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/fa/ - Fashion

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18062671 No.18062671 [Reply] [Original]

What's stopping you from dressing like this everyday of your life?

>> No.18062674
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>> No.18062677
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>> No.18062681
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>> No.18062745

I used to look at this back in the days thinking it looks cringe and autistic
Now I think it looks better than majority of people on the street

>> No.18062779

Lack of desire to look that way.

>> No.18062793

I know how to pick correctly sized suits

>> No.18062864
File: 172 KB, 1300x551, suitjacketvsblazervssportscoat01_afc97a68-4001-47c2-826c-3bd6a1b87d1a-262224867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a full on suit looks too tryhard and larpy to you, then just start by dressing regularly in button up shirts and odd trousers (in a non-sexcore way). And when it's cold outside, throw a sports jacket or a blazer on, and walla, you have have normalized the suit look for yourself.

>> No.18062926

sports coats NEVER look good when dressed down
You just look like a weird old man who doesn't know how to dress

>> No.18064560

>What's stopping you from dressing like this everyday of your life?
I live in italy and people want only skinny dress/jeans/shirt etc
Since i have muscle i can't wear them

>> No.18064575

that is literally what they were made for spastic

>> No.18064629

I'm too fit and attractive so it would look way more tryhard and larpy on me. Reviewbrah is a dysgenic freak so that attire is actually kind of charming on him and elevates his vibe.

If you saw me in those clothes you'd think I was some homo who just stepped off the set of a period tv show whereas he looks like some autistic savant genius/artist.

>> No.18064632

i simply do not want to wear this on a day to day basis

>> No.18064763 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 535x800, 021150f4cdca24338657cb48f57c5f1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty, if a bald ugly pig like Churchill can look decent in a suit, then anyone can. Suits were specifically designed to make any body type look good by flattening your silhouette. The trick is to wear a suit that's tailor made for you and fits you perfectly.

>> No.18064810
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Yeah, the absolute state of /fa/g. Just shut this board down already.

>> No.18064816


>> No.18064853

I do not have autism

>> No.18064854

He'll make a good old person when he gets to that age

>> No.18064861

>good old person
Couldn't just say 'an old man', you fucking tranny?

>> No.18064870

Troons live rent-free inside your head. "Old person" is simply common parlance in my cunt

>> No.18064876

He is a man. So call him a man. Only a tranny would try to be "muh inclusive" every single time. And if that's common parlance in your country, then your country is built for trannies.

>> No.18065015

I'm not trying to be inclusive. Tranny obsession has rotted your brain

>> No.18065206

Fear that normalfags will laugh at me.

>> No.18065228

>read random word
>mind flooded with thoughts of gay fetish shit
you need to do some serious self reflection

>> No.18065363

I live in Florida and get hot easily, I cannot wear long pants

>> No.18065372

>step 1. Deny it’s happening <- you are here
>step 2. Okay it’s happening but who cares it’s barely noticeable it happens like once every 5 years
>step 3. Yeah it’s happening, and that’s actually a good thing. Here’s why.
It’s the same with this “my partner” bullshit

>> No.18065604


>> No.18065657

>screech about trans unprompted when no one else mentioned them <- you are here
>die alone because no one (male, female, or otherwise) will put up with your insane ass

>> No.18065659

>y-y-you guys are all j-just trying to g-g-gaslight me with your d-d-d-d-Denial
you're fucking brainbroken, dude. strong odds that you're a troon trying to fight off the Urges for bullshit reasons that you've never interrogated.
either start taking estrogen or rope already, no functional human being gives a fuck.

>> No.18065751

You said "old person" instead of "old man". Nothing you say now will convince 99% of the people in this thread that you're not an insanely irritating they/them LGBTQpedo faggot ally. Your best bet is to either apologize for your mistake, or tuck your tail between your faggot legs and move on to another board where people don't know about your faggotry yet. I suggest you don't make the same "muh genderless language is so inclusive and non-bigoted!!!" mistake again

>> No.18065814

are you trying to claim that two posts from 15 seconds apart are a samefag?
I get that you closeted troons are braindead retards but please take your tantrum to >>>/lgbt/ where you belong

>> No.18066169

He looks like a dumbfuck, autistic, larping incel who just found his great grandpa's old suits. Cringe as fuck, ,and if any of you pasty,pathetic 4chan chuds wear this shit in public people will just laugh at you,

>> No.18067498

this here is a classic case of "projecting insecurities", and for no particular reason. posts like this are always fucking hysterical because of how consistently ass-backwards they are, just inexplicably
>dumbfuck autistic larping incel
>cringe as fuck
>pasty pathetic 4chan chud
>if you do this thing people will laugh at you
lmao there's no way this autistic shit isn't a troll, nobody is this retarded

>> No.18067548

what the fuck are you homosexuals arguing about

>> No.18067592

nah he owns this look now
he's an idiosyncratic type of guy that does what he finds interesting and dresses how he wants
love that lil nigga

>> No.18068556

I'm not an alpha male like reviewbrah.

>> No.18068567

Loose fitting pants are really cold in freezing temperatures

>> No.18068569

....that's why you're supposed to wear warmer fabrics in really cold weather. Heavier weight chinos, flannel, moleskin, corduroy, etc.

>> No.18068685


>> No.18068700


>> No.18068702

To be fair that's probably the best overall look I have ever seen from him by an absolutely massive margin.

>> No.18068717

That’s tough

>> No.18069790

old person/old people is normal speech where i grew up. get off the internet freak, your worst fears live rent free in your empty skull

>> No.18069795


>> No.18069797


>> No.18069798

i dont have autism

>> No.18069808

People around will just assume I don't take showers if they notice me wearing the same thing every day.
>You can say you have a seco-
No, pulling out that card won't work. I can't afford buying such luxuries by buying the same expensive suit twice.

>> No.18071961

I'm not unique like reviewbrah. I would just look retarded instead of interesting.

>> No.18072098
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quintessentially white if reviewbra broadens out as he gets older he'll be in ad for brooks brothers

>> No.18072116

Linen, my man, linen.

>> No.18072118
File: 104 KB, 1200x1200, pngtree-mens-suit-wedding-suit-png-image_6670499-1983373284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro i love your enthusiasm no homo lmfao

>> No.18072119

I freaking love Francis and I freaking love how politically incorrect that dog whistle of an ad is lmao

>> No.18072251
File: 612 KB, 600x600, cf2b4ce024e2a2079b021a8607fda4b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can mix and match, you know? Nobody with a brain will think you're wearing the same suit everyday without showering if you do this:
Also, if all you wear is suits, then you can afford to own multiple of them. Stop being a consoomer of cheap garbage.

>> No.18073145

reviewbrah lives in florida

>> No.18073147

There are people I want to impress, for one reason or other, that I feel wouldn't be impressed by that outfit.

>> No.18075142
File: 3.06 MB, 1400x1400, hockerty_group_of_men_with_different_combinations_of_blazers_an_9cd5d7a4_4e69_4bda_a103_2bf8ba1ffbe7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's just a matter of taste, but I have never thought that blazer + jeans was a good combination. It's always looked silly to me

>> No.18075357

Guy on the left (and right) needs to get a new tailor to remeasure his leg length because the first one clearly fucked up.

>> No.18075416

are you really generating ai pics to prove your point

>> No.18075447

I searched "blazer with chinos" on google images and clicked the first result

>> No.18075472

>fooled by ai like an 80 iq boomer

>> No.18075498

very little, i essentially do.
i am having a shocking realization about my influences.

>> No.18075500
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>> No.18075528

I will forever be amazed at how angle and lighting alone will either make him look 15 or 50.

>> No.18075590

If you can't afford a 50 sqm wardrobe room you're indeed better off not trying to pull that off.

>> No.18075605

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
Why should I take advice from your ilk again

>> No.18075644


>> No.18075696

brah also lives in florida. you have no excuse.

>> No.18075863

i have autism but i'm not based

>> No.18076315
File: 195 KB, 971x1200, GJeGm9UWYAAbzUn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crazy how close he is to being fashionable. So close. Ignoring his ugly face, if he got a real haircut and got some more casual colours and fabrics, and went to a tailor, he could look good. Such a lack of understanding.

>> No.18076681

This is probably the best place to ask:
Some background, I'll keep it short: I've been trying to dress better, got myself over a year a nice collection of chinos, sport coats, two suits (linen) a bunch of ties and some pocket squares.
So far, I've been mostly getting positive comments, especially from the ladies but oddly enough my parents are the only ones to give me negative comments.
I'm not sure how to take that, since on the one hand they're the least likely to be lying to me (basically 0% chance), but on the ofher hand it is surprising considering the positive comments I'm getting.

For context, I went from a metalhead throufh to just black jeans and a black tee, then to blue jeans and plain colored tees, on to polos and chinos and now chinos and a sport coat + tie and pocket square, still a universify student but I also hold a part time job in something adjacent to my field (tech/CS).
Yes, I do stand out a bit, but it doesn't particularly bother me (I always was an outsider all my life).
TL;DR: what would you do if you were in my shoes?

>> No.18076716

Based on the information you've told us, ignore your parents and live your best life. If your closest friends were telling you that you looked like a goof, then I'd consider their words more strongly and tone it down. The negative comments from your parents might boil down to different tastes in fashion

>> No.18077057

Ignore parents. They're probably baby boomers or diet boomers (gen x).

>> No.18077137

Nailed it. He knew something we didn't, right from the get go.

>> No.18077147

I don't like how it looks. It's not fashionable, it's posing. And wearing thrifted clothes feels awful.

>> No.18077159

Go and be stupid somewhere else.

>> No.18077162

It's not a real image.

>> No.18077218
File: 1.02 MB, 2464x1308, fag (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's stopping you from dressing like this everyday of your life?

I'd like to larp that I do. But I don't. I'm a neet who never goes anywhere. I mostly just wear solid white or black shirts with gray shorts. Maybe one day if I ever get a life I will buy some midcentury style suits.

>> No.18078581

Come on bro don't put yourself down like that.

>> No.18078611

>What's stopping you from dressing like this everyday of your life?

Utility. A nice suit like that is "unsuitable" for the kind of work I do.
I do try to be presentable off work hours, when the situation allows.. pmv2

>> No.18078698

He looks like a larping fag in them. All his suits look more like costumes than his actual clothes because none of them fit. So he looks like some kid cosplaying at a part time job at a used car showroom.

>> No.18078720
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>people will just laugh at you
Imagine caring about the opinions of negrified NPC golems who dress like this.