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/fa/ - Fashion

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18033263 No.18033263 [Reply] [Original]

Hey lads, i'm a fucking manlet (5'4"). Like really fucking short
Is there any point working on my fashion and trying to dress decently?
Just tell me the fucking truth so I can spend my next salary on a brand new revolver and blow my fucking brains out

>> No.18033265

its very interesting when someone who has only ever heard about /fa/ through secondhand sources tries posting for the first time. you can tell they weren't sure where to post this until they found the board titled "/fa/ - fashion" and figured this was the right place without even bothering to look at any other threads.

>> No.18033268
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I'm a native /lit/ poster but I sadly I have to go outside and I'm tired of being a fucking sperg
What do you want me to say? I'm just asking if as a fucking manlet you can wear decent clothes without looking like a fucking retarded tryhard or if I should stick with basic shit since it doesn't fucking matter anymore

>> No.18033269
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I also skimmed the warosu Archive for hours but couldn't find anything remotely adequate to my problem aside from "kys manlet"
Maybe that's the fucking answer

>> No.18033277

I'm 5'2 so even shorter than you. I stick to basic stuff that fits usually. Biggest issue at this height are things fitting right but I have a tailor that is a life saver. Pants length are no longer an issue. When it comes to your height insecurity, stop being a bitch, get used to it and move on. I'm shorter then you and would never kill myself over my height.

>> No.18033279

Jesus christ, do you live in america? I mean, if you're japanese or something like that then I guess it's not too bad

>> No.18033281

Yeah. It helps that I live in a shorter height area (at least I think it is) but I'm still the shortest man usually in any room.

>> No.18033284

whatever happens stop this fucking crybaby horseshit. also replying to me will grant you "Faggot Status"

>> No.18033285
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Do you ever feel that people don't take you seriously? I feel that i'm fucking annoying at best and a pest at worse, this has caused me to act like a fucking bitch in front of everyone always saying "sorry" after the minimun inconvenience I cause them so they can look at me like a fucking fly

>> No.18033298

People break my balls over anything but they do that to everyone else. Overall, yeah I'm taken seriously. If someone or groups of people dont take you seriosuly at all even if your completely fine, then they are not good people. From this one post, I can tell you have low self esteem and are insecure. I have also said sorry a lot before but thats only for woman I've dated or tried to. Gotten better at it. You need to get rid of this mindset you have because it is fucking you over.

>> No.18033312

5'6, is it over?

>> No.18033314

I'm 6' 1".
If you're short, dress eccentric. If you think something's cool, you can pull it off - if someone isn't going to take you seriously anyway, then be silly. People will respect you for it so long as you're not a total autist. Also, work out.

>> No.18033350

the number 5'4'' is not important.

are you bald? are you ugly? how are your proportions? do you have short fat stubby fingers??? an ugly monobrow? fat ugly nose? dark brown skin?

im 5'5'' (ouch) and i drive women crazy. i dont focus on fashion, i focus on style. swag. flow.

then again im very attractive like i get catcalled by women out in the streets. (latina bitches whatever)

>> No.18033420
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I'm 30cm taller than you.

Pretty grim when you think about it, for you that is.

>> No.18033428

sex skill > face > height > physique > fashion

>> No.18033432

I disagree.
face>height>fashion>physique>sex skill
Unless you’re obese, most people won’t focus on your body unless you’re walking around with your shirt off like a psycho. And “sex skill” is the least important thing. You can be a sex god master of women’s’ orgasms but you actually have to get to the point of them in your bed ready to fuck for it to matter.

>> No.18033438

I am manlet and get a lot of compliments, don't get black pilled by brain washed retards, seriously.

The rule of thirds concept will be your friend, you want to make lower body looking longer than a upper half, it will create an illusion of you looking taller.Tucking in the shirts etc is your friend as well.

Also when it comes to a clothes length, don't wear any jacket, sweaters, hoodies etc that are covering whole length of your pants' pockets. the upper limit is that it should cover like 60% of the pockets' length if it makes sense. And even that is pushing it.

There's 1 exception to the length and those are trench coats, long coats and so on, don't be afraid to try them they will amazing on you you. but make sure they end below your knees. Don't get anything that ends around lower thigh/knee area these coats look gay af even on tall guys, they are tasteless. If you want proof that long coats aren't just for tall people, just look at short girls pulling them off and the vibe they give off wearing them.

These are few points that helped me a lot, the hardest part is finding properly fitting clothes, it's tough but it's definitely possible, my best pieces are ordered from Asia mostly and local/European brands that have good measurements. You can get the clothes fitted properly by tailor as well.

>> No.18033523
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that rough anon. i'm 5'7, 5'8 if i'm being generous, and i feel the manletness every time i go out but i still try to dress decent anyways. i can only imagine how tough it is being 5'4. gl bro

>> No.18033525

my friend is same height muscular at 220 lbs.....honestly just get tall and big

>> No.18033842

if your short you should be fashion maxxing my dude, it's actually important for you than it would be for other people.


Youre gonna make it. Just smell nice and look nice (ie wear nice clothes).

>> No.18034313

Based hopeposter

>> No.18034318

OP, let me tell you something. I recognize this poster, he's a 5'4" taiwanese-canadian mutt. Don't listen to a word he says. You're fine at your height, as long as you aren't taiwanese-canadian.

>> No.18034733
File: 136 KB, 1333x2000, elijah-wood-2000-55cb9484219f4e299fadd4e398ba1378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copy elijah wood. You will have to tailor everything.

>> No.18034738
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>> No.18034743
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>> No.18034828

time for dwarfmaxxing. eat a lot, lift weights, dress W I D E

>> No.18035580

this and japanese fashion in general is also good. and will be a LOT more designed for your build.
kanye is also good inspo. not a TURBO manlet but his techiques he uses to volume/widemaxx are good to have in the toolbox.
go for masculine looks, and make up for your height with authenticity. you might not look like a chad at first glance but you can be a chad.
wide/dwarfmaxxx, or twink/andromaxxx, which path is better depends on your body morph face etc.

>> No.18035622
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Here is what you are gonna do:
You are gonna go on eBay, look for size 34 S suits, ideally 3 piece, at least partially wool in fabric content, plus a couple of waistcoats, a tweed sport coat, and a navy blazer in that size. also make sure to get your pants size right for both your suit pants and any extra pants you buy. Make sure to ask for pit-to-pit and collar-to-hem measurements from sellers as sizing can tend to be a crapshoot.
then, you buy yourself some size 14.5 (i'm assuming you have a low BMI to match your height, otherwise measure your neck width) double-cuffed dress shirts, 100% cotton (non-negotiable) white and light blue, and if you can score yourself a wing collared shirt that is also 100% cotton, go for that too.

then to go with those, looking either on ebay or on aliexpress, buy black and dark brown dress shoes in whatever shoe size you wear, some self-tie bow ties (most regular neckties are going to be too long), some cufflinks, a pocket watch chain, leather tab suspenders, an old-fashioned felt hat of your choice, clip-on suspenders, and some pocket handkerchiefs that match the color of your shirts and/or bow ties.

Grow out a distinctive beard or moustache, and keep it well-maintained to match your sharp attire. you won't be effay by the typical /fa/ sperg incel standards, but you will beget respect and admiration from most people if they are the type who's opinion matters.

>> No.18035646
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Op, 6'1 mostly normie here with a career and kids, I cannot speak for pussy but I will tell you, I have worked with several men only a bit over 5 foot, and don't even notice if they are skilled and competent. It's not a big deal, not an issue and I only look down on them if they get petty over bullshit and show their personality flaws. Short men literally destroy themselves over their own issues. Even disabled retard fans get women if they aren't cunts.

>> No.18035735

You can't be a Chad at that height. You'd have to be abnormally good looking but even then it's such a glaring heavy flaw. With that height he could slay in Latino countries and in Asia, but it's insanely difficult and borderline impossible in tall countries like white upper class areas of US, pretty much all Europe, and some other outliers. Don't go to Eastern and Northern Europe. Don't set your foot in Netherlands and some Balkan countries.

OP you should consider LL surgery (there's permanent risks involved with it) and wearing lifts. There's some other tricks with posture and diet that could give you an another inch naturally, maybe even two if you have exceptionally bad stature.

Let's say 2" LL, 2" lifts and 1" with ideal spine and posture. You're now 5'9" which is average or borderline average even in West. Without breaking your legs you could be looking at 5'7". Not an ideal height but when you're that short every inch matters. At 5'7" assuming you are also good looking you could slay decently. You'll still get short tax, but it gets much better the closer you are to average height.

You could go more extreme with lifts and do something like 3", but it gets goofy with your proportions and posture if you go above 2". Don't feel bad for wearing lifts. Even normies do it with shoes with heavy heel. We're a very lookist species and these days this is magnified 10x in the mainstream, so do whatever it takes to improve your odds. Don't give up though. You can dress well at any height, there's no excuse not to, although I believe that eccentric and try hard fashions are just that -- try hard copes. Don't become a clown like people have recommended itt. Keep your eyes on any upcoming height extension techniques. You never know what might come out.

>> No.18035737

I'll also add that I'd be sceptical over benefits of heavy lifting. Get fit with low body fat percentage to look good (your height doesn't matter, this is recommend universally), but avoid that gymcel look. IMHO being really buff works only if you're at least average, have good frame and nice face, but if you got all those you don't need to have gymcel physique. Just lift natty and look like you're decently fit and slim, but don't bother looking like a dwarf. You'll look comical like all really short buff dudes do.

>> No.18037787
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When I wear Burzum shirts now people think I'm a Kanye fanboy when they used to think I was just racist. Fuck Kanye.

>> No.18037930

money>status>face>height>fashion>physique>sex skill
If you don't have any money, you pretty much have no status. So you're practically invisible to women once they get to know you.

>> No.18037948

>5'4 is 152 cms
So you're 182 cms which is still a manlet lololol.

>> No.18037970

Based retard.

>> No.18038628

No. Unironically there's nothing you can do as a manlet in current year to ever compensate for your height. No amount of money, fashion, gymceling, self improvement meme will make up for being sub 6ft. You will never be a real man, you will never be desired or loved by a woman, you will never have friends, you will never be respected. It's over for manlets

>> No.18038980
File: 25 KB, 500x492, 90de7ca01997483eeb9f63d8acd952ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't even quality bait. try harder

>> No.18039922

This dude has cuffed pants in every pic I’ve seen of him in jeans. Not even like cuffed for style every time either but like fat 4 inch cope cuffs in some pics. You’d think a guy with his money would at least be in contact with a tailor

>> No.18039926
File: 190 KB, 980x1470, elijah-wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on his height these are probably actually 2"

>> No.18039928

Based. When will they fucking learn?

>> No.18041312
File: 241 KB, 817x1222, elijah-wood-talks-the-hobbit-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah these are pretty big mang

>> No.18041313

Judging by that rise this was taken in 2011 though