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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 476 KB, 1280x819, 1484656776322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17733751 No.17733751 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated
>no bully pls


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Model Diet Manual:

Fasting Resources:

>> No.17733804
File: 125 KB, 640x791, 1586200910406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no smol gf

>> No.17733825
File: 42 KB, 768x768, Associate (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shilling my personal thinspo website again <3

Also does anyone else feel more motivated by weird yet humiliating images like this, than traditional thinspo?

>> No.17733828

i like to imagine the people curating these pages are 350lb women rather than twink trannies and waif girls

>> No.17733845
File: 1.45 MB, 1232x814, Photo on 07-28-2023 at 01.50 01.51.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17733848

Probably. I just like to collect pics of thin people and they were taking up space on my hard drive. I've kind of grown out of my eating disorder as i got older and was less miserable, but the hobby remains.

>> No.17733929
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>> No.17734731

Nice site but it formats very poorly on phone. I like the content a lot but you might want to start using width 100% instead of fixed widths.

>> No.17734879

>make it accessible on mobile

>> No.17735024

Man, trying to go from years of binge and overeating to under 1000 calories a day is hard, I've messed up so much even if my mindset and dedication has improved.

>> No.17735097

if dubs i will starve myself for 10 days

>> No.17735143
File: 843 KB, 1280x720, 1690530796684051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if dubs, i will start eating at a moderate deficit

>> No.17735167

If dubs I'm not eating tomorrow. What a great coping mechanism.

>> No.17735587
File: 53 KB, 640x562, A46CDCD2-5B19-4B0B-B2D7-A81ACB79AF49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see a new thread
I got less than two weeks left before I can restrict and do better cardio freely, but I’m supposed to get blood drawn soon.
I know I’m still underweight but don’t look very sickly to myself in the mirror. Will be good motivation to fast

>> No.17735857
File: 71 KB, 640x623, 1688198581430120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17736163
File: 677 KB, 1989x1761, 9AA783B5-0DAF-4F2F-ADF2-3701CDAE7E32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17736216
File: 211 KB, 1244x1988, 1688089905162026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a NEED

>> No.17736842
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>> No.17736887

looking good, fren

>> No.17736899
File: 335 KB, 1640x2187, 000QF5733E_001_alternate2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i love skinny women so much bros

>> No.17737040

She could lose some weight.

>> No.17737568
File: 83 KB, 960x951, 1688846136053700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17737703

lost like 30kg in a year doing mostly 500-800cals omad, now ive got serious problems with water retention and no fucking muscle tone so i look fatter than i did at bmi 20+ at bmi 16, which is great.

has anyone had experience with building muscle tone up after something like this? I'm wondering if I should just weight restore and do it again but in a normie way, and not in a weirdo anorexic way.

BTW: Eat your protein anons.

>> No.17737881

>no bikini bridge

Anyways, source on the pic?

>> No.17737921

Im so sorry, i got it from an old pinterest board of mine

>> No.17737936

Looks a little like Keira Knightley.

>> No.17738503

I often consider the irony of finding this tummy/waist/torso/figure so sexually desirable that my loins ache to impregnate.. which of course would then result in destroying everything I find irresistible about w/x/y/z, and maybe even result in the death of both mother and child as such a pregnancy would likely be unviable.

But yeah, I *need* to coom in this. Tummy-girls are a gift from the Lord, and I support any propaganda or eugenics program that proliferates them.

>> No.17738508

I always was skinny male, i think thx to my genetics and probably rating disorder, I weigh 48kg with BMI of 16. For a while in my life i tried to eat more to bulk up and be "normal weight". Should I try getting bigger or stay being skinny? I aint really tall.

>> No.17738509

Turns out if you literally starve yourself you’ll lose muscle too, who would have guessed

>> No.17738789

If he had 800kcal of protein shakes every day, he would have lost a lot less muscle mass.

>> No.17738794
File: 141 KB, 936x1216, JCVD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been lifting for almost 10 years
feeling pretty good and 150 is the end goal.

it's crazy how big you look when you're shredded

>> No.17738795

you gotta have muscles under that fat or you looks like shit when you're skinny FYI

>> No.17738811

How do you get shredded without bulking up? i started fitness but my arms got too big. my face does look more masculine now, though

>> No.17738831
File: 874 KB, 2048x1422, 1588879360822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me if you don't east like a pig you won't bulk up, you just get toned.

go to /fit/ and start researching a 3 day split

>> No.17738834

these threads bother me. I feel like you all get health problems because you run deficits without eating your vegetables. Meanwhile I'm over here eating rapini with spaghetti and running deficits without even thinking about calories. Why are you doing it the stupid way?

>> No.17738835

Please don't go to /fit/ for anything

>> No.17739140


>> No.17739144
File: 484 KB, 780x1392, image_2023-07-31_131846561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also mee

>> No.17739420

>Also does anyone else feel more motivated by weird yet humiliating images like this
the only motivation I need is my own body. Whenever I get hungry I go look in the mirror and I'm not so hungry anymore :)

>> No.17739423

>has anyone had experience with building muscle tone up after something like this?
just eat in a 300-400cal and lift.
>I'm wondering if I should just weight restore and do it again but in a normie way
post body and we'll see if it's salvageable

>> No.17739427

nice cock

>> No.17739492
File: 577 KB, 792x1074, 1643206132991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally what BMI do I have to get to to lose most/ all of my bellyfat? BMI 19? 18? I'm at 22 and it's not too bad, but it's super stubborn and still pretty prevalent.

>> No.17739494

I don't know what my bmi is, but I'm 50 kilos and 177ish cm and my stomach kinda bulges after I eat, it's pretty much flat in the morning

>> No.17739906

How do I lose 250 lb in one year

>> No.17739911

m or f? lot lower for women. as a male i have about 19? bmi and my stomach looks flat if i dont eat much for a day. women 16? idk. some people can be literally dangerously anorexic and not do it though

>> No.17739915

learn to eat just raw spinach and greens like a happy manpanda?

>> No.17739974
File: 144 KB, 685x820, image_2023-07-31_294860124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17740015

im about this thin, not by choice though. I literally can't gain weight, i just have such a small appetite, i subsist on beer, cigs, and eat unhealthy af tho.

>> No.17740031

youre the kind of guy who gains 60 lbs if you have a cooking gf

>> No.17740046

That's individual depending on your genetics and muscle mass. It's possible even at your BMI with enough muscles. Some women store bf more in their thighs and buttocks, some in their belly.

thats BMI 16. What bulges at that level is definitely not fat, it's just your stomach being fuller.
your stomach would bulge less if you had stronger abs and core, particularly rectus abdominis, but at your BMI, it would be virtually impossible to achieve (without steroids)

stop smoking and watch your weight rocket up

>> No.17740160

sauce on the dude?

>> No.17740271
File: 82 KB, 1047x1368, Exposed (105).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't save sauces for my pictures sorry, I think most of them are off pinterest or very old thinspo threads.

>> No.17740281

I would kill to relapse like i did before. when i was younger, i dropped sixty pounds in like 4-5 months.

a year ago i dropped 20 pounds in a month.

i wish i could relapse again.

>> No.17740356

Height and weight?

>> No.17740380

gone from 78kg to 72kg over the last month, the feeling of seeing my fat slowly become less pronounced is so nice

>> No.17740447

>but at your BMI, it would be virtually impossible to achieve
What do you mean? Sorry about the retarded questions, I'm new to this. Are you saying that I can't get abs without putting on some weight? I heard that abs are easier to get the less you weigh. Am I too underweight, then? I'm a guy, btw

>> No.17740450

How do you look healthy while being that thin? I look alright, but I have popeye elbows and skeleton upper arms, that makes me look malnourished
Also, I'm veiny as fuck

>> No.17740623
File: 119 KB, 1016x1016, F2WuGrPWUAAMsrj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a year ago I dropped 20 pounds in a month.
I did a similar drop this time last year, I wish I could do it again, but my situation's changed, and there's so much food being shoved around me that my progress is slow.

>> No.17740634

Basically you can't gain muscles in caloric deficit.
It's not as simple as calories that you eat vs calories that you use, fatties can gain muscles while eating under their TDEE, but they have fat which they burn for the rest of needed calories. At your BMI you don't have that.
For person without excess body fat it's impossible to gain muscle without gaining some fat too, at least without stuff like steroids and clenbuterol.

>> No.17740647

thank you, I'll read some /fit/ guides and see what I can do

>> No.17740663


>> No.17740841
File: 2.46 MB, 1206x1910, image_2023-08-01_84018461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17741008

please read an actual book instead of reading a single thing those jabbering internetniggers say

>> No.17741018

Any recommendations?
This is from the /fit/ sticky, looks pretty good, no?

>> No.17741036

literally just live your life. take long walks to places youve never been just for an ice cream cone. little challenges. walk around til you see 5 cats. this hit le gym shit is just...depressing. havent you ever heard that a watched pot never boils?

>> No.17741053

that's some weakboy bussy talk
walk around till you see 5 cats lmao

>> No.17741062

fuck off cat hater

>> No.17741066

i can’t imagine being so much of a retard contrarian that you decide that strength training is “depressing.” It’s just moving you body under weight with increasing levels of load. I can’t imagine anything simpler!

>> No.17741072 [DELETED] 


>> No.17741073


>> No.17741077

i fucked it up a little bit it was supposed to say 'cat hater check it and see i hope one day you drown in cat pee' i still stand by that

>> No.17741082

I see. Walking places aimlessly (gay term but “lindywalk”) is great, you’re not wrong about that

>> No.17741084

that wasn't me, but I do agree with that guy.

>> No.17741115

being in a fluorescently lit gym all day completely separated from the natural world and the literal sun is depressing, yeah. touch birds. if you must train your le strength how about turning over big rocks and moving some fallen trees? its a lot more fun than some stupid machines. you find frogs and toads.

>> No.17741117

how long do you thinking walking until you see 5 cats would take you?

>> No.17741125

Well, no don't touch birds they don't like that

>> No.17741130
File: 3.18 MB, 498x280, goose-geese.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its for the brave

>> No.17741153

maybe two whole fucking days
we have based-ass niggas here on payroll that hunt down stray vermin and flying rats that retarded grannies keep feeding
I saw 3 cats these last couple weeks total

>> No.17741157

well you certainly would burn quite some calories on that search then, wouldn't you?

>> No.17741172
File: 3.78 MB, 4672x3376, Dynastes_tityus_SC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my personal current goal is to find a hercules beetle in the wild. you're allowed to just take them because bugs are protected by no law.

>> No.17741206


>> No.17741213

d'aw what a little chompy guy

>> No.17741218
File: 833 KB, 828x1165, IMG_6164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know she’s dressed but like? what bmi?? her thighs look SO tiny. i think she’s like 5’6

>> No.17741267
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 430871_427884780616365_983772070_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touch bug

>> No.17741281

I've always been very thin my whole life. Never done any sport or go to the gym and I mostly sit and play video games all day. I've never eaten much but when I do I'll usually eat around 150 g of pasta, a small amount of meat, chocolate cookies for breakfast, potato chips between meals as a snack while I game and soda. I'm currently 51 kg and 174 cm. Never really felt healty my whole life, and I'm always tired. Is there anything I should change?

>> No.17741286

hey, fuck you, and fuck you're mama

>> No.17741287

literally me, but I'm a bit lighter and a bit taller
I always feel healthy, I don't drink soda or eat any sugar at all

>> No.17741293

lolwut? thats maybe 16, she looks like a literally average 2008 teenager. also i'm pretty sure she's asian because of how large her calves are lol. .

>> No.17741297
File: 412 KB, 2036x1520, crawcraw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scared of a little oogie boogie? you'd really hate my other hobby, poking around in murky stagnant ponds to collect aquarium plants & crustaceans.

>> No.17741301

what do you have on your pasta?

>> No.17741303

Lift and eat man, and real food not snacks. It's no wonder you feel like shit if you live your life like a cancer patient

>> No.17741304

I already hid your post, so I can't see it, but I opened this one just to reply idk

>> No.17741310

I'm sorry the germans forced you into a camp. I'll throw you some bratwurst over the fence next time I'm there

>> No.17741324

le lifting is the single worst thing to happen to men in the last 100 years

>> No.17741329

for your needs
has general principles correct, but the routines including
are dogshit for your purposes (i'm assuming you are twink maxing)
you should just do isolation exercises for the muscles that you want to target, no compound movements, because that would result in gains in parts that you don't want

considering that majority of developed world population (i.e. 4chaners) live in cities, it would take longer just to travel to and from location where you could turn over the rocks and move trees than just visiting gym
for anons purposes it's not even necessary to go to gym, he could easily do callisthenics routine at home

>> No.17741407

>it would take longer just to travel to and from location where you could turn over the rocks
and...if you walk there...then you're exercising the whole time...lol....its literally any excuse not to go outside with you people isnt it?

all of this anal le technique shit bothers me so much. you are creating these bizarre, unpleasant, artificial routines that gain you literally no skills or experiences or anything but maybe possibly being thinner IF you stick with it. meanwhile....you could just walk places and do things and end up thin, without worrying about all this homosexual crap...

>> No.17741423

Damn who's this? I want to lift her over my shoulders and start doing squats.

>> No.17741426

its an asian girl. what is even the point of asking this? go to LA.

>> No.17741433

>hat is even the point of asking this?
For her social media. I like to collect images of attractive thin women. it motivates me to stay handsome and in shape while I'm living in a sea of diabetic fat asses.

>> No.17741443

move retard. diabetes is contagious.

>> No.17741447

>move retard.
No. My home state and city are actually fantastic, the people are just American and fat. I'm going to get a rich skinny bitch, preferably a foreign one, and we're just going to stunt on everybody.

>> No.17741552

why would a rich skinny bitch want to live in pigland though?

>> No.17741626
File: 99 KB, 1080x1092, 73162676_474366116770312_7703309266097647599_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pigland is nice. I know it's not in vouge to not like American cities or states right now but it's honestly not shit here. Plus I'm just talking BS right now. Once I'm settled I'll start looking for another long term gf, she doesn't have to be rich or foreign, but she at least needs to be thin and fashionable, among other qualities that are too boring or domesticated to discuss right now.

>> No.17741627

lmao, only burger could call a walk an exercise
and if you haven't noticed, we are not talking about getting thin, the anon who asked about it is at 16 BMI literally underweight, he wanted to gain muscles, particularly abs
not only that, but you were the first to even bring gym into the discussion. Did some gymbro fuck your gf and since then gym and strength training lives rent free in your head?

>> No.17741656

How to lose weight while on antidepressants without fucking up my health too bad?

>> No.17741662

Count calories. If you're too lazy or stupid to do that just eat half of what you'd typically eat. Whenever I order take out I always eat half for dinner and save the other half for lunch the next day. Grandma or mom makes you a plate of spaghetti? Eat half and put the other half up for later. Always eat half. Drink water, or tea, no sugar, no candy, no snacks unless it's a piece of fruit or vegetables.

>> No.17741665

Perfect bodyshape for a woman

>> No.17741670
File: 134 KB, 946x1012, 1689871030115294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join our comfy thinspo server
anti-eating disorder, this server encourages healthy eating habits/lifestyle

>> No.17741714
File: 42 KB, 474x783, 069186720e985adf827c47ab8cd7b71c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i want is thighs like this, so far ive lost 5 kg with no change at all

>> No.17741715

What's your fitness routine?

>> No.17741721

thanks man

>> No.17741768

not every place in america is fat retard. move to a coast.

>> No.17741769

other than swim a bit, nothing, just naturally thin i guess

>> No.17741770

last weekend i walked 20 miles and my legs grew three sizes. plus i saw many things. you're literally just being gay in a room.

>> No.17741774

go off the antidepressants lo,l what even is this question?

>> No.17741814
File: 112 KB, 1080x1080, black-underwear-58l597kwnb-1080x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am on the coast lmao. Americans are fat, 70% of the country is overweight or obese, it's insanity. The only dividing line is wealth. Yeah you can stick to the wealthy areas and see less fat people day to day, but what about the rest of the country?

>> No.17741816

Impoverished people tend to be less concerned about fashion and fitness.
Their neglect of the latter contributes to their poverty due to all the hospital and pharmacy bills stemming from their poor health.

>> No.17741818

go to an asian area you utter mongoloid...white people are fat and sedentary no matter their wealth, its just a question of degree

>> No.17741846

she’s 22 and a white blonde girl lmaoo

>> No.17741872

so its just zoomer legs then? damn..thats crazy

>> No.17741874

i meant the bmi was 16 by the way...

>> No.17741879
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 92d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17741883

W2C that jacket?

>> No.17741901

considering the text is in korean...probably korea

it looks like your average bobo adidas track jakket from literally anywhere

>> No.17741903

are you trying to claim white people arent' fat? do you mind typing a few words or do you only use decade old wojaks to communicate?

>> No.17741965

damn it must be so easy to princes carry her

>> No.17742041

>so its just zoomer legs then?
Millennial legs weren't that bad either.

>> No.17742220

Don't lift don't exercise don't do anything active and undereat. Anyone can be anorexic anon.

>> No.17742418

what's the appeal of being thin as a man?
i dont get it, you look weak and malnourished

>> No.17742451
File: 14 KB, 314x400, Exposed (252).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinspo thread with no thinspo.
Post more pics, I need them.

>> No.17742494

It's a nice way to proof your will power to yourself.
Tbh it's also a lot easier to be thin than muscular.

>> No.17742501
File: 34 KB, 480x588, tumblr_6ee337cf9a1df9c81df4a61c0fd0e007_f3a8f53f_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17742533

did....did you think i was saying they were GOOD? are you people on crack? op's pic was about average at my millennial high school... zoomie pig trotters are a completely different ballpark

>> No.17742534

>Tbh it's also a lot easier to be thin than muscular.
hahahaha what a cope

yeah thats why you see soooo many thin guys running around in america and sooooo few musclefat meatheads right?

being musciular is incredibly easy, you just lift for an hour or so twice a week and eat whatever you want.

>> No.17742563

Lifting takes time. Eating less saves time.
Lifting costs money. Eating less saves money.

>yeah thats why you see soooo many thin guys running around in america and sooooo few musclefat meatheads right?
Most people are just fat, neither "musclefat" nor thin.

>> No.17742568

going to a gym twice a week and lifting a bit takes...a bit of willpower.

constantly monitoring your own food intake and remaining at least somewhat hungry at all times...takes an enormous amount of willpower, in comparison.

are americans short on money? no. are americans short on time? no. are americans short of willpower? visibly...yes. this is the most retarded cope i've seen in a while.

>> No.17742602

>remaining at least somewhat hungry at all times
lol, just drink a lot of coffee throughout the day

>> No.17742622

Both of you are correct depending on what you mean by "thin".
If by thin you mean regular "skinnyfat" (which compared to average american is definitely thin), it's definitely easier to be thin then muscular.
If by thin you mean what you see in >>17742451 or >>17735587 it's easier to be somewhat muscular.

>> No.17742671

>ftw fall for fasting meme
>gets nauseous after a day

>> No.17742684

for any given person it is easier to gain muscle than to lose weight, that's pretty incontrovertibly true

>> No.17742687

you think youre nauseous? drink green tea on an empty stomach. then you'll know nausea.

>> No.17742690 [DELETED] 

I'm on the muscular side of thin like pic related. So not weak and malnourished looking but I can still answer your question. The number one appeal is being able to wear whatever I want and look confident and good in it. being confident in my body. Even stick thin is better for your health than being even a little over weight, it's less stress on your joints, bones, and organs. You get a lot of people online saying that dad bods are attractive but I find that in practice once the shirts come off at the beach or pool women gravitate to the thinner, fitter men. The the final reason is that some men enjoy a more androgynous look, and so do many women. Typically younger women like androgynous, but straight, men. You either look like a vampire or a k-pop star lmao, and girls think it's hot.

>> No.17742700
File: 356 KB, 776x749, s-l1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the muscular side of thin like pic related. So not weak and malnourished looking but I can still answer your question. The number one appeal is being able to wear whatever you want and look confident and good in it, and being confident in your body. Even stick thin is better for your health than being even a little over weight, it's less stress on your joints, bones, and organs. You get a lot of people online saying that dad bods are attractive, but I find that in practice once the shirts come off at the beach or pool women gravitate to the thinner, fitter men. The final reason is that some men enjoy a more androgynous look, and so do many women. Typically younger women like androgynous, but straight, men. You either look like a hungry vampire or a k-pop star, and girls think it's hot.

>> No.17742742

How often do you masturbate to your own image in the mirror?

>> No.17742827

Once in the mirror. A second time was to my own nudes that I sent to a fuck buddy while she was out of town. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.17742856

spoken like a true skinnyfat dweeb

>> No.17742885

Don't, you will rebound.
Do it in steps, reduce portion size progressively so that your appetite goes down too.
Remember, you don't want to lose weight, you want to lose it and then keep it off you

>> No.17742895

This is what I would do if my girlfriend would stop fucking cooking. She's making fucking bread right this very second.

>> No.17742899

actually i was being overbroad. theres definitely people who have a hard time being anything but skelly but they're a rare phenotype. some people are also permaskinny because of crohns or hyposalivation which makes them hate eating. for most men though being actually underweight is definitely harder than bulking a bit.

>> No.17742909

theres like 1 man in 100 in current year whose problem is being a "dweeb." 99 in 100 of them are just fat. its really easy to tell the difference between a burger eating chode who is "fit" from lifting but still mostly sedentary, and a guy who is fit from actually like playing sports. thats honestly the real question, everyone knows jocks are the hottest, so why dont you just like play adult sports? pussy?

>> No.17743320
File: 655 KB, 2048x2228, 169045189917964346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i skinny? 170cm and 48kg

>> No.17743379

I like how the >Low Calorie Food & Drinks List and the >Model Diet Manual contradict each other.

>> No.17743421
File: 29 KB, 540x459, 1668201835067781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the first thinspo image I ever saved I think. Found it on /lgbt/

Also any tips on how to get past diet apathy? I just tried taking it to the point of binging as a punishment but, even though it did push me to tears, it felt overly preformative and I don't think it did anything. I don't want to give up on this goal, I want to be able to be really thin, but my brain seems to be forcing me to.

>> No.17743436

are all the men here gay or something? why would you want to be this emaciated?

>> No.17743588
File: 132 KB, 2560x1440, 1690510162923102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you have been abducted by the thinspo alien?

>> No.17743614

I see being slim as a challenge. I love winning challenges.

Please stop bullying Sanna Marin!

>> No.17744026

They use telepathy; no need for muscle. The most advanced thinspo in the universe.

>> No.17744721

>i walked 20 miles and my legs grew three sizes.

>> No.17744750

Lift and run, or lift and swim, lift and do any kind of fucking cardio and you'll develop the physique of an athletic man. If your goal is to build your body, why would you not use the most direct method for it which is lifting weights?
Not significant to the discussion. My original reply was to an anon who lives like shit and eats like shit and wonders why he feels like shit. Although weight training is good for all adults, for those with severe lack of bodymass and fitness it is basically a necessity. At 174cm and 54kg you are a fucking ghoul

>> No.17744777
File: 935 KB, 2048x2048, tumblr_36fb4bf48fbd3b4cd8158fdffa8993d9_3e0eec5a_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bmi to achieve this?

>> No.17744955
File: 23 KB, 361x374, michael rasmussen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the cycling pill.

>> No.17745250

That should be around 16-17. Of course it depends on how good your twink genetics are.

>> No.17747024
File: 138 KB, 750x878, Exposed (171).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17747056

Love st 40lbs this year. 225 - 185. 6ft tall. I was a 10-15 drink a day alcohol.

Back in size 34 pants. Face bloat half gone. But I feel like that was just getting to the starting line. It's do fun to lose weight

>> No.17747060


>> No.17747129
File: 119 KB, 1024x683, IMG_2366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of diet are thinspo stick people eating?

>> No.17747136

what are some masculine skinny manlet looks

>> No.17747225

thats great, keep it up. ur face will get more skinny and youll be surprised how more attractive you will become

>> No.17747227

Thanks for the reply. I've been wanting a logoless track suit jacket since playing pokemon y, guess I'll have to keep looking.

>> No.17747335

bro everyone can tell you are a man by your hand size, kill yourself

>> No.17747390

>16 BMI
>get a set of M sized underwear
>the cashier notes that these are non-refundable and asks if I'm sure they're the right size
>offended, since medium is supposed to be standard
>say yes
>she asks again
>say yes again because I'm a BIG BOY and I can't look weak when a girl is talking to me
>go home, try them on
>actually fits very well, but they got saggy after a while
>several months in, buy a new set of underwear, now S
>they fit, but my waist is too thin for the rubber bands
sometimes being a fatlet is suffering

>> No.17747431
File: 147 KB, 1016x1289, F0DhlzxXwAA5O_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17747478

jesus nigga that's a skeleton

>> No.17747501


>> No.17747576

no shit faggot

>> No.17747748

That's a cute boy.

>> No.17747806
File: 116 KB, 220x238, IMG_2311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17748502

Thanks it’s always nice to see that response I don’t feel that skinny

>> No.17750177

you must be the ugly man in 2nd pic right? you look awful dw

>> No.17752074
File: 1.35 MB, 3200x2099, BOSABOSABOSABOSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17752077
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>> No.17752114

just a random tracksuit jacket, like the gym uniforms japanese students wear
you might find it on aliexpress

>> No.17752267

I would fuck a girl like this to death either hers or mine. Not out of any malice but because I wouldnt be able to control myself

>> No.17752443
File: 1.50 MB, 635x1028, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post goals

>> No.17752447

no your fat

>> No.17752882

>love handles bulging out of underwear
>am i skinny
No, faggot. You're skinny only in the wrong places

>> No.17753057


>> No.17753084

Calisthenics and more protons

>> No.17753158

You need to shed some arm mass.

>> No.17753510
File: 75 KB, 553x364, billevans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thin is always effay, it always has been and it always will be.

>> No.17753516

idk but my arms have been looking like that since puberty by default, i'm not even that thin. i sometimes think junkies would be jealous of me.

>> No.17753526

who cares, it's hot

>> No.17755617

>more protons
I love my elementary particles in the morning.

>> No.17757543


>> No.17758453
File: 204 KB, 298x675, Xc99LTl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is obtaining aesthetic thinness even possible for me? I'm already 183/59 so underweight BMI, but I still don't like how my body looks and I'm worried that losing even more will make me appear even more sickly rather than slender and beautiful. Was overweight for most of my life so maybe my frame just isn't built for it?

>> No.17758487

Jesus fucking Christ anon, that's not thinspo but you just look severely malnourished and boney
in order to pull off thinspo you need some amount of muscle mass and it seems you don't have any
your arms might be thin but the legs? your femurs look like they would break any second now
start eating protein rich diet, start working out and take care of your health and body for real, when i looked like that I've ended up with tuberculosis
>if bait image then disregard my post lmao

>> No.17758517

I fucking wish that was bait. Thanks for the advice, my legs aren't actually that thin (shit lighting) but I agree that I ended up looking malnourished rather than what I intended. I already pay a lot of mind to my diet and receiving enough protein, but I guess without working out I won't be getting anywhere.

>> No.17758946
File: 638 KB, 714x1159, 1691515074473474 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thinspo?

>> No.17758993


>> No.17759159
File: 275 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_5123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i achieve this look even though i dont have a small ribcage...

>> No.17759341

Am I the only one who finds rib flare, some kinds at least, to be hot? Or is it because I spend so much time looking at myself in the mirror?

>> No.17759376

I dont want to look like this but since you guys do i suggest you follow my diet of hot dogs, chips and soda. i'm a male and 97-110lbs, it is embarrasing.

>> No.17759379

you can get to this with just calisthenics do bars and dips

>> No.17759383

your youthful metabolism is keeping you thin until you hit 27-30 and by then youll still be addicted to goyslop

>> No.17759436

Not him, but that's one of my biggest fears. I don't know how people manage to not eat all they want. A fast metabolism is priceless.

>> No.17759783

excellent male thinspo

>> No.17760275

>that's not thinspo but you just look severely malnourished and boney
as opposed to others in this thread who look perfectly healthy, such as >>17747431 >>17747024 >>17744777 >>17742451 >>17735857 >>17735587

by this look you mean "cadaver in morgue"?
I don't think that ribcage size matters much in that regard.

>> No.17760389

i responded to that anon because he wanted feedback, don't think these pictures are of people who post here

>> No.17760805
File: 689 KB, 1576x2098, IMG_7016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing, does this look unhealthy?
I'm 35, 5'8" and currently weigh 51kg.
Soz for crappy editing, I've got very shitty and very identifiable tattoos (I know, I know).

>> No.17760807

Are you superman?

>> No.17760831

All I can say is that I'm neither a bird, nor a plane.

>> No.17760845

Kinda. Ribs protruding don't look healthy. Can you still grab a fistful of skin on your stomach or have it bunch up when you sit straight? That's unrelated but I'm just curious since I'm currently 18.1 bmi and wondering if that goes away.

>> No.17760847

You look nice but also kinda in the same boat as me where you kinda look like you have love handles even though it isn't really physically possible at your body fat%. Not sure if it's just an unfortunate bone structure or something else.

>> No.17760861

I can pinch a little bit of stomach skin between my fingers but it's very tight. When I'm sitting my skin folds in a couple of places, yeah.
Thank you. I don't actually know my body fat%, but it's undoubtedly very low. I don't have love handles, that's just the natural contours of my waist and hips.

>> No.17760919

17.6 bmi here, I can grab more than a fistful. Used to be overweight so I think it's just over for me, no way out unless I either bulk up or get surgery.

>> No.17760931

I don't think you can permanently stretch skin that much unless you are full on obese.

>> No.17760943

I was never obese but I was overweight for 20 years of my life, normal weight for 6 and underweight for 3 months and counting. Maybe the damage is already done.

>> No.17760984

If you went from 25 bmi to under 18.5 in 6 months then your skin will probably need more time to adjust. Could be also that you ended up skinnyfat since you cut so hard.

>> No.17761501

This is a normal healthy male body. Jfl at fatties and troons thinking it's underweight and anorexic

>> No.17761761

>does this look unhealthy?
look at those clavicles. does that look healthy?

>> No.17761785

Nobody is saying anything about him thovqh

>> No.17761975

I've always had prominent clavicles, even when at slightly heavier weights, though I've always been thin.
I neglected to mention that I'm a distance runner, and this is generally what we look like.

>> No.17761989
File: 84 KB, 1122x1122, owarida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am seeing more and more fat Asian girls lately

>> No.17762136

Checked. But she's not skinny, she's normal weight.

>> No.17762790

>shilling my website
>no I won't make it accessible on mobile
Why shill it if you don't give a fuck?
No wonder you gave up and stayed fat

>> No.17762796

I support this anon wholeheartedly.
My greatest thinspo is remembering that anorexic girls like skinny guys

>> No.17764549

>Tummy-girls are a gift from the Lord

>> No.17765157

Can someone tell me what a female BMI of 18 would look like?

>> No.17765182

down 7kgs in a 1.5months even though i'm already close to my goal weight
i'm so gonna fucking make it bros

>> No.17765208


>> No.17765292

Tbf he kinda looks in the “underweight” bmi range 17-18

>> No.17765293

Hot body but why do your lips look like they take up a 1/3 of your face

>> No.17765301

I was the same bmi at around 52kg and ever since I stopped constantly weighing myself I’ve gained a lil but struggled to gain a noticeable amount, I’d suggest consistent cardio + gaining 2-5 kg as I prefer looking skinny than the number on the scale at this point

>> No.17765312

Cut down on sugar at least and as a replacement you could just eat as much fruit as you want, no one gets fat from fruit, soda too, for every 500ml soda drink 1L of water I’d say

>> No.17765327

I love how these two photos are virtually the same build but one of the is in a faggy pose so he’s now le twinkspo

>> No.17765752

hey whydo you have like sissy hypno shit on here in the nutrition section can you at least edit that weird shit out. it literally tells you to eat more semen

>> No.17765924

If you eat a dozen bananas every day as snacks, you will get fat.

>> No.17766043

bloated maybe but see nobody eats two kilos of bananas every day, as it is not as addictive as processed foods are

>> No.17766412

nevermind i've come to the harrowing conclusion that you love to eat semen

>> No.17766424


>> No.17766526


>> No.17766533

Lost 40lbs so far this year to 6ft 185.

Just got COVID. Now food tastes zero. Literally had a garlic clove and nothing but spicy

I just at 1 slice brown bread, bell peppers, tofu, kale, spinch, carrot raw. nothing tastes like anything . Kinda useful :)

>> No.17768099
File: 2.29 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20230819_224942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17768175

at one point i at a whole batch of bananas that you usually get from the store every day. i don't remember how many bananas are in those batches.

>> No.17768282

Ahh you're adorable I think I saw you on /b/ or /lgbt/ do you like girls

>> No.17768715

>just calisthenics
You forgot we are mostly amerifats here

>> No.17768723

>love handles and weak wrists
We are cursed anon. I'm almost the same age and body type as you and I ended up bulking a bit so muscles hide the female body. Woman wrists still there, of course :(

>> No.17769016

how many jabs?

>> No.17769073

>tfw gf who wasn't skinny to begin with has been gaining weight
it's fucking over

>> No.17769367

no only guys

>> No.17769426

We're not cursed, bro. I attract women that like skinny guys and I've got zero complaints. Another anon thought I had love handles too, which is impossible at my body fat%. I've just got a slight hourglass shape and a strong posterior chain from running/core work. I've got another photo in my phone to substantiate my claims, but it's a bit risqué and nobody really gives a fuck, lol.
I do have tiny, delicate wrists though, I'll give you that.

>> No.17769479

embrace the Architect in yourself

wrists are cursed body parts. nothing can be really done about them
i hit gym 3 times a week, have solid biceps but below my forearms I have hands like a girl. pianist at best

>> No.17769485

I’ve been eating 1200 calories a day and steadily losing weight but my stomach feels bloated all the time because of high fiber intake. I swear my waist would be at least 1 inch slimmer without the bloat. I’m aiming for a 26 inch waist, currently at 28 in rn.

>> No.17769492

Why are you gae? Did you get molested as a boy or perhaps groomed?

>> No.17769501

nope i didn't

>> No.17769507

I can understand why having thin wrists would be frustrating in term of muscular proportions if that's what you're working on.
But there's nothing you can do but accept it. I can guarantee you as a slightly older man that you're fixating on something that nobody else besides you likely even notices or cares about.
I've dropped so many pointless self esteem issues over the years as I've mellowed and matured.
In truth, I posted in this thread for a radical outsider perspective, which is 100% what you're gonna get on 4chan. I'm not going to change what I'm doing cos I'm in a great relationship atm and I feel good. My hips and wrists have never rendered me an unlovable freak and the same holds true for you too, mate.

>> No.17769904

I’m with the other guy… too lazy to work out…. But I don’t mind eating once a day

>> No.17770308

>manager comes up to me at work and says that I'm looking worryingly underweight
>friend pleads with me to eat more
>coworker tells me I don't need to worry about my weight when I order a diet Coke

I haven't enjoyed these comments in years
we're so back

>> No.17770627

What's your BMI?

>> No.17770795

cut out the sugar and eat an avocado a day plus plenty of protein, that will help. also for energy take iodine(only ever take iodine with a selenium supplement, never iodine on its own) and boron supplements, do some googling/youtube to find the dosages i forgot right now.

>> No.17771061

180 lb right now, fuck this is gonna be such a long journey. Can I make it b4 school starts in 1 month?

>> No.17771411

Depends on your goal weight. If you do a crash diet with lots of sports, you might be able to lose 2kg per week.

>> No.17771532

I want my periods back, help. I’m 5’2.5 111lb, what can I do?

>> No.17771543

>post goals
spiderman physique here desu
so just what they call "lean"

>> No.17771545

I like Mike Mentzer a lot he was a genius but u know he used steroids all his career and died at like 55 right

>> No.17771570
File: 47 KB, 640x640, 1484507517427 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me a few years back, 6ft, 63kg, male.

>> No.17771666


>> No.17771696
File: 332 KB, 220x220, IMG_2199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17771777

my issue is that ive eaten 220cal so far today, dinner will make it 350 and i STILL feel like ive binged, but im hungry

>> No.17771790
File: 990 KB, 1294x637, Check Em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Impressive.

>> No.17771837

noice digits of course ur hungry, unless u need to drastically lose weight for an event or something, u should up ur calories a bit. add more protein, specifically chicken breast with some fiber.
my personal favorite are chicken wraps using the 50 cal ole spinach wraps i make 4 chicken breast put two in each wrap with some lettuce and a low calorie salsa, turns out to be less than 600 cal with over 100g of protein with 22g of fiber. this will make you full or at the least very satisfied.

>> No.17771927

do yk the weight of chicken exactly, bc that sounds so good but im also rlly nervous of carbs

>> No.17771936

id eat 2/3 of each wrap for each meal tho, 300cal for one meal kinda high for me ngl

>> No.17772022


losing more than 2 pounds a week is considered extreme and may lead to loose skin once the weight is lost fyi

>> No.17772028

Amenorrhea is the term. search it up and do the research

>> No.17772162
File: 1.99 MB, 1620x2880, fatfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop the shakes when I'm hungry? I don't understand if it's anxiety, lack of sugar or just my stomach feeling empty. I didn't want to eat sugar because it's already everywhere like the goddamn plague.
really annoying because I need to use my hands for manual labor. I'd just sleep the hunger away if I could

my body used to be peak /fa/ + fairly ripped eating trash everyday and now that I'm making an effort I'm a fucking pig. so tired.

>> No.17772265

Starved myself down to a 16 BMI last year was originally at a 20 BMI. Over the past year, I ballooned up to a 24-25 BMI, the most I've ever weighed in my life. I've never weighed more than a 21 BMI before this past year.
Doing a different approach this time by fasting and moving more instead of eating <500 calories a day and sitting on my ass.

>> No.17772301

shaking is for sure from hunger—if engaging in manual ‘’labour’’ then have to have small snack instead of starving—you want to increase metabolism, starving yourself will slow down make you FAT when eating later—tip for speed of metabolism and suppression of hunger—small dose of nicotine transdermal is very effective, yes. foods also with high satiety keep you full for longer—protien, good fats, FIBRE etc.

>> No.17772366

each chicken breast should weigh 4 oz which is 110-120 calories. dont worry too much about the carbs in the wraps, they have 15g of carbs each but 11g of those carbs are fiber and since fiber is a type of carb our bodies cant digest u subtract it from the total carb count leaving you with a very low 4g of actual net carbs which arent going to affect you no matter how scared of carbs you are.

>> No.17773073

thank you for your insight.
not sure if nicotine patches are OTC where I live but I'll look into it. is there any difference between patches, sprays, gum, and whatnot?

>> No.17773167

proof of smoking does not normally asked if given on prescription. if anon wishes to curb hunger with magic metabolism boosting--and but also appetite suppressing--nicotine transdermal patch is best option as is not HABIT forming. main difference only in channel of administration--gum spray LOLZenge and others are short acting intramucosal--patches transdermal. other reason for transdermal is how artificial SWEETners in lozenge et al. may cause sever BLOAT in anons of particular disposition.


>> No.17775031

Worth a try.

>> No.17775038

i think this might be the answer recently someone that has been in the set of joker (2019) admitted that joaquin phoenix lost 40 pounds (180 to 140) by just eating an apple a day. same thing with christian bale for that one movie he only ate a can of tuna and a apple per day

>> No.17775040
File: 744 KB, 2048x2048, 333308277_3612183009068298_7242228868264431529_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i never wanted to be this low and it wasnt onn purpose, but it happenned and now idek what i want to do

>> No.17775064

Go to a doctor cause you might just die without help.

>> No.17775210

Get help

>> No.17775237

I lose all desire to eat when this ad comes on

>> No.17775375

Depends how far you walk. 12+ miles is a work out.

>> No.17776496

Damn city folks!

>> No.17776567

Eat more nutrient dense low volume food, youre probably malnourished

>> No.17776771 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.17776798

Lol nobody cared who did you think you are swedish faggot kys

>> No.17776845
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20230826_021519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, I'm not even swedish, americuck

>> No.17776851

hit the gym and get some sun

>> No.17777121

Nope! He looks pretty much perfect.

>> No.17777893
File: 719 KB, 3000x3000, 60000000120315__09513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello thinspo, how do you curb hunger cravings?

>> No.17777899
File: 372 KB, 1536x2048, EB4EABAE-447A-42A4-9F7F-64620CB4C5E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New here. Been called a twig all my life

>> No.17778000

Youre ugly bro. Best advice is bulk up

>> No.17778002

are you a trans guy or how do i make sense of that >male?

>> No.17778019

If you actually want to lose weight fast and look better after it's over you should be swimming every day.

>> No.17778022

He is mtf like u

>> No.17778084

he looks fine

>> No.17778141

He’d look better muscular. He can’t pull off skinny twink mode

>> No.17778300

i guess i just have low standards then

>> No.17778303

Are you a girl?

>> No.17778327


>> No.17778335

Post pic of yourself

>> No.17778350

no thanks

>> No.17778369

I only ate 500 cal today and I still feel like a fatass.

>> No.17778405

I’m broke and want to lose weight, I’m planning on just eating cup noodles twice a day from now on (about 600 calories) and nothing else. Am I going to get scurvy or something

>> No.17778420

just take some multivitamins as well youll be fine

>> No.17779401
File: 1.05 MB, 1284x1718, 761B3A70-0E24-440F-AAB1-FA6CA87FA291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i fat?

I want to be twink mode. I feel like I’m still too big.

>> No.17779519

nice abs dude, you need more chest though

>> No.17779548

I fucking hate being just overall smaller than average as a man(let). Even though I have a rectangular body shape that looks good in the mirror when I'm naked, generally I feel smaller than other men out there - relatively narrow shoulders, thin everything. Having a non-twinky face just makes it worse. Damn, I can't even bulk properly because of low appetite. It's so over...

>> No.17780777

I would still mount you!

>> No.17780822
