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/fa/ - Fashion

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18154025 No.18154025 [Reply] [Original]

Are pierced nipples for a girl effay or just trashy?
I'm trying to convince my gf to get her nipples pierced for purely selfish reasons and she's having some resistance

>> No.18154029

Trashy gas station behavior

>> No.18154031

its so fucking hot especially sucking on a womans nipples when they are pierced. same with making out with a woman who has facial piercings or a tongue piercing.

>> No.18154033

you should both get an opposite nipple pierced. sounds cute (assuming you have low bodyfat)

>> No.18154034

They taste like car keys

>> No.18154035

who gives a shit though? like i said, it's for selfish reason. i want her to have them and i want people to see through her clothes and get turned on by her

>> No.18154040

I think it's sexy when it's poking out under clothes like in your pic, but it looks so shitty when she's naked.

>> No.18154042

if shes not that into it shes probably never gonna be into it

>> No.18154055

Trashy, you gonna let some other dude grope on your girl's tits and shove a metal barbell through her nips? Fag.

>> No.18154058

If you're such a cuck why don't you let me fuck her and raise my babies huh

>> No.18154063


Why are you asking then?

>> No.18154073

who cares? oh no, someone gets paid to do their job! boo hoo

>> No.18154074

there is nothing wrong with showing off your girl. it's the foundation upon which fashion was built

>> No.18154077

i bet you get insecure and jealous when women to go gynecologists. i bet you throw a tantrum when people deliver babies
holy shit, incels like you who've never even kissed a girl will never not make me laugh

>> No.18154081

>comparing some greasy tattoo artist to a doctor

>> No.18154095

>i want people to see through her clothes and get turned on by her
You skipped cuck and went straight to living your sissyfication fantasy vicariously through your girlfriend. I don't think there is anything wrong with that but you would reach peak gratification if you stopped denying it. Tell your girlfriend about it too, so she can tell you everything that happens when you are not around like the guys who stare at her tits, the men who ask for her phone number, and the ones who "accidentally" grind up on her in crowded spaces.

>> No.18154107

obviously op's situation isn't the same but if you fuck a girl and she has pierced nips, do not think about dating her. pierced nips = bpd hoe with 100 fwbs.

>> No.18154114

nipple piercings on women is their SEXO CORE

>> No.18154122

Very trashy. Might as well get her some face tattoos too and complete the look.

>> No.18154126

Why any woman would even consider doing something like this is nuts, a man wanting a woman to do this is beyond words. How you could look at a pair of tits (assuming they're nice) and think "boy these would be even better with a chunk of metal through them"? It must be some evolutionary adaptation to self-destruct shitty genetics or something. When Patrice O'neal called women "fish being fish and doing fish things", I didn't know what he was talking about. I now know what he meant.

>> No.18154144



>> No.18154211
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peak reddit mid-wit know-nothing statement
that couldn't be further from the truth
>it's the foundation upon which fashion was built
>black people are the same as us they're just kept down by socioeconomic factors
they always come up with these half-baked and absurd, retarded statements that sound right in their head
as a result of narcissism (he fancies himself smart so looking up if what he's saying is true is beneath him! of course! but he's also wrong & retarded simultaneously)

>> No.18154216 [DELETED] 
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midwit retards need empty platitudes to justify the dissonance they feel inside from their degenerate lifestyles
you are a loser with a cuckold fetish who posts a thread like this weekly

>> No.18154265

>You skipped cuck and went straight to living your sissyfication fantasy vicariously through your girlfriend.
That's retarded take.
Human is fundamentally zoon politikon - political animal. It basically means that humans value social hierarchy and strive to be as high as they can. This social hierarchy is multifaceted - success, money, power, ...
Both getting attractive mate and success of the mate increase your social level.
So in the end you can't infer from it more than that it's kinda trashy way to signal: "be envious of me, I'm successful - you'd like to fuck this hot girl, but it's me who is fucking her"
It's more trashy but in principle same as showing off your lamborghini.

>> No.18154266
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this guy's posts are so smooth brain its unbelievable. just exterminate all subhuman pejeets already.

>> No.18154268

you are a weird freak with a gay cuckolding fetish

>> No.18154287

hot but trashy

>> No.18154312
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This, how are you supposed to suckle on her milkers with metal rods in there?

>> No.18154316

works just fine

>> No.18154319
File: 72 KB, 720x719, 87e0f80a3e2ae191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pierced nipples are unquestionably hot, but in general they're considered trashy especially if visible.

>> No.18154341

great nigger-tier argument, average pajeet is genius compared to your ghetto iq

>> No.18154376

>Pierced nipples are unquestionably hot
i'm officially questioning it. you're on notice. explain yourself

>> No.18154386

They bring extra attention specifically to her tits which is slutty but also encourage you to imagine what they look like underneath her top, which is hot.

>> No.18154391

don't they get in the way of sucking on the tit? probably one of my favorite things to do with them in a sexual context. i was only ever with one girl who had them pierced and i didnt go near it, very unfortunate, just makes me think of everything that could go wrong with like tearing them or something

>> No.18154395

At the end of the day someone is getting paid to do their job
Tattoo artists and piercists do this day in and day out, they don't give a shit about it

>> No.18154396

Her nipples are there to feed your infant and you want her to stab a metal piece into them? You /fa/ggots are straight up retarded and will probably never pass on your genes. Biological cuckolds sitting their with your dead bloodline watching as chads like me pump the genepool with my DNA

>> No.18154397

Ugly,trashy.dumb, annoying

A man want a suckable natural nipple free from tattoos and metals

>> No.18154400

I have a kid unironically

>> No.18154405

you aren't your genes lil bro, you're 100% gonna die regardless

>> No.18154407

Bro you have NEVER and will NEVER breed in your life. Why do you care what other people do?

>> No.18154427

I already made 2 kids and I'm gonna make a 3rd when my wife is ovulating in a couple weeks
Anon do you think I give a shit about your barren childless babble? Think about all the puppies with unfavorable genetics who were culled in the process of creating modern dog breeds. They are completely irrelevant compost and so are you.

>> No.18154428

Are you crying?

>> No.18154430
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au contraire, I am laughing at you and your lack of counterarguments. If anyone is crying, it's your ancestors who survived frozen winters, famines and wars, persevering through it all, only to see their bloodline end with (you).

>> No.18154432


>> No.18154434

stay mad

>> No.18154440

it's okay anon, you are clearly underage. Maybe some day you will learn how to argue and maybe even how to breed.

>> No.18154448

those tissues you flush are not "babies" and the toilet is not your "wife"

>> No.18154465

What is it about a woman's body, her skin, her breasts, etc. that causes low tier men to break down and have fits?
If a woman pierces her nipples why do you care? You're not the one that's gonna suck them and squeeze them, Chad is.
>"b-but i don't like it!"
Then fuck off. It doesn't affect you. If you don't like pierced nipples then don't get with a girl that has them (you couldn't anyway)
Incels love to whine and bitch as if anyone cares. You won't breed ever anyway, your opinions are worthless

>> No.18154489

Ignoring the dumpster fire that is this thread (as is customary for /fa/), pierced nipples can be painful or reduce sensitivity, which is probably why your girlfriend is pushing back my guy.

>> No.18154526

Post fupa

>> No.18154572

I want to fuck and play tough with a womens nipples, the piercing would just be in the way

>> No.18154605

And why do you know what car keys taste like?

>> No.18154607


>> No.18154608 [DELETED] 

There is nothing hot about mutilated nipples. No sane man would want to let his children breastfeed on those degenerate whorish teats.

>> No.18154611

There is nothing hot about mutilated nipples. No sane man would want to let his children breastfeed on those degenerate whorish teats of his woman.

>> No.18154616

What is with trannies and seething at men who have a problem with degenerate women? What men think and say is none of your business. You will never be a woman anyway, so why do you care what normal people say about each other? Fuck off and go be a degenerate somewhere else.

>> No.18154636

what is it with you seething at women?

>> No.18154641

well as you can see in most of these pics the women are not particularly fond of wearing bras
and seeing nipples poking through shirts make my pp (and other males) feel funny

>> No.18154647

Having only one pierced is a sign of class for this issue (breastfeeding).

>> No.18154651

I can't imagine how gay you must be to not find pierced nipples hot
You're gay right?

>> No.18154657

Explain what's "hot" about a skewered nipple. Are you also into necrophilia?

>> No.18154658


>> No.18154660

They are hot as fuck and I don't care what any of you faggots say, titty fucking a big titty goth girl with pierced nipples and splattering them with my seed was one of the most effay experiences of my life

>> No.18154677

have sex incel

>> No.18154696

I usually buy stuff because I like them not to satisfy others. I would never want my girlfriend to satisfy others but if that's what you want nobody will stop you.

>> No.18154703

You not? You're gay right?

>> No.18154715

Only a homo would think a mutilated female organ is hot, because it is of no use to him. A real normal man would find a skewered nipple to be abominable because he wouldn't want his children to feed from such perverse mockeries of healthy teats.

>> No.18154764

>I want to pimp my woman out as a whore and have other mean stare at her nipples.

So you are just a cuck right?

>> No.18154824

pierced tit enthusiest here, the entire appeal is that its slutty. its that shrimple

>> No.18154841

why are frustrated involuntary celibates like you fucked up over the fact that people like showing off their significant other?
every couple does it. it's why people love dressing up to attend formal dinners, weddings, etc. they go out and get new dresses just for the occasion
couples like showing each other off and knowing you have the most desirable woman that other men want is the most empowering shit ever
but you haven't even had your first kiss yet into your 20s, so you wouldn't know anything about that

>> No.18154853

I am married to the girl I met in high school. I am just telling you its low class and gross, you don't have to take it so personally. Wearing a 'nice dress' is not the same as your gf walking around with pierced nipples you fat retard.

>> No.18154864

>Having only one pierced is a sign of class
No it isn't, it's the obvious sign of a dumb whore going to get her nips pierced and then pussying out after only one because of the pain lmao
That's why you see so many single pierced nips

>> No.18154874

No it isn't. A lactating woman needs to empty both her breasts, or else it will fuck up her mammary glands. This is also why a woman piercing her nipples is fucking retarded, because the scar tissue formed from the piercing can clog up the ducts and pores. Only stupid whores get nipple piercings.

>> No.18154876

calm down Mehmet, Punk has been a style for close to 50 years.

>> No.18154891

this isn't punk
this is monkey see monkey do and they don't even know why they're doing it except the other "i'm not like the other girls" are doing it

>> No.18154906

Since it clearly indicates that you don't plan on sucking the tits it's obvious that the pierced nipple is the choice of faggots, such as yourself

>> No.18154930

there's no place like home

>> No.18155047
File: 106 KB, 980x1442, 96985444-kristen-stewart-1539980334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love trashy whores with pierced nips

>> No.18155048
File: 213 KB, 980x1441, ag-179201-007-paris-jackson-1539980375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18155049
File: 1.36 MB, 821x1540, Screenshot_20240621-035255-437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18155050
File: 183 KB, 817x1222, keke-palmer-puts-nipple-piercings-on-display-in-sheer-top-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18155051
File: 140 KB, 1079x1295, EOBUba9XkAMMvSV.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18155054

im confused
are they going through her shirt? wtf is going on here

>> No.18155072

No it's just that the shirt is incredibly thin and it makes it look like the nipple rings are sticking through it

>> No.18155091

Just trashy

>> No.18155097

bars > rings

>> No.18155099

just trashy, makes any girl no matter what else look like a whore.

>> No.18155138

sucking pierced nipples tastes like house keys, so it tastes like home

>> No.18155181

They're hot as fuck

>> No.18155255

how the hell do you know how house keys taste?

>> No.18155271

>Tell me how you have stds without telling me you have stds

>> No.18155274

i was a curious kid

>> No.18155283

They do taste like old pennies tbf, I really don’t like it…

>> No.18155331

Why? They get in the way of the nipple.

>> No.18155332

Kind of insane how this guy is asking for opinions on pierced nipples, and people are having a meltdown about how other people don't like them.

He's literally ASKING for it

>> No.18155346

>Kind of insane how this guy is asking for opinions on pierced nipples
What? Read the OP again, several times if necessary. You completely misunderstood it. I hope for your sake that you're intoxicated because that is a stunning display of illiteracy on your part. Genuinely surprised you were able to negotiate the capcha.

>> No.18155453

>getting a girl to permanently change her body to please you isn't hot, actually
maniacs, all of you