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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 275 KB, 1100x1200, 11639053-1324589035642248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17753784 No.17753784 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on Polo shirts? Should you leave all the buttons tied up or have the top button open?

>> No.17753797

Bro not even the bottom should be buttoned, the polo is an outdoors casual garment, you look like a fuckin dumbass nerd with the top buttoned

>> No.17753809
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>> No.17753810
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>> No.17753812
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>> No.17753813

I rest my case >>17753797

>> No.17753814
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>> No.17753817
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>> No.17753819

Alright if the buttons go down all the way to your navel you can leave some buttoned

>> No.17753820
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>> No.17753823
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>> No.17753824
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>> No.17753829
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>> No.17753831

button up your polo or you're gonna look like this faggot >>17753823

>> No.17753833

His the most well dressed in the entire set

>> No.17753834
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>> No.17753835
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>> No.17753839
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>> No.17753844
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>> No.17753846
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>> No.17753848
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>> No.17753850
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>> No.17753853
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>> No.17753855
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>> No.17754093

I only wear polos, I also have a bad posture and the collar makes it less visible, I keep the buttons either way, depends on how I feel, sometimes I keep the collar up.

>> No.17754505

Haha! Who says “nerd”?
Do you think you are fonzie?

>> No.17754590
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>> No.17756689
File: 183 KB, 720x960, 987897897879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is 0 reason for a single one of your buttons to be buttoned up ever.
t. wears polo shirts often

>> No.17756703

Button upped if you're a small nerd
All unbutton if you're a jacked jock

>> No.17756783
File: 492 KB, 1500x2000, MagPI113Green-MAIN1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of buttoned-up buttons is directly proportional to how much of a cock-smoking faggot you are.

You're a man. Let your chest free.


>> No.17756794

This thread of images has shown me that any number of buttons buttoned or unbuttoned can look good. thanks anons

>> No.17756806

If you wear a button-up shirt, do you button the top button? No, you dont, unless youre wearing a tie. It just looks wrong, on either type of shirt.

Polos and rugbies were originally casual sporting shirts. You can also find vintage photos of men wearing them with suits, and they didn't button the top button or wear a tie. Buttoning the top goes against that casual spirit and makes you look literally and figuratively closed-off.

Besides convention, the shape is just not as flattering. Instead of creating a pleasant V that leads to your face, it's a sheer horizontal break. Imagine if the collar and lapel of a blazer actually closed and encased your neck, that wouldn't look good.

>> No.17756809

When I worked retail I'd button all except the top. For my casual look I don't button any of them.

>> No.17756908

>there's a top button
>don't use it though
this is your brain on /fa/

>> No.17757334


>> No.17757339

pants id?

>> No.17757344

I don't wear polos because they soon turned into a shapeless mess after you wash them a couple times. Is there a way to avoid this?

>> No.17757372

Dont buy cheap garbage and dont wash them at 90degrees

>> No.17758145
File: 86 KB, 900x804, 1691797800197735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you button up all of your suit buttons? No.

Fashion changes with the times and often relics of the past remain. Just because you're an autist doesn't mean you get to project it onto us.

Shoo redditor, shoo.

>> No.17758378

>Do you button up all of your suit buttons?
>Noooooooooooo it has changed, now wearing underpants on your head is the new thing! You don't get to tell me! Get with the times, grandpa!
This is why rich and stylish people hate the poor.

>> No.17758588

Suit jackets are literally designed for the bottom button not to be used

>> No.17758616
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>> No.17758619

Why do they put it there then?

>> No.17758640

low quality b8

>> No.17758971

lmao at the tattoo

>> No.17759525


>> No.17759888

Fashion is about expressing yourself, not following dumb rules

>> No.17759900

wrong its actually about rules, hope this helps x

>> No.17759906

Yes it is, but if we're talking suits specifically then part of the identity of a suit is following the rules.

>> No.17760397

>mainstream, rabbi-approved sources
one of the sources:
>In my opinion, leaving the bottom vest button unfastened may look very handsome with casual coats and tweed suit, while I think that a dark business suit, a tuxedo, or a white tie ensemble should always look better if the waistcoat is buttoned completely, but of course—to each his own.

fmd, at least you tried....... I love humoring what we call you, the unwashed people, and watch them stumble

>> No.17760430

Fredperry ftw