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17898729 No.17898729 [Reply] [Original]

How do people react to your outfits?

>> No.17898735

The standards are so low in Latin America that guys wearing poorly fitted formal clothing garner attention. No wonder why white incels fly to these countries in droves just to get a third world wife KEK

>> No.17898912

holy shit they actually started doing THIS

>> No.17898927

Depends. Most of my friends comment on how stylish I am and how good certain items of clothing look on me, including the straight men. I've even had a few friends ask me to help style an outfit or two for them.

However, occasionally people think I'm gay because of some dumb shit. One guy said he thought I was gay for wearing a pink shirt. I grew up in the sticks, and some high school friends made fun of my "skinny jeans" (athletic cut jeans on my fairly strong legs).

One that actually managed to make me a little mad was when I wore a pair of heather gray slacks, a white button down, a pair of square toe dress shoes, and my favorite black tie to work. When I got off and walked across the yard to my apartment, my neighbor's friend shouted "LOVE THE OUTFIT DUDE, WHAT IS IT, PASSOVER?" So it kinda varies.

>> No.17898938

did a white incel steal your girl?

>> No.17898981
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even the toothless sharmutas are laffin

>> No.17899183

imagine the smell

>> No.17899185

Dressing nice in the 3rd world is like polishing a turd

>> No.17899245

Idk I got compliments from a cute coworker saying my generic green flannel shirt looked really good, but had a neutral/disinterested reaction to my light blue oxford shirt
Some chicks tell me I pull off a flat cap, some I know hate it but they don’t say anything (I hate them anyway so idgaf what they think).

>> No.17899342

I do get comments from family and colleagues. Some are compliments, some are teasing me for being the most smartly dressed in the office, others are defending me from being teased.

I occasionally get stopped in the street by people telling me I look good. I'm sure not all of them are being sarcastic. I've had sex with at least one woman (a 19 y/o goth girl) who I met solely through her commenting on how I was 'spectacularly well dressed' and 'smelled amazing'.

Some comments I've had over the last few years:
>Spectacularly well dressed
>Looking very dapper today
>You're putting us all to shame
>Old fashioned (in a good way)
>Old fashioned (in a bad way)
>Impeccably dressed
>Are you going to a wedding?
>Have you got a job interview?
>What are you in court for?
>You look really nice?
>Like something a grandpa would wear
>Like an evil vicar
>Like an autistic Bond villain.
>Really good. Like, REALLY good

I'm a 44 y/o provincial Englishman in a senior management job.

>> No.17899368

Why are braziliabs so obssesed with Peaky Blinders?

>> No.17899383
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that's a Halloween costume not an outfit. If I dress up like a pirate is that an outfit too?

>> No.17899392

Pirate isn't appropriate everyday wear, unlike the outfit the OP's men were wearing.

>> No.17899393

Aye, matey.

>> No.17899426

They don't, but several months later they casually mention how I always dress really well. Sometimes people compliment a new piece of clothing I've bought, but it's never the clothes you expect. I bought some totally generic cotton trousers from Uniqlo 'cause I was paranoid I wouldn't have anything cool to wear in the summer heat wave (I was extremely correct) and got compliments from complete strangers for a week or two afterwards.
I have got "I'd never normally ask a guy about this but you're different" when my friends want style advice (I'm only friends with women IRL). Also, everyone thinks I'm at least a bit fruity. I do like guys as well as girls, but damn.
desu I feel like it's the same here in the UK.

>> No.17899436

british girls are that easy?

>> No.17899441

No, not really. It's simply much easier to stand out as a good looking and high value guy than in South Korea or Italy. That doesn't mean it's easier to actually sleep with the women.

>> No.17899444

26 year old here, pretty much the same for me. Although I noticed that the negative reactions mostly come from boomers (who are dressed like complete shit) or from blue haired thots.

Also I get lot of positive attention from girls around my age, which doesn't matter since I'm in a relationship anyway. Funnily she doesn't give a shit at all on how I dress since we met before I started dressing well.

>> No.17899449
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Dang ol' outfits, man. I tell you what, they're a real conversation starter.

Y'see, I ain't no fancy-pants fashionista, but I know how to express myself through my dang ol' clothes. And let me tell you, people notice.

Some folks, they just stare. They don't know what to make of my dang ol' outfits. But others, they come up to me and tell me they like my style. They say it's unique, it's eye-catching, it's Boomhauer.

And I tell you what, man, that makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I'm somethin' special, you know? Like I'm not just another dang ol' face in the crowd.

So don't you go worryin' 'bout how people react to your outfits, man. Just be yourself, and let your dang ol' personality shine through. And if people don't like it, well, then that's their dang ol' problem.

Dang ol' people, man. They can be so judgemental. But don't you let 'em get you down. Just keep on bein' you, man, and you'll be just fine.

>> No.17899456

>square toe loafers
>black tie
gross, top off my coffee please
you're the only person ITT that dresses well
this would've been cool before nlp's

>> No.17899485

My favorite reaction to my outfits, one I will never forget, was that my then-new manager told me on my second week that he bought an entire new wardrobe. Because of how I dressed. I felt so apologetic at the time, I would never want to pressure anyone into buying stuff. Since then I just laugh about it, it was such and over-the-top reaction.
I don't even dress that well, it was mostly just Uniqlo, H&M stuff, with some decently tailored jackets and good shoes. He's copying my style to this day. Our build is very different, so the rest isn't so striking. But he bought the same glasses I had, so that looks odd if we stand next to each other. At one point I will ask him to pay for styling advice or something.

>> No.17899512

>However, occasionally people think I'm gay because of some dumb shit. One guy said he thought I was gay for wearing a pink shirt.
Shitty boomer opinions that they unfortunately passed down to the next. "Hurr durr only homos care how they dress" is the biggest mental midget opinion of all time and just cope because their shitty generation was a bunch of poorly dressed hippies brain damaged from lead poisoning.

>> No.17899555

>How do people react to your outfits?
they dont, im outeffayed by literally every single peer in uni

>> No.17899568

>you're the only person ITT that dresses well
Actual retard hours

>> No.17899632

Could you tell me what you were wearing when you met the goth girl? It's for a friend...

>> No.17899653

the rest of you all sound like mall core npc's, give me a break

>> No.17899733
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My fashion I give me an intimidating presence that kinda scares people from getting near me but that intimation also causes men to respect me and is magnetic to the opposite gender my #1 inspo is euronoymouns

>> No.17899762

>british girls are that easy?
Yes, pretty much.

>>17899444 (checked)
>lots of positive attention

Yep, be congruent with it and it boosts your status enormously.

>you're the only person ITT that dresses well

Thank you.

Sure thing. Contrary to her comments, it was actually a pretty unspectacular outfit. Chinos, blue chambray shirt, brown check blazer, pocket square, dress watch. Fairly standard trad daddy stuff. The scent she liked so much was Tom Ford Beau de Jour.

>> No.17899969

He sounds like a fucking tumblrina chuuni at 40

>> No.17900087

>desu I feel like it's the same here in the UK
Well you have the same third world demographics over there so that isn't shocking.

>> No.17900100

usually they ask me how much everything cost like I'm sort of fucked up for spending money on nice clothes

>> No.17900101

gay ass fag

>> No.17900123

Kek, based

>> No.17900140

I live in northern Canada. No one gives a fuck. People wear shorts and flip-flops to church, their work boots to sit-down restaurants.

>> No.17900682

who said anything about loafers? And gas station coffee is self-serve, so since it's all you can afford you can take care of it yourself

>> No.17900685

KEK it’s little India now

>> No.17900781

>The standards are so low

This is true here in the UK too. The standards of public dress are so bad that putting even a small amount of effort into dressing well can make you stand out.

When I say ‘bad’ I don’t mean casual. There are plenty of ways to make great casual outfits, and people don’t do that either. I mean ugly, low quality clothes, put together without any thought, in the most boring and unstylish combinations imaginable. They don’t seem to think in terms of an outfit at all, just about putting on enough clothes to cover their bodies.

Even putting a small amount of thought and effort into your entire outfit elevates you way beyond people around you, and you definitely get noticed.

>> No.17900804

>dress like a complete fool
>get attention

>> No.17900874

In England, I was told I don't have to dress that smart for where we work (jumper, jeans, dr martens), a month later a coworker starts copying me

In Germany, I was called a nazi for not wearing one of three approved outfits

>> No.17900893

Depends. Most of the time people don't comment on it or show obvious reactions. Occasionally someone tells me I'm dressed well. Usually girls like coworkers or dates.

If I wear something that is more unusual it can happen that old fucks start staring at me condescendingly, or friends crack a joke.

>> No.17900917

Lol, I’m adding that one to my list.

If only.

>> No.17900943

>Most of the time people don't comment on it or show obvious reactions.
This. I turn heads and cause people to do double takes but that might also just be my body. Or my weird behavior.
There is indirect things like asking where I shop, what second hand stores I recommend and people asking me if I'm okay when I don't put effort into how I look.
Direct stuff is friends and coworkers noticing when I have bought something new, women asking for my number (might also be my height) and friends asking for my opinion about their party outfits or costumes. I also got compliments from complete strangers for times.
And my GF says my sense of style in general and how I dress in particular was partly why she fell in love with me.

>> No.17900978
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They dont react because my idea of "well dressed" is looking elegant but inoffensive

Like pic related I a good outfit in my eyes. Its competent but nothing you'd look twice at

>> No.17900994

This is so surreal. Seeing some autistic larpers but in some South American shithole. It looks like poverty maxxing Africa, in which everyone is the lowest IQ around and they are dressed in rags that were donated to them.

I can't even tell if people are mocking or impressed. It looks like a sure way to get yourself mugged though and killed.

When you think about it, self reflection on how you look and dress takes a little brain power. The most stupid places are full of actual clones, and ones who look like shit. Even health wise they look out of shape, poor health, bodies, clothing, and brains.

What a horrendous place.

>> No.17901017

Show the glasses please

>> No.17901031

2012 video game protagonist core

>> No.17901036

Idk if I'm the one who's out of touch, but I see a lot of people on this board dressing like this and it really does give me >>17901031 vibes. It just seems like something I'd have seen a while ago and on generic men. You're right that it's totally inoffensive btw, I'm just surprised. I swear this board didn't used to be like this.

>> No.17901051

>normies striking you with the normie gaze
>the ultimate sign that you're a faggot autist
>some people think you're a cosplayer
>these guys think the normies genuinely like their style

>> No.17902360

>hi i work at a company and i dont really know what i do, i have a black lab and go jogging on the weekend, my house is sterile and uninviting, i have almost no personality at all, and i spend $84 at the microbrewery every lunch and after work.

>> No.17902384

> my #1 inspo is euronoymouns
Really bitch?

>> No.17903255

A greasy manlet with crop tops is your manly, intimidating inspo?

>> No.17903266

>appropriate everyday wear
>full suits with heavy coats in south america with clearly hot weather
I don't think the term appropriate applies my dear retarded anonymous.
Ironically, a "piratey" shirt would work much better for the weather

>> No.17903271
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Forgot pic

>> No.17903329

>successful business man
>scared an entire country by creating the scariest music hitherto heard
>just him joking around made people scared for their lives
But somehow not intimidating yeah sure thing

>> No.17903505

>heavy coats
Look st how they flap around with a minimal breeze. Those are cheap chunkshit from aliexpress or wish.
But yeah, dressing like early XX century irishmen in Brazil is ridiculous.
For some reason Btazilians and Southamericans eere obssesed with Peaky Blinders a couole of years ago.

>> No.17903515

Oh yeah, a flat cap. I get compliments on my flat cap from some, and other people say I look like an old man. I like it though.

>> No.17904624
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Barton Perreira, nothing special if you're in the US I think. In our corner of the world it's a bit cumbersome to get. I know no one else irl who has any of the BP glasses (except that manager now).

>> No.17904629
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>mostly compliments from old timers (very dapper)
>had two different people ask to take a picture of me (i think they were gangstalkers)
>women are intimidated by me

but how are you supposed to respond to obviously non /fa/ people? It feels like sometimes they're complimenting you to fish for a compliment back

>> No.17904787

If someone ever asked me this to my face, I would call them rude and not answer. Poor-brain fags only ever thinking about money, I hate them and will not participate.

>> No.17904791

>but how are you supposed to respond to obviously non /fa/ people?
>Oh thank you! That's very nice of you to say!
>Thank you! That's so nice to hear!
One time in an office, someone said to me:
>You always dress so nice
So I said:
>Oh thanks for noticing! I do try and make an effort.
Basically, accept the compliment and simply compliment their act of complimenting you.

>> No.17904936

>I do try and make an effort.
This could imply that they and others don’t try and make an effort. Probably think you’re a jackass after hearing this one. Just drop that whole last greentext line from you repertoire of canned replies if you don’t want to make enemies at work.

>> No.17905090

Based. Those people have no other criteria in which to base their opinions than pricetag. You could convince them to smear themselves in shit if said shit was 1k per oz.

>> No.17905500

Ya you're right, that comment wasn't the best to share as advice for someone else to use since it was more specialized. It worked in the context cuz i knew the woman and it turned into a convo about how dressing well is an active choice and her wanting to but being nervous and encouraging her etc.

But I do stand this basic formula working
>Accept the compliment and simply compliment their act of complimenting you.

>> No.17905584
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I dress like Richey Edwards and I get people (mostly teenagers) making fun of me and calling me emo in public and women gushing over how much they love my outfits in equal amounts.

>> No.17905668


>> No.17905670

Teenagers mock you because you're dressed in a trend that was meant for teenagers fifteen years ago. Dressing like that past your early 20's is cringe.
Women compliment your fits because they want to wear some of your stuff, not because they find you attractive.

>> No.17905702

> Women compliment your fits because they want to wear some of your stuff, not because they find you attractive.
This is completely true

>> No.17906557

This. They always say things like “Oh well not everyone can afford £60 for a shirt” as if that means you shouldn’t get one or that you’re making a bad recommendation. I hate it when they try to direct you to other shops where things are less expensive and/or try to get you to compromise on quality. E.g. saying “but everything has synthetics in it these days.”
Potatoes are 70p a bag. Lard is around 50p a block. A pack of minute steaks is about £5. There is very little actual poverty. People are just decadent and like to cope by pretending to advocate in favour of a spartan lifestyle. Clothes can be used to indicate this so people dress like shit to virtue signal. As a sperg I despise this social game. It’s funny because all the people who complain about the cold are always the ones wearing almost no layers and only buying cheap clothes whilst I am comfy in my £60 shirts and jumpers (which as /fa/ will know, are not even that expensive).
I’m unironically at the point I’ve just started making my own clothes. Making a shirt rn and looking to make a quilted chore coat afterwards. Will post on /fa/ when I’m finished.

>> No.17906559

Lmao. Which outfit got you called a Nazi? I want to hear this story.

>> No.17906785

>Making a shirt rn and looking to make a quilted chore coat afterwards. Will post on /fa/ when I’m finished.
Nice anon! Def wanna see them when done. Fuck poor-brains, they are best ignored.

>> No.17908185
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>women compliment my mustache
>they want to wear my mustache

>> No.17908628

i had a friend who called it gay but he has a BMI of over 25 so i'm not too sure

>> No.17908654

Wink wink

>> No.17908690

i want him carnally

>> No.17908693

Why do ugly dudes call everything gay?

>> No.17908793

I dress like this too. I want to nail it but also be completely forgettable as far as how I dress goes.