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File: 2.88 MB, 1600x1142, 1692724124578727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17918312 No.17918312 [Reply] [Original]


What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them an

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels


>> No.17918314

this would be kinda intriguing in a wholecut style

>> No.17918325

they are a legacy brand much like allen edmonds now gutted and twisted, barely recognizable

>> No.17918444

You are fully and completely wrong.

>> No.17918482

impregnation spray for leather boots? Will I fuck up my new red wings?

>> No.17918486

>no zippers
Are you pervs into a ~2 inch gap between the leg and the boot back?

>> No.17918489


>> No.17918494
File: 1.03 MB, 828x1021, Semi dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a comparison of dress brown and brown cxl leather. Thank you

>> No.17918495
File: 942 KB, 1924x2000, ezgif-2-e194d64352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hideous.

>> No.17918496

Are you a bdsm tranny? What do you expect it to look like?

>> No.17918509
File: 16 KB, 236x300, 3d35eb99bf83b52d14bf4013a110a499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boots should fit close to leg, dummy.

>> No.17918520

ESL post.

>> No.17918535


>> No.17918538


>> No.17918549

Well, not my problem if you can't understand basic English. I bet it sucks to be a native speaker (assuming you're one) and have trouble comprehending simple sentences.

>> No.17918562

Nigga, you use a good polish with waxes and oils. Waxes and oils are hydrophobic. Otherwise buy the conditioner from Red Wings website.

>> No.17918564

Ok dumb ESL.

>> No.17918570

They already gave you that in the last thread, nerd.

>> No.17918576

Ad hominem. It's safe to say you're too retarded to have any conversation about boots with.

>> No.17918579

It's not ad hominem when it's a fact. You're also a zipper shill. You are by default unable to participate in boot discussion.

>> No.17918582

You missed a ‘the’ but it is fully understandable. Don’t worry about it esl anon. The other anon is just being retarded.
I got one anons opinion it’s hard to imagine nobody else has tried one or both of the leathers dress brown and brown cxl.

>> No.17918583

I'm not the one advocating for zippers.

>> No.17918584

If you say so. Now go and suck off OP's dick, you seem to be used to it. Would be a better use of your mouth anyway since you can't contribute any meaningful thoughts to the conversation.

>> No.17918592

>You missed a ‘the’
Thanks for pointing it out, noted.

>> No.17918596

Fuck your english language.

>> No.17918607

Хoyли бeйзд, бpo. Фaк зoyc дaмбэccec

>> No.17918625

you forgot to clean the shit off your boots

>> No.17918626

Stay seething, thirdie.

>> No.17918644
File: 1.87 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20231203_034519489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some circa 1964 McNamara boots at a thrift store yesterday. Almost no wear on the soles and just a bit of creasing on the uppers. Picrel is after a quick conditioning.

Crazy how mass manufactured zogshit from 70 years ago feels better constructed than all but the most premium footwear made in current decade

>> No.17918647

Too bad they're too big for you. Unlucky.

>> No.17918666

>fat ogre feet detected
If these were any smaller my toes would touch the front when I walk.

>> No.17918674

бэйcт, дeбил блять

>> No.17918683

Кpинж... Oфopми cpыгoc пo фacтy, дpyжищe

>> No.17918691

Any EU site for quality Chelseas?

>> No.17918693

are iron rangers good boots or just reddit-core?

>> No.17918697

good boots

>> No.17918701

They're solid for everyday use if you're a city slicker. I wouldn't wear mine for hiking or something, but for everyday casual wear they're my goto boots.

>> No.17918702
File: 237 KB, 305x598, 1693475481103553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saphir oiled leather creme for brown CXL, yes or no?

Apparently it's among Nick Horween's recommendations.

>> No.17918711

thanks, they'll probably be my next purchase

>> No.17918729
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, 1688607646372550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rich friend buys a new pair of Danner boots once every 10-12 months and then just tosses his old pair into the closet
he doesn't even hike in them or anything rigorous so they look almost brand new. Nigga fr has like 15+ pairs at this point
I tried asking him for some but he just claims "i'll use them eventually"
how do I convince him I need some gibsmedat donations

>> No.17918730

Fuck it, I'm buying good ol' solovairs.

>> No.17918741

if youve asked once and he said no dont push it. youll make things weird

>> No.17918775

it's by far the best product to retain the pull-up effect on oiled leathers like CXL
it's non-waxy and very oily, the leather sucks it up immidiately with no residue
anything waxy will ruin the pull up effect, which i did on mine with mink oil and it will never be the same afterwards
i have the m'dor version and i would just get the BDC next time

>> No.17918790

Stop larping and get boots your size.

>> No.17918814

he IS wearing creepers here tho


>> No.17918828

Don't listen to the retard. He's retarded.

>> No.17918843

Nice, thanks.

Should I get the non-colored one ("neutral")?

>> No.17918867

>>17918702 Post your brown cxl boots. I'm split between cxl and dress but I've never seen either in person >>17918494 Bunp

>> No.17918876

How should I condition my waxy kudu shoes? Is mink oil ok? I've seen a lot of people here complain about mink oil ruining the finish on boots

>> No.17918885

>between cxl and dress
... between cxl and what?

>> No.17918892

Brown cxl and dress brown leather

>> No.17918894

Are you sure "dress" is a type of leather tanning?

>> No.17918898


>> No.17918908
File: 1.94 MB, 828x1582, Dress brown .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress brown make a nice patina

>> No.17918927

Yes, Nick Horween also recommends Venetian shoe cream, so if you have that already just use that.

>> No.17918971

read the ingredients of the spray

they break they leak

>> No.17918972

carmina, meermin

>> No.17918975

yes its a tannage from seidel

>> No.17918977

>spraying PFAS on your boots
that shit will never leave your blood, just use obenaufs or something else natural

>> No.17919015

>they break
Just don't buy cheap chink shit. There are good quality zippers out there, e.g. YKK.
>they leak
Ah yes, how could I forget that people itt usually spend their day heel-deep in the water.

>> No.17919061

brands give their leather weird name all the time so don't get too hang up on it.

>> No.17919290
File: 89 KB, 1098x918, Tesla X-Ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So people used to wear boots with speedhooks all the way back then?

>> No.17919338

they're not really ground breaking technology...

>> No.17919345
File: 69 KB, 586x814, 1701047596372290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need a blue boot

>> No.17919403

Just ordered the forefront from JK and everyone online says they're either incredible or trash from a sell out of a company. Anyone ever try a boot from them recently?

>> No.17919417
File: 35 KB, 738x479, john lofgren navy desert boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grant stone has some boots in navy chromexel, navy suede and sky reverse kudu
whites cruiser in navy horsehide from bakers
john lofgren desert boot in navy suede
truman boots in china blue waxy commander
alden tanker in navy suede and handsewn indy from aldenraleigh
alden indy in navy nubuck brom brogue

da ba di da ba die

>> No.17919431
File: 163 KB, 1280x1280, D8926HC_1__68233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is pretty nice looking

>> No.17919433

Similar boots in this price range?



>> No.17919438
File: 28 KB, 545x539, jk forefront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf? 180 stitchdown through wedge

>> No.17919444

grant stone edward in black waxy commander

>> No.17919460

All these boots are ugly as fuck

>> No.17919471

how the FUCK is cxl so popular and also so shit?
and how come waxed flesh is the same leather but it's infinitely superior?

>> No.17919484

Post your boots then

>> No.17919490
File: 201 KB, 1080x1349, Screenshot_20231204-102517_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are what proper fa boots should look like
Stop larping as lumberjacks, you soi beta males

>> No.17919492

anon we're straight
>not a picture of his boots
fuck off

>> No.17919494

>instead of larping like a lumberjack, i'm gonna larp as a bottom

>> No.17919498

>Stop larping as lumberjacks
I basically was a lumberjack in my 20s, I'll do what I want

>> No.17919509

No one itt ever posts fit pics of their ugly ass $600 tranny heel boots , so I'm not gonna post either kek

>> No.17919510

you posted they gayest most tranny boots

>> No.17919511

>in my 20s
>implication being you're in 30s or 40
Go back to facebook, boomer

>> No.17919513

>prada chelseas
Tranny boots are only tranny boots when they have a massive heel and are laceup quarter way up the shin

>> No.17919514

>I'm going to go into a thread I hate and fight the entire thread culture by myself

>> No.17919515

this is a millennial site, go change your diaper zoomer

>> No.17919516

trannies don't wear that they wear woman's shoes you stupid nigger

>> No.17919517

not a single good fit with docs has ever been posted

>> No.17919518

Those are women's shoes

>> No.17919520

it's probaly so shit because it is so popular
they can turn anything into cxl and it will sell anyway
bottom feeder boot brands lap up the shit grade cxl since it's still horween cxl and they can label it that on their website
waxed flesh is finished cxl roughout so it's a lot more forgiving and doesn't crease since the grainy top side is reversed

>> No.17919521

Sounds based desu, he's the hero we need but don't deserve

>> No.17919522

personally i blame r*ddit and v*berg

>> No.17919524

pathetic AND cringe

>> No.17919538

>gay reddit boots

No thanks.

>> No.17919550

>gay reddit boots
No, that would be all the other boots posted itt
I remember when boot general first started, people posted actually good looking boots. Then it slowly devolved into cringe reddit taste

>> No.17919571

Cringe reddit taste equates to chelseas, docs/soloshitters, zippers, and thursdays.

>> No.17919586
File: 277 KB, 633x397, 1671696604860952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember when boot general first started, people posted actually good looking boots.
then surely you can pull it up from the archives right? surely you can provide specific examples right.

of course not lmao

>> No.17919601

I hunt and use to work on a scallop boat. I’ll wear what I want. Chelsea’s are the gayest looking boots

>> No.17919604

it's a real shame that the doc marten wearers of threads past that wanked to designer garbage all day have ODed or succumbed to opportunistic infections and general debilitation from a poorly managed HIV infection
but we have one last hero fighting the good fight to bring us back to sexcore and shiacore

>> No.17919605
File: 1.55 MB, 700x1050, 1676626152955072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry sweaty but it's a goslingcore board now

>> No.17919606

>Looking for a comparison of dress brown and brown cxl leather. Thank you
Verification not needed

>> No.17919619

Why would I bother spoon feeding a gay reddit tranny such as yourself

>> No.17919623

>make claims
>can't provide proof for claim
lol fake and gay claim

>> No.17919647

How the fuck do I dry my work boots properly so I don’t ruin it by the insole curling. I’ve now ruined three boots because of this. And no I’m not going to rotate boots.

>> No.17919648

>And no I’m not going to rotate boots.
well there's your problem right there

>> No.17919653

>how the FUCK is cxl so popular and also so shit?
cxl isnt shit
its a good work boot leather that doesnt need babying but the problem is everyone wants it on a sleek service boot and wants it to crease like calf
waxed is fine because you cant fuck up rough out

>> No.17919658

>its a good work boot leather that doesnt need babying
holy kek
it's not even close to a proper work leather from seidel
hell seidels double shot shits on cxl as a 1:1 replacement

>> No.17919662

>seidels double shot shits on cxl as a 1:1 replacement
i agree but cxl is retard proof because its 50% fat

>> No.17919667

Use a wooden shoe tree to prevent curling at the toes and it helps drying them.

>> No.17919669

I have a boot dryer j use for surfing booties. It works well I have Peet’s you can get it on Amazon
So I should ask for double shot over cxl?
Bump. Looking to pick my brown leather for my whites boot

>> No.17919671

And this will be sufficient for daily wear to leave them overnight? I was looking at the wood lore ones earlier. Is the boot one worth it or can I just get the combination one

I have a Peet’s and use it occasionally. It seems to have made the issue far worse. But maybe this is because I let them get too wet before throwing them on after a few weeks of heavy daily wear? I’m scared to put another new pair on there. I’ve wasted so much money on boots this year by ruining them.

Also is there a way to fix this curling or are they completely destroyed now than it’s occured?

>> No.17919673

It happens because you're a dummy that doesn't rotate between two pairs of boots at the minimum. Come to your senses.

>> No.17919678

Not him but that doesn’t make sense. I wore my thorogood steel toes daily for 5 years. I’m buying new boots because I wore through the sold. You’re telling me I have to baby my $600 boots?

>> No.17919679

>So I should ask for double shot over cxl?
yeah definitely
double shot is really pretty and has a depth of color cxl could only dream of. creases much better too
cxl is a beater leather

>> No.17919680

>rotating means babying
holy esl

>> No.17919683

>And no I’m not going to rotate boots.
>I’ve wasted so much money on boots this year by ruining them.

just buy a brown and a black u retard

>> No.17919688

This is exactly what pisses me off. It happened with redwings and whites. This seems unacceptable. I wasn’t slogging around in the rain. Hard manual labor indoors. I tried to take very good care of them. Not walking through mud puddles all day or something.

I wonder if it’s because the thorogoods have a foam/synthetic insole unless you took it out? I personally love the feel of the leather and the hardness

>> No.17919691

Do you have experience with dress brown leather? Now I’m thinking of double shot brown or dress brown.

>> No.17919696

I got my Forefront like two months ago.
Initial break-in was kind of shitty, but I really like them. Only two months, and the Christy soles are already showing wear. When I get them resoled, I'm thinking of using 132 lug soles.

>> No.17919712

post pics of them

>> No.17919741

look whites doesnt ship boots anyway so stop dwelling on it

>> No.17919750

You don't need to baby them, you just need to not wear them day in and day out. Your feet sweat. Sweat is moisture. Moisture, heat, and leather in small space for hours creates damp leather. Doing that day in and day out means the leather never dries and will eventually start to rot. Rotted leather can't be replaced.

If you rotate pairs you give them enough time to dry out so that doesn't happen

>> No.17919752

Get dress brown. Semi dress boot. Brown dress leather

>> No.17919753

hey why do people complaining about white's never post pics of the issue they have?

>> No.17919768

It’s hard to take pic inside boot but the footbed is lifted up about 1/2 inch probably more. More like on the inside of my feet just toe-side of my arch. That’s the whites. The redwing moctoe are curled basically along the whole perimeter of my foot so much so I can’t even put them on.

>> No.17919772

I was trying to find some winter boots to replace my previous ones. I first bought Palladium boots on a sale at half price. They looked good but are absolute thrash and non breathable even though it's supposed to be leather it's actually rubber probably?... They make my feet sweat and stink like crazy. I ended up getting toe fungus for the first time of my life so I said fuck it and thrashed them. I'm never ever buying anything from this gay company. Next I tried to get some luxury boots from a samples clearance sale. So yeah this is like flipping a coin but I thought what could go wrong? Again, thrash. The outsole is coming apart easily and the welt is detaching from one side. Goblins really love to screw people it seems. I guess I will have to buy a 3rd pair now. I'm in Canada so I'm thinking about Canada West Boots, the Romeo model.

>> No.17919774

kek we warned you about palladium bro

but canada west is solid, don't buy daytons or whatever name they're going by these days

>> No.17919776

>i can't shove my phone down my boot and take a pic
>it's hard and my hand hurts and i need to pee
>whites are bad, just trust me with no proof
which attempt is this now to smear them in the last couple of months?

>> No.17919790
File: 151 KB, 662x1435, IMG_1323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not saying there’s something wrong with whites. Like I said this happened with my redwings too. Idk why the fuck you need a picture. Explaining that the footbed is curled and lifting 1/2 inch is pretty clear.

>> No.17919794

rotate your boots then

>> No.17919806

which model is that?

>> No.17919816

millwood. Why are you asking though curious why this is relevant

>> No.17919819

What size and when did you order them?

>> No.17919822

none of my handwelted whites have an unlined shaft

but then again that might just be the GYW line

>> No.17919823

Oh you work there. Why don’t you give me advice on how to fix them rather than whatever weird shit you’re on?

>> No.17919824

I don’t know what an unlined shaft is. Nice dubs.

>> No.17919825

This is why it is important to note. Please email customer service, tell them Rod from the Chan sent you.

>> No.17919888

>he bough non canvas palladuims
but why?

>> No.17919890

if you work at whites why didn't you answer my damn email?

>> No.17919895

why doesn't franks offer the patriot in roughout

>> No.17919944

Get two pair of boots and rotate them daily since they're getting so damp from your sweat.
Use shoe trees, they will help prevent excessive toe spring and moisture buildup.
You don't need boot trees, shoe trees are fine.
Store your boots in the driest place at your home and away from any heat source.
This applies to every leather boot, regardless of pricd, is a matter of how leather reacts to heat and moisture.

Put some wooden (cedar is best) shoe trees on the boots and let them sit for a couple of weeks to a month. They should regain their original shape, at least partialy.

>> No.17920021

Ironically, almost all of this is better than what's being shilled itt.

>> No.17920035

I wanted Redwings so bad until I saw they don't make E sizes in anything smaller than size 7. I'm subject to scour eBay Japan for a decent non-fubar'd pair of the elusive 6.5E because despite the extreme markup on these stupid boots Red Wing US doesn't do custom orders (fuckers)

>> No.17920038
File: 555 KB, 1121x556, IMG_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are Doc Martins relevant in 2023 bros?
I need a black jackboot to round off my little collection and to open up my boot fit options. recommend me a blacked out boot for a similar look; I was thinking the Chippewas Service Utility?

>> No.17920041

RW beckman

>> No.17920049

Solovairs. They're better quality and better looking than dr martens.

>> No.17920131


>> No.17920134

Fucking garbage, just a different supplier.

>> No.17920136

>Chippewas Service Utility
Discontinued, but superb for the money.

>> No.17920197

No one asked, brown-booted leather purist jerking off to the number of grains per square millimeter.

>> No.17920330

>grant stone releases ANOTHER new leather weeks into their black friday sale


>> No.17920333

Beckmans are discontinued, btw

>> No.17920336

you can get them from Europe or japan

>> No.17920346

Japan I dunno, but in Europe not anymore, at least since 2020 or so.
Plenty of Beckmans on the second hand market, but it's mostly heavily worn out boots for about original retail, or up to 500 for brand new.
And honestly, as the biggest RW shill on this genetal, if I were to pay 500 for a boot I'd go with Trumans over RW.

>> No.17920356

there were black beckmans listed on the rw london page a few months ago

>> No.17920380

How’s the dress brown leather compare tk brown cxl?

>> No.17920412
File: 555 KB, 1024x1004, 1661379616043296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying the fit of the brass a little too much
I'm almost dreading going back to a normal last

>> No.17920429

i'm sure they were gearing up to have it released at regular price, but seems like black friday wasn't a booming success this year you have to reel the people hesitant to pull the trigger 2 weeks ago back in with a new release
the grant stone sale isn't really a great bargain anyway with it being $400 minimum and basicly works out as buy boot and get something from the acessories section for free

>> No.17920438

suggest a pair of boots under 200 usd.
>no lace-less flamboyant boots
>must last going hunting in the woods
>no zippers

>> No.17920459

Rumors on the RW r*edit page say the flatbox Beckman is coming back for F/W24.

>> No.17920461

there definitely wasnt as much of a boom as they expected seeing as the sale has gone on for like 3 weeks
parkhurst extended theirs too so it might just be that people arent buying as many boots in that entry level segment right now

sale isnt great but you can get one of the nicer leathers for waxed suede prices

>> No.17920462


>> No.17920465

what do you even hunt with then if your scrounging the cheapest boots? a knife tied to a stick?
take up fishing maybe if $200 for boots is too expensive for you

>> No.17920471

milsurp obviously

>> No.17920490

Damm, I didn't get them last time and sorta regretted it. Would be fun even if I don't get them this time around, if only to piss off scalpers.

>> No.17920505

They seem to be available right now.
>400 sterling pounds

>> No.17920529

im a broke college student, will probably just get a pair of milsurp boots
any suggestions, i had a pair of swiss m90s and i loved them but they're a little too warm for where i currently live

>> No.17920533
File: 885 KB, 1170x1087, IMG_9294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigs can’t even build boots that sit flat

>> No.17920535

ive gotten used alden indy's for around 200 on ebay.

>> No.17920541

Just get Blacksmiths if you want a structured toe

>> No.17920551

>people arent buying as many boots in that entry level segment right now
It's not much of an entry level though- more of a consoomer-tier entrymedium. $400 for nondescript and (in the case of GS, chinkshit) service boots isn't too appealing when you can spend an extra $100 to $200 to get custom built PNW boots that will look and age better. Or save $100, and get some red wings.
Moreover, how many leathers or variations do you really need in a service boot? It can't be good for business to have so many pairs of nearly identical boots and yet GS and Parkhurst both shill these boring ass silhouettes in meme leathers that only people who fetishize shoes as objects instead of as components in a coherent outfit, are drawn to. At least Oak Street or Truman keep a tighter inventory and rotate stock through on a regular basis. It makes the rarer leathers actually novel because you don't know when you'll see that fabrication again.
>verification not required

>> No.17920554

French rangers M65.
Paramemes if you manage to find a pair in your size.

>> No.17920563

it is entry level for something that wont shit the bed and is decently made
you also cant shit on their lasts when most of the pnw boots are high arch potato toes

their inventory is so tight they never have the size I want

>> No.17920564

then White's Semi Dress will be the next closest

>> No.17920565

enjoy your used boots

>> No.17920569
File: 401 KB, 1500x1500, crockett-jones-coniston_2000x2000_3764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get these?

>> No.17920571
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x675, 1692990681271205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get Whites Semi Dress

>> No.17920573

>im a broke college student
what does the hunting have to do with it?

>> No.17920574

He has to eat something, I guess

>> No.17920579


>> No.17920583

This thread reeks of dadcore, disgusting.

>> No.17920584

Hey, why don't Whites or whoever just commission Vibram to create one huge block of rubber heel for them instead of using leather heelbase?

>> No.17920585


>> No.17920588
File: 3.18 MB, 4032x3024, 1684344035210321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17920598

Yes, and?

>> No.17920600

ronald mcdonald called, he wanted his boots back

>> No.17920610

Right, this man's got taste. Gotta express my gratitude for letting me borrow these bad boys for a week while I'm waiting for my Solovairs to come. By the way, have you finished filling in my forms for customs duties refund settlement? I'm not paying you to sit around in your cubicle all day drinking coffee and posting about whatever dressy shitfords/loathers you wanna buy for Christmas. Make sure the forms are ready by EOD tomorrow.

>> No.17920637

Aint no way that's you bro. Aint no way.

>> No.17920640
File: 699 KB, 1675x1728, thoughts on solovairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while I'm waiting for my Solovairs to come

>> No.17920641

What are you rambling about?

>> No.17920644

Woooow, this can't be... a manufacturing defect? This is literally impossible, and certainly couldn't happen to something like Red Wings or Whites or Nigs.

>> No.17920646


>> No.17920647


>> No.17920661

it happens to everyone but you're not supposed to send it out

>> No.17920676

Well I'm not paying 300-500$ more just to wait for multiple months until they make it and check thoroughly when I can freely exchange a faulty pair of Solovairs for a good one and get it faster and cheaper without it looking like a dad boot.
>inb4: oh wait I casually go fishing using my boot as a cage feeder, and sometimes I go for 500km walks over bare rocks, so I need something sturdy enough

>> No.17920701

>I can freely exchange a faulty pair of Solovairs for a good one
that's the funny part there are no good ones

>> No.17920705

That's just an utterly retarded statement to make.

>> No.17920755

Structured or unstructured toe box for semi dress boots?

>> No.17920763
File: 1.14 MB, 4000x3000, 1678741231975794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unstructured on the left, structured on the right, both 55 last

>> No.17920764
File: 893 KB, 813x786, 1683550221056159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add this to the solovair compilation

>> No.17920769

Just imagine this insecurity. The guy keeps searching for the rare reports on Solovair's poor quality trying to prove to himself that spending 700$ on a boot with lead times of months is justified.

>> No.17920770

since you post nothing but AI Doc slop someone's gotta post the real ones

>> No.17920771

I like suede wing tips a lot

What does this say about me bros? What are they used for? They make me feel sleazy

>> No.17920774

They look nearly identical. How’s it feel comfort wise?

>> No.17920778

Ah yes, what do we have on the schedule for today, let me see... the Whites slop.. mhm, the Nigs slop, right.. let's not forget about the RW slop. Did I miss anything, or maybe you have a new dadcore brand you'd like to shill thread after thread?

>> No.17920781

i prefer the unstructured

>> No.17920790

What color leather are these?
Thanks. Any reason you can describe?

>> No.17920799

brown horsehide and cherry buffalo

more vertical clearance for top toe knuckle

>> No.17920802

*black cherry water buffalo

>> No.17920810
File: 72 KB, 750x500, Hidro Tabacco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a guy at work who dresses very expensively and is a little autistic and maybe in the closet (not me surprisingly) and he's the only person I've ever seen wearing suede wingtips.
Dark brown you can only barely even see the pattern on them, kind of a waste.

At one point I considered getting a pair in a lighter brown suede (pic related) but if he wears them, I don't want them.

>> No.17920811

i think they're cool if they're not black

>> No.17920820

>exchange a faulty pair of Solovairs for a good one


>> No.17920826

Lmao who the fuck makes these? Do they have real people making them? Are they all adults? Fully functional ones? Jesus lmao.

>> No.17920828

What company makes good ones?

>> No.17920832

Beautiful leathers. That the unstructured toe box provides more vertical clearance is counter intuitive for me.

>> No.17920840

30 days return policy + the pic posted above where it's stated directly by some manager.

>> No.17920845

well if there is less structure in the toe it means less restrictions

>> No.17920848
File: 62 KB, 713x713, 677-MADISON-ANTE-MARRON-PAIR-SIDE_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOT Allen Edmonds, their wingtip facings overlap with each other, no idea how they managed

Just about every other quality shoemaker should be able to make wingtips and longwings that don't look like complete ass
The one I posted here >>17920810 is Enzo Bonafe

TLB has great quality suede and they can do wingtips and longwings. And you know they won't fuck it up.

>> No.17920855

i'm partial to the alden longwing pattern but they're too expensive

>> No.17920856

That makes sense. Maybe it’s a good option for someone that has duck feet like me.

>> No.17920860

I'm asking for proof of someone returning a pair and getting a good one in return.

>> No.17920864
File: 312 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20231204-215359_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real cool thread

>> No.17920875

Why would I post about getting a good one when I can whine about the bad one?

>> No.17920883
File: 848 KB, 736x746, JlRDSKt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have probably seen skin stitched split toe derbies before.

But I have never seen it done on shell cordovan.
Obviously it's Mecciarello.

>> No.17920917

So you can't post proof. All of them are bad ones.

>> No.17920941

Kek, what a moron. Common sense dude, common sense.

>> No.17920947

Your headcanon isn't common sense. Real life proof shows you that.

>> No.17920956

Okay, then whatever positive reviews on solovairs there are, they're all posted by shills, right? And if I take some pictures of mine, you'll say that they were AI-generated or something, and also that I'm a shill as well.
There's no point in posting proof when it's common sense that all boots by solovair can't be shit, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to sell them at that price. Stop larping as a retarded 13yo mr beast enjoyer.

>> No.17920962

>they're all posted by shills, right
>And if I take some pictures of mine
Do it or stop posting retard.

>> No.17920965

Alright, but you post your face first, I'd like to look in those empty eyes.

>> No.17920970

Can we have one (1) thread without two schizos arguing pointlessly?

>> No.17920980

damn, you're really changing hearts and minds out here bro
soon everyone will respect poverty again

>> No.17920982
File: 702 KB, 665x532, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grant stone

>> No.17920985

the lacing panel and the long wing are too close together

>> No.17920992


>> No.17920994
File: 2.81 MB, 2048x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very similar to TLB

>> No.17920996

not either of them but
suck my nut through my fleshstraw

>> No.17920999

>no boots

Yeah that's what I thought lil bro.

>> No.17921003

the tlb has a hidden seem in that spot to hide that it's two seperate pieces of leather

>> No.17921005

>no face

Yeah, same here.

>> No.17921008


>> No.17921013

For me it’s structured.

>> No.17921014

ok bro
pretend that you don't see it
same as with these carminas

>> No.17921018

not the same shoe even

>> No.17921027

Yeah this isn't /soc/. Faggot no boot teenager shill.

>> No.17921086

Soft toe gang

>> No.17921093
File: 520 KB, 480x600, Onderhoud SVC02 Packer Boot Vulture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blogger heels are the biggest meme abomination in recent memeory
they couldn't have come up with a more fitting name for it

>> No.17921116

are you talking about block heel or logger heel retard

>> No.17921122
File: 2.63 MB, 1080x1920, 1690740382521060.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17921125

blogger heel

>> No.17921128
File: 2.74 MB, 1080x1920, 1690453189189410.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no such thing as a blogger heel

>> No.17921139

>there's no such thing as a blogger heel
take a block heel
sand a taper into it
dont actually reduce the footprint of the heel
blogger heel

>> No.17921142
File: 50 KB, 710x518, dr spec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17921143

logger heel best heel
i can't even look at block heels anymore without feeling disgust

>> No.17921154

>I indeed edge to grain density

>> No.17921171

There is a fine line between having a normal heel and people thinking that you are VERY insecure about your hight.

>> No.17921180
File: 196 KB, 1000x795, 1698268720493984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these things stupid as fuck?
do i 100% get it and theyre now hands down my favorite boot i own?

really happy with them

>> No.17921184

its just certain angles that are unflattering for the brass boot

>> No.17921188
File: 230 KB, 1048x1048, 1682021251901560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true but i also think you want to get it in an e or eee width especially above size 10. the last shape starts looking a bit funny if you make it long and skinny

>> No.17921197

+1 unstructured

>> No.17921215

For what purpose?

>> No.17921216

lord knows but its a thing

>> No.17921229
File: 176 KB, 1343x1520, 407290718_851527176450917_4467929067553705516_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the mighty have fallen

>> No.17921250
File: 1.26 MB, 1158x1155, WhitesManletSpecial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17921252
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>> No.17921254
File: 1.74 MB, 1630x1100, franks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get stomped out lanklet

>> No.17921255

perfect example of why when the heel gets taller you have to go logger to not look like a faggot

>> No.17921260

Wow so gay lookin

>> No.17921265


josh has a very odd way of speaking. anyone knows why? real answers only not shitty insilts

>> No.17921287
File: 1.22 MB, 2596x1336, fgdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do some of you own something from CAT?
I like the boat from the right, but if you notice theres some cracks on the leather, the left one is all smooth? Should I care about it?

>> No.17921289


>> No.17921291
File: 363 KB, 1280x720, 1701435341031227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mall tier trash
>fake welts
>sneaker sole
>mystery meat leather

>> No.17921302
File: 145 KB, 1280x1600, IMG-20230822-WA0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell me! And they are around $ 100!!

>> No.17921303

don't waste your money

>> No.17921304

I've heard people like CAT because they were starting some construction job and they needed boots for work but they were poor and just needed something that passed.
If that's not you just buy something nicer.

>> No.17921306
File: 1.11 MB, 828x1268, Tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bub you have to spend $700 for a decent pair of boots

>> No.17921309

Are there any boots like this but without the platform?i don’t mind the heel just how thick it is in the midsole

>> No.17921310

just get some iron rangers

>> No.17921318

That’s a trupe midsole ask for a double

>> No.17921335

thats a leather outsole with a rubber half sole

>> No.17921338

No it’s a triple mid sole

>> No.17921348

no its not you carmina brained chud
its the welt, midsole, leather outsole and then the rubber halfsole

>> No.17921352
File: 745 KB, 979x622, 1694095349417555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17921354

Looks like a dog treat unfortunately

>> No.17921367
File: 2.63 MB, 3024x4032, 1672455462280796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dont

>> No.17921390

what is that? osb?

>> No.17921392

Manlet spotted.

>> No.17921458

What are these?

>> No.17921470

I have shoes like your picrel and I get compliments on them all the time

>> No.17921483
File: 26 KB, 645x645, RW08084C_MUL_N3_0418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag to boot buying. I'm looking for black boots that have as low a heel as possible and can blend into most outfits. I like the Red Wing Iron Ranger in black and would like similar recommendations. Not looking to spend over $300 on a boot so the Redwings are pushing my budget but if it's truly a good investment I will

>> No.17921494

yes get the iron rangers

>> No.17921495
File: 20 KB, 650x650, A44MGV13-ALT4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17921572

Or blacksmith if you prefer no toe cap and a slightly shorter shaft

>> No.17921630

Lil bro literally got them two sizes bigger LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.17921653
File: 186 KB, 1000x1000, 51974616ec12279d1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought William Lennon b5 boots because I wanted something reasonably casual looking that I could actually walk around in since I go for long walks regularly, and something that will last

I like the way the boots look but how long does it take to break in old school boots? They're incredibly stiff, I wear hiking boots all the time but modern boots break in super quickly

Will 20 miles be enough or do I need to give it more?

>> No.17921688

just wear them for trips to the supermarket etc for a week or two, no point in possibly fucking your feet on a 20 mile walk first time out.

>> No.17921699

stop trying to flex ur fake strikes manlet i know u bought them shits from china and they r two sizes too big for u

>> No.17921712

I wasn't talking 20 miles at once lol, more like 4-5 mile walks in the countryside

I'm only wondering because I've never owned old fashioned footwear before and I have no idea what to expect in germs of break in, like when I break in new hiking boots wearing them for a week around town is sufficient

>> No.17921724

So that’s a single midsole with a leather outsole? How would i properly ask for one of those leather strips to go away? Would that be a bad idea

>> No.17921731

>How would i properly ask for one of those leather strips to go away?
you buy the 350 which is a better boot

>> No.17921834
File: 1.02 MB, 828x971, Heel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That did not answer my question.

>> No.17921838

I like these. The tranny heel isn’t so prominent

>> No.17921848
File: 1.60 MB, 3024x4032, 1688338671718314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potato last
>zero selective clicking
how are they in business still?

>> No.17921851
File: 842 KB, 3024x4032, 1700444484659839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak "american" craftsmanship

>> No.17921852

can I let you in on a secret anon
nobody knows who or what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.17921858

i don't care

>> No.17921859


>> No.17921861

What boots are these and what are clicks?

>> No.17921875
File: 449 KB, 1000x1409, PXL_20231205_143856979_1_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heel isn't too prominent IRL but the toe box looks funky from the wearer's perspective, looking at it in the mirror seems normal enough though

I need to get some grease on these boots

>> No.17921892

they are really nice, william lennon is fairly cheap despite having more done by hand than most boots, so i didn't expect a clean finish like that. Some dubbin will give that leather a clean dark brown look.

>> No.17921955

>the toe box looks funky from the wearer's perspective
I feel that's the case with most, if not all, round toe boots. Bottom line is I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.17921961

Wow nice manlet cope

>> No.17921969

osb pulls the welt as tight as possible for some reason so you always get puckering. no idea why they wont do split welts to hide it

>> No.17921976
File: 55 KB, 612x544, vector-illustration-of-a-cute-whale-single-item.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17921988

feels more like there is not enough stitching tension.

>> No.17922080

wear heavy socks
wear them for a couple hours the first day, then double the amount the next and so on an so forth

>> No.17922088

nah OSB has a history of bad puckering around the welt they never quite figured out their machine lasting techniques

>> No.17922189

they welt it tight and flat with the upper and then "flip" the welt horizontal, this causes the puckering

bedo also explains it

>> No.17922190

I went to a local c*bbler and I didn't want to look like a shoe autist so I said I wanted an antiwater spray for suede (I know he carries saphir invulner) and he said "AKSHUALLY" it's antiwater for everything, not just suede.

That can't be right is it?

>> No.17922203

silicone spray technically works on anything because its a new coat

>> No.17922214
File: 173 KB, 1126x2000, 386447695_677937291178930_5213647379496894436_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got them fuckin thangs on me, boi

>> No.17922222


>> No.17922225

>black on black

>> No.17922245



>> No.17922378

this is the way

>> No.17922914
File: 83 KB, 500x500, gvLWCIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there even any more stock of surplus euro combat boots left? m77s, m90s, paramemes, french shit, all out of stock everywhere.
can still buy new from alfa or steinkogler but im a poorfag and don't want to spend almost 300 dollars on these boots