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/fa/ - Fashion

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17750804 No.17750804 [Reply] [Original]

just realized something
>unattractive people mostly give up on fashion
>hence there are few photos of unattractive people wearing cool outfits
>those pics don't exist, so they can't be used as inspo
>since they don't feature at all in any inspo boards or such, they get left out of the mental image the inspo-observer develops of people wearing any style of fashion
>so every style of fashion becomes unconsciously associated exclusively with attractive people
>so every kind of fashion looks out of place on unattractive people, because they aren't like the attractive people in the inspo pics
>so they always look like they are cosplaying, and it never works
>so they give up on fashion

its a vicious cycle
get born ugly and you never look like you're meant to wear anything nice, you're doomed to merely cosplay your superiors or give up completely

>> No.17750807

kys doug

>> No.17750809

its actually that any clothes look cool on attractive people, the actual clothes are irrelevant

>> No.17751563

I thought you said you were leaving Doug

>> No.17751838

I did, sorta

I found some discords which are pretty okay so now i have somewhere else to post my stuff, so theres no need for me to be here but i still occasionally post just to see what happens
maybe theres a bit of truth to the anons who say i have bpd, but its more just that i have some depressive moments which i then forget about and maybe find some bit of hope to feel better
its a tedious cycle, but hey, its my boulder to push up a mountain, its mine, its the only one i get, and its the only one i have to worry about. theres comfort in that, i spose.
new goal is to put together a wardrobe by the end of this year with stuff i can see myself wearing day-to-day, from a suit and bowtie to jeans and unbuttoned plaid shirts over graphic tees
a wardrobe that makes for a varied but consistent backdrop to living life instead of an art project im always iterating on and adding more to
sorta like those "what i would wear as a cartoon character" tiktoks
maybe its funny that im such a sperg that i have to find such a convoluted way back to the purpose most people have for their clothes

>> No.17751848

Insecure lol

>> No.17751857


>> No.17751859

people say you have bpd because you constantly engage in attention seeking behavior. I mean this sincerely, why post? Why did you think this was a good post? What does you moping about feeling unattractive have to do with fashion?

>new goal is to put together a wardrobe by the end of this year with stuff i can see myself wearing day-to-day, from a suit and bowtie to jeans and unbuttoned plaid shirts over graphic tee

you’re still brain poisoned if you think a suit is something you can wear day to day, especially not with a bow tie

>> No.17751951
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Doug, I love you/your eternal welfare, and I honest to goodness hope nothing but the best for you. That being said, you don't have any made up mental disorder, you're just a hormonal young man, and you're not a victim. Get a job, be the man a wife would want. These are the physically prime years of your life, act like a man. Let us all carry our crosses with dignity, like our Blessed Lord. You're not a character from a movie, this is real life. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time. Hope that I can do the same.

>> No.17751975

>you’re still brain poisoned if you think a suit is something you can wear day to day, especially not with a bow tie

thankfully thats not something i have to run by you
i know this one guy on my new discord whos made a point to dress like mr bean every day
im free to wear what i like and feel at home in, and I want the same for everyone else
if a bow tie is too hard to tie ill just wear a pre-tied one or a plain necktie
at the end of the day a suit is just a jacket and pants, it looks good, its comfortable, why split hairs?

>> No.17751981

Of course you don’t have to run it by anyone, you can dress however you’d like. You said before that your goal is to stop dressing like a sperg, part of that is dressing for the social contexts you are in. You do not have a white collar job that requires a suit, and you do not attend events where a suit is necessary. Your fits when you’re not dressed like the Onceler look fine, and I understand enjoying the hobby part of dressing in that way, but you should start looking for social contexts where it makes sense and then start dressing up for them, not the other way around.

You ignored the first part— why post?

>> No.17751986

actually hold on
if i always look like im cosplaying because of how i look, why bother trying not to?
I mean, the zoomer condition especially regarding fashion is one of imitation and hyperreality, thats why you see so many of them recycling styles from the past hundered years, everything is contrivance. Why not drop all pretense and take it to its obvious extreme? Maybe thats always been my thought process, and thats why i dress like a "tumblr sexyman" or whatever. At some point, if you know too much about fashion, you have to actively choose a style and its not gonna be totally natural until you *make it* natural

>> No.17751988

>i know this one guy on my new discord whos made a point to dress like mr bean every day

But Doug, I hope you know “Discord user I know who dresses like Mr Bean” shouldn’t be something to aspire to. That shouldn’t be inspo for you. A guy like that is something to avoid advice from.

>> No.17751989

> You said before that your goal is to stop dressing like a sperg
i dont remember exactly what i said, but i mean, i am a sperg. theres no running from that

>but you should start looking for social contexts where it makes sense and then start dressing up for them, not the other way around.
You are right about that, I should start looking for events and business meetups in my area. At least, I should set up some stall at the local weekend flea market. plenty of kooks there.

>why post?
same reason anyone here does, i guess.
the process of making threads and posting in them feels familiar and natural, theres always some attachment to any place you regularly post, especially when other people are aware of you and theres some small thread of narrative only you can pull on

>> No.17751991

Can you shut the fuck up with the bowel movements you spew onto the screen and mistakenly call posts? Either accept you need to improve your body and buy better quality clothing or just shut the fuck up already. Jesus Christ.

>> No.17751992

and on top of that, the idea of watching a lolcow and their antics is not alien to me.
in a detached, self-voyueristic sense i guess i am my own lolcow, and against my better judgement i wanna see where things go if i keep posting.

>> No.17751993

> You are right about that, I should start looking for events and business meetups in my area. At least, I should set up some stall at the local weekend flea market. plenty of kooks there.

That’s a good idea, the flea market thing. I know you will hate this idea, but there are some social contexts you can dress up the way you want— ballroom dancing, for one.

>>why post?

I mean why post this extremely thinly-veiled mopey sad thread. I’m not one of the spammers, I don’t hate your guts, I don’t mind at all if you post here. If you were to ask “what places can I dress this way and fit in,” that could be a good thread. Most people would tell you the gay club, but there could be actual discussion.

>> No.17751995
File: 550 KB, 1469x3158, IMG_0473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Have my actual advice. Look at this picture.

Why not save up a lot of money and buy an actual honest to God Husbands of Paris suit instead of wearing this? I own dress clothes that are finely made and I bought them after saving up a lot of money because I don’t make much either.

Husbands suit, Cartier Tank watch, Turnbull and Asser shirt, Trickers shoes

Is that an okay fit you would save for? The problem is mostly you need better clothes and a better haircut and then stuff like skin or working out you can take care of naturally.

>> No.17751997

>accept you need to improve your body and buy better quality clothing
i have.
ive started upon saving suits and shirts to my wishlist that are a size bigger than my usual (36r instead of 34r, 15" neck instead of 14.5") in hopes that over the next year i can grow into that, and i also realized my purple suit isnt really salvageable with just how shoddily its been tailored and ive long since abandoned that brown suit that everyone said looked cheap and ugly

>> No.17751998
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>ive started upon saving suits and shirts to my wishlist that are a size bigger than my usual (36r instead of 34r, 15" neck instead of 14.5") in hopes that over the next year i can grow into that,

I am >>17751995 this poster and I think the tacky, cheap mall clothing is a major problem as is your frame. In another thread, I suggested Aran sweaters. Aran sweaters are big and chunky and make you appear bigger than you actually are.

>> No.17752001

An Aran sweater like what Delon is wearing in that picture would do a lot to make you look like less of a Punch and Judy marionette and also it is formal-ish (for the current year) clothing so you will look stylish and stick out in a positive way.

>> No.17752009
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that pic is from months ago, wouldnt be caught wearing that again.
i dont really want to buy anything new, i prefer the luck of the draw that comes with looking for second hand stuff on eBay. I also dont know any of those brands, but i know that many of my shirts are from known and respected brands like thomas pink.
I recently bought this suit which looks really good quality and aside from being a size big in the chest and shoulders it fits my measurements in practically every way, so it seems like a good start to a better wardrobe
I can't see myself parting with those suede winklepickers, but i will get some regular dark brown dress shoes.

>> No.17752010
File: 1.94 MB, 1545x2747, 20230808_121609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this sweater

>> No.17752013

Yes!!!! Beautiful fit, Doug. I am serious too. The problem isn’t formal clothing. The problem is tacky vaudeville suits with the wacky bleach blond hairdo. If I saw you in that sweater and chino combo out in public I would think you are a respectable professional guy out about town probably with a decent job. That is a HUGE step up from the vaudeville suit photo.

>> No.17752015

This looks good man, I’m not being ironic neither. I know youre never going to post anything like this ever again since it won’t attract the responses you subconsciously desire, but keep doing this

>> No.17752033

well since i like to shoot myself in the foot i might as well say the sweater is from topman and the pants are from aliexpress lul
ballroom dance doesn't sound like my kinda thing but maybe, idk doesnt it require white or at least black tie?
theres really no vintage menswear scene in new zealand, i can only think of stuff like victorian fairs, steampunk stuff, and this one 1920s themed swing party, i could see myself going to that at least
as for the "white collar" end i have a worse-than-nothing job history, no diploma, no skills, im lucky if people trust me to flip burgers
i could maybe show up at a business brunch to pitch a website or chrome extension or some shit but i'll look fucking stupid

>> No.17752036
File: 72 KB, 425x561, IMG_0235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and this one 1920s themed swing party, i could see myself going to that at least

Duhhhhh, you mean a swing music party? I seriously HOPE you don’t mean a swing/ swingers party.

>> No.17752052

it’s black tie, yes. So you wouldn’t be able to fully indulge but you could meet people who are interested in formal menswear the way you are. Those other things are good if you want to learn into the cosplay side of things like you said, that’s fine too.

Job wise, I dunno. There are few jobs that even necessitate business casual anymore, really

>> No.17752061


invite me to the discord doug, tired of normies ruining my servers

>> No.17752063

I am a stone cold 5 despite being 6'2'' . but I care about how I look so I work out and am /fit/ taking me to a 6.5 and then with the right clothes I can do a 7.5 on a good day. I think it was Mary Kay who said there is no such thing as ugly women just lazy ones. that holds true for guys as well

Then there is straight-up ignorance. this is autistic shit right here >>17751995 I mean this is like /a/ walking around in a kawaii shirt. don't be imposing your hobbies on the world man. you can dress nice without looking like a Joker wannabe

>>17752010 is fine but from my biased opinion its time to work on that skeleton frame first and foremost. men have the capacity for violence and all that. you clearly don't

hey you asked man just sayin' . as others pointed out it looks like you have potential just stop being a faggot honestly

>> No.17752099

yes, swing music, obviously
whos that mf in picrel is what i wanna know
hey, i could put together a pretty canny black tie ensemble if i had a reason to
the discord is "the vintage clothing space" on disboard, its small but pretty nice.
like i said, i wanna add a few inches to my chest and thicken my neck. got a routine written up, just need to follow through and start eating better too

>> No.17752102
File: 23 KB, 300x368, IMG_0452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whos that mf in picrel is what i wanna know

His name is Jon K and he is one of my silly fans I make edits of. I make fun edits of him and the other dipshits as memes for nice people like Carol S. to appreciate. This is actually Gianisa if she were Adolf Hitler. I also have one of Richard with a Queen of Spade tattoo on his face.

>> No.17752128


>> No.17752153

you dont even know what a "region" is nigger

>> No.17752174

Make like your filthy spic neighbors and get the fuck back to Mexico, “Joanie.”


>> No.17752176

Evicted? Holly-freakin-lew yah!

Mr Allen says you should join em.

>> No.17752415
File: 797 KB, 828x1104, 14F5E1DF-CA7A-4B62-9244-289AF5D95D3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dress up with 90’s eastern fashion bruh it ain’t that hard

>> No.17752860

you could be an awesome looking guy in a few years if you get fit and continue to refine your style

>> No.17752893
File: 191 KB, 409x516, copilot-style-photos-201312-1387210879793_Peter-OToole-Style-193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, thats all i really want to hear at the end of the day
one anon said i could expect to look like peter o toole if i did what i could to looksmaxx (work out, jaw adjustment, hair transplant) and desu yeah i can see that. hopefully i can do all of that in the next 5 years

>> No.17752899
File: 230 KB, 409x516, copilot-style-photos-201312-1387208260392_Peter-OToole-Style-1963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might not even need a jaw adjustment if what that one anon said is true and getting a decent build working out actually does improve your jaw

>> No.17752945

>well since i like to shoot myself in the foot i might as well say the sweater is from topman and the pants are from aliexpress lul
So? We don't expect you to wear expensive brands. Good fitting clothing in colors that suit your skin is 99% of the job. The fit you posted is a great start. Make some room in your wardrobe by getting rid of ill-fitting/too flashy/juvenile garments and slowly buy basic, well-fitting stuff. (ie. get rid of cosplay shit, graphic tees and so on) In a matter of months you will have a respectable man's wardrobe. Best of luck !

>> No.17752946
File: 135 KB, 1136x852, 617fea6e1037b100181527a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copy steve buscemi clothes

>> No.17752950

I meant:
>Colors that suit your skin tone and hair color

>> No.17752996

don't worry about your jaw lol. just wait until you age a bit, you're only 19. you look fine and you'll only look better, no adjustment needed