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/fa/ - Fashion

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18070627 No.18070627 [Reply] [Original]

Thought this was gonna be loser elitists with a complex talking about shows from brands ive never heard of but its all retards that cant dress. Erm wheres the sustenance - “newfag”

>> No.18070635

fa, and in parallel, fashion is dead when
>all the things you can talk about it was talked a decade ago (guides)
>the last best pieces were released a decade ago
>everyone and their mom can buy anything thanks to grailed/ebay whatever without having any interest other than internet points

but since it's "uncool" to buy anything expensive fa has become r9k or reddittier topics like boots and denim (you buy it once because muhlifetime and start berating every autistic detail despite it being sub 1k)

>> No.18070667

this, as well as an influx of newfags disregarding board culture, and trolls derailling threads has driven off most of the old guard

>> No.18070682

the problem is vulnerable narcissism.
vulnerable narcissists only talk shit. they won't post anything worth reading because maybe you would talk shit on them, they can't handle that so they will not make anything informative or interesting.

>> No.18070843

You could make /fa/ great again by deleting nonsense posts and aggressively banning but that’s too much work. At any given time roughly 80% or more of the threads on the catalogue should be deleted and the OPs banned.

>> No.18070855

What sucks is that the anon saying $50 is too much for something is probably right. Chink shit always existed, but now every middle market brand has deprecated to chinkshit tier quality anyway, and is ostensibly also just chink shit. There's no actual difference between anything middle market, and the cheapest alternative on AliChink or TemuChink. It wasn't always like this, but now it is. Even thrift stores now are mostly full of vintage chink shit, since it's been so long since anything was produced of substantial quality.

All that's left is either true designer with unobtainium prices, or niche low production number sellers, leaving 99% of people to just discuss the merits of chink shit versus chink shit, which is pretty boring.

>> No.18070870

Yeah the number of threads I have hidden at all times is usually around 70+

>> No.18070879

fa's one of the slowest boards on the website. i assume we're in the same situation as other slow boards like /out/ where there simply is no janny and all the moderation and reports are handled by jannies from other boards who don't give a shit in their spare time.
kind of but i think a lot of it is that this new generation of zoomer posters are poor compared to the millenials who posted on /fa/ back in the day. we got to experience the tail end of the west's period of decadence. they never did. a lot of them don't even have 2 parents. to most of these zoomers $50 for a garment is a lot. i'm not saying it to talk down on them but i can't help but notice there's only like 2 or 3 zoomer aged posters on here who post about designer shit.
yep the new posters never post fits.
i started the denim thread back up when i returned. sorry man i just like denim and indigo dye. its the most interesting textile.

>> No.18070881

>its the most interesting textile.

>spent years fading my natural indigo and slub sams
>wouldnt buy it though if it was prefade
>time to do it again!
>ew n&f

kys redditor

>> No.18070886

>1200 posts a day
lmao, and half are probably from the troglodytes in the watch/frag generals
im considering applying to janny next cycle, just to see if it makes an impact

>> No.18070893

never had a reddit account, only posted on sufu back in the day, i was one of the first people on the english speaking internet talking about raw denim.
i buy prefade sometimes, just not cheap stuff done with a sandblaster. rrl orslow fullcount etc. i do hard manual labor so i tend to buy 1 wash and raw but i'm not against it. why would i want jeans that have been ran through a sand blaster to work in? i can get my own fades and rips and tears easily.
done right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoizRuIERyU
trash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQMhv5XAdOc
the slow boards need it. i think there's a concerted effort to make them all die though.

>> No.18070896

kek all the mexicans i used to build houses with wore n&f and nudies
their fades were insane too

>> No.18070898

name one dye natural or synthetic even half as interesting as indigo

>> No.18070913


>> No.18070917

bro the cancer that killed fashion is 100% cross dressing trans gender crap
it poisons anything it touches

>> No.18070924

i have some cochineal dyed duck pants. they're pretty cool but they don't age nearly as cool as indigo. the dye reacts to sunlight and ph but its not nearly as unstable as indigo, which i think is indigo's beauty.

>> No.18070927

some chemical company i think merck? patented a way to make every color of dye act the same way as indigo but i've never seen it on the market.

>> No.18070928

weren't dior 19cm and evisu already played out for years by the time the reddit denim board was created?
there was a denim scene before reddit anon. its weird how strongly people associate raw denim with reddit when its popularity in the west actually came from sufu over a decade prior.

>> No.18070929

probably not merck, they're pharma. but i havent googled or anything, so i could be wrong

>> No.18070930

yeah fuck i can't remember. its been around for 10-12 years and i really want to buy something using it. don't think its ever made it to market.

>> No.18070968

>if i just namedrop
lol sufu didnt wear those (see heavyweight contests), and neither did fa other than apcs

great larp tho

>> No.18070976
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>> No.18070985

BTFOd lol

>> No.18070988 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 1365x827, 2024-03-22 12_58_35-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fa denim threads is more of a fag malltier redditor vibe than a rich in-culture sufu way :^)


>> No.18070993
File: 7 KB, 401x191, 2024-04-02 21_00_16-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fa denim threads is more of a fag malltier redditor vibe that can only think of either IH or $60 variants as opposed than a rich in-culture autistic sufu member that buys RRL and hangs out in front of uniqlo

thanks for the (you)s :^)

>> No.18071018

>(see heavyweight contests)
thats all post 2007

>> No.18071021

selvedge started getting popular again around y2k sufu and reddit is 2010s

>> No.18071034
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yeah and none of those posts were diors (not raws) or evisu (associated with karmaloop niggers)

>> No.18071055
File: 433 KB, 1576x3298, first-ever-post-on-reddit-v0-7c42p3x29ry91[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-c-tually it's sufu that started the techwear trend there's nothing reddit about it

>> No.18071081
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Sir, I don't think you know what berating means.

>> No.18071090

just talk to someone who spent their paycheck on IH and watch them foam over its weight and in all the aspects that no one cares about you esl retard

>> No.18071110

>evisu (associated with karmaloop niggers)
only no.3's
i don't like their fits

>> No.18071195

It's interesting to see that /mu/ is in a similar position. No posts, very little discussion of new music, the discussion that there is focusses on popular music. I think the culture machine just blew up between 2014-2020. Could the cut or some other similar publication release an article today about a new fashion style (like they did for normcore) and completely change the way urban switched on people dress for a decade? I don't think so anymore, the ways people learn about new trends are too segmented, there isn't as much of an overarching culture.

>> No.18071271

>this new generation of zoomer posters are poor compared to the millenials who posted on /fa/ back in the day
Millennials at their age weren't exactly flush with cash either on account of the whole great recession thing. I think it's more to do with a culture of instant gratification and a need for social approval that's always been there, but that's been turbocharged by social media

Like zoomers live in a post-trend era where there's literally a niche for every look you could imagine and where shopping for clothes has never been easier, and yet they're all way too terrified of criticism or of the zeitgeist shifting on them to invest resources in anything interesting. So instead of buying a cool thing for $500 they want a $15 version that looks close enough so they can wear it for 2 weeks before changing their look again.

>> No.18071298

neat! yeah there's a trick to get it lightfast oriental rug weavers have done it since medeival times but i don't know enough about it

>> No.18071317

Zoomers and gen a's in the west are nonwhite
Nonwhites are very conformist

>> No.18071324

>Like zoomers live in a post-trend era where there's literally a niche for every look you could imagine and where shopping for clothes has never been easier, and yet they're all way too terrified of criticism or of the zeitgeist shifting on them to invest resources in anything interesting. So instead of buying a cool thing for $500 they want a $15 version that looks close enough so they can wear it for 2 weeks before changing their look again.
As an elder zoomer (2000) this is half true. It's not a fear of something no longer being "in" but rather there as so many accesible niches it is impossible to invest into high quality pieces from the multiple available styles. Your choice is to either invest in only one style or buy shit from shein but not be locked into a single style. It's an inability to commit.

>> No.18071347

>As an elder zoomer (2000) this is half true. It's not a fear of something no longer being "in" but rather there as so many accesible niches it is impossible to invest into high quality pieces from the multiple available styles. Your choice is to either invest in only one style or buy shit from shein but not be locked into a single style. It's an inability to commit.
Call me old fashioned, but personal style isn't a costume and it sure as fuck isn't trend hopping. It's a lifelong pursuit to find things that communicate how you perceive yourself and yourself in relation to others.

Don't just buy into a thing because it looks cool and definitely don't buy into object fetishism wrt individual pieces (tho this is more of a millennial thing but still worth repeating). Get things that legitimately speak to you, that you can see yourself wearing (in public), and that play well enough with your current wardrobe to be usable.

And if you fuck up and decide something isn't for you, just re-sell it. If it's a good piece and high quality, there will be a resale market. I've sold clothes 10+ years after I bought them for 70+% of what I paid. And this is avant meme shit which is both niche and fucking expensive, so losses can be recouped if something isn't what you imagined or if your style changes or

>> No.18071463
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Basically what >>18071347 says. Nobody has any respect for zoomers because of their inability to commit. It comes off as inauthentic and volatile. "Iconic" figures are seen as iconic because of their commitment to their look, which is unwavering and does not change based on the constantly shifting social trends. Take Nick Cave for example, he hasn't shifted away from his sleazecore look for decades and its why he is seen as based and confident in himself. Zoomers in comparison are constantly ridiculed and teased for jumping from decade to decade retro fashion, not ever sticking with one or even generating a culture of their own. It shows zero confidence, which everyone else can easily sense and therefore gives them reason to poke fun at that. People on here will attempt to make fun of the denim/leather boots guys, but at least they are committed to a look that has already lasted many decades and theoretically will therefore continue to never die away.

>> No.18071469

The browning of the internet. I guarantee over the last few years certain geographical locations have had massive spikes in the userbase here.
tldr less whites = bad times

>> No.18071479
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Very true. My favorite autist on this board has no sense of style, he just hops from look to look and has nervous breakdowns when anyone makes fun of him for it, probably because of his crippling insecurity and low t.

>> No.18071480
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>> No.18071481
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>> No.18071489

I mean, you’re not wrong. One straightforward way to become more based and to not feel the need to constantly change oneself to fit perceived social demands is to lift weights and naturally increase your T. If you’re not physically intimidating and you are constantly changing your look, you’ve become the typical low T modern male that nobody really looks up to or respects despite constant attempts to change your outfit. Honestly, he could stick with >>18071480 and not really venture into the hippie look or modern fag look in >>18071479 and be totally fine.

>> No.18071499

Most oldfags left for one reason or another and the zoomers that have replaced them are literally retarded poorfags IRL. Just got look at the average WAYWT fits to get an understanding of the people here offering "advice" on how to dress in the year of our lord MMXXIV.

>> No.18071500

I can tell this guy is insufferable. Zoomers think fashion is a substitute for a personality.

>> No.18071507

I appreciate the denim threads. They are some of the only fun threads on this God forsaken board.

>> No.18071529

Are these supposed to look bad?

>> No.18071570

I know it’s hard for you but next time try reading the thread little zoom zoom.

>> No.18071599
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Projecting much bro?

>> No.18071613

You’re my favorite autist because you’re both arrogant and clueless. You spend thousands to look like a clown, presumably to try and hide your anemic prepubescent body.

>> No.18071616

95% sure evisu was the first brand buyable outside of japan if you didn't know someone in japan.

good points. especially this >>18071324 because despite the recession this board still had a pretty large group of millenial anons who wore designer and posted fits all the time. i think you're right, its a fear of committing to a single style. probably partially brought on by social media.

>> No.18071620

eh at least he's trying and posts fits, better than most of the shitters on there in current year.

>> No.18071622

Soz brah but not everyone you reply to is the guy in your collection

>> No.18071633

You’d have a good point if he gave good advice, but he actually gives quite bad advice. You’d also have a point if he posted good fits, but he doesn’t. Obviously.

>> No.18071638

I wonder how assblasted you have to be to collect pics of random anons and vent your frustrations about them constantly

>> No.18071649

Actually I can and will continue to do so, you faggot cowboy LARPing retard.

>> No.18071675
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>95% sure evisu was the first brand buyable outside of japan if you didn't know someone in japan.

wtf does that mean in terms of sufu niche popularity. that just means they made a domestic market like any other brand

love how people larp because they think current internet trends now (raws, wide/baggy) was applicable back then when you had which APC fits me best to gunit niggers

>> No.18071698

you're right but also thanks to Vetements the fashion landscape has changed so much it's impossible to enjoy it in the way someone did a decade ago
when every fashion house realised they could get away with charging $1k for a tee as long as it was hot on social media, they went for memeable shit that is passe a month later.
'archive' fashion has gotten so absurdly expensive now that everyone fancies themselves a curator it's impossible for the average person to get into. I remember seeing a Raf parachute bomber bid up to £700 ish on eBay in 2014, what would that even be worth now? £700 wouldn't even buy a Balenciaga hoodie at retail prices, it wouldn't even buy a moth-eaten Issey Sport bomber from Grailed.

>> No.18071725

Woah is it 2014 again?

>> No.18071748

Fine I'll bite. Elaborate

>> No.18071753
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theyre lolcows lol

>> No.18071927

>Archive fashion has gotten so expensive right now
Yes and no. Raf is crazy inflated and Margiela has always been stupidly overpriced. But you can still find 00s Helmut for decent prices, ditto for Undercover. And there are AW03 Dior pieces on eBay for <500. I even found some waxed jeans for 600 that used to sell for 600 used in like 2010 so factoring inflation, they've gotten cheaper.

And that's all assuming zoomers want to continue the Internet fashion meta of the 2010s which was mostly split between art povera, Rick & Plays Well With Rick, and Antwerp 6 fetishization. I admit I'm out of the loop runway wise- I'm one of those people who sold off all their designer and now just wears raw denim and heritage shit- but why can't zoomers create their own meta? There were plenty of interesting runway shows in the 00s and 10s that weren't vetememe shit that they could jump on to create a new kernel of archival fashion

>> No.18071936

i thought for a bit that brands like bode would get really big, but doesnt look like that's happened

>> No.18071946

Have fun constantly chasing trends for social approval and receiving absolutely zero pussy in return

>> No.18071973

Wait so you workout.. for pussy?
Pretty beta

>> No.18071996

Yeah, I’ll be smashing the pussy of the girl that you desperately beg to come to watch Wes Anderson films with you, lmao

>> No.18072000

You're late, even around 2017 /fa/ has been like this.
4chan in general just has a much younger population now due to demographics aging out. Most of the posters here are just underaged high schoolers or undergrad students hopping on tiktok algorithm micro-trend aesthetics.
If you want to talk fashion with people online you'd have a better chance elsewhere.

>> No.18072012

>say it died a decade ago
>it actually died 2017

>> No.18072019

Also curious too, this seems beyond a garden variety inferiority lash out.

>> No.18072038

I'm said that even by 2017 this was the case, implying the decay had started earlier

>> No.18072046

>If you want to talk fashion with people online you'd have a better chance elsewhere.
Like where

>> No.18072058

>implying the decay had started earlier
do you know what the current year (2024) minus a decade results in?

>> No.18072374

Merck isn't pharma per se, they produce chemicals MOSTLY for the pharma industry but they also have plenty of clients in industrial manufacturing, agrobusiness etc

>> No.18072387

/mu/ died the same way. used to be known as a hotbed of elitist hipsters. the elitist hipsters leave, and what do you have left? no interesting music discussion, just celebrity drama/worship and top 40

>> No.18072390

okay this is just based

>> No.18072392
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literally i think the problem is the opposite, too many bitter old men
if there were more zoomers the discussion would at least be more interesting
instead weve got dumbass 30 year old boomer shutins crying about tattoos and wide-legged pants and asking what to pair with chinos

>> No.18072488

if these anons wanna talk about old runways or fashion houses idk whats stopping them from simply making those threads.
Can anyone actually define /fa/s board culture? What even is there to disrespect? No one even ever cared enough to make a decent sticky or even maintain the current one we have.

>> No.18072531

well show us all what you think a good fit is

>> No.18072547

Lifting weights is an aging millenial trend. Watch out for seed oils too!

>> No.18072548

We're on /fa/. We all have sex with men you retard.

>> No.18074137
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>/fa/ - Fashion
>autistic about one brand (rick generals), goof ninja
>tripfags fighting among each other
>some tripfag constantly ranting about designers
>counter culture (against malltier, /r/mfa)
>trend hoping

although really boardculture really died across 4chan. i clearly remembered fa dying faster when it got spammed by off topic retards like casey, igor - then to somewhat ontopic retards like lsdanon, vieo - now it's generals any site can talk about.

>> No.18074144

but funny enough there's some irony to 4chan at one point in time being elitist tryhards losers WITH money, now it's just losers >>18071967 which is more fitting of 4chan

>> No.18074298

There's still rich kids on here
people interested in fashion now usually come from money unless they're dirt poor from the slums

>> No.18074377

beyond clueless nigger.
karmaloop never sold evisu but they did sell naked & famous
niggers only wore no.3's and fake evisu's from the korean brand that stole the trademark
mij evisu was always respected on sufu
diors are what made the apcs trendy as a budget option
>that just means they made a domestic market like any other brand
peak clueless retard
evisu was the first osaka 5 brand to have any presence whatsoever outside of japan and moon runes internet

>> No.18074388
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>(not raws)
total clueless retard
imagine being the sucker who fell for his oldfag larp

>> No.18074517

>buys 19cm
>size 30
fatass kys

>> No.18074520 [DELETED] 

>takes things literally
>niggers didnt wear evisu
>but they wore one cut (t my house) and also fakes
sounds like they were attracted to evisus then retard

>mij evisu was always respected on sufu
>one thread means it was well regarded

>> No.18074527

>evisus werent sold on karmaloop

>takes things literally
>niggers didnt wear evisu
>but en masses wore one cut (s. my ass) and also fakes
sounds like they wore evisus then retard

>mij evisu was always respected on sufu
>one thread means it was well regarded

>> No.18074538
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>diors are what made the apcs trendy as a budget option

>not because apcs had more than a skinnyfag fit made by hedi
>somehow skinnyfags were more prevelant on sufu hence dior were front and center on sufu
>as opposed to sz
great larp kys

>> No.18074565
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the age of 4chan is over like somethingawful before it
we must pioneer new spaces, bring back forums in some form
not only that, but this board and others like it should be shut down, archived, forgotten. salt the earth so that nothing can grow
the internet and especially these corners of it are a fetid, ingrown, rotting mass, it must be pruned if things are to have any hope of improving or even merely maintaining a tolerable condition of life

>> No.18074631

There should be a seperate board for womens fashion honestly because this place is so fucking inundated with retarded coomers. Can't have a single normal thread about something like dresses without them flooding in

>> No.18075654

good post. that pic made me sad
good post

>> No.18075675

>223 pages talking about dior denim starting at sf4.0's creation
yeah ok retard
just accept your shitty larp doesnt hold up nice try larping as an oldfag but the gigs up

>> No.18075676

evisu is why you know japanese denim exists newfaggot zoomer

>> No.18076033
File: 17 KB, 334x393, c71[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatass larps being skinny
>spent $$$$ just to achieve the most faggiest look of all time(skinny blue jeans)
>first pic no fades