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/fa/ - Fashion

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17807573 No.17807573 [Reply] [Original]

How are you holding up, /fa/?

>> No.17807581

Pretty good. Just bought a complete new wardrobe. Bought some accessories. Bough a hair cut. Writing a post right now asking /fa/ whether my purchases are effay. I think now they'll finally understand.

>> No.17807587

just went to target and old navy to by some clothes, basically a full new set of shit to wear. the last time i did that was almost 5 years ago.

>> No.17807591

Pretty ok today. Polishing my boots, I’ve always enjoyed it. How’re you anon?

>> No.17807607

I don't like how I look. I'm jealous of my friends and I stopped hanging out with them for my own good, I don't care about jeans now I'll only wear comfortable clothes.

>> No.17807676

I need to tidy up my wardrobr both in the physical and metaphysical sense. I bought too many stuff and most of it is shit. Got no sense of style, sad.

Yeah, boot season just started.

>> No.17807742
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I have a problem where I feel like I'm hitting the wall in terms of what I can wear due to where I live and my lifestyle. I live in a flyover country - New Zealand - where there's not really anything to do. Apart from work and going for essential things like going for walks, groceries or appointments I don't really have any reason to leave the house, apart from going to play MTG once a week. When I do go out and dress how I want, I often feel out of place or that I'm overdressing. Usually I'll find that I drive or take the train to a destination, do the things I need to do there, then go home. It makes it difficult to continue pouring money into a wardrobe and keep fleshing out a style if it's mostly experimental for me and I'm not confident in most of my purchases that aren't 'safe' like a basic sweatshirt or something.

The climate here doesn't help; it's usually fairly humid (70%+) even if it's not hot, making layering uncomfortable. I'd love to dress in similar but male version of pic related but it seems too impractical given all of the above. Hopefully I'll be able to travel overseas later this year and actually try some things on in person so I can buy the ones I like and skip the ones I don't without having to roll the dice on how something will fit me.

>> No.17807862

Sounds like a stupid problem

>> No.17807869

Every /fa/ feel or prpblem is stupid by its nature. Doesn't mean we can't share them here.

>> No.17807899
File: 105 KB, 610x535, niggastaringintoanorb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about fashion anymore. I barely browse here now
All the excitement of getting a new piece in is gone, and I don't even wear what I've bought because I'm autistic and will only handwash stuff I own to make it last as long as possible. but that autistic desire to preserve it means I essentially never wear the nice shit I've bought
I have a collection full of very rare, highly sought after pieces that some collectors would pay me thousands of $ for but I'm too lazy and burnt out to even attempt to resell my pieces and deal with lowballers and scammers
my friends find it funny I own single pieces worth $5,000+ but I exclusively wear fruit of the loom & shitty fast fashion garbage instead
somebody help

>> No.17807911

faggot pussy
>waaah wahh my fwends look better den me im gonna isolate myself from them because of it
you're so retarded

>> No.17807915

Have a friend sell it for a commission. FotL is the way to go, basic quality without the marketing shit margin.

>> No.17808131

fucking hungover, was at a rave last night. and work tomorrow.

>> No.17808143

>imply fa was ever about fashion in the past 10 years

>> No.17808146

dont be retarded. hanging out with people like that should motivate you to become better, not become a shut in. work on yourself and stop being gay.

>> No.17809212

I'm too poor to get nice clothes
feels bad

>> No.17809258

Define "nice", you can be /fa/ on a budget

>> No.17809274
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Hanging in there.

>> No.17809287

>Define "nice"
I mean nice quality, not nice looking
basically anything without plastic

>> No.17809292
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I will wear a BOSS polo shirt to work tomorrow (I've usually been wearing the same two jumpers and pants every day all year long until now)
I wonder if that will
>Get any stares
>Get any comments
>Trigger the Jew coworker

>> No.17809309

You can try thirfting or second hand apps. Takes a bit of work, but you can still find good stuff for cheap.

>> No.17809315

bought several new jeans and jackets for fall.
feeling pretty snazzy

>> No.17809480

you're retarded if you believe anyone cares about your clothes or if they even pay attention to what you're wearing

>> No.17809481

thanks Anon, I already check those from time to time but there's almost nothing where I live and the few good clothes I could find are always for/from fat fucks

>> No.17809515

Dressing-up must serve a purpose, for me, it’s attracting women. I’m not doing it otherwise.

>> No.17809535

Nothing more comfortable than a suit and a Rolex.

>> No.17809552

Im alright.
Cant decide to go techwear or streetcyber for this show tomorrow.

>> No.17810187

I still feel unaccepted by myself for not being good looking.

>> No.17810300

Well how did they react?

>> No.17810310

they killed him

>> No.17810362

Actually the Jew guy complimented it but otherwise yeah, nothing happened
If anything everyone else was wearing black and grey shirts/jackets, very boring for a surprisingly warm day

>> No.17810363

feel free to post pics of any of them

>> No.17810431
File: 9 KB, 245x405, gorillaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here, new zealand fucking sucks as a place to engage in any local culture or scene(unless you're a maori lol)
there's no vintage menswear scene here, the best I can hope for is going to some free-access swing/jazz music thing happening in the park or some shit and hope I'm not the only one wearing so much as a goddamn tie
if you wanna stay in touch my discord is skint. (full stop included)