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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.25 MB, 749x999, old dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18039358 No.18039358 [Reply] [Original]

Oldpill is brutal for fashion, you can never look /fa/ after a certain age, rick owens looks ridiculous.
I looked up "best looking old men" and this is the best they came up with kek I'm killing myself

>> No.18039380

on the other hand, you can finally pull off good looking menswear instead of grotesque meme "fits" inspired by tiktok and twitter

>> No.18039384

old fellas can looksmaxx pretty good, but they require an entire life for it
a profession, something that shaped their years before otherwise youre just a tryhard faggot
You ever seen those old geologists, old music orchestra players, painters, directors? them niggas be bussin

>> No.18039388
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55 and all natural

>> No.18039395
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You should pray you grow out of being a /fa/ggot anyway. Just be handsome, don't be fat, and don't be poor and you should be good to go until you die.

>> No.18039396
File: 1.72 MB, 372x262, cat-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>late 30s
>some teenager in a Schott made fun of my Milwaukee

>> No.18039402

I wonder how those women would feel knowing I spent 95% of that webm looking at Mike instead of them, and I'm not even that gay.

>> No.18039420

you can't be handsome and old, look at that old orange you posted

>> No.18039429

cringe gaslighting attempt

>> No.18039433
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>Men don't hit the wa-ACK!

>> No.18039453

Plenty of women like middle aged and older men, especially ones who take care of themselves.

>> No.18039475
File: 114 KB, 800x1222, 2075381-800w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what age are we talking?
idk what your problem is with the mads example, is it that he's too young or do you think he's not /fa?
you're a retard either way
my man clit is good is 90 give him a break

>> No.18039483
File: 45 KB, 520x520, 1709835143232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you taking your powertools with you when shopping for clothes anyway?

>> No.18039492

You are in your late thirties, why do you care what a child thinks?

>> No.18039496
File: 31 KB, 640x490, 1699451239840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my man clit is good

>> No.18039497


lol at that cope, a teenager is not a child, late 30s is close to elderly age which realstically starts in your 40s

>> No.18039498

>men hit the wall when they exceed the average life expectancy by more than a decade
>women hit the wall at 25 if they're lucky

>> No.18039499
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Lmao, it's a difference when a women hit the wall with 25 or a dude hits the wall with 70.
Men in general age better, because feminine youthful beauty is over really fast.

>> No.18039500
File: 237 KB, 1100x1106, E18fMhNXMAQwxR6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mads is one of the few people that looks good and is cool despite being an old ballsack. For most people it's over the moment they graduate and enter workforce. It's not just getting older, but it is also getting stuck in a boring career and losing all excitement in your life. Actors, artists, and other unusual professions can usually avoid this as everyone thinks they are cool. No one thinks being a senior software engineer at Google is cool even if it pays bank.

>> No.18039529

>a teenager is not a child
Yes, they are considered to be children, and have mental faculties what are not fully developed, maturity is not just physical(and teenagers are not physically mature either)
> late 30s is close to elderly age which realistically starts in your 40s
Maybe in 1348, but people generally live to be 80 in most developed countries these days. You must only be 17 maximum if you think late thirties is ''old''
>lol at that cope
There is literally no purpose in caring what others think of you, especially children, and when you care what others think you are subjugating your will to others. You are depriving your own choice and making yourself a slave.

This isn't a cope or anything else, this is the reality of the human mind, if you subjugate you prohairetic(choice) faculty to externals, such as what others think of you, then you are a slave to said externals. This is why most people in reality are not free, because they are in a state of self imposed slavery because of their attachment to the opinion of others, reputation, wealth etc.

Why make yourself a slave? why be miserable? why do things what you don't want to do when you can choose to be free instead.

>> No.18039530
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utter retardation
take the /wise/pill

>> No.18039532

Trust me when you get old you won't give a fuck

>> No.18039535

Everyone cares what other people think of them to a degree. It's really retarded to go around being like hur dur stop caring. You should care because otherwise you will end up like a socially oblivious furry.

>> No.18039537

>the only thing stopping me from becoming a furry is social pressure
not sure why you'd want to admit this, even anonymously

>> No.18039540

I'm not into anything like that. All I'm saying there's much more nuance to it than 'hur dor stop caring'. People who talk the most about caring what others think are generally the ones who are the most sensitive about it. Your advice is useless.

>> No.18039551

>Everyone cares what other people think of them to a degree
No, not if you have trained yourself philosophically, what others think lies in the realm of not belonging to us and is not our responsibility, people are going to think whatever they want about you, whether you care about your opinion or not. What belongs to us, and what is our responsibility, is what we think of ourselves.
>It's really retarded to go around being like hur dur stop caring
Your alternate is to live in misery, to be upset at what anybody may say and do to you, to be constantly worrying and to live in fear, how is this not the life of a slave? how is this a life worth living?
>You should care because otherwise you will end up like a socially oblivious furry.
No, because everyone has innate preconceptions of sociability, but this doesn't mean you should place your own happiness and self worth in what others think of you, and that you shouldn't have a mind of your own. If you are an independent minded person, you will attract other independent minded people.

Again, what purpose does caring about others think have? apart from causing misery to people who care about what others think? If people two thousand years ago discovered how not care what others think and place their own worth in themselves, then why can't you?.

Throw away these worthless self enslaving beliefs.

>> No.18039554

>whether you care about your opinion or not.
about their*

>> No.18039557

>People who talk the most about caring what others think are generally the ones who are the most sensitive about it
Based on what evidence?.

>> No.18039562

I'm not reading all that but everyone cares about what others think of them to a degree. You have extreme cases like complete weirdos and hermits, but almost everyone does care. It's worthless advice to say hur dur stop caring. Sometimes you should pay attention to what other people are saying it might save you from being perceived as a loser with late stage assburgers.

>inb4 posting with some Stoic shit with a marble statue
You know that thing about how you always find out whether or not someone is a vegan? In similar vein.

>> No.18039574

>but people generally live to be 80

One becomes elderly when one loses their reproductive capabilities which happens in their 40s in women and never in men but that doesn't mean they aren't highly aged by then, 30s are pretty much a puberty of destruction into elderly years, being alive at +60 yo is not natural, that's why the body self destroys to such extremes at +70

>> No.18039575

>I'm not reading all that
Thank you for exposing your laziness and ignorance.
>everyone cares about what others think of them to a degree
Based on what evidence? this is not a deductively valid inference, you even disprove what you are saying in the next sentence
>you have extreme cases like complete weirdos and hermits, but almost everyone does care
So some people, by you own reasoning, do not care, is this correct?
>It's worthless advice to say hur dur stop caring
Is mental freedom preferable to mental slavery? would you agree that is is to live in a state of ignorance is to hold false beliefs what cause you harm? like criminals who work against their own interests by committing crimes?.
>Sometimes you should pay attention to what other people are saying it might save you from being perceived as a loser
If you don't care what others think and don't rely on the opinion of others for your own happiness and contentment, then why would a person care about being perceived as a ''loser'' something which holds no value for them anyway, when instead they value their own opinion of themselves.
>You know that thing about how you always find out whether or not someone is a vegan?
This is completely irrelevant, i am just expressing my opinion of why you shouldn't care.

You are chasing phantoms what belong in the minds of others.

>> No.18039577

At which age are you planning on killing yourself, OP? Because that's the only way to avoid getting older: an early death.

>> No.18039590

''Elderly'' is the generally agreed state existing after ''Middle age''.
>being alive at +60 yo is not natural
How is it not natural?
>that's why the body self destroys to such extremes at +70
Every single organism on this planet eventually decays and passes away, some in a short amount of time, some longer. Nothing about this is ''unnatural'' you are basically saying the cycle of nature itself is unnatural.

Tell, are human beings immortal or are they mortal?

>> No.18039599

Write the shit you do more succinctly I don't have time for your ramblings.

>> No.18039616

This is the same as saying, I have no counter argument so I am going to try to leave said argument without trying to lose face and the estimation of others(a worthless task) you would've been better off saying nothing and just not replying. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to hone my argumentation skills though, it is much appreciated:).

>> No.18039626
File: 33 KB, 530x354, tldr_trollcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't say something simply and to the point it is not worth saying.

>> No.18039633

>almost everyone does care
almost everyone is a wisdomlet

>> No.18039636

Nothing I said was complex or difficult to understand, I think you simply could not personally understand what i was saying or you find more comfort in your current beliefs, even if they may be harming you in the long run.

It's ok, you are not the only one who thinks this way, I think you will understand more as you get older:) I was trying to help the person who is a similar age to me not care what some child or anyone else thinks of him or her.

>> No.18039640

Ignorance is the most common state of humanity, not that I personally claim to be wise in any meaningful way.

>> No.18039646
File: 33 KB, 632x429, tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18039662

cute kitty thanks, have a nice night.

>> No.18039704

I think you gotta know yourself and your audience. Zoomercore stuff is so youth branded that wearing it looks off on an older guy.

>> No.18039818

three natties.

>> No.18040000

ur saying Mads Mikkelsen doesn't look good? I know too many zoomer women who love this dude, he is the epitome of dilf

>> No.18040048
File: 292 KB, 997x1500, 1582015890295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old do you have to be to not look good in rick?

>> No.18040060

What are you talking about?

Out of anything you have more choices as you get older in terms of fashion. Nothing is more embarrassing than seeing a 20 y/o trying to wear a suit or dressing like a grandfather.

>> No.18040133

>replying to this bait
Kek. This guys face and hair is perfect for an evil necromancer

>> No.18040168
File: 32 KB, 623x420, 1a00ff1b3a93db6b7e95d2fce05c4f52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In toronto the only people who have good fashion sense and dress nicely are 65 plus.

>> No.18040172
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>> No.18040173
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>> No.18040174
File: 1.75 MB, 1440x3088, Screenshot_20230323_133506_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18040175
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>> No.18040177
File: 947 KB, 1439x947, Screenshot_20230515_171337_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm old as fuck so I might be biased. But some nice pleated high waisted trousers and an Oxford/button up is pure kino.

>> No.18040178
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>> No.18040180
File: 553 KB, 1439x943, Screenshot_20230515_160600_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dress like my grandfather used to. Wish he was still around. I would borrow some loafers.

>> No.18040181
File: 1.34 MB, 1440x1883, Screenshot_20230513_163024_Lightroom for Samsung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18040186
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>> No.18040189

What sneakers is Barry O' wearing here?

>> No.18040255

>being a grown up man and caring about fashion
lmao faggot

>> No.18040260

What should a middle age man be wearing to the gym?

>> No.18040279
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>> No.18040282
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>> No.18040314
File: 45 KB, 800x522, 2075380-800w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18040319

Old isn't a fucking pill, that makes no sense, pay some respect to 4chans terminology newfag

>> No.18040343

Dudes like 490 LOL

>> No.18040345

Take the cowboy/western pill it's one of the few looks that actually look better with age. You don't even need to go full larp with a hat and everything, keep it subtle.

>> No.18040523

Only problem I have with aging is the chances for alt gf decreases.

>> No.18041375
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, wojak dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18041636

To look /fa/ in any age, dress according to your age. If you try to dress like a teenager in your 50's, then of course you're going to look ridiculous.

>> No.18041696
File: 200 KB, 533x467, 55 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proven wrong by 55-year-old Epstein.

>> No.18041698
File: 339 KB, 553x509, 66 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

66-year-old Epstein > every 18 - 25 year old /fa/ poster

>> No.18041723


>> No.18042424

you gotta be a special type of delusional to believe mads is ugly

>> No.18042459

It depends, many of them have daddy issues so your chances increase with those.

>> No.18043750

I began to look away after a short while to be desu

>> No.18043758

clint is 93 (NINETY THREE) years old
if that's the age when you hit the wall, then most men won't even be able to hit the wall, as opposed to women who hit the wall at 28

>> No.18045009

young jizzers buyin tricky dicky when they coulda been buying real goat pieces from raf that you can wear for infinity

>> No.18045010

>rick owens
is 62 years old, anon.

>> No.18045106

This on a younger guy would be literally the ’’Howdy Partner’’ greentext meme.

>> No.18045132

The dude in the first pic is like 18 max

>> No.18045202
File: 49 KB, 1080x1016, 1692035204502016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg after a certain age I wont be able to attract heckin tween girls liek you see on tiktok

t. pedo

>> No.18045351

you’re posting here too, /fa/ggot

>> No.18045505

Just be handsome. You mog these loser guys in mall fits. Most guys fail to adapt to their Twink death and just get schlubby, is the problem.

>> No.18045510

I am an old fuck that gets mistaken for nearly half my age fairly often.
The key is to be immature.

>> No.18045539

This is a real thing most guys have no sense of fashion or interests and so they become those guys that go to Chipotle and the gym when they should be wearing more about their hairline and not floating between their shitty dreary job and their Empty Apartment with a raggedy recliner and a sofa they found half out of a dumpster and navy blue sheets.

Most people can LARP as creatives or fashionistas or whatever but for the vast majority of people that ends as soon as they have to take responsibility for their own lifestyle under capitalism and a Fordian work schedule.

>> No.18045543

Go on any dating site in the US and look at women over 25 the men are pretty terrible in their own way but the women are just pitiable wrecks and it's so so sad

>> No.18045761
File: 110 KB, 968x681, the sopranos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.18046081

and more guatamalens fixes this how?

>> No.18047046
File: 791 KB, 630x739, Schermafbeelding 2024-03-01 170829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The focus on looks is going to end up in millions of suicides many among which will be you guys when people at large start to even vaguely realize what all people were warned against since the dawn of civilization, and all serious people discover very early in life leaving them free to develop in areas that actually matter, namely that it is a lost battle & you are full of shit. Also if you think you can't have swag or certainly dress good after a certain age, then you have less swag and dressing sense As is, than the worst dressed and dumbest person in the world by a margin of 15.

>> No.18047086


>> No.18047103

All "fashionable" means when you're old is that you have expensive shit that shows that you're rich.

>> No.18047109

If that was true we'd be seeing old guys laying around in random gucci attire. But we don't see that, ever. This is a projection of your own failures.