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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 250 KB, 1200x1200, db3dfec1-4d11-4f6e-b9f9-069e3274a781_blog_ln_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17726000 No.17726000 [Reply] [Original]

Some of the most attractive parts of a man's body (forearms, hands, collarbones) can only be accentuated with jewelry
What have you done for it recently

>> No.17726003

Stop trying to make everything a general. Have a thread, let the thread die, then make another thread at a later date.

>> No.17726045

what are the best brands/staple pieces for jewelry? Is there a /fa/ infographic

shut up loser

>> No.17726076
File: 837 KB, 1000x1000, Gucci-Gatto-Feline-Head-Silver-R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this ring, I think it's cool

>> No.17726081

People like you ruined 4chan. If you want a chatroom, make a Discord server or IRC channel.

>> No.17726191

Unless you have a specific piece made by a particular brand in mind, I'd recommend etsy for general eye shopping

>> No.17727434
File: 1.23 MB, 2559x2559, rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to buy a piece or two from this place, looking at the crown thing at the bottom right,the simple band at middle left and the freemasons one
Thoughts fa? Never worn any sort of jewelry before

>> No.17727436

Looks cool. Cool ring.

>> No.17727440
File: 260 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_0463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear a Paul Hewitt anchor bracelet when I wish to dress down.

>> No.17727448
File: 129 KB, 512x658, 100-0009_color_indigo_01_6df36a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this Miansai anchor bracelet recently

>> No.17727463

Only black people wear free mason rings

>> No.17727614

>buying chinkshit free mason rings from aliexpress
lmao even

>> No.17727760
File: 297 KB, 1200x1200, 93862a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signet ring. Embrace your heritage or create a legacy.
Also >checked

>> No.17727794


Of course Freemason rings look cool, but would you really want to wear one when you're not a Mason?

>> No.17727815

it's like dressing up as a crip or bood without being gang affiliated

>> No.17727920
File: 1.55 MB, 1488x1984, hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I 3D printed this jewelry holder. I have one somewhat expensive silver ring from blackfeather design. One random "vintage" silver ring from etsy and a bunch of garbage shitty ones from those gay metal stores that I don't wear. I'm really struggling to find decent brands in yurop that aren't cheap trash but also not unnecessarily overpriced. Blackfeather is cool but they have literally only one good looking design. If you guys know any I'm all ears.

>> No.17728183
File: 38 KB, 640x640, skull earring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17728258

What would you recommend for a beginner then?

>> No.17728260

Looks cool as shit anon, mind dropping the file?

>> No.17728280

Literally anything other than a free mason ring the only thing worse than wearing a free mason ring if you aren’t one is wearing if you are one. Do not do this

>> No.17728418

It's posted in /3dpg/ over at /diy/.

>> No.17728475

zoomer badass style is definitely edgy cool :D

>> No.17728482
File: 215 KB, 960x960, Men-Jewellery 08022021160142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of the *most attractive parts of a man's body* (forearms, hands, collarbones) *can only be accentuated with jewelry*
What have you done for it recently

massively important point about utility of men's jewelley beyond pure functionality (e.g., wristwatch for time) or symbolic value (e.g., graduation ring, or wedding ring for married - civil status)

Infographic for types of Men's Jewellery

>> No.17728544

Very nice

>> No.17728555

totally agree. very aesthetic and very cool.

>> No.17728558

"DaVinci Code" residual pop mystique desu

>> No.17728631
File: 203 KB, 1080x1350, 27890623_198620440733266_6822158299580858368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attracts wine milfs
>attracts gen z girls
>gets you laid

>> No.17728647
File: 1.22 MB, 2575x2450, 20230721_161007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my go-to loadout most days

>> No.17728655

very cool and definitely attracts femoids attention and hands to admire touch etc.

wristwatch and square onyx ring mirin

>> No.17728657

who was phone

>> No.17728684


>> No.17728858

niiiceeee. Whats that chain?

>> No.17728884
File: 2.52 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230725_082731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I daily these

>> No.17728961

>mfw some schizo kills me cause he thinks I'm a freemason cause of my freemason ring
Seems like a bad idea desu. And thats the good outcome, I cant imagine what a real freemason would do if they found someone larping as one

>> No.17729097

any recommendations on a gold cross?

>> No.17729104

very cool

>> No.17729255

I have eleven piercings and plans for at least 5 more

>> No.17729261

where are your piercings

>> No.17729330

Everywhere, face, ears, nipples, nose and genitals.

>> No.17729338

any recommendations for buying interesting body piercing jewelry?

>> No.17729371


>> No.17729377

You can find some cool stuff on etsy just be careful with stone and certain metals because what you see is not what you get, also places like urban body jewelry and some of the stuff on tulsa body jewelry are cool pieces.

>> No.17729379

A dogshit chinese one from those gay metal stores.

>> No.17729502
File: 1.32 MB, 2316x1360, 22E501A7-4655-449E-8933-B22E109D38C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this necklace?

>> No.17729553

Gay and ugly and probably moving all around while walking, but that's just my personal opinion. If you like it you should wear it.

>> No.17729658
File: 66 KB, 563x691, 1681971628734163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the lore behind freemasons, this shit seems serious
Good shit anon
What's the ring on the index finger, is that the blackfeather or etsy one? Mind dropping some pics or a link perhaps?
Wish I was pretty enough to pull earrings
Very nice

>> No.17729667

Nvm found it, that was fast

>> No.17729699
File: 753 KB, 2730x3170, PXL_20230725_152314409~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my casual set, it's comfy

>> No.17729705

Finally, a good fucking thread, nothing to contribute but some very nice jewelry being posted so far

>> No.17729707
File: 2.62 MB, 2082x2776, etsy ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the backfeather one. Etsy one is pic related.


>> No.17729727

any good websites to buy a chain online?

>> No.17729777

Least tacky jewelry itt

>> No.17729830

Rather wear something tacky than something that's so bland that you might as well not wear it.

>> No.17730256

I have a nice gold ring that was my grandpa's but I never wear it because I find it feels very annoying after I wash my hands or sweat or god forbid I get some grease on it from food or something. Is this something that I would just get used to with more wear?

>> No.17730412

If you think that's bland you're the fashion equivalent of a coomer

>> No.17730428
File: 2.21 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_23-07-26_07-47-02-813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about this too. I like the simpler designs.

Pic related (clockwise from top left): ancient Roman, 15th century mediaeval, 11th century islamic, 4th century Byzantium

>> No.17730505

very effay set of historical signet rings images

>> No.17730538
File: 1.38 MB, 2765x3207, IMG_20230401_121714-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17730640

very sleek seiko wristwatch and signet ring

>> No.17730960

Sorry I don't have dogshit taste from reddit.

>> No.17732040
File: 288 KB, 1500x845, Macklemore-Ryan-Lewis-feat.-Wanz-Thrift-Shop-screenshot-2019-billboard-1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so heckin true! only redditors wear bland shit like a bunch of incels, not like me and my gang rolling up like TACKY CHADS with antique gypsy jewelry

>> No.17732080

are pearl necklaces played out?

>> No.17732351

It depends on your vibe, if you're a surfer, go for it
I don't think most men/subcultures don't fit in with pearl necklaces
Do as you like tho, and rock it with confidence!

>> No.17732366

>always kind of liked jewelry but never wore any
>29 years old now
Is it even possible for me to wear it now and not look like an idiot?
Everything I find online seems tailored to eboys. Nothing against that aesthetic but I'm way too old for it.

>> No.17732400
File: 673 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.3748147633_5yd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a simple classic piece, something like these

>> No.17732402
File: 400 KB, 1500x1500, il_fullxfull.1321872405_n5mg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any way to wear an anklet without looking like a massive gay bottom

>> No.17732577

Unfortunately, anklets are something I would recommend men not wear
Most people will never see it but the ones who will judge hard
Keep it to your face, neck and hands

>> No.17732593
File: 707 KB, 1639x2048, 07pretrialpix1-superJumbo-v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, like this

>> No.17732642

Learn to dress.

>> No.17732965
File: 137 KB, 1571x639, Yurman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whos familiar with David Yurman? Some expensive but nice stuff.

>> No.17732970
File: 3.38 MB, 2198x1488, Screenshot 2023-07-27 at 16.03.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get something minimal and timeless.

I wear a Rolex Explorer along with a Le Gramme ring, necklace and cuff.

>> No.17732972

it is good, but overpriced. there are several jewel makers on /fa/ who will tell you the same.

>> No.17732997

St. Christopher looks like Ninja or Mujahideen in "amulet" max kek fr no cap onG

>> No.17733004

Sounds jewish.

>> No.17733056

this one was a gay bottom in prison

>> No.17733085 [DELETED] 

>bunch of 'le minimalist' bullshit

>> No.17734034
File: 1.00 MB, 1148x974, patrick adair designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from this site? These superconductor (misnomer) rings look cool but they're a lil overpriced no? 900 bucks? Goddamn bitch

>> No.17734106

Infant Child Jesus looks like squirrel or baby monkey ffs

>> No.17734271

A plain silver cuff, ring and chain will never go out of style.

The Explorer has remained a timeless watch for the best part of a century.

>> No.17734366

They're ugly as shit.

>> No.17734896

whats your dress up bracelet?
I like it. Ordered. Looks like that site has a lot of other good cheap bracelets to get a collection going.

>> No.17734977

There was this bracelet that literally looks like a belt for your wrist. It was a Japanese brand and I'm extremely annoyed I cant remember the name. Not that I'd buy it, because it was overpriced, but I can't remember the fucking name.

>> No.17735680
File: 115 KB, 1600x900, don23423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small hand bros...should i even bother buying rings or is it over?

>> No.17736528
File: 409 KB, 1020x1530, Donald Trump -- Mar-a-Lago Estate salon 0403461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pres. Trump is our effay King

>> No.17736580
File: 118 KB, 961x702, signet ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I cop this?

>> No.17736935

It’s a thin line between tacky and effay

>> No.17736947
File: 323 KB, 1242x1242, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought about getting a fake Cartier Just Un Clou. What do you think?

>> No.17736968

jewelry brands are a scam, i buy exclusively vintage 925 from thailand italy or mexico, the more busy it is the worse it can accompany a variety of wardrobes. balance is important. having a ring on every finger several bracelets on both arms etc is justtoo busy. try to keep it simple and elegant. the better the pie<es you choose are the less of them you need.

>> No.17737149

pricing is insane, probably less than $3 worth of silver to make that

>> No.17737151

Mar-a-lago is also the historic 1920s Merriweather-Post Estate in Palm Beach.

>> No.17737212

I’d like it more if it had my cat, Chester, on it. Very cool though.

>> No.17737231
File: 2.76 MB, 3000x4000, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are pinky rings effay?

>> No.17737233
File: 1.54 MB, 4000x3000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17737237

effay and ornate, where do u live

>> No.17737238


>> No.17737241

Id on that necklace or something similar?

>> No.17737345
File: 428 KB, 969x542, Screenshot 2023-07-30 005345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the name of these type of necklace?

>> No.17737347
File: 129 KB, 494x307, Screenshot 2023-07-30 005433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17737348
File: 202 KB, 328x553, Screenshot 2023-07-30 005519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17737365

THose are literally just called bead necklaces wtf did you think they were called
Nice statement piece
What sites do you recommend?
Just as long as nobody can tell, you should be good
I think they look cool, not high fashion and not classy but they have an edge to them
360 plus for titanium and copper is horrible though, I wouldn't buy any

>> No.17737436

i love the evil eye charm one.

>> No.17737437

it better have a small hidden knive inside if it looks like that lol

>> No.17737439

yeah but a stainless variant of the concept some place else maybe lol
no one cares about the difference. where do you all get this kind of money?

>> No.17737515

but seriously bros should i avoid rings if i have smaller hands?

>> No.17737517

itll kinda look like a leprechaun if you wear large signet rings otherwise, I think its okay.

>> No.17737547

Hello fellow anons.

Looking for a necklace pendant with the letter J for the Gf, I want to pay for good materials, based in the US, dont worry if it's chink origin.

Does anybody have any pointers for the kind of stuff i'mlooking for? Search is too female optimized for me to make sense of the websites, everything looks like a scam.

>> No.17737639
File: 847 KB, 603x796, Screenshot 2023-07-30 143443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the rings and bracelets I've acquired over the years, my daily right hand wear, left hand is just a watch.

Looks like its this?

Ive seen a lot of these chain with rectangles on em
so I made my own with a Kingston Drive

>> No.17738633

I still don't know what looks good. I only have a leather strap watch.

>> No.17738896

Thanks but I think yours looks better kek. Id on your necklace?

>> No.17739070
File: 290 KB, 1091x550, Screenshot 2023-07-31 111708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

£2 ali express chain and a two kingston USB drives

>> No.17740563

It's this: https://www.mrporter.com/en-gb/mens/product/le-gramme/accessories/necklaces/13g-sterling-silver-chain-necklace/1647597291807167

Cuff is Le Gramme 15g silver
Ring is Le Gramme 7g silver

Watch is 124270 Rolex Explorer

>> No.17741146


>> No.17741898

The entire fucking board is gay

>> No.17743360 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1903x617, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1772600thoughts on something like this?

>> No.17743364
File: 1.48 MB, 1903x617, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thoughts on something like this?

>> No.17743452

looks like something that a brown person would wear.

>> No.17743872

Has a fleur de lis on it so it would imply you're a virgin.

>> No.17743903

>What's the lore behind freemasons
Secret society that wants to make the world a better place. There used to be many conspiracy theories about them. The same kind of stuff /pol/ says about jews.
Used to be like that with the Jesuits too.

>> No.17744835

unrelated but can anyone narrow down the pattern of the pants for me

>> No.17745050
File: 157 KB, 960x859, abcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about turkish rings?

>> No.17745052
File: 134 KB, 960x704, abcde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17745196

Quick googling gave this
TOM FORD Men's Atticus Plaid Stretch-Tweed Trousers
For my eyes this is close enough

>> No.17745551

Ugly trash.

>> No.17747023
File: 27 KB, 451x582, helix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of getting my ears pierced. i like the idea of tripe helix ang lobe, but i worry it wont look the way i have imagined in my head

>> No.17747035
File: 213 KB, 700x350, 1661820220690312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17747063
File: 973 KB, 1920x1014, Screenshot 2023-08-05 104426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't look like this, don't even bother
Men look horrible with ear piercings

>> No.17747066

Bad quote

>> No.17747158
File: 132 KB, 433x300, 1685032487342622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about clip-ons

>> No.17747310
File: 94 KB, 1196x355, brave_screenshot_www.michaelhill.com.au.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking of getting golden bee studs because I cant find similarly sized wasp studs anywhere that ships to aus

>> No.17747626

Sorry but it looks like something from Walmart

>> No.17747654

It's funny how something this tacky would typically get flamed and called alibaba trash but since it has a Gucci engraving it gets complimented kek

>> No.17748167

yes if its a designer brand its good
welcome to /fa/

>> No.17748208
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1655205915672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my blackfeather design ring yesterday and I'm about to cry.

>> No.17748270

Nooooooooo that sucks anon, I'm sorry
That ring was beautiful, I was totally simping for it

>> No.17748283

I took it off at the car wash and put in my right pocket so it doesn't get dirty and it disappeared. I'm so retarded.

>> No.17748310

I hope you find it anon

>> No.17748319

Searched for an hour yesterday and I'm about to head out to take my car seats and center console out in hopes that it fell out of my pocket when I sat down, but I'm pretty sure it must have dropped out when I was taking my car keys out outside the car.

>> No.17748326

>blackfeather design ring

>> No.17748373

retard kys

>> No.17748375

I've never worn jewellry in my entire life.

>> No.17749416

Not even a watch?

>> No.17749604

only a basic plastic digital watch as a child. I do like watches though but nice watches are unaffordable for me. I just don't see myself in jewellry when I see my ideal self in my mind.

>> No.17749786

Just get a casio.

>> No.17750073

Haven't worn (((Jew)))elry on the daily in like 5 years. I had a few silver rings that smashed flat on my fingers while I was chopping wood and they almost made it to the bone. Unless you're rich, a sissy, or it's a special occasion, don't bother. For parties/ weddings I just wear cheap stainless Amazon skull rings, any of them work, they're all bad 2 tha bone

>> No.17750100

My collection so far, not counting my watches:
>Yellow gold pinky ring with black onyx
>Yellow gold Cuban bracelet
>Yellow gold herringbone chain
>Yellow gold imitation ancient Greek coin medallion
>Puka shell necklace
>Silver college ring with ruby
>Silver Mjolnir pendant
>Silver torc bracelet
>Yellow gold monogrammed cufflinks
>Yellow gold and silver collar pins and tie clips
Want to get:
>Gold Zodiac sign pendant
>Gold birthstone pinky ring
>Gold signet ring with my initials
>Silver rectangular cufflinks
>Stainless ID bracelet

>> No.17750131

What's a good finger to wear a signet ring on?

>> No.17750268


>> No.17750402
File: 1.96 MB, 1507x713, 1688429785505020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they advertise these in the banner
>they're not even on the page it directs to
I feel cheated

>> No.17750600

Pinky or right-hand ring.

>> No.17750601

I honestly can't tell if you're congratulating me or implying I'm brown.

>> No.17750660
File: 29 KB, 640x640, IMG_1520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tiger head is tacky

>> No.17750665
File: 428 KB, 1000x538, IMG_1103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17750876

>be me
cool minimalist bracelet is that that a fitness tracker?
>Google it
it's a cock ring

This board really is gays,Asians and tiny people lmao

>> No.17750898

there are no asians on this board

>> No.17751769

>he's unironically wearing a stretched cockring around his wrist
lmao what the fuck

>> No.17751783
File: 6 KB, 225x225, redstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17751786

>tfw you're at 1hp and a crackhead accosts you

>> No.17751852

The indented parts that are blacked out make it look cheap

>> No.17751934
File: 3.62 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230808_225933923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic op here
Not stretched out, I have a big cock and balls and small wrists, that particular size is a circumference of 6.6 inches and is just right for my wrist but one size too small to comfortably wear around my cock and balls
It looks drippy and if anyone ever brings it up irl I'll use it to flex how big my cock is. Don't see the problem really

>> No.17751968

Nasty faggot.

>> No.17752163

These look really cool, I like the top row.

>> No.17752442 [DELETED] 
File: 2.26 MB, 1489x1371, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought it, ofcourse, I dont wear these at the same time

>> No.17752445
File: 2.26 MB, 1489x1371, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought it, ofcourse, I dont wear all these at the same time

>> No.17752528

you can get those from AliExpress for 2$

>> No.17752695

Eastern yuro taxi driver core.

>> No.17752707

my guy collected the finite rings

>> No.17752780

>t. gypsy

>> No.17752803

Best post in the entire thread.

Guys get too caught up in designs and details nobody will notice, sleek simplicity is far more attractive than 5 mismatched rings you're wearing to cope for your bad buys.

Match your metals, get a cheap polishing cloth every once and a while, be happy.

>> No.17753133

what do you do for a living? or at least what did you study in college?

>> No.17753207

If I have all silver jewellery, should I also try to get glasses which have silver metal details?

Or can I wear frames with gold details with silver jewellery?

I prefer brown frames and never come with silver hardware.

>> No.17753460

Basicass bitch.

>> No.17753480
File: 75 KB, 736x736, 3cca75adbb617073044c73c931225e92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything ITT looks horrible. Pic related is the only syle that actually looks good. Buck Palmer.

>> No.17753584

I'm doing an internship right now, and I am a polisci major. I don't wear any jewelry save a watch, cufflinks, etc to work lol

>> No.17753591

Why do you ask?

>> No.17753786

make your own decisions in life you fucking fag

>> No.17753857
File: 2.59 MB, 2560x2212, zippo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only jewelry a man needs

>> No.17754087

Yeah let me spend 20 minutes putting all that gay shit on before I head out each time.

>> No.17754341

>6.6 inches
Have fun never deepthroating or even penetrating many women
I am 5.5 inches around and even I have problems

>> No.17754910

My actual circumference is 5.7 so it's not a huge problem, the 6.6 in ring goes behind the balls too, where it's even wider
6.6 straight up dick circumference would be pretty crazy

>> No.17754919

6.2 inches Chad reporting in
or whatever 16cm is in retarded units
feels bad because I'm also 16cm in length and it looks small just because it's fat

>> No.17754942
File: 148 KB, 990x990, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i buy this shitty silver necklace that looks stupid as hell for a whopping $360

>> No.17754982

>paying 360 for the most basic bitch design of all
>Being a christian in 2023 after it has been BTFO
Now be a good little retard and call me an atheist.

>> No.17754986

not even christian bro

>> No.17755017

Why be a poser then? You'll be wearing something that you don't even believe in. Wear something that has actual design and is to your personal liking.

>> No.17755125

dude anyone can go become a freemason it isnt some super secret club lmfao

>> No.17755762
File: 2.87 MB, 2082x2776, sex ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got the man + woman having sex ring. Unfortunately I ordered the wrong size but it fits on my index at least.

>> No.17755897

Maybe that design is to his personal liking?
I agree with you though, that shit looks retarded whether you are Christian or a larper or like the design
Idk what that is but it looks cool enough

>> No.17755905
File: 2.60 MB, 2082x2776, sex ring 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a buff young man (me) grabbing a sexy woman (your mother) by the side and kissing her above her bigass tits. Her head is leaning back from pleasure and her hair is spread out because we're going at it.

>> No.17756241
File: 511 KB, 1209x1612, 20230811_111408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17756248
File: 22 KB, 520x650, le-gramme-SILVERYELLOW-GOLD-Silver-le-5-Grammes-Punched-Cable-Bracelet-1508210258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this bracelet. I have some stainless steel cable lying around. Could anyone recommend a clasp similar to the one used here that I could make some DIY braclets with?

>> No.17756302

Idk if you can find something similar that isn't from Le Gramme, but maybe you can buy this kids' bracelet and use your own cable (if it fits) https://www.mrporter.com/en-us/mens/product/le-gramme-kids/kidswear/accessories/7g-polished-sterling-silver-cable-bracelet/1647597306007478

>> No.17756399
File: 24 KB, 300x400, papa_francisc_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17756403

garish and overbearing

>> No.17756425
File: 6 KB, 390x451, 64030003Q003_Q003_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a good gold alternative? I am thinking about brass but i dont want green fingers like those that copper gives you, does brass leave marks after tarnishing? (pfa)

>> No.17756427

gold plated sterling silver? silver, non chink stainless steel jewelry

>> No.17757248

the fuck is this
looks like a mini chastity cage

>> No.17757333

Don't wear jewelry unless you want to be confused for someone who used to live in the ghetto or a drug dealer.

>> No.17757338
File: 1.20 MB, 730x858, Screenshot_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my right hand, i mean to get one on my index and pinky/ring finger on my left hand and leave it at that

>> No.17757346

pretty good rep bro

>> No.17757415

Not a rep nigger

>> No.17757519


Is that supposed to be some expensive well known ring? It does look cool.

>> No.17757524

Its a Chrome Hearts Keeper ring, i got it for around $800 last year on rinkan

there are a lot of replicas in circulation which is why you usually wouldnt want to buy their stuff used

>> No.17757547

Make sure you don't lose it like I lost mine last week. I wouldn't take it off for nothing.

>> No.17757632

That's 800? What a rip off

>> No.17758121

>$800 for a trinket normal people would think you got off a flea market at $10

>> No.17758275
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>> No.17758308
File: 2.01 MB, 2852x2934, IMG_6406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17758450

This is actually how autists justify their cringe behavior

>> No.17758556

Welcome to buying designer items
i would be heartbroken, sorry to hear that anon
>buying stuff to impress other people

>> No.17758574

Kinda gay.

>> No.17758628

>buying stuff to impress other people
no one is saying anything like that
he said it looks like a $10 trinket

>> No.17758633
File: 680 KB, 942x1154, 1680139442191112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like $5 on DHGate.
And for women.

>> No.17758793

Go and buy it then

>> No.17759101

I would never spend 800 on that ring but I think it looks cool and anon is cool for having it. Imagine being butthurt that someone bought a thing.

>> No.17759130

It just doesn't seem worth the money. I recently bought a ring for about 250 that appears to have more detail than that one

>> No.17759135

This. You could buy it for 0,50 dollars at aliexpress

>> No.17759137

Any accessory on a man is quite cringe, even this >>17732970 cause you don't need a watch in 2023

>> No.17759161

It's not worth the money but it wasn't your money though.

>> No.17759169

Thank you anon bless you kindly
I dont think any designer item is worth any money, you can live with spending fairly little money and have comfortable clothes and maybe nice jewelry but i enjoy spending my money on something special that, if i dont lose it, i will have in 30 years from now. Of course 20 grams of silver arent worth the $800 i paid but it being unique in a world full of minimalism is what makes it worth it to me. in general i am super picky with jewelry and Chrome Hearts and Enfants Riche Dèprimè are the only 2 brands whose Jewelry i actually enjoy

>> No.17759229

designer items can be worth it sometimes, just compare the amount of material and the detail put into the work and compare it to others. One exampe I think is degs and sal. They ask for over 100$ for a plain looking signet ring when you can easily get one for 30~

>> No.17759251

It's actually the same explanation I gave your mom as I gaped her

>> No.17759289

There's this really cool Japanese jewelry brand that I can't remember the fucking name of. Help me.

>> No.17759296

Never mind it's Oz Abstract and these shits are expensive.

>> No.17761094


>> No.17761187

Can't decide if I should get the same one of the ring I loved that I lost or a new and different one.

>> No.17761225

Replace your old one and also find a cheap one with a new look you want to try.

>> No.17761231

Replace my old one with the same one or a new one?

>> No.17761239

Yeah, I mean go for both

>> No.17761252
File: 42 KB, 800x800, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you gents think of stone bracelets? They feel really nice on the skin, though I have trouble imagining what sort of apparel would pair well with it, since these are things you usually wear for yourself pretty much all day

Cabochon cut stone rings are classics, especially when you choose the stone yourself

>> No.17761886

I've just sent an email to a company I like asking for a discount code. Am I wrong for that...

>> No.17762245

no, based haggler

>> No.17762417

Only doing it because I lost my favorite and expensive ring and want to get a new one while taking the least damage to be honest.

>> No.17762903
File: 86 KB, 750x1334, 6c1fee86-1283-4dcc-abfd-0745cccedc2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17762924

The blackfeather one??
Instead of haggling, I would recommend asking them to make a custom one that closes so that when you take it off, you can hang it on a necklace or something so you don't lose it again

>> No.17763038

i thought it was a cockring from the thumbnail

>> No.17763061

polish generally gets in recessed portions of jewelry and imo it makes it look nice and soulful

>> No.17763078

Never wore piercings but i've had some people say an eyebrow piercing would look nice on me. Any tips for those?

>> No.17763090


>> No.17763227

There's no need for that. I just want a small discount to soften the blow from the beating I took after losing it. I'm still mad. Some zesty gypsy faggot is probably wearing it right now. Nobody in my country probably had one and now it will be and that one gyppo that jacked it, or whoever he sold it to to buy heroin.

>> No.17763248

Hello Rabbi

>> No.17763270

>t. live-in-phone faggot

>> No.17763854
File: 23 KB, 385x395, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was given a black braided leather bracelet that looks kinda like picrel as a gift. She insists it looks good on me, so I guess I'm gonna keep it. My question is, what do I do with these dangling cords? Their uncomfy as fuck.

>> No.17763909
File: 1.41 MB, 827x784, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want something like thus but I don't wanna pay 100 bucks + shipping + customs fees for it. Searched etsy for similar things but they all looked like shit.

>> No.17764396

where can you get one of those

>> No.17765813

If you buy fake shit and enjoy it, what does that tell you about you?
Are you really scared to invest in a quality piece for yourself if you're gonna enjoy it?

>> No.17765835

>just called bead necklace
stfu and don't respond if you don't know the answer. Those are called seed bead necklaces.

>> No.17765850
File: 573 KB, 551x451, Screenshot 2023-08-18 000302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sneed bead necklace
formerly czech (beads)

>> No.17765858

if you don't want to get it dirty just wear it when you don't expect for it to get dirty, e.g. going out with/visiting friends, going shopping, ordinary situations like that

>> No.17766027

Why did you include my post in that reply when it's completely irrelevant to what I said?

>> No.17767620

I'd prefer if this thread wasn't on page 10.

>> No.17767669
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, pp,840x830-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting handjob from a femboy twink with lot of jewelry

>> No.17767743

What was your question again? Something about a twink

>> No.17767763

>degs and sal
i like them anon

Any more recs? also could use earrings recs

>> No.17767770
File: 68 KB, 720x720, 1688732139251755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sterling silver or bust, simple as

>> No.17768598

could you pull off grillz

>> No.17768615

you probably dress like shit

>> No.17768646
File: 1.86 MB, 1112x996, Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 09.16.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found the perfect ring for me but it's a women's size.

Anybody know where I can find pic related or similar for men?

>> No.17768822

What's so perfect about it?

>> No.17768828
File: 2.18 MB, 1659x2560, Lt-Commander-Geordi-La-Forge-star-trek-the-next-generation-9406844-1659-2560-1013894553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's slim and matches my other rings. And it reminds me of Geordi's eye piece in TNG.

>> No.17768846

did he ever get eye surgery or nah?

>> No.17769630

Jaxxon jewelry sucks

>> No.17769924

it is pretty plain but i found it useful looking at their chains for a size reference

>> No.17770610

I had a custom bracelet of my own design made
The company I had it made from posted it all over their instagram and now there's probably 20 pieces like mine everywhere, they even have the gall to put pictures of the duplicates
Feels bad to get plagarized man, what's even the point of getting something unique and special made for yourself

>> No.17770613

uniqueness of the item itself is one thing, but if it's indeed your design you should be financially compensated

>> No.17770619

I live in a thirdie man, even if I sued them it'd get nowhere
Still, it's not that I want them to compensate me, the money means nothing to me, I want my design to be my own and the incessant 'how much for this' 'check your DMs' posts to stop

>> No.17770708

I get that this is exactly what you're upset about, but could you post it please? Curious now

>> No.17771256

>tfw the average person on this board right now doesn't even know who Tripskank is
The absolute state of this board

>> No.17771557

I have 2 silver chain necklaces, and a Gucci gold lion ring and a signet ring of my family name. Watches vary. Is that too much at once?

>> No.17771969

My wrist is fucking thin

What're some good options?

>> No.17771986

now let's see paul allen's ring

>> No.17772799

>like the look of yellow gold
>white/grey metals look way better on my skin

>> No.17773198

I know who she is. I was pleasantly surprised to see that she still posts here.
How are things going, Ale?
You still in good enough shape to make an appearance in the WAYWT and show these zoomers how it’s done?

>> No.17773207
File: 186 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_7643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Tobias Wistisen’s damaged, industrial style.
There are a bunch of jewelers like that now but I keep coming back to him.
I also saw a change color garnet pave ring in black titanium a few years ago on David Yurman and I didn’t get it at the time and now I regret it.
Garnet is my birth stone.

>> No.17773245

Fuck that looks so ass.

>> No.17773283

I only have a silver chain and iron rings

>> No.17773577

I think I'm gonna give clocks and colours most of my money.

>> No.17773583

Literal dogshit websites. I hate online stores like that. Nowhere on that bitch does it say where they ship from or where the store is located. Like will I need to deal with customs or not, bitch? Fuck that store.

>> No.17773586

It's from canada. If it's leaving Canada is has to go through customs.

>> No.17773591

Fuck that shit then. Bitchass store. No setting to display more items per page either.

>> No.17773598

What interesting complaints.

>> No.17773599

Making it harder for me to give you money is a very valid complaint.

>> No.17773600

It's not hard lol. I just sort by price

>> No.17773607


>> No.17773770
File: 56 KB, 880x660, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17773782

is buying a 10k cuban link so bad really? do i need to buy a 14k/18k or will people make fun of me for wearing a 10k? Will it be noticeable also?

>> No.17773794

imho 10k and 14k look flat and desaturated but you should go to your jeweller and ask to see samples.

>> No.17773818

Any good chink/aliexpress stuff?

>> No.17774069

Just googled le gramme. That shit's ridiculously overpriced. Please don't tell me you ACTUALLY spent $400+ on a sterling silver bangle anon...

>> No.17774072

I would step up to 14k.

>> No.17774278

10k is bad. its not even 50% precioius metals. Go 14 if you must but later down the line you might wanna go purer. Right now im gonna sell some of my 14k gold jewelry for some sterling silver stuff and later when i have more money, im gonna purchase 24k gold jewelry

>> No.17774294
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, got my chink shit today

>> No.17774406
File: 3.21 MB, 4000x3000, 20230824_055324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left to right

Maria Black sterling earring, steel ourobouros ring I wear daily, some sterling and leather piece my Mom got me that is broken, sterling David Yurman bangle, David Yurman sterling and 18k gold signet ring, surrounded by Miansai sterling chain. I love the chain, it's like cuban link but filed down to be just sick looking.

>> No.17774409

Forgot my 18in 1mm white gold 18k box chain. Love this thing.

>> No.17774411
File: 3.02 MB, 4000x3000, 20230824_060052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And forgot pic. Jesus.

>> No.17774422

This looks absolutely ridiculously bad. Those were "cool" in 2012 dude, you'll look like a complete tool wearing this in 2023
(captcha: verg4y)

>> No.17774427
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1115, star-dust-ring-in-black-ceramic_1080x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah I remember wanting one of these really bad like 3 years ago. Damn, you just reminded me of meteorite rings. I'm going to get one, now.

>> No.17774468

gay as shit

>> No.17774897
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 1604059512722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't gotten a reply from that one store if I can get a discount code after I lost my favorite ring and want to buy a new one. It either went to the spam folder or they saw it and called me a faggot before deleting the email. It's not fair man. Losing my ring just like that. I have to go outside next week and I'll be ringless...

>> No.17775130
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x1564, Screenshot_20230824-150255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thousand euros for a badly mande silver ring.
LMAO, you kikes

>> No.17775132


>> No.17775148

This happens when we're living in almost 2024 and literally everything has been created already and you're trying to be unique and set yourself apart. It's so difficult that you make shit like this. It's not too too ba but 1k really? I understand that people have to eat, but 1k lol.

>> No.17775151
File: 666 KB, 897x551, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this sizing even? Am I buying underwear?

>> No.17775179

18 is the bare minimum. If you can't afford it, don't get gold.

>> No.17775513
File: 294 KB, 1029x1023, 20230824_191222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17775628

Go 14k for sure

>> No.17775781

It's circumference mathlet
Divide by 3.14 or measure around your finger

>> No.17775795

at last a jewel that has a meaning that fits me.

>> No.17775889

>boxer brief sizing for rings

Nah kys. I'm not shopping at h&m.

>> No.17776921

Pinky rings are fine, large gemstone rings are not. You may as well have a balding ponytail and a cane with a dragon head.

>> No.17776922

It already does that without it.