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17820222 No.17820222 [Reply] [Original]

How do people do this shit? If I don't shave for 48 hours my face gets constantly itchy, the skin around the beard gets greasy, and I get a bunch of dead skin in it that's impossible to get out. Am I just shit genetics or does this happen to everyone

>> No.17820223

Soilennials ruined it either way, too much performative masculinity. Maybe go for some stubble.

>> No.17820921

Beards are fine if trimmed close and are not a substitute for a lack of jaw.

>> No.17820927
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Thinking to go full shave again, but only at a certain body fat percentage. Going to lift so weight before doing it.

>> No.17820936

Have you considered taking a fucking shower?

>> No.17821105

probably shit genetics plus washing yourself with detergent all the time. it gets rid of the dead skin but it strips your natural oils away and your skin dries out which is painful, followed by overcompensation in oil production which irritates the hair follicle.
if you can stop that and balance your diet, you should just need
>dermal abrasion a.k.a. scratch your skin when you're washing it
>shampoo once or twice a week
>oil it occasionally to keep the skin under your beard from drying out - can be something as simple as mineral or olive oil
>don't use it personally but tea tree oil I've heard is a miracle

>> No.17821111
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this is a good idea - I think full shave plus skinny isn't the ideal look for an adult man unless you are very tall or a writer/poet type.
>Beards are fine if trimmed close and are not a substitute for a lack of jaw.
they absolutely are - women are out here drawing a face on their face. chinlets, let the beard flow proudly

>> No.17821167

Only the first days are itchy.

>> No.17821168

Are you grooming your beard?
You should be using beard oil to condition your skin and a brush/comb to prevent your beard from getting greasy.

>> No.17821174

i always thought this too and was my experience because i would shave it off after a month or so of itchy annoyance. if you leave it 6 months or more it starts to become soft and comfy. my beard is 2 years old at this point and down to my sternum lol

>> No.17821175
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>You should be using beard oil to condition your skin
lol go away shill. just buy coconut oil from the grocery story, you dont need cringe "beard-brand TM" bullshit snake (beard) oil

>> No.17822268

this, they ruined beards 8 years ago and now in the past 3 mustaches were ruined and are for soys

>> No.17822289

I have prickly hair and sensitive skin so mine bothers me for about three months and then I don’t feel it anymore.

>> No.17822481

shit genetics
since I graduated high school I had all type of beard, never had that problem, how do people geat greasy beard? literally just shower