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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 648 KB, 2048x1469, 9D70B2DF-91BF-4C90-80AD-B896A70B9447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17741164 No.17741164 [Reply] [Original]

you realize there’s no point in becoming /fa/ unless you take care of your fitness first
right anon?

>> No.17741166

you know there no point in showing your chubby, flabby body off, right anon?

>> No.17741170

post body with timestamp

>> No.17741179

you are fat

>> No.17741193
File: 228 KB, 1479x1097, me 2017 october.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face looks ugly so

>> No.17741196
File: 125 KB, 760x994, oie_JrkSSRYtQZf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, without getting fit you're useless.

>> No.17741211

surely the reason you won’t post your body is because you’re too fit and we couldn’t possibly handle it
it couldn’t possibly be that you’re out of shape… right?

>> No.17741253

There is not really any point to anything if you think about seeing as we are all going to pass away in 60 to 100 years, also fashion and style is to express yourself, whether fat or in shape, not to impress others.

>> No.17741279

Judging from those two pictures you will look exactly the same in clothes

>> No.17741290

Not even a homo but that is a solid physique anon. I don't see why you would dislike it, unless you're one of the thinspofags in which case hit the fucking gym skelly

>> No.17741294

I have a BMI of 16, looking great
any slim fit shit looks amazing on me, everything drapes
I do plan on working out, but I'll need to bulk first, and I don't want to be a fatso yet, very happy with myself aesthetically rn

>> No.17741296

Hard to tell whether this is bait or genuine fatass coping. You can live in your dreamworld but reality is if you're not fit you're going to look like shit.
>express yourself

>> No.17741349

>Hard to tell whether this is bait or genuine fatass coping
nope, pretty skinny actually because i only eat 1 meal a day.
>You can live in your dreamworld but reality is if you're not fit you're going to look like shit
So what? who are you trying to impress? why do you care if someone dresses whichever way they want, whether they are fat or thin?
Literally yes, clothes play a massive part in self expression, and being muscular or slim doesn't make you a better person than anyone else.

>> No.17741351

nta but you legit sound like a fatass
not trying to shit on you or anything, but you should lose some weight

>> No.17741361

>nta but you legit sound like a fatass
How does someone who is obese type any different than someone who isn't?
>not trying to shit on you or anything
You are just posting on a anonymous image board to stroke your fragile ego because you wouldn't dare say something to someone in public.
>but you should lose some weight
I didn't realize you knew who i was or what i looked like. If anything i could do with putting weight on as being undernourished can cause health problems.

>> No.17741367

sorry, I didn't bother reading that, but it's the agitation that gives you away
not saying that you HAVE TO lose weight, though, idc

>> No.17741385

>You didn't bother reading something what would take 30 seconds tops
That doesn't help your argument anon or make you look clever, neither does repeatedly saying ''lose weight'' why would i need to do such i thing when i am already underweight for my height.

May it just be that not everybody agrees with your shallow views?.

>> No.17741391

holy shit man, you're still seething about this
idc bro, do whatever, I'm not your mom
the weight thing IS pretty obvious, though idk

>> No.17741396

Anon, by that logic there's no point to anything. And you'd be right. It's all pointless and meaningless.

Regardless, I don't give a fuck. I want to look good and conventionally attractive, so I'm going to make an effort to look good and conventionally attractive.

>> No.17741405

I'm glad you're happy with yourself anon. I've always been skinny and insecure about it.

>> No.17741406

How am i seething? it may come as a surprise to you considering you are probably young, but people on the internet used to be able to write longer sentences and have an actual discussion about things rather than short responses done out of laziness on a smart phone.
>the weight thing IS pretty obvious, though idk
Your impression of the matter does not correspond with reality, you need to realize not everyone is going to agree with you, and that it's possible to have an opinion on a subject without being said subject.

>> No.17741409

just hit the gym, fatso.

>> No.17741410

>1 meal a day
>pretty skinny actually
doubt.jpg but still, eat and lift and stop with these copes

>> No.17741413

>stop with these copes
Why don't you come up with a proper argument.

>> No.17741416
File: 7 KB, 201x250, 1688211092828270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17741417

Self-expression is a dumb meme but changing your body is part of fashion and obviously more intimate/visceral to oneself than just spending money on a mass produced item many others are wearing. Furthermore it relates to sports, which can actually involve self-expression depending on the sport, and understanding yourself and your body better. What I'm saying is there's no reason to exclude it ofc fashion precedes from our unique individual forms despite its mass sameness.

>> No.17741418

Why are anons on /fa/ even arguing against this? It's rule number one to dressing well. For both men and women. Spend money on the gym or at home exercise equipment before you start spending money on clothes.

>> No.17741427

Some people would rather invent elaborate coping mechanisms than admit they need to work on their body

>> No.17741430

Thanks anon, I am actually insecure about it, but only about being weak. Aesthetically, it's great, got broad shoulders. I will gain some weight and work out for core strength eventually, but I'll miss this body.
If you don't like being thin, you should probably start doing something about it right now, apparently it takes 1-2 years of hard work to build muscle

>> No.17741489

oh hey igor

>> No.17741655

You all suffer from body dysmorphia and have WAY too much free time.

>> No.17741680

i work 70 hours per week and have an active social life
just get up at 6am and go to the gym before work, it’s not hard

>> No.17741689

I go twice a week, Im not insecure so I dont need anymore. Also social life is for faggots, I'd rather stay home and watch a movie or read a book.

>> No.17741713

Is this a before/before?

>> No.17741787


>> No.17741896
File: 508 KB, 799x1419, B0DB90F5-3912-4C44-8041-4E78F5B83BFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i cop this rugby?
i really really wanna

>> No.17741897
File: 1.65 MB, 963x1582, AC99B79B-59D2-4625-9ADF-3DBAEEAD65AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was ready to cop and they sold out in my size TODAY

>> No.17741918

Solid work anon, how long did it take?
And ignore the no body fags- theres no need to go any leaner than that if you want to maintain a functioning penis

>> No.17741966

If you work out at a young age, you will age more gracefully and your body will be stronger, more capable, and healthy during old age.

>> No.17741981
File: 161 KB, 1080x1350, 1679343376080771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need

>> No.17742000

Left is unironically more attractive to the average person over right. Idk why you fags all shave your chests, its like you want to be smooth and lubed up to get plowed

>> No.17742168

Low body fat never looks good irl.
Don't get me wrong, it looks fantastic in pictures but in person you'll look like a meek skinny guy. I feel like it's hardwired in the back of our monkey minds that weight plays a huge factor into who wins in a fight.
My money is on >>17741164
>>17741193 to have the more commanding presence in the room

>> No.17742234

>Left is unironically more attractive to the average person over right.
completely wrong

>> No.17742465

kek look at all the lines, literally everything is wonky because damn near all body parts are have been "photoshopped"

>> No.17742716
File: 41 KB, 850x400, 767096de2980064e4122f0b6a8ebc7b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17742756
File: 409 KB, 1190x550, BDTP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busy dad training program
>4 days per week of 20 minutes of burpees
>alternating workouts between 6-count burpees and Navy Seal burpees
>plus 10 pullups per day
You won't get jacked and your strength gains will hit a ceiling quickly, but you can get a lean athletic physique and your conditioning will be insane. You just set the timer and go, trying to do more than you did last time.

>> No.17742766

How am I supposed to get fit when the grocery store near me sells 2 slices of cake for $3 and 2 pints of ice cream for $5?

>> No.17742771

just don’t buy those things
god, amerifats are so pathetic

>> No.17742861

Unfathomably based

>> No.17743125

If I agree with him I'll say
>holy based
If I disagree with him I'll say
>lmao cope
And I'd be wrong in both accounts. There is no real truth. Be happy.

>> No.17743128

Wait, age 35? I'm 32 and I look like a highschooler, why does he look like my dad at 35? I'll take being skinnyfat but looking younger over this, thanks.

>> No.17743148

>2 slices of cake for $3 and 2 pints of ice cream for $5?
Damn, what a deal.

>> No.17743237

I would rather have that honestly

>> No.17743541

Based take.

>> No.17743557

1. He is balding which can make an 18 year old look 40
2. It looks like he used to be chubby, look at the loose skin around the gut and face

>> No.17743702

>being muscular or slim doesn't make you a better person than anyone else.
It does.

>> No.17743705

me too, ID on the shirt?

>> No.17743708
File: 331 KB, 785x1000, angry soyjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no real truth.
kek these are the words of someone who has never been fit, not even as a child
Seriously, you never know how good you feel in a functioning body until you actually have it

>> No.17743815

No, it just means you are are stronger and more muscular, Whether someone is good or bad comes from the quality of his or her thoughts and the quality of their character.

By your reasoning, you would be a better person than for example than a little old lady who spends the mass majority of her later years making money for charity, just because you have muscles, don't you see the ridiculousness of your view?. Where good lies in you is in how you use your stronger physique, but you could also use it for bad. This is why it is in itself automatically not a good.

>> No.17744001

Although a general level of fitness is necessary clothing cover up gains. So to say you can't invest in fashion because you need to make gains first seems a little silly unless your worried you're going to be a radically different size than you are now.

>> No.17744018

you are right about the covering up gains part but the fit will still be better the more athletic you are even if only by a little. don't invest in fashion until youve reached peak bod.

>> No.17744022

Just get some exercise fatso instead of trying to do mental gymnastics lol

>> No.17744166

This is maybe the most pathetic cope I’ve ever seen.

Fitness is one dimension. It is not the only dimension. A fit person who donates to charity is better overall than an unfit person who donates to charity. How stupid are you?

>> No.17744169

2 pints for $5? Bro where

>> No.17744173

>there is no real truth
Rape, racism, Nazism, Communism, child rape, are all of these nor objectively bad?

>> No.17744183

Beauty =/= Evil
These are different topics. Any action you take that harms others is something you shouldn't partake in. I was talking about aesthetics and happiness.

>> No.17744188

You're right, I'm wrong. Whatever makes you happy. Have a nice day.

>> No.17744192
File: 33 KB, 362x600, 92d7613b0ac77fc2b04e16d3d4ae538a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, no bulk, go sulk.

>> No.17744200

Being fit and having muscles is a preferred indifferent, you don't need them to be a good person, and having muscles and being fit doesn't automatically make you a good person, it literally just means you have a healthier and stronger body, it doesn't mean you are a better person than anyone else.

Why are you placing good and bad in the fickleness of the flesh which is an external?good and bad belongs in the sphere of the mind and the will, and a persons resulting actions. You should perhaps read a bit of philosophy.

>> No.17744207

>A fit person who donates to charity is better overall than an unfit person who donates to charity
Both people would be equally good for donating to charity, but the physical features of either person has nothing to do with the action itself.

>> No.17744215

No mental gymnastics, i just know where good and bad truly lies, It isn't in the flesh, it is a mistake to think so. People realized this 2000 years ago anon.

>> No.17744245

Plenty of murderers, ex drug dealers and rapists in prison are muscular and fit anon, by your reasoning that would automatically make them better people than someone who may be skinny or on the larger side but devote their lives to good causes.

>> No.17744413

That's a lot of words for "I'm a fat piece of shit"
choke on a hot dog why don't you

>> No.17744462

You do realize your ''insults'' do nothing right? i would respect you more, and you would look more intelligent in the process, if you could come up with an argument instead of reverting straight to insults like a 13 year old or a toddler throwing his toys out of the pram. Reply containing the words seethe, cope, etc incoming.

>> No.17744560

>mfw when I come back two days later and you idiots are still arguing about this instead of just hitting the gym

>> No.17745497

You missed the predictable reply that reflects on you most accurately
Dilate troon

>> No.17745520

I had a body like that on the right in my late 20s and it didn't do shit for me. Completely ignored by anything female. What a gyp.

>> No.17745527

>Dilate troon
Predictable reply my friend, have a nice day:).

>> No.17745529

Because the view that women automatically like muscular men is a meme, women have differing tastes.

>> No.17745531

Yeah. I mean most of them like muscular guys but it's rare they'll choose a guy based on muscles. So if you're competing against your identical twin, being more jacked than him will make a difference but otherwise face, height, vibe, or just how the girl was feeling that day is a lot more important.

>> No.17745534

Being buff is for other homosexual men anon.

>> No.17745536

Man, being homosexual would be great. The only advice I'd need is how to deal with my worn out dick or asshole. No wonder gays are so gay.

>> No.17745544

>Yeah. I mean most of them like muscular guys
Not sure if this is even true honestly or just a meme spread by bodybuilding types, from what i have read most prefer men who are just trim/toned. I think women liking guys with muscles is what men THINK women mainly like when the reality is different.

>> No.17745548

Well the guy in the OP pic on the right is not far from the maxxed out body as far as women are concerned. Bodybuilders and meatheads are definitely an acquired taste, their female equivalent is chicks with giant fake tits and lip fillers.

>> No.17745972
File: 363 KB, 512x512, 1691157686991330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder
why would they use body builders to advertise clothes
its like saying "you will look like this too if you wear these clothes"

>> No.17745979

holy cope batman, or should I say, fatman.

>> No.17745988 [DELETED] 

I had lifted for a couple of years when I reached a body similar to OPs but maybe a little bigger and leaner, nothing in my life really changed, my sex life if anything went downhill compared to my hipster long hair phase. Same with my gymcelled friends.
Working out is good for health but doesn't really help much with dating/hooking up, especially nowadays when pretty much every guy works out in one way or another.

>> No.17746001
File: 17 KB, 200x198, NPC_wojak_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy cope batman, or should I say, fatman.

>> No.17746011

The stock zoomer response of ''i can't come up with a argument''

>> No.17746014

>mfw when I come back three days later and you idiots are still arguing about this instead of just hitting the gym

>> No.17746025
File: 77 KB, 509x640, 78BF1615-0170-4498-8354-EA68BD74BF39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a big cut after letting myself go.
Heading to Nizza Monday for a week and gonna be in Spain end of august

>> No.17746031

And also this guy here >>17743815
Is right. Being a gym person or in better shape just makes you that. A gym person and or in better shape. Doesn’t make you a good human. And I fucking hate gym culture and gym weirdos that go to party’s or drinking with friends and act like
>oh nooo i can’t even have one glass of wine/bowl of pasta even though I’m not competing and I wouldn’t mess with my body at all to have one bad day
It really comes off autistic and off putting especially if you don’t have the body of an ifbb pro

>> No.17746037

imagine posting this big long paragraph on an anonymous imagine board, just to justify why you’re fat and out of shape

>> No.17746054
File: 104 KB, 530x640, 389652AE-DB87-4056-B84E-DFEF4A2BD812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope on bro going to the gym is just a fun time activity to be sexy you have no personality

>> No.17746058

Unfortunately most people think goodness lies in the flesh and other external things when it doesn't, like i said previously Philosophers such as Epictetus 2000 years ago and even earlier ones realized this.

People replying with cope fat etc don't realize that the replies make them look ignorant, not me, and somehow think i'm going to be offended, I'm not. I have been called far worse in my life, we are a at a point though where if you actually put effort into what you post you are looked down upon, being low effort is not a virtue.

>> No.17746060

It's a slow board, what do you expect.

>> No.17746109

Yea I really enjoy working out and being in shape but that holier than though attitude in the gym scene is so cringey. When they try to give it some kind of deep meaning or form their whole personality and time with friends after this. I was lifting with a friend on a Saturday noon we were allready in the gym for two fucking hours usually I keep them for 45mins.Sun outside was shining hella nice day. I tell him „hey man we did enough for today let’s go enjoy the sun outside meet with some people“
„Naaaah man we ain’t finished with the workout we gotta go stronger while these people outside slack off we build our bodies“
Fuck that I left him there. What good is a nice body and muscles when you ain’t going out there enjoying it and showing it off

>> No.17746122

theres no difference between those photos, are you proud?

>> No.17746168

two choices:
1. post body with time stamp
2. kys
totally up to you anon

>> No.17746686

Lel. Anon stood up straight and skipped breakfast, that's all

>> No.17746815

what is even the purpose of this post?

>> No.17746821
File: 47 KB, 484x417, IMG_9515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude… That’s so deep. We are like literally made of star dust. We are just floating on a rock in space.

>> No.17746826

35? This mf looks 45

>> No.17746841
File: 2.19 MB, 750x1334, fyseek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat a horrible fucking physique. You literally look like every single male who isn't obese or skinny.

Before you ask, pic related

>> No.17746842

Sometimes the right thing to do is to harm another person, how else will you stop someone from doing those things you labeled as “evil” without the use of force, which by nature harms another.

You are a faggot and you should be harmed. Reading you other posts it is also apparent you are an out of shape faggot so you are likely a bottom.

>> No.17746849

face > height > fitness > fashion

>> No.17746857

Nobody here claimed working out makes you a good human. What the fuck are you talking about. People are saying it will make you look better and have a better life (ie. healthier, more energetic, more fulfilled, and your presence will by default be more appreciated compared to a fat POS).
So it’s okay for you to butt in with your retarded opinion about how working out is worthless, but if someone decides for themselves that they don’t want to have alcohol, that makes them autistic? I lift regularly and it has improved my life from when I was a skinny twig kid in the ways I listed above. I also don’t drink, but it has nothing to do with lifting, even from an objective perspective as you try to make yourself out to be coming from, alcohol is actually bad. It is literally a poison for your body and can kill you if you have too much. Since you’re such a pedant, you’re probably thinking to respond with “too much water can also kill you” ignoring the fact that the amount of water you need to kill yourself is a lot fucking less than the amount of alcohol needed, despite the fact that alcohol can also result in your death by lowering your cognitive abilities and cause you to die in something like a drunk driving crash. You unironically need to go back.

>> No.17746949

you are not that ugly igor just bald and sadly thats a huge attractiveness factor its like 40% the face

>> No.17746962


>> No.17746963

you literally look the same as op

>> No.17746979
File: 532 KB, 1399x2363, IMG_7187_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this defensive
Kids have no patience. You should have trained for another year to make a transformation post on 4chan. You brought this bullying on yourself.
(Picrel was taken with no pump)

>> No.17746990

Not that OP is perfect by any means (too small and not lean enough), but this is way too much to look good in clothes.

At this point you look ridiculous in nice clothes and to wealthy people you look lower-class. Having said that, sick body 10/10 mirin.

But yeah, no the ideal to be fashionable.

>> No.17747020

I like the way muscles look and moved up from basic training to serious training and put on 26lbs of muscle and went down to 15% bf in 18 months (5’9 170lbs). I look notably better and size USA medium shirts look fitted on me, outlining my physique a bit but not whore fashion sprayon. now I can wear comfy, practical, sportswear and ez pz polos at work and look great.

It’s like doing good oral hygiene daily
Or paying $200 every 3 months for whitening. It’s common sense what to prioritize.

>> No.17747204


>> No.17747262
File: 60 KB, 360x640, 4523CE10-A4F2-4D15-9E00-F46560739667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude a glass of wine or champagne won’t kill you lmao stop being so autistic
Post Body Bro

>> No.17747377

Bruh I hate your incessant pity parties. You look fine, your body looks good. If you fixed your autistic personality you'd be be a decent guy. Just stfu with your bullshit and stop using a name or trip.

>> No.17748480

He's right you stupid piece of shit. Muhh science is gay, Sky Santa will save me.

No. Grow up. Enjoy yourself while you're here, there's nothing after.

>> No.17748687
File: 920 KB, 1372x1224, Igor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you fixed your autistic personality
It's way too late for him

>> No.17749248

OK... never address me directly again. Just go on an internet forum and post whatever you think you have to tell me.

>> No.17749348

you are right to an extent. things like >>17741981
is fetished by immature women, but the OP >>17741164 looks amazing, abs but still has weight and 'mass.' You need muscles and low body fat. keep in mind not huge like >>17741196, gross

>> No.17749403

>is fetished by immature women
me af

>> No.17749405
File: 141 KB, 1080x1350, ef3d7bff84de204b3fbcb689927f784c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could lose some weight