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File: 308 KB, 1179x1179, D3B6F027-9535-4F97-8728-77328038CD5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17840733 No.17840733 [Reply] [Original]

How does one prevent aging as much as possible?

>> No.17840737

I'm getting lines on my cheeks
Finna boutta kms

>> No.17840748

mogs me

>> No.17840764
File: 156 KB, 1024x1024, 1696758416316747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am that guy on the pic, expect I have almost zero beard, very skinny (<60 kg), and yes, people have the same reaction "omg you're THAT old? I thought you're 24 or something!", and honestly, I don't care. This long lasting pubertal look has given me zero pussy, because I'm a schizophrenic loner chud, who keeps talking about how Dostoyevsky perceived alcoholism as some kind of a demonic possession, and what color the emptiness behind the event horizon can look like, and other shit people don't even care about
>How does one prevent aging as much as possible?
Never drink and never smoke. Works for me.

>> No.17840772

I got hit by the truck of aging at 22 maybe lotion and a good diet would help

>> No.17840874

i'm also this kind of guy,
smoked and drank a lot tho

>> No.17840902
File: 48 KB, 720x720, IMG_8577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my age was ambiguous until i started greying in the beard and temples. now i actually look 30+

>> No.17840909

Weston A Price diet. 5000-10000iu itamin d3 in mct oil topically applied daily, k2 mk4 1-2mg, niacinamide taken orally 100-500mg and a small amount applied topically to the face in distilled water, high quality b complex, b1 thiamin hcl 100mg-1000mg, 1-4g taurine, 2-3mg boron, low ingredient peptide serums, topical gericare aspirin/dissolve 1 or 2 tablets in distilled water and apply to face, topical bone marrow cream from etsy, spermidine capsules, magnesium taurate

>> No.17840911

Also red light therapy. You can get a handheld lamp from lifegivingstore for $100.

>> No.17840917

don't smile or laugh

>> No.17840968

lol I'm 32 and everyone, younger and older, guess I'm 25.

>> No.17840969

lol im posting this on /fit/

>> No.17841294

That's easy, I've been doing it since I was born

>> No.17841329

Dude you don't want to age slowly as a man. I'm 27 and regularly people assume I'm much younger. Had a guy fix my car at the Jiffy Lube today and he called me kiddo, and often when I'm conducting interviews it's like the interviewee doesn't expect me to be the one hiring them because I look like a teenager. I feel like the women that are attracted to me are like 19-21, and that's too young for me.
I'd rather look 35 than like I'm fresh out of high school. At this point it's only frustrating, and typically I'm not one to get too self conscious, but as of late as a 27 year old man it feels like I should've grown into myself at this point, but I look almost the same as I did at 19.

>> No.17841330

If you’re male it’s literally as simple as keeping your hair. That’s why I recommend all men to go on fin as soon as they hit puberty.

>> No.17841339

DHT is instrumental in male puberty, it only becomes detrimental in adulthood.
You're literally suggesting teenagers take puberty blockers so they can look 12 forever.

>> No.17841345

I'm in my 30s and it kind of is like there is some weird mental block.
Like, I will have a dream and in the dream I am 28 for some reason.

Maybe on some level you're kind of displaced by how shit seems to keep going faster and there's not really any ceremonies to mark the passage of time anymore.

>> No.17841350

That image hits a little too close to home. I'm not a fatass at least.

>> No.17841352

I have a red light wand, but I never know how long, how close, or where exactly to wave the thing around like a retard.

>> No.17841357

I'm 15% bodyfat with abs and I have a small double chin, do I really need to lose more fucking weight for this shit to go away? I refuse to grow a beard and hide it.

>> No.17841412

I use cerave AM and PM cream, Revitalift every morning and night, and retinol before bed.

My hairline is still going south at 27, but such is life.

>> No.17841471

Cut to 10-12%, 15% is still too high if your goal is be shredded

>> No.17841503

When im 40 i will look like im 30. When im 50 i will look like im 40 and when im 60 i will look like im 50, it's not a sprint it's a marathon
WAGMI, i will not end up like that trucker that never used sun protection

>> No.17841510

wat converse r thos

>> No.17841511

What's wrong with wearing a hat outside? Less UV rays from the sun on your face would work with keeping you looking younger.

>> No.17841528

Just shave your beard and color your hair. Dyeing your hair the natural color is the least harmful way to color your hair so it's not even that big of a deal lad.

>> No.17841531

I'm 30 and I look 16.

>> No.17841559

>trucker that never used sun protection
thats why i use sunscreen now

>> No.17841606

It's not that time goes faster, it's that less happens as you get older. When you're in your teens/20s, everything is a new experience and therefore memorable. The older you get, the less new experiences you have. That's why the years start running together and time seems go faster.

>> No.17841611

they probably say that because you sound like an immature 19 year old

>> No.17841642

I wanna know more about that theory of the events horizon. Why would color be diferent than what we see here?

>> No.17841725
File: 67 KB, 720x405, grim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve, 54

>> No.17841749

>less happens as you get older

>When you're in your teens/20s, everything is a new experience and therefore memorable

i believe i know this part is not true from experience. my life has been very uneventful.

>> No.17841751

meant to say true after the first point.

>> No.17841756

Literally both sides look almost the fucking same, and we cannot tell because of the lighting

>> No.17841775

im 34 and people think im 28/29

could be worse

>> No.17841859

>tfw 34 and the desk receptionist asked where my parents were

>> No.17841889

I drink green tea every day before bed, have done so for the past 20 years. People don't believe I'm 35. But I don't believe for a second that's the cause, it's almost exclusively genetics. My brother who smokes and drinks is 42 and he looks even younger than me with a NW1 and barely any gray hair, while I'm desperately trying to hide my diffuse thinning.

>> No.17841992

Min and fin works wonders for diffuse thinning

>> No.17841993

dont get fat

>> No.17842020

34 and my psychology teacher (32, F) said I look younger.
The cashier at Walmart though she thought I was 50.

>> No.17842320
File: 646 KB, 576x512, 1663097959238837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was young people used to tell me I looked like Harry Potter
Now people say I look like Snape

>> No.17842349

Yeah, I've been using min for 2 years now, it works very well for the crown but my hairline is steadily getting thinner. Planning on hopping on fin asap

>> No.17842382

You could try to rock the trent reznor style

>> No.17842535

surface level bodyfat measurements are irrelevant when you have no muscle. skinny people can suffer from having high body fat too believe it or not. you probably need to gain weight or if not, exercise more and lay off the slop food. and also eat more protein.

i had the same issue when i was younger but then my balls dropped and i became more active.

>> No.17842544
File: 388 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20231004_084147_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 and fapping

>> No.17842686

Why does his skin look like it can be easily pulled off in this pic

>> No.17842688

it's AI

>> No.17842769

guys if I keep getting carded for cigarettes at 32 does that mean I look a lot younger? Most people say I look 29/30

>> No.17842881

In hindsight I should’ve guessed it’s an AIfag in
>schizophrenic loner chud

>> No.17843003

People always want to be someone or something they aren't.

>> No.17843007


>> No.17843013

I started HRT and got laser hair removal
I think the lack of any facial hair or shadow is a big deal

>> No.17843084

A guy whom I inquired about a job recently asked me if I was still in high school. I’m almost 30.

>> No.17843507
File: 299 KB, 478x599, 1609749726162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've looked 30+ since I was like 16
At least I still have all my hair.

>> No.17843515

Hiding his hairline

>> No.17844367

basically raise testosterone, no shit

>> No.17844368

unrealistic and gay, hard to sustain and your body becomes an obsession

>> No.17844407

I'm 26 and a bouncer thought I was 19 and asked the other bouncers how old they thought I was lol.

>> No.17844450

jesus christ

fucking andrew huberman over here

dawg u don't need anything except sun, steel, sauna, good diet, and actually do shit with ur life

everything else is faggotry