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17986829 No.17986829 [Reply] [Original]

Hygiene/skincare General #5 heavy moisturizer edition

Previous >>17957553

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

>> No.17986836

Ive been trying the inkey list tranexamic acid serum. It smellls like shit, would not recommend.
It's annoying because every fucking tranexamic acid product on the market also has like 5% niacinimide and i don't need any fucking more niacinimide in my routine.
I will probably go back to azelaic acid.

>> No.17986853
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Don’t the ordinary do one? I know face theory have one, but it’s a little pricy.

>> No.17986855 [DELETED] 

What foods do I need to eat to have glowing skin? And how often should I eat these? One serving per day?

>> No.17986859

What foods do I need to eat to have glowing skin? And how often should I eat these? One serving per day? How long does it take to see results?

>> No.17986860

Everybody is different so you’ll probably need to see a dietician or something if you want to skinmaxx. Also depends on your regular diet. Stuff with collagen in, avocados, meats. Try a keto adjacent diet.

>> No.17986881

Thanks for the answer!
(I just rewrote my post lol)

>> No.17986893
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currently i only use cerave cleanser and moisturizer, and maybe stridex pads a few times a week. I'm 29 though and feel my skin slipping (normal, maybe a bit dry other than my nose). What should I be looking to add? AHA? Retinol/Retinoid along with a sunscreen? I thought about picking this up yesterday. I certainly feel like my skin is starting to lean a bit dryer, so that's why I thought maybe I need an AHA more than aything.

>> No.17986894
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good choice, sometimes a good moisturizer alone can help control acne
maybe try putting some hand cream on so you will teach your brain it would be a waste to wash them again. buy an expensive one. if it does not work, its purely psychological. pretty sure there are vids that can help you
never tried sorry. but i see it is recommended every now and then on youtube reviews. much less than cerave/cetaphil tho
post your skin issues and what you want to achieve
also very important >>17986340
lipikar baume ap+m
>what's a good heavier moisturizer
see >>17986670 but lipikar baume ap+m is also okay on face for most people
try cerave SA cleanser. keep in mind your face might be oily from your hair/scalp
>favorite AHA
some 15% glycolic acid serum from a local company
Cerave AM moisturizer with spf or Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun Rice

routine is fine, consider retinol as next step. read about it a little before starting
in case you get dry report back with what products you use
benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid or LRP effaclar duo for spot treatment in am, retinoid in pm for fastest results
or mupirocin (prescription), which can be applied over any of the above iirc
we all get them and they are inevitable. expect them from now on and prepare for the next time
i started to use salicylic acid + urea hair shampoo for my body (from a local company). cheap as fuck and
nicely smoothes skin out
add almonds
see if recommendations in products section are available in your area
obviously collagen
if you already know what not to eat, drink loads of water and maybe check out DASH or Mediterranean diet
but the glow you are talking about is either from tret or camera filters i think
in the end genetics are most important

>> No.17987065

>along with a sunscreen?

Sunscreen is the number one thing you should be using everyday, even if you don't leave the house. If you don't wear sunscreen there is no point in doing anything else.

>> No.17987106

any recs? Cerave AM with 30spf enough?

>> No.17987147
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I think I'm just going to give up on shaving and buy one of those home IPL devices off amazon and burn all of the hair off of my face and head permanently

>> No.17987170

you can use veet hair removal cream

>> No.17987181

Is that permanent?

>> No.17987185

Get a professional to do it, you don’t want to fuck your face up.

>> No.17987194

Can't afford that. I'd have to stretch to buy the home version from Amazon for like $200. Money is the reason I tried switching from cartridges to safety razors

>> No.17987237
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>sometimes a good moisturizer alone can help control acne
I used to use pic related every once in a while but I should say if it did help at all I didn't notice it, but it's also true that I don't look at my back very often so there's that.
Thanks, will be doing it then. So my routine will be going from Effaclar gel cleanser + nitrogena hydro boost (which I didn't even do every day) to the same + sunscreen in the morning, and serum (salicylic + glycolic acid + niacinamide) at night for the face and effaclar gel cleanser + cetaphil moisturizer at night for my back. Hope my skin looks a bit better in a couple weeks, though it doesn't look terrible the way it is.

>> No.17987243

Oh shit just found out I can use the same Cetaphil moisturizer on my face. Will try that out since i don't like hydro boost very much (though it smells nice and the that Cetaphil thing doesn't).

>> No.17987258

>lipikar baume ap+m
>>what's a good heavier moisturizer
see >>17986670 # but lipikar baume ap+m is also okay on face for most people
I'll check it out, thanks, any opinions on the body oil.or should I not bother? Seems a bit excessive to me but I heard it here.

>> No.17987353

stop being a lazy retard. If you don't care about it being super duper close (I find I don't care now that I'm getting older) just get something like a phillips oneblade and just use that to take it off on your off days you aren't trying to impress anyone.

>> No.17987377

The problem is the opposite, I want to shave as close as possible. I have patchy facial hair, so I can't grow a real beard or mustache. And I have thinning hair, so I shave everything, face and head, every day. If there's any stubble, it looks like shit. Cartridges were working alright, but not really close enough and the cost adds up with the amount I was shaving.

>> No.17987495

Was gonna drop by ulta to pick up some stuff. Wanted to grab the ordinary lactic acid but I still need a sunscreen. Any recs of what I can grab there? And any other good products to grab in general that might be a bit better than cerave for cleansing and moisturizer? Cheers

>> No.17987830

This is me

I actually just forgot to add in my night routine the same Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser I use in the morning. I double cleanse at night, no issues with it so far.

I just want a routine i can use for the lifetime and was wondering if those are okay.

Should I buy the Cosrx AHA Whitehead Liquid? I shouldn't use it on a same day i use the BHA right?

As for serums idk where to start, i just know that vit c is applied at AM. What serum works well with it at night

>> No.17987844

I've been using a Cetaphil moisturizer to patch test on my arms and also on dry areas of my body without any reactions, but I started using it on my face, and my cheeks immediately went red and burned slightly for around ten minutes. I have a dry U-zone, so could that just be a barrier issue that will resolve itself over time? If I haven't had such reactions on my body, it can't be some kind of allergic reaction or whatever, right?

>> No.17987851

BTW, my neck and forehead didn't have any redness/burning.

>> No.17987902

I'm gonna order some retinol serum off AliExpress, wish me good luck bros

>> No.17987949

its really nice and leaves not much shine if at all
>I used to use pic related
it probably wont help that much, it has no active ingredients. it may not be enough for some. there are moisturizers with niacinamide or salicylic acid which can help with acne a little more.
> Hope my skin looks a bit better in a couple weeks
report back in 2-3 months
never used body oils but i use squalane. i add a few drops to my moisturizers at pm. some moisturizers might already contain stuff like jojoba oil, argan oil etc so always check ingredients
eurofag here, no idea what ulta is
> a bit better than cerave for cleansing
i like LRP toleriane cleanser a bit more than hydrating cleanser from cerave
>I just want a routine i can use for the lifetime
that would be moisturizer, sunscreen and a retinoid, the holy trinity of skincare that anyone can benefit from. whenever you introduce anything more than that, it should target skin issues you have.
if you double cleanse and use BHA toner i assume you want your pores a little better and/or get rid of sebaceous filaments
>Should I buy the Cosrx AHA Whitehead Liquid?
if you have uneven skin texture, acne, hyperpigmentation sure. if not, maybe after retinol.
>I shouldn't use it on a same day i use the BHA right?
look what their website says. i remember checking this for paulas choice and they say you can mix their aha+bha
>As for serums idk where to start
retinol serum at pm. if you want to use any other serum then again, make sure it targets problems you have
>vit c
wouldnt bother before retinol
>2 weeks
remember to introduce 1 change every 2 weeks otherwise you might not know what causes what or if it does anything at all. also if something fucks your skin you will be able to pinpoint it easily
post routine
your skin may still need to adapt
or its other ingredients/products that made your skin sensitive
or maybe its niacinamide
significant cancer risk

>> No.17988162

Every few days I wipe cold water over my face and dry it with a towel.
Is their absolutely anything you fuckers do that would improve the appearance of my skin at all?

>> No.17988861

>post routine
I started a simple "reset" routine morning and night:

- Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
- Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion

Both of these contain niacinamide, though unsure how much. There are no ceramides or HA. I was using the cleanser on my face for a week or so before introducing the moisturizer and didn't have the reaction I got from the moisturizer (even though the niacinamide gets washed off with the cleanser, the effect was immediate with the moisturizer, so I'm assuming that would've showed up on my face before wash-off with the cleanser). Also, no niacinamide reaction from the moisturizer on the inside of my elbow, my neck, or my forehead. Seems that only the really dry parts of my face turned really red. I didn't wash off the moisturizer after seeing the reaction, and the redness went away within 15 minutes.

>> No.17988875

>would've showed
I'm still ngmi with English, apparently. Forever doomed to ESLdom.

>> No.17988900
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can i use witch hazel as after shave?

>> No.17988931

My skin is completely fucked up with (indented) acne scarring and the earliest derm appointment I could get is in April. Is there anything I can do to help fix the issue in the meantime?

>> No.17989096

adapalene gel

>> No.17989365

Are there any downsides to using retinol topically everyday for life? Side effects? Anything I should know (besides not exposing it to the sun)? I'm 22 and I want to slow down skin aging

>> No.17989372

Won't do anything for pitted scars. Don't give him hope. You would need fillers.

>> No.17989378

I have an annoying redness-irritation that develops throughout the day at my nasolabial folds. I have year-long nasal congestion so I think that's the problem. I use a ceramide lotion every day and a thicker ceramide cream every night. Wash my face with a random face wash found at the pharmacy. What should I add to my routine? Or is it that ceramide no longer works for my skin?

>> No.17989413

can be extremely drying. At 22 you probably don't need to be using it that often anyways. I'd stick with once or twice a week

>> No.17989415

Keep in mind as well that you don't wanna layer retinol with other things that you probably wanna be using like an AHA. Hence why you don't wanna use it every day

>> No.17989758

Probably right about the deepest ones, but would it help the many shallower scars I have? My only treatment right now (other than sunscreen, etc. of course) is a salicylic acid toner and it’s only doing so much.

>> No.17989791

Sunscreen while not leaving the house is retarded
Some amount of vitamin d exposure is also incredibly important for skin health

>> No.17989797
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Was given some random samples of this today whilst picking up cheapies, currently trying out, feels okay. The employees were a bit weird about it, like they REALLY wanted me to have samples and were very proud of this brand.

Absolutely not buying an AHA/BHA peel for £120 though kek

>> No.17989948


>> No.17990354

I need help anons, need a sunscreen for my face that doesn't leave it oily after applying it.

Any suggestions?

>> No.17990411
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can i get some help anons? I've been into basic skincare for a couple years and when I'm skinny my skin is perfect but right now I'm a fat bastard and this has happened. How do I fix it? The pores are large and visible, especially on the T-zone. It looks slightly red. I'll post my routine and a pic (exposure adjusted to show my issue more clearly) for reference. dont mind my bed hair
>foam cleanser every day
>followed by exfoliating 3 times a week
>followed by vitamin C spray
>followed by basic moisturiser
i'd be grateful for any help at all, bros

>> No.17990440
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>snail mucin

>> No.17990450

unless your windows are blacked out, use sunscreen

>> No.17990461

Skincare is a scam. I don't moisturize at all and never get pimples and look young.

>> No.17990763
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yeah no idea, maybe its something in cetaphil moisturizer formulas. try other companies or something for very sensitive skin and/or short ingredients list. saw a few anons in previous thread saying X company is shit because they cause redness etc. and products from company Y worked for them. keep trying and im sure you can find one that will work
dont think anything topical will help significantly until then. consider seeing beautician for recommendations or saving money until seeing derm
>Side effects?
potential dryness, skin irritation, sensitive to other active ingredients
sunscreen is probably more important at your age
>year-long nasal congestion
you mean its from blowing the nose? the heavier moisturizer the better especially at pm routine. also try slugging that area with petrolatum/vaseline or whatever
not gonna discuss the sunscreen at home part but there are other parts of body that are exposed to sun if you use sunscreen on your face
>AHA/BHA peel for £120
crazy, but at least they are honest what aha/bha content is
>now I'm a fat bastard and this has happened
post what slop you have been eating so i can refer to your post later in the thread
your routine does not say much, no idea if you are using aha or bha for exfoliator. post products.
exfoliating and no sunscreen?
is it only am routine and you do nothing at pm?
thanks for your tremendous statistical input
see you in a few years

>> No.17990784

If you can cut back on greasier food right now that would probably help, especially if your weight dictates your skin, try and add collagen and fish into your diet.

Use a mild AHA/BHA every day, instead of thrice weekly? What you can get depends on how much you wanna spend.

>> No.17990792
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Yeah, the acid content is clearly marked, and my skin felt quite nice after. Definitely not a regular use thing though, it’s quite strong. I might get the free facial offered, though.

>> No.17991276
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I have really oily skin.

I just recently revamped my skincare routine and included in picrel.

It's been a month and and I will say my facial complex has definitely improved. However, my oil levels on my face hasn't changed or sometimes looks even worse. I thought the Niacinamide and the Black Head Remover Serum would help with the oil but I haven't really noticed a difference.

Any recommendations in terms of adding or changing my routine to combat my oily ass skin? I don't suffer from acne and I wouldn't say my skin is sensitive. I'm also a guy if that matter.

>> No.17991288

I see you haven’t tried the COSRX Gyloclic acid
(Whitehead Power Liquid), it’s quite good for just nuking your whole face and any excess sebum/oil. Their salicylic face wash works quite well, too.

You may just look a bit greasy cause they’re ell moisturised, the curse of shiny dewy skin.

>> No.17991291
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>post what slop you have been eating
I don't really eat slop, it's just high calorie cheap shit since I don't have much money to spend on food. Shit like chocolate wafers and heaps of bread. My diet will get better when I'm getting paid better
>aha or bha for exfoliator
>exfoliating and no sunscreen
i do sunscreen when I go outside
>is it only am routine and you do nothing at pm?

>try and add collagen and fish into your diet.
will try, thanks anon
>Use a mild AHA/BHA every day
I've been thinking about that, but people talk about exfoliating everyday as if it's gonna ruin your skin. will try anyway though ty

the products i use are in picrel

>> No.17991293

I'll check those two out.

But I can tell you with confidence that my skin doesn't look "well moisturized" it looks oily as hell. It looks "dewy" and well moisturized for maybe 2-3 hours then the oil comes and I start looking like someone painted some high gloss on my face.

>> No.17991525

can someone recommend a good glycolic acid?

>> No.17991586
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Is the whole "moisture barrier" thing real?
I just started 0.05 tret and am on day 3 but now im paranoid i will fuck up skin.

>> No.17991605

You don't need to be rich to eat healthy, it just sounds like you're addicted to highly processed sugary crap. That kind of food drives inflammation, which impairs your brain function.

>> No.17991642

>using Cerave foaming cleaners at night (not every night, maybe every 3 or 4 nights)
>then apply Cerave PM moisturiser
>next morning wash face with water and apply Cerave AM
This seems to work pretty well most of the time, but some days I wake up with pimples and I have to stop for a week so they go away. Should I only be using one moisturizer? WHat's the deal here?

>> No.17991655
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they are lol #onlyneetthings

>> No.17991672

>there are other parts of body that are exposed to sun if you use sunscreen on your face
Need vitamin d on your face as well

>> No.17991679

a full sleeve of wafers is $1 where i am and I get infinite free bread from a local bakery. trust me, I'd eat well if i could

>> No.17991738

Using oil cleanser, I am getting tiny bumps on my nose and cheeks beside the nose, some of them have white tips, don't think this is fungal acne since not itchy, I am assuming these showed up there because my pores are larger in that area so might be due to pore clogging? I am using Anua oil cleanser.

>> No.17991780

>tiny bumps on my nose and cheeks beside the nose, some of them have white tips
Likely whiteheads, though I've also heard of oil cleansers triggering milia in some people.
>so might be due to pore clogging?
Yes, whiteheads involve clogged pores, by definition. If you're lucky, the Anua oil is clogging your pores directly, and the solution might be to emulsify the oil properly with water on your hands to ensure complete rinsing (plenty of videos on this). If you're unlucky, some ingredient in the oil cleanser is clogging your pores indirectly by provoking more sebum production from your skin, and this means that other cleansers with the same ingredient could do the same.

>> No.17991806

Thanks for the info, I have been emulsifying and rinsing off and also using a normal cleanser afterwards, so I assume the culprit is an ingredient exclusive to this oil cleanser, I have ordered skin 1004 oil cleanser to try and will see if this persists, any oil cleanser recommendations.

>> No.17991833

Try Muji, specifically the mild cleanser, sounds like your current one is somehow blocking pores/creating comedones.

>> No.17991907
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How accurate is picrel?
Are lactic acids that useful?

Do acids in general make any difference or are they more for a specific type of skin?

>> No.17991918

I am going to order some Tretinoin online, but what concentration percentage do I get? There is 0.1%, 0.05%, 0.04%, 0.025%.
>inb4 go to derm
no ins, this is cheaper.

>> No.17991919

Obviously start at lowest concentration.

>> No.17991935

ok that was my gut feeling, i just wasn't 100% sure

>> No.17991938

Also, and I cannot stress this enough—48 hour patch test.

>> No.17991939

From using this stuff as a teenager and going off what I know, there is a peel process, correct? Things tend to worsen before they improve? What sign should I be looking for that this product is likely going to cause an overreaction and not comply with my skin if I do test a small area?

>> No.17992061
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go to previous thread and search for oil, there were a few tips
is your scalp oily too?
>My diet will get better when I'm getting paid better
if you want to start now and (hopefully) cheap try drinking more water. when you get yo money have a look at the ideas (not necessarily recipes) of DASH diet or the anti-inflammatory one (dont remember what it was called)
>aha exfoliator AND scrub (for body)
definitely wouldnt use on face

no idea what that "simple" product is

whenever you can afford start pic related in PM routine, it must be in PM as retinoids are photo sensitive. make sure to cleanse beforehand and apply once dry. do not use any exfoliators, vit c etc in the same routine as retinol. use these in AM instead
report back in 2-3 months
the ordinary is cool and mentioned often
is this your first retinoid?
>some days I wake up with pimples
review diet maybe, your routine is basic but fine,
which part of the body should i expose to sun if i get depressed from lack of vitamin d?
should i just cut my skull in half and open it so my brain can have a little sunshine?
>How accurate is picrel?
one thing that surely is missing is how good is the acid in the given category
glyolic acid penetrates deeper than lactic acid and this has its own implications
>Do acids in general make any difference
>are they more for a specific type of skin?
correct again
>there is a peel process, correct?
retinoids promote skin renewal
>Things tend to worsen before they improve?
purging happens
>What sign should I be looking for that this product is likely going to cause an overreaction and not comply with my skin if I do test a small area?
if something happens that you would not want to happen on your face - that is the good indicator

>> No.17992074

>is this your first retinoid?
I was using adapalene some. I used accutane years ago.
the reddit fags make it sound like you can fuck up your skins barrier super ez but other people and studies seem to just use it nightly and let it do its thing.

>> No.17992094
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if you had a longer break apply very thin layer of it and make sure to put moisturizer some time after. you can also do a "sandwich" which is (light) moisturizer -> tret -> moisturizer again to reduce irritation. this is not recommended by everyone but it can help reduce irritation on the first few uses i think

>> No.17992096

ty, I'll probably use bit less I was going over pea sized amount to try and make it spread enough
been using vanicream after

>> No.17992457

I have what is hopefully a simple skincare query that I've yet to find a clear answer for:

What is the best way to deal with closed comedones once they have formed in your skin?
I see advice online about preventing formation, but not about treating them.
Is it salicylic acid? Like a serum?

>> No.17992543

>is your scalp oily too?

It gets oily after 2 days. I usually need to shampoo / condition every other day or it starts to get itchy. I'm 1/2 B/W if that helps.

>> No.17992546

>whenever you can afford start pic related in PM routine, it must be in PM as retinoids are photo sensitive. make sure to cleanse beforehand and apply once dry. do not use any exfoliators, vit c etc in the same routine as retinol. use these in AM instead
thank you anon. I'll save up and give it a go

>> No.17992577

Every single one of you look your age and no amount of skincare will give your your subcutaneous fat back

>> No.17992612

>review diet maybe, your routine is basic but fine,
I think it's the Cerave. I did a spot test for a week and in that exact area, a pimple grew.

>> No.17992617

>and also using a normal cleanser afterwards,
Hmm, what's your full routine at the moment, and how long have you been using each product?
My assumption (that I should have stated) is that you were going fine with your products for at least four weeks but then added an oil cleanser, with the clogged pores following soon after. This is the only way I'd be fairly confident that the oil cleanser is the culprit.

>> No.17992713

what's the safest everyday morning and night toner you can get from Cosrx?

>> No.17992786

Yes correct, I added a couple of products at once including the oil cleanser but I am assuming it is the oil cleanser because it is the same location where I was rubbing my face with the oil, PM I am doing:
Oil cleanser
Normal cleanser
AHA exfoliating pad (3 times a week)
Serum with fermented products

>> No.17993072
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>> No.17993106

recently moved to a cold shithole and it has dried my skin so much that ive been dandruff, normal shampoo hasnt been helping
pls help

>> No.17993191

I see vitamin C often listed as one of the few things with strong clinical evidence supporting it.
Has anyone had good experience with it? How should it be worked into a standard routine of moustizier, tret, and spf.

>> No.17993198

Decalt from Slurp Labs claims to be great for this, I’ll be trying it at some point.

>> No.17993219

retinoids, especially epiduo
bha (salicylic acid), either toner or serum
double cleansing
sorry to hear this anon, this happens. an alternative to cerave is cetaphil and vice versa. there is also la roche posay
safest toner is no toner. whats your goal with it? what skin issue do you want to target?
NTA but review what oils in your cleanser are comedogenic
if none, then you need to do trial and error to find out which ones are bad for you. maybe its essential oils. or just try different oil cleanser.
try any shampoo that says moisturizing, preferably from pharmacy or drug store or whatever
maybe you started to take hot showers? that strips off your oils badly. should use lukewarm or cold water only
vitamin C serum usually goes in AM routine after cleansing or toner, before moisturizer/spf. they are allowed in PM as well but it cant be paired with a lot of stuff so it remains in AM routines most of the times

>> No.17993232

What are good choices for gentle facial wash to remove sunscreen?
Lately Ive just been rinsing face in water if I didn't go outside and if I used spf ill use ivory bar soap.

>> No.17993308

a gentle cleanser would be la roche posay toleriane
even more gentle is cerave hydrating cleanser
a cheap option is neutrogena hydroboost i guess but there are probably better ones in this price range

>> No.17993348

recently added 20% vitamin C and cerave hylauronic acid serum to my routine. This plus tretinoin is mogging. highly recommend.

>> No.17993378

i already have the ordinary glycolic acid. can you recommend an alternative? i feel like its not doing much (price probably reflects this, why is it only like 7 bucks lol)

>> No.17993480

The COSRX glycolic is much stronger, very good. The ordinary glycolic toner is unironically best to put on your armpits.

>> No.17993620
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How is La Roche Posay? I hear it's a big thing on TikTok, which admittedly makes me assume it's probably some meme shit as that's what TikTok typically promotes. I've tried Cetaphil but it seemed to make my skin warm and a bit red, it was weird.

>> No.17993775

Are you all faggots? Why do men care so much about skin care? Do I have to be like you to have good skin?

>> No.17993846
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I am going to start Adapalene soon as my first retinol. I am looking for a night-time moisturizer to pair with it.
It seems that LRP CICAPLAST Balm is a popular choice but I have oily skin so I'm not sure if it's a good choice since it's very thicc from what I've gathered.
Currently, I am using CeraVe PM which feels OK but my t-zone and especially my nose get very oily after a few hours so i want to try something new when I'm finished with it. I am also looking at LRP Toleraine Double Repair MATTE for Oily skin which apparently is a US only product so there is not much info on it. Any recs?

>> No.17993926
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post your vitamin C
which one do you have, toner or 30% AHA one?
paulas choice maybe
they add thermal water to many of their products, which is a step up from cerave/cetaphil i guess. certain LRP products are pretty retarded for the price and what they do (like hyaluronic acid serum) but some are holy grails to many (lipikar baume ap+m, toleriane cleanser, effaclar duo). i sometimes see the double or triple repair moisturizers mentioned as well. if you want to search some more look at reddit skincare communities. dont take advice from tiktok on skincare, these are money incentivized or just straight retarded. doctorly youtube channel literally take those videos and analyze/debunk them lol
cicaplast baume b5+ is a heavy moisturizer. great for a skin that was fucked by too much exfoliation or retinoids. good healing properties. i add squalane to it as well. finished a tube few days ago, lasts quite long. some people use it to slug instead of petrolatum/vaseline
i saw double toleriane recommended somewhere on youtube reviews by derm channels. its not available in my area but looks like its oil free and since its "matte" i guess you would wear it during the day or when going out. for pm i usually go for something heavier and/or add squalane to it
my next buy is cosrx overnight rice mask, not sure how heavy it is though.
if you want to check out more heavier moisturizers look out for shea butter in ingredients. though there is small percentage of people that breaks them out

>> No.17994001

Yes, it's an astringent so it will tighten pores as well as reduce redness. Depending on if you get Thayers brand or not, it may or may not have alcohol in it too.
Sometimes if I'm going the unscented route, I use witch hazel and then a balm/moisturizer, skipping the 'actual' aftershave step.

>> No.17994373
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I cover my whole body with lotion while im still damp from the shower a couple of times a week, especially in the winter when its dry.
Recently switched to this aveno tone and texture lotion with PHA acids in it. This shit fucking rules, my skin has never been so soft and smooth. It's way more gentle then lactic acid lotions ive tried.
Would recommended, this stuff is fantastic.

>> No.17994385
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Someone please help me how do I get rid of this disgusting shit?

>> No.17994394

Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and/or tret.

>> No.17994398

Any pharmacy and just ask for products with "Salicylic acid"?

>> No.17994412
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this has Salicylic acid, might it work?

>> No.17994443

stop shaving get oneblade

>> No.17994454
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No, I'd get the Paula's Choice 2 % BHA liquid.

>> No.17994463

>NTA but review what oils in your cleanser are comedogenic
Probably the Ethylhexyl Palmitate

>> No.17994555

onebalde? is that a brand? desu I think I don't know how to shave, I always cut myself and I point the blade upwards cuz it shaves the hair better, tho I heard it's better to point downwards

>> No.17994564

nta, idk what oneblade is either
What you should do is stop shaving for a while until that completely heals up, could be a week or two even... After that, wherever you had razor bumps like that, you need to give up on trying to shave close. Those look like ingrown hairs, which means you shaved too close and the follicles ended up growing under the skin. Do you have curly facial hair? That would be the root cause. Might even be worth it to get an electric razor or beard trimmer instead of a blade razor. Something that gets pretty close but leaves enough stubble that it won't get ingrown. You can try only shaving with-the-grain in those areas, which won't get it as close as shaving against-the-grain.

>> No.17994670

>What you should do is stop shaving for a while until that completely heals up, could be a week or two even...
damn a week or two?? I fucking hate having a visible beard, but I'll try

>Do you have curly facial hair?
Yep 4c hair

>You can try only shaving with-the-grain in those areas, which won't get it as close as shaving against-the-grain
I think I might actually try shaving with the grain for the first time starting today. Cuz this has gotten bad bad it's all over my cheeks and neck, hope it's ingrown hair and not acne, thanks a lot anon

>> No.17994698

>starting today.
You're welcome, but please at least wait for the hairs follicles to break through the skin again... and ideally wait for the bumpiness to go away
You can also try moisturizing a bit more. I don't know for sure, but in theory softer skin will make it easier for hairs to get out. I'm white and have straight af facial hair, and when I get ingrowns occasionally when I shave too close and my skin gets too dry

>> No.17994710

>toner or 30% AHA one
i have the Glycolic Acid 7% Exfoliating Toner. >>17993480
how long does it take to work? im gonna use this stuff on my back as well

>> No.17995139

Also you can get Differin OTC if you're in the US.

>> No.17995531

i have some salicylic acid and urea body wash that works very well for my skin, very smooth aftrwards
shave after shower only. with hair first, than against. changed my game
get salicylic acid toner/serum and moisturizer. maybe something with urea and AHA could help too.
>how long does it take to work?
nta but glycolic acid works from the first minutes, effects will come with time depending on your skin issues

>> No.17995708

>shave after shower only. with hair first, than against. changed my game,get salicylic acid toner/serum and moisturizer. maybe something with urea and AHA could help too.
>You're welcome, but please at least wait for the hairs follicles to break through the skin again...
I think it might be ingrown hair..What type of razor should I get to prevent this? an electric one or

>> No.17995941

I used to pinch my nose pores but since I've started doing a skincare routine (about a week ago) I've stopped pinching and I've had like 2 zits since. Should it be that "oh it gets worse before getting better" or should it be that because I've not been removing the mucus with my fingers I've been having zits?
My routing has been
>Effaclar gel + either hydro boost or cetaphil moisturizer + sunscreen if I'm going out
>same as AM but instead of sunscreen I've been using a niacinamide + glycolic acid + salicylic acid every couple days

>> No.17996194

does a man living in a tropical country with oily skin need a moisturizer?

>> No.17996381
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A few weeks ago I posted in this general about having a small recurring sebaceous cyst on the shaft of my duck. >>17968986
An anon recommended niacinamide and salicylic acid, which I have been applying almost daily and it seems like it shrunk a little but from my understanding it might not make the cyst go away entirely because the "sack" has to be excised. I've tried to cut the sack out before but pussied out because of the pain and fear of causing damage to my weanus (the cyst is only a few millimeters in diameter). However I'm looking at a different option now, I thought it was a wart at first although its a bit smaller and sticks out like a wart so I'm considering freezing it off with over-the-counter wart freeze spray. Hopefully it should just kill the entire cyst. I know its not a wart because I've drained the pus out of it countless times over the years. However I'm very concerned whether that will remove it or not, and if it will cause damage to my penis.

Can an anon tell me if this is a stupid idea or no? If I do it what will I need to look out for? I'm thinking that I need to drain the cyst, disinfect it, then freeze.

>> No.17996384

Go to the doc anon, better be safe than sorry with your downstairs friend

>> No.17996485
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this is what I got for my acne and ingrown hairs, thoughts?

>> No.17997574

What’s the opinion on aloe based moisturizers?

>> No.17997789

how do i groom my brows

>> No.17997791


>> No.17997823

Is there any product that willl help with my genetic darkcircles? Be honest guys, I dont want to waste money...

>> No.17997827
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Anybody used Garnier moisturizers for their face?

>> No.17997831

Definitely go to the doctor for this one dude... You do not want to risk infection

>> No.17997934
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Is there a difference between cerave moisturizer and the facial moisturizer?

I can buy a half a kilo tub of the stuff (pic rel) for the same price as 52ml of the facial version

>> No.17997986

>americans would rather give themselves an unclit than just go to the doctors

>> No.17998051

>Toner (every other day)
>moisturizer lotion

>moisturizer Cream

Face looks healthier

>> No.17998429
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it's over
>cerave foaming cleanser
>LRP lipikar ap+ or Cosrx sun soothing aloe
>cerave foaming + lipikar ap+

I look like shit
t. 25 years old

>> No.17998729

Use retinol / tretinoin

>> No.17998767

I (24M) just got prescribed Accutane to treat my acne as nothing else was quite doing it from me and I already have some ice pick scars.

I've been reading up on the side-effects though and I'm starting to get cold feet, especially regarding the hair thinning and night blindness.

Is it really that bad? The doctor's trying to assuage my concerns, but I'm not sure. Also, I think she said I'd be on it for a year which from what I read is longer than usual?

One more thing: I'm also thinking of starting a dermapen treatment for my scarring, do you think I should do that before officially starting accutane or after? Thank you!

>> No.17998886
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1.) Go to a cosmetician, use the cremes they tell you to use
2.) Only go to a doctor if they tell you to

This should be a sticky in the general or something. Doctors are pill pushers and dont care about how good you look.

>> No.17999514
File: 21 KB, 400x400, FA4FD894-294F-4798-B3D1-9B941A8AC31B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got safety razor recs? i’m tired of disposables.

>> No.17999525

Trying to switch to safety razors was the worst decision I made last year.
But... what are you coming from? What kind of disposables are you using?

>> No.17999585

gillette. i have a oneblade too and use the two together sometimes but find my five o’clock shadow come back really fast.

>> No.17999591

You are supposed to shave everyday, if you have normal testosterone levels

>> No.17999593

It is not in fact ogre, start using aha/bha and retinol.

You have my skin type, improved immensely after cutting out carbohydrates. Even though I I can now only have delicious bread and cake products occasionally, skin seems better. Also drink more water.

>> No.17999673

Which one do you use though?

>> No.17999687
File: 108 KB, 433x632, Screenshot 2024-02-01 095716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caved and was convinced to add virgin coconut oil to my routine.
I apply it more in the evening and dab it on my eyebrows in the morning after cleansing then modestly rub it into my hair.

What are yall's opinion on coconut oil for the skin/hair?
thinking of getting pic rel but don't know if I'm reaching too far into the coconut

>> No.17999725

proglide? it’s got 4 or 5 blades.

>> No.18000276

Ok, so it's one where the head pivots I'm guessing?
This is a suggestion I wish someone would have given me: next time you go to the grocery store or pharmacy, pick up a pack of the ultra cheap Bic disposable razors (they're like $5 for 12). They're orange and yellow plastic, have a single blade, and their heads do NOT pivot. See if you can get used to and enjoy shaving with those, because using a safety razor will be a similar experience (single blade, no pivoting head). Without the pivoting head, it's up to you to hold and maintain the blade at the correct angle, or else it won't shave at all (or will cut you instead). If you can figure that out, then maybe look into investing in a safety razor and blades (or hell, you might even realize the cheap Bic razors are all you need).

>> No.18000598
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Is CeraVe basically a great baseline to start from for just about everything and then go from there ? I now have
>Hydrating and foaming cleanser (think I prefer the hydrating)
>Regular moisturizer
>The heavier skin renewing cream in purple jar
>Hydrating toner
>Retinol serum
>Nightly exfoliating serum (basically lactic acid and glycolic acid)
>Am moisturizer and SPF
Starting to add the retinol and exfoliant. Feel like I need to change the am SPF thing to something else though. But really seems like my skin is happy enough with it. Any reason to believe any of this is bad or not as good long term, and I should change out? Wouldn't mind experimenting but just trying to establish a baseline. I've got pretty good skin genetics.

>> No.18000599

Merkur 34c or i actually really like maggards handle offerings and I use their slant bar. I prefer Astra in the green box. Soap, Taylor of old bond street is great followed by proraso in the tube. Aftershave I use Nivea because of the Bateman meme. Fwiw I always nick myself but I've got a lot of curves a weird grain pattern and I grow a pretty coarse beard. Idgaf anymore.

>> No.18000802
File: 101 KB, 480x854, tumblr_m1ukpzn0us1qds8mqo1_640-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use electric trimmer and go for 3mm
idk give it a few more weeks
good luck anon hope you are good
the salicylic acid from cleanser does not stay long on your skin hence it may not be as effective as a leave-on salicylic acid toner/serum. but its good for oily skin. go for some moisturizer with niacinamide next if you want something more
cool if your skin is irritated or if you want to apply it over a burned, itchy or a rash skin. might help a little with mosquito bites too
you dont
diagnose the reason behind it (dark pigmentation, thin skin). basically see derm/beautician. i was advised to take mezotherapy light eyes or nucleofill soft eyes for my dark circles (thin skin)
nope, no actives, it lists salicylic acid at the end of inci list but probably like 0,01%
facial products tend to have lighter texture, they soak into skin much faster and contain less harsh ingredients
havent tried your pic related but tried lipikar baume ap+m which is body moisturizer on my face and its heavy. leaves shine. not to my liking
its the way
aha+bha and retinol STAT
these will improve your skin texture and pores. also check these if you have time
>Is it really that bad?
everyones different so side effects may differ
>dermapen treatment
this is fine i think but talk to your derm
depends what their incentives are. there was anon who was recommended skinceuticals stuff from his derm and thats really fucked up in terms of price
>coconut oil
>highly comedogenic
no thanks
cerave pm is really great, i still use it for going out. their spf moisturizers are great too. first retinol (skin renewing serum) is also great, but for next one i would choose something else. for exfoliators people usually go for the ordinary/paulas choice

>> No.18000816

>depends on what their incentives are
Dunno, I just dont trust doctors anymore

>have ingrown toenail
>go to doctor because “pedicure is gay”
>doctor said it needs to be cut out
>carves out a giant chunk of toenail
>pours acid on it so the nail wont grow ever back that side
>”There you go Anon :)”
>20 years later after regular pedicure treatments it still looks like it got mangled in an industrial accident
And if I had just gone to get a pedicure in the first place she’d have fixed it in 10 minutes

Same with acne, the doctor prescribed some pills, cant remember the name, I googled it and it had horrible side effects. Went to a beautician and she cleaned it up, told me what cremes to use and all my acne were gone
Another doctor fucked up my deviated septum surgery, making my breathing worse and had to ask another surgeon to fix it.
I wouldnt go to a doctor unless I knew them well and I trust them, or it was a life or death situation

>> No.18001030

>Merkur 34c
If he's coming from a Gillette 5 blade thing, the Merkur 34c is going to be disappointing. It's way too mild

>> No.18001046

I don't think so. It's a fine starting place. Just shave with a more aggressive razor like Astra or feather. That's why I think the maggard is a better place though since you can start with a mild head and just buy more aggressive ones.

>> No.18001905
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opinions on this?

>> No.18001910

Go on the accutane, but also check out the /bald/ thread going for advice on how to keep your hair follicles.

>> No.18001921

Best hand and foot cream? My hands are always really dry and kinda gross. I was considering the O'Keeffe's one but what do ye think

>> No.18002018

I’ve been on Acutane for two weeks and I’m calling it quits. I knew I’d have really dry skin, that’s par for the course, but I wasn’t made aware of all the possible permanent side effects that this drug could have. I have immediately stopped but I fear that the drug may have already caused permanent damage

>> No.18002021

Skin refresh rate is absurdly high, you’ll be okay.

>> No.18002066

My first safety razor was the Edwin Jagger DE89. Excellent performer.
Other popular first-timer options include the Muhle R89, Wilkinson Sword Classic, King C. Gillette razor, Merkur 34C.

>> No.18002177

So I'm using the Cerave retinol for now, which I hear is moreso just like a starter retinol. What do ye recommend I get next. I would get tret or adapalene but I CBA with a prescription

>> No.18002226

/fa/ how do i get whiter/pale skin

>> No.18002227

retinol makes the skin around my eyes red

>> No.18002263

I've been taking benadryl to help me sleep at night... and I think I'm maybe connecting that with giving me weird itchy rashes on my head. Anyone ever heard of this happening? I did some googling, and there's some people talking about it, but nothing concrete...
If this isn't the cause, then I'll have to keep searching, because right now my face looks fucked up

>> No.18002264

Switch to promethazine and see if anything changes.

>> No.18002270

Well I'm going to switch to only taking melatonin which I've used before and has never caused the same issue. I started adding benadryl because melatonin wasn't enough, but I'll figure something else out. The problem is these skin marks last for days, so I won't know for a while...

>> No.18002290

Melatonin will probably be fine. Nothing else changed, no new diet items, fabric softener, stuff in your environment etc?

>> No.18002308

>Nothing else changed, no new diet items, fabric softener, stuff in your environment etc?
I've been trying different shaving creams/gels lately, but I've been cycling through them and the rashes have been persistent. I don't recall exactly when they started or when I started with the benadryl, but it might line up... been going on for a couple months at least

>> No.18002351
File: 30 KB, 328x523, anBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l'occitane apparently has some nice hand cream
thats why you should read the leaflet beforehand
theres nothing wrong to use it long term everyday. but if you want a stronger retinoid, check out adapalene (OTC in US)
stay at home all day. if impossible, wear hat and use sunscreen
skin around eyes is the thinnest from the whole body. it is expected. you will eventually build tolerance
try valerian root (strongest herb for sleep) and lemon balm
there are also adaptogen combos like pic related that work well. also nice to take an hour before a stressful situation
and lastly for prescription sleeping pills there is a new generation that start with "z", like zolpidem. was taking half a pill and it was more than enough
i am not sure about efficacy of melatonin long term, but its surely good for jet lag or shift work

>> No.18002372

>try valerian root...
Thanks, I'm not so much worried about the sleeping issue. I can handle that.
I'm mainly concerned if the benadryl might have been causing the skin reaction. Now that I think about it, this happened to me once before. Some itchy skin rashes that I thought might be an allergic reaction, so I took benadryl (which is for allergies), and then it got worse... and now I'm wondering if that's connected. Eventually it went away, but I don't remember if that was before or after I stopped the benadryl.

>> No.18002498

Yeah adapalene isn't otk here, so I was just wondering what's a stronger cosmetic one ye recommend

>> No.18002930

been reading more skincare books than I should be reading, and they typically go like this:
>natural humectants in the corneocytes ("natural moisturizing factors") draw water into the corneocytes for hydration
>each corneocyte is encased in a waterproof lipid layer ("lipid matrix")
and I'm left wondering how the fuck the water gets in.

>> No.18003668

What's a lightweight moisturiser you recommend, I've tried the hydro boost and not a fan, and I idk I ideally want something not using HA as it's main ingredient since I have more than enough in other products

>> No.18003821
File: 91 KB, 1010x1180, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this shit is giving me some kind of reaction...

>> No.18004150

Have you tried manning up?
In all seriousness, I had some problems with the Nivea Sensitive shaving shit too. I switched to Gillette Sensitive without any problems, though I don't know whether that's just a case of adjustment from the Nivea stuff. I compared ingredients, but nothing really stood out as something I'm known to react to.

>> No.18004152

Another thing I'll mention is that mild irritation can result from the shaving itself if you haven't wet shaved in a long time, in which case an alum block can be helpful after shaving in combination with your usual skincare moisturizer. Most aftershaves and balms have too much simple alcohol and are pointless anyway if you're using the alum block and moisturizer or even the moisturizer alone.

>> No.18004352

I've been wet shaving forever. And yep, I've used the Gillette stuff before and had no issues. Same with the Schick Edge brands. I tried the Nivea because it was on sale and cheap one day. I really like how it feels, but I keep getting weird itchy spots.

>> No.18004370

>Aqua (Water), Stearic Acid, Sorbitol, Glycerin, Parfum (Fragrance), Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Thymus Vulgaris (Thyme) Flower/Leaf Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Potassium Hydroxide, Menthol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Sodium Benzoate, Phenoxethanol, Benzyl Alcohol, Disodium EDTA, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-di-t-butyl Hydroxhydrocinnamate, Limonene, Linalool, Citral, Hexyl Cinnamal, Geranoil, Citronellol.
is this a good everyday skincare product?

>> No.18004589
File: 110 KB, 750x1334, 236702F9-F9A1-4BEB-8688-8029E7D924C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been using my dads old plastic Gillette straight razor handle. Is it worth it to get a modern weighted one?

>> No.18004954

Check out incidecoder.com. You can paste the entire ingredient list, and it will tell you what the ingredients do.

>> No.18004970

I never have a good time of Nivea products. I really want to like some of them, particularly the moisturizing creams and the shine-control sunscreen, because Nivea's cosmetic chemists seem to have a superior knack for making a product feel how you want it to feel on your skin, but something always goes awry on my skin.

>> No.18005049

Unless there's something broken about it or some feature you're missing, then no. These razors last almost forever if you take care of it.
If you're simply curious about other razors though, then sure.

>> No.18005117
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-wash with hot water
-IUNIK hyaluronic acid
-COSRX snail mucin
-COSRX Peptide eye cream
-sunscreen: either beauty of joseon or Madagascar Centella
-a tiny bit of vaseline in winter to help keep in moisture

wash with cheap oil cleanser
hyaluronic acid
Tretinoin 0,1%

I use Tretinoin every other day. I think using 0,1% every other day is better than using 0.025% every day because it's cheaper.

I changed all the lights in my apartment because I convinced myself that red light is good for skin and lets me sleep better. I ordered NAC, MSM and collagen power for even more skin gains. I'm taking Ashwagandha in order to lower cortisol levels so that I can sleep better.

This all sounds completely insane and autistic but it only takes like 5 minutes a day to do my skincare routine.

I've been told twice that I have good skin since started taking skin care. One time, a bro said that I have a "gay face" which I took as a compliment and last week an Uber driver asked me why im so shiny, which I also took as a compliment, so there's that.

I will post a picture of my face tomorrow during the day so you boys can get a realistic idea of what long-term Tretinoin abuse does to you.

>> No.18005591

What's a good product to reduce redness? Acne redness through the years. Centella Asiatica?

>> No.18005686

Retinal but its not as effective against acne as other retinoids are. retinyl palmitate is the weakest, not recommended
there are a few yt skincare channels that go a bit deeper than just products. maybe try them
tough to avoid hyaluronic acid in a moisturizer
dont know all the ingredients so check out >>18004954
but from my point of view there are 2 nopes:
>Parfum (Fragrance)
interesting, saw nivea shine control sunscreen shilled a lot
>I think using 0,1% every other day is better than using 0.025% every day because it's cheaper.
thanks for the tip
>tret shine
yeah everyone shills tret but idk about the shine
post pic

>> No.18005717

The only thing I’d change is a double cleanse PM or switch to a jelly cleanser, oil cleansers can kinda clog things up over time unless you’re completing washing it off with something.

>> No.18005786
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Switched back to my old shaving cream/gel today... so hopefully the fucking weird shit stops, or else...

>> No.18005998

Holy shit, I thought of something... the skin reaction issue started late last fall, 2 or 3 months ago... that's about the time I switched to a different shaving cream, it's also the time I started taking benadryl more to help me fall asleep... but it's also when I started wearing my hat because it got cold.
I wonder if my hat is causing the issue, maybe some allergic reaction to the material or dye, or maybe there's fucking bugs in it? The marks look kind of like bug bites and they itch... The worst part is I was also wearing my hat to cover up the marks, but maybe that was making it even worse. I hand washed the hat in the sink. Once it dries, I might stick it in the freezer for a few days too in case there was anything living it.
I could also be developing schizophrenia too, so who knows.

>> No.18006064
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Yep, we're so back!!!! Thanks to you guys tho

>> No.18006068

What all did you end up doing?

>> No.18006127

I stopped shaving against the grain. I don't do close shave anymore cuz they might cause ingrown hair. I wash my face with hot water, shave with a single blade razor then wash face again with cleanser after 3 days I got results

>> No.18006136

If I remember, you don't like visible beard. So at this point, you can push it a bit to see how close you can shave before the problem comes back. Can maybe try going across the grain, and then maybe even against the grain but with an extremely light touch

>> No.18006145

>you don't like visible beard.
yea I didn't but desu I don't mind it that much, doesn't look too bad nor too visible, so I'm chilling. I'll just keep using this method

>> No.18006152

anyone on tretinoin? I've been using it for 2 months and my skin texture just looks like shit, i haven't broken out much but it's really dull and textured.
i stopped using my bha/aha in the morning because my skin was burning when i added tret
my routine currently
>wash with water
>apply sunscreen/moisturizer
>oil cleanser
>cerave night cream
>every other day tret .05

>> No.18006157

How do I get rid of dark circles?

>> No.18006163
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Oh thanks for the advice. I will look into that. I was scared of doublecleaning because I’m scared of it being overkill and damaging my moisture barrier due to stripping all the natural oils. Do you have any recommendations?

I was using this before but didn’t buy it again because due it looking like literal cum.

>> No.18006168

I use the bloom effect jelly face wash right now as it was on sale, mogs my old oil cleanser. I think Paula’s Choice does a good one.

>> No.18006214

I agree, also bought a safety, rockwell 6c
Any blades you recommend? I like having as smooth a shave, too, I can get it on my cheeks but neck is proving difficult to get super smooth skin, even going against the grain

>> No.18006254

this is my skin care routine:

1. oil-based cleanser
2. water-based cleanser
3. vitamin c serum in the morning or retinol in the evening
4. acne ointment when necessary
5. moisturizer
6. sunscreen if going outside

i do this twice a day. should i purchase toner and exfoliator?

>> No.18006346

I wish I knew the answer to this, I've tried warm compresses, drinking lots of water, and getting lots of sleep which are all the most commonly recommended methods but none seem to work. I've just accepted that I'll have dark circles under my eyes no matter what, at least I hear that some women like dark circles under men's eyes.

>> No.18006518
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Ridiculously simple tip that took me over a year of frustration to learn:
Use Vaseline ALONE for extremely dry/scaly skin, i.e., don't layer it on top of another moisturizer ("slugging" meme I fell for). The reasoning for slugging sounds plausible: "Vaseline is the #1 occlusive, but it's not a heavy hitter as a humectant or emollient, so use some other moisturizer for its humectant/emollient properties, and then lock it all in with Vaseline."
But if you do a deep dive into the derm studies, you find that petroleum jelly (Vaseline), though popularly considered a moderate emollient at best, has unclear properties over other emollients that give it superior ability for cell signaling when it gets into the lipid layer, which it can't do as effectively if layered on top of a "more emollient" moisturizer.
Dunno about dry patches on face, though. Vaseline has the usual problem of being very greasy, so maybe limit it as a night tool?

>> No.18006841
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So this is what like 3 years of Tretinoin does. The tretinoin „glow“ gay shine that you see in pictures mostly comes from other products, especially sunscreen and/or lighting.

I’m 34 and my skin quality has greatly improved and I am a lot more confident since taking skincare seriously. Skin is a lot smoother, it smoothes very fine lines but not pitted acne scars.

Currently experimenting with safety razor. The Gilette C. King is agrivating my skin if I try to get a really clean shave, skin is more sensitive due to Tretinoin, could be a skill issue tho

>> No.18006862

Not insane, but like others anons have stated in this thread or others, ashwagandha should be cycled, so consider monthly breaks every once in awhile, shouldnt be every single day forever nonstop like magnesium or coq10

>> No.18007143

exfoliater, yeah. toner makes me break out tho.

>> No.18007180

Use cream meant for cracked heels.

>> No.18007183

Same age as you, my skin is also so improved from my younger self. We grew up in the era of retarded skincare, like the St Ives face scrub and shitty spot remedies that never worked, it’s nice to be able to take care of it properly now.

>> No.18007476
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Can Tretinoin remove my forehead wrinkles?

>> No.18007492

how old are you, mid 30s?

>> No.18007566

26yo male, looking to get into skincare for my own benefits and so i'll have something in common with some of the girls around me

should I just do basic routines to start? as far as brands go should I stick to western or eastern brands?

>> No.18007571

guys what can i add to my routine?

paulas choice BHA
hyaluronic acid
la roche posay matte moisturizer
elta sunscreen

la roche cleanser
hyalaronic acid

and for spot treatment I use la roche effeclar.

what else am i missing? my main concern is textured skin/wrinkles from poor skincare in youth

>> No.18007616

Not quite

>> No.18007703

What the heck is the difference than using differin? Asking because I have differin tubes and never heard of this stuff

>> No.18007754
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>used to use a cerave moisturiser
>now discontinued
>used to use a neutrogena moisturiser
>now discontinued
Fak. I need a new moisturiser, I'd say my skin is 'combination' (mostly oil free but can get a bit oily sometimes). I am currently on a small dose of accutane. Is the basic cetaphil moisturiser fine?

>> No.18007757

I was on a moderate dose of accutane for about 6 months and have been on a much smaller dose for about 1.5 years after that. Only side effects I had were very dry skin, mainly the lips, which is literally what the medicine does, so that was never a problem for me as long as you have stuff you can put on it to keep them moist.

>> No.18007922

No, but it will improve the appearance of them combined with a complete lifestyle change and skincare routine.

>> No.18007949

considering you didnt say, must mean you're younger...

>> No.18008244

i use this on my hands, but i use their cream for my face

>> No.18008255

I’m in my 30s but not half way through them

>> No.18008315
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well done
go to doc, diagnose the underlying cause (thin skin, hyperpigmentation, eye bags combined with bad lighting that creates shadow etc)
LRP toleriane cleanser is gentle and does not look like a cum. its a bit less gentle than your pic related though
>toner and exfoliator
do you need them for something particular? if not, i wouldnt bother
>Can Tretinoin remove my forehead wrinkles?
but surely there is procedure to minimize them, talk to a beautician
>looking to get into skincare for my own benefits
define them first - anti aging, even texture, treat dark spots, acne etc. then we can advise
>should I just do basic routines to start?
basic routine is moisturizer, spf and retinoid in pm
>textured skin/wrinkles
- consider AHA/BHA exfoliator. something more exfoliating like 10-15%. if its not your first AHA ride you can go for something like the ordinary 30%, but dont if its your first one. use it twice weekly instead of tret
- collagen (oral)
- vitamin C serum in the morning
also if you use HA then use moisturizer afterwards. if you dont want to moisturize afterwards (and do just tret) idk i wouldnt use it, there are cases where HA can dry you out
sure, but often it comes to what texture you like etc. this is body moisturizer and contains oil. i wouldnt go out after using this, my skin would probably shine too much

>> No.18008321

Yeah I didn't ask for you opinion, tranny.

>> No.18008343

> the edger

>> No.18008445

Ah fuck, I'm having second thoughts now that I actually have the freeze spray and just drained the cyst again. I think SA and niacinamide are doing work because it barely sticks up out the skin now that its drained and is probably a bit less than 1.5mm in diameter. But it keeps coming back and it won't stay gone unless I actually kill the sac cells. I could just keep squeezing it every couple of weeks to keep it small but I'd rather it be gone for good, I don't think any woman would like a cyst on their partners dick not matter how small. I think if I got to a dermatologist they'll probably try to freeze it off or just cut it straight off (assuming that won't damage my penis) since its so small, excising it with a scalpel will be difficult.
I'm also concerned about how long I would actually need to freeze it, the packaging says 10 seconds for small warts but this is very skin on my penis so it's more like a skin tag and I couldn't find any information on how long to freeze a skin tag for.

>> No.18008565

I'm using that as a facial moisturizer with their gentle cleanser for my reset routine after trying to do too much too soon and fucking up my face. Coming along nicely.
I have the 1.25L bottle in Australia. I find that one pump is enough for face and neck, and I prefer rubbing it in my hands and then massaging it into my face and neck rather than dotting it around my face and neck first. Applies best on slightly damp skin after cleansing.

>> No.18008572

C'mon, man, there's nothing in that poster's post that was in any way harsh.

>> No.18008614

>define them first - anti aging, even texture, treat dark spots, acne etc. then we can advise
anti aging and general looksmaxing

I went and got some cleanser, some moisturizer (beauty of joseon dynasty cream) and some sunscreen (beauty of joseon rice + probiotics)
wasnt super sure about brand so i just went for something i saw highly rated

as far as retinols go, should I wait until I get used to these 3 before introducing one? also what brand would you recommend?

>> No.18008830

Can anyone recommend me a SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT face moisturizer? Everything I have tried is either too greasy or heavy. I just need something to slap on after cleansing my face in the morning and night.

>> No.18008888

Ah didn't realise it had oil (I now see it's right there). I'll look around for some other stuff.

>> No.18008912
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COSRX Ultimate Nourishing Rice is great. Super light, soaks in and makes you face look and feel real nice the next morning.

>> No.18009127 [DELETED] 

-Well, firstly suggesting somebody should go to the doctor because they have dark circles under their eyes is insane.

-Telling somebody who wants to know if tretinoin can remove their wrinkles that they should go to a beautician is also insane. A beautician does manicures, tanning, makeup, hair removal and shit. I don't know about your country, but a beauticians are not allowed to do the good shit like administer Botox, laser resurfacing and deep chemical peels. It would make more sense to advise this man that he should see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon if he can afford it.

-Telling somebody who has textured skin/wrinkles that they should do AHA/BHA is not terrible advice, but it's also not good advice because you are only addressing the symptom and not the cause of uneven skin texture. Uneven skin texture is usually caused sun damage and aging. This leads to an excess dead skin cells that build up on the surface of the skin. Better advice would to use a topical Retinoid. e.g Tretinoin. This would treat the root cause of the problem because it increases the speed of epidermal cellular turnover instead of merely treating the symptom by removing the build-up of dead skin cells.

-Suggesting somebody should take collagen supplement to improve textures skim is bullshit, because collagen contrary to popular opinion, consuming collagen on it's own does not lead to increased collagen in the skin. Although it has benefits for the body, for example joints. Obviously protein is good but collagen is just protein, it's the most abundant form of protein in the body although it has a different amino acid profile to whey profile, for example it is higher in glycin. Glycin is very important for the body to synthesize collagen. Taking collagen only makes sense (because of the Glyin) in combination with a NAC supplement. Taking both NAC and Glycine create GlyNAC and simulation of SOD activity, increasing collagen synthesis among other health benefits.

>> No.18009128

-Well, firstly suggesting somebody should go to the doctor because they have dark circles under their eyes is insane.

-Telling somebody who wants to know if tretinoin can remove their wrinkles that they should go to a beautician is also insane. A beautician does manicures, tanning, makeup, hair removal and shit. I don't know about your country, but a beauticians are not allowed to do the good shit like administer Botox, laser resurfacing and deep chemical peels. It would make more sense to advise this man that he should see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon if he can afford it.

-Telling somebody who has textured skin/wrinkles that they should do AHA/BHA is not terrible advice, but it's also not good advice because you are only addressing the symptom and not the cause of uneven skin texture. Uneven skin texture is usually caused sun damage and aging. This leads to an excess dead skin cells that build up on the surface of the skin. Better advice would to use a topical Retinoid. e.g Tretinoin. This would treat the root cause of the problem because it increases the speed of epidermal cellular turnover instead of merely treating the symptom by removing the build-up of dead skin cells.

-Suggesting somebody should take collagen supplement to improve textures skim is bullshit, because collagen contrary to popular opinion, consuming collagen on it's own does not lead to increased collagen in the skin. Although it has benefits for the body, for example joints. Obviously protein is good but collagen is just protein, it's the most abundant form of protein in the body although it has a different amino acid profile to whey profile, for example it is higher in glycin. Glycin is very important for the body to synthesize collagen. Taking collagen only makes sense (because of the Glyin) in combination with a NAC supplement. Taking both NAC and Glycine create GlyNAC and simulation of SOD activity, increasing collagen synthesis among other health benefits.

>> No.18009146

Do not listen to any advice that tranny gives you.
You don't need to "get used to" moisturizer or sunscreen before using retinol. It's the other way around. You have to use moisturizer to combat dryness from retinol and sunscreen to prevent further photodamage.

You should also start using a topical retinoid instead it's like 10x more powerful than retinol.

>> No.18009278
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>anti aging and general looksmaxing
anti aging is basically anything that stimulates collagen production in your skin
- copper peptides
- retinoids (like retinol)
- AHA in high concentration
- vitamin C
- some anons in previous threads recommend oral collagen
>as far as retinols go, should I wait until I get used to these 3 before introducing one?
if you dont have sensitive skin you can probably get retinol in a week or so if you just started your routine. i suggest not to rekt your skin with everything at once when starting out or you can get burned easily to the point you will put everything in thrash and hate skincare forever. comes down to how much your skin can take really.
>also what brand would you recommend?
see pic in >>17992061 for first retinol but also check this if you have time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrMQaau4S_0
look for anything oil free and dedicated for face (the big bottles/jars are usually for body and leave shine)
cerave pm, neutrogena hydro boost, cetaphil has one oil free too i think
>You don't need to "get used to" moisturizer or sunscreen
tell it to anons that purged from moisturizers in previous threads or have sensitive skin/eczema. better safe than sorry
>You should also start using a topical retinoid instead it's like 10x more powerful than retinol.
retinol is a topical retinoid

>> No.18009312


Retinol is a type of retinoid maybe in the technical sense but it's not because it takes two steps for it to be converted to a retinoic acid (vitamin A) which is very inefficient. It's better to just put the Vitamin A directly on the skin

I'm going to ignore everything you write even though it's technically correct and doesn't contradict my opinion because you are a tranny.

>> No.18009489

I wish mods would wordfilter the word tranny it’s made too many cunts lazy with their insults.

>> No.18010007

Im going to continue using the word tranny because I would rather spend my energy helping anons than thinking up creative insults

>> No.18010368

i have some forehead lines i want to get rid of
have no skincare routine at all atm
is retinol cream enough?

>> No.18010805
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So if my nose is getting oily and shiny and getting some blemishes, but the rest of my face is doing fine ,where do I go from here? Currently
Water + CeraVe AM

CeraVe hydrating cleanser
(every other day, alternating) CeraVe retinol serum or their night exfoliating serum (basically an AHA)
CeraVe hydrating toner
CeraVe Renewing Night Cream,sometimes just the regular lotion if my face feels too moisturized

I can definitely pull back on exfoliation until I fix this up but I think it could be a mismatch of moisturizing? Or the AM one? As I said, feel like the rest of my skin has reacted well to all of the above but my nose doesn't seem to be too happy about it all. I did just start the retinol and aha though.

>> No.18010823

you could try adding a bha toner to your am routine

>> No.18010834

stridex pads on my non retinol/lactic acid days then? Maybe even just once or twice a week? Or should I look for something else?

>> No.18011065

is it too late to start skincare at age 29?
only good thing is that i am a shut in so never get any sun exposure so i don't have any wrinkles

>> No.18011108
File: 129 KB, 1021x1100, 9F0F706B-0F84-4C79-92E7-54D9172F74FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change what’s going on your nose. Maybe a glycolic acid like the COSRX power liquid at night, my nose is really prone to blemishing and this usually nukes them.

>> No.18011109

Nope, most people in this age bracket grew up With shit and stupid skincare and habits. Time to start.

>> No.18011265

>forehead lines i want to get rid of
>is retinol cream enough?
it can help but nope, try botox or other procedures instead
nta but use BHA in the morning before cerave AM. your PM routine can remain the same. if you notice dryness use it less often
>is it too late to start skincare at age 29?

>> No.18011271

Salicylic Acid like Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid.

>> No.18011335

What's a decent sunscreen to use if I'm just running to the gym and back? I usually use Cerave AM, but I don't wanna moisturize just to have to use that when I get back home. I probably won't be able to use that regularly if I gym in the morning unless I wanna regularly wash my face or something

>> No.18011402

you can use it the same day as your retinol/aha but just keep it separate by adding it to your AM routine
also ideally everyday would be better but if your skin can't tolerate it then every other day is fine

>> No.18011418

You probably haven't heard of tretinoin because it's sold under different brand names, e.g. Retin-A
Differin is the brand name for Adapalen, a third generation retinoid. It's probably just as effective and more gentle than tretinoin, maybe even better idk.

Tretinoin is more widely used because it's the first ever retinoid they invented to treat acne and because it's a meme.It has been around since the 60s and there is probably more research supporting its effects because it's older.

>> No.18011435

is it better to take a shower in the evening or in the morning for the skin?
my skin is kinda dry and has light acne

>> No.18011523
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which supplement i take to make my skin lighter and more even and also fix acne scars and those weird spots i cant explain
im expecting science to have solved this by now

>> No.18011621
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Anyone here fuck with red light therapy masks? I've noticed one brand makes a men's version (omnilux) which is the same as the women's with the addition of slightly longer wavelength which I assume is for deeper penetration. Men's skin is on average 20% thicker than women's, but is the men's version necessary? Also am I cucking myself by not getting a mask that includes neck and upper chest exposure?

>> No.18011630
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morning obviously

>> No.18011861

>> textured skin/wrinkles
>- consider AHA/BHA exfoliator

i already using paulsa choice BHA 2% as the first step for AM, is that not good enough and 10-15% is way better?
where in the morning steps would i fit in the vitamin c?

>> No.18011907

im not sure it really matters as you should probably be washing your face in some capacity in the morning and evening. (morning can just be splashing some water on it). All else being equal, I'd assume a shower at night is better because it gives your skin a chance to chill out after you clean it.

In the grand scheme though I really don't think this matters. shower when you need to and makes sense in your routine.

>> No.18012215

My ex is an influencer and I used to get all her free drunk elephant products. The night serum and day serum worked really well, but that shit is way too expensive on the regular for someone like me. Does anyone know of good alternatives? I found those products worked really fast but I can't say it was because it was them and not the fact that I actually had a routine during the time those were available. For like years I've had really bad whiteheads around my mouth, it turns me off so bad because otherwise I'd have a very /fa/ face. I am terrible at sticking to routine but I've finally had enough and want to change.

>> No.18012237

COSRX glycolic good for whiteheads. Actually the whole brand is fairly inexpensive.

Honestly though, if the drunk Elephant stuff worked really well for you, you should just invest in some.

>> No.18012253

Washing your face with baking soda can help with all of those and it's cheap as anything.

>> No.18012297
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So my forehead looks like this. Id say it's slightly dry, but it feels like the texture is kind of not all that smooth? Are these closed comedones, and I can expect my AHA to take care of it and smooth it out eventually? This is actually a pic from before I really got settled into the routine so I might be purging a bit here since the red spots have already lightened up. Just wanna make sure I'm barking up the right tree. Other than a cleanser toner and moisturizer, I alternate between retinol and an AHA a few times a week, stridex pads as needed (usually in the morning just on my nose). Tbh I feel like my skin could look worse for a guy at 29

>> No.18012544

apart from having a skincare routine and keeping hydrated, are there any particular foods I should be eating for better skin?

>> No.18012866

What's the best technique for applying face moisturizer? Dab it on in a few spots and then rub it in? Dry or moist face? Dry or moist hands?

>> No.18013362

Guys I think glycolic acid has been making my skin look worse

>> No.18013389

what's your routine?

>> No.18013513
File: 97 KB, 1600x1067, tiger-1975790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello people of /fa/
I am new here and request some information, in return I give you a high resolution picture of an Amur Tiger. It reminds me of this board.
For the last week I have been washing my face with cleanser and using Nivea moistureiser. I am male, 26, rapidly loosing weight and want to be handsome.
>How do I get clean skin?
>What product and lifestyle changes do I make?
>Why do some of you suggest Retinol?
>What is your routine?
>What would you recommend for a newbie?

>> No.18013736

You look great

>> No.18013923
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probably any sunscreen will do, although there are dedicated sunscreens for sport activities. i think they were mostly mineral but i might be wrong as i never used one. try looking for them in youtube, i think there was one particularly mentioned and it was marketed for hiking in the mountains
>acne scars and those weird spots i cant explain
post pic
i think its not super popular but there was one or two derms on youtube i watched that mentioned or used it regularly
AHA is something different than BHA. keep the BHA 2% in AM. in the PM replace tret twice a week with something like a toner 7% glycolic acid or lactic acid if you have dry/sensitive skin. see how it goes. then you can bump it up to some 10%-15% AHA serum and eventually the end game for exfoliating is usually 30% AHA 10 minute peel (like the ordinary 30%)
for vitamin C serums, it is usually recommended to use in AM (in your case after your paulas choice 2% BHA) due to its antioxidant/protecting properties. you can also use it in PM of course but your PM routine is already occupied by tret and these 2 products should not be used together in a single routine
try to learn about ingredients they used in drunk elephant products and look for them somewhere else. give a few products a try and see how it goes
>the texture is kind of not all that smooth?
its not bad
>can expect my AHA to take care of it and smooth it out eventually?
aha/bha/retinoid but you seem to use them already. give it some time
>I feel like my skin could look worse for a guy at 29
yes, im 29 and my skin looks worse
apparently almonds lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOhGsFVVmaQ
i put some on my fingers, dab it on a few areas and rub it in. i use only finger tips as the more surface of my hands i use, the more amount ends up on them leading to wasting more product
post pic

>> No.18013960
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welcome anon. thank you for your kind gifts to this thread.
>How do I get clean skin?
by taking care of skin issues you have. you would need to know what issues you have first and what your goals are (like anti-aging etc). maybe start here or find something similar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgEMDJBvx8A
>What product and lifestyle changes do I make?
for products change, nivea moisturizer does not contain active ingredients. its not bad but there are better choices out there. a starting point moisturizers for new skincare enthusiasts are usually cerave or cetaphil and branching out from there depending on your needs and preferences
in terms of lifestyle
- acne prone skin: it is worth getting rid of dairy products, stuff with added sugar and processed food. if you touch your face often, it is also worth to work on it. you might want to wash your face after sweating if you breakout often
- dry/sensitive skin: make sure to use cold or lukewarm water instead of hot (applies to showers too). in AM routine you can use just water alone to wash your face. in PM the cleanser is used to wash off sunscreen. use minimal routine
>Why do some of you suggest Retinol?
its great all around product that was studied for years. it is recommended for many skin issues
>What is your routine?
- wash with water
- aloe + centella serum if my skin feels irritated
- 10% AHA 2% BHA serum (twice a week i replace this with 30% azelaic acid peel)
- lipikar baume ap+m if i stay at home or cerave PM + Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun Rice Probiotics SPF50 if going out
- LRP toleriane cleanser
- aloe + centella serum if my skin feels irritated
- epiduo forte
- a heavy moisturizer with ceramides and squalane
>What would you recommend for a newbie?
something that is easy, cheap and not time consuming so you would not get discouraged.
- cerave AM (moisturizer + sunscreen in one product)
- cerave resurfacing retinol serum (start every 2-3 days and work it up to daily usage)

>> No.18013989

wanted to shill Galactomyces ferment (also called ferment filtrate) hydrating toners, a million korean brands make them. I guess they are all clones of skII if you really want to get down to it but any way shits great.
My favorite one so far has been MISSHA Time Revolution The First Treatment Essence 5x.
Right now im.working through a bottle of manyo bifida biome complex ampule which has a few different ferments and like a dozen forms of hylaronic acid.
They are a great first step after washing your face before you put other shit on. They don't do anything mindblowing but they definitely help with hydration and they just feel good. They also have seemed to help even up my skintone some and reduce discoloration, but ive also been using azelaic acid for that purpose.
They are also supposed to help improve your skins absorption of products you put on afterwards.

>> No.18013990
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Evening, has anyone any advice to remove a chalazion? hot compress, massage and waterline cleaning not having an effect so far.

>> No.18013993
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Has anyone tried this neutrogena 10% glycolic acid overnight peel? I need a good cheap aha and i prefer them to have a thicker gel texture instead of being watery.

>> No.18013994

Go see a professional and have it drained

>> No.18013997

Just keep putting warm compresses on it, it should go away in a few weeks, if it doesn't consider seeing a doctor.
Learn how to express your tear ducts with a qtip and start doing it daily.

>> No.18014004
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Almost anyone who isn't implementing optimal sunbathing to their routine is setting himself up for much worse skin health. Yes, any amount of UVB radiation damages the skin but if you're intelligent and knowledgeable enough, you know this doesn't mean the first sentence can't be true.

Besides that, biochemically optimizing your body can heavily trump applying creams and things like that. For example, tretinoin mimics the effects of the activation of retinol to retinoic acid in the body. If that endogenous activation isn't impaired, you are achieving systemic improvements, not just of the skin.

>> No.18014010

wow thanks anon, fashion is my passion and beauty...is also my passion

>> No.18014171

Thats why you use uvb lights that put out little to no uva, cover your face, and do your sessions a few hours after bathing in infrared light.
This guy likes UV A bulbs but he also lists a 75% UV B option

>> No.18014198

>cover your face
This isn't logical if you think it's good for the skin. UVA releases nitric oxide from it, so it's part of what makes sunlight good. You simply cannot replace sunlight with UV lamps and infrared light but I suppose it's better than nothing.

>> No.18014248

2 qs:
I got some tret cream from my derm, when do I apply it? E.g between cleanser/moisturiser or after moisturiser?
Also anyone have any recs for moisturisers with sun protection? Anything I try seems insanely oily

>> No.18014251

Morning: cleansing wipes then hydrogel and spf
Night: exfoliating wipes and neutrogena retinol moisturizer

>> No.18014644

never seen this but seems that it has water consistency
most people who have skincare routine dont necessarily avoid sun i think. unless they dont use sunscreen for some reason i guess
>I got some tret cream from my derm, when do I apply it? E.g between cleanser/moisturiser or after moisturiser?
after cleansing on a dry skin before moisturizer. PM routine only (it is photo sensitive)
>Also anyone have any recs for moisturisers with sun protection? Anything I try seems insanely oily
you should be happy with cerave AM. I used spf30 version though and it looked nearly natural on my face. unsure about spf50 version. BoJ rice sunscreen spf50 is also not bad in terms of shine although personally i need moisturizer under it
also check out youtube sunscreen reviews (they are mostly moisturizing anyway) and see how shiny skin gets after applying. i also heard good things about nivea shine control but never tried
post hydrogel and spf

>> No.18014772
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>decide to remove my "smile lines" (they were about as deep as pic rel)
>surprised at how easily they came off
i have completed my cutecel transition

>is it too late to start skincare at age 29?
if anything that's the right age to start.

>> No.18014864

Consider switching to micellar + pads, a light cleanser and AHA/BHA.

>> No.18014908

do you not have a tap with running water?
This is the kind of shit girls do when they just want to remove their makeup before they sleep.

>> No.18015109

>some women like dark circles under men's eyes
That depends on the type. If it's just darker skin, it can look good. My eye circles have a purple shade that makes me look perpetually tired and I can't imagine anyone finding that attractive.

>> No.18015187

Thanks for the response.

>> No.18016177

Hello, its been almost two weeks since i last showered or washed/shaved my face, because of poor infrastucture and bad water services, irrelevant. Ive noticed how it really depends on your lifestyle because not a single blemish, pimple or blackhead has yet to be seen on my face. I do wash my teeth tho.

>> No.18016398

Jesus Christ anon where do you live?

>> No.18016733
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Wtf is this????

>> No.18016744

Skin doctor said to drink more water

>> No.18016756

Idk why I posted this here I'll drink more water

>> No.18016777

Never mind I just pressed it out and washed off the yellow goop

>> No.18016778

No I did not do that you are not me

>> No.18017510

How did you remove the lines? Please.

>> No.18017513

I know this is a SKINcare general but there's no real HAIRcare general, and considering you guys already know about skin I think it's fair to assume some of you must be experts in hair too.
What's the fool-proof anti-dandruff and anti-grease routine for smooth hair? I started no poo 4 months ago and I see no real differences, still have dandruff, my hair is quite dry and ugly and I wash my hair daily. No conditioner either.

>> No.18017726
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hello /fa/, i eat clean & have a simple skincare routine (double cleanse, moisturizer, & spf)
and change pillow cases every night and still have fucking acne that won’t go away idk what to do pls help.

>> No.18017785

Based on the hair thread sounds like you need to start using conditioner, oil, and cold water in the shower.

>> No.18017787


>> No.18017791

your skin looks irritated but it could also just be hormones depending on your age

>> No.18017797

i’m 18 if that helps

>> No.18017820

I just use shampoo and conditioner from Lush or the Body Shop because my scalp is very sensitive to whatever’s in drugstore shampoos. Nopoo is a dumb meme, wash your hair properly. You can use Nizoral if you’re not willing to spend on ‘natural’ brands.

Use a collagen leave in to start moisturising and strengthening your dryass hair. Moisturising masks too.

Treat your dry scalp like dry skin on your face, you wouldn’t just wash that with water and hope for improvement, would you?

>> No.18017825

I had seborrheic dermatitis, which is like a severe form of oily dandruff, and I completely cured it addressing the root cause via lifestyle changes. I don't know exactly what did the trick but I know pantothenic acid, riboflavin, biotin, zinc, pyridoxine and arachidonic acid (all nutrients) are at play.

>> No.18017974
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I kind of feel like the CeraVe AM I have isn't moisturizing enough and I could do with a separate sunscreen to pair with a moisturizer. Any suggestuons? I have found the CeraVe a bit hard to work in. I can stop at Ulta or Sephora on my way home from a drive today

>> No.18017979

Joseon probiotic SpF50 is good. I like the COSRX rice mask as a moisturiser. Both are pretty cheap. Dunno what Sephora carries except destructive tweens.

>> No.18017981

im wondering if i can just use my cerave moisturizer (ceramides and Hyaluronic acid) as a day and night moisturizer? i usually use a different one during the day which is aldis day cream Hyaluronic acid but the psychiatric hospital wont let me have it for some reason (i guess the jar is sharp or something). cant use my retinol or eye serum either (didnt bother bringing them because theyre in glass droppers)

>> No.18018001

If you’re stuck in the hospital, just do your best. You can always get plastic decant bottles to bring your skincare in with though, I assume. Depending on the rules and if they think you’re smuggling poison or drugs etc in you may not be allowed to.

>> No.18018007

im already in, so its a bit tricky to get stuff, but i just straight up dont want to bother with retinol while in here for example

>> No.18018095

What do you guys use as a “bulk” sunscreen? I have Korean shit for my face, but it’s too expensive for like beach use where you’re doing your whole body maybe multiple times a day. Also, you guys aren’t doing your whole body every day are you?

>> No.18018195

Should I skip moisturizer if I have oily skin?

>> No.18018221

What's the best product to reduce smile lines?

>> No.18018222

what do you use for double cleansing?

>> No.18018247


>> No.18018279

Botox is stupid. Facial expressions look unnatural. Literally injecting toxins. And it isn't even permanent! Don't get fall for it

>> No.18018285

Everyone talks about tret on here but no one mentions that it's prescription. What do I have to tell a derm in order to get it?

>> No.18018290

just tell them you wanna try it for antiaging
you don't need acne to get it prescribed

>> No.18018304

isnt that fungal acne?

>> No.18018477

cocoa butter, saccharide isomerate, topical nmn, and hyaluronic acid

>> No.18018504

My goals for skincare are long-term: prevent aging and reduce existing wrinkles (brow, lip lines, and neck). Suspicious I'm wasting money on products that only help short term.
Current routine:
- Cetaphil daily facial cleanser
- Neutrogena alcohol free toner
- Chanel sublimage la creme (was a gift. Too expensive. Planning to replace with an antioxidant)
- Benzoyl peroxide
- Cerave eye repair cream
- Kiehls ultra facial cream
- Neutrogena Ultrasheer Spf 55
- Cetaphil daily facial cleanser
- BHA once a week
- Andalou toning refresher with CoQ10
- Hyaluronic Acid
- Elf hydrating gel mask once a week
- Benzoyl peroxide
- Cerave eye repair cream
- Dove intensive cream
What products should I be using every day for my goals, and which one's should I only use when I need to look my best for a day or two?
For example I find it hard to believe that toner and moisturizer have long term effects, but I just don't know for sure. I already have oily skin so I'm leaning towards ditching moisturizer.
And what products should I add? I'm looking at retinol or tretinoin as likely candidates

>> No.18018641

>wash body and face with random cheap bar soap
>Use walmart lotion when skin get dry
>Never wash hair
Now THAT'S a hygiene routine

>> No.18018700

those is too much

>> No.18018737

ive literally got the blue cerave and my skin burns when i apply it is it over

>> No.18018741

>drink whole milk, eat pints of ice cream, and pounds of cheese
>no effects on skin
>drink a cup of chocolate milk once
>immediate cystic acne that lasts for weeks
can someone explain this to me? it's unique to chocolate milk

>> No.18018742

cream or lotion? the cream works well for me

>> No.18018746
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best moisturizer coming through

>> No.18018766
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holy shit
its either because your skin
- got fucked by other products like overexfoliating or too much retinoids
- does not like niacinamide
- is just sensitive or you have eczema
try applying in different area. if it burns there too you are down to the last two

>> No.18018892

Either of you want to offer any useful input then? Like which ones are actually useful? I said myself i think it's too much

>> No.18018935

cleansing twice daily is a bit much.
masks probably dont do anything
idk what some of the nondescript creams do, but if you dont want wrinkles, retinol, Hyaluronic acid and maybe aha/bha is all you really need.
i get compliments on my skin a lot and my routine is just
Hyaluronic acid moisturizer
eye serum

i want to get an aha bha for my nose pores but its tricky to find in Australia.

oh and sunscreen when im outside. im 26 so not exactly ancient but my skin looks good imo and feels so nice

>> No.18018985

I somehow started getting acne against in December (I'm 25). Diet hasn't changed, but I'm more stressed with promotion. Also hot humid summer = more sweaty.
I've been trying to get rid of it for 2 months now.
I have tried:
face wash BD
benzoyl peroxide 5% wash BD
A hydroxy acid wash BD
I've been taking doxycycline for 2 weeks now (50 mg BD PO)
Overall, the redness has gone down, but the acne is not going away. I'm reeeeeing
Any advice?

>> No.18019010

If you just started all that after the fact, I'd scale back and see what the cleanser and moisturizer do and go from there. Lots of things on there could be making it worse.

If it's super duper humid then your skin might be over moisturized and that could be what's causing it.

>> No.18019081

i wonder if its because youre starting second puberty

>> No.18019096
