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/fa/ - Fashion

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18024830 No.18024830 [Reply] [Original]

post men that have a nerdy, stylish, modern, submasculine, etc appearance to them

>> No.18024913

Nigga just say twink

>> No.18024920
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Starting with my favorite nigger.

>> No.18024921

Why are you gay?

>> No.18024923
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my second favorite nigger

>> No.18024924
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my favorite person who uses the word nigger

>> No.18024934
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My role model, George from the 1960's time machine.

>> No.18024938
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higher quality

>> No.18024945

also Mr. Rogers for some reason

>> No.18024946
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>> No.18024996
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these guys are both a style i like to call "mailroom guy".

It's an odd sort of style, sort of its own thing outside of the boundaries of the usual formal menswear styles like, trad, ivy, prep, business formal, what have you.

It's like if you took the less formal more textured end of ivy style, mixed it in with oddball modern stuff like shirts with funky patterns and sneakers in place of dress shoes, and threw in some nerd tropes like short sleeve shirts, clip-on bow ties, pens in the breast pocket, and then having the person wearing it look pretty nerdy from the neck up anyway.

It's not "cool" but in a weird way i feel like it's the style i wanna go for, it feels representative of who i am both in personality and status, and its got everything i like in fashion (thrift store chic, oddball combos), with room to expand and the opportunity to build out the more casual end of my wardrobe before jumping straight into suits and french cuffed shirts and that kind of shit
my arms are too short for most dress shirts so going for short sleeves is a bonus.

>> No.18024997

This dude is just gay

>> No.18025005
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edward nygma in season 1 of gotham was the quintessential "mailroom guy" character, being a forensic analyst lower on the totem pole, you could tell his wardrobe was foraged secondhand and pieced together, what with the patterned shirts, odd jackets and pants, chukka boots, and in one scene what looked like orphaned pinstripe pants.
He also has some very obvious 1960s styling befitting of the shows anachronistic setting, with skinny ties, 3 button jackets, and a little tie bar with a question mark typewriter key he always wears, which is very cute and on-the-nose.

>> No.18025007
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also, michael ginsberg from mad men, perpetually rumpled, clearly limited in his wardrobe, and sheogorathic in his choice of patterned shirts, maddening tie, and gaudy madras jacket. not exactly something to aspire to but a good example nonetheless

>> No.18025013
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harry crane was also a more subtle version of the "mailroom guy" style, with the same 2 piece suit, belt, and loafers as everyone else, but with short-sleeved shirts and clip-on bow ties, making him look even more nerdy and boyish than his face was already achieving
chubby guys can be cute nerds too, especially when they wear bow ties

>> No.18025017
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Dirk Gently (the 2010 version) was also very /mailroom/, what with his scruffy hair, skinny ties, semi-formal separates (sport coat, chinos, etc.) and the 70s(?) diamond pattern shirt he wore in the pilot, indicating the "thrift store chic" aspect. He also wore a houndstooth mackintosh coat and messenger bag, too. I think he turned me onto the idea of adopting "mailroom guy" as my style since he really made it work and the character is literally me

>> No.18025025
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and yeah, on that note i suppose Samuel Barnett's portrayal of dirk gently in the 2016 BBC America series was also dressed in this kind of style, although a lot more high street and a lot less thrift store, with the very modern stubby shirt collars and fruit-patterned ties, and then there's the array of technicolor leather jackets he wears which move it even further from the core /mailroom/ style

he's also a good example of the actual topic of this thread, which is dweeby guys with cute faces, and

BTW, the theme song to the 2010 show is really fucking good, with one of the nastiest(positive) sourest synth solos I've ever heard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubpmzhMot_o

>> No.18025027
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just bought this jacket, as well as some patterned shirts and checked pants.

i'm also planning on incorporating some "hard mod" influences with how the jacket has 3 buttons, many of my ties are 60s-style skinny affairs, and i'm gonna buy very skinny skinhead-esque clip-on braces instead of belts (never had luck with belt length and braces hold my pants up at a much more comfortable height instead of at my hips)

>> No.18025030
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ernesto from better call saul season one

>> No.18025097

wtf is submasculine. all of these are clearly men, so why the 'sub' part. if you post a runner/athlete showing too much leg, is that submasculine?

>> No.18025104

idk, just meant men who are not very masculine. twinks, if you will

>> No.18025116

Nice. w2c?

>> No.18025196
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>> No.18025420
File: 1011 KB, 1920x1080, Mad Men (2007) - S05E04 - Mystery Date (1080p BluRay x265 LION).mkv_snapshot_15.44_[2024.02.23_17.44.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about where I've ended up at, fashion-wise, without having really intended to
I like a lot of the classic preppy, Ivy League look, the neatness and textures and the enjoyment of finding vintage things, but I'm not (and can't really pretend to be) a squared-away Hyannis Port type, and I like a bit of that 1970s garish ugliness (employed tactically and sparingly, of course)

Ginsberg was excellently dressed I thought. Obviously in the context of the show his outfits are meant to read as inelegant and uncoordinated, but watching it as a modern person they feel very chic compared to modern business casual, and more "relatable" than the very squared-away Don, Roger, etc

>> No.18025433
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Brad Hall

>> No.18025534

its from ASOS but i'm not sure they have it anymore, its second-hand
thanks tho
yeah, glad to see someone's sort of on the same wavelength as me style-wise.

also, when i say "sneakers in place of dress shoes" for me that means chuck taylors. best sneaker for this style honestly

>> No.18025539
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jimmy from quadrophenia

>> No.18025565


>> No.18025776

gonna be honest man i'm really glad i found a guy with the same taste in fashion
if you wanna stay in touch past this thread my discord is imilkyourdrinkshake

I'll send you some pics of my outfit when i get things together

>> No.18025832

based anonymous pervert

>> No.18025890

wdym pervert? i'm just here to talk about fashion and cute guys

>> No.18025909

gays dont dress like that. they wear tiny shorts, cropped tops and sandals.

>> No.18026640
File: 10 KB, 400x232, S07E04-f88MUFCY-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you don't know all the kinds of gay guys!
We're not all clones from the clone zone!

>> No.18027862

reddit: the look

>> No.18027903

you're accusing redditors of being bookish, charmingly scruffy twinks?
they wish lel

>> No.18028059

they're probably not charming
they're bookish but not in a good way
but i get it things are so bad that this is the new good

>> No.18028073

Scrawny dude that reeks of homosexuality

>> No.18028243

excuse you

>> No.18028270
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>> No.18028271
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>> No.18028273
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>> No.18028276
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>> No.18028279
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>> No.18030138
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more nygma

>> No.18030139
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