925x3247, IMG_5267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 months and 3 washes on these 21oz 634
fadez coming in nicely

>> No.18365204

What part of wear for as long as possible before washing were you not understanding? You need to dispose of those on BST and start over on a new pair the correct way ASAP into le trash they le go

>> No.18365240

I was on The Real McCoy's website looking at stuff and couldn't help but laugh
They do "authentic" repros of American military stuff and charge $700+ for it. A pair of camo BDU pants is $700 for an "authentic vintage reproduction". Meanwhile you can go to a military surplus store and get the actual real thing for 30 bucks
Same with their M-65 field jacket. Almost 1k for something when you can get lucky at a surplus or vintage store and get the real thing for cheap

>> No.18365263 [DELETED] 

>…asked the Rugga, niggardly, as he lay his melanin-rich sausage fingers into yet another bag of Funions

>> No.18365267

Really good anon. Remind me a bit of Suffocate for Fucks Sake with the post rock elements. Also did they seriously sample an Italian dub of the "Congratulaions Shinji" ending? Lol

>> No.18365281 [DELETED] 

Yup they did lol. I just really like their guitar riffs and melodies which all sound really appropriate and well written

>> No.18365288

real mccoy's is overpriced it led to a ton of drama & the brand splitting into a bunch of smaller brands. you can read about it on ancient sufu posts. their market is reenactors, wardrobe departments and people who don't give a shit what things cost who want accuracy above all else. what's a deadstock vietnam issued m65 go for? probably more and how do you find 50 of them on short notice?
america hasn't had "milsurp stores" for 30 years its all miltec chinese slop. its not like europe where milsurp's still plentiful. everything our country has produced has been polyester shit for 50 years.

bc rugga cant shill tranny hormones in the balding thread anymore so he came here to piss and cry.

>> No.18365295

I was very disappointed to see that Alpha Industries, the brand originally contracted by the USG to make the M65, now makes it completely in China. Its entire heritage flushed down the toilet
I have heard TRM makes amazing leather jackets though, so I would look at them for that, but 700 for BDU pants is a crime

>> No.18365314


>> No.18365316

You are fat and look like you don’t even lift. Embarrassing

>> No.18365322 [DELETED] 

>…the Rugga screamed, niggardly and with even more neurotic fervor than before, for he was now starting to lose it

>> No.18365351 [DELETED] 

>america hasn't had "milsurp stores" for 30 years its all miltec chinese slop.
This. The milsurp store in my city literally just closed this year, and they were just poly mix dog shit. You’re going to be hard pressed to find a regular US milsurp store with an actual vintage accurate reproduction of an A2 or N1 with real alpaca lining for $30. Not sure how anyone can be this retarded

>> No.18365466


>> No.18365566

Iron Heart 634 in 25oz. Aye or nay?

>> No.18365600 [DELETED] 

>As the Rugga was niggardly pacing around the /fa/ catalog, he could not help but keep his eyes locked onto the Denim General. What had surpassed in his encounter with the Shirtless Denimbro and 634 Denimbro would occupy a corner of his psyche for days, mustering an irritation he felt he was unable to sufficiently scratch.
>He thought back to the encounter, with his Discord associate, the Millennial Taper Faggot, who was lying defeated on the dirty carpet of Rugga's low income studio apartment, bleeding from his anus after the Shirtless Denimbro had had his way with him.
>Rugga could not remove the image of the 634 Denimbro towering over him as he lied on the floor of his coat closet, defeated, and niggardly ejaculating a few pathetic drops of semen from his 2-inch penis as he gazed into the unique fade of the Denimbro's pair of Iron Heart Overdyed Black 21 oz 634. At such a moment of pinnacle intensity, the image of the Denimbro's black t-shirt was permanently instilled into Rugga's subconcious, the design of which read the following in broad white font:
>The nuances of the late 90s NYC screamo scene were of complete foreign concepts to the Rugga. Rugga was not interested in such underground scenes which typically are filled with his counterparts of European ancestry. Tried the Rugga did, but he simply could not muster the minimum intelligence to make sense of what appeared to be nebulous, indistinct scribblings and figures contrasted on the black background on the 634 Denimbro's t-shirt.
>As Rugga thought back to his encounter, he took a step forward toward the Denim General and hesitated. He knew that 634 Denimbro would be standing at attention, and that if the Shirtless Denimbro was at his side he would not want to find out what would transpire after witnessing what he had done to his Faggot associate.

>> No.18365613 [DELETED] 

No, don't. Nothing beats their 21 oz, but if you want something different then get their 18 oz vintage denim or their 17 oz natural indigo if they ever make it again. 25 oz too much, not enjoyable to wear and the fades end up becoming too vibrant, setting your outfit completely out of balance and looking ridiculous.

>> No.18365624

Incel thread.

>> No.18365634 [DELETED] 

>…said the Rugga, niggardly, as he stepped into the Denim General, conclusively shattering any sliver of willpower he had left to control his African impulses.

>> No.18365642 [DELETED] 

You’re on 4chan you dumb fucking idiot. Not sure what you expect

>> No.18365659

It's funny I'm married with a kid now. I used to be an incel a long time ago
Most of 4chan is guys in their 30s now

>> No.18365671 [DELETED] 

>…responded the 634 Denimbro to the Rugga as the Shirtless Denimbro started unbuckling his Fullcount 0105xx to have his way

>> No.18365672

I'm sure this is very funny for you. I'm glad you have something that brings you happiness

>> No.18365682 [DELETED] 

>…the Rugga quickly responded to to the Shirtless Denimbro as his saw the outline of his 10-inch phallus beneath his draped 501s. The Rugga could sense something grim about to happen. He needed to stall the denimbros from enacting their swift justice upon his niggardly asshole

>> No.18365684

Fortunately it's extremely easy to filter his spam

>> No.18365735

Which brands should I look into if I want a good quality M65 then?

>> No.18365739

I don't know which is why I'm still on the lookout for one
Everything is either made in China, or close to $1k

>> No.18365743

So just stop being poor? I can’t stand faggots like you

>> No.18365750

Weren't the original m65 a polycotton blend?

>> No.18365753

lmao does this tranny really think anyone cares about their trolling?
they/them is going to reply to this post though because it's the only dopamine they get

>> No.18365754


>> No.18365757

Tranny thread.

>> No.18365758

The average skill of textile workers is way higher in China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, etc. than it is in north america. Its a primary industry there and plenty of people work their entire lives behind a sewing machine. that's not the case in the USA
and the seller sets their QC and finishing specs so if they say it's good, it's good. Its their brand and name on the line. Made in China doesn't automatically mean worse quality.
My USA made and sewn Imogene and Willie work shirt lost 3 buttons in a week because whoever the retard that sewed it apparently didn't know how to sew buttons. I emailed the company about it and they basically said "oops, my bad" and that was it

>> No.18365760

>Denim & Workwear General
A desperate attempt to craft an image of a lifestyle so obviously fake and LARPy that it becomes a parody, completely revealing the wearer’s lack of authenticity and exposing them as a fraud.

>"look at me I'm such a hecking masculine outdoorsman with my $200 imported denim, manly man boots, epic hecking flannel and RUGGED backpack"

You just know this guy works a onions office job and then after work immediately comes home and watches Netflix while ordering Uber Eats to get some unhealthy goyslop stuffed in his fat face. He goes to some yuppie bar and orders Whiskey "neat" or gets some kind of "masculine" branded IPA or ale.

On the weekend he goes "hiking" AKA walking half a mile to some tourist trap, getting his overweight girlfriend to take a picture of him in his hecking epic mountain man outfit so he can post it to his Instagram/Reddit/etc. , which he checks as obsessively as a woman does. Once he reaches the viewpoint of his "hike" he'll spend 30 seconds taking some pictures and then go back to staring at his phone.

Meanwhile actual "outdoorsy" people would be wearing some fluorescent Gore-Tex jacket and lightweight cargo pants or something

>> No.18365761

Check out Buzz Rickson. Still very high quality MIJ repro stuff for around $500-600 for a brand new M65. I think they don’t block international sales on Rakuten either, so maybe you can find a jacket on there for the actual price they sell for in Japan. I own a pair of their 1950s field trousers and they’re amazing. That said, Real McCoys does set the bar for all repro stuff so if pure authenticity is something that’s important to you then you just have to swallow the price

>> No.18365763

Hey! I recognize you. You also like to shit up the guitar general threads on /mu/
Holy shit you really are online 24/7

>> No.18365765 [DELETED] 

Whoopsies!! Little faggot is mad he got called out. Oh no!

>> No.18365766 [DELETED] 

>Rugga posted again in an attempt to demoralize the other posters

>> No.18365767

struck a nerve because you are fuming

>> No.18365768

Coping and projecting pathetic loser.

>> No.18365771 [DELETED] 

>…cried the Rugga, niggardly, before being anally raped by the shirtless denimbro

>> No.18365775

lol he's probably so flustered

>> No.18365777


>> No.18365778 [DELETED] 

>putting in the effort to greentext a post number

>> No.18365780

now he's mad he's not getting a (You), the only thing that brings him any joy in life

>> No.18365786 [DELETED] 

>It was a dark day for the commonfolk of the slash effay Denim General. For what seemed like a bountiful victory on behalf of the shirtless denimbro and 634 denimbro over the Rugga's endless bait and shitposting, the 13MWZ commonfolk indulged in their victory for longer than they needed. While the townfolk were drunk on their victory, the Rugga mustered a tirade of bait and shitposting that some of the more innocent and unfortunately unaware commonfolk had soon fallen prey to. "I pray thee, shirtless denimbro", one of the innocent commonfolk uttered, "where art thou in our moment of darkest dread? The evil Rugga has struck our Denim General once again, but our heroes are yet to be found..."

>> No.18365818
File: 1.12 MB, 1512x2016, 1712515490951148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's almost at year 15 of dedicating his life to this its beyond sad.

most of us are 30-40 years old. i do home remodels.
your dick's so small that rape isn't even an option for losing your virginity. typical browncel i used to throw out of clubs for putting shit in drinks.

>> No.18365908
File: 397 KB, 1219x1407, Dasha_Nekrasova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my red tornado 55501s came in, took just 10 days and goddamn, they're basically like, two whole echelons of quality and craftsmanship above the Uniqlo ones I've been buying (and those are made with Kaihara fabric). $75 well spent

>> No.18365912

Where can I find jeans with a rise of 13 inches or above?

>> No.18365940

sorry if you're the guy who asked earlier janny kept deleting my post
>connors sewing factory/one piece of rock is the highest rise 501 repro to my knowledge.
>dawson jeans makes a very tall rise not-quite 501 as well.
>denim military fatigue & dungaree patterns are all 13"+ brands like real mccoys, buzz rickson, bronson etc make them. they're historically canon, usually navy and ccc.
>then theres bespoke stuff like viapiana, denim bridge, rebuilt.jp, fittedunderground, bridge of the times, ciano farmer, soso etc.
personally i've been eyein up a pair of denim fatigues lately myself.

>> No.18365944

evisu lot 2001 is also 13" at waist 31 and up.

>> No.18366014
File: 315 KB, 841x2560, 71umpb9b8cL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the fit on 511's these days? Yes, I know Levi's quality is ass but I found a local store that sells them for dirt cheap. Just need something to travel next week. I'm thinking something similar to pic related for summer outfits.

>> No.18366019
File: 607 KB, 1106x1924, Iron Heart 0.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that samurai is 2 times the price what is the brand that will replace it?

>> No.18366025 [DELETED] 

>Samurai jeans on Denimio range from $200-260 in price
Ummm, did they go up in price or what? I imagine you can still proxy their stuff?

>> No.18366062 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 692x1280, 9B40946A-02E6-4663-8119-B529E842B2F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a pair of 40s repros with some black teacore footwear and thank me later

>> No.18366065

>sets prices by territory after capturing some customers to further bleed them instead of allowing lower prices to drive expansion
I hate modern society, and japs are stupid

>> No.18366068

Observer Collection OD Blues. I have a pair of the first iteration and they're the best jeans I've ever had by far. The internal belt system is awesome.

>> No.18366092

I'm looking for a specific jacket I previously owned and threw away because I'm retarded. It was a LL Bean jacket from the 80s or 90s I got at a thrift store.
>women's large
>purple shell
>teal trim
>blue plaid wool liner
Anyone know what jacket model it might be?

>> No.18366116

Very slim with a narrow hem. Basically the quintesential aggressive millennial taper jean. If you you're not a stick, you'll probably need to size up if you want them to fit like on the model.
A couple of weeks ago I thrifted a pair of 511s because they had the white oak cone denim label. When I got home and tried them on I realized I'm probably never wearing them. Oh well, they were ten bucks anyway.

>> No.18366119

cut em up and save em for sashiko. no loss there.

>> No.18366144

I do all that, yet I am still, in fact, rugged.

>> No.18366145

Not a bad idea, but I'm not cutting them now and will store them as is. Perhaps I'll post a pic to trigger the 634 avengers.

>> No.18366149

True from the first to the last word. Amerifats gonna seethe.

>> No.18366176

Red tornado, only problem with them is that the stitching is too damn good.

>> No.18366304

>Denim & Workwear General: Mental Patients Edition

>> No.18366310 [DELETED] 

Faggot general.

>> No.18366318

"b"bc 2 inches edition

>> No.18366322

What's up, rugga? Afraid to show your nggardly face when the 634 chads are around?

>> No.18366335

>extremely overpriced brand will now charge even more
Don't care. Wasn't gonna pay for that shit anyway

>> No.18366343
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x2000, levis--511-Slim-Fit-Jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossdressing is cringe as fuck bro
Now post your jeans

>> No.18366358
File: 437 KB, 700x933, studio-d_artisan-sp-108-16oz-extreme-denim-45th-indigo-regular-straight-selvedge-jeans_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the new Studio D'Artisan SP-108 16oz Extreme Denim?

>> No.18366371

>Thoughts on the new Studio D'Artisan SP-108 16oz Extreme Denim?
Should be called Extreme faggotry. No one cares loser. Get a job.

>> No.18366374

I already agreed with your point. I'm simply asking a question now.

>> No.18366376

ruggas a "security guard" who lives with his mom

>> No.18366377

Has anyone ever worn a novelty pair of jeans long enough to get a decent fade on them or are they solely for posting pics of them brand new on Reddit for updoots

>> No.18366379

If you look through the subreddit you can find a lot of pics of faded jeans.

>> No.18366384

Never in my life have I seen such millenial taper and more than half of the pics are of crispy brand new jawnz.

>> No.18366388
File: 1.81 MB, 1536x2048, SvqgnYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes it le soi?

>> No.18366390

it's cool
I have a couple pairs of sda meme jeans I have faded. they don't look good desu

>> No.18366394

I have never seen a type 2 jacket that looks good when worn.

>> No.18366395

>they don't look good desu

>> No.18366398

everything going on here. get rid of the cuff or hem them longer. and WHAT ARE THOSE???

same never liked type 2's. they're for redditors who don't think they can pull off a type 1. its confused and doesn't know if it wants to be a workwear or a fashion jacket.

yeah a few times. the more normal meme fabrics like stuff with a sane amount of slub are great, love em, wish i could get repro fits in em more often. stuff like indigo weft? absolutely, i don't even consider that a meme fabric its so commonly used in higher end designer denim and in denim shirting.
the more wacky out there stuff like all the n&f meme fabrics? rarely works out, and when it does you wind up with a cool looking pair of jeans that's really hard to pair with anything other than a white tee and sneakers.
if you wanna see insane fades of meme fabrics just go to south east asian social media. they have brands that do repro fit + n&f tier meme fabrics and SEAmonkeys fade their jeans hard.

>> No.18366399

they are a basketweave pattern and the fade makes them looks discolored or dirty.

>> No.18366405

i put that in the 'more normal meme fabrics' category. would really come down to the hand feel of the weave if i'd wear that fabric or not. if they're not scratchy i would.
i don't mind dirty weft or core. if anything its less visually loud than undyed core is. common as fuck in upscale/designer denim for ages. etc.
dirty fade jeans never appealed to me since im a tradie, my jeans >>18365818 get stained brown/gray anyways. but i get why they were such a trend for a while. they're cool. great way to get that sort of look without actually being covered in questionable substances all the time.

>> No.18366406
File: 672 KB, 695x365, 1731003857315099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything going on here
oops pic was discarded

>> No.18366417

Just a creepy gay dude, nothing worth a discussion

>> No.18366421

And then the old customers get priced out and they stop buying and the brand dies
This happens so much it's hilarious companies still fall for it

>> No.18366427

Brevity is the soul of wit son.

>> No.18366428

Who cares, why would you buy a jean with cotton thread construction lmfao? You want it to last half the years of other jeans? Fuck autism lol

>> No.18366430

My Momotaros started falling apart after just a year. The cotton thread is trash

>> No.18366443
File: 356 KB, 1200x1700, badlands-main1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18366444

>canadian tuxedo
Oh, no, no, no.

>> No.18366451 [DELETED] 

Gay. Faggot. You are a gay faggot. Fuck you gay faggot.

>> No.18366453

ive never seen a jap brand not fuck with the pattern in some way/shape/form.


>> No.18366459

You will get the superior opinion regardless, bitch. Jeans that don't fade are just 5 pocket twill pants.

>> No.18366490

Full house of falsehood.

You don't have to get your panties on a bunch just because you've been proven wrong. You should be acustomed by now.

Jap repro brands tend to fuck up patterns and proportions more often than not. But nobody wants to talk about that elephant in the room.

>> No.18366503

No they didn't because they don't use cotton thread. Stop shitposting you fucking retard.

>> No.18366519 [DELETED] 

You are a gay faggot.

>> No.18366600

> But nobody wants to talk about that elephant in the room.
agree. the one thing i like about chinks is they don't do that.
the jap denim bros who own these brands don't give a fuck about type 2's. so most of these brands type 2's are either phoned in or the jacket they experiment on.
i wish more jap brands would do true, straight up 1:1 repro as far as patterns go. if they want do have creative expression and personality in their jeans do it with things like the stitching, arcurates, hardware and fine details. its not a huge or impossible ask -- evisu used to do it back in the day.

>> No.18366603

Good one

>> No.18366604

if you want a good type 2 you can get straight up vintage ones from basically any brand that isn't levi's for pretty reasonable prices they're not that old or rare. some are better than others. i see deadstocky looking ones list all the time. some are like mid tier price range some are pricy some like maverick jackets and shit are dirty cheap.

>> No.18366673
File: 281 KB, 960x1280, e0337384-fa5b-4516-b6aa-162b7beaa1a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the average user you're talking to in this general looks like pic related

>> No.18366677

>wearing shoes indoors
>in your bedroom
Why are Americans so uncivilized?

>> No.18366680

They also don't wash their assholes after taking a shit.

>> No.18366681
File: 91 KB, 600x800, 1709991134740236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like marfan's syndrome anon.

>> No.18366682

>They also don't wash their assholes after taking a shit.
Your mother does that for me, incel.

>> No.18366684 [DELETED] 
File: 1005 KB, 945x945, 1713165674240374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18366686

Doubt it considering how many anons have reported a 32 inseam.

>> No.18366687
File: 180 KB, 754x466, 1731788659459976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contrary to popular belief inseam doesn't really have any correlation to your overall height. its mostly correlated to your ethnicity. i've given pants to friends with large height disparities before.

>The Role Race Plays In Sport

>> No.18366690 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 640x1018, 1725198712428809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>get infinite more pussy than rugga because his dick is too tiny to even rape

>> No.18366693

>blah blah blabbla-blabbla-bluh-bleeblah

>> No.18366694
File: 150 KB, 900x1200, 1722019441834828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post thicc denim bootys

>> No.18366695
File: 506 KB, 709x708, pepefancytears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got my Black Sign Vocalions bros

>> No.18366696
File: 2.81 MB, 1242x2208, 897685768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dudes love to post shit like this on leddit all the time

>> No.18366700
File: 138 KB, 1300x1065, 1725548910552989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise thats an evo i'm looking forward to seeing if you'll graciously share it with us!


>> No.18366701

Post pics

>> No.18366714

Post a pic like this: >>18366696

>> No.18366721

>shirtless denimbro starts breathing heavily

>> No.18366796
File: 74 KB, 319x956, PXL_20250114_202558782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here they are. Please excuse the non-ideal lighting

>> No.18366818

Your legs are fascinating to me.

>> No.18366845

I love people paying this much for something you could pull out of the lost-and-found in a public library, that is if the walmart pricetag is to steep

>> No.18366859

Oh look, it’s the guy that loves to flex his frugality on buying clothing. Damn bro, you’re so smart with your money

>> No.18366912

Should I be flattered or not?

>> No.18366917

nice fit but we're waiting >>18366696 for the money shot

>> No.18366919

Shut up it was a very cool, well made jacket. I need that LL Bean jacket.

>> No.18366947
File: 47 KB, 500x500, IMG_2809-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Baxter state parka
It's styled after various "mountain parka"s released by American outdoor brands in the 70s and 80s.
LL Bean reissued it recently and you can find tons on eBay if you search mountain parka or 60/40 parka/jacket

>> No.18366954
File: 348 KB, 1588x1588, 1731600686352782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help anon. I checked again and either better search terms or new listings and was able to find it. It's not crossdressing if you're a fly ass pimp!

>> No.18366983

You have to have shoes on to try out a jeans fit

>> No.18367000
File: 1.47 MB, 1772x1772, 1720695608197556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Okayama x Japan Blue collab?
They look cool but I wonder if they'll stick out too much since I want something more generally wearable.

>> No.18367021

Honestly man, those are a heavy pass for me. Take this from millennial who used to wear slim/tapered cuts and loved the modern experimental textured denim: get a pair of repros instead. If you’re looking for someone that’s actually wearable and easy to style, a pair of jap made 501 repros should be your first choice. Check out Fullcount, Freewheelers, or Sugarcane. If you can’t bring yourself to wear a pair of jeans that aren’t gimmicky or have super textured denim, then focus on getting a pair that’s inspired by a 1940s-60s 501 cut instead of the really soillennial slim tapered cuts. Some brands like samurai or Iron heart will usually have their regularly stocked, core cuts, one of which will usually be a 1960s repro cut. This is by far the most balanced and universal straight cut out there, and it’s actually comfortable, making it practical and not so tryhard. A lot of “modern style” jap denim companies will always have these really “limited” collabs and releases, but the overwhelming majority of the time it’s usually some really over the top and gimmicky looking monstrosity or something that just sticks out like a sore thumb with zero grace. A 501 repro will not look like much at first, but they have the most balanced fades and graceful aging out of any jeans

>> No.18367022

Good morning, internet pants friends! Can you please, please, please tell me what the bestest mostest highest qualitiest normiest [Read: Levi's 501 full straight leg style] waist overalls [what you plebeian scum colloquially refer to as "jeans"] are? They need to be at least 12" high rise apartment so degenerate filth like https://full-count.jp/ and https://www.samurai-j.com/ are automatically disqualified for making low rise millennial tapered trash!

P.S. I hate you all for being ignorant retards and not being true Amekaji denim heritage workwear hobbyists like me!

>> No.18367023
File: 123 KB, 1125x750, IMG_3259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order from Okayama Denim
>forced to pay jizya

>> No.18367060

Idk what that means but Okayama is cheap.

>> No.18367062

What a funny and well written post! I enjoyed it so much, here's a written upvote for you!

>> No.18367088

what do sardeenz have to do with the dark triad?

>> No.18367102

>or Sugarcane
Lmfuckingkek, maybe if you have a gigantic obese ass.

>> No.18367113

This. What a retard.

>> No.18367167

w2c jacket?

>> No.18367173

So, first impressions?

>> No.18367176

Does anyone have the link to the official Oni denim website? I must be getting slow in the head because I've tried using Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, Google, Mojeek, Naver, SearX, Wiby, Yahoo, Yahoo.co.jp, and Yandex but have found nothing

>> No.18367180


>> No.18367556

Nice hat stupid

>> No.18367558

How to get brown fades like that?

>> No.18367573 [DELETED] 

Ugly faggot, and poor as well. Fucking kek.

>> No.18367578

>goes to old thread to bitch out his nemesis

>> No.18367580 [DELETED] 

doing a lot of dirt work.

yeet https://www.ebbets.com/

this thread is still bumping. rugga tried to snipe our general so he could have a psychotic episode at the start of the thread. just ignore it make fun of him and use this one.

>> No.18367587 [DELETED] 

Meds. Now. Filthy bum.

>> No.18367611 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 1258x2398, 1728863365186177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meds now you filthy goyim
>nooooooo the "schizo" just made it up!! i'm not rugga samefagging and having my daily melty!!
put a warning about rugga in the next OP. if it lacks the warning ignore it: its a rugga thread.

>> No.18367615 [DELETED] 

Rugga won and you are an ugly little incel schizo.

>> No.18367623 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 1258x2398, 1723939552754797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete my posts & cry moar ;_;
twinkanon 10 ruggasissies ZERO

>> No.18367624

You lost little sissy boy!

>> No.18367628 [DELETED] 

>noooooooooooo i'm not mad
>mass deleting twinkanon's posts
you can blow your brains out for about $200
how's the hormones working out 2" rugga?

>> No.18367631

Uh oh!! Little fag is getting really mad now! Watch out everyone!

>> No.18367630

what the heeeeeeel oh my god no wayeeeyeee

>> No.18367634 [DELETED] 

>"Uh oh!! Little fag is getting really mad now!" said the 2", black, failed man who's having a psychotic episode and proving he's not a janny by deleting all the posts that hurt his i mean her? feelings.

>> No.18367636

Take your meds little boy.

>> No.18367643

>"Take your meds little boy."
>said the eunuch from his disappointed mother's spare room

>> No.18367646

>2 inches
>3 posts in a row calling me little
even if you add them all up you come up short of 7!! LOL

>> No.18367647

I run this board whitey. Don’t forget it little boy

>> No.18367650

its all you have.
i'll get under your skin and make you kill yourself :) narcs are my favorite.
>Narcissistic decompensation is a state of emotional instability that can occur when someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) experiences a blow to their self-esteem. It can cause a person with NPD to feel shame, rage, or despair, and may lead to a breakdown in their behavior and relationships.
>Signs of narcissistic decompensation
>Emotional state: A person with narcissistic decompensation may experience a negative emotional state, such as pessimism, outrage, or disappointment.
>Self-criticism: They may experience self-criticism and a fear of failure or inferiority.
>Withdrawal: They may withdraw from others or give them the silent treatment.
>Aggressive response: They may respond aggressively to someone they believe has damaged their self-esteem.
>Vindictiveness: They may act vindictively to regain control and power.

>> No.18367651

Nice but not reading that

>> No.18367667

>said while i have you decompensating
>dismissive avoidance
narcs avoid their problems instead of facing them head on. that's why you're hardly even a man.

>> No.18367670

That’s very interesting. Can you tell me more about that?

>> No.18367674 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 195x181, 1722488236185061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a picture can tell 1000 words

>> No.18367677

I accept your concession.

>> No.18367779
File: 699 KB, 807x1079, Screenshot_20250116-102634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched this movie recently, the jacket's incredible the whole way through. Where can I find a jacket that fits like this?

>> No.18367782

looks like shit loser

>> No.18367887

LVC makes a good looking one, but stupid expensive for what it is. But Jap brands are allergic to making a non-fucked type 2 repro.

>> No.18368089

Undyed weft.

>> No.18368090

>Meanwhile actual "outdoorsy" people would be wearing some fluorescent Gore-Tex jacket and lightweight cargo pants or something
I actually really judge people who wear thos shit. They will do the exact same thing and wear outdoorsman clothing to go shopping. To me, expression is paramount, so purely functional clothes are so ugly and boring to me.