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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 153 KB, 1080x1575, 1694365198342249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18129636 No.18129636 [Reply] [Original]

How do I fix my hairline? Can't afford minoxidil or fin ...

>> No.18129687
File: 2 KB, 124x119, 1650313043890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we back to doing this shit?

>> No.18129699
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>> No.18129701
File: 81 KB, 600x800, 2037489-17645b242460b2f65e959f3f32961612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I fucking love a Dougspo thread!

>> No.18129705
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>> No.18129710
File: 705 KB, 600x897, 2037483-ea257aa42134fb8bda70eb5b0f6eb4ae (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left.

>> No.18129714
File: 266 KB, 400x389, 1681913585367422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get absolutely flummoxed in a seperate thread
>vent your impotent petulant rage by spamming my pics in other threads/creating yet another troll thread with my pics
everytime like clockwork

>> No.18129716

Disgusting fingernails

>> No.18129717
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>> No.18129720

Doug won.

>> No.18129721
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>> No.18129722

Wtf is wrong with this retard

>> No.18129727
File: 88 KB, 600x1067, 2037495-64573322d5aff9c02520bf41c30e22b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What thread are you talking about Doug? It would be the tip thread would it? You know, the one you keep saying you're going to leave and never post again on?

>> No.18129729

stop spending money on autismsuits

>> No.18129737
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no, this one >>18129675
and don't try to change the subject and pretend you won like a pussy, cmon, lets keep the dialogue going!
or are you just gonna keep trying to cover up how absolutely BTFO'd you are?

obvious samefag, no current day /fa/ thread is this fast
you're embarrassing yourself with how much you're having a spaz attack over me

never lol

>> No.18129748

Why are low tier men so obsessed with dumbass cartoons

>> No.18129753

It's ANIME not cartoons, dad

>> No.18129755
File: 79 KB, 564x859, c93a47074b5acfaf6cad6395b6e75eaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a dougcore thread
post dougcore

>> No.18129757
File: 33 KB, 292x600, 1845568-36e122ef7b41f3375d58f441c00682df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is my favorite pic because it's a perfect Dougsplanation:

1: He hates it here
2: He knows he is hated here
3: He knows he is tolerated in Styleforum
4: He says he's going to leave here repeatedly and acknowledges how fucking annoying he is
5: But he can't leave, and the volume at which he posts on 4chan absolutely dwarfs the volume of posts on SF, a place that actually tolerates and tries to help.

His behavior, much like his fashion choices, makes no sense. He's sworn so many times that he's leaving, including going off on long winded tirades about "a redemption arc", but he just keeps coming back. I think he likes the abuse, and I am happy to oblige him.

>> No.18129765

Looks Jewish
Quick rundown on this freak ?

>> No.18129767

Thanks for the AliExpress post in the other thread Doug, I know it's chink shit but I want a couple of cotton blazers for the summer that I can beat up, I'm going to give Sarawan a shot. I know it's kind of sort of MTM and not true bespoke but if I can get something that fits well for less than $100 I'll be happy.

>> No.18129768
File: 188 KB, 398x816, Resizer_16585480930131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doug is a force of nature, a creature of pure, undiluted will who is immune to logic, criticism, or reality. He will also go back on his word many, many times and refuse to acknowledge it. Makes troons seem logical and grounded.

>> No.18129771
File: 422 KB, 1610x2048, Angel-Dust-(Hazbin-Hotel)-Hazbin-Hotel-VivzieVerse-7823800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the volume at which he posts on 4chan absolutely dwarfs the volume of posts on SF
to be fair there's a very limited range of things to talk about on styleforum, or at least things i'm able to talk about on styleforum. I couldn't quite make a "drawing your outfit ideas" thread on SF, I would feel a little making an otherwise empty thread to post in. I won't post on SF unless I feel it's worthy of SF. I don't have many new outfits to post on SF, or stuff to post here for that matter. I think you vastly overestimate how often i post here. That number is probably also inflated by getting into verbal slapfights, which I, of course, couldn't and wouldn't do on SF.

>I think he likes the abuse, and I am happy to oblige him.
I could do without it tee bee aech, but it is entertaining putting my wits up to a challenge and styling on ya'll damn fools, watching you lose your cool and get majorly assmad over a silly little guy like me :3
and there's some out there who really dig my energy and style and think i'm one of the coolest people on /fa/, and those are the people I do it for.
case and point

because autism, and cartoons are fun. I don't actually like hazbin hotel (not in its current state) but it was fun to shitpost about on /co/ and i used to have hope for it being somewhat good instead of dogshit

>> No.18129772
File: 666 KB, 1080x1893, Screenshot_20240526-193320-235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like this genuinely make me believe Doug has an actual mental disorder because he clearly has moments of lucidity enough to post something coherent like this. Seems logical right, demonstrating an awareness of his issues with fashion,how his fits are perceived by others, and a plan to change for the better while still being true to his personal sense of style. That's good shit.

Every single fit posted in this thread was made AFTER he posted this. It's like he grasped reality for a fleeting moment and then went running back to embracing the delusion.

>> No.18129773

How old is this retard ,looks mid 30s

>> No.18129775

Dude he's definitely mentally ill, he's neet,friendless ,incel, homeschooled, raised by a single mother ,etc
I'm fact lately he's gotten worse as his failures in life are accumulating

>> No.18129777

>case and point
Woah woah woah Doug, don't put that shit on me. I do not think you're a cool poster but if you do provide some beneficial information I'll say thank you, I'm not a complete asshole.

Fuck if I get the sport coat I'll never be able to post about where I got it in /tip because Doug will come screeching in using it to justify his existence and I'll be crucified for wearing Dougcore even if it's the most basic coat in the history of God,man, and patch pockets.

Doug, I'm a bit older and I'm going to try and provide some legitimate advice: You need to get out of your own way. Despite your seizure inducing fits it's clear you care about this style and do have some useful knowledge about it, and I respect that. But somehow whenever you post people know it's "Doug" and not just an anon talking about fashion even when you don't mention your name or show your face. If you want to keep posting here and not get fucked with constantly you may want to consider killing the Doug persona and just being more anonymous, I have no idea how to tell you to do that but hopefully you get what I'm saying.

>> No.18129782
File: 45 KB, 338x600, 1781607-bcb261a31ee7805e9692d9b0fc32cb8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's in his early 20s. Doug and
baldfag the pedo used to be the two most verbose, annoying faggots on /tip posting the most god awful fits and arguing with everyone. People tried to help and provide advice,never worked. Through some miracle baldfag fucked off for a few months and actually improved to the point his fits are not longer offensive and he doesn't zap out when people critique his fits. Doug however....remains Doug.

>> No.18129788

That's one ugly mf

>> No.18129793
File: 1.33 MB, 1059x2033, Screenshot_20240526-201318-351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My final gift to the thread: Doug's blog on men's fashion. Shockingly, there's only a single, long-winded entry.


Also, some advice on dynamic posing from the man himself.

>> No.18129796
File: 38 KB, 338x600, 1781606-a88a1ec723727b6289f2f314b789fe10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler's dubs of truth

To be fair, I didn't show the pants. They actually tie the fit together.

>> No.18129816

Don't leave Doug scholar

>> No.18129818
File: 1.34 MB, 1620x859, mad men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well since you're saying it (and you have trips) I spose you have a point worth engaging with.
>you may want to consider killing the Doug persona and just being more anonymous
I don't really care to do that.
being "fucked with constantly" is annoying but it comes with the territory, and that territory, being known as doug and having a reputation, however bad is really the main reason I come here at all (and i don't even post that often).
/fa/ is a miserable, meandering board and I only post for the "game" of it. Not something I wanna see myself still dragging on in a years time but idk i guess everyone has their less-than-flattering habits, and there are certainly less flattering habits to have. If nothing else I'm proud of what little confidence and thick-skinnedness posting here has allowed me to demonstrate, to myself if nobody else.
definitely not one of my better fits in that picrel, yeesh. I kinda remember what I was trying to do but I certainly wouldn't do it today.

picrel is one i was briefly considering after being inspired by mad men, worn with a white shirt obviously, so if that's any good its proof i haven't lost touch completely.

None of the outfits that have been posted are something I set out to put together (save for the obvious pee-wee herman cosplay) I more just arrived at them accidentally from mishaps with fit and fabric color (like the pink suit, i was meaning to go for a burgundy) and I just tried to do what I could with them

>> No.18129824

Why are you so God damn ugly tho

>> No.18129827
File: 379 KB, 1280x1280, 2644-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the kind of posts i appreciate, just people who don't take it mega seriously. half the animosity towards me is because for whatever fucking reason people take this /fa/ shit way too seriously even though its abundantly clear this board isn't what it used to be, if it ever was, and not something worth getting super mad about

>Shockingly, there's only a single, long-winded entry.
yeah, having whatever mix of Autism + ADHD I have will do that to ya. This is barely the tip of the iceberg of creative projects i've started and then given up on almost immediately after. Music, Youtube Videos, Animated Series, Comics, Fanfictions, Video Games, Game mods, Doom WADS, the list goes on. At least I have a diverse portfolio.
I take pride in knowing that, looking how i look, and living the kind of life i've lived with what little i have to show for it, and even contending with being the kind of person I am, lesser men would and have probably killed themselves. But miraculously I keep living out of spite, to the chagrin of many, under the belief that if I just keep trying I'll eventually make it, however much of a delusion that may be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8

>> No.18129829
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>being known as doug and having a reputation, however bad is really the main reason I come here at all (and i don't even post that often).
>/fa/ is a miserable, meandering board and I only post for the "game" of it.

Well I tried to be helpful, you're choosing to go with pic related route so good luck.

Doug, it's an anonymous message board, there's a reason everyone calls out tripfags. Posting because you want to maintain your "reputation" is antithetical to the nature of this board. Why not go post on Reddit? I say that completely unironically, they would fucking love this shit over there and you could be "Doug" to your hearts content. You bitch about being constantly attacked, but your continued behavior and existence here is going to perpetuate said attacks.
It's a stretch to apply sunk cost fallacy here because this isn't about economics, but I think it works. You keep posting as if one day people are going to stop and say wow, Doug did it! He looks great and we were wrong! And that's never going to happen because even if you post something that Derek and Ethan would love, there's going to be guys lined up around the block to spam your old, ridiculous fits to try and humiliate you. There's no "winning" here. Even if you just ignored the trolls you'd be better off, but look at what happens. The second somehow mentions you, you come flying in and taking the bait

>> No.18129844

you're not mentally ill, you're just an idiot. grow up

>> No.18129926
File: 347 KB, 320x212, ezgif-4-4601c9bcfe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? well
naturally bad hairline (dad was balding when i was born) + deviated septum (luckily that's where it ends but) > mouth breathing > lack of forward face growth > weak chin + flat forehead that makes the bad hairline look even worse > lack of self-care typical to autistic/ADHD types leads to bad haircut/hair texture and bad skin
knowing is half the battle, at least it's solvable, which some people don't even have the privilege of. Just requires a fuckton of money which I don't know I'll ever see even if I do get a good-paying job. But it's still worth trying for

I was never "pretending" i'm just somewhat self aware of how retarded this all is but I just keep doing it anyway, even if its not that fun. It's like a game that kicks your ass every match you join but you can't wean yourself off of because it's familiar (TF2.jpeg). If you put it like that it's way less embarassing as thats something pretty much everyone deals with at some point.
>I say that completely unironically, they would fucking love this shit over there and you could be "Doug" to your hearts content.
you misunderstand. Constantly being attacked and taking the bait and getting in retarded slapfights IS "being doug". Doug IS the petty baiting and obstinate arguing. It's the entire game. But yeah, maybe it's a game I'm just about tired and done with playing.
I don't know about reddit, but I guess it's worth a try once I get my new stuff in.

>> No.18129933


i see nothing wrong here

>> No.18129943

Get a job retard

>> No.18129948

>Constantly being attacked and taking the bait and getting in retarded slapfights IS "being doug". Doug IS the petty baiting and obstinate arguing. It's the entire game.

....then why not be someone else? Not saying change your whole identity but if it's a game that you no longer enjoy playing and clearly annoys the majority of people who witness it, why choose to be like this?

If you want to get involved in petty arguments and slapfights you can do so anonymously. Obviously the illusion shatters if you post pics but honestly if you cut your head off from the pics, don't wear pointed shoes and dress a little more normal you'd probably blend right in and no one would realize you used to be Doug.

Maybe give it a try. Leave this place for a couple months, wait till you get your shit tailored, post something without a ten page soliloquy and anime images, and see if you can blend in.

Hell if you want to play a game sit back and watch how people accuse everyone else who comments of being Doug in your absence. Just take a break. I did, and it helped my outlook tremendously.

>> No.18129953

this faggot wouldnt cut it in the trades

>> No.18130006
File: 77 KB, 800x450, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be so sure. I work in a refinery, and there are some absolute fucking turboautists here who are completely social inept but are so detail oriented that they're great at their jobs and people don't fuck with them.

Doug would probably be fired the first week for continuing to argue when he's told he's doing something wrong, but if he shut the fuck up long enough to actually learn something he might be ok.

>> No.18130054
File: 512 KB, 2321x2349, db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll give it a shot. thanks for the advice. I got a lotta good shit coming down the pipeline so I'll wait until that comes in and I've got it all tailored.

see ya'll later. or never

in the meantime check out some of the music I made

>Doug Devious theme, "battle" variation
>Doug Devious theme, "overworld" variation
>>Doug Devious theme, "Anime-End-Credits-style" variation
>Bonus: Me drunk off my ass on my 21st birthday 2 days ago
>video from my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAYAtPKoOsXcYkLJ7-GZfTg

>> No.18130060

fuck it, while we're at it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRsCZ6l4zvs&
still probably my favourite video I've made, get it before i unlist it or some shit

>> No.18130061

whoops again meant to link this video, not my whole channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2yzaaIZ2Bg

>> No.18130067
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>> No.18130084

This is AI right?

>> No.18130087

the fool naysays dougs natural schwifty moves

>> No.18130190

What the fuck is wrong with his head and neck? Shoulders down is prime twink potential but when you look up it falls apart.

I know people rag on the face but the haircut is really doing him dirty as well. When he turns his head to the side slightly the haircut gives the illusion that his skull protrudes out and back further than it should, sort of like the shape of the alien's head in Alien.

>> No.18130196

How this nigga look 17 and 57 at the same time

>> No.18130197

Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You ain't fuckin' with my dougie!
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You ain't fuckin' with my dougie!

>> No.18130281

It's so grim to know this is an unemployed 20 year old man

>> No.18130511

Clean your room you disgusting freak

>> No.18130769

It's so pitiful

>> No.18131068

obsessed samefag trying to drag out the lifespan of an already run-its-course troll thread

>> No.18131204

Take meds