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File: 120 KB, 1024x862, 1703544927138905m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17949274 No.17949274 [Reply] [Original]

Stop doing this.

>> No.17949301

Do this instead.

>> No.17949311
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x632, 1703271803378343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17949318

dam, I've gotta try that.

>> No.17949445

Having fluffy and youthful cuteboy hair is such a massive flex on millennials who are already balding if they haven't gotten on fin.

>> No.17949447
File: 64 KB, 640x1136, jake-paul5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol zoomers are balding younger and younger, their trendy hairstyles are essentially combovers to hide their ever growing foreheads at 17

>> No.17949459

Jake Paul is old wtf are you on

>> No.17949462
File: 43 KB, 576x1024, 6095580ebb0cd84a09539e25bf8bbd7d9617fce325a1324b690aafbff37b46cb_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a zoomer and has been balding for years

>> No.17949482

Jake Paul probably lost his hair to steroids.

>> No.17949485

pretty sure that photo is from well before he even started boxing, he still looks like a kid in the profile pic

>> No.17949489

His profile picture is also him shirtless with some relatively big traps and chest definition, you're right he looks young in that photo so it might be pre-boxing but people tend to start using that stuff in their teenage years when they're vain and insecure.

>> No.17949545

what is the appeal of a mustache?

>> No.17949547

giving mustache rides to girls

>> No.17949568
File: 548 KB, 518x582, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck has he done to himself? Now he looks like an ex-con in their early 40s.

>> No.17949580

he markets to gen z

>> No.17949584

It looks kino as fuck from the girls POV when you're eating her pussy.

>> No.17949623

he is gen z

>> No.17949652

oh he is (barely) 1997 kek

>> No.17949665
File: 121 KB, 1001x662, 2023-12-26-011659_1001x662_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having zoomer fluffy hair seems like a lot of work

>> No.17949666
File: 517 KB, 3124x2214, Screen-Shot-2023-01-11-at-4.08.21-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, it's early gen z, retards keep getting their generations wrong.

>> No.17949680

Or take roids and your hair will be fluffy and frizzy

>> No.17949693

Roids age you. This isn’t news.

>> No.17949702
File: 1.37 MB, 980x973, hair7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im at the middle of zoomer/millenial cut off
should i get it cut?

>> No.17949738

Converted to islam

>> No.17949947

Millennials are not the ones doing mullets and mustaches though. Millennials are in their 30s with families and careers. They don't do this shit anymore

>> No.17949988
File: 534 KB, 514x722, Screenshot 2023-12-26 9.15.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the left

>> No.17950019


>> No.17950034

he aways acted like thug, now he also looks the part

>> No.17950036
File: 287 KB, 1280x1051, D8208A63-A1B1-43AE-BBDD-F73F9C4993B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just go to bed with it wet

>> No.17950065

Beating women? I guess I could give it a try

>> No.17950165

This hair would be gorgeous if you were a woman.

>> No.17950172

stop being sexist, cuteboy hair is in

>> No.17950200

Ugly kike

>> No.17950404

Enjoy length while you can. It may not last forever.

>> No.17950447
File: 7 KB, 168x300, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn its so cringe

>> No.17950473

I grew one because I'm in the military and it's all I'm allowed to have. When I was deployed and nobody was gonna see what I looked like anyway, I spent a few months growing one out as a joke, but when I came back people actually liked it. A lot of strangers bring it up, guys and girls.
A girl friend of mine claimed it makes me look more confident, that if you can still pull off a thing objectively kinda goofy like that you come out hotter by sake of not trying as hard, or something. Like the opposite of sexcore.

>> No.17950540

Idubbbz and that Mitch Conner faggot are in their early 30s though, so it's pretty millennial.

>> No.17950693


>> No.17951098

I feel like Ian's look would be fine if he was laid back and masculine instead of a cripplingly self aware cringe nerd.

>> No.17951153

your airpods are in the wrong way
hair looks great btw

>> No.17951215

blue eyed American

>> No.17951234

disgusting, and you got white hair in there

>> No.17951815

>cripplingly self aware cringe nerd
How do you not be this without having low intelligence?

>> No.17951946

Experience smaller social interactions to build up an immunity to larger ones. Get /fit/. Take neither yourself nor others seriously

>> No.17952011

Why is that? I thought the microplastics mimicked estrogen in the body

>> No.17952982

why do zoomers like that haircut so much anyways?

>> No.17954185

They're jealous anon. It looks great

>> No.17954435

>millennials coping by lumping more of their trash with gen z
just admit you fags are a failed generation lol

>> No.17954600
File: 3.86 MB, 240x266, 1499304751484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in 2004 is millennial now

>> No.17954626

the trend in now with a lot of men is "metrosexual thug" its a really pathetic attempt at reclaiming their masculinity

>> No.17954628

it looks great if you're a femfag bottombitch if you're a normal guy its fucking terrible

>> No.17954679

catches and keeps the flavor of your xe/xerls neovagina

>> No.17954681

Idubbbz is not a zoomer you fucking retard, how long have you had the internet? two weeks?

>> No.17954688
File: 263 KB, 1024x641, 1646501348743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17954699

Jake Paul and that other faggot are both zoomers, retard.

>> No.17954715

What's the zoomer cutoff? Is a 24 year old a zoomer?

>> No.17954734

Depending on country, zoomer years start at 1994 or 1996 and ends around 2010ish, with Gen Alpha being somewhere in the very early 10s.

>> No.17954778

But then am I a zoomer if I was born in 1994? I'll be 30 in a few months, it makes no sense.

>> No.17954931

Maybe elevated estrogenic activity in the male body is counteracted by antrogen production like DHT, dunno, just brosciening here. It would explain the quintessentially modern dysgenic look of balding, manboobs and skinnyfat.

>> No.17954963

Don't listen to this absolute retard.

>> No.17954976
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 1703949378409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a buzzcut but I love fluffy hair, especially on women.
I think it works for some men too. I like to see some variety in haircuts.

>> No.17954979

in what fuckin universe is 26 old? youch grass bro, please

>> No.17954985

>in what fuckin universe is 26 old?
Zoomer Universe

>> No.17955049
File: 41 KB, 678x381, jeff-seid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff seid hair needs to make a come baxk

>> No.17955882

Really nice hair don't cut it babe

>> No.17956049

left looks like what right preys upon

>> No.17956199

Wtf...I don't even... XD

>> No.17958249

He's four months older than me. 97 is the start of zoomer.

>> No.17958533

It's on a spectrum. There were people born in 94 who are zoomers and people born in 2000 who are millennials. Depends where you lived and what the internet access was like in your area.

>internet access from 5-8 yo onward? zoomer
>internet access from 10 yo onward? millennial
>given an ipad to shut you up as a baby? gen a

>> No.17958561
File: 248 KB, 700x500, 1703723281058680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17958680

Jake Paul is like late 20s by now right?

>> No.17958799


>> No.17958864

you are on a spectrum

>> No.17958939

jake paul is barely a zoomer, 1997 is often considered late millenial or the very first zoomer

>> No.17958950

He's still a zoomer icon
His fanbase was mostly 12 year olds at his peak

>> No.17958958

according to all available studies, women do not like long hair on men. up to you, i guess. interested in women? broaden your available pool with shorter hair.

>> No.17959054

>not the webm

>> No.17959135

Women's tastes changes so easily, they don't really decide it themselves, more like they are controlled by culture.
For example, in my country, height fetish (for men) wasn't a thing until the internet became more common and started memeing it.

>> No.17959242
File: 317 KB, 1080x1080, 1698340517843142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17959515

>comparing dudes and saying one looks cuter than the other
that's fucking gay

>> No.17959546

stfu faggot zoomer, learn to appreciate your fellow mens beauty without being so insecure in yourself

>> No.17959670

>considered late millenial
Lol no it isn't. I almost don't even consider '95 kids as millennial.

>> No.17959674

Yes and so are the older zoomies. Gen A is already replacing them on the younger side in high schools and fashion trends.

>> No.17960050
File: 7 KB, 273x184, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn millennials really fell off hard after getting shoved out of the spotlight by Gen Z. I didn't even know millennials still had distinct fashion/hairstyle trends. I just thought they still wore skinny jeans, pompadours, and ugly rectangle glasses.

Pic related, jesus you guys suck at fashion.

>> No.17960572
File: 682 KB, 1200x628, Fassbender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cigarettes are fucking kino, zoomer.

>> No.17960700

How often do you shampoo?

>> No.17960905

I'd say 2005 is the cutoff point
You need to have grown up alongside web 2.0 and be aware enough to have experienced a good chunk of 2000s culture to be considered a zoomer
Or easier yet, you need to have went through the technological progression of Windows XP to Windows 10 in your formative years, or witnessed the rise of iOS/Android from old keypad phones
Gen Alpha starts after Windows 8 and mobile OSs slowed down to resemble what they've been like for the past decade or so

>> No.17961227

>addicted to literally sucking on something held daintily between two fingers all day every day
>not gay
pick one

>> No.17961263

You have to be 18 to browse this board, fetus.

>> No.17961688

only an insecure closeted faggot would project such things onto such a mundane activity

>> No.17961693

>that diffuse thinning on the front
Consider fin + min.

>> No.17961701

>acting gay is not actually gay if you stop thinking about it!
the closet is made out of glass at this point, faggot

>> No.17961710

>muh fade is le gay
>even though the guy on the left is more masculine than the guy on the right and could kill him with his bare hands
Lmao how much of a faggot do you have to be to get this uppity over what is basically the same haircut, just at a different length. That guy is 100% a pasty white sheltered pussy using cigarettes, suits and 50's - 70's style as a masculinity crutch.

>> No.17961730

>zoomers are full of estrogen and that's why they're all so effeminate now!
>zoomers are getting MPB at 17, their hair is to cope with balding!!
this site needs to pick one narrative, these two are exclusionary.

>> No.17961733

Looks like he got aids during his ficcboi phase

>> No.17961936
File: 48 KB, 272x445, IMG_9985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna say this.
I’m a zoom zoom but I keep my hair natural, I’ll just put a bit of volumizing spray on it if I’m going out to give it a lil more life.
That being said I want the fucking Jeff Seid or even Zyzz hair. Zyzz is more like scene hair and you gotta iron it and shit. I fucking hate working on my hair but it looks so sick

>> No.17961937

Id like to see Connor absolutely destroy that snooty twink

>> No.17962033
File: 37 KB, 668x536, af776b126b16c46e313a37031999db04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just admit you're afraid of dying, like a woman.

>> No.17962101

>ooga booga, me stronger!

>> No.17962107

You're right hes like 35

>> No.17962163

That chart is horribly done. Years don't match the generation period.

>> No.17962173

Boxing will do that to you

>> No.17962192

How is that yee yee ass lazy bum undercut a real haircut?

>> No.17962218

What is the style on the right called?

>> No.17962247

We really need to stop feeding browns

>> No.17962741
File: 65 KB, 539x539, early 2000 hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird how we had a 90s revival without the hair.

>> No.17962754

The curtains really did a strong comeback though.

>> No.17963005

But I like my mullet

>> No.17963394

I fucking hate that webm because they all take so fucking long to reveal their hairlines, stop wasting my fucking time you retards

>> No.17963904
File: 48 KB, 321x326, 20240105_210856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Owen's volume.

>> No.17964072

You’re definitely a zillenial, so you're at least half zoomer
Everything after 1990 is zoomer t b h

>> No.17964338

i wish my hair was like kei's

>> No.17964388

women like whatever they're told to like and whatever is popular at the time
if some dude on tiktok with long hair goes viral suddenly all women want a long haired man

>> No.17964389

"old money hair"
old money aesthetic is the new dark academia trending right now

>> No.17964406
File: 86 KB, 550x400, 1673231557626925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most women aren't on tiktok, anon

>> No.17964435

Wtf is this picture, I can't even see

>> No.17964677

90% of woman with access to a phone are on tiktok

>> No.17964817

no they're not. only the ssri zombies you surround yourself with.

>> No.17964960

Will the trend of "ironically" dressing like shit ever end?

>> No.17966514

>whenever I put something in my mouth I immediately think of cock

>> No.17966672

I get a haircut I call the Aushwitz. It is a clipper cut #4 on the sides and back, and #6 on the top. IDGAF and that is what makes the bitches drain my balls.

>> No.17966789

This is both true and wrong. Where I live it's 50/50. Artsy or more bohemian women prefer long hair. Normies prefer short.

>> No.17967137


>> No.17967184
File: 1.11 MB, 2316x2674, B9DD7E17-C469-449E-B35F-102AA8A94087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.17968641
File: 338 KB, 1115x1098, 1666831274621218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry zoomer, you're being replaced by Gen Alpha as we speak.

>> No.17968650

Flexing on people who can’t grow one?

>> No.17968655

the middle part looks goofy on 99% of men

>> No.17970421

never, if anything is getting worse
whats fashionable right now is dressing as ugly as possible

>> No.17971325

Thats true of most haircuts

>> No.17972328

White supremacist core with dry and aged skin.

>> No.17973133

Left is literally a woman's hairstyle from the 70's. What an emasculated little poodle.