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17720344 No.17720344 [Reply] [Original]

Discontinued: >>17716809

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General info
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On DIY fragrances
Affordable snice scents
For /ourguy/ Luca Turin's books look up Library Genesis

>> No.17720346
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The fragrance flowchart for beginners

>> No.17720348
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The fragrance groups 101 chart

>> No.17720355

The 5 fragrances you need:

Eau Sauvage
Habit Rouge

>> No.17720356
File: 1.84 MB, 3210x1930, Green_Fragrances.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green /frag/rances chart

>> No.17720359
File: 1.90 MB, 2150x1536, Oakmoss_frag_guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oakmoss /frag/ guide.
Threadly reminder to don't engage with any low quality posts, shitposts or clear baits. Or just ask them to post their collections with a timestamp.

>> No.17720368

Just took a shower and for yet another day my SOTD is: New York Intense. 10 sprays as I felt like it today. What are you wearing today lads?

>> No.17720379
File: 41 KB, 323x450, boucheron-jaipur-edt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOTD is Jaipur Homme
Really good oriental barbershop type fragrance

>> No.17720380

hyacinthe and a mechanic. i feel like the mechanic part is lacking. might layer with midnight stag hohohoho

>> No.17720393

Dior, Chanel and Guerlain should be the start for everyone. For me, it certainly was. Then I tested a whole bunch of other things, until I circled back around to Dior, Chanel and Guerlain. They already had what I wanted.

>> No.17720400

This is a hall of fame of fragrances from times when designer meant more than most of the niche nowadays.
Jaipur is an excellent cheapie. I have recently gott a few Puredistance samples. They included Antoine Lie's Gold made for the brand. It's an oriental not 100 miles away from Jaipur but costs €490.00. I think many people would choose Jaipur in a blind test over Puredistance Gold. Sadly Jaipur is a bit too heavy on cinnamon for me personally.
>i feel like the mechanic part is lacking.
Layer it with HdP Petroleum

>> No.17720401

What's the most decadent half XIX century frag?
Something that has the same feeling as an opulent high class brothel, a dark rive gauche alley on a clear new moon night and a bedroom where to lose hope in good company of a woman and a chilled bootle of millesimé?

>> No.17720403

I don't know that's what I just asked him. Also cool that OP is now on the Tepe bandwagon. OP don't forget who put you on.

>> No.17720412
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Got you covered: Bal à Versailles by Jean Desprez. Putain des Palaces if you want to take the theme very literally. Or do you need an actual fragrance from XIX century? Fragrances have changed quite a lot since then, and I think they wouldn't really match your expectations (e.g. dandies wearing soliflores). Mochouir de Monsieur is probably the closest rendition of what a gentleman visiting a brothel back then could sell like despite being from early XX c. not XIX c.
It was actually Nicolas from Pineward who put me back on Tepe wagon when he had bought IP for all of Tepe's fragrances. Been reading good things about The Holy Mountain for years, but it was of a similar unavailable cult classic as Norma Kamali's incense. They also have some other fragrances that are looking interesting. However, I haven't smelled any yet.

>> No.17720426

fake and not gay thread

>> No.17720427
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>>The Eau Sauvage man is more than a Hefneresque cliché, however. He probably gets all the girls anyway, but that’s not why he loves the scent. He wears it for himself, out of the social limelight, and enjoys nothing more than an evening pottering about in his sheepskin slippers.

>> No.17720440

I've been asking about Tepe in these threads for a long time and you never replied. Not even when I posted my Tepe samples and not even when I asked which one to buy out of Karasu, Flood, and Brother.

>> No.17720443

but i already own midnight stag and thats closer to the workshop smell

>> No.17720445

Yes, and so what? I haven't tested any of these yet, why the fuck should I talk about them?

>> No.17720463

No gay picture in OP, fuck you

>> No.17720467

>why the fuck should I talk about them?

Because they're based.

>> No.17720514

Just found out there is an Arab perfume store in my city. This clearly opens up some interesting opportunities. What ridiculously cheap frags should I try out (aside from Dakar)?

>> No.17720532
File: 143 KB, 597x860, 14808_84e0b004f0433c7fb8f75ecb2e79a9f8_tabac_original_after_shave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the previous thread.
>Do you know any frag which is a modern take of Tabac?
>There's tabac edt and tabac craftsman
The thing is that I'm not looking for a Tabac flanker, but a better quality, better performer scent with the same vibes.
Any idea?

>> No.17720535

Fahrenheit is in my rotation, absolutely love the stuff.
>Bois Imperial
>TF ombre leather EDP (occasional)
>MB explorer (workhorse)

>> No.17720538

Don't support invaders with your money.

>> No.17720540

Could anyone here suggest a slightly brighter or different version of TdH? I love the original, but I live in a hotter climate and the peppery earthiness doesn’t bode well when it’s 90+ outside.

>> No.17720551

>buying arabshit

>> No.17720560
File: 225 KB, 1440x1440, EaOiMBcWsAcNyyI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is for you, faggot
You wont find a masculine floral aldehyde formulated in our century. Stick with the classics and embrace the oldfag vibes.

>> No.17720598
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, muchas-gracias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way you guys think
taking voyage and eros
fresh clean gentleman by day, fuckboy by night
thanks bros

>> No.17720657

10/10 meme

>> No.17720664

Went down the fragrance rabbit hole and blind-purchased Mancera Red Tobacco. How is this received?

>> No.17720671
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you trust female youtubers too much

>> No.17720736

you could try Dunhill Icon

>> No.17720847
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It's hot and humid today, so decided to finally try this. Smells like smoke, and burning wood, and amber and animal hides.

Gonna go take a massive shit and roar

>> No.17720862
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A co-worker told me that she can smell my perfume in the phone I use in the office during my shift in the next shift when she uses it

What did she mean by this

>> No.17720863

You gotta ask, could be a good thing or a bad thing.

>> No.17720864

what u wearing

>> No.17720865

are you an Indian scammer?

>> No.17720870

Oud for Glory, Supremacy Incense, La Yukawan Homme

>> No.17720878
File: 67 KB, 800x1151, 44143DAE-3451-4CB0-8058-12451E0C643D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liked this but I’m a poorfag and can’t justify dropping $200 on this tiny ass bottle. Rec me something similar.

>> No.17720886

She told me in a good way, she wanted to ask me about which one I use

Today 40 knots, but when she noticed, who knows, I wear all sort of shit to the office

I work at the control center of an autobahn

>> No.17720891
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What the fuck are these notes man

>> No.17720908

SOTD: Bergamask.
Bought Narcotic Venus for my mother yesterday :)

>> No.17720928


>> No.17720967

>eau sauvage
doesn’t draw any dimes, bought on accident or by nichetrannies
literally the most popular on earth it's so good, makes over a milly every hour

>> No.17720968

>Reddit fag wants to post two fake ass charts

>> No.17720969

fraggotry counterbalances the inherent gay nature of talking about smelly water

>> No.17721004

Way too sweet and cloying
No BBQ smell on you?
There’s nothing even remotely similar to it. It’s too multifaceted and complex while blended very well. You can try Rook Undergrowth if you want some other take on the forest floor accord perhaps but it’s nowhere as good as Haxan. If you have some sensible disposable income then just save up for Haxan.
Yup, and funny thing is that it actually works
Post a timestamped photo of your collection anon

>> No.17721018

very gay

>> No.17721027
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Sluttiest male perfumes for guys with big pants?

>> No.17721033

haven't come across anything like tabac but look for frags with rose geranium. jovoy musk for men is very similar (too similar to own both imo) and bulgari eau parfumée au thé vert has rose geranium too even if it's not listed. that said they don't last long either. so just buy tabac. and the after shave. and the shaving soap. feels pretty good to use the soap, the AS and then the edc. also tabac craftsman is a sausage clone
being a prin fan and a poorfag is suffering, source: me. nobody else is able to make the scents he makes on his level or in his style. he really is an outlier imo. try out rahassanai and sohrab too, the latter is slightly cheaper if your country doesn't tax you when importing stuff
you are looking at kino

>> No.17721035


>> No.17721036

Looks like the bijan for men notes. Just a complete clusterfuck. Too bad modern male perfumery is too low confidence to get that playful with it.

>> No.17721038

Not special enough for this special little guy.

>> No.17721040
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just bought this, when do i start getting pussy from it?

>> No.17721041

look between your legs

>> No.17721042


>> No.17721043

smelled this at the store - this will not get you pussy. it will get you big daddy cock and you will worship it

>> No.17721045
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>> No.17721062

>this triggers Sauvagefags
it just hits too close home for them

>> No.17721068
File: 102 KB, 800x1152, 363e824fa7e34ae68d3ced91892dd7ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got pic related and it's fresh as fuck fr

>> No.17721072

Do you guys ever gift fragrances? How do you go about it?

>> No.17721073

I've given some to my mom. one was a fragrance I used, but she liked it more than I did (Versace Blue Jeans)
and the other one I just bought her because I thought it would suit her (Guerlain Samsara)

>> No.17721076

find out things they like, like licorice, pepper, sweet smells, cedarwood, etc. and then find some frag that does their favourite notes well

>> No.17721077
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>> No.17721083

so what, im gay now?
how do i compensate?
mix it with mudd?

>> No.17721085
File: 869 KB, 2934x2515, BA7C3383-CAE5-4466-A569-6D165471AA13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not repping Armani Eau pour Homme

>> No.17721097

ball musk

>> No.17721105

Yes, all the time. Just know a lot about fragrances and know a lot about tastes of the person you want to gift a fragrance. Otherwise, don't. Also sometimes you're going to get a genuine compliment for a sample/decant you're wearing, and you can judge from that if they like a fragrance or not. I recently gifted to friends: Parfums d'Empire Cuir Ottoman, Beaufort Fathom V, ELDO Remarkable People and they were all 100% matches they loved. I also very often give fragrances to girlfriends I'm seeing, as I can't stand them wearing some cloying vanilla designer fragrances or at the very best uninspired masstige. But this is an entirely different thing as I'm giving them fragrances I like, and I want them to wear for me and don't give a single flying fuck about their taste. Most women don't have any taste of their own anyways, so it is enough to tell them something unique while giving them a fragrance like "I wanted to give you it as it reminds me of our first date blah blah and the tuberose there complements your blah blah". If you have any game, you can be sure that it is going to become their new favourite perfume no matter what she would have thought smelling it without this entire context. This way I can enjoy some great fem fragrances that I can't wear myself as they're too fem. I gifted to my ex-gfs Frederic Malle Musc Ravageur (probably like three times lol, as I love it on women), Nicolai Odalisque, Hermes Twilly, Parums d'Empire Le Cri, Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique, Jul et Mad Nea.

>> No.17721160

I bought my mom Acrasia a month a go and she's been using it every day ever since. Wont touch her Guerlains now. She'll go through it like it's nothing and I'll have to buy her another one...

>> No.17721235

What are some good incense fragrances that don't end up being overly sweet or ambery on the drydown?

>> No.17721243

Dior Homme Sport unironically

>> No.17721262

What's your price range?
What incense are you thinking of (olibanum/frankincense, myrrh sandalwood, ...)?
How smokey do you want it?
Pure, sole incense or incense mixed with something else?
If so, anything in mind (spices, flowers, herbs...)?
What other incense frags did you find too sweet?

>> No.17721276

Why do they call it green fragrance? Smells like grass?

>> No.17721277

-No price range
-not experienced enough to Tell them apart
-not smokey, or at least not being a predominant note
-mixed or not, open to anything
-amour Sur ordennance, botafumeiro , interlude.

Portrait of a lady is a good incense frag that I love that I don't find sweet for example, but I want more with that profile

>> No.17721297
File: 24 KB, 544x292, Essential-Parfums-Paris-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything else worth checking out besides Bois Imperial?

>> No.17721303

No, not even Bois Imperial. But in any case, get the full sample set. If you end up liking one, you get a discount on the full bottle, making the sample set basically free. Even if you plan on buying BI, the sample set is worth it, since the price will immediately be offset by the purchase of the full bottle.

>> No.17721305

I've been using my decant of BI this summer and honestly I've grown a bit bored of it, it's very linear. still a good fragrance with great performance, but not sure if I will buy a full bottle

>> No.17721306

I have a 10ml of BI and I like it, not head over heels for it but it's definitely in my rotation. Discovery set is currently out of stock unfortunately.

>> No.17721309
File: 619 KB, 1104x1056, Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 16.29.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOTD: the winner of 2023 Arts and Olfaction Awards: Voices by House of Mammoth. It's such a fun summer fragrance. A tropical gourmand with fougere undertones. Not the biggest fan of coconuty/lactonic accords, but here they are mixed perfectly with mango sticky rice accord. It's perfect for hot summers like this one to complement a big smile on your face, sunglasses, and an almost fully unbuttoned linen shirt on your chest. Then eventually it dries down to a much more classical fougere-ish, almost barbershopy structure. This evening we are going to a preview screening of Barbie with my gf, and we decided to dress as Ken and Barbie for fun. Voices will work perfectly for that.
What are you wearing today lads?
See charts >>17720346 >>17720348 Couple suggestions from me:
Oud Malaki is a dry woody, smoky scent that could click with you that smells as if it costed $300+.
>Mid price
CdG Black
Pekji Odoon
Parfumerie Particularie Black Tar, Typewriter
>My favourite
Prissana Ma Nishtana - this is the incense fragrance to rule them all.
There are many facets of green fragrances. See >>17720356
They have solid releases (especially for the price) but nothing stood out as much as BI out of their line-up when I was trying it. Perhaps you would like their Fig Infusion by Nathalie Lorson (the Encre Noire creator). I believe there are hardly any other fig fragrances in this price bucket, but I would prefer it to be much greener (like Profumum Roma Ichnusa) and less lactonic.

>> No.17721312

>great performance
This is an understatement. It's fucking nuclear on me. 6 sprays and I'm literally filling a room. Funny that apparently some folks are anosmic to it and complain about poor performance, while for me it's the complete opposite, it's too strong.

>> No.17721314
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, 3-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ezz al hail from ibraheem al quraishi is unironically the best men's winter fragrance i've ever used. arab but not to an alienating extent, smells like a big toasty marshmallow and a little coffee with undertones of smoke and oud.

>> No.17721318

Green fragrances smell like green things usually.
Portrait of a Lady doesn't feature lots of incense, and if you like it you might not like it for the incense as much as for the rose and/or patchouli.
I'm not familiar with the first two frags you disliked, but Interlude isn't very sweet as far as incense frags go.
Also in my opinion it's very much worth it understanding the difference between different types of incense by trying frags that are heavy on one specific type, since "incense" generally means olibanum with some other resin in the west but radically different stuff if you move towards East Asia.
For a soft, spicy, not smokey and very dry incense try Incense by Franck Boclet, it features olibanum from start to finish, though it's never the strongest accord, together with some pepper and cardamom but hardly any smoke.
For straight up olibanum with very little smoke definitely try Olibanum by Profumum Roma, it also has nuclear performance just as everything Profumum.
For something quite similar with more smoke and just a tiny bit of spice try Tiger's nest by Memo.
For soft incense with little smoke and a tiny bit of spice you can also try Bois d'Encens by Armani, which might be nice if you want a SOFT balsamic incense that's very wearable despite how balsamic and nose-piercing it is, though the price is steep considering it's a designer frag.
For a more balsamic, churchy incense, which is a mix of olibanum, myrrh and a tad of who knows what else, try Heely Cardinal, it's the best representation of the incense they burn in church in Italy that I know of; the price is steep considering its performance but trying it is certainly a good way to make sense of what you like.
If you want something closer to Portrait of a Lady try Incense Rose by Tauer or Encens Mythique by Guerlain, though incense isn't the protagonist in either frag.
Wow I'm so knowledgeable about incense, I should make a chart one day or other.

>> No.17721319

>supporting terrorism

> smells like a big toasty marshmallow and a little coffee
so it's another cloyingly sweet synthetic oud?

>> No.17721321

>Interlude isn't very sweet as far as incense frags go.
Not him but I actually concur and personally find Interlude more of a sweet amber fragrance not incense.

>> No.17721323 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 1080x1079, FnOV9_FG7mQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eau sauvage

why is this shit for old farts getting so much hype here? did you actually smell/try it?
come on now

>> No.17721326

>ibraheem quraishi, one of the most storied and respected names in saudi oud
kys immediately

>> No.17721330

sohrab is not too sweet but goes in the oriental direction, cardinal by heeley is a much more church-y incense. casbah by robert piguet is really good too.

>> No.17721333

anyone tried dhanal oudh nashwah by rasasi? i can never find samples of it so i'm thinking of blind buying since it's cheap
ignore him, he shits on everything even remotely arab in every single thread

>> No.17721334

Among whom? Arab Uber drivers? All the rich Arabs I know douse themselves in Tom Ford Oud Wood.

>> No.17721340

based retard

>> No.17721365

Post your collection with a timestamp

>> No.17721391
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 2Q==(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, yesterday's IA scent was Telegrama. This is another fragrance I actively disliked. I must admit I didn't know what talc was and had to google it. It's baby powder. A familiar scent, a reminder of simpler times maybe, but very unpleasant to me. The lavender note is okay but not very impressive, and they use vanilla powder which makes the whole fragrance feel like a cloud of scented dust blowing over your face. I didn't notice the teak, balsam, or any woody sensations at all really. Overall, a disappointment. Second worst IA fragrance so far.
Next up, Slow Explosions. Initial impressions leave me thinking I might just not like the smell of leather, but maybe it'll grow on me.

>> No.17721426

Tauer 5.

>> No.17721432
File: 18 KB, 120x120, t.102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my castoreum tincture. it's so over for iso e tards and ambroxan sissys.

>> No.17721450

Why stinky if he so cute

>> No.17721463
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What do you guys think about Beaufort London?

>> No.17721468
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Thank you so much for your in depth response , I will try to sample the stuff you recommended

>> No.17721471

One of the very few truly niche brands around

>> No.17721477

I'd rape her if she was wearing Acrasia.

>> No.17721478

It's Gaby Cavazos for those who started searching

>> No.17721490
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>> No.17721517

>more amber than incense
Ah, that's fair, I agree that incense is not the protagonist there either.
No worries, but why did you post a webm that has absolutely nothing to do with frags?

>> No.17721529


>> No.17721556

>No worries, but why did you post a webm that has absolutely nothing to do with frags?

First thing that found in my phone

>> No.17721572

Images get posted on imageboards. Crazy I know.

>> No.17721711
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Packing a wedding gift for a friend. Thought I'd use my sample of BR540 Extrait for something useful and sprayed two sprays in there (has to last until the weekend). The box is now closed and my entire fucking place smells like BR540E aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.17721718

Update: It seems to emanate from my fingers, must have gotten some overspray on it.

>> No.17721734

he's literally me

>> No.17721753
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>so just buy tabac
Thanks anon. Already own their soap bar (recommended, I use it as my shower soap), the shaving soap and the AS balm (this smells even better than the edc imo). I wonder if the edt smells more like picrel than the edc. I guess I'll order 2 small bottles (etc and edt) and report back.
God bless you.

>> No.17721778
File: 40 KB, 500x500, avatars-bKrds6U4vyW48okR-sMDPHg-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. I always buy normie tier presents because people make weird faces when I buy what I like. If I ever buy a fragrance for someone, it will be one promoted by Johnny Depp. It's what makes 95% of the people happy and what they deserve.

Storytime: 2 years ago we celebrated my cousin's wedding. She is like a sister to me.
Instead of give them money, I bought an unique piece of jewelry inspired in the greek islands (she loves Greece) made specially for her. For him, who is an amateur technno dj, I bought an analog kick synthesizer. They looked at me with the grayest eyes when they open the presents. Felt bad.

>> No.17721784

Any reccs for a fresh summer, high energy, modern tier frag? I love the classics but it’s 85+ degrees 10 months out of the year where I live and they simply are too cloying in hot weather the vast majority of the time

>> No.17721798

Bois imperial

>> No.17721806

I already have it, it’s alright

>> No.17721811

Leather isn’t an ingredient that can be derived from the source. It is a replicated scent using a combination of aroma chemicals that the house decides to use. That being said, anything with talc likely isn’t going to smell like actual leather. TF ombre leather EDP, ADP Leather concentreè, and PDM godolphin are the 3 closest frags to a realistic leather you will find. I suggest sampling one of those before deciding you don’t like leather.

>> No.17721815

there are some really fresh classics too though. 4711, Eau Sauvage, Eau de Rochas... all perfect for the blazing heat

>> No.17721818

I’ve tried both 4711 and Eau savage. I specified modern for a reason, barbershop style freshies just aren’t for me, especially in high heat. They are objectively good though.

>> No.17721820

Iron Duke is one of my favorite scents

>> No.17721834
File: 403 KB, 1284x1226, D30B13D4-28ED-4B87-9271-99CEA44C52B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dior Homme Sport 2021 release. By far the best designer freshie out there imho. Smells like TdH if it was made for someone who is 25 years old. Sporty, fresh orange peel in the beginning that dries down into a modern woody scent. It also lasts 8 hours easily, with an airy effervescent silage that lasts the first 4-5 hours. I’ve actually started wearing it more often than TdH lately which says a lot considering TdH is probably my favorite designer frag of all time. I’m actually suprised it’s never discussed here. Fantastic juice, easily a 9/10 for me.

>> No.17721839

the zoo club design/scent tattoo smells like my rhodesian boots when they were new. dare i say it was photorealistic
idk man, LDDM. most modern designers suck and the niche stuff is often too much for the heat. al rehab sultan is good too, it's a silver scent because of the laurel. quite unique and underrated imo

>> No.17721842

I agree that it's good, I like it more than the normal Dior Homme (2020). just has more going on with the tart citrus + aldehydes in the opening and the incense in the drydown

>> No.17721863

Exactly. 2020 Dior Homme is great too, but very linear, similar to BI. it’s a much more well rounded version of that, worth the price imho.

>> No.17721866

Interesting, I’ll have to give it a look considering I’m a big leather guy. Sounds good.

>> No.17721878
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Red pill me on Loui Vuitton fragrances
Are they actually worth the high price?

>> No.17721883

No, imho LV is one of the lowest quality houses of all the designers. Dylan Blue was the last decent frag they made and that was almost a decade ago. That being said, I haven’t tried any of their new releases.

>> No.17721894

It seems insane to me for them to only release these really expensive fragrances when they aren't even known for frags and nothing about them seems like a high end frag

>> No.17721896

that's Versace and I agree with you about Versace. All their frags smell like cheap deodorants/something an Indian would wear

>> No.17721899

it's very good but be aware that it's nit very easy to wear
>Are they actually worth the high price?

>> No.17721916


>> No.17721956

Blue Jeans is the only I like, it doesn't smell expensive, but it's fun and very affordable. it's like a vanilla coke fougere

>> No.17721991

>it's only natural that people will post coomer bait videos in the fragrance general
>the most normal thing if you think about it
I wonder why I even put effort into making serious posts.

>> No.17722008

at least it wasnt the guy posting tranny pornstars

>> No.17722041

I wasn't following this thread before, where can I research this guy's posts?

>> No.17722048

search the archive for "photorealistic", "high test", "aryan" and "nordic"

>> No.17722063

Aventus literally boosts your test in the gym with its oakmoss-musky drydown (L'Aventure Intense, not actual Aventus). Bois Imperial is 480p IKEA with photorealistic cupboard and asswatering termites.

>> No.17722069

like clockwork

>> No.17722087

Lol roflmao kek even

>> No.17722096

gonna be dicking around at the hospital for a minimum of 3 hours tomorrow, how many sprays of kouros?

>> No.17722099

none, kourous is shit.

>> No.17722100

>he bought the woman-wed gay man frag

>> No.17722167


>> No.17722177
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Just bought the MontBlanc Explorer gift set for myself as I'm running out of burberry

>> No.17722180

What is The Dreamer?

>> No.17722181

the original and silver bottle are both great, I like the original the most. For 40$ it’s a steal. Good choice anon.

>> No.17722182

Is Musc Ravageur worth the high price?

>> No.17722183

it's the original, i thought the blue smelled good but looked it up online and it apparently doesnt last long at all

>> No.17722191

my go to every day frag and I have quite a few. You will enjoy it, also lasts a while and has great silage

>> No.17722192

Yes, if you like Habit Rouge and Shalimar

>> No.17722195

>lasts long
that's what i like to hear, i like the smell of my burberry brit but it doesn't last for shit, i had versace eros red or fire whatever it's called and left it behind when i moved since i couldn't take it on the plane

>> No.17722197

yup, the Ambroxan in there really extends the life of the frag. Probably the only 40$ frag that actually lasts longer than 6 hours for me. Have you put it on yet?

>> No.17722201

I put it on and I'm enjoying it. I liked the platinum but they had none in stock at the Montblanc boutique (I was window shopping watches). Seems you can get it cheaper from Jomashop but I really needed a fragrance as the summer heat here in Vegas is killer.

>> No.17722202

smells like shit

>> No.17722205

Just use foreverlux man, you can get a tester bottle for 36$. Still comes in a box as well.

>> No.17722207

What is good taste?

>> No.17722210
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What is the perfect fragrance for a country club gentleman?

>> No.17722211

TdH unironically

>> No.17722212

next time, sure

>> No.17722213

They have the best deals undoubtedly

>> No.17722219
File: 117 KB, 550x885, 7093C23D-FAA9-49B6-928F-55161A630F5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I buy it? I’ve heard nothing but great things about this frag and the pricing is good.

>> No.17722222

What is the best frag for fucking a girl you met off 4chin?

>> No.17722224

fucking wasted
frag yourself

>> No.17722227
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I didn't try to do that anon.

>> No.17722228
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Cumming, by Alan Cumming

>> No.17722229

Was just reading about the dude (Olivier Pescheux) behind this scent died. RIP

>> No.17722231

what a shame

>> No.17722232

That gave me the idea of Night from Akro, spray it on and smell like sex before you have it.

>> No.17722247
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I'm starting a new job in South Korea in a business casual setting. I've never worn anything past work pants or joggers to work with a tee shirt and I've never worn a cologne before. I want something masculine and fresh smelling that's not too strong but noticeable when somebody is close.

I was looking at the flowchart and I thought about cartier declaration but I'm afraid I'll remind people of lemon Pledge or lawn clippings if I pick anything woodsy or citrusy. Pic rel is my shaving cream and I like the fresh "showery" smell it has but I want something a little bit more masculine.

Is YSL Kouros or Kiehl's original musk from the flowchart something that would fit me? I'm gonna check out the dept stores at the mall next time I go to get a better idea of what different scent archetypes are like. leaning toward's kiehl's cause it's p cheap and I can probably find a sample at the mall.

>> No.17722256

man I didn't even notice the chart has Trumper's sandalwood cologne. I'm an idiot

>> No.17722269

South Korea is not the best place for traditional masculine scents - they only like fresh and clean stuff. The closest you could get is Platinum Egoiste or Beau de Jour.

>> No.17722291

Is there a way I can get a hundred different samples at once, I'm tired of buying decants and individual samples and shit.

>> No.17722293

Yes but it will cost 300-400 dollars to get that many samples. Just get a subscription service like scentbird or something

>> No.17722342

Best you can do is look at specific brand discovery sets on something like luckyscent

>> No.17722401

What are everbody's top ten goat hair tincture frags?

>> No.17722413

Got the ELDO discovery set, some thoughts
>Exit the King
Very strong scent, bit offputting to me. Smells too sweet and overpowering Wouldn't wear it.
Dark and mysterious, really nice. Gives me an image of a forest after a rainstorm. Intriguing but not inviting. Would wear
>Remarkable People
It's bright and sweet with some spices, good overall fragrance but not really my thing.
>Ghost in the Shell
Absolute GOAT, It smells really unique and weird in a good way, sweet and powdery and synthetic but it's really light and airy. Just gives your skin a nice aura.
>You or Someone Like You
Really good mint fragrance, just smells really fresh, nice for hot days. It doesn't last very long though
>Tom of Finland
>Fat Electrician
One of the more interesting ones, there's this note that smells like burned electrical wires which I guess is where it got its name from? Liked it, will wear.

Haven't tried the rest yet.

>> No.17722416

Try Experimentum crucis and report back , my favourite rose frag

>> No.17722417

No, get Divine Vanille from Essential Parfums. Even made by the same guy (RIP)

DV, The Musc is comfy, Fig Infusion really grew on me

>> No.17722421
File: 2.31 MB, 3024x3024, 20230721_002809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my colognes. Whats something i should add to the line up?

>> No.17722426

thanks anon i like your thoughts, i just got YOU OR SOMEONE LIKE YOU, and it was my first experience of a green fragrance, i need some time with it

>> No.17722427

it's contrarian but IMO not contrarian enough. true contrarian in 2023 is going full on into the most normie "I wear whatever sells the best". It's the 4chan equivalent of being the most popular jock at school

>> No.17722428

no milly?

>> No.17722431

Anons are right about longevity of Bois Imperial. I washed it off, put on another cologne the next day. And I could still smell wafts of it every now and then, never sprayed clothes.

>> No.17722529

Best countryrock frags?

>> No.17722556

Stetson Coty

>> No.17722567

polo green

>> No.17722574

yeah check out Platinum Egoiste. it has a bit of sandalwood, but it's also really fresh, sharp and professional-smelling
could try Guerlain Heritage and Lalique Pour Homme (Lion) as well
>Is YSL Kouros or Kiehl's original musk from the flowchart something that would fit me
nah, I doubt it. those don't make good work fragrances, especially Kouros. too animalic

>> No.17722578

>polo blue
a bit generic, but not a bad pick
>le male
a good fragrance. god tier if you're gay

>> No.17722589

bois imperial. kiehl and kouros will be too much because you already sound insecure

>> No.17722626
File: 37 KB, 375x500, 375x500.829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought on azzaro pour homme? are the new bottles ok?
can i wear it in the summer? aromatics are more for spring i guess

>> No.17722647

SOTD Au Coeur du Desert. Still don't know if I want a full bottle of this or L'Air du Desert Marocain. I haven't decided yet and the samples are almost empty.

You are already doing the right thing by going to the store, but you might not find Kiehl's or Kouros to your liking. The flowchart is for getting deeper into it, if you only want to touch the surface level, something like Bleu de Chanel Parfum is your answer. Masculine, fresh-showery, not too strong, the office-safe office fragrance. In general, when you hit up the stores, go for Dior, Chanel and Guerlain if they have them. Hermes and Cartier after that, Caron if the store is actually based. If you want something from the charts, try finding Prada L'Homme, Beau de Jour, Terre d'Hermes, Eau Sauvage, Pour Monsieur, Grey Vetiver, Declaration, Heritage, Cool Water, Green Irish Sneed, Acqua di Parma Colonia. I'd consider all of these very office safe, business casual, clean, masculine and fresh.

Le Male before 2014: good.
Le Male after 2014: meh.
The other ones are also okay-ish. Curve is a classic and I wish it lasted longer.
What to add? Infinite possibilites, but you already have 4 full bottles. Maybe use them all for a while and see if you like them over a longer time, while you occasionally visit some stores to smell some new stuff. If you find something you really like/like more than what you have, get that and replace your least worn fragrance with it (sell it). That way, you don't end up with a collection of stuff you never wear.

Doesn't fucking last and you can wear it in the summer. Apply 40 sprays. Seasonal fragrances are a myth. Normal people don't care, they own one fragrance and wear it year round.

>> No.17722648
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Any thoughts on deodorants? I prefer sticks over spray.

>> No.17722650
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Why are you this triggered by pixels on a computer screen. Genuine question. Why did that one webm anon posted alongside his on topic post bother you so much? Do you not have have a life? Do you live a life a busybody? Been browsing 4chan for a month and you're shocked because of how different it is from the place you came from? I really do not understand people like you.

>> No.17722651

Yes, you should use one. I also prefer sticks or roll-ons over spray. But if you're thinking about using them as a fragrance, forget it. You might be able to smell them for the first 30 minutes, and maybe even skin-close after that, but they don't really project and others won't smell it for long.

>> No.17722652

brainfried coomer

>> No.17722653

Since you appear to be a balding virgin, could you share what perfumes balding virgins like?

>> No.17722654

you could add something that’s not trash, for starters.

>> No.17722656

I like the paste kind like nuud.

>> No.17722658

since you appear to be a brainfried coomer, could you share with us what perfumes people with cooked dopamine receptors like?

>> No.17722659

i never see l'occitane mentioned in here, any reason for that?

>> No.17722660

more of a cosmetics company than a perfumer. don’t let people fool you into thinking they’re the same thing.

>> No.17722661

fair. still, scent wise, how are they? i at least love their face creams and hand creams.

>> No.17722662

good functional fragrance and good fine fragrance are unfortunately two very different things. the former might make billions more than the latter, but the latter is much harder to get right.

>> No.17722663

hmm. well what would you recommend then? i'd like something good for office use that has decent longevity but isn't overpowering.
some other guy i work with absolutely reeks of cologne and i dont want people to smell me before they see me.

>> No.17722666

too vague, be more specific. do you want a fougere? a chypre? an oriental? how do you like to dress? what kind of personality do you have in real life around your colleagues? what kind of activities do you get up to during and after work? all these things matter.

>> No.17722669

Eau des Baux is certainly talked about a lot.

>> No.17722670

> do you want a fougere? a chypre? an oriental?
no clue what any of that is, sorry
>how do you like to dress?
for work, business casual. and off work, also kinda business casual to be honest.
>what kind of personality do you have in real life around your colleagues?
pretty reserved, sometimes jokey, pretty friendly overall
>what kind of activities do you get up to during and after work?
dining out, reading, dating, walking around and taking pictures of stuff in my city

>> No.17722674

Recommend me some good frags for Thailand's tropical climate

>> No.17722680
File: 812 KB, 754x855, 38eac0a1-f60b-4a65-9a76-08ece68fc686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOTD: 2023 Art & Olfaction Awards Independent Category winner: Quartana Ierofante. Accords: Suede, Gasoline Accord, Nutmeg, Styrax Pyrogene, Smoky Leather, Golden Amber, Cashmeran, Vetiver. I expected it to be much more experimental after reading all the hype about it being a futuristic fragrance smelling of rocket fuel.
Thanks anon for posting these. Imo City on Fire is the fragrance that put them on the indie perfume world and for some reason they have stayed there since then despite no as spectacular releases. However, I would like to test their discontinued "Mosaic" at some point.
This anon knows what he is talking about.
Budget? Have you looked at the charts? It's hard to give you an reccs without you giving us more to work with. Any notes/accords/style?
>They looked at me with the grayest eyes when they open the presents
Shit, that sucks.
>Red pill me on Loui Vuitton fragrances
Yet another bigcorp trying to monetize on the fact that "niche" means nothing. But that's not really a redpill about LV but about masstige fragrances in general.
>when they aren't even known for frags
That's completely inline with how 90% of masstige and "niche" brands work. I've been to this hobby for many years and met many people irl who were connected professionally to different stages of fragrance manufacturing. Those brands don't care about scents at all. The process is more or less as follows
>their marketing team together with some execs come up with briefs and ideas for fragrances that can bring them the most money
>they are opening a call for fragrances in a way fitting those descriptions
>professional perfumers working for ingredient/perfume big corps like Givaudan/Fermenich/Robertet are sendng them their ideas
>they select some
>the same company starts mass-producing them
>they just slap their logo on the bottles and boxes
Modern "niche"/masstige perfumery is more about Excel spreadsheets than fragrances.

>> No.17722682

>no clue what any of that is, sorry
perfume genres. dictates the structure and the lynchpin ingredients used in the perfume.
>for work, business casual. and off work, also kinda business casual to be honest.
honestly, if your goal is just to be pleasant and not to offend, you’d be better off going with something unremarkable like bleu de chanel, h24 or terre d’hermes; scents that people have undoubtedly smelled before on people of a similar background and are already used to. you can’t go wrong with them, but you also can’t go particularly right either.
if you want to be more adventurous you could try some of the more buttoned up aromatic fougeres like azzaro pour homme or rive gauche pour homme, but these require a certain degree of confidence and assertiveness to pull off.
if you consider yourself to be a little more intellectual and reserved, consider something like pour monsieur or timbuktu. more intelligently structured, less overtly masculine, but not to be confused with a lack of personality.

>> No.17722684

Bros, im fucked. I can't wear fragrances without getting asthma attacks. As soon i stop wearing scents my asthma get better.
My collection is worth over 2000 bucks, with all kinds over vintages, nishe and more.
What to do? I probably guess it's the areosol that causes my asthma. So maybe solid perfume for me?

>> No.17722685

perfumes haven’t used propellant in literal decades due to reliability issues.

>> No.17722687

>if you consider yourself to be a little more intellectual and reserved, consider something like pour monsieur or timbuktu. more intelligently structured, less overtly masculine, but not to be confused with a lack of personality.
this sounds pretty right for me, so i'll look at those. thanks man.

>> No.17722688

Then it's not the fine mist that get my lungs fucked? Maybe also cheap, synthetic ingredients would caused it. Some scents also causes some heavier reactions than others. Especially arabian clones or cheap scents are really bad for my asthma.

>> No.17722689

if you’re willing to explore old feminines, you’ll find a lot of classic chypres are really unisex on most people today. things like mitsouko, diorella, aromatics elixir, cabochard, bandit, or neoclassical chypres like bogue maai, jubilation 25 (not xxv) and (loosely) chypre palatin. all of these have different characters and personalities, and some may be too dandified on a man for the workplace like mitsouko, but they’re really worth exploring if you see yourself as more withdrawn.

>> No.17722690

The older, animalic formulations yes. The current reformulation smells like a cinnamon bun. I still like it but it's an entirely different perfume.
New York Intense
Probably no
Geo F Trumper Sandalwood is great. If you want something similar you can look into IDEO Parfums From London to Mumbai. Discounted can be found for as little as $50/100ml. I think Nicolai's New York Intense could be right up to your valley, too.
Get discovery sets to start with. Some good offerings: Etat Libre d'Oranger, Essential Parfums, Maison Francis Kurkdijan, Penhaligon's, Zoologist if you want some more niche options.
This would be a boring list in my case, as 5 out of these 10 would come from Prin Lomros in my case. It's unironically a fascinating note. Like a more animalic costus note.
You've tested the best ones it seems.
A typical 20 years old
It's a great aromatic fougere, but sadly it's way too anise-forward for me. If this note got toned down by half I'd be all over it.
I have this spring finished my bottle of LDDM and am also on the fence if I should be rebuying it or just get ACDD. However, after the recent Tauer's price bump I will need to give it a second thought.

>> No.17722692

You might just be allergic to one of the common ingredients? Something like citronellol or whatever, added to almost everything.

>> No.17722702

you had a good start, but fucked up midway through. let me fix that:
>eau sauvage
>habit rouge
>pour monsieur

>> No.17722705

So you just wanted to off topic shitpost and be a busybody bitch then? Got it.

>> No.17722706

Antaeus is an incredible fragrance

>> No.17722709

no, just wanted to call you a brainfried coomer, which you are.

>> No.17722710

in the context of 80s powerhouses maybe, but in the grand scheme of chanel masculines? hardly. i didn’t even try to include le exclusifs stuff like cuir de russie or sycomore, or cheat by including classic feminines like no. 19 or cristalle. antaeus is a footnote at best compared to all of these.

>> No.17722715

Post collection.

>> No.17722717

i bet you wish i would

>> No.17722719

That's what I thought.

>> No.17722720

i’m surprised you think at all, kingcobra

>> No.17722722

Not him but in that case get the fuck out of this thread. I'm fed up with all random ass people who actually don't know a shit about fragrances but come here just because it's the most active general on this dying board.

>> No.17722728

i know more about fragrances than you do, i’m just sick faggot coomers posting softcore porn webms and getting away with it because the jannies like tranny cocks.

>> No.17722732

I have forgotten more about fragrances than you will ever learn. Post a photo of a timestamped collection, or stop shitposting. The other guy can do the same, or just both get the fuck out from this thread.

>> No.17722733

forgetting is the same as not knowing, so sit the fuck down and take your dementia medication grandpa. i’m not obligated to post anything for anyone in here, i’ll do it if i feel like it.

>> No.17722738

Obviously you won't as you're just a random who knows nothing. Go back to r/fragrance faggot

>> No.17722739

didn’t you learn as a kid that taunting and insults won’t get you what you want from strangers?

>> No.17722745

sotd du hill for men 1934 all of you who are just arguing are fags

>> No.17722747

It's hilarious to watch how terrified you are of posting your fraglet collection and all of that backpedaling of yours. Don't worry bud it's already painfully obvious to everyone that you know shit.

>> No.17722750

This is so reductive. It's represents some of the best value in mens perfumery and is easily the best example of the particular type of (admittedly unfashionable) men's fragrance. As a starting 5 full bottles I couldn't in good conscience recommend cuir de russie or sycomore (although they are excellent) simply due to the price.

>> No.17722754

why would i be scared of some pompous faggot online? lol
i didn’t include cuir de russie or sycomore either, because they’re far too specialized to include in a list of just 5 masculine fragrances (the price doesn’t help either). what i did include is pour monsieur, which exists on a completely different plane from antaeus entirely. it’s priced the same and was composed with far more restraint and poise, rare traits in post-1970s masculine fragrance.

>> No.17722757

Good point, at the very least I think anybody with an interest in perfume should smell antaeus, if only to compare against other fougeres.

>> No.17722760

i don’t really consider antaeus to be a fougere, more of a generalized powerhouse. fahrenheit or lapidus seem like better examples of powerhouses that are also aromatic fougeres, and for aromatic fougeres in general azzaro, drakkar and kouros are obviously the references.

>> No.17722779

>The other guy can do the same

I've already posted mine, bitch. Don't @ me. Next one will get posted when I get my new shit.

>> No.17722788

To be honest I'm sorry , I didn't mean to disrespect your insightful response.

Like, genuinely , you were so helpful

>> No.17722790

I'd go with:
>Platinum Egoiste
>Paco Rabanne Pour Homme
rec me two more

>> No.17722791

i recommend stepping a little out of the “babby’s first masculine perfumery” box.

>> No.17722802
File: 1.74 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230721_123155550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this on the mail today.

Well I have to disagree with goth rock anon, this is also another amazing and interesting composition by Beaufort . The cake/cookie note is underneath what it seems to be a citrus marine fragrance ala Renaissance or Acqua di Gio making it a really wearable marine freshie winter fragrance . Like not daring at all like their other compositions, so I guess why some people might be dissappointed, but judging it for what it is, is really damn good.

>> No.17722806

What's there to disagree? You got what I told you you'd get. You'll smell like a cookie now. Also I was just about to post how I'm butthurt because I want all of their fragrances except Lignum, Acrasia, and Tonnerre, but don't want to spend that much money.

>> No.17722807

You say the fragrance was gayass and the worse from Beaufort.

I disagree with both of that.

Why wouldn't you buy tonerre?

By the way, the cookie note, fades away in like five minutes

>> No.17722809

Aromatics elixir

>> No.17722810

i have a feeling that might be too adventurous for someone who’s easily impressed by platinum egoiste.

>> No.17722812

Yeah you're right. I forgot it was a chypre but really powerhouse is a better descriptor.

>> No.17722814


>> No.17722816

But it is the worst one out of the bunch, even though that's subjective. Have you tried the others? The gayass part was a joke obviously. My chart says it's a very good fragrance and something to wear to meet her parents. I wouldn't buy Tonnerre because I'll just end up with too many bottles and some I'd almost never wear. I like it and can wear it, but with a bigger selection I'll just always default to something else. I want fragrances that I'll be sure to actually use. Don't want a reddit collection. I have Terror and Fathom now and I want Duke, Cour, Rake, and Armis still. That's 4x~130 bucks and leaves me with a lot of bottles from one house instead of a lot of bottles from different houses. So gay.

>> No.17722819

is it really a chypre though? it’s really not citric or resinous at all. it definitely feels derived from the aromatic fougere style, just with a woody leathery twist that leaves behind a lot of the coumarin that holds it together.

>> No.17722831

To be fair, no other house is doing what Beaufort is doing right now. That's why I blind bought this, I knew the fragrance at least was going to be interesting. So, what's wrong with having multiple bottles from the same house, is an interesting house , doing something unique and blending things in their own ways.

I tried T&m , acrasia, fathom, and this one so far from the house. And now considering buying rake and ruin or tonerre, since the same seller is selling those also for 70 bucks. But I know for sure that I won't wear them judging from what I read. Like, there is no acceptable social situation in my life right now where I can go around smelling like smoke, bacon and blood.

>> No.17722840

>Beaufort London
Let me just chime in and say that the owner is the drummer from:

>> No.17722844

He's a one versatile lad

>> No.17722848
File: 811 KB, 812x1292, Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 15.31.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could unironically be a good gin.
>An acclaimed contemporary gin with bold smoky savoury notes, richly textured flavours of grainy cereals, cream soda, brown sugar and ginger spice.
>Lingering peppery smoke on the palate, flowing through to a finish of juniper and pine.
>The complexity of VS Gin is revealed when sipped neat over ice, but it is equally well suited to mixing in contemporary cocktails. The freezer is your friend...
>Contained within a black decanter-style bottle, embellished with a hand made pewter ‘seal’.
>Juniper Berries, Coriander Seed, Angelica Root, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Orris Root, Liquorice Root, Szechuan Peppercorns, Pink Peppercorns, Oak Smoke.

>> No.17722850
File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, IA Slow Explosions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow Explosions was not my style at all. The leather smell it uses is like a soft suede rather than Cobra & Canary's car leather, pumped up by some spicy notes. I couldn't shake this hint of what I can only describe as "hairspray", and it sticks throughout the lifespan of the fragrance. I will admit I oversprayed though, I figured I'd sweat it off doing yard work and blasted myself, but it didn't ever fade into something I'd describe as "pleasant". Not the worst, but still bottom 3 so far.

>> No.17722863

I'm not really impressed by it, just seems like something I can easily wear and I like it

>> No.17722864

What a great interview. The guy seems to be autistic about his hobbies, including perfumes, in the same way as 95% of people here

>> No.17722865

there are much, much better fragrances in that field than some cheap fougere knockoff of the original (and much better) egoiste.

>> No.17722868

rosemary and oregano are sitting in alcohol for the third day now and it's a pretty dark mixture already. The smell is rather strong and alcoholic, obviously. How do I go about making a scent of it? Simply dilute with water until it's at about 20% alcohol? Should I add an oil to the mix?

>> No.17722881

>what's wrong with having multiple bottles from the same house, is an interesting hous

I'd like to not become a reddit collector, aka someone with 200 bottles that only uses 5. Buying 4 more BFs would mean not buying 4 other things like a Tauer, or a Tepe for example. If I buy all of them I'll end up with 50 bottles. When am I gonna use 50 bottles? I at least want to buy Rake though. That was the next on my list. I wish I could get it for 70, what a steal. Can't guarantee if you'll like it at all though. I wouldn't be surprised of someone were to say it smells like pheromones. Blind buy for 70 though I'd get both.

Can't decide if based or cringe. I only listened to the prodigy when I was going through my parkour phase as a kid.

>> No.17722886
File: 17 KB, 315x315, IMG_6652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know

>> No.17722891

What about buying decants, I know a lot of guys here in Spain that make 10 ml decants of pretty much all they have. You get the best of both worlds, you don't get a huge collection that show that your spending habits are a bit ridiculous and you get more than enough ml to get bored of the fragrance. And if not, you can always get the full bottle.

But fair enough, your reasoning makes sense.

I will think about getting either tonerre or rake and ruin, but I already spent a lot of money this month in this shit

By the way, lignum vitae keeps morphing , the gourmand and marine elements dissapeared almost completely and it's salty and woody with a sweet incense underneath.

>> No.17722893

>How often does a perfume make you giggle uncontrollably? Stetson, bottled since 1981, is plainly for men. The box is a sober, manly box in two stony, manly colors. There are pictures of manly cowboys lassoing (manly) horses. The manly promo copy on the manly back says, “The legendary fragrance of the American West. A rich, masculine blend of rugged woods and spice." Well, shine my spurs, this is a masculine? I could've sworn it was a crisp, classical feminine oriental in the style of Tabu and Youth Dew, with that classic Coca-Cola brightness, an animalic jasmine to fill it out, and powdery, leathery balsamic woods to finish: an old-fashioned structure that still works a treat. It's gorgeous, as rugged and masculine as the lingerie level at Saks Fifth Avenue, and about ten bucks per ounce. I'd truly love a man who wore this, but in the absence of one, I'll gladly wear it myself.
/frag/ would never dare to wear this.

>> No.17722900

...for example?

>> No.17722907

in reverse chronological order: cool water, drakkar noir, azzaro pour homme, eau sauvage, brut, pour monsieur, eau d’hermes, pour un homme, jicky and fougere royale. a whole century of dumb, easy to wear masculines that realistically could work anytime and anywhere.

>> No.17722919
File: 222 KB, 1824x1368, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was ready to have my mind blown by someone recommending the most based niche creation that rivals Platinum Egoiste, but instead I got the run-of-the-mill recs. No, anon, these are not much, much better fragrances than Platinum Egoiste. PE mogs them all.

>> No.17722920

you know what they say’s true, money can’t buy taste. also eau sauvage parfum is garbage

>> No.17722929
File: 212 KB, 1824x1368, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing that- out of them all - you manage to attack the only fragrance that can even rival PE.

>> No.17722932

Also there are single bottles of stuff out there that cost more than the entirety of bottles in that image combined.

>> No.17722933

>eau sauvage parfum is garbage
Retarded take

>> No.17722935

you seem intent on proving me right on the taste thing.
i’m glad you agree that price tags are meaningless in perfumery.
hot take no cap no cap take take fr fr on god W rizz

>> No.17722942

The Eau des Baux stick is good, but the silage is tiny, especially compared to the EdT.

>> No.17722962

I don't have any intention to prove you right on anything, I was only interested in proving you wrong from my viewpoint. This has easily succeeded and I will continue to wear Platinum Egoiste.

>> No.17722964

sadly, no one cares about your viewpoint, and your inability to discern structure and depth from surface aesthetics will haunt no one but yourself. enjoy losing.

>> No.17722965

Any decently priced Lost Cherry dupes that I can order in Europe?

>> No.17722967

There is one from Maison Alhambra that apparently is pretty good, look it up

>> No.17722972

I literally have it on right now. It's as funny as they claim, I laugh every time I spray it there is nothing rugged about this perfume.

>> No.17722976

Full bottle = soul
Decant = soulless

What if someone spits in your decant?

>> No.17722983

Yes indeed. I would love to have a full bottle of everything I want to have, but that would make me a dummy

By the way , lignum vitae, dried down into battito d'ali. Like 95% similar.

>> No.17722984

alright ameritards i need your help. i'm an euro but which fragrances are much easier to get in the USA or just cheaper? anything from designer to niche but i'm especially interested in artisan stuff. i'm aware of B&M, solstice and house of matriarch, anything else?

>> No.17722985

>lignum vitae, dried down into battito d'ali

I'm calling cap.

>> No.17722986

lol @ the idea of “artisan” perfumery

>> No.17722987

I want to smell like a late 90s - early 2000s hipster. I want a throw back, back when pitchfork was good, back when vice good, back when pussy was good. I want to smell like stereolab.

Should I get some discontinued CdG or what?

>> No.17722989

Yes and no. I would frankly prefer a decant over having a full bottle of some Jerkoff, Parfums de Maly or other tacky Arab stuff. Also you either have disposable income and can own plenty of bottles or don’t. It’s often just cope. There’s something alluring about having a small but well crafted collection but the truth is that most people fail at it (just look at some examples of collections posted in this thread), and also most of sensible niche choices can only appreciate in value over time given constant new IFRA regulations, reformulation and batch faggotry etc. I’ve seen recently that people are willing to pay 50% premium for Bois Imperial version from the last year.

>> No.17722991

Try it and report back

>> No.17722995

>I’ve been into perfume for 3 months: the photo

>> No.17722996

I like PRPH better

>> No.17722997

obscurity and rarity are worthless in perfume. more important is being able to appreciate things for what they are, and evidently the OP is totally incapable of that given his preferences for muddled, confused, incoherent perfumes.

>> No.17722998

I know notes are a meme but look at the notes.

I want to have the cool and unopened box to open myself and to keep. Decants are tainted and cursed.

>> No.17723011

The funniest thing about that guy’s collection is that all of these USED to be great perfumes but mostly lost their relevance or got reformulated (apart from ESP). He’s just copycatting a particular taste in perfume without much thinking put into that. If you’d ask him to name his favorite 10 fragrances released in the last 5 years, he’d be lost like a child.

>> No.17723017

do you think the cunts who only sell on etsy ate having their fragrances produced in the same factory as chanel? how else would you differentiate them from niche? i don't want to put them in the same category as let's say tauer because they're so much harder to get.

>> No.17723023

I know the notes and I have both perfumes anon. In this phase are really similar (after 3 hours)

>> No.17723024

the only ones in that image that have been significantly affected by reformulation are azzaro, drakkar, cool water, and brut. pour un homme, pour monsieur and (unfortunately) platinum egoiste have held up pretty well. as for modern perfumery, who cares?
no, because chanel not only has their own factories, but has their own exclusive flower fields in grasse that no one else can buy from, and their cumulative resources put entire luxury conglomerates like kering or LVMH to shame. no artsy fartsy niche perfumer or tiny independent working out of his garage can ever hope to match the sheer scale and efficacy of chanel’s industry, and it doesn’t help that chanel have had 2 (i guess 3 if we’re being generous) of the greatest perfumers to have ever lived as house perfumers.

>> No.17723029


>> No.17723030

Visit American Perfumer website and pick a couple of houses from there. Virtually all of them are fitting your description. I always buy a bottle or two and some samples from their brands when I visit the US.
Post your collection

>> No.17723032

i bet you wish i would.

>> No.17723033

> can ever hope to match the sheer scale and efficacy of chanel’s industry
No one cares about matching their scale and efficiency. It’s enough for me that they produce more interesting, better quality fragrances to pay a premium over some boring ass Chanels.

>> No.17723034

>more interesting, better quality fragrances

>> No.17723036

So no photo? Thats a really genius way of filtering out shitposters with nothing worthwhile to say

>> No.17723039

i’m not compelled to take one and post it, no. i don’t feel the need to have my collection validated by retards on the internet.

>> No.17723042

I can understand that Bleu de Chanel must be still blowing your mind after 3mos in this hobby but it’s not the case is with people who’s been around for a bit longer

>> No.17723046

it speaks volumes that the first thing that came to your mind after hearing the word “chanel” was the most mainstream ambroxan masculine there is, like complaining about the minuet in G after hearing the name bach.

>> No.17723050

Losing what?

Those are some of the best fragrances of all times and none of them are in the regular top 10 lists. In fact, these are such lauded fragrances that >>17722907 came up with them immediately when asked for much, much better fragrances than Platinum Egoiste.

Those are just the ones from your own list, aren't they?

You know nothing about my collection and you know even less about what fragrances are relevant to me. My preference should be obvious from that image and I'm not "copycatting" the taste, I have selected these properly. Post collection.

>> No.17723053

More like you’re not compelled to make it even clearer that you’re a clueless noselet. Talk shit - post a photo

>> No.17723055

You already know they never do.

>> No.17723057

>Losing what?
your brain cells, presumably
>Those are just the ones from your own list, aren't they?
my own list of what? you’ll have to be more specific.
i’m afraid i’m still not convinced. you’ll have to throw a bigger bitchfit than that if you want me to budge.

>> No.17723058

Don’t get so worked up bro, we’ve all read the same two blog posts about CLASSIC MASCULINES you decided to copy as your taste, too

>> No.17723062

They dedicated some time to post replies, but they forgot to include their collections. Curious.

>> No.17723068

speaking in third person instead of second person is still replying.

>> No.17723069

Seems like my collection meme is catching on.

>> No.17723071

with the lowest common denominator, it seems.

>> No.17723076

>the lowest common denominator

Has never posted a collection.

>> No.17723077

but enough about you.

>> No.17723081
File: 838 KB, 800x800, original-poster-dior-parfum-eau-sauvage-largo-winch-philippe-francq.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17723085

>Seasonal fragrances are a myth.
I wear Surge Lutens Chergui on hot summer days at my factory job with no AC

>> No.17723134

looked those up and both could be to my taste. thanks, I'll try to get some samples

>> No.17723222

Im the guy with le male and curve. Good idea. Ill just use these ones for a while and maybe ill add something down the road. Im looking for a leather boozey tobacco type of fragrance. Something much different than what ive got. But i do like all the ones i got. They all smell good to me. Just got the curve from walmart the other day for like 25 bucks cause they price matched their website

>> No.17723680

Dangerously based.

Seems like you're aiming for a thick amber fragrance. Check out The One EdP. It ain't the best performer, but it's snice. Burberry London for Men also has what you need, and doesn't really last, either. Rochas Moustache EdP and Eau des Baux are great as well, rich and ambery, but aren't necessarily tobacco-leather fragrances. After that, it gets expensive. Chergui, Sundowner, Ombre Leather, Iron Duke, Roaring Radcliff and so on.

>> No.17723833

Alright sounds good anon. Ill look into these. Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate it alot. Ill screenshot the post and research them.

>> No.17723981

thanks for the help. I'll look into platinum egoiste and bleu de chanel parfum, hopefully I can find a sample at one of the stores at the mall. Aren't parfums the strongest of fragrances, though? Would I need to apply significantly less than an eau de toilette lest I smell like a Persian club owner?

If I can't find anything I like then I'll just use the fragrance version of my shaving cream I suppose

>> No.17724057

Cigar by Remy Latour is a good cheapie

>> No.17724603

>Aren't parfums the strongest of fragrances, though?
In the age of modern aromachemicals the distinction doesn't really matter. Some Eau de toilettes perform stronger than some parfums now, it all depends.
You can always just use one spray too if you think something is too strong

>> No.17725305

I care about his viewpoint