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File: 310 KB, 972x1284, Screenshot_2023-11-04-22-14-09-932_com.instagram.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17979938 No.17979938 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen such an ugly trend - I don't think there's one that's going to age so poorly either

>> No.17979939
File: 32 KB, 575x431, C74E20B3-2046-49E1-87BD-BDB53997A395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Otzi the iceman has ink, it’s never going to die.

>> No.17979941

tattoos were a millennial thing, no one under 25 has them unless they are from middle of nowhere where it takes a few years to catch up

>> No.17979945

>Ah yes, a Caveman in the middle of buttfuck nowhere is such a good representation of how people in the west have treated their skin!
>Zoomer here, it's fucking over rn you have no idea how many zoomettes are tattooing their skin with the most inane, vapid and ugly tats

>> No.17979948
File: 656 KB, 892x1527, IMG_20231226_201605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore green text for you lol

>> No.17979959

Apparently he is, given the topic of this thread is having tattoos and he has a tattoo.

>> No.17979961

this zoombro spittin fax yo

>> No.17979970

We already have a thread for this. >>17974804

>> No.17980119

Can I just say? Some of you idiots in this thread shitting on women with tattoos really annoy me. My girl’s tats are touching and meaningful even though they might not seem it at first glance. One of them is a rose she got with her first boyfriend. Another is a cross she got when she and her old FWB got super drunk and dared each other to get a tattoo! Needless to say they both went through with the dare. One is a really complex one that she refuses to explain to me but whenever she looks at it or someone brings it up she gets kind of upset and distant with me for the next week. It’s weird, but it’s her body, so I respect that. My favorite one though is the one she got on her upper thigh of her date of birth. I met the guy who actually tattooed that one on her. Very cool guy, and seemed to have a great unspoken connection with her, which I think shows the mark of a true artist. I love looking at all of the tattoos that men put on her every time I look at her, including during sexy times.

Honestly, I don’t see why any guy would have a problem with his girlfriend or any potential girlfriend having tattoos. Grow up.

>> No.17980127

i honestly love it, i love to talk with women about their cute instagram tattoo ideas and about the culture of body modification, its an easy way to connect with them and find common ground

>> No.17980144

Jeez, I dunno, it doesn’t seem to be going away, maybe you should just kill yourself

>> No.17980148

41% of US adults under 30 have one. You lost this battle. No one cares.

>> No.17980154

yeah I'm sure they bring a whole lot of meaning to the touch of where you aim your jizzload at
> Lol hon I nailed Betty Boop in the face again

>> No.17980159

branded freakshow detected. Your skin will wrinkle and sag, and that oh so meaningful and clever skin graffiti will become a muddled mess.

>> No.17980162

This is a fashion board and tattoos are ugly skin graffiti at best, and inane monuments to how much a person loves huffing their own farts.

t. pure-skin

>> No.17980197

The little bowtie on her arm means she likes to get butt fucked.

>> No.17980304

>When will the tattoo trend die?
hopefully never
I always feel superior when standing near someone with tattoos

>> No.17980371

>Look down on tattoos
>Have two permanent childhood scars from nasty accidents
How over is it for me on the richter scale?

>> No.17980390

I'm with you, I'm a millennial and I hate them, but I can't think of anyone of my generation without any .

>> No.17980441

I’m gen Z and 90% of girls I know in my age cohort have tattoos. I live in a major blue city so maybe not the best sample size but I can still certify that you have no clue what you’re talking about.

>> No.17980454

Not soon enough. I find tattoos can really spoil an otherwise beautiful looking woman

>> No.17980463

subtle trolling

>> No.17980507

>Retard doesnt know fashions can change with the new generations...

>> No.17980529

not soon enough, It will get worst before it gets better.

>> No.17980545

there's nothing subtle about it lmao
>women with tattoos are whores

wow, haven't heard that one before. I'm sure women really care about some incel's opinion

>> No.17980763

yeah, subtle if you're retarded

>> No.17980864
File: 50 KB, 575x734, iceman mummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otzi the iceman
*Fortnite dances on you*

>> No.17980867

>noooo trend bad when will trend stop
>trend has been a trend for untold thousands of years and will not stop

>> No.17980868

Love it, lmao. You can just tell where the copypasta originates from by how they speak.

>> No.17980875

There’s another angle evident in that post that you’re missing, and it’s less “women are whores” and more “tattoos are screaming flashing neon signs that tell the world and serve as a reminder to both you and her everytime you look at her of her past with other people”. And sure she might claim she got those tattoos while she was “single” (just finding herself, of course), but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t in the grasp of some methhead tattoo “artist” (kek) that perma scribbled all over your girl’s skin.

Even in the other thread some anons were claiming tattoos were cool because of the memories attached. You’re literally cucking yourself if you date a woman with tattoos.

Would you let your girlfriend walk around wearing jewlery given to her by an ex? How about his clothes? Would you let her keep in touch with him? Polaroids of her exes on her wall? Tattoos are all of these things combined, and worse.

Worst of all imagine cucking yourself into have kids with some whore with tattoos. You think that’s a good example to set for your daughters? You think your daughter won’t grow up believing it’s okay to let men graffiti her skin? You don’t think tattoos equal a certain type of lifestyle?

Let the seething “incel” comments commence from all the tattooed they/them libtard cunts ITT. I know how much you whores hate being called out on your bad choices in life, I’ve done it with a couple exes and they were driven to tears kek. Call me whatever you gotta call me from behind those tear soaked eyes, the majority of the world’s opinions including my own won’t change if you because of it, it’ll only be reinforced.

>> No.17980937

fucking lmao, got em good

>> No.17981074

Ah yes the classic ‘mom’ tattoo on girls that means that they are thinking of their mother instead of you

>> No.17981232
File: 120 KB, 520x588, 1682355088152015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the classic 'mom' tattoo that all girls have, the only ones they have, in fact, which totally invalidates his argument. Good job anon, you really convinced everyone.

>> No.17981234

Why do women always resort to using the most ridiculous exceptions to the rule?

>> No.17981277
File: 516 KB, 1920x2799, Loris-Azzaro-1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such an ugly trend
Most people dress like shit and have a shitty physique, so tattoo is here to stay. Stop giving a fuck and enjoy the summer being part of the non-retarded minority.
Just be tall, slim, good looking and keep your skin clean.

>> No.17981283
File: 43 KB, 550x557, 1e8d689a44d03fdc1227647c87b70013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memories attached
this always makes me laugh

>> No.17981560

I'm a heavily tattooed degenerate and i can't express enough how much i hate modern tattoo culture and it's popularity amongst normies. Odds are that your tattoos are stupid and trashy but not in a way that makes them cool. I know I sound like some hipster fag that says they were into it before it was cool but i grew up around bikers, criminals and other weirdos that got tattoos because it was edgy and were for outcasts now they mean nothing. You don't look tough or cool or whatever when you and every barista and art student all share the same garbage neo-traditional flash that was cool on insta last week.

>> No.17981566

everyone copies everything i do a few years after i do it, i'm 26 with no tattoos so expect the people 21 and under to not have any either

>> No.17981839

you are just a seething incel though lmao. nice meltdown

>I’ve done it with a couple exes and they were driven to tears kek
wow you were mean to some girls and they started crying. You sure are winning in life buddy

>> No.17981945

>all memories women have are always related to men who aren’t me reeeeee fucking femoids!!!
Unless this is just you projecting an NTR fetish into the thread, look into treating that mento iwwness luv

>> No.17982258

I've done more fucked up things/drugs and had more fucked up shit happen to me than most zoomers alive today and i have no tattoos nor desire to get one.

>> No.17982311

I have tattoos in the pink and light blue zones. I work for local government doing admin bullshit and make a 6 figure salary. I've never been to prison, or arrested. I own my home, own my car, have very little (less than $2k left) debt.

>> No.17982360

>/fa/ resident
>can't tell a bowtie from an ordinary bow
subzero IQ alert

>> No.17982647

cukking hard

>> No.17982663

Sure, and you spend your time bragging about it in anonymous imageboard...
>work for local government
Lol. What a great achievement.

>> No.17982728

I mostly just see really lame people with tattoos now. It might take a while for the cultural shift to fully occur, but they will eventually just be associated with old ladies and lame guys.

>> No.17982753

Rentoid mcdonalds employee cope

>> No.17983303

Wow man, congrats on being a poser!

>> No.17983570

You forgot the *spacing*.

>> No.17983861

I’m sure it will fade in and out as time moves on. I really like my tattoos and the process of getting tattooed though.

>> No.17984340

couldn’t imagine living now fearing what the fuck I’ll look like in 40 years

>> No.17984466

Tattoos are a sign of poor impulse control. Among other things. I avoid them

>> No.17984627

people always say that but a lot of people go planning their tattoos for months/years so it’s not really an impulse at that point

>> No.17985790

Explain what black means

>> No.17985806

>no one under 25 has them
Its funny how out of touch this entire board is. Do none of you guys go outside?

>> No.17985852

It's part of a pattern of behavior that humans exhibit in precarious environments. It probably won't get better for a while yet. Consider counting yourself lucky to be able to live as fully human in 2024. Many no longer can.

>> No.17985859

>It's part of a pattern of behavior that humans exhibit in precarious environments
Ive never heard this before. Whats the link between precarious environments and tattoos

>> No.17985860

I know a girl whos whole body is covered in tattoos but she's not a whore in any way. She's not a leftist, doesn't care about politics, has no strong views on anything, just a nice girl. But man, she really didn't think of how she's going to look in the future. She had a 10/10 body too prior to getting them. Such a fucking waste. And she has a pretty straight edge boyfriend with no tattoos and is a total normie. I predict he's going to leave her one day, and the tattoos will be the reason.

>> No.17986481

>I predict he's going to leave her one day, and the tattoos will be the reason.
and then you swoop in and you and her live happily ever after or what?
you sound delusional and obsessed
tattoos are as mundane as water to normies, they do not care

>> No.17986492

>look good when you’re young
>shit when Middle Aged
>absolutely based when you’re old
Why is that.

>> No.17986556

Because the most based old men are the ones who look like they dont care about being conformist to societal expectations just because they are old. Imagine an old man doing pullups, skateboarding or djing at a party. Now compare him to one who just sits at home all day watching tv and shitting his pants

>> No.17986586

Real men have scars and hair.
Tattoos are retarded though.

>> No.17986595

They even tattoo the most random and dumbest shit ever, it's like they think oh people have tattoos I need to get one too but I'm the most basic bitch ever so I just get some dumb bow tie or whatever on my arm now I'm part of the cool club

>> No.17986657


>> No.17986815

Tattoos are for low trust individuals. Not serious persons.

>> No.17986823

>When will the tattoo trend die
It's a marker for low self-rsteem.
Thus never.

>> No.17987098

>pink = I actually cost taxes
>I have tattoos in the pink and light blue zones. I work for government
Infographic still checks out. It’s bulletproof.

>> No.17987115

I glow in the dark as the kids say

>> No.17987622

the hoes love a low trust nigga
“serious individuals” aka beta bux can come and save her once she’s walled though if that’s your thing

>> No.17987624
File: 610 KB, 1108x987, 1702461011550855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos will remain cool as long as chuds continue hating them.

>> No.17987930

Holy based