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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.84 MB, 8178x5630, bedd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17919832 No.17919832 [Reply] [Original]

Post, rate, critique

>> No.17919842

What bedframe is that?

I like it

>> No.17919861

I don't know the manufacturer, got it from fb marketplace. you could probably find something similar if you search for a rattan bed frame

>> No.17919961

This looks like a service flat for geriatrics.
Kinda comfy, actually. 6/10

>> No.17920095

I mean, considering you've not been able to design it from the ground up and are clearly working on a budget it looks comfy. I imagine that you have to be on top of tidying because it'll descend into madness the moment something is out of place, so I applaud your autism. That moveable drawing pad with the roll of wanking paper must be a ballache to move constantly. There's nothing about this room that will make pussy wet, but at the same time there's nothing here to make it try. Ideally, swap out your chest of drawers for something that doesn't look kiddy. If you're going to stay with wood, get something darker or a way to hide the grain so it doesn't blend with the floor. Consider a vertical one with a black metal finish to go with the wardrobe so you have more room. In this space, you can't afford to go horizontal. Build them skyscrapers nigga. Ideally, get a black metal bed frame. Get some colour in there too. That big white wall above the bed is nice - lot's of calming space but consider getting a vibrant abstract art print, or at least taking out the map. A lot of your colours are drab and muted, yet your window frame is this lovely pastel green. A splash more colour placed wisely could really elevate things.

>> No.17920123

you're the guy with the pisstube right? legend

>> No.17920191
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ever since I read Marie Kondo years ago I've been super autistic about everything having a home and being in its place. that roller thing is super useful to me, its height adjustable and goes really high so I don't even have to move it when I sleep. also im not opposed to painting the drawers and changing the knobs out, was kinda thinking that. I might change out the map to a Monet poster, though I like the blank wall on the bed side, I think it acts to visually seperate zones in the room. I agree with the vertical space but I need a bench for the 3d printer.

lmao yeah don't have the OG pisstube anymore, im working on a updated design. the old model if I pissed really hard, like im in a rush, piss would ramp up the sides. there were a few other problems too but lets not get into it

>> No.17920502
File: 434 KB, 1440x1080, 20230831_220128 ERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a lot of organization. Wut monitor are you using as your main one there?
I like some of the furniture, like the bed, side table, and dresser.

>> No.17920555

>Bedroom Thread
>has a computer, 3D printer, kettle, cleaning products and so on
oh right, I forgot this is a neet website
the bedroom is for sleeping and fucking, nothing else

>> No.17920594

Why are you even here if you don't like this place.
Go back to /pol/ or twitter or whatever.

>> No.17920635

for your health, you need some plants, some natural wood, either in furniture or knicknack form, and some soft textures to counter the hard angles, maybe a sheepskin rug.
find some local artists and put up some paintings.

function is fine, but there is just no beauty here.

>> No.17920773

nice TVU sticker

>> No.17921243

nothing special its a HP Elitedisplay. its like around 150 bucks. I respect your monk-mode minimalism

We don't all have infinite space mate

>> No.17921560

how old are you?

>> No.17921931

In that case, get a slightly narrower metal-framed dresser with an alcove for the 3D printer yet with a roof shelf to aid storage and free up some horizontal space. Finding furniture like this might be a holy grail but if you're autistic enough to have a place for a tape measure then you're probably autistic enough to give specs to a metal worker to build you something simple and customised.

I heard what you're saying about the white wall. It is a nice break. So fuck off the map then and get a simple print of a single colour, maybe something that's the same green as your window frame to give unity.

>> No.17922105

i have the same desk op

>> No.17922107

The fucking computer is living it better than this anon

>> No.17922419

makes sense, considering he clearly wastes away in front of it.

>> No.17923265

I need this but without the computer setup

>> No.17923292

Heinous. I would be embarrassed to bring a woman in there.

>> No.17923475

Nice, but what is this bed-table-thing?


>> No.17923480
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, very efficient
the small amount of light would depress me

>> No.17923811
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, Room1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my room.

>> No.17923853

what is going on in that painting?

>> No.17923862

Not bad. Good consistancy with shapes and colours (except for the purple thing in the corner). I think you're veering too close to bland though; you've got too much stuff to be minimalist. Pick a lane. Looks like you have good ceiling height, but that long overhead isn't doing you justice. Any chance you can get a wooden, latticed lampshape that can be closer to the ceiling? I guess you can't do much to the actual physical room if you're renting unless the door behind the clothes rack is to an en suite and not your stoner roommate's lair. We need more photos though of other angles but overrall I'd say everything is safe and a good foundation, but you might want to decide what aesthetic you're going for.

>> No.17923869

I like it, simple but nice. You can't change the view, it is what it is.

It's something you'd just install for a week or two, it doesn't look like a place you'd really live in.

Nice volumes and paiting, not much more to say.

Very nice. I guess you'll get more paintings above the bed.

>> No.17924518

do you live in a fucking British castle

>> No.17925957

nice cock

>> No.17926023

I love it as a kind of mini studio-ish apartment for living alone (though the window view could be better), but for some reason, the thought of it being one room in a shared house isn't as appealing to me.

>> No.17926549

Mf has a kidergarden nap time cot for a bed lol

>> No.17927255

Cringe peaky fookin blinders larp

>> No.17928145

Are you a vampire?

>> No.17928308

How tall are you?

>> No.17928309

I like it, looks like a college dorm filled by someone who is generally clean and gives a shit

I don't like it

Don't like

Weird chair placement

>> No.17928363
File: 454 KB, 1637x1242, IMG_0061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only use this room for sleeping and getting dressed/undressed. I still need to install my blackout curtains, buy a Vase, Art or some shit and you know go clothes shopping.

>> No.17928696

Can you post the other side? What does your desk set up look like?

>> No.17928992

Looks nice but a little barren maybe buy a plant too

>> No.17929360

Is your blanket cut in two?

>> No.17929365
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go
moving soon so I’ll have to rethink everything

>> No.17929368

Are you growing weed in that mf?
Buy some art and some plants

>> No.17929380

it is two normal sized 140cm duvets, this is very typical in Germany to make your bed like this and to have your own duvets instead of sharing 1 massive one for more efficient sleeping.

>> No.17929389
File: 20 KB, 474x475, 1651757722763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal sized 140cm duvets
That's called a child's duvet.

>> No.17929398
File: 91 KB, 815x1000, 140cm duvet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go man

>> No.17929424

lmao dude are you ok?

My bed is 140cm wide, this is also typical for Germany, in Europe this size is what you would call a "French bed".

If that upset you, then this is absolutely going to blow your mind but our pillows are always 80cmx80cm. Different countries have different culture.. Crazy right?

>> No.17929426

Sbsolutely seething
Get a real bed bucko

>> No.17929438 [DELETED] 

Please post a picture of your bigboy bed.. I bet it's really big lmao
you are lmao
Post a picture of your "big boy bed" then

>> No.17929441

Please post a picture of your bigboy bed.. I bet it's really big lmao

>> No.17929448

are you in prison OP? damn

>> No.17929483
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 65y48376785436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mean to flex on you, but hey you asked.
I bet you feel real silly right now huh.

>> No.17929673
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, room2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its messy because I've been sewing, usually I have a keyboard where the sewing board is now.

>> No.17929744
File: 1.23 MB, 5000x2813, wp3711319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I into Hilda inspired decor?

>> No.17929754

go for rustic and midcentury modern danish teak

>> No.17929832
File: 3.19 MB, 4032x3024, 20221021_145418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uni student

>> No.17929851

oh shit its real. can't decide if based or cringe. looks like the set of a B mid-victorian British tv show. you know what its pretty based ngl minus the poopie dribble stain on the chair. also that painting arrangement on the wall puts me off

>> No.17929865

based headphone choice, but what ear pads are you using though. The stock pads hurt after 40 min sth.

>> No.17929933

I really like this, looks real comfy. Looks like a room in the x-men mansion. Are you a mutant, anon?

>> No.17929939

I'm fascinated by this. Could you post the door as well?

>> No.17930111

wtf it's all IKEA!?

>> No.17930287

Please calm down sir.

>> No.17930833

overlight light is a nice compliment for the ceiling height, and the mall pictures on the wall do well to preserve the character of the big white walls.

given you're a student you probably can't change much, like the curtains. if you can, get blinds of similiar texture to the lampshade, perhaps darker. either way get rid of that ghastly fabric. if you can't find a way to make the curtains shorter (use safety pins to pin the pin the bottoms back). with your veritically you don't want to break that illusion by having fabric touch the floor.

fuck that carper bro. what is that? too small and ugly. the colour and design doesn't complement or contrast with anything. at best stick it under the desk, by the door or by the bed so its the first thing your feet touch when you get out of bed. that set of drawers that your desk is resting on are rubbish. either get shelves for the corner wall of the desk or use something more alternative to prop up the desk like that thing contractors use as impromptu tables (kinda looks like a canva easel). The black bed and bedsite works well with the colours but a desk that's not all brown would be better so it doesnt mesh with the floor. maybe paint your desk turqouise or something else conventional that works with the colourscape of the rest of the room. acutally, now that i think about it, why not get rid of the curtains completely? the shutters look comfy. a big square mirror above your bed would bounce around more light and would be a nice play with the window next to it.

>> No.17930835

i like that you're being super pragmatic with it. if i were, i'd not put any plants or art in it. keep it simple for dressing and sleeping. it'll work wonders for your health. maybe swap the lampshade out for a soft box though it looks comfy in the photo. the dead space up the dresser is odd but try not to fill it with obxonsious shit. perhaps a simple art print would work. for examople a matisse because the use of simple shapes and singular colours would fit the theme of th room. that rug though. that's gotta go. it's such a mis match with the rest of the room. throw it out.

>> No.17930849

how tf do you keep your rug from fringing up under your chair? i have a thinner rug but it bunches up a ton beneath the chair

>> No.17930865

any recs for house plants? live in Cali and want to get a couple ones for my room and living room. I also want to have a mix between real and fake ones so there's less care/ maintenance

>> No.17930943

are you a lecturer anon ? good shit

>> No.17930950

what does your living room look like?
is it just as spartan and weird?
is there anywhere in your home where beauty and comfort take precedence?

>> No.17931000

yes my living room is just as spartan and weird, I posted a picture in the living room thread because I need help. I'm not a minimalist by any means, I just don't have much stuff, it's a work in progress.

I choose the furniture because it's very functional even though it's not beautiful, but there is form in function I guess. The only thing that bothers is that I need to install curtains that block out light.

It was a conscious decision to just get furniture that I thought is okay and not get stuff that I am in love with because I know if I get something that I think is okay, then I will find it okay in 10 years. When I am at home, I want to be relaxed as possible and not be annoyed. Furniture is a relatively big commitment even you could technically sell it. But I guess the fact that I am happy with generic furniture says something about who I am.

I think I prefer to express my identity through art, the items I own, books and clothes, instead of furniture. I am in progress of accumulating shit naturally by doing shit outside.

I enjoy being comfy, at least I own everything I need. My bed is comfy because the headboard is really nice and I have a good mattress and a latex topper and satin pillow cases and I use bamboo bedsheets etc.

>> No.17931015

furniture you fall in love with can wait until you're settled, honestly; if you don't have an easy way to transport it, it's just a lot to deal with.

when you next move, factor in local thrift and consignment stores.

>> No.17931410

seconding this >>17929939 your room looks absolutely beautiful.

>> No.17931548

Once you graduate college, your bedroom is only for sleeping and fucking.
Your computer should be put into another room.

>> No.17931836

The desk chair, sewing machine, clothes iron and ironing board seem really out of place, but other than that you got a nice room, vampire anon-kun

>> No.17932143
File: 106 KB, 852x852, Atelier-dMore-Twosome-Inn-hote-and-short-stay-interior-shortlist-sq-852x852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17932210

get this "inspo" shit out of here, faggot.

>> No.17933040

ikea ruined furniture
midcentury is dogshit
dogshit engineered wood is a staple in most furniture

>> No.17933108
File: 3.37 MB, 2048x2912, room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17933408

Fuck Hilda's mom, then fuck Hilda because single mothers are absolute failures who let their new partners fuck around and do nothing about it because they're retarded.

>> No.17933416

lmao welcome mat as a carpet.

>> No.17933421

Gay fucking mirror. I bet your bend over and spread your ass in front of that mirror.

>> No.17933423

PSA: kill yourself retard

>> No.17933537
File: 1.66 MB, 3771x2121, 1694370901440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compact, cozy, organized. the little bed tray looks like something from a hospital
is that a real fireplace?? if so awesome. very nice, gonna paint my room white eventually.
extremely kino, the red looks amazing here. lavish but still cozy somehow.
very minimal, i like. respect for not having pc in room, that is if you have one at all.
very nice, based accordion player. feel like monitor is at a weird position idk
lil ahh rug. still nice doe, balcony seems like a sweet thing to have
i would fear shit from the shelves falling on me at night. also guessing u use the big monitor to watch in bed?

>> No.17933543

just noticing how much bigger the top pic makes the room look. distance from foot of bed to the door across is about 6ft

>> No.17933549
File: 116 KB, 899x1200, i-img899x1200-1632382503r9wain523575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're my new friend. If you're ever in Alberta and want to go shooting or cruising, let me know.

>> No.17933640

Where do you shoot? Ever since Redford killed off the a lot of the good spots in K Country I have been looking for a spot.

Right now I go to that field off of Fisher East in Mclean Creek but it gets busy.

>> No.17933673
File: 3.47 MB, 1624x817, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think all those spots you mentioned are pretty far south of where I am. I'm in Red Deer.
We often just head west and look at google maps to check places out.
There are so many pipeline roads that lead into the middle of nowhere.
When we go on slightly longer trips for camping and stuff Highway 40 has always offered new and cool spots to explore. We take Highway 54 to road/highway 591 to highway 40.
Unfortunately there are a lot of campground so you have to check maps that you're not too close to one, but other than that it's pretty desolate.
If we take the dual sports out in summer then we just cross a river heading west and there's virtually nothing except mountains and hills.
Ghost PLUZ is stupid busy so we don't go there anymore.
They've paved a lot more of the roads in the past few years too which is both a good and bad thing.

>> No.17934642

Nahhh I really like my furniture. I'm going to take it with me. It's functional and isn't visually annoying. I got rid of the ugly carpet because it was giving me eye cancer even though even though it feels nice tho.

>> No.17934644

You are insane if something as a benign as a mirror upsets you. What upsets you? The size of the mirror? Are you jealous?

>> No.17934692

Are open spaces /fa/?
I'm thinking about making the first floor of my house into a single space. It's about 600 sqft

>> No.17935027

Do a little twirl in front of your mirror papi

>> No.17935150

Dude, you're gay.

>> No.17935164

my bed is 200x80cm and I am 195x56cm, I can't sleep in a bigger bed, being the same size as my bed is peak comy

>> No.17935976

Looks like a Holiday Inn

>Used towels on a keyboard
Dude wtf is this? Why would you put this on the internet?

>> No.17936648

you question general untidiness, but not the presence of a wet floor sign?

>> No.17936681

everything is too close to the ground. im assuming youre a manlet (part of this assumption is based off the fact that your feet dont reach the bottom of what looks like a full size bed), and probably 5'9 at most. putting more stuff on the walls would make your room more inviting. get a hook that can hold your guitar. suspend your dresser 2 feet above the ground via strings that are attached to hooks placed in all four corners of the ceiling. put your monitors on the ceiling. hang your clothes on rods that go from one side of the room to the other, put these hooks 8 feet above the ground so they dont hit your head.

do all this and then id rate your room a 10/10. right now it is a MEASLY 4.


>> No.17938144

Clean up at least

>> No.17938522


looking good + yung lean

>> No.17938541

I feel like I've seen this rom on Season 10 of My 90 Day Fiance.

>> No.17938555

>all of these small rooms, small beds
>just realized my room is probably larger than their entire 'flat'
Europoors, amirite?

>> No.17938559

posting this without showing yours makes you the biggest loser ITT

>> No.17938746

Most of them are probably college student rooms. On-campus housing isn't common in many European countries, we do flatshares mostly. Probably beats the average American dorm room which looks like >>17920502

>> No.17939907

Hot take: Ikea is good

>> No.17939919

you'll make some money one day, keep climbing.

>> No.17939923
File: 2.43 MB, 2592x1944, bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have some advice on making my room more comfy? I think i need to do something about the wooden drawers. the white cabinet ill maybe use to block off the cupboard because its only being used for long term storage.

>> No.17939932

>Average American dorm room
>Posts a Canadian
Rent free AND retarded. Average europoor poster.

>> No.17939987
File: 3.92 MB, 6050x3042, thethunderdome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to make a platform bed then wall mount the 42
Didn't plan on having a TV in my bedroom, but haven't setup the home theater

>> No.17940070

I like the room, but it looks like a little gir's room.
Get some bedding that isn't made for little girls so you don't come off as a tranny.

>> No.17940073

what are you singing in there, fag?

>> No.17940078

Considering the stuffed animals in that glass display thing, that dude is already off the deep end.

>> No.17940081
File: 215 KB, 857x746, 1647321778705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That grey comforter looks amazing, where'd you get it?
If your mattress is just on the carpet, make sure to air it out VERY often. Otherwise it will mold between it and the carpet.
Closet setups are super comfy.

>> No.17940082

thats my summer duvet (south hemisphere) and ive had that cover for a looong time. the winter ones not too bad. i might just flip it so its blue dots only. i hate the blanket thats hanging there, i used to have a nice checkered one but idk where it went.
idk what you mean but ive had those for a long time and i got them in japan

>> No.17940086

Gonna need that A/S/L

>> No.17940091

primaloft down alternative comforter
Riley flax duvet cover
i have it on plastic, but i do air it out
mattress is a Mlily Harmony Chill 3.0 and it was worth every penny

>> No.17940097

serious question, are you gay/trans/girl?

>> No.17940102

im a bi woman

>> No.17940112

All women are bi
You're a tranny

>> No.17940123

since you have so little room to work with, here are some thoughts on what to focus on.

invest in luxury here.
down comforter, wool throw blankets, Turkish throw pillows, high quality flannel or silk sheets, climate depending, a good topper, the works.

a rug will add both needed texture and a color to coordinate with your (hopefully elevated) bedding, bringing a satisfying conscious uniformity.

a lowboy dresser would look nice centered under that window, with some plants on top to take advantage of that light.

>> No.17940136
File: 385 KB, 928x927, Flocking+Velvet+Cushion+Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do like the idea of adding a rug, I'm standing in the door frame in the pic, do you think a long rug under the window running the walls length, or something else? I know having a rug under the bed frame is nice, but there's really not enough clearance from the bed to the door unless i pushed the bed right up to the wall which would give me a bit over a foot of extra space (but i like having both the left and right side off of the wall.

as for the dresser, how low do you think?
i was thinking of getting some decorative pillows, but probably a softer material than what Turkish pillows look like (something like pic related).
and i do like the idea of silk sheets since they're a bit sexier too

>> No.17940165

Amazing and i am jelly, no way i could do this though, im too attached to material possesions

>> No.17940186

also for now I've centred the drawers under the window and put a little Christmas tree on it and it looks a lot nicer than I was expecting. I thought the right corner would be dead space but it doesn't look too bad!

>> No.17940205

a long rug alongside the bed would do wonders.
doesn't have to extend under the bed frame.

>> No.17940225

hmm, the clearance under the door is pretty low, so I might have to plane the bottom of it off

>> No.17940378

question about that specific ikea clothes rack, how flimsy is it? im thinking of buying it

>> No.17940379

and to you too

>> No.17940633

southwestern/aztec and Afghan rugs are pretty low profile, look into them

>> No.17940663

Trannies are just men, this isn't a tranny room. Gay man or female, but the light colors give female. Only women are that neat with their skincare and willing to post.
Moid projection. All men are bi. Men can get hard to anything. Women are so rigid they would rather date felons and abusive men than each other.

>> No.17940980
File: 2.63 MB, 4488x3264, 004a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17941189

So many anons have empty rooms...

>> No.17941190
File: 442 KB, 869x834, 1701576699866409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nigga we poor

>> No.17941354

why did you do that to the roof

>> No.17941371

There is something off about your room but I can't put my finger on it... you have girly shit but it's organized like you would expect from an autistic guy...

You are a tranny right?

>> No.17941419

it's very stable. much better than the MULIG rack which is a real flimsy piece of shit.

>> No.17941470
File: 84 KB, 1242x903, 1701349470976557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17941471

thanks, im gonna go to ikea soon for a few things

>> No.17941481

don't buy anything nice until you own somewhere to place it

>> No.17941487

Ayyy it's based ausbro. Is that one of those life calendars on the door, if so would you recommend? Always thought the idea was cool.

>> No.17941607

don't listen to this faggot.
better to rent a shit box and fill it with 2nd hand curated beauty than sell your grandchildren for a mortgaged drywall cathedral and fill it with ikea.

>> No.17941609

what i get from them is that you shouldnt make a shitty space spectacular if the furniture wont translate to a better space.
plus small spaces should have equally less furniture

>> No.17941637

good furniture is an asset to a small space as well as a large one.
obviously trying to fit 3 rooms worth of furniture in a dorm room isn't going to work, but you can make a rented space as comfortable as an owned one, and theres no excuse not to, not if you engage in expensive vices like smoking and AAA vidya.

>> No.17941648

i dont use either of those vices, but my agreements only in part. i had a queen bed in my studio appartment and a marble desk, but i didnt spend money on nice rugs, chairs, sofas, etc because what looks good in a normal sized house doesnt really work in one, so i either forewent or bought the cheapest shit i could find

>> No.17941777

Incoherent projection

>> No.17941778

a rebuttal isn't projection.
your argument was in bad faith and you know it.

>> No.17941806

no and no, you have brain damage

>> No.17941822

empty words.
what a complete faggot.

>> No.17941857

you have much to learn

>> No.17941858

my room is completely empty except for a matress + laptop that i use to project hatred on the internet. everything else was spent on drugs that deteriorated my mental health. however my mirror cabinet is filled with various beauty products and fragrances that are rather LUXURIOUS. and clothes of course, although those are falling apart as fast as my sanity as i just throw everything in on the team same laundry program that i've used for 3 years. im sure it's meant for rugs or something but changing the program takes more time. u feel me?

>> No.17941866
File: 3.29 MB, 4000x2933, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the toilet paper holder!

hell yeah dude

Nice penis bro


I like it


Too much stuff



ye but u gotta make a change in ur life

>> No.17941877

no real comment but it looks a bit cluttered

>> No.17941879

you have nothing to teach.

>> No.17941931

Dude, what a strange way of announcing that you have never seen the inside of a girl's room and that you are incel.

>> No.17942046
File: 84 KB, 263x263, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cailing had this ugly fake gipsum tiles from the 80s
The brick ceiling is very common here in old buildings, it called the catalan vault
Beside the memes, exposed (real)bricks have a charm

>> No.17942086
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>> No.17942599

When I first moved out my rental's bedroom looked just like that lol

>> No.17942606

you've since added a mattress topper.

>> No.17942611

What are you making? Is that a little doll?

>> No.17944390

yeah bro. I mean it serves its purpose in terms of a reminder to make the most out of life and all that bullshit, filling it out each week causes you to reflect on all the things you got done that week so in that sense id recommend

>> No.17944959
File: 139 KB, 720x1280, 5A573B07-05CD-4097-8BB0-9A847BF97A4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a beautiful room, nice doors and flooring. I’d try to unify the style of furniture and change out that ceiling lampshade for something bigger/ornamental.

Not my taste as I can’t fuck in a single bed but at least it’s coordinated in its cringe.

Basic but effective. Check out contemporary bed drapes/canopies (picrel) on Pinterest; you can easily make them yourself. They transform the bed into a comfy, defined space. Swap out the purple light for a warmer tone; your bedroom is already monochromatic, so the 'pop-of-colour' feels out of place.

This is nice, love the floors. needs wall art tho.

Swap the bedlinen and curtains for Cream/white. Hiding cum stains on black is difficult.

Clean your room.

>> No.17944977
File: 2.02 MB, 1008x1252, myroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dudes rock

extremely cozy/10

kinda cozy. I like the old computer and wet floor sign


I like your aesthetic

looks very comfy

>> No.17944989

17yr old pothead/10

>> No.17945053

Nice unwound poster

>> No.17945922

thanks anon

>> No.17945949
File: 425 KB, 768x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need advice for buying furniture off Facebook Marketplace. I'm looking at getting a new office chair, how do I negotiate/haggle people to bring prices down?
I saw this one I thought looked cool, though it looks like its been through some use and is aged. The seller is asking a pretty steep price which mostly seems due to the brand.
I don't know much about furniture, I just like that chair. Will my ignorance about this brand hurt me or give me the upper hand in this negotiation? I'd like to pay less than $100 for the chair. The seller is offering $200, but they admit in the description it needs some refurbishing to make it look good again.

>> No.17946094

>hey i saw you have x advertised, its a little outside of my budget, would you take 100?

>> No.17946116

>Can afford a computer, laptop and motorcycle
>Can't afford a single bed and mattress

>> No.17946121

Incredibly comfy

>> No.17946144

Maybe it's not that he can't afford it, but that he just doesn't care.

>> No.17946198

Jesus. Something about computer chairs is so unsexy to me.

>> No.17946244

We're spending all our money on fashion

>> No.17946274
File: 333 KB, 2560x2214, CH_ALp006-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an eames aluminum office chair. Actual ones, even rougher examples, are going to be expensive. There are no shortage of cheap as fuck knockoff that will break in a year though.

>> No.17946405

Cluttered, and too much mist match. Look at that stool and the dresser for example. Different wood, grain, colour. The only consistent thing are the black frames for wall art but frankly you have to much. All the shit on the walls and exposed storage makes everything feel packed in. Simplest thing to do would be to take down that fucking throw you've hung about the put and use it as a drape door for your closet. Also get rid of your faggy anime shit, but I guess you're a kid so still aren't ready to grow up. Holy duck I just saw that bin next to bed. I bet it's filled with finished joints and wank rags. At leat the window blinds are nice.

>> No.17946409

You're lucky you don't live around my neighborhood, I'd off you. Enjoy this while it lasts buddy. Hit me up when you turn 26 and you haven't offed yourself (highly unlikely).

>> No.17946549

you peekin in windows, dude?
how would you know what his bedroom looked like, even if you lived next door?

>> No.17947138

it's not nearly as packed as it looks, there's empty floor space about 3 or 4 times the size of the bed that's cropped out by the angle (plus a whole other wall, keyboard, bass and desk setup). the stool is old and def out of place, needs to go but even without it there's def still some mismatch (especially considering there's a full body mirror out of frame with a whole different wood color). I don't mind some minor color mismatching while I slowly upgrade things though, it's a WIP.

also lol at the assumptions being made just because I own a trash bin of all things. do you just not have a trash bin in your room? it's usually where the amp is but I take that with me to band practice every week so it moves around from time to time. and imagine calling someone else a faggot for owning manga while posting on a literal japanese anime forum lmao

you seem like a really normal, well adjusted guy

>> No.17948619

you should be glad to pay 200 for a vintage Eames

>> No.17949044

if you'd pay 200 dollars for that chair, you're an idiot.

>> No.17949060
File: 191 KB, 900x1740, IMG_20230422_130749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17949189

cool ceiling, cool flooring, shit-boring everything else.

>> No.17949304

best itt

>> No.17949347

What are the details on your computer setup?

>> No.17949364


yeah I'm the idiot

>> No.17949366

lol why censor the plushie
5/10 its ok. too many toys

>> No.17949367

was 200 for a reason, like most used old office chairs worse than any modern ergo chair and you will feel the age of it in your legs and butt

>> No.17949370

also to add, i wouldn't even buy a modern herman miller unless you try it in store and have a fitted version (s/m/l) sizing
aerons are terribly designed and the lip cuts into your thighs, this chair looks insanely beat I would be shocked if you found comfort sitting in this for long sessions, it doesn't even really have a cool aesthetic to it

>> No.17949397

well hugged shonk hehe

>> No.17949399

I meant to censor the photograph and missed, oops. Yeah I kinda get the toys, idk why I have half of them but eh idk what else to do with them, aside from the Lego, they're pieces of shit I made myself for school years ago.
My friends laughed at me when they saw I hugged my shark lol. Called me sad, which while true still slightly hurt lol

>> No.17949406

:( i just realised youre australian too, so its nice to see a fellow haj enthusiast here

>> No.17949408

Oh no that afl ball is from holidays

>> No.17949410

aww dang :(
i dont really play footy but i thought that would be a surefire thing

>> No.17949417

you being able to pay more doesn't make it anything more than an empty vanity.
that's an uncomfortable chair for anything more than a 30 minute meeting, and it's not a chair you lounge in at home.

t. Steelcase Gesture office chair/Lillian August armchair master race

>> No.17949511

even if you bought it just to flip it, it would still be a good investment. find the right buyer and easily triple or quadruple your money

>> No.17949536

flipping it is the only way it COULD be an investment, but that's not what >>17945949
planned to do, so it's just a bad purchase.

>> No.17949835

you don't, you just fix it every few minutes
gonna ditch the desk chair and start using a regular dining chair, though
this: https://open.spotify.com/album/6SOLlHTPjfunqoHbkwXqXO
pretty sturdy, this is the mid-priced one, not the absolute cheapest, iirc
you're totally right, i just never got around to hanging any art because i'm moving soon, so everything is just leaned against the wall on top of furniture

>> No.17949894

>buying herman miller
lmao. Just steal it from your government job. Herman miller sells aerons to the feds for a song. Paying the retarded markup they have for list is legitimately stupid.

>> No.17950385

I can't believe I'm on fa and every single post here has their desk touching the wall with the screen facing the room

its so annoying

the best way is to have it distanced from the wall and have you sitting between the table and screen and the wall

(my comma button is broken hence the double spacing)

>> No.17950416

your crippling autism is the greater issue.

>> No.17950435

my crippling autism has led me to have rooms with well place furniture (i've read one feng shui book)

>> No.17950482


>> No.17950546

Is /fa/ really the only board for these kinds of threads? Or is there anywhere else? I'd like to find more places for inspo and other stuff related to decorating my room.

>> No.17950552

/bst/ on /g/, maybe one on /w/ i cant remeber

>> No.17950618

why? at least explain why its better rather than sperging over some Feng shui woo woo

>> No.17950637
File: 617 KB, 1071x991, 1691801267516061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about lounge/reading chairs?

I was thinking about getting either an ikea poang or a eames replica. Which one?

Or maybe a adirondak chair. But idk if you could put that in your house.

>> No.17950657


>> No.17951990

/tv/ and /v/ have kinostation/battlestation threads that are about their computer or TV setup, but they usually post a bit of the room alongside it.

>> No.17953351

these are generally more for your desk

>> No.17953421
File: 3.36 MB, 2048x2048, image_2023-12-29_012339305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean set up, I like it. 8.5/10

I like it in a minimalist way lol. Its not cozy, but I used to live very minimally before I moved in with my gf, and now she fills the house with tons of useless crap.

6/10, reminds me of Kanye's bedroom at the stadium

very noice, but the door placement has weird feng shui 7/10

lol wtf is going on here

No one with a soul lives here. Looks like one of the IKEA model rooms.

Also, whats with these double doors in bedrooms? Makes it feel like a hotel with a door to an adjacent room

Like this. Just enough plants and cool to see some hobbies 7.5/10

Other side admittedly looks much better. Like the massive window

Very nice, if a bit barren. Love the doors to the balcony(?)

Might be fave ITT besides the OP. Only thing is shelves being over the bed. As other anon said, I would live in fear of having shit fall on me. Plus hard to reach without climbing on the bed.

All my friends' rooms looking like this growing up, so I kinda vibe with it

Not in Alberta, but shoutout to fellow canadian gun anons

Learn to control your need to consoom, friendo. Giant houses are generally tacky, soulless, and obnoxious

I wouldn't say good, but they've generally been a step up in quality to anything I generally see at a similar price point. I still have an ikea lamp on my desk that I've probably had for 15+ years.

Good work anon. The ceilings really add character.

The dream

Don't listen to the haters, I like it stoner-bro

>> No.17953616
File: 921 KB, 4080x1836, RANDOM BULLSHIT GO!!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17953622

i like a lot of the individual elements, but the composition of this room makes me largely uncomfortable

>> No.17953629
File: 1.83 MB, 4080x1836, 1000067203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the uncomfortability is what makes it comfortable

>> No.17953642

this pic looks like it smells like takeaway food

>> No.17954078

If you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.17954104
File: 2.11 MB, 1267x1494, 02382F21-BBCE-41F8-A486-A15AA4746651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17954111

Love how the cloth poster is at an off angle and looks like it’s kind of suspended at a weird angle, and some of the images in the wall are stretched, it’s like seeing a gmod project but in real life.

>> No.17954122

literally a prison

>> No.17954411

as a (horse) collector this annoys me because once dust settles onto these boxes its functionally impossible to get off, this collection needs to be behind glass
its kanye wests room at the mercedes stadium

>> No.17954422
File: 1.82 MB, 4080x1836, fbuki board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like seeing a gmod project but in real life.
fucking kek funniest thing ive read in awhile, people need to unlearn uniformity and start embracing asymmetry

>> No.17954440

how'd you know i trooned 2 years in the future

>> No.17954511

lmao it's george floyd isn't it?

>> No.17954513

Solitary Confinement

>> No.17954517

why is gura in hell?

>> No.17954525
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>> No.17954747
File: 1.92 MB, 4080x1836, 1000067205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes not, but she will go there when she dies.

>> No.17955314
File: 330 KB, 1500x832, PSX_20231230_111139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may as well

>> No.17955362

Just the lads being cheeky.

>> No.17955372
File: 282 KB, 1080x810, IMG_1844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been sleeping like this the past four years.

>> No.17955486

that sucks, get well soon

>> No.17955496

Why do you have a rolling table over your bed

>> No.17955722

Kek. My biggest issue is that I'm a very pragmatic man with practically no imagination when it comes to interior design. I already got the furniture I need in the rest of the house, and my bedroom is simply used for sleeping.

>> No.17955909
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, living room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my bedroom because I don't live with my parents anymore.
Thoughts/advice on my living room?

>> No.17955911

it's a bedroom thread.
post your bedroom.

>> No.17956051

nice ponk, but this looks like a 40yo dads decor
the space is nice although difficult to work woth. id really like to see it done up
>painted wall
>proper bedding, maybe new frame
>big curtain to break up the wall

>> No.17956066
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>> No.17956070
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>> No.17956072
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>> No.17956073
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>> No.17956076
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>> No.17956079
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>> No.17956081
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>> No.17956084

i thought for a second this was the /diy/ metal house troll
your space is incredibly masculine, but i think it would benefit from some feature art pieces, not sure where youd put them

>> No.17956088

chink shit

>> No.17956089

>t. a real women maybe

>> No.17956093

Based if not a tranny.

>> No.17956095
File: 29 KB, 250x207, 1640741864478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17956097

Imagine getting your brains blown out by a sniper from across the city as you get in to bed.

>> No.17956099
File: 770 KB, 1280x960, 20230825_042649 ERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a man anon.
If you know a real woman who lives like me please let me know, because I need to marry her right now.

>> No.17956105

yes ...ma'am

>> No.17956138
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x1415, HIGURASHI GIRLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

higurashi is not for trannies

>> No.17956140
File: 75 KB, 720x705, 8d480426ffe248bb87808485f4c3ea71~tplv-photomode-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad you agree

>> No.17956142
File: 248 KB, 471x545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small head circumference

>> No.17956146

The hair is very deceptive.

>> No.17956157
File: 541 KB, 990x864, the hair is very receptive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17956171
File: 166 KB, 696x1000, 3864dc43dae4a57f0fcbc5bd4fbd90bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the wrong circumference

>> No.17956184
File: 636 KB, 822x956, BERN TRANSPARENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems superior head has lead to some controversy

>> No.17956254

Is the toilet roll for when you shit the bed?

>> No.17956374

Cute kot.

>> No.17956384

Nice catto

>> No.17956388

Mental illness detected

>> No.17956411

>>painted wall
Interesting. Do you have anything in mind? Color? Pattern?
>proper bedding, maybe new frame
Not sure what you mean by that. The bedsheet have a bad fitting, but the frame and mattresses themselves are top quality. They might just not fit with the floor, though.
>big curtain to break up the wall
As in a curtain in front of the bed? Or like a rug hanging on the wall?

>> No.17956457
File: 782 KB, 1080x810, 1703965505331653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres quite a few ways you could go for the walls , even simply white but with a nice finish (very obvious brush marks mere), or a wallpaper with a simple nature// floral pattern could really elevate it

choose a paper thats to your liking, non repeating patterns work best in small spaces
center the curtain over your window obvs. choose whatever colour, see where the bar is?
a rug optional. i hate rugs cause ocd but for you maybe

as a rule lighter colours in small spaces, so choose a lighter wallpaper :)

>> No.17956762 [DELETED] 


>> No.17956763


>> No.17956807

How’s life in Australia?

>> No.17956817

>DIY elevate bed (or get another) with storage beneath it and move against one wall
>close off bed from door with a curtain
>add bedside table and rug on floor
It’ll cosy it up and give you more storage.

>> No.17956835


>> No.17956848

photogenic and well curated, but very impersonal.
could almost be pre-furnished, for how little it says about a person.

>> No.17956873
File: 401 KB, 2048x1536, signal-2023-12-31-152639_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17956875

Is that a fucking fireplace? Looks cozy.

>> No.17956879
File: 180 KB, 508x505, ikea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's space enough for me to turn the bed around and get a setup like this.

>> No.17956880

yeah, doesn't work though, so I just store my AC unit in there in the winter

>> No.17956881
File: 7 KB, 38x143, strap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's your dommy mommy?

>> No.17956884

With my bed in the middle, obviously.

That's a shame. You could consider getting a second hand monitor, and run a fireplace video off it, lol.

>> No.17956885

not really a bedroom if your entire life is in it, but I like it.
you need more space though.

>> No.17956904


>> No.17956907


>> No.17956909

I'm curious why you zoomed in on the crop when the whole rack would've done just as well

and I'm seeing him at a party tonight <3

>> No.17956926

There’s space to turn it sideways? Absolutely do it.

>> No.17956947

more space costs money that could instead be spent on plane tickets and research chemicals

>> No.17956984

Sup ye, take your meds please

>> No.17956989


>> No.17956997

>research chemicals
is that what the kids are calling mail order Salvia these days?

>> No.17957310

uhh your lucky LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY

>> No.17957471

I didn't realize there was a thread for this, what do you think?

>> No.17958223
File: 3.47 MB, 4500x1513, pano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to work on it, need to get table/floor/etc lamps. a rug, more artwork, and some other stuff. like, idk what to exactly get or if it would work, but I'd kinda want to put almost like a tiny bistro type chair & side/martini/bistro table near the window for reading. & also get some curtains for my window. & getting some greenery for my space
a type of valance to cover the top of the shelving on the left
& eventually replace the bed

I like it, though I feel like it could be decluttered a bit, and a soft curtain can soften it up a bit. also, you need some lighting for more ambiance (esp @ night)
really good, maybe some things to work on, is the purple dresser solid wood? if so, I'd prob say scrape it and either oil or stain. & replace the shelving on the far left, from this angle it looks like one of those really cheap ones that look bad. if you can save up for it, I'd recommend getting a nicer piece probably antique but could also be modern, but I'd def go nicer though
hard to tell the room you have, but I'd maybe think about moving the bed & putting the chair by the window w/ a table
decent for minimalist ikea. you should get a much bigger carpet, table lamp for dresser & maybe small stack of books on dresser for interest. and then some kind of art for the wall
replace desk (or at least base, that ikea system is ugly) & work on cable management
great start. I'd replace those blinds & then work on replacing the little things with nicer alternatives. like, if those cups aren't sentimental, change them out with stuff you like more. maybe even keyboard & mouse, even little things like spray bottles replace w/ nicer looking ones, like the amber glass types?
nice is that a dorm? if so I guess don't worry about doing things totally around it, but if not & you can stay there long, maybe get a nice tall antique french type mirror. bigger carpet, plants

>> No.17958365

missing a carpet under the bed, a throw blanket and some books on the shelves, which look depressingly empty
i'd also add some real curtains and replace the headboard to some wood that matches the rest of the room
also, move the bed to the right a few inches! it's literally in front of the door

the piece of furniture on the right is wonderful, where'd you get it?

>> No.17958388

yea def need a rug under the bed. but yea need more on shelf, I will eventually get a new bed frame, but until then (cause I cant just replace the headboard) how do you think a walnut stain or something would look?

also, I just moved in a few months ago so don't have it exactly how I want rn & most of what I have is from thrift stores.
but the furniture to you mean the white thing? if so thats just a radiator cover that was here when I got here. if you mean the table, it's a vintage lane I got from goodwill for $30!

>> No.17958528

nice find, very nice.
I have some rollin lane cube side tables I got for 50 bucks, and the same pair is on 1st dibs for 1800.

>> No.17958614
File: 58 KB, 718x709, 169483275943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17958641

genuinely, I really am

>> No.17958645

actually that is my only straight relationship

>> No.17958651

That's gross
You should kill yourself

>> No.17958665

i really gotta find a dom daddy or mommy but im too social inept

>> No.17958667

>fetish gear on the fucking walls
Mental illness

>> No.17958681

where should she put it?

>> No.17958719

beautiful princess disorder represent

>> No.17958779

Its called being efficient mate

>> No.17959233

is this a bedroom, or is it in fact the room you live in?
this seems like student housing.

also, I feel like I can see the influence of more than a few online communities in discrete corners of the room.

>> No.17959289

Saw this post and was like "wait does he have the Sony MDR 7506?" and I checked and sure enough he does.
Stock pads do hurt after a while but your ears grow callouses for them

>> No.17959298

if not tranny then yes goddess

>> No.17961482

lmao the microwave next to the bed

>> No.17961531

I love waking up with brain tumors

>> No.17962322

nightmare room

>> No.17962600

what kind of plants are good to keep around the bedroom/living room?

>> No.17962610

it depends on how much natural light you have.
you can always count on pothos/dracaena/spider plants, but if you have space and light, the sky is the limit.

also be mindful of things toxic to pets.

>> No.17962623

nta but which plants are toxic to puppygirls?

>> No.17964011
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, helsie dusk sexo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all the ogs helsie looks so good with dusks bat cosmetics
(i know shes a vampire hunter but i just want her to be my vampire and suck the cum out of my penis and ravage my cock with her 3000 year old pussy)

>> No.17964022

lol clicked the wrong tab without realizing it ignore this post

>> No.17964028

But don't you want to decorate your own space and not rely on the decorations of your parents?

>> No.17964114

Already got a few of decorations of my own, but I actually prefer some of the stuff from my family. Got a closet from 1850's that some grand grand grand granddad slapped together for his wife that I keep my dinner plates and trays in.

>> No.17964116
File: 336 KB, 1080x810, IMG_1848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forgot it wasn't this thread I posted it in, but my grandmother stitched this together when she was young.

>> No.17964143

is that made out of Lego?

>> No.17964219

U wot m8?

>> No.17964225

i can see why she said that, lego make this 1x1 mosaic looking art sets now

>> No.17964492

*shrug* feelin cheeky

>> No.17964570
File: 111 KB, 451x512, Tatl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This room is beautiful and very cozy. 10/10

>> No.17964733

Yeah, I can see where you'd come from. I honestly wish she had done more of these.

>> No.17964740

itr very pretty by the way and id wove something like that for my walls

>> No.17964826

Post the desk. lets see how messy it is.

>> No.17964831

say that this woman exists. where is she gonna sleep when she comes over? Is it assumed that shes going to bring her folding army cot as well?

consider two cots side by side or a wider cot?

>> No.17964833
File: 179 KB, 1280x964, photo_2024-01-06_12-25-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of my room? Can I bring some wömen here?

>> No.17964847

the green is quite offputting and its a bit cluttered

>> No.17964901
File: 544 KB, 2048x1536, altered bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno why, but I wanna do one of these built in furniture stories with your room for some reason. Must be the fireplace.

>> No.17964910

Add some red for contrast/complementary coloring, and it would help a lot.

>> No.17964919
File: 718 KB, 2048x1607, 5376695758_24cd3e342a_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can discuss it.
>consider two cots side by side or a wider cot?

>> No.17964956

suuuuure... to hang a plant..

>> No.17965293
File: 328 KB, 1500x832, PSX_20240106_095153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need to upgrade my bedding.

>> No.17965580

It's weird how /fa/ has threads like this and for buildings. I suppose there's not enough architecture autists here for that to get it's own board? I'd def use it every once in a while.

>> No.17965904

i watch architecture digest and read some architecture site whos name i forget but theres really not much to discuss

>> No.17966313
File: 145 KB, 1024x1536, c4e6999c3c970081aeda4258ff7769a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, get a loft, bro. They are fun.

>> No.17966318
File: 84 KB, 797x1000, 61opwhGQCqL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess this is a right time to ask but what are these specfic shelf/grid room dividers called?

>> No.17966322

I like it though id get it reframed to something more modern looking

>> No.17966326

It's beautiful anon. Your grandma made some lovely work. Did she make anything else?

>> No.17966330

Good idea
Unfortunately not.

>> No.17966907

most /fa/gs are young and still live at home with parent(s) and most of those who live on their own probably rent
it seems doubtful that the majority of people here do not have the money to purchase furnishings of any substance nor have they lived long enough to accumulate much beyond a collection of Funkos and a pile of pre-owned clothing